Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Apr 1885, p. 5

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WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8, ISSO. Railroad Time Table. On and after Manila r , June S4, Tnin Wil| pas* McHenry .station sg below: <3<>LHO SO0TB. «f jrieva l>akts I 'anenser Seneva f>ake Express.. . . . . . . . Gennva Lake Freight. . . . Geneva Lake Passenger.. . . . . . . i irvi * >RT(l. Gen»*a l.afce Frciulit .Seneva Lake Passenger., . . . . Geneva Lake Express.. , . , . . . . Benara Lake Passenger -.rTMUZTt .8:85 " . 1:IWF. M •• ...S- t t A . M »:«8 •• .4:4-'P. M 6:57 " B. Buss, A?ent. McHenry, 111 M VSONI3 MCHENRY T.ODOE, NO. 158 \. F. and A. M.-- Segular Communications the Saturday on or before the full of the moon and every two weeks thereafter. OHAS. C.COLBT,. W. M, MCEITRT OHAPTKR tfo. 34 R. A. M --Regu- tr Convocations held on the second and fourth Frida* s in each moneh. JOHN EVANSON, H. P. An Agricultural Paper Free. y„,%'e have made arrangements where­ by we can furnish tho Western Plow- man to our subscribers, and propose to do so on tho following terras: To ail new subscribers who pay one year in advance, or old suhscrlVers who pay DP 'all arrearages and pay one year in ad­ vance, we will send one copy of the Western Plowman one year Free. This is one of the best monthly Agricultural .papers published, and 6hould be in the hands of every farmer. Remember, it nothing. • . _ As usual Town Meeting (lay was rainy and disagreeable. Do not fail to read the' be found at the Skating Rink on Sat­ urday evening. LOOK out for the new advertisement of Perry & Owen which will appear iiext. Do not fail to see the Drama, "Above the Clouds,*' at Riverside Hall, en Friday evening of this week. Those nqw Spring Hats, at Mrs. II* H. Nichols are just isobbv. Do not fall to see them before purchasing. THERE is considerable inquiry as to what has become of our Wan onda correspondent. Will he please rise and explain. SKATS to all parts of the^house at the Dramatic entertainment on Friday evening, at Riverside Hall, only 25 -cents. 4 PtcttSOKAL. DB. 8. F. BENNETT, of Richmond, was on cur stre*et on Saturday last. 8. COVILL and wife returned from the New Orleans Exposition last week- C. H. DONNELLY, of Woodstock, made our Sanctum a pleasant call on Thursday laBt. D. S. SMITH, of North Loup, Neb., la shaking hand* with friends In this village. DR. H. T. BROW* and wife, returned from New Orleans on Wednesday last. The Doctor reports a very pleasant trip. Miss BARBARA MILLS, of Macomb, N. Y.. tiiece of ye editor and wife, and Miss Jennie Blodgett, of Gouverneur. N. Y.. are the guest of J, Yan Slyke and family. A. KENNEDY, and wife, who have spent the winter with friends In th?» vicinity, will start for their home, at Harvard, Nebraska, on Friday of this week. IT IS said that the Presidents salary Is #137 a day. It seems that the Presi­ dent business is a great deal better tha*i editing a country newspaper or running a wood saw, and at the earli­ est possible moment we shall go int0 it. Young men should nety%aste time in trylrg to become doctors and law­ yers when a first class President can make #137 a day, house rent free. Most any kind of a president can make more money than a quack doctor, a plug lawyer or even a country news­ paper editor. GOD bless all the good old mothers. I never see ar. old lady sitting in the arm chair at her ease but I think what storms have pelted into that cherry face without souring it. It may be that a man can go through more ex­ ertion than a woman, but at least it remains true that he can not without losing his laughter, his good cheer, his gentleness and his lovo and trust in mankind or God. Yet how rarely do you find a frail old mother whoso spirit lias been worn threadbare and unlovely by what she has endured. A sweet old mother is common. A sweet old father is not so. As thy day so thy strength of benevolence and hope and faith. Tiiis is more apt to be a woman's history than a man's.--Ex. , THE Steamer "Mary Griswold," made a trip to Johnsburgh and return 0{i Sunday last, taking a large crowd to Church at that place. REMEMBER the Drama, "Above the Clouds," at Riverside Hail, on Friday evening next, April lOth^y the Dun­ dee Alumni Association. REMEMBER the Riverside House, W. II. For<l, Proprietor, will be open and ready for business on the 15th inst.-- Everything new, clean and neat. IT Is said that the planting of one BL> two llax seeds in a hill of potatoes, will ensure the crop, in each hill so treated l|j|Ainst the ravages of the potato bug. EIGHT hundred and seventy-five Ducks were shipped from this Station on Monday morning, the result of Sat­ urday and Sundays shooting ou the river and Lakes. THE Riverside Skating Rink has changed hand?, Messrs Story & Howe having sold their lease and fixtures to W. H. Ford, the new proprietor of the house. AN exchange says that there is one goo] feature about piano playing for young ladies. It develops "lots0 of muscle that will become handy for spanking. ALL 'own officers who disburse pub­ lic money are required by law to pub­ lish statements of account. None should neglect to send them to the PLAINDEALER for publication. ON Tuesday morning the r|yer was full of floating ice, the ice in the Lakes having broken up and was float­ ing down stream. Steamboat naviga­ tion to the L.akes will soon be open. AN election for one To vnship school Trustee will be held at the Council Room, in this village, on Saturday next, April 11th. The polls will be open at 11 A. M„ and close at 4 P. M. We understand there will be an opening Party at the Riverside House •bout the first of May, due notice of which will appear iu these columns.-- The dancing public should bear this in mind. MRS. I. H. SEXTON has a card in an­ other place in this paper to which the attention of the ladies is particularly called. She is a Dress Maker of many years experience, and is [confident she nn please all who may give her a call CAPTAIN YAGER, of the Steamer "Maimie" has arrived here and will have the boat in shape to make regu lar trips as soon as the ice is out of the Lakes. She has been much improved since last season and is a neat, tasty and fast little steamer. WE have often looked for a sentence that would charly explain it. A west­ ern paper kindly supplies the want of this beautiful smile: Yo.i might as .well try to shampoo an elephant with thimble full of soap suds as to at* tempt to do business and ignore adver­ tising.--.Er. ' A REPUBLICAN County Convention has beeu called'to meet at Woodstock on Saturday, April 25th, for the pur- pose of electing delegates to represent this County in the Judicial Convention, to be held at Elgin, May 1st. McHenry f' ls entitled to twelye delegates. Thi call can be fouud at the head of our •ditorlal page. Summer Silk at Perry & Owen's. town Meeting In Iratonry, The Town Meeting in McHenry on Tuesday passed off in a very quiet manner, there being 412 votes polled, a little over a two-thirds vote. There were tw6 tickets in the field. Peoples' Ticket*, headed by Richard Bishop, aiul the Union Ticket„headed by F. K. Granger. Scietching seemed to be the order of the day and the result was the election of F. K. Granger, for Supervisor, and the Town Clerk, As­ sessor, Collector and one Justice of the Peace on the Peoples' Tickot, and the Commissioner of Highways, one Justice of the Peace and one Constable on the Union Ticket, while the other two Constables were a tie. The following is the vote in fall: SUPERVISOR. F. K. Granger ,. ,. ...143 R. Bishop .166 Granger's Majority 77. TOWN CLE^/.V"- F. G. Mayes. C. H. Morey , Mayes Majority 3. ASSESSOR. John Huemann Clias C. Colby Huemao:i's Majority 31. COLLECTOR Geo. Rothermel,... ... ,..|!3. John H. Freund ,,.199. Rothermil's Majority M, COMMISSIONER. John Bell ., ,.;|6S. James Carr, .......149. Btll's Majority 114. It is but justice to Mr. Carr to say that although he was the caucus nomi­ nee it was announced in the forenoon that he would not accept office under any circumstatv es. consequently his friends stopped voting for him. JUSTICES OF THE PEAGFE. Jas. B. Perry ......406. No Opposition. B. Gilbert .......854, H. Wattles.. 153. Gilbert's Majority 101. CONSTABLE*. H, E. Wightman, .: 202. Peter Lelckem, .....902 John Nelson,.................... 560. H. N. Holmes, ..365, Richmond Department. Business Go to Mrs. Howe's for Dressmaking. SMOKERS, call for Barbfaa High Art." They have few eqaals. .308 .206 i .316 ,...196 RIVKKS1DK HOUftK. ' The Riverside House under Its new proprietor, W. H. Ford, will be open and ready for business on the 16th inst. The ' house has been newly painted, papered, renovated, and furnished entirely now from top to bottom, and it will be put in shape second to no hosel in tlie northwest,-- Mr. Ford is sparing neither time nor raonev in fixing up tills property, and travelers and pleasure seekers can rest assured that under the care of mine ho6t Ford, at \th«* Riverside House, they will be as well taken care of as at any Hotel in the West, whether they stay one day or six months. We bespeak for this popular House a liber, al share of public patronage. 1 ̂ THE Birthday party given by Miss Lena Smith, on Wednesday of last week, was a very pleasant and enjoy­ able aflair, and a real gala time for the little folks. The following Is a partial list of the presents received on the occasion: China cup and saucer, Allie Waite; china cup and saucer, Edith Walsh; card and cup, Lura Owen; Card, lantern with perfumery, Nina Wells aud Edith Curtis; night lamp, Katie Henry; Collar, Nettle Inglcthorn, collar, Florence Searles; Stella and Villa Morey, handkerchief and perfumery; Dora Colby, handker­ chief ; Harry Ingiettiorn, handkerchief; Willie Kennedy, handkerchief; hand­ some box. Mary Curtis, *Ray Lamphere, birthday card; Daisy and Lizzie Hill, autoghaph; Mabel Wheeler, handsome book; Bernice and Aggie Perry; wheelbairow with perfumery, Harry Wightman; Image and card, Hattie L. Sherburn; album, N, Sherburn; Edgar Bishop, birthday card. A DRAMATIC EVENT. The Dundee High School Alumni As­ sociation will present at Riverside Hall, in this village, on Friday even­ ing of this week, the beautiful Drama, in two Acts, entitled "Above the Clouds,'" and the Roaring Farce'*30 Minutes for Re fresh men is." In our Elgin exchanges we find very flatter­ ing notices of this Association, and we can assure our readers and < all lovers of the Drama, that this will be an entertainment well worth? of their patronage. We clip the following notice of their entertainment at Dun- Jee from the Elgin Courier: The entertainment given On Tues­ day evening, at Hunt's hall, Dundee, by the High School alumni association, was a splendid success in every w^.-- The large audiencu was well plegjfed, and all concerned acquitted thetifseWes witn infini te credit. There Is hardly need to particularize. The old favor­ ites lost none of their prestige and those making their debut did (remark­ ably well. The young ladies and gentle men of the association can always de­ pend upon a warm welcome from their friends. We also learn that Prof. Quacken bush, or the Dundee High School, will accompany the Association on their visit here. We bespeak for tliem a full housry RIVERSIDE SKATING ifiNK. The Riverside Skating Rink will be open until further notice as follows: On Thursday and Saturday afternoons and evenings. Afternoons from to 2 to 4. Evening from 7:30 to ten: On Saturday evening of this week April 11th, there will be a Potato Race. Prize a 50 cent ticket. Admission same as heretofore. ^ W. H. FORD, Proprietor. GONTBIBUTBD BT S. If. HKMMBTT. The ffnefct line of Rucheing to 'ound In the.county, at Mrs. H. Nichols'. be H. Burglarized Himself IpMte a riffle of excitement was cauS' ed at Volo. Lake county, on Sunday morning la«t by the announcement that the house of James Darrow had been burglarized the night before, the Safe, containing seme 91,500 In School funds, (of which Mr. Darrow was the treasurer,) broken open, and the money stolen. Apparently there was no clew to the perpetrator or perpetrators, It appears that the Safe was standing in Mr. Darrows bedroom, and on Satur day night the room was occupied by Mr. Darrow and John Va«ey, neither of whom were disturbed or knew of the supposed burglary until Sunday morning. Thus matters were reported on Monday morning. A Chicago De< tective was telegraphed for, who arriv­ ed ae Volo on Monday forenoon, and in ' the afternoon some interested parties secured the senrces of officer Lafe Berithusen, of Nunda, who also arrived at Vole* on the evening of Mon­ day. The ground was carefully looked over by both detectives and on Tues­ day morning on comparing notes they could not agree, the Chicago man pro­ posing to follow a couple of tramps who had been seen in the neighborhood which he proceeded to do. After his departure Benthusen went at his|woik In his usual systematic manner.(J and by two o'clock on Tuesday afternoon he had his man down fine, and forced him to a confe-slon. It appears, as It WSB brought out, that Darrow was a defaul­ ter to the tune of about 92.000, and as the books and funds were to be turned ever to his successor on Mouday he got up the pretended burgarly on Saturday night to cover up his deficiency. His attempt was as foolish as it was unsuc­ cessful. The man or set of men who think they can fool officer Benthusen In a matter of this kind will find them selves badly left. As a Detective we believe he has few superiors. There is no r.eed of sending to Chicago for a Detective when there is a better one nearer home. He Is oertalnly deser­ ving of the greatest praise for the manner In which he haudled this case. We understand the matter was fiually fixed up with his 'bondsmen, aud Dar- row will not be prosecuted. New Spring Millinery at Hebron- Miss OLIVE STEVENS, Hebron, 111., has just returned from the city with a full line of Spring Millinery of the latest styles,to which she invites the attention of the Ladies of Hebron aud surrounding country. Her stock Is new and complete in every depart­ ment, and she is confident she can please all who may call, both in price and quality of goods. Give her a call. Go and see the tie* Spring Millinery at Mrs. H. H. Nichols'. . --Wall Paper. Trimmed FREE at Perry i Owen's. HORStt FOR SALE. A good horse for sale. Inquire of ss&w JOHW J FLUSKY The latotTBtfles In Millinery Goods of all ktfids atyMrs. H. H. Nichols'. New W at Perry e Goods and Embroideries Owen's. Jersey Waists always on hand at Chicago prices, at Mrs. Schumacher's. New Carpets at Perry & Owen's. "Adam the goodiest man of men since born," still could not be called exactly enviable, for when he tilled tho ground in the dewey twilight and eaught a sharp touch of rheumatism, he had no Salvation Oil for liis cure, aud no twenty-five cents to' try it. Floe line of Summer Silks at Henry Colby's. Clothes, New Carpets and Bonslett & Stoflel's. Oil at A beautiful piece of Silk Velvet, worth 91.75 a yard, is being closed out at the small sum of 91.00 per yard. Call soon and obtain it at Henry Colby's. An effect existing without a cause Is an impossibility: tickling in the throat, husklness of the voice, violent coughing, etc.. are the efleets of a seve­ re cold. Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup cures the coid at once and removes lift seri­ ous effects. Two Interesting and Instructive services were held at Hie Congrega­ tional church Sunday. The flrit anniversary ofjhn organi­ sation of the Congregational Church Choir, was observed by a pleasant re­ union at Mrs. J. W. Haythorn's last Friday evening. The Town Caucus was a vory quiet affair, but that a good interest was felt in it is shown in tne fact that the vote was nearly or.e hundred. The nomina­ tions In the main are good ones, and of eolirse the ticket will be elected, it is understood that the delegates to the County Convention are all for B. N. Smith "first, last and all the time." The oor.cert given by the Congrega- ti >nal Church Choir, at the Baptist ftitych. last Thurslay evening was listened to by a large and delighted audience. Those best competent to iudge of artistic music, pronounced the performance exceptionally good, even by professional singers. A rfquest to repeat the concert at Genoa Junction was presented. Alfred Wilcox Is re potted danger­ ously sick from blood poisoning. A few days ago he got a trifling wound of the finger. He was afterward en­ gaged cleaning out a cistern, or «om« such work, and is supposed to have poisoned the wound. At last rvports the swelling had extended from the hand to the axillary glands and the patient was delirious. Many friends will anxiously await the result. Our young friends, Pienon Wright and Sarah Motley, were quietly mar­ ried a few days since, and like sensible young people, which they are, hav* gone to housekeeping. They occupy the roe ns lately v icated by Wm. Mot­ ley, and Mr. Wright has entered into partnership with hU brother in-law in the market. We ofler to Mr, and Mrs. Wright our very heartiest congratula­ tions and best wishes for every juy that conies from a happy married life. A genuine "progressive euchre" par­ ty, prizes and all. was given at Dr, Bennett's last Saturday evening. it was the young Doctors party, and was attended by Misses Mead and Davis of Elgin, and Misses Sherman, S. and M Shibley, Grace Gray, Minnie Potter, aud Hattie Goodrich and Meesre How­ ard Cole, C. Green, J. E, Nc the rent, Fred Smith, Dick Cole. E. Robinson Geo. Shibley, Frank Wray Chase Cole, and Holden Gillespie. It wan a merry company . and broke up just before the Sabbath was ushered In. Miss Mamie Shibley won the first "favor" for ladles and Kd. Robinson first "favor" for gentlemen. The other day. a pair of Indijit^aioc- casins belonging to the writer were left for a short time in the store of Al- drlch A Burton They came liomeluicely wrapped up. On the sole of one was pasted a part of a big poster which read, "Complete In one Volume," Ou the sole of the other was p.usted the following legend iu the handwriting of that rascally J. Niles Burton: "These moccasins are the*ones worn by the celebrated Indian Chief, Klaw- keno-mu-cum-cange way, who was doomed to be bhot, but was allowed the choice of being killed by going over the great falls ot Niagara. 'As the noble red man was about to make ttie fatal plunge 1 ito the river, he took ofl said No.l*2's and sent them to his old friend Stanford Fillmore Bennett, who had shared the peril* of a hundred buttle fields, where In every case. Jvfctory perched on their flaunting banner*." Is it not proper to inquire wh:*t the world Is coming to when the soles of a fellow's moccasins are made to publish to the world such extravagant fabrica­ tions as thatf Can't a man leave his soles unguarded . a moment without some fellow's making a bulletin board of them with a paste pot and poster? Mr. J. Niles Munchausen Burton, Esq., Illusionist and Manufacturer of Nine­ teenth Century Fables, better look out! • THE RlCHMOXn BKIDGK SUIT. Important Deoiiion by the Supreme Court Through the kindness of Supervisor Alexander we are put in possession of a volume of the Advance Sheets of the Illinois Reports. It is hard to procure at the presient time and we have no doubt that the extract therefrom given below, will be new to most men in the County. It is of great interest to this, Town and to the Board of Supervisors of McHenry Co., as the case decided by the Supreme Court is almost Identical with the case of I he Town of Richmond vs. McHenry Co., iu relation to the Solon Bridge. It is lon£. but we con­ sider it of so great importance as te call for Its publication in full, even to the exclusion of other local matter: THE TOWN or NEW. BOSTOH e. THE BOAHDIOF SUPERVISORS OF MBBCEB CO filed at Ottawa Man 19, 1H3-4. 1. BRIDGES--County aid--at the discretion of the County Board. Where the commissioners of highway* have determined that the con­ struction of a bridge or bridges across any Btreain in their town is necessary, and that the cost thereof is too great a burden to be reasonably borne by the town, and apply to the countv board for an appropriation tor one half of the cost .if i ts construction, having first provided for tho other half of the necessary expenses, under the act of 1879 the county board has no discretion to refuse the aid sought. 2. SAME-- Whether too late to apply for county aid after contract it made--who to determine the character of bridge to be built . Application to t e county board far such an appropriation is not too late after the commissioners of high, ways hfiTe let the contract for building the bridge. The committee appointed by the coun .y board ha/e nothing whatever to do in connection with the' commisuinncM-ai of high­ ways, or otherwisp, in determining the char­ acter of the bridge to be built or in ihe letting of the contract to build the same. Those mat- tere are intrusted by law exclusively to the commissioners of highways. Appeal from the Appellate Court ffor the Second District;--heard In that court on ap­ peal irom the Circuit Court of Mercer county; the Hon. John J. Glenn, Judge, presiding. Mr. I . N. Bassett and Mr. J. C. Pepper, for the appellant. Mr. J. O. Wharton, and|Mr. B. C. Taliaferro, for the appellee. Mr. Justice Scott delivered the opinion of the Court: The relator in this case shows, by its peti. t ion. filed December IS, JS84, that fed wards river runs through the town of New Boston from oast to west, which makes it necessary to keep up a number of costly'bridges in the town, and that two certain ljridges--one on tlte Keilhsburg road and the other on the Aledo road-had become unfit tor use, and that such roads are gruat public thoroughfares in such town, and bridges over the river wnere these highways cross it are absolutely neces­ sary to aceouimodule the public, The amount necessary to construct the respective bridges is staled, and also tho amount that, cou'd be lawfully rased in any one yea' ' for bridge purposes, by taxation, is s ated, and it is t lun alleged that the relator Has provided funds necessary o pay for one.half of the expenses for the construction of such bridges, and that the cost oi building either or both ot such bridges would be au unreasonable burden on the town, t t is also furthev set forth, the commissioners of highways of such town hav- "ng determined to build the bridges at the points indicated, they presented a petition in writing t,<> tho board of supervisors of Mercer county, at their meeting in December, 1SS3, setting up and showing'the facts as al>o*e alleged', and asking for an appropriation from the county treasury to pay one-half ot the cost«nd expenses of building each bridge, (a enpy ot winch petition was attac .ed to aud mad'e a part of the petition herein,) ami that the board of supervisors refused to muke any appropriation to aid in building such bridges. Section 110, of the act of 1*79. in relation to roads and bridges" in counties under town­ ship organization, under which this proceed­ ing was instituted, was considered by this ".ourt in The People v. Sn)>etvixors, 10*1 Ifl . S40, and it is unnecessary now to do more than re­ state the c nstr ction therein given to it . I t was held in that case when the commissioners of highways of a town hare determined the construction of a bridge across any stream in their town is necessary, aud that the cost thereof is too great a burden to be reasonably borne by the town, and apply to the county board for an appropriation fvir one-half the eosftof i ts const ruction--the commissioners of highways hav ng provided for the other half of the necessary expenses.--the countv board is required by this statute to make thedesir. ed appropriation from the county treasury, and that in such a case the county board has no discretion to refuse the aid sought. It will be seen Ihe t:icts;alleged in the petition In this case, and admitted by the demurrer, are precisely analogous with the facts in the case cited, except in tlie present case the commis­ sioners of hiijhwavs have determined to con­ struct two bridges over a stream in the town they represent, and ask aid for Iwih of them. Tha't fact can make no difference. Ttie lan­ guage of the sta ute is, "when it shall be necessary to construct or repair any bridge in any town," and certainly when public neces­ s i t y requires it to ho done;x , the aumority to construct more than one briilge at a time is as clear as it is to construct them separately. Any other construction is loo ill iberal to Oe adopted. The application to the county bo-trd, which is mad") a | tarl ot the petition herein, shows the coininirtsioiiers of highways had previous­ ly let the contract, at prices agreed'upon, for constructing.both bridges, and it is therefore contended the petition shows on iis face tho application to the county board c.ime t >o late, ami that the i»»i.rd was not bound to make anv appropriation in aid of tho construction of either of said bridges. It is mutt! clear, from it consiiieration of all the piovisions of the statute on this -subject, i l ia matter of con­ structing aud repairing bridges is committed exclusively lo the commissioners of highways ot Ihe town As a general proposition this much is conceded, but i t is insisted, in cases where the county is c illed upon for aid, that clause of section 110 which declares that all fum: s to be raised under this section "shall be expended by and under the joint control »f t l i i 'commissioners ot highways of the t >wn asking such aid, and two persons appointed by Ihe county board ot the county grantui- ' tho same" creates ac exception to the general rulo. The construction contended for can not be adopted. Plainly it is the duty of the com­ missioners of highways to let all contracts for the .construction of bridges in their respec­ tive towns. This i» so because ihe statute has so provided, and no other mo le ot letting con­ tracts for bridges is provided in cases where county txtar,Is are required bv law to fiilrnish aid. All this clause of the statute means i that the money provided, uoth b\ the town and th it appropriated from ihe count, treas­ ury, shall be "expended" by and under the joiiit control of the highway commissioners and the two persons appointed by the county board,--that is, i t is made their duty* to : that the money so taised and appropriated is "expended" tor ' the purposes intended, and not otherwise. It is the duty ot these person to so conti ' i l the money tli . i t i t may be used exclusively to pay for Mich public, improve nients in which bo ill the town and county are interested, as the work may progress. There is not the .-lightest indication Hiivwhcre in section llC, or elsewhere in the statute, the ttvo persons ti» l ie"appointed- by the county board granting aid shall act with the commis­ sioners of higtiways of the town In determiu ing the chaiacter of the bridges to be built , or in the letting of the contracts to build them. That matter is intrusted exclusively to the judgment and discretion of tiie commissioners of highways of the respective towns. As the legislature has seen lit to commit i*jjch mat ters to the management of tiiA loci I oilicers ot the town, it if not We province Of the courts, by judicial construction, lo place it else where. * Tne petition-herein shows on its face all the facts require i lo warrant a rtiantiauuts, as sought, and the demurrer thereto wtu im propto'ly iMi.laiojid. Tho judginuut of tho Appellate Court will therefore be reversed and the cause reman.led, with d red tons to that court to inverse the judgment of the c cuit court, and remand the cause for further proceedings conforming lo the views express ed in this opinion. JuU</y»cni reversed. HEBRON- . . EDITOR PUIKDEAUER:--School Com­ menced Monday, Mr. and Airs. Henry Earle now bave charge of the hotel. F. £. Gratton haa sold hla house and lot to a gentleman from Lynn, Wis. Mrs. Peter Rowe and Mrs. Ellen Pierce have been visiting friends in Elgin, returning Monday evening. Rumor says Dr. E. O, Uratton Is pre­ paring to erect a drug store near hU office. Also we are to haye * cabinet shop. Caucus passed off quietly Saturday, there being but one nomination for each office. The Band formerly known as the State Line, will be recognized in future as the "Hebron Cornet Band."'-- They played for a large crowd at the skating rink in Richmond Tuesday evening of last week. Too bad--Georgie that, you were obliged to report to 6u9h a measure, to save yor brain from the rack. It was as needless as--"racking your brain."-- We are not afraid of the, "invincible little terror," as Georgie appears to be, if she did call us a "whale," (only a pet name) she is one of our best friends and will not give us away, even to satisfy the curiosity of Iter old time friends (?) . The Sons, of Temperance Monday evening Installed the following officers for the ensuing quarter. Hent'y R. Baldwin--W. P. Minnie Dauchy--W, A, Libhie Lse--R. S. Georgie Conn. A, R. S. Ella Kane,--F. Henry Skinner.--T. W. O. Botigluon.--Chap. Libbie Rotnour,--C. Ida!Griffing,--A. C. Wm. Griddingp,--I. S. David L. Dowe,--O. S. The grand division will meet in Hebron April 28th. See onr new spring suits, Bonslett Stoflel's. Spring styles Boots and Bonslett & Stoflel's. Fine Velvet and Velveteen Is MMttj and colors at Perry & Owen's. No trouble to show goods or questions at R. Bishop's. Buy the Estey Organ if yon want tUl^ best. O. W. Owen, McHenry, Agent. City residences for sale. Apply t« Asa W. Smith, Woodstock, IU. Go to Mrs. M. Schumacher's in«ry. Dress Making and Fane#1 Everything iu the Hardware bottom iigures. at E. M. How«*s. Building Paper, cheap, at John I, Story'8. TheLynjan Barb Wlro, both rtaiu ?| and galvanized,decidedly the best Win Vj in the market, at John I. Story'*. GLASS ! GLASS ! We keep Glass of all sizes constantly v? on hand. Special sizes cut without extra charge. JOHN I. STOKT. •• FEED CUTTERS. The Belle City takes the lead: the' strongest and best, at E. M. Owen * i Son's. vS*. Ne^rGinghams. new Prints, and Dress Goods at Perry A Owen's. ^ We have just added an elogant line ^ of dress goods, which are oflered at out ? usual uniform low prices. Henry Colbj THE fiuest assortment of Sewing Machines to be found in the county, at O. W. Owen's. The Republican Town caucus was held at the Culver House, on Saturday, April 4th, in pursuaiica to previous public notice. * J. V. Aid rich. Chairman of the Town Committee, called the meeting to or der, and on motion J. W. Haythorn was elected Clerk. On motion of Geo. W. Eldredge the Chair appointed a committee of three, consisting of II. Christian, A. R. Alex­ ander and J. B. Stone to present names of candidates for delegates to th* Judi­ cial Convention to be held at Wood­ stock. The caucus then proceeded to the nomination of candidates for Town officer*, resulting as follows: For Supervisor, A. 11. Alexander, by acclamation. For Town Clerk. Charles Green, by acclamation. , For Assessor, W. L, Turner, by b&l- lot. For Collector. James T. Hodge, by ballot. Fore Justices of the Peace, Richard Overton and Marcus Foote. , For Road Commissioner, in pluce of E. Bowers, term of office expired, R. B. Cole. For Road Commissioner to fill va­ cancy caused by death of George Stew­ art. A. L. Austin. For Constables, Wallace Monear and George Shibley. For School Trustee, Henry Christian. The committee appointed to present names for delegates to the Judicial Convention presented the following names, and, on motion they were de­ clared elected, viz: John McConnel, Eben Weeks, J, W. Haythorn, Henry Christian, A. R. Alexander, J. V. Ald- rich, Richard Overton, G. W, Eldredge. J. E. Nejhercut, S. F. Bennett, S. R Ward, John M. Oaine, John B. Stone. Oil motion, adjourned. J. V. ALLiKicii, Chairmnn. JOHN W. TUTTHOKK, Clerk. - Barley lor Sale. 50§ Bushels good Xo. 1 Bailey fi»r sale. Is clean ami good for seed. Ap­ ply to John Flusky. 2 inlliSs from Mc­ Henry Depot, oil Nunda road. Also will Sell or Rent my fatnClf a|*- plied for soon. -• Jc»HK FFCDIJKFI- 10-37-4 w Red path's #J3.oo Shoes. The b*«t in ttie world for the mon­ ey. Solid leather, solid sole, leather counters and Innersoles and are made out of first quality calf skin, put to­ gether in an honest, substantial man­ ner and warranted to give satisfaction Try a pair, Forsnle hy Henry <;olby. Besley's Famous Waukegan Ale and Porter On draught at J. Bonslett's and A. Englen's. ALGONQUIN. EDITOR I'LAINDKALER:--They have commenced the erection of another house on the Reeee farm in place of the one burned down. F. D. Coltrin and Jesse Chapman returned from their Kansas trip on Thursday of last week. Our sportsmen ̂ have been bagging a good ma.iy ducks tho past week, as they were passing on their way 'north. A. Doig has been on t'.ie sick list, but Is ahout again. On Friday evening of last week Mr. and Mrs. J, A. Sherwood gave a pro­ gressive euchre party. Among the guests present were Mrs. Love, of Chi­ cago, Mrs, N\ B. Sherwood and C, W. Gould, of Elgin. A very pleasant and enjoyable evening was spent as all who ever partook of Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood's hospitality can testify. Wm Huntley and family moved from here to Carpei.tcrsviiie April 1st, where they will make their future home. 1. V. Montanye, of Elgin, made our buigh a Call on Saturday last. • Miss Susie Ayers, of Elgin, spent Sunday here, the gue&t of C. E. Chapell and lamily. Mr. and Mrs. George Owen, ot Mc­ Henry, have been visiting with C. E. Chapell and family. Town politics have-been red the past week. There seems to be some strong opposition for some of the offices, but Tuesday of this week will tell the story. Some-body will be left out In the cold. DIED.--April 3d, 18S5, at the resi­ dence of her daughter Mrs. John Sorn, on the east sid; of the river, Mrs. Raker, aged 34 years 6 mouths and 6 days. The funeral was held at the German Luthurn church on . Sunday April 5th. Mrs, Win Mot ton Went to Chicago on Monday of this week to buy her spring stock of Millinery Goods. She will carry on the business at her residence in the future and would be glad to have her old patron< call on her there. ErneRt L. Benson, of this place, car­ ried ofl the $10 Gold Medal at Elgin Academy on Friday of last week. He had the best written Essny among the students. That is speaking pretty good for an Algonquin boy. A good chance for a Wagon Maker- v ishing to go out of busi uess. I ofler my stock aud tools at a bargain if ap­ plied fbr soon. Will rent shop. : K. V. WERDEX, WaucondatHI. NOKTHKRN NUNDA. EIHTOR PLAINDEAI.EU:--Karln Walsh Is making quite an extensive visit in Chicago. Eugene Erwin, of Holcomville, spent Sunday with his parents. Miss Cora tgR^of Richmond, spent last week with her aunt, Mr6. J, Hariess. P. Costello, of Chicago, was calling on friends here last week. Mr. and Mrs. Earl, of Wisconsin^ visited wijh the family of J. Gracy the past week. Tom McMahon and G. Callahan, of Wauconda, smi led on Northern* Nunda Wednesday. MISB Miry Phalin Is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Kane, at Harvard. What has become of that Griswold Lake fellow? Wejiaie not seen bis smiling faeej^Si^ here lately. Mrs. Ed Knox spent last week Visit­ ing her parents and friends at West McHenry. Peter Doherty, of West Prairie, spent Sunday with his uncle's family. Dan Carson started for Jack°son, Min­ nesota, last Tuesday, where he intends to make it his future home. i Madam Rumor says that we are to have one or two weddings soon. That's right Jim. brace up, A faint heart never won a fair lady. M. Doherty went to Chicago last Monday with a carload of cattle, re­ turning Tuesday evening. J. Knox, Sr., who has b%en quite In disposed the past few months, is now ieported better. Peter Harness, who has been living with his brother the past winter, start­ ed for Colorado last week, where he intends to stay tor some time. What has befalleu the Pansy Blos­ som ? Has the Marcii weather been too cold for the delicate plant to prevent it from budding? If that is the case w>! hope the warm sunshine and April showers will help the PansjF- Biw»om to survive a little louger. FOR SALE OR RENT. TiK| houses in the village of Ring;* wood. Terms reasonable. Apply at once to WESLET LADD. Ringwood, Nov. 10th, 1884. Please remember that our atoek in every department is very complete and that our prices are always the lowest that can be made. We will not be undersold by any bouse in McHeitff Co. Henry Colby. New Wall Paper. * New Wall Paper at Perry & OwenV Best quality of paper and no cheap trash. Paints and Oils at Perry A Owen*#. The Boss Barrel Churn, at John •!:* Story*s, . 150 per eent Oil in 5 srftllon lots at 11 cents per ga'Ion. 4tbs good Tea fe*' $1.00 at Bonslett & Stoflel's. Bias Embroidery,latest invention, at Bonslett & Stoflel's. New Wall Paper and new Borders Over 400 diflerent styles at Perry A Owen's. Henderson's celebrated. Boots and Shoes, every pair warranted, arPerry & 0<ven'8. BESLEY'S Ale and Porter is the beat made. On draught in McHenry atJaeob Bonslett's and A. Englen's. , I have a lot of Selz Schwab db Co*a Shoes, all sizes at one half price. ' m o. v. STEvam. w REMEMBER you can find Besley's Ate and Porter on draught in tills village,: at Jacob Bonslett's and A. Englen's. All shades of Silk and Wool Arrasene at Bonslett & Stoflel's. * C. V. Stevens will sell 100 coats aft half price*. Call and look them over. Wall Pappr trimmed free, slett & Stoflel's. at Boa* People wishing to buy goods at Io*« er prices than ever before will do well to call on me. C. V. STBVBHS. Lace Curtains, Tidies, Latnberkins, Bedspreads and Shams, cheap, at Mra, Schumacher's, near the Depot. a A few beautiful Wool Cashmeres at 30 cent a yard. Great bargnia* *t Henry Colby's. Blood Stock for Said. Five thoroughbred Short Horn Bulls, from one to two years old. for sale. For further particulars inquire of RDHBLL * Sow, Volo, ill. 10-36-tf. LATEST styles in Dress Trimoainct, Laces, etc., at Mrs. Schumacher's. Ladies Muslin Underwear, fron 85 cents up, at Mjcg.£ehumacher's, near the Depot. _________ Spring Millinery. MRS. E. W, HOWE, lias just retarded Irom the city with a full line of spring Millinery, to which she invites the at­ tention of the ladies ol McHenry and sut rounding country. The latest styles can alwavs be fouud at this store. Call and see MRS. E. W. HOWE. Kelter'a Block, McHenry, III. This time of year every ownerafti cow should keep ready for use a bottle of Dickinson's Cow Prescription. It may save him the pries of a cow. It should be given in every case as soon a* the cow calves. It will cause her to do well and will prevent that fatal disease. Milk Fever. For sale by all druggists, Mrs. Schumacher. Would invite the attention of the Ladies to her new Spring stock of millinery, comprising the latest styles to b« tound in the city.aud which she proposes to sell at prices that defy competition. New goods and latest styles received every week. Cailaod examine goods and learn price*. MAS, ACHOXACBBA. Farm for Sale- The undersigned oilers for sale hie Farm, containing 204 acres, situated one mMe West of the village of Me< Henry, on the Woodstock ro»d. Good buildings, living water, plenty of small fruit, and a young bearing orchard. It well adapted for a stock farm. Handy to Railroad Station and a Chees« Fac­ tory, For terms and other particulars inquire of the und^rtdgued on the premises. McHenry, July 16th, l&i. Hasar C. For Sale or Rent. On account of poor health I wish to sell my Saloon and Residence In West McHenry. Is finely located and doing a good business. If not sold before 1 will Kent the Saloon, posits eion to (>e given May 1st, For further parti culars inquire of the undersigned ou the premises. Ciiput Wutrs, West McHenry, I1L March 8, MS, 10-36-In

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