Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Apr 1885, p. 5

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. * • , WEDNESDAY. APRIL 22, 1885, : / f>v Railroad Time Table. ©n and nfter M«n«lay, June Trains will pAss McHenry Htation ss belotfi . AOMO SOITTH. S tneva Lfike Passenger A. * Heneva f,nke Express *«,, ,Sr85 ** Geneva Lake Preizht.............., i :«D I\ u Geneva Luke Passenger •< » ni l v IKru. Oen^^i T.ake Freislit........A. M 3eneva Lake Passennee....* S:M «• , Genera Lake Express. .4:48p. if (tan^vtt Lake Passenceir. S:57 *' < B. BusS, Agent. McHenry, 111 MASON ID MCHENRY LODGE, NO. 15S A. F. and A. M.-- Secular Communications the Saturday on or Jiifore the full of the moon and every* two (reekg thereafter. • c CHAS. C. COLBY, W. M. & •V I?;-. An Agricultural Paper Free. , We have made arrangements wh*»re- by we can furnish* the Western Plow­ man to our subscribers, and propose to do so on the following terms: To all new subscribers who pay one year in Advance, or old subscrP.ers who pay up all arrearages and pay one year in ad- . vance, we will send one copy of the Western Plowman one year Free. This Is one of the best monthly Agricultural papers published, and should be in the hands of every farmer, ' Ke member, it t®st8 you nothing. Don't fail to attend the great sale at ttzsltnmons & Evanson's, this Satur* y, April 25th. It will pay you. Miss KATK HOWB won the Prlte at ttie Riverside Skating Rink on Satur­ day evening last for wearing the hand­ somest Calico Do not forget tiie Opening I'arty at the Riverside House on the evening of April 30th. All who love to dance are sure of having a good time. IK the report of our Public Sihool, published last week, an error appeared. In the Higher department the punctu­ ality per cent read "69," but should have been 99. I !- f?; • % JLF ON Monday morning last two thous­ and five hundred and forty-one ducks were brought down from the Lakes and shipped at this station, the result of Saturday and Sun,lays shooting. BEAR in mind that Slocum's Oiches t*a, six pieces, will furnish the music :f,;v|fr the Opening Party at Riverside Hall, In this village, on the evening of April 30th. WE wonld call especial attention to the article from the Kansas City Jour­ nal, in relation to the Senatorial fight at Springfield, to be found on the edi* torial page. It expresses our seutt* tnents exactly. THE American Baptist Anniversary, comprising an eight day session, will t» held at Saratoga, N. Y., commenc­ ing May 26. The Chicago Baptist Association will convent with the church at Elgin, Jane 2d at 2 o'clock. THE merchant who refuses to adver- tles because he thinks everybody knoTS Where his store is and the kind or r articles he sells, will find out sooner or later that he has madt a mistake. The most successful merchants in Mc­ Henry are those who are the heaviest advertiser*. . /• '• ;V * I1'" ' V w • "MAK in search of his soul during fifty thousand years, and how he founds l|." Is the subjcct ef one of Gerald Maesey's lectures. The average woman who ever sent a man to hunt, up any­ thing will be very skeptical in regard to Mr, Maesey's statement that he found it,even after hunting fifty thous­ and years, A COUPLE*#f Sycamore man visited * great canning establishment in Chi­ cago last week and report that the quality of beef slaughtered for that purpose was sickening. Old bulls, skin­ ner cows, cows with infiamed bags, #ws with stump tails, anything, ||rerything was brought to the black. $hey vowed a vow never again to eat beef. AU Mas. L. A. CLARfc has been on tin sick list the past few days. MRS. ICIIAUOU WELLS has (MOB quite sick the past week, but.Is now reported better. JVUSON F, GOINO, of Chicago, was the guest of Mrs. J. P. Going, and family In this vil'.age on Tuesday. FRED WELLS, who has been quite sick with quinsy, is able to be oa the streets again. PAUL BROWN, of Chicago, spent Sunday with his parents, In till* fll- lage. S. WAITK. who Is working at his trade in Chicago, spent Saturlay and Sunday with his family. In this village. JOSEPH GAGE and family, of Nunda, visited with the family of Pago Colby over Sunday. C. A. KNIGHT, City Attorney' ot Chi­ cago, accompanied by Ills wlfo and daughter, spent Sunday in thla village. WM. WHITSON and wife, George Whitson and wife and Miss Ida Whit­ son. of Woodstock, were in this village on Sunday. 9 MRS. H. S. GREGORY, of this village, i8 reported to be quit* sick at her daughters, Mrs. Smith Colby, in Chi­ cago. JOHN HUMPHRET. proprietor of the Wauconda Drugstore and Book Haunt, mad* our sanctum a pleasant call on Monday. THE following Is the programme for the next Rlngwood Cemetery Aid Society to be held April 34th, at the Congregational Church: Song by the SSociety. Heading Lnev Hall Declamation A ..Thomas Richard ton Tableau Reading •. Carrie Ladd Declamation . .Lucy Dodge Dialogue The Maoktd Ball or the Rose Colored Domino. Tableau Closing ^eng bv the Society. MAKY A. DODOK, See. DIED:--Friday, April 17th, I88S, after a severe illness of but six days, IDA A <ioiNU, wife of J. A. Going and eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs. J. Van Slyke, aged 31 years There is much wo eotild say but our pen refuses to write. The ruthless hand of death lias- now twice entered our family circle and the burden Is almost unbearable. But wo can but bow with submission to Ills will. A CARD We wish in this public manner to re­ turn our heartfelt thanks to neighbors and friends f$r their acts of kindness and sympathy, during the sickness and after the death of our loved daughter and. wife. That the All Wise one may guard each one of you from like afflic­ tions i* our sincere wish. J.VANSLYKB, RACHEL VAN T-XTKE, j. A. UOINO, ME8. J. p. UOIMO. :*A BUTTER story comes from New 3Tork which says "The Holstine cow, princess of Geneva, owned by T. G.' Yeomonp & Sons, of Walworth, Wayne v|$unty, intone year, fiQua January 2d, 1684, to January 1st, 1885 gavo 20,469 lbs and 9 ounces of milk and made lbs ot unsalted butter. Th|s state­ ment is authenticated by Reliable affidavits. THE following notice has been is­ sued by the new landlord at the River­ side HuUie: Opening Party at the Riverside House, McHenry, III., Thurs- day evening, April 30, 1885. A cordial llivitation is extended to all who "trip „t)ie light fantastic." to come out and "have a good time. Floor Managers, 0has. Granger, O, N. Owen, McHenry, Frank Barker. Wauuonda. Music, Slocum's Orchestra, six pieces. Tickets <92.00. . Student's Songs. There is no more pleasing music than "-^lese jolly songs as sung by students; l|iid any one who has ever had the op­ portunity of hearing these songs by College societies, glee clubs, or by groups of students will not be sur­ prised to learn that a new edition of Moses King's collection has just been Issued. Over 30,000 copies have already ~been sold. This remarkable sale is probably owing to the fact that nearly all these songs are to be found fu (no other collection. They are all fresh *ud copyrighted, and are the songs Jl||ctually suug at all the colleges at the v3^j>reseni time. There are sixty songs, with full music. The book is hand- . aomely printed, sheet-music size, and Is sold f^ fifty cents. The editor is Wm. II. m-lis, a recent graduate of 'Harvard; and the publisher is Moses King, ot Boston, Mass., widely known as editor of "King's Handbook of Bos­ ton "Harvard and 1U Su*foundings," MUS. J. A. GOINO, Dear friends, with your permission I wish to express to you and the publle my heartfelt sympathy In this, your hour of severe trial. Words are inade­ quate to express my deep sorrow that you should be called upun so soon to bear this second affliction, but as tlia Lord has so willed we can but bow and say "thy will not mine bo dona.*' The late Mrs. Going was Indeed an estimable young lady. Her confiding trust, her affectionate smile, and beau­ tiful features could never fall of elicit­ ing admiration. Her union with Mr. Going brought her relatively into our family, ajud from the first In friendship and sociability we could but adopt her \^ntja|«ntally into our household, and consequently esteem her as a daughter or a sister. February 28th, irhen she, with the household, gave us a brief family visit, which by the providence of God proved to be her last, we were enamored, from her apparent happi­ ness and cheerful address vhlle with us. Mention had often been made of her real satisfaction and comfort at the time. But how sad, the remembrance of its having been the laat, tout call. And still more sad that the two babes, aged but two years and two weeks, re­ spectively, should be bereft of an idolized mother. That an all wise God may watch and guard them now and l'i the future is our prayer. Respectfully, JOEL WHKELKB. Tho Corporation Stanton In this villago yesterday waa a very quiet aflair, although there seemed to be much earnest work being done. The re were two ticketa la the field, one head­ ed "Corporation Ticket," and the other **Peoplea Corporation Ticket,** each containing the names of candidate* for three Trustees nid oi)e Clerk. Oue hundred and eighty-five votes were polled, almost a full vote, and result­ ed In the election of the names on the "Corporation Ticket." The following Is the vote in full: FOR TBC8REK4. w. A. Crlaty....... ..iU.138 Benjam n Gilbert ...121 R. A. Howard. i.,.125 James B. Perry,.68 Jacob Bishop 41 H. E. Wiglitman, 62 FOB CLERK. Jay Van Slyke... 185 For the office of Clerk thire was no oppoeltlen. the above name being on both tickets. Messrs. Crlsty, Gilbert and Howard were declared elected a< members of the poird for the next two years. Dotootlvo BoHthXiien' Agftin Dlt- tinguieKooHlmself On the night of April 16th a Jewelry Store at Lake Geneva^ Wis., was broken into and about twenty valuable watches 8tolm. On the Monday follow­ ing Detective Benthusen, of Nunda, went up, quietly laid his plans and had tho burglars In a trap before they hardly knew he was In town. They proved to be Clifford Stoodley of Gen­ eva, and Charles Spear, ot Waupun, Wis. By sotne means known enly to hlmaeif, Benthusen forced Spear to "squeal,1* and all the stolen property was recovered. It Is believed there are others mixed up I11 the matter, and if there is, Officer Benthusen is sure to bring them out. If is seldom that the perpetratora of «e large a robbery are so speedily brought to justice as in thla case. Iu speaking of the matter the Lake Geneva Herald says: "Some have criticised the action of the officers In various matters, but we belieye that they deserve great credit tor so speed­ ily solving the mystery. Headed by Mr. Lafe Benthusen, of Crystal Lake, a detective of more thanerdlnary ability, the case was quickly wniked and brought to an Issue.1' AT the Republican Cancue^ fet the Council Room, In this village on Saturday last, Jas. B, Perry was called to the chair and Geo. W. Owen chosen Secretary, and on motion the follow­ ing named were chosen aa delegates to represent this town In the county Convention, to be held at Wo idstock on Saturday next: F.K. GRANGER. C. V, STRVKNS. J. B. PERRT. W. A. CRISTT, J. VAN SLYKE. H. T. BROWN. J. W. CRISTT. JABEZ CARR. SMITH SKAKLS. . ED. THOMPOSN, H. C. MEAD. GEO W. OWEN. Riverside Skating Bink. Until further notice the Riverside Skating Rink will be open on Satur­ day afternoon and evenings only. Those coming with teams will find good stabling for horses. The McHenry Cornet Bnnd will be In atteudance every Saturday evening. Admission same as heretofore. W. 11. FORD, Prop. tibllOtt PLAtWDfcALERThe old say­ ing »o iel Monday so gees alt the week, proved true in this burgh last week. We did Gave a lively week of it and the end Is net yet. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Chapell and Dr. Nasou attended the Grand Opera Fes­ tival in Chicago on Tuesday evening of last week, aud report it A No, 1. Wm, Morton has commenced the re» modi tug of the house he bought of Win Huntley. When completed it will be a good chance f*>r some one that wants a nice little heme. House cleaning has commenced In earnest. It is nothing unusual to see Ed in his white suit skipping down the street early in -the morning. By the way he does decorate anddiang paper equal to the next one. The School Trustees met on Satur­ day last and appointed John Peter Treasurer, In place of W. H. Fitch, of Crystal Lake, At the school election on Saturday evening last, C. E. Chapell was elected Director for the term of three years, and we consider it a very wise selec­ tion. ' Peter Harlng, of Dundee, and Miss Erailie Rupp, of Algonquin, were mar­ ried In Chicago o-n Sunday, April 19. Sunday was a tMg |day for fishing, judging from the number of men and boys with flshtng rods along the river banks. When will those three meet again, dewn by the river side. F. D. Coltrin has gone In partnership with W, H. Jenks In the calf business. A fac simile of a map prepared by General Gordon in Khartoom, and with notes In his handwriting, forms a fea­ ture of Science for April 10. Genera] Stone, late of the Egyptian service, writes the descriptive text, and Colo­ nel Prout, who served,with Gordom contributes an article upon his charac­ ter as an officer, showlug the ml (con­ ception of those persons who have supposed bim to be a mere enthusiast. "The Climate of the Soudan," by an officer of long experience, and the "Route from Saukim to Berber," are recent articles in the pages of Science, the new scientific weekly. per year. 46 Bond Street, New York.] TRE next county board of Supervi­ sors will be made up of thfi following named gentlemen: Riley--Emory Barber. Marengo--Ira Curtiss, town. Marengo--F. A. Patrick, Corporation Dunham--Robert Beck. Chemung--H. S. Williams, town. Chemung--N. E. Blake, Corporation. Alden--W, H. Grose beck. Hartlatid--D. H, Flavin. Senaca--Geo. B. Richards, Coral--Z. E. Goodrich. Grafton--W. G. Sawyer. Dorr--E. M. Lamb. Greenwood--G. H. GarrilMp. Hebron--W. H. Mead. Richmond--A. R. Alexander. Burton--Fred Hatch. McHenry--F. K. Granger. Nunda--John Palmer. Algonquin--C. F. Dike. ATTENTION. Farmers, Mechanics, Etc*, Etc, On Saturday, April 25tb, we wil1 The Outlook for Wool. Indications are that the spring clip of California wool will be superior to any produced in tho State for the past eight or nine years, says the San Fran­ cisco Qroctr and Country Merchant. The winter could not have been more favorable for the sheep Interest. Rain followed the fall shearing in good time to prevent the sheep from accumulat­ ing dust. There has been an abundance of feed through the winter, and for a month past there has been green gjaiing of excellent quality, giving the sheep an opportunity to get in first-class condi­ tion, thus accelerating the growth ef wool and Insuring a strong and healthy staple. The number of sheep is probably no larger than last year, but a great in­ crease In laubs Is looked for. If the present mild weather continues for the next month or six weeks, the percent­ age of less among lambs sheuld be nn- usually light. With a superior quality of wool to ofier manufacturers, and with distributing centers now lightly stocked with choice grades, there is prospect of the wool Industry on this coast providing more remunerative this year than during the season just closed. To The Country Press, .. **tt is a well known fact iiifct the country press lose heavily every year by giving credit to foreign advertisers and the many advertising agencies. Some have lost 25 and others 50 per cent of all advertising received from abroad. Advertising agents doing business with general advertisers, have lest in many cases fully 50 per cent of all business done by them. As a con­ sequence of this, the publisher, know­ ing that by giving him this credit he wlll lose one-third of his accounts must make it up by charging one-third more than his regular rates. The advertising agent who intends to pay his bills, kno ving that he is liable to lose one half of the amount due him, must charge the advertisers ever 100 per cent above cost, to be sure-he will com* out even, which is the same as charg­ ing the responsible advertisers with all he has lost on those that never pay him. If publishers were to do business so that they were sure of being paid all due them, they could give better rates* If agents were to demand cash from advertisers (and they paid it) they could do It for one-third less. Then why is not this change made all around P This'reminds us of a blank contract sent us to-day by J. Weaver & Co.,of Pittsburgh, Pa. They have adopted this plan exactly. They make all con tracts payable In cash, and monthly in advance, and we presume they will ex act the S:ime kind of payments frem their advertisers. We can give them Letter prices than by doing business on credit, or taking pay in printing ma­ terial. They can, by making no losses, give their advertisers much better fig ures. Let • very publisher do all his foreign business in this way and he will be much the better ofi for it at the end of the year. We are glad to see J^ Weaver A Co. resuming again, and hope evety publisher receiving their blanks will give them their bottom prices, as an endorsement of the new departure to the only safe plan for the country pre|?, to do-business with ad­ vertising agents or foreign advertisers on--a cash basis." WAUCONDA- EDITOR PLAIN DEALER.--Miss Hattle Green, who has been living In the fam­ ily of J. R. Wells for tho past year, has returned to Iowa. Ole Oieson made us a short call en Thursday. Ho went to Chicago Friday morning, and expected to make his Wauconda friends a visit on his return. Howard Bagg, of Elgin, has been via- Itlng at Mrs. A. P, Warden's. Johnson Barker, who has been visit­ ing with his son Ben seme months, has returned. Col. and Capt. Griswold started this (Monday) morning for Iowa. A week or two ago Mr. Bangft,and bis too Lew left Wauconda for their Iowa farm, purchased last fall. They will remain there this summer. The home farm will be worked by Walter Bangs and James Halpin. At the village school meeting Satur­ day eveuing, Arthur Cooke was re­ elected school director. "open up" 5,000 yards ot Chevolt Shirt­ ing at a lower price than ever heard ef within the oldest Inhabitants of Mc­ Henry County. It will be a Cash sale. Sverybody invited. FITZSIMMONS it EVANSOK. The concentrated power and cur­ ative virtues of Ayer's Sarsapariila render it the most reliable and econ­ omical medicine that can be used. It contains no dangerous or harmful in­ gredients, an I may be safely adminis­ tered to patients of all ages. When you are sick the beat medicine that oan be obtained Is none too good, and Is the cheapest, whatever it cost. Randall and Koyatone Pulverizers, 13 and 16 Inch at B. M, Owen A 800. OOKTBIBtTTBD BT 3. P. BHRITt, Oanlap'i •'Champion" Stylographic Pen. If any of our readers have ever used a Stylegraphic Pen, they know some­ thing of the convenience attending its us-fund if they never have used one they should try the experiment, and if they get the best and latesi improve­ ment, they willnever use any other Pen. We have used for two years past a Stylographic Pen, presented to us by Mr. L. E. Dunlap, of Boston, Mass, We are advised that Mr. Dunlap has re­ cently invented and patented Nov. 18, 1884, an improvement, which he justly styles the "Champion" Stylographic Pen; the improvement being a com­ pound spiral spring formed from a tube of hard rubber, while other Stylo- grapic Pens, have fine gold wire or metallic springs which soon r<h and corrode. The newly Invented Pen coiitalns several other Improvements, and is endorsed unanimously by the trade as givin perfectg satisfaction to their customers. In order to successfully introduce to the public this new and valuable Pen, the manufacturers (Dunlap Stylo- grapic Co.,) 296 Washington Street, Boston, Mass.. efier (for a shott time only) to send by return mail :o any ad­ dress in the U. S., a Champion Pen. 6 months supply of Ink, and a beautiful gold mounted pencil, on receipt of the price of a Pen which is 92.00 each for plain, aud 92.50 each for goltl mounted. The Champion Pen la the same in style and finish as Pen* sold every­ where at 93.50 and 94.00 each. PICS- We have on hand, and for sale a very fine lot of Poland China Pigs, ranging In ages from three to six weeks. Also younger litters with their mother's, and also other brood sows, For sale In lots to suit. E. STANFORD, Fore Hill, Lake Co. 10-40tf Harvard, Ili,. Feb. 9th, 1686. C. DICKINSON A SON: GENTLEMEN:--I have been suflering with Bone Erysipelas and Chronic Rhumatism for the past seven years and have tried everything 1 could hear of but to no purpose, until your agent recommended your Russian Liniment which 1 tried with entire satisfaction, as ft has helped mc more than any­ thing I ever used, and I recommend it to all who are suffering, as it is the best Liniment I ever used. Mas. JAIITTI BABBITT, Remember the date of the next fair of the Richmond Market Fair Associa­ tion, April 30. Take your stock or any thing else you want to sell, and you will find It can be disposed of at re­ munerative prices at the Fair. C.N. Culver, Auctioneer. At the District School meet log, held last Saturday afternoon, J. V. Aldrfcb and George McConnel were elected directors, the one to fill vacancy caused by removal of Frank Mead to Elgin, and the other In place of Geo. Pardy, term of office expired. The school board as now constituted: J. V. Aid- rich, George McConnei, S. R. Ward. The old saying, "misfortunes never come single," seems to be coming true "n the case of Dan Kilbourne. who had i valuable horse so badly kicked the other day that it had to be killed. Mr. Kilbourne is yet helpless from his acci­ dent last wiuter, and It would be a graceful act for some one to start a subscription and his neighbors "chip in" to make up his loss. Henry Marsh and family, 96 long residents ef Richmond in the "Key­ stone District," have gone to Califor­ nia. Mr. Marsh has rented one of his farms to Ben Whitman and one to Charley Bacon. One daughter. Miss Bertha, will tarry with her sister in Nebraska during the summer. Should any of Mr. Marsh's friends wish to write him, the letters should be ad­ dressed to Valley Springs, Calaveras County, California, J. Repass, lealer of the Richmond Cernet Band, wai made the recipient of au elegant silver and gold cornet, as a slight token of the high esteem in which he is held by the members. He has been indefatigable In h s labors, training the boys, until the band to­ day stands second to none hereabouts, and it would be hard to beat them any where, outside the large cities. Mr. Repass may well feel proud of thw ele­ gant instrument he now possesses--and he is. Some time since Peter Rowe receiv­ ed a trifling wound on the thumb from tiie barb on a fence wire. Blood pois­ oning supervened. The whole arm become swollen, painful and tender the characteristic fever developed, and a huge abcess formed in the axilla When opened Saturday morning It discharged over half a pint of pus. There seims to be something peculiarly poisonous about those barbed wires, as cases of serious consequences following slight wounds by the sharp points are quite frequent. The moral of such cases, of course, is never neglect a wound made by a barbed wire, no matter how tri­ fling . * It was lately our good, fortune to spend a few hours at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jo. Richardson, where the pleasure was greatly enhanced by the presence ol their daughter Ada. This child it only three years old and beau tiful as an liouri. She is a sparkling, flashing diamond, a golden sunbeam that makes the place where she is, beahtiful. Her musical gifts create the greatest wonder to us. The little midget, not much bigger than a baby, will stand, without embarrassment and in charming unconsciousness, and sing piece after piece, every note correct, though she cannot yet talk plain, her childish tongue tripping on difficult words, B6, for Instance, givlrg "boo-oo- too" for "beautiful,1* It was a pleasure never to be forgotten to hesr her sweet voice sing "Little Bluebird," "Girl from the South,** "Jenny my own True Loved One,** "Sweet By-and-By,** and other songs, or declaim. wl|k the ut­ most gravity: "Here me stead Upon a stool Me cut a pretty figure And if vou want To hear a speech Just wait till I grove bigger." She insists always on saying "me" or /•Ada** for the first person, In cool vio­ lation of grammar or teaching. But the prettiest sight of ail with this in­ teresting child was at table when grace was said by the father. With her head reverently bowed she waited un* til her father's "Amen," and theu added, "And make Ada a good girl, Amen." The scene was so entirely un­ expected and altogether unusual that it made a deep impression on the mind of the listener, simple and sweet as It was. May the dear child live to become a woman as beautiful, as pure and bright as she Is now! Spring Millinery. MRS. E. W, HOWE, has just returned from the city with a full line of spring Millinery, to which she invites the at­ tention of the ladies of McHenry and 8ui rounding country. The latest styles can always be found at this store. Call and see MRS. E. W. HOWE, Keller's Block, McHenry, 111. This time of year every owner of a cow should keep ready for use a bottle of Dickinson's Cow Prescription. It may save him the price of a cow. It should be given in every case as soon as the cow calves. It will cause her to do well and will prevent that fatal disease, ||ii!k Fever. For sale by all druggists. Mrs. Schumacher; Woi.ld invite the attention of the Ladies to her new Spring stock of millinery, comprising the latest styles to be found In the city.and which she proposes to sell at prices that defy competition, New goods and latest styles received every week. Call and examine goods and lean* prices. MRS, BCHUliACHBB. Farm for Sale* The undersigned offers for sale bis Farm, containing 204 acres, situated one tn'le West of tho village of Mc­ Henry. on the Woodstock rottd. Good buildings, living water, plenty of small fruit, and a young bearing orchard. Is well adapted for a stock farm. Handy to Railroad Station and a Cheese Fac­ tory, For terms and other varticulars inquire of the undersigned on the premises. EDITOR PLAINDKALSK A. Wilcox has entirely recovered from lit* sick­ ness. Mrs. Baldwin 1^ quit# sick the past week. Rev. Bieglow preached to the people of Hebron on Sabbath afternoon. M. S. Goodsell has been suffering with the rheumatism for several day*. The ladles sociable wtll meet W*d* nesday afternoon and eveulag of this week at Mrs. Lyman Pierce's. A Vocal and Dramatic entertain­ ment, the sacred "Oratorio of Esther," at Iudependent Hall, Friday evening, April 34tb, by the Richmond Dramatic Club. Den*t fail to be there. It will be worth yeur while. Last week Wednssday we were pain­ ed to hear of the death of Charles Comae, an old and respected citlsen of Lynn, Wis. While on their way to telegraph to his daughter. Mrs. Clark, of Neenah, a dispatch was received that her hosband died that morning Immediately after the burial of Mr. Cornue. Mrs. Cornue aud her daughter Mrs. Peck left for Neenah, News was received this week, that the "Sons of Temperance" of Hebron, are the Banner Division of the Slate of Illinois, their average attendance for the last quarter being thirty-four. The Banner which is new in the south­ ern part of the State will be brought here next week Tues day when the Grand Division meets. Now Spring Millinery at Nsbrsn Miss OLIVE STEVENS, Hebron, 111., has just returned from the city with a full line of Spring Millinery of the latest styies,to which she invites the attention of the Ladies of Hebron and surrounding country. Her stock Is new and complete In every depart­ ment, and she is confident she can please all who may call, both In price and quality of goods. Give her a call. Summer Silk at Perry 6 Owen's. Paints and Oils ut Perry A Owen's. Matrasses for only #1.00^ at Juiten Bros.,West McHenry, III. Jersey Waists always on hand at Chicago prices, at Mrs. Schumacher's. New Carpets at Perry A Owen's. Fine line of Summer Silks at Henry Colby's. New Carpets and Oil Clothes, at Bonslett St Stoflei's. Go and see the new Spring Millinery at Mrs. H. H. Nichols'. Wall Paper. Trimmed FREE at Perry & Owen's, HORSE FOR SALE. A good horse for sale. Inquire of 38 & w JOHN J VXCSKY Go to Mrs. Howe's for Dressmaking. SMOKES, call for „ High Art." They havo See oar now spring Stoflei's. salts, lon*l*l Spring styles Boots and Bonslett Sb StoffePs, fftne Velvet and Velveteen in Una colors at Perry A Owen's. No trouble to show goedasi questions at R. Bishop1*. City residences for aale. Apply' isa W. Smith, Woodstock, III? , g Go to Mrs. M. Schumacher's for' Inery, Dress Making and Fancy Everything in the Hardware lin< bottom figures, at E. M. Howe's. Building Paper, cheap, »t Jotai Story's. . The Lyman Barb Wire, both and galvanlsed,decidedhr the best In the market, at John I. Story's. _ GLASS I GLASS ! We keep Glass of all sls«s« on hand. Special sixes eat extra charge. Joan I. FEED CUTTERS. The Belle City takes tho load: tho strongest and best, at E. M. Owen A Son's. s New Ginghams, new Prints, and nev Dress Goods st Perry ft Owen's. We have just added an elegant lloO of dress goods, which sre offered at eat usual uniform low prices. Henry Colby THE Quest assortment of Sewing « a£L,In« to be fonnd in the oeunty. at O. W. Owen's. FOR SALE OR RENT. Two houses in the village of Ring- wood. Terms reasonable. Apply i|t once to % WESLEY LADD, Ring wood, Nov. 10th, 1884. Please remember that our stock In every department Is very completO and thst our prices are alWfcy* the lowest that can be made. Wo Will not be undersold by any house in McHenry Co. Henry Colby. Ne^Tv^llPaper. New Wall Paper at Perry & Owen's Best quality of piper and no cheap • trash. Those new Spring Hats, at Mrs. H. H. Nichols are just cobbv. Do not fall to see them before purchasing. 150 per cent Oil in 5 gallon lots at 11 for cents per ga'lon. 41bs good 91.00 at Bonslett & Stoflei's. Tea Bias Embroidery, latest invention, at Bonslett & Stoflei's. New Wall Paper and new Border* Over 409 different style* at Pefry ft' Owen's. The latest styles In Millinery Goods of all kinds at Mrs. H. H. Nichols'. McHenry, July 16th, 18M. HBVBTC. Mam Prairie City, Van Brunt and Foun­ tain City Seeders at E. M. Owen A son's. The celebrated Cortland Side Spring Buggv is the leader. Ask the 200 in thh county whst they think of them Always on hand at E. M. Owen St Son's Bedey'r Famous ;Waukegan Ale and Porter On draught at J. Bonslett's sod A. Euglen's. A beautiful piece of Silk Velvet, worth 91,75 s yard, is being closed out at the small sum of 91.00 per vard. Call soon and obtain It at Henry Colby's. A good ohonoo for s Wagon Maker. Wishing to go out of business, I offer my stock and tools at a bargain If ap piled for soon. Will rent shop. K. V. WEKDEN, Wauconda, 111. The Buford wheel sulky takes the lead, also Hapgood, Case, Skandla and Flying Dutchman Plew*s* at K. M. Owen St Son's. Barley lor Sale. 509 Bushels good No. 1 Barley for sale. Is clean and good for soed. Ap- Bly to John Fluskv. S miles from Mo-en ry Depot, on Nunda road. Also will Sell or Rent my farm If ap­ plied for soon. JOHN FLUSKT. 10-37-4w Call at S. M. Owen & Son's for your Farm Machinery. They keep none but the best, and warrant everything. Red path's #8.00 Shoes. The best in the world for the mon­ ey, Solid leather, solid sole, leather counters and inuersoles and are made out of first quality calf skin, put to­ gether In an benest, substantial man­ ner and warranted to give satisfaction Try a pair, For sale by Hsnry Colby. For Sale or Sent. I'M Brick Store opposite the Parker douse, formerly occupied by G. W Beslsy ss a drug store, is offered for tale >r rent. Will be sold on long time >1 rented on reasonable terms. Apply <0 B. Gilbskx. W McHenry, NOT. Stb, 1884. For Sale or Exchange* One or two good houses, with good oarns and other out-buildings; good •rchards, wells, cisterns, etc. Well located near the Depot In West Mc­ Henry, together with land from one acre to fifty. Will sell very cheap or trade fofr a farm, or western wild land. 41so a gdod house to rent. A. KiTIOID. West MeMenry, Ills. The Boss Barrel 8tory's. Churn, at John I We furniihed the full out fit of new Furniture for the Riverside House, in this village, and are prepared to furn­ ish a Room, House or Hotel at a day's notice and at prices that can't be beat. JUSTEN BROS, West McHenry. ADVICK TO MOTHERS. Are you disturbed at night and brok- >a of your rest by a sick child suffering snd crying with pain of cutting teeth r if s» .send at once and get a Settle of Sir*. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup for •hiidren teething. Its value Is Incal- mlable. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend upon It pothers, there is no mistake about it. It cures dysentery and diarrhoea, regu- ai«*p the stomach and bowels, cures artf.rt colic, softens the gums, reduces inflammation and gives tone and en­ ergy to the whole system. Mrs. Wins- low Soothing Syrup for children lootuiiig Is pleasant to the taste, and is tho prescription of one of the oldest and belt female phyalclans and nurses la tas United States, and I* for sale by alt druggists throughout *1* world. Prtoo 95 cent* a bottio. Henderson's celebrated Boots and Shoes, everf palr warranted, at!P*rry St 0<ven's. The finest llne^ of Rttcheing to be found In the county, at\Mrs. H. H. Nichols*. \ BESLET'S Ale and Porter Is ^he best made. Un draught in McHenry at^acob Bonslett's and A. Englen's. • • I have a lot of Selc Schwab A Co*s Shoes, all sixes at one half price. c. v, STBVBBB. REMEMBER you can find Besley's Ale and Porter en draught^ in this village, at Jacob Bonslett's and A. Englen's. All shades of Silk and Wool Arrasono ^ at Bonslett St Stpffel's. C. V. Stevens will sell 100 coat* at half price. Call and look them over. Wall Paper trimmed free, at Bon* slett St StoffePs. People wishing to buy goods at low* er prices than ever before will do well to call on me. C. T. ̂ tiths Lace Curtains, Tidies, Lamberklns, Bedspreads and Shams, cheap, at Mrs. Schumacher's, near the Depot. LATEST styles In Drees Trimmiurs, Laces, etc., at Mrs. Schumacher's. 1 Ladies Muslin Underwear, from IB cents up, at Mrs. Schumacher's, near the Depot. *" V'1, - - To those that want work done In my line, such as Tanks, Vats and all other weik dene in a shop, as I get lumber direct from Chicago. F, A.H*BA*». ;: For Bale or Bent. On account of poor health I wlak to sell my Saloon aud Residence to West McHenry. Is finely located and doing a good business. If not sold before I will Ksnt the Saloon, posses­ sion to be giveu May 1st. For farther particulars inquire of the undersigned, on the premises. CASPER WIRFS. West McHenry, 111. March S3, 199S. 10-96-1 m « • m roroiB in bid e. RUK TBI y West McHenry Illinois. v - ' ' • i 1 Tea Will A*aia Ptatf*. ' ".Uncle Ben" At all bears ready to ibowjold oasiessere and new ones a oholce line of nuns, gbocibiis aid P80YISIWS, Toexehaage for the Produce oftttOmlty . or eveu Cash, for what il is wartk. Greec and DrM Frtiti, And in abort everything asaaUy kept la a flnt clasa Grocery, and at PRICE*aa &oW as the Leweat, quality of Goeda eoa>>daro*. SVTke High eat Market Priee paid feral kinda of Oeaatry Prod ace. B.CILUIIT. V|MM«Beny,llL,;M|tKMi| '• K. ,i .Art, . « ... • •„ . «

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