Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Apr 1885, p. 8

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&' it «rl«lnf of April in •pe»kln( of vwk ago said M» »f tha moat iiwr talkers 1 WMMtytlweUant man ^Hi *W«» flaUMnre MteMt and mako him litmMlf. But after dlunqr, «r oomceitlal frlendc any- dy, littorraating and In emanation. I •na *»aninj whan t was president. It was party Im gave at the White Aneog the guests wei-e a r of senators and (jenerat Sherl- IIrs. Orant and the ladles had i-ertrdMi Iron the table aod we were tracking our cigar*. General Orant talked a great deal. He was In his happAet bboo-1. and I knew everybody •Mijoyed him just as much as I did. 1 don't know how It came about, but Anally we began to go backward and talk of the time of lift a man would most care to live over again. Bach one mentioned some particular age when life aeemed brightest and most desirable, and a period he would enjoy to live the second time. Home turned ' ack to boyhood, others to mrty man­ hood, with the pleasantest recollec lion*. 'And yon General; vhat part of vour life would yon like to j(re over againT otp of tie guests asked of the President. "General Grant dropped his chlu on Ills breast and was silent for a minute «r two. I can see him now. as we ali waited for his answer and tried to read it In his face, which, as u*ual, was a sealed book. But we fully expected lie would chooee that part of hia life which bad been prosperous and great, lie lifted his head and said in a voice of quiet decision that left no doubt ol sincerity, *' *&U ol It. I should like ts lira all of my life over again. There Isn't any pan of It I should want to leave out.' **I-shall never forget the Impression his anwer made on me, and I think It Imptessed every ono else. He was tin only man in the room who was ready to take the bitter with the sweet In his life. Every one of us had left out one particular time of hard­ ship and discouragement, when the world seemed darkest. Not one was brave eoeugh to tace that time again; and probably not one of us had had such hard times and so much of real advcislty to begin with. I think the meet of us had begun to prosper before g| lie was out of the woods. But General Grant was the only man smoking his efter-dlnner cigir at the White House t at evening who oourage to live bis whole life over again." Ike Miter Was la *le tbeeditor In?" asked a wii^f ^lised f man, wbo stood six feet and two Inches i fn his eooks, of the offlse boy of a i Bloomington newspaper. •*1 do not know," sal i the bey. Til ? a?k liim.4' He was gor.e about ten min • utes. when he returned, smiling bland­ ly, and said: MI guess he's in. He's in I' you are the man he thinks you if/are, Is your name Smitten?" „Yes. My name Is Smithers, and I ivi-kon he won't be In. the cowardly puppy, when he knows that Jack Smltiters is after bim." "So you are Smithera, are youf" said (fee boy. **Yee, Fa Smithera--the same Smith- ers that the gum-started editor called a ham In this morning's paper. I've come to dean out the shop and thresh that editor till he won't know himself from a stuck pig. I reckon the editor Hint Is, now. Is he V* **Oh. yes! I'll show yon np to bis room In a minute. He told me to ask you If you was Smithers, aod if jrou was, to shew you up. When I left tbe room, he bad two revolvers, a terf pound weigbt aad a sword lying on the deals, and he told me to show you tbe •Joor to his room right away, and to «;et behind tbe base burner for safety ms toon as you went in. Bight this way, sir. The editor's in, and Is ant- *ous to see you.M-jFtom an old Through MaiL fhe McHenry Brick lftrntfiuttarla » * yg aee neyfoarty to suPP ia quantities * f i A / vv* : FROM SMALL LOfS f - K ' « >1- ',•> | . «m "i' ' '*"• Their Brick, lire second to none to l>e fftnnit In the market, and will be foM at the lowest market price. Persons intending to build, or those handling brick, will '£0well te callaml see usbefiMrt f. ' * purchasing. . We invite an examination and cnmp*riMii with any Brick made in the Northwest. For further Information apply to or address MCHENRY BRICK - Manufacturing Co. ; McHenry, I1K. June 11th 1P84. i • WAUCONDA, H.L., Is as usual on hind with the largest and bestat>sortment In Mo enry or Lake Counties, at prices that distance all cora- petition* HIS : J . ? !<• *' Clothing for Men, Youths and Boys. Also a full line of Gents* Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, etc. Has a full and selected stock ot Fashionable Spring Millinery, which she invites the ladies of Wauconda and vicinity to call and examine and learn pridi, ' NENRY MAIMAN. Wauionda, March 33d, 1885. > A PRONOUNCED SUCCESS Thousands of Acres Plowed wiflt Ike Flying Dutchman, and Every Claim Made for This Wonderful Plow Fully Substantiated. Why is this plow so successful and popular ? Because it runs ONE HORSE LIGHTER than any other plow made. Because the plow is CARRIED, 6AIMSED AND GUIDED by the use of three wheels. Because the plow is IN FRONT of the driver. Because the weight of the driver ts OVER THE FURROW WHEEL, adding but little to the draft, but keeping the plow down to its work. Because the swivel plate pole PRE­ VENTS ALL SIDE DRAFT or weight on horse's necks. Because it is simple, strong aod dur­ able, and does flrst-ciass work. Illustrated circulars ( descriptive ), The Story of the Flying Dutchman (sen­ sational), The Agricultural Pilgrim's Progress, with six tinted illustrations (oomic), all sent free (D any address. MOLINE PLOW CO., MOUNE, ILLINOIS The Above JSTOn Saturday, the N. Y. Morning Journal announced: "To-morrow, at hia church, the Rev. Dr. Talmage will wraatle with roller skates." On Hunday, Talmage thought for a little vrhile that hit old-time popularity waa revived, but when, after he got tlior "Highly worked up in hit sermon and waa slinging hia bands and other ap­ purtenances around In the wild kind of gesticulation that characterizes the man, he was more or less surprised to '»ear aoolored brother remark: "See «le man akeeete! Dah be goes |es a >ol)yw«ppen! Tab! look dab now an < ee de ele debble skin roun' dat ar fho't co'uah. YeepUee de ole rascal * rylu* to keep up wid bU foots. Dah, tie gwlae to break his aeck! Yah ! dat war awful narrer escape at ent ale fel -erP and as tbe reverend gentlenan Kneeled down to pray, the negro * li»u:ed: "Dah he goes. Cotch him *119 lieab Ume, and, Talmage yrayed and wonqitad ai he .prayed. mr Pbe life of^ua&'pe^lifmi reaches the extl^i^a 11mlrwhS the iiolar teetb art worn dewn. These of »he sheep last about fifteen years* of tbe ox twenty, of tbe horse forty, and t»f the elephant one hundred. Many ;pferler species die as soon they have :ald their Just as berbs perish as •oon as they have flowered. fSr An exchange says that a pinch of salt put In a cat's saucer of milk and Jttaeat two or three times a week present it from having fits. > Observer. What's the matter Jwltfertbe old shot-gun? Busted? cent few beautiful Wool Cashmerei at t a yard. Gnat bargain* Colby's. - Sherman's Patent Gate Hanging As applied to the common earry-around Gate, or panel of fence, t makes a gate that is ('heap, Strong and Durable, combining more points of excellence than any other gate, however expensive. Any ordinary work hand can apply this hanging by looking at the cut. The cost of iron for hanging does not exceed 15 cents. Give this Gate a careful examination. It ia something eve^y farmer needs, Farm, Town* Qounty and State right tor sale by your Blacksmith, Agent, or , . * . '• 8. * J SHERMAN, 10 38 6m . V.!: West McHenry, ILL. 3 eat in the War! J. "THE OLD FOLKS AT HOKE." White Seal The New York Board of Health estimate* that 30.000 lives have been deal roved by th« explosive qualities of Fetrolaum. If every household should adopt the White Seal oft far family nee, none of these unfortunate ac eldents would occur. White Seal Burning Oil Has none of the defects usually found In common Oils. It cannot be exploded, does not char the wick, will not smoke, emits no offensive odor, and prevents the breaking of chimneys. Seal Busing Oil *or Illuminating purposes, U is *• Hfo* ia color as pure »pnng water. It Mtroi)|, steady light and burns much longer tteft common Oils, if this Oil is not aoicfin JPn TioliUyi aemi your older direct to us for Anrroiort case containing two IIyo n|lon ci&i BROOKS OIL CO. !t4*Mdll6Tfcutoeltreetd/Siw York.' Cuts HARDWARE 'Mtf - |sv i 'ifft'Milirjiiijiiii i'- V-*" - - • #<•; - m IV |^"One Door West of the Riverside House* I • rfc I'-. :M&3 'r ' ^ Boots 1 Shoes - McHENBY, ILL. 'riii§iog rente<l the store of H. H. Wk ** are now prepared to manufacture I aad Shoes to oner, and in - • I % 4- s .in •< **' It ^ f* -^DKALSR <{ NIALS, MECHANCIS' TOOLS, CHANDEUfiHS| - S.C£' '§ tamps. Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware. j\.nd in short, everything in the Hardware, Stove and Tin Lii}«. mt Y/ILL NOT BE UNDERSOLJD. , , (-all at his store before buying elsewhere., Warrant Satisfaction. Wt have Mctlenry Coun 8 tOC i : ' "s oa# ot the L . . untjr, andaai beat ot stock will guaraatee all our work and beat workmeant and aa we use none but the warrant a lit every time, ta either SEWED Ok PEGGED WOE0" Impairing Promptly Attended to. Give us m Gall. " t " Promptly Attended To. ^^"RSMEMBER, extra good bargains can always be obtained. ' JOHN I. stomr. McHenry, 111., March 16th, 1885. aiithMiii F. <J. A Y E S , >13] Staple Dry (Soods, Invites an inspection ot his stock, all Ot which will be sold at the lcrwe?t prices for cash. ftemember good goods at fair Prices at c he Cer\)terville Store. f McHenry, III., June 10,1884. F.C.MAYES Cold JJAg. STKUCK HIGH RESTAURANT. Wealeo keepta coan^ctkm wilb owr SkM Baaiaeas'% Vint-Claw Biitauut̂ Where Warm and Coid Meals will be served at mil hours* OYSTERS IN THEIR SEASON By the Dish, Caa or Bulk. BOWLIT * Sttt? McHeniy, 111., Hareh 3d, 1885, NOW READY. H iving recently thoroughly re- |Mii«d the Greenwood Mill by put (<ng in a new cleaning machine iew bolts, and giving the ma­ chinery a general overhauling, w# tre now oetter than ever pre- patt*l to do all kinds of custom grinding. We make a specialty of Buckwheat and Feed grinding, every day in the wees. ^ ? TOLES&8CH. *teea#ood; III., Nor. lt, MM » % :'Vi sa--ani CAST0 for Infants and Children. "CaatorU is so well adapted to children that ] I recommend it aa superior to any prescription known to me." H. A. Aacnw, M. D., Ill Bo. Oxford St, Brooklyn, 11. Y. WAUCOiNDA, IIUiL* Are prepared ta show you a large stock j|l- SEASONABLE GOODS Castorla cures Colic, Sour Stomach, DiarrhcM, Eructatiii^.^ _ Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promote# <Ji- gestii Without injurious medloatloa. EfmURXlNIME An absolute cure for Rheumatism, Sprains, Pain In the Back, Burns, Galls, Ac. An Instantaneous Pain- relieving aad Healing Remedy. New, Attractive, Desirable in Quality, Quantity atd Price. Our ' Dres$ Goods Department Is Unsurpassed. % In DOM ESTIC8 w« have more than we know what to do with!, Qiven 'A r̂ap AT O. W. OWEN'S. My business at home requiring more of my attention, I have decided to stop canvassing tor Sewing machines, and in place thereof to offer inducements to buyers to come to my Stare where I can show them a Largn Variatj of HatMnw Than can be jound in any other store la the Northwest. My Plan la This: For every Ten Sewing Machines sold, X will -i G U V 4.WAY ,y. It works Notions and Stoffel HeBOBT. hence have adopted the plan of almost giving them awa nicely, and pleases our customers. Gloves, Hosiery, Novelties, a carload. Underwear ai# Funtlshln ̂Ctftttftr In great variety. JSiPf In fact we have a store full of Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, and Notion!, and shall let none of our competitors walk away with us on low priees. We invite inspection. Printers' ink will not show our stock. Groceries, Groceries, A full line, and price* that cannot to show goods. ^ Wauconda, III., Jan. 26th, 1985. i.l to please. JSif-No trouble COLDING BROTHERS. We are tred to offer immense bargains lor the Spring Trade [885 in General Merchandise, consisting of PRICE BROTHERS, WAUCONDA, ILL. * We have just reeieved from the city a A Urge and well selected stock ot Spring and Summer^tyles Large Stock ages, at extremely low prices. The largest, selected, and only entirely new stock of bfllt. and Of all descriptions, which wo trim free of charge, both paper border. A tall lim pf tb» favorably kuown C. H. Fargo Boots and Shoes. New Styles in Hats and Caps, iSF'Groceries, only the very best, and at moderate priees. Crockery in great variety; Lustre Band, and brown Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, Water Sets, Chamber Sets, etc. The Celebrated Secor Trunks and Valises. Carpets, hemp, half wool, and 2-ply all wool; Oil Cloths, etc. The best grades of Flou r delivered free. S It by the Barrel. jmi » Bonilett &c Stottel. WastlMeHenry, 111., March: Suitable for the season, including choice Novel ties .not to be found elsewhere. We have a very full assortment of Dress Goods, Shawls,- Oloakings, Underwep", Housekeeper's Oooodsi. .,(• General Store And in short everything usually found in * we offer at moderate prices. The Celebrated which The Best in the market, and every pair warranted. Plovxs aid urras, a iull lot. Our G rocer^ Pepartment Is complete. Call and see us. Waueonda, 17tb, 1884. price mm. A Ladles Gold Watch, In the following manner: 1 will allow soma disinterested party to take ten plain enve). opes in nine ef which they will place blank cards, and in the tenth one a card on which will be written. WATCH. As each machine is sold the purchaser will be allowed te etioose one of these sealed envelopes, on which they will write their name. As soon as the ten machines are sold, the envelopes will be opened in the presence of tbe purchasers and the Watclyglrea t* the lasky holder. If »on want a New American Mo. r ^w* •omestio. Diamond, Davis, Eldredge, House hold, Howe Improved, New York, 8prlnirfteld St. John, Singer, White, Wheeler * Wilson No. 8, call at my store, try the machine, awl I am sure I can pleasa you In price, and besides give you a chance to get a Gold Watch. O. W. OWEN. MoHanry, Nov. ttth, Wt Algonquin, III., ' :<ty *: s Eardwan, Storea, Ti&wan, In short, we keep everything In the above mentioned lines, which we are offe ing to the buy­ ing public as cheap as any other house in this section. ' ^ Call and Seft ti«. JOBBING & REPAIRING, PBOMFTLT ATTENDED TO. JOHN HELH. > ^ * ' ' * Algonquin, Feb. 18,1885, MNd: Plows P. HAU PERISCH, MeHenry, Ulinolai, ATami inform tbe fttrmers of McHenry and •unrounding country that he is prepared to sell them a FIRST-CLASS PLOW, Aad warrant a tower price than •aa i*a pare based elsewberi in the county. Ali Kinds of BLACK8MITHINQ, WAGON «ad < ARR1AUX work promptly attended t*. • 1EPAIRII> O, Otah kinds on abort notice. aarGtve us a aail h nd we will please you both in qaatltf sat t rice of work. P. HAUPHItCH. Meileary, I1L. Oct. 7 th, IBM. . • i

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