Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 May 1885, p. 8

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s> "AiHariiii »rd. Th« who)* m ietcd together b| «tts itnitifiMf .wMcbtwd«ltned will hare no moving the he tvieat of the grade*. The maximum »• root fn 100, the weight of lost I* 100 COM en the driving >mplete and Accurate survey of Lhmus Including thehydrograplilo re tor the harbor Improvement* work, allows that the entire cost of whole work will be Jess than #60,- Ttals it less than one quarter ihe fillat of any other projected ro.ite v ' or method, the cost of operating will not be mere than that of a tea level or penal. The route by way of Te- pec !s particularly North Amori- The railway con be easily de> ided by (he powers interested in It. 1 length of the railways 34 tulles the whole work can be done In lour |j|§*ip. time, and It will probably be In •pemtion many years before any other i route is opened. The government of Mexico Is very grouch Interested lu tills project, arid U assisting It in every way In Its power. At the present time arrangements are | made by that government to give mttai aid to the wotk. and it is ^HHpi that the United States will unite Mexice In this great enterprise tleh wilt brine such subfUntlslbsue- iftt to the entire country. 'K' te- IB, The McHenry irriok Manufcuitnrtnf Company t; > M > -t i • f t* FROM SMALL LOTS Their Brick are eecdhJMft Ttftn© K* t<6 the market, and will fto-toM the lowest market price. Persons intending to build, or those handling brick, will S'f welt to calland see u* Ueforo ; . " 'purchasing. ^ liivtce an examination and comphilM*T with any Brick made in the Northwest. For further information apply to or address McHENRY BRICK anufactiiring Co. U«M«rrrlllii J One 11th 1884. SfiJUTCHHSll Itnr of* Ktad. time ago a quartette of Colo­ rado Bucks came to Chicago to swap 'wealth for roaring hilarity and to carmlnate the metropolis. They paid homage to Bacchus until they began to <et somewhat shaky In the legs, and then chartered a hack, and the jamboree commenced In earnest. Af­ ter an hour's tide, with stops at all way stations for refreshments, one of the Big Four took the hackm&n asii!e, ai d with an air ef much impressivness Inquired in a cautious whisper the ex* teut of his claim to their beneficence. Be was quiet about it because the characteristic of a Colorado raansis to Insist on paying for every tiling when l.e knocks around with a crowd. The hackman said hie bill was 910. It was paid, and the carnival pro­ gressed at a rattl'.ng gait. At the next pause to Irrigate another man found an opportunity loexchange a few words with the jehu, in the course 01 which lie inquired the amount of poll , tical influence lie considered himself entitled to. The hackman said lie had no hopes of a post-office, and would have to call : H *t* It WAS paid, and the excurlson re- suined its winding way. In a short time the wheels of the chariot had r again oeased to whirl, and the four gidsome bricks were again looking to the zenith and4hearing something gur­ gle. At tuis pause the third man made It his business to quietly step ' aside and put a few words In the ear of the inquisitire pilot of the expedl- tlon, as'to the nature and extent of his - claim upon their standing In society for the kindness of bis escort. The hackman said that tljats wore hard, and that he could get along with #10. A fain they loaded up and went for­ ward in quest of a still further addition to their prospect lor headache in the ' morning, and, when the corks had pop­ ped and the evant scent sparkler disap­ peared, the remaining philanthropist found an opportunity to get his bteath - lute the neighborhood of the brigand's nose, and with much incoherence of speech wanted to know the extent ot the levy. The hackman said that Colorado people; came his way so seldom he would have to enact a ransom of 910. Once more the wheels were put in motion and a)ong toward morning the booty party brought up a^ the Grand Pacific, and disembarked for good. As they were about te go Into the hotel one of the men said to the hackman: **I paid you, I believer* "Yes," sal I the bold buccaneer, "you d:d." "Bat I paid yon myself, dtdo't 1?" querried the second man. "Yes, sir." "But hold on. I paid the rascal, too. Didn't 1 John?" put in the third. "It runs !<i my bead thai you did." • "But I gave you 910 just a short time Didn't 1?" said the last victim. Tou did, for a fact." 4 And do you mean to say that you liave taken ten dollars from* each one of OS?" '•That's the way|it looks togme." "Well, are you satisfied new* Do yon want any more r* "Just as you please, gentlemen. Suit yourselves, and you'll suit me." "TbUnder man! You^ought to be in congress. You're a credit to Chicago, and I'm proud to know you. Do us the lienor to come in and hare a bottle of Wine with us. What do you say?" "That strikes me," said the man of staggering gall, aS he threw the blauk ets on his horse. And into the hotel the party went and put In the remainder of the night peering wine into the gourmand, with the vain hope that they would crowd him te the wall and make him refuse to take anything more. But he sal up with them till they gave it up as hope Iess, and beat a re reat. Be had learned his trade in Niagara and understood his bueinebs thorough ly, as they found to their cost. This Is not a flight of fancy, but an actual oc- curre neeChicago Ledger, terit now appears probable that the Afghan embrogilo will not result In war. It is surmised that the fact that nearly every name of a town, river, lake or other convenience in the dis- territory ends with "gab" has something to do with ending the •English bluster the same way. A PRONOUNCED SUCCESS Thousands of Acres Plowed with the Flying Dutchman, and Every Claim Made for This Wonderful Plow Fully Substantiated. Why Is this plow so successful and popular ? Because it rnns ONE HORSE LIGHTER than any other plow made. Because the plow is CARRIED, GAUGED AND GUIDED by the use of three wheels. Because tlie plow is IN FRONT of the driver. Because the weight of the driver Is OVER THE FURROW WHEEL, adding but little to the draft, but keeping the plow- down to its work. Because the swivel plate pole PRE­ VENTS ALL SIDi DRAFT or weight on horse's necks. Because it is simple, strong and dur- jlj'jj able, and does first-ciaas work. Illustrated circulars (descriptive). The Story of the Flying Dutchman (sen­ sational), The Agricultural Pilgrim's Progress, with six tinted Illustrations (comic), all sent free to any address. MOLINE PLOW CO. , MO LINE. ILLINOIS. >BC AHK MAI !*>;• »«'. t,i- ..t New Goods! New Styles! We Hire prepared to offe* immense bargains in General Merchandise, consisting of DRY GOODS,/. DOMESTICS, ; A1ID NOTIOirS. j'i argc and well selected stock ot Seasonable Styles Braided and Plain, in latest f'olors. ^n eatitely new stock Of all descriptions, which wetd#of charge, both paper and border. A full line of tb» favorably known 0. II. Fargo ' ; Boots and Shoes. New Styles in Hats and Caps; fcW Groceries, only" the very be^t, and at moderate prices.! Trockery in great variety; Lustre l^and, and brown Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, Water Sets, Chamber Sets. etc. The Celebrated Secor lrunks and Valises. Carpets, hemp, half wool, and 2-ply all wool; Oil Cloths, etc. The best grades of Flour delivered free. Salt by the Barrel. ̂ _ _ Bonalett Ac Stofiel. West McHenry, 111 , May 4tli, 1&5. ass JL jMAf^foctarortl General Merchants, a? v Tf-V • iff" I igrwis; '» s~ . Mchenry, ili* 1 Papers, New Wall Papery *«•* : h'si4 % HmIdj rented the store ef H. H. Kiel re are new prepared te manuftieta nd Slioes to oraer, and Warrant Satisfaction. v> We hare one ol the beat workmen li' McHenry County, and as we use none bat the ot stock will guarantee all our work and ' Marram a fit every time, in either | SEWED Ok PEQQED WORWt Retiring Promptly Attend*! to. Give us a Call. And Border to Mate! The largest Stock ill this nectipn. and nt the very Lowest Prices. TBIUMWR JlfiB- , 1 RE8TAURANT. realiokeepjin confection SIDC88 a Vj . Titst-CIaH fiwUuui, Furniture! Furniture! listen Brothers', WEST McHENR Y* . ' U I v Styles fa Boots Where Warm and Ooid Moals will be sertWI1" at all hours. OYSTERS IN THEIR SEASQJI i '" Bjr the Dish, Can or Bnlk. - 5 ROWLEY * SON, McHenry, III., Mareh Sd, 198S. »' Are now ready for the Spring Trade. stock of 15 with the largest and finest Furniture ol all Kinds Ever brought to this County, which we nan' and -will sell as Jow as the same goods can be bought anywhere. FURNITURE Call and see our Stock and learn Prices before buying, as we can .ave you Money. , ^ We keep a fine line of Samples of Brussels, Tapestry and Ingrain Carpets, which we will order on short notice at prices that cannot fail to please. A full line and CaskeU al^j^on hand. JUSTEN Went McH«ntr. April 14th, 1888. ••THE OLD FOLKS AT HOME." • - Seat • 5* The New York Board of Health estimates that 30,000 lives have 1»een destroyed by the explosive qualities of Petroleum. If every household should adopt the White Sea! Oil for family use, none of these unfortunate ac­ cidents weuld occur. White Seal Burning Oil Has none of the defects usually found in common Oils. It cannot bo exploded, does not char the wick, will not smoke, emits no offensive odor, and prevents the breaking of chimneys. White Seal Burning Oil Is a rush OR for ltlumlnatfnff pntpo?eB, !t is as light in color as pure spring water. It Kires a strong, steady light auil burns much longer than common (.Mis. If this Oil is not sold in your vicinity, send y>ui- older direct to us for a barrel or a case containing two five gallon cans. BROOKS OIL CO* HEuclid Ave . Cleveland, 0. 4 and lit South Street. Hew York- DEALER lit The Above cuts snow Sherman's Patent Clate Hanging Show. As applied to the common earry-around Gate, or panel of fence, It makes a gate that is Cheap, Strong and Durable, combining more points of excellence than any other gate, however expensive. Any ordinary work hand can apply this hanging by looking at the cut. The cost of iron for hanging does not exceed 15 cents. ' Give this Gate a careful examination. It is something every farmer needs, Farm, Town, County and State right tor sale by your Blacksmith, Agent, or 10.38-6(11 & J. SHERMAN. West McHenry, ILL. w Our first invoice Si Goods, and in order to maks rom foi Just Recerffed jpring the Largest Stock 01 Spring and Summer Gppds Ever brought to Woodstock, or into McHenry County. We will close out our Fall aud Winter BOOTS .AND SHOES. REGARDLESS OF COST< FiW we must have the room. We can and will give yo| . Bi In these Goods, and it will pay you to come from all over the Country to trade with us. Good Goods at low ('ash Prices. Re member the place, Cor. Maine Street and Public Square, Wood- m, N, £.--House Established 1865. W. H. DWICHT. MOW READV, H iving recently thoroughly re- i»*«iiftd tfi3 Greaiiw-)i 1 lilt by I>III t «ng in a new cleaning machine iet* bolts, and giving the ma- jbiiiery a general overhauling, *e tre now better than ever pre- ^ti»*<l to do all kinds of custom V m.ling. We make a specialty if Buckwheat and Feed grinding, aviu y day in the wees. In Ladiqs', Gents' and Children's Wear. ew Styles Mens Mats A Paints and Oils, Mixed Paints, Salt, Fresh Family Groceries, Etc TOLES & •t«eu«rood, 111., Nor. It, 18M 101».tf Perry & Owen HaSrd ware ' Hardware ! x. storv, |^*"0ne Door West of the Riverside House,.Jgcl 'MILS, MECHANICS TOOLS, CHANDELIERS, Lamps. Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware. And in short, everything in the Hardware, tove and Tin Line, HE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLpJ •ff t': . ' ;' r. Call at-his store before buying elsewhere. 1 JCSelHOI JWID REPAIPBT Promptly Attended To. |3^"REMEMBER, extra good bargains can always be obtained.; JOHTt 1. STORY. I i J mj , 3H., arch 16th, 1885. E. a MAY DEALER IN Staple Dry Goods, Invites an inspection ot Ms stock, all of which will be sold at the lowest prices for cash. Remember good goods at fair Prices at < he Centerville Store. ' IfcHenry, 111., June 10,1884. F. C. MAYES JLvray AT O. W. OWEN'S;^ My business at homerequiring more of my | Attention, I hnve decided to stop cttnvusiliiff tor Sewing machines, and in plsoe thereof to , offer inducements to buyers te come to my 7 Store where I can show them a Lugtr Varittj of Ifachlau ; Than can be jound in any other store in the d Northwest. My Plan is This? For every Ten Sewing Machines sold, I trll ;.. G I V E A W A Y I A Ladies Gold Watch, I Tn the following manner: 1 will allow seats | disinterested party to take ten plain envel­ opes in nine of which thev will place blank cards, and in the tenth one a cord on which ,3 will be written WATCH. As each machine U 1 sold the purchaser will be allowed to choose .* one of these sealed envelopes, 011 which they 1 will write their name. As soon as the ten -j machines are sold, the envelopes will be I opened in the presence of the onrchasers and 3 the Watch given to the lusky holder. -i v -H , If yon want a New American No. 7, Qrpwa ^ •omentic. Diamond. Davis, Eldredge, Hottt# 's| hold, Howe Improved, New York, Sprlnglleld I St. John. Singer, White, Whoeler A Wilson 4 No. 8, call at my store, try the machine, and I 1 am faure I can pleas* you in price, and besides give you a chance to get a Qold Watch. „ „ O.w. OWEN. 1 McHenry, Nov. 96th, 1884 IHfW" t • Algonquin, III. •WB ,:0 Hudwut, In short, we keep everything | in the above mentioned lines, 1 which vre are ofie* ing to the buy- ing public as cheap as any other f house in this section. Oa.ll and See hub. JOBBING ft REPAIRING, ' PBOMFTLT ATTENDED TO. §11 JOAN HELS ̂ Algonquin, Feb. 18,1885. ' Plows! E HAUPER1SCH, * * i * ? " . MoHeury, Illinois, ; iVeiiil inform the farmers of McHenry snd surrounding country that he is prepared to Mil them a FIRST-CLASS PLOW, Ann warrant the same, at a lower pries tktt •an (>s purchased elsewhere in (he couatr, AH Kinds of BLACKSMlTH1NQ, WAQOH Ml * AUUJAOS work promptly attended to, KEPAIRIING, ot ait kinds on short aotlce. SVOive nss ml h nd we will pleaae you both ia qnaiitf m-l i rice of work. , P. HAUPERI8CH« MoKsary, I1L, Oct. 7th. 1Mi. V - < - ' w .. - H '• " • 1 t ' ,.ik .f,..; -• v,,.- .V'Ci- -.Vi.

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