Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Jun 1885, p. 1

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* # • v LT" 1 «ai §• rr--~ ^ h ' C r . •, -- . •- 'j":>w» zzrrrrr*--~ v:.. "Pledged butto Truth, to Liberty andTLaw; No Favors Win us and no Fear Shall Awe." ^VOLf lO. f _ •. ;V::s-r i ^ i ; ; ; M ' H E N R Y , I L L I N O I S , W E D N E S D A Y , J U N E 3 , 1 8 8 5 . 1 . . . . , • • ; : - 1 " ' ; • i W ^ "cr NO. 46. ' J: J||«^epj Jlaiifaler. PublhJfed KT»'F Wednesday by 11 v|fV^>' SLYKE ; * Bttjt<Wt' A»€> PUBMSWMt - • •"• •: * '• V'"" '*•' Office ftii Bishop's Block, i-Orp()atTie PUSSY * OWEN'S.-- THKM» 09 BUBSORIPTtO*. Jn« rear (In A<tvaa<*.e) ..#1.50 (f Vot Paid within Three Months 2.00 SuMertptlons rnecirert far three or six month* in the same properties. I Bates of Advertising:. We announce liberal rates for advertising in the PLAINOEAI.KR, and endeavor to atate them so plainly that the? will be readily un- teratmd. They are## foll«w»i•• 1 Inch one year . * ""v-? '•. . * Inches one year i* . ; ' I Inches ene year " V -:s" •• * It Gelumn one year . . . • H Oelamn one year- - - Column ene year • - • One Inch means the measurement of one >ch dewn the colnmn,single column width. Yearly advertisers, at the above rates, have kite privilege »f chanpinff as often as they •hoose, without extra charge. Regular advertisers (meaning those having . standing cards) will be entitled to insertion •f lw;al notices at the rate of 5 cents per line each week. All others will be charged 10 cents per line the AT st week, and S cents per line for each subsequent week. Transient advertisements will be ohr\rjce<1 at the rate of 10 cents p« line, (nonpareil type, same as this is set in) the first issue, and (cents per line for subsequent issues. Th".s, an inch advertisement will cost $1.00 for one week, «I.M for twe weeks, #2.00 for three wteeks, and so on. The PLAINDRALBS wilt be liberal in giving edlterial netices, but, as a business rifle, it •rill require a suitable fee from everybody seeking the use ef its columns for pecuniary gain. 500 10*0 1500 30 «0 BOO* 10© 00 BUSINESS CARDS. AHA W. SMITH, ATTORNEY AT LAW and solicitor in Chancery.--Woodstock, III. JESSE A. BALDWIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Law business in Every part of the State receives prompt attention. Room 24, 89 Washington St., Chi­ os go, III. S. F. BES.VETT, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. AlsoUnlted States Examining Surgeon. Rlehmond, Illinois. A. 8. GUILDS, M* D., HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AN|> SUR­GEON, West McIIenrv, 111. Calls promptly attended to, day or nipht. DR. C. R. WELLS. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON,* Wauconda Lake Co., III. All calls promptly attend­ ed, day or night. Office on Main St., east of Barker's harness chop. MARY G. BARBIAN. HAIR WORKER, AH ku.ds of Hair Work dene in first class style and at reasonable prices. Rooms *t residence, north­ east corner ef Public Square, McHenry, III. DR. C. E. WILLIAMS. DENTIST. Residence Dundee. Will be at McHenry, at Parker House, the 10th lltb 25th and 26th'of each month. When dates occur Saturday or Sunday I make my visits on the following Monday , and the first day of such visit occurs on Friday, I will stay but one day. BUSINESS CARDS. H. T. BUOWN, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office over the Pest Ofttce, opposite Perry Jt Martin's Here up stairs, McHenry, 111. C. H. FEGEKS, M. D. |)HYSlfclAN AND SUItiiEON. McHenry, I Ills. Office at Residence. O. J. HOWARD, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND StTHGEON, McHenry, 111. Office one door West of Fltzsimmons Jk Evan son's store, up Stairs. BARBIAN BROS. CIGAR Manufacturers, McHenry, 111. Or­ders solicited. Shop, la Old McHenry, jt Kelter Block, two doors west of PLAIK- ncaiER Office. WXSHMcf6N, D. c The popular palace hotel of the National Capital. Conveniently located and accessible to all tbe street car lines of the city. Open all the year. O. 6. STAPLES, PBOFBIETOR. Late of tbe Thousand Island House. I#: ROBt SCHIESSLE Hawing purchased the old sttiD^l ?:yl of Joseph Wiedemann, NEAR THE DEPOT, MoHBNBY, ILLINOIS, Keeps •pen for the accommodation of the Publics First-Class Saloon and Restaurant, Where he will at all times keep tlie|best Of Wines, Liquors and Cigar*. , f • to be found in the market. ' V" Also Agent For FRANZ FALH'S HILIAUKEE LAGER BEES Beer in Large or Small Kegs or Bottles al­ ways en band, oheaper than any other, qaalU- ty oonsldered. Orders by mail promptly attended to. OOOD HTABL1NG FOR HORSES! . 4MNo*U and see us. < Robert Schieasle. Me Henry, III., May 15th, 1385, M A R C U S ' CERMAN nmrk Manufactured by f. MARCUS -DEALER IN-- PUppflNES, LIQUORS 4JJP ' CIGARS. Woodstock, III. The best Tonle in the world. Put op In Fintand Quart Bottles. F« MARCUS. Patentee. .89®,YOU F0R9UT IT! W. SMITH, -or-- ' Woodstock, « I *r Illinois. Fv<^--V Baeked by Millions of money' ofer you *• *" - ,-*• INDEMNITY against damage by Pin, Lightning, Wind Storms, CTCLONZ8 AND TORNADOES. w Orep me a postal card and I will visit you: u/f.sail en ne and I will write you a policy, and . wuen either or any of these destructive ele. • ;',i meats devastates your property, happy will v fee be if you bold one of my policies, for I •. will surety visit you, anil |minister unto you. ^ W*U sat fetaafct yea. ' „ ^ '*> , iAl W. SMI7H, mi. -v- Vm'l Jnmanct Ag W. J. CUTXERIDGE, TRACHER OF ISSTRUMEXTAL MUSlC. Termt. reasonable, and sntisfnction guar­ anteed. Rooms at Mrs. L. A. Clark's, Mc­ Henry, III. A. M. CHURCH, Watchmaker and Joweler NO. M FIFTH AVE., (Brigjrs House). Chi* CHJJO. III. Special attention given tore- pairing Fine watches and Chronometers. tOTA Full Assortment of Goods in his line AT THE OLt> STAND, JACOB BONSLETT, SALOON AND RESTAURANT, at the old J Btand, opj»osite Bishop's mill, McHenry, 111. The choicest Wines, Liquors an'i Cigars to be found in the county. Warm or celd meals on short notice on application. GOOD STABLING FOR HORSES. J. PEKOVSKY, CIGAR MANUFACTURER, Wholesale and Retail Dealer. HANDLES none but his own make,and will compare his Brands with thu best made in Llio stale. Store ami Manufactory next (lodr to " he Post Olliee, McHenry, IlL 11 •••A STOPPED FREE • • MurvtUus sucetst. • • Insane Parsons Reitorsd • • flSDr.KLINE'S GREAT . • • NERVERESTORER \ for ail Baam ft Naava DISBASES. Only mr* 9 cure for Nerve AJfectitns, Fits, F.pilepsyt etc, IIWPALIIDLB if taken AI directed. No Fits nfttr rserfitv's use. Traadte ted $9 trial bottle free to frit patients, they paying express charpes on bo* whem 1. Ssn<t names, I1. O. an4 express addrtM of . to DK.KLINE.Q-U Arch ST.,RHIL«)elpiiiAjP»* iPfUKtfistt. BEWARE OF IMITATING FRAUDS. BY MAIL. Thoroughly taught by practical stenojrrrf|>h- ers in Kowell & Hickcox' Correspondence Class of Phonography. Tuition t5 a term (12 lessons) two terms in the fall course. The most popular, the largest, the oldest, iron re­ liable class of shorthand in existence. Through it hundreds have acquired a thor­ ough knowledge of Phonography. Write for particulars nnd ciiculars. B0WELL ft HICKCX, Boston Mas*. American agents for Isaac Pitman's Phono- (rrapliic BookN, und <leulers in all Shorthand Boo\s and supplies. The American Shorthasil Writer. (FOURTH TRAH.) The Cheapest Shorthand Journal t in the United States. Each nnmber contains fac-fiiuiile reporting notes of eminent stenographers in the variees sy stems of Isaac and Ben Pitman, Graham, Mud son, Takgrufy, etc., and all the news in­ teresting to the profession. Contributed to by leading stenographers. SUB3C1PTION S1.00 A TKAR. ; Sinfle umbers, 15 Cents. Row ELL ft HICKCOX, Boston, Mass. DO YOU KNOW THAT Plug Tobacco, ;With Red Tin Tag; Rose Leaf Fine Cut Chew tng; Navy Clippings, and Black, Brown and yellow Snuffs«ure the best and the cboieest quality considered. < tt,.< Attention Horsemen! I wouid call tho„ ultentfion of the public to my Stable ot Stock Horses, four in number: two Morofans, one 3-4 Percheron, and one Imported Horse. They are all good representatives of their breed. Also a fett Merino Sheep io r sale. The public are cordially invited to call and examine stock, get prices, etc. No business done on Sunday. N. S. COLBY. 10-7-tf » McHKNRY, ILL Culver House, RICHMOND. ILL. C.N. CULVER, - - PROPRIETOR. HAVIN3 recently purchased the above House, I hare put it in thorough repair, with fnew furniture throughout, and would respectfully invite the patronage of the trav­ eling public and others. The tables will al­ ways lie provided with the hest that can be procured, and polite and attentive waiters will be in readiness at all times to attend to the wants of guests. No pains will be spared to wake this a First Class House. Large and commodious barns on the premises. Free Omnibus to and from all trains. Sample Rooms on first floor. BOBERT C. BSBSSTT, -BREEDER OF- . H COWLIN ^ : .fflUOCCSSOK TO M. M..CLOTHIKR] f f .S. WAR CLAIM SQLlClTOB AND ATTORNEY. ALSO NOTARY PUBLIC. Prosecutes pensior or any other claims against the government, relating to the lute, or former wins. Complicated cases and re­ jected claims made a specialty. If Btamps arc enclosed for reply, all communications Will be promptly answered. Office at Residence, MAO SON ST., WOODSTOCK. ILL. References by permission as regards char­ acter, business ability, reliability, Ac., Ac : Gen. John A. Logan, U S. Senator, Chicago, Illinois. Gen. J,C. Smith, State Treasurer of Illinois. Hon. R Ellwood, M. C. 5th 111. Dist., Syc­ amore, III. Hon. John C. Sherwin. ejr-M. C. 5th III. Dist., Aurora, III Hon. A. M. Jones, IT. 8. Marshal,Chicago, III Col. Jas. A. Sexton, Pres. Union (Veteran Club, Chicago, 111. Jetse A. Baldwin, Ass't U. 8. Attorney, Chi­ cago, III. Messrs. Selz, Schwab ft Co., Wholesale Boot and Shoe Dealers. Chicago, III. Also hundreds of county and hone referen­ ces. UK PUMP REPAIRING, CEMENTING, ETC. The undersigned is prepared te do all jobs In r 'Milne of IMgglng Wells, Re^fftfti > Puuipi, Cementing Wells, o«f . ' will p(it in New Pumps On short notice and warrant satisfaction. In short will do all work in this line. Can furaish you a new Pump, either wool or iron, warranted, as cheap as _ any other man, Q Good references furnished if desired. If you want a Well Dug, a l'uuip Repaired er a new I'uinp, give me a call.' *S"Or<lers by mall promptly ,.atton'led|to. PeelOdtoe, Johnsburgh. III. L. BANTES. Johnsburgh, 111., May 35th, 188k ' • . * ? HE. WIGHTMAN, Proprietor. First class rigs, with or without drivers furnished at reasonable rates. Teamlug ot on iteftft notice. J. P. SMITH, WATCHMAKER ̂ McHenry, - Ulinols. Htviug moved into my new store, one dsor ifi tst of Mrs. Scarlcs' Miillnerv Store I a«| mw prep.\re<l to show to the buying public as flne a stock of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry. Silyer and Plated Ware, Asia-I be found in the county, which IJoffer »t prices thai cannot be beat. The .flnest line of l^liiger Hingis, a.rvi seen in this section. Also ;Agent .for (ie »»ipular| SS^BOSM Se«i&£ 21MUM. A Fine Stock of CHOICE CONFECTIONERY, AND CIGARS. Atwavs on hand. ••'Call In, examine goods an I ham prices. Remember I will not be un '"rsold, quality of goods considered. J. P. SMITH. McH«iry, IlLJOct. 13, 1884. A, FOWLS f RICHMOND, ILL. • (riUT. REMIUM AT MCHEHBT COUKTT FAIR.) Mr fowls are of the celebrated DITKR OF YOliK strain, remarkable for their great size and laying qualities. I can show a trio of last season's chicks weighing 31 pounds. Kggs, per setting of thirteen. il.SU, delivered to purchaser In Biefembnd, Shipped, securely packed, 9100. MOBXRT a BBJSNXn* . m i u i j u n , SALOON and RESTAURANT Buck's Old Stand, j" MCHENRY, ILLINOIS. Fine Kentucky Liquors, French Bitters, McHenry Lager Beer, Phil. Best's litlw&ukes BMI By the Bottle or Case. We buy none but the best and sell at Reasonable Prices. Call aud see me and I will use you well. ANTONY ENGELN. McHenry. 111., 1884. Apts f add For '-History, Romance and Philosophy of Great American Crimes and Criminals." The most startling book of recent veHi-s. Biographical, Pictorial, 161 Superb Kngruvings with personal Portraits of the t/'elebrated Criminals. 059 Rovnl Octave pages. Low retail price, #2 50. It is a work of <»rt as well as of thrilling historic interest. Is bound to produce a profound impression. Agents sell it by the thousands. A grand chance for canvass*ers. 1 Sen'I f°r particulars and Apts wantei. ̂ econmvoTtcê eth,» ̂ profitable book published; or, to save time, send 76 cents at once for cmvassing Hook and btate vour choice of townships. Address K. D. THOMPSON A Co., Publishers, St. Louis, Mo. Or AOw York City. *w Men Wanted. 4N> aell our Nursery products, on salary add expenses paid by us, ot, if preferred, on com­ mission. Work every month in the year tor energetic and reliable men. Business easily learned. Wages liberal. Terms and outfit free. Address, stating age and inclosing stamp, ft. &• VHA8E * CO., (The Chase Nurseries.) Geaera, If. J. SI for 13 Weeks. The POMCE GAZETTE will he mailed, securely wrapped, to any address in the Uillted stoves for tfcree months on receipt of ONE DOLLAR. Liberal discount allowed to postmasters, agents and clubs. Sample copies mailed tree Address all orders to BICHARD K. FOX, rSAHKUK SQt ARB, XejV now TO SAVE: That is d >ne by gol^|( to the well-known >/ #ERCHAN4 TAILOR, • Herman Maiman, Wauconda, III. V --Dealer tin-- * FOBEI&H AITS COMESriC CLOTHS-- Of all kinds. Onler you a salt of clothes which is perfect Sttiug|iid all W^ORK WARRANTED, Ot Money refunded. Herman#!. Maiman. Wauconda, March Sid, Smokers #all For • >v QR6 CEXT STRMiGHT CIQA&. S I L V E R T A Or 3 for a QUjltrter Cigar, Oii 10 C'KXl STRAIGHT CIGA It. The Finest Goods Ever Offered FOIt SALE BY • All First-Clais Dealers. RETAIL^IIS ATTENTION. We advertise tlio nliov^fe l-.rands in the lead ing St. Louis dailies, and your name will ap pear anions the li*t ot agencies ouco a week for ('.0 days from date of last purchase. >*ith first order we semi !? neat and ,pretty sisns. We have one price for these tfoods from which there is no delation, namelv: Nickle Tasr, f:t».00; Silver T.-ise, •#•.<*»; (iold Tap, $70.00 per MKW. We also «'arr* the most externive line of Domestic, Key West and Imported Clears in the country, at hottorn prices. Sample oi-ders solicited. Goods guaranteed. Address, I TAYLOR HF*&fC0., St- Unit, Mo. H. P. HULL, Manager., SIBLEYfS Soldiers' Department, R®iS¥.?!r i'Vi vr.58«ra SgrR'R Tcsctikie, Flower and M«U OLLUj DliliTC BILBM, FI^»HIMTS» SEP: TLAI1IO HUES and IIII'I.I-MKNTH •riUlktada, MILLED FH Kli on appllcatloe HIRAM SIBLEY & CO. ROCHESTER, N.Y. CHICAGO, ILL ,122-326 E. Main St. 200-206 Randolph St W I N S L O W ' S "Vineyard" Roller Skates. For the best, most durable and Aasiest run­ ning Boiler skates get the ••VINEYARD." \'l the principal Rinks are usinjr the "ViNEYARD" Roller. Put up in All Clamp, Half Clamp and strapped Complete. The demand for these skates is so preat that they are kept in slock by all principal liSfr I- ware dealers throughout the country. Manufactured bv the Inventor and Patentee SAMUEL WINSLOW, WORUESTEK, M\3S. JOE BARGAINS IS For Coal and Wood ALL ON- E. M. HOWE Opposite Bishop's Mill, ^ho has a completejline of the best stores in the market, as well as a large stock of Hardware, Mechanic's Tools, TIN, COPPER & SHEET IRON WARE, And, *in|fact, everything in ttM bardware 4(ove and tin lino. .. \ < HE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD. Oall at his store before buying elsewhere, lobbing and repairing promptly attended to 49"Remember, extra good bargains can Al­ ways he obtained at Howe's. , McHenry, Dec. 1, 1883. CONDUCTED BT DR. S. F. BENNETT. County C. A- R. Directory. RICHMOND POST NO 286. Meets the first and third Friciaj evenings of each mon th. DR. 8. F, BENNETT, Com. WOOD8TOOK POST, VO 108, Meets the third Monday evenings of each month. B. N. SMITH, Com. NL'NDA POST, NO . i J?„oei8 flrst f,,,a thil-'1 Wednesday even ing» of each mont^rv T BOTLKB, Com. R, HARVARD PO«\ NO 255. Meetn t-he second and fourth Monday eve•»• ing« ot each month. / D^1. H. TV WooDRCFr, Com. t)ur!ng the month of April over 1600 letters received from Senators and Representatives Inquiring after pen­ sion ca9pp, were answered. Three per cent, of the labor of the 140® clerks em­ ployed In the pension oifiee Is expend­ ed in replying to these letters. If a little »f the red tapelsm of the pension office was laid a'lde, and its 1400 clerks made to work eight hours or more a day, it won d not be long be­ fore the work would be well in hand and new applications would pass with­ in three months to a final adjustment. The requiring of froiii six months to six or more years to decide whether a man has received wounds of contracted disease l;i the service sufficient to en­ title him to a stipend of two or more dollars per month is a piece of fooHsh- ness which the United States Govern­ ment ought not to tolerate. If the work of the Department can not bt? cared for by 1400 clerks, have double the number, but leathern work instead of lounging around their desks reading newspapers, attending to private cor­ respondence, etc., while the men whose very lives, to a certain extent, depend upon the meager sums due them, suffer the pangs of hunger, the want of modi and care, and pass to an early grave, feeling ^hat lor the past in which they risked all. their country was urgratet'iil. Commissioner Black may be powerless in this matter, as ids predecessors have claimed to be. and lie maj not. If in his p »wer, he shoul 1 revo.utionizo the pension bureau, weed out ill drones, work the entire tore© tfn hours a day, (they certainly get better pay tha-i commercial clerks who work even longer) and use «very, means who are entitled to pension?, witliout delav the amount due them. Congress at its next session should tevise the laws governing tills department so tint all technicalities cmid be put aside and honest • rvice be appropriately rewarded. The Elgin Eoeiy Saturday contains rhe following tribute to our dead sol­ diers wliose graves were decorated last Saturday: "Our good people owe to the sol !i«r dead a gratitude which money cannot pay. That gratitude should find fitting acknowledgment in strewing upon their graves emblems of peace, love, good will, and remembrance. One d^y I » each year Is set aside for this pur pose, Next Saturday th* who's nation will unite in scntteriiig over the final resting pUces of those who fought for freedom, for union, for home, and for right, the fairest blossoms of the early spring. The fragrance of these flowers is emblematic of the sacred memory which we, the people, hold for them, the soldiers. The union was maintain­ ed at the cost of th*!.r precious life. Their blood baptized tiie earth, and the flowers sprung up to" do them rev­ erence. It is not only a duty, but a pri­ vilege to be allowed to strew their graves with pansies, for thought, for­ get-me-nots and iillies. It is not the duty of those who tramped the long m trch or bivouaced und"r God's blue sky, or fought and bled upon the blood stained lie Id, alone to pay this mark of respect to the memories of these men. It is tbe sacred privilege of every Am­ erican citizen, who enjoys the rights and blessings whico their martyrdom established, to go forth upon the mem­ orial day and by this simple act show the sincerity of Ills gratitude." Important to Ruptured Persons The Excelsior Rupture Cure M'fg Co., ot Ogdensburg, N r. V-. guarantee to cure any case of reducible Hen ia with t^eir Remedies. THB RUFTCRK FLASTER AND HEALING COM rouND. This treatment is endorsed l>y our best Doctors', Diu^gists, and the general public. Send 6cts for free lieok on Bupture or ask yoar druggist for the Remedy- "•.f Mo Favors From That Quarter. A Washington dispatch says: Lo:k- wood Pest, Grand Army of the Repub lie, of Alpena, a few Hays ago applied to the war department through Sena­ tor Conger for the use of a cannon and blank cartridges from ths fort at Mackinac, to te used at tbe services of Memorial Day at Alpena. This favor has been granted before, the cannon being sent down on a boat and a guar * antee gi /< n for its return in good oon dition. The new secretary of war. however, decides that under the law prohibiting the use of public property fcr private purp >ses the request of the Alpena committee cannot be granted. Senator Conger endeavored to con­ vince the department officials of the propriety of granting the request, es­ pecially as there was good precedent for It. and that the cannou was wanted In a good cause. The request, liowe rer, was refused, ft the favor was asked tor a camp of "Confederate veterans*' th»;y could get a -vbole battery.--'Flint Journal, Mich. A few beautiful Wool Cashmeres at '0 cent a yard. Great bargains at ieury Colby's. WASHINGTON LKTTRR. rion Onr fcegnlar Correspondent, WASHINGTON, May 59th, USB. The re-election of General Logan to the United States Senate caused a greater stir In political circles here than anything that has occurred since the inauguration of President Cleve­ land, A few days before it had beien reported and bulletined at the news- paperoffices that through the recreaicy of two or three Republican Assembly­ men Judge Lambert Tree, of Chicago, had been chosen to the seat made va- cart by Legan's expired term. Though the rumor iemained uncontradicted for three hours or so, there was no rejoic in;; but no sooner was the news of tbe election of Gen. Logan received than near'y everybody was hurrahing.. The soldier element was particularly grati­ fied. Hundreds of people called on and extended congratulations to Mrs. Lo­ gan who is still here, and between mid­ night and one o'clock a salute of one hundred guns was fired it. the park south of the White House. Among tl.e hundreds ot" telegrams of congratula­ tions received at Gen. Logan's home here from all parts of the country are many from the late mugwumps <vlio voted against the Republican ticket last f ill. "Governor" Alex. R. Shepherd, who, under Grant's administration, lifted Washington out of the mud and made 11 beyond question the handsomest city in the country, has arranged te pay a visit to the National Capital in July next, and the people here are prepar­ ing to give him the grandest ovation that ha6 evt r been extended to any person by the residents of Washington, Gov. Shepherd lias been residing in Mexico for several years, where he has been successfully operating some rich silver mines by which he lias, It Is said quite repaired the fortune he io6t In Improving Washington. While on this subject It may be mentioned that it is af about this sea­ son, or a 1'ttle later--say from the first? te the middle of Juni--that Washing­ ton appears In its loveliest garb. Leaf and bloom and gladness are then en­ throned in every door-yard and park, and door-yards aud parks are to be found everywhere. So, come here in June if you would see the most cl.arm- irg city in the world. The reports of the condition of the frti>s inYfrginia and adjacent States LttAiuMMHraglftg.. T4j*fctwlu|r drought has so injured the wheat that there wil l be scarcely more than half a crop and bay doesn't promise much better. With rain enough froai now until the end of the season the fruit atid summer grain supply will make up this loss, however, the present indica­ tions as te these bting excellent. Secretary Whitney, of the Navy De­ partment, is contemplating a trip to the ensterr. navy yards next week, and if the President can make it conven­ ient to accept |hc^ New Yorkers' Invi­ tation to visit that city on the 30th lie will be joined there by Mr. Whitney, and maybe other members of the Cabi­ net, Yesterday was a bad day for Repub­ lic tn postmasters In Virginia. Quito a lot of them were found to he "•ffensive* ly partisan" and were flreif out.. This process of dealing with Republican otticials in the Old Dominion will un­ doubtedly satisfy a few Democratic place huutcrs, but it will not subvert Billy Mahone. He is still on hand, and stands a splendid chance of wresting the State frem Bourbon control at the next election.- Your correspondent a day or two ago had an interview with the editor-in- chief of one of the leading Independent newspapers of New Eng 1 and,*. Informed bv him that Secretary Bay­ ard's appointments hail greatly dis­ pleased the mugwumps^and that uoless a turn in aflairs was soon taken a gen­ eral break for the Republican side of the fence would fhortiy be made. Now Bayard's appointments have been frem among the best men in the Democratic party, ami I will venture the guess, a good deal better than will be made by the other Cabinet officials when they get down to the work, which will be during the next four or five weeks. Of course the mugwumps will not be ainoitg the chosen of this administra­ tion anywhere, so that if they are bound to be dissatisfied unless they are appointad to office tliey might us well commence at once to scale the hedge that diviies them from the Republi- cans^and do it deliberately and leisure- ly^/and thus save themselves from the embarrassment consequent upon hurry and a general break. There is considerable hubbub and commotion among the congregation of' the President's Church, due to the ap­ pearance In that sacred edifice last Sunday of the distinguished colored American, Hon, Fred. Douglass, with his white wife. Mr. Douglass is a Presbyterian and wanted to rent a pew, and Indeed, it is said, had already bar­ gained for one, among the administra­ tion worshipers. He is so "offensively partisan," however, that It is deter­ mined that he shan't have any sort of a seat in the President's synagogue. Cleveland greatly shocked a Mormon delegation the ether day when lie blandly informed them that they "must conform to modern u«age and become like the rest of us.'1 '•Why," said they, "we're married,'* TO SCHOOL D1RKCTORS. We publish the following circu'ar request of Lester Barber, County erintendent of «cheols: ILLINOIS STATE HEALTB. BOARD or| ! CIRCULAR TO CO. SUP*TS 0* SCHOOLS. "3 In anticipation of the possible ap­ pearance of Asiatic cholera In the MMUr ' - future, RS well as in the general tntef* est of the health of public school cblV- 't dren. the State Board of health rtigMiSt* § that Ceuntfy Superintendents throughout tlio State use their ence and authority in securing a sanitary condition of the public buildings and premises over whlel||| they have supervision, before the set* - son becomes two far advanced. ^ To this end it is desirable thai Boards of School Directors be specific­ ally advlseil of the impertanco of a* ... immediate inspection of school build* i logs and premises with reference to--^ 1. The purity of the water supply. If the water supply he from wellMiK; these should be so located and protect*: . ed as to be free from <ontamlnatloir ^ by seepage fro n privy vault*, cesspool# or other sources of ground pollution* as well as from surface drainage. Ii%<^ from springs or running streams, these should equ 1 y he rrotected again*# , contamination. If from cisterns, tlift ./i roof6 and gutters connected therewith ^ should be kept clean and free from Mjr' - accumulation of leaves or qther debris y or refuse; the curb aud cover (If the cistern be below the ground) should be^.^ sound and high enough to prevent aujr- surface-drainage; If there be any sua- h pic!on of leakage, it should be at «nei' repaired: and, unless the water from color and odor, it should be pump- ed out and t'ie cistern thoroughly ^ cleansed. Where there is any doubt aa to the wliolesomiies8 of the wat#r;."'"'f now supplied, its us$should be aband- : onod and ntiter provision should be made a t one* . ;*• - < - ' i 2. The condition of water closets and ' I privie». • Water closets should not be located ' h in basements or i iterlor rooms; should be well ventilated, properly trappt#'^'-! and thoroughly fiushe f, and th« soil*'4 pipe should be ventilated by a suiulityr pritected ventilating pipe Of "* above the roof. Privy vaults be emptied and disinfected gerous. If the present location to jectionibie, new tight vaults, prefer- ably above ground, should be construct- $ ed at a safe distance from any sooree of wat« r supply. The old vaults should, J be emptied, and tlien fil ed with clean J dry earth. 3. The drainu^e tOM pOtici^f ef grounds. Grounds around rch«>ol-buildings should be thoroughly drained;gutters, sewers and other drains should be 'j cleaned o^it, di lnfected if necessary^ and kept free from obstructions; stag nant water, either on the premises orOi in the vicinity, should be drained off,: i aud the low moist places filled in with; clean dry earth, or sprinkled wlth^| fresh-burned lime. All accunulationa u : of refuse, ashes, etc., should be reinov* ed and the ground kept scrupulously clean. 4. The condition of building*. ' "4 So far as practicable a thorough ^ sprir.g cleanlug should be given to all': .s school looms, and especially to thtt basements where there are »u„*b. Damp basements or underground at<K~ 'j ries, after being properly e'eaned,, should be liberally sprinkled with 1 fresh-burned lime, changed from timet to time. All rooms should be freely : ; exposed to the air when not occupied^ ?| buildings which are connected with s|wers and a public water service^"•% should be carefully inspected as to th«;" ? plumbing an 1 drainage, and all defeettt'. - should be Jproperly remedied. Where nuisances exist on adjoining - j premises or in the vicinity of a school, I the attention of the proper authorities £ should be called thereto by the School « Directors and their immediate sup-- -t\ pression should be requested. The foregoing suggestions will indi- Tj cate the most sanitary defects which ! require immediate atteutfon; and, it * I they will be of any service to County Superintendents in securing the nee* M essary action by School Directois, ad* dltloual copies ef this circular will bet rj supplied for such purpose. RequesuK^| lor such additional copies, specifying; ^ the number desired, should be made US' the Secretary at Springfield. As soon as practicable, and from time to time as necessity atises, reports of the condition of the school should bs made to the Board, which is prepared! to f jrnlsh any information or advice, or to render &uy assistance in its er to secure the end indicated. By order of the Board: ' JOUN H, RAL'CH. SuiC |S Illinois State Beard of Health* Springfield, April, 1SS5. i 1 M^A gentlemau went int*arrow4» ed store to buy some stockings for hi* wife. "I want striped ones," he cat# to the clerk. "We have very IMT stripes, sir." the clerk replied; "they are not much worn BOW.** "Are ye* sure?" **Oh yes, quite sure. I will demonstrate the fact." Then he taNft* ed over the counter aud shouted? "Rats!" "SeeT" heastcel. HT«;|ive me plain color*.** H Jt; :* - .

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