Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Jun 1885, p. 1

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'T-* • - i ~ , ^ %• i ' ' *' t i * * *********£ "V*, .»fe* • }«W J j»: "Pledged butto Truth, to Liberty and Law; No Favors Win us and no Fear Shall Awe.1 ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17, 1885. M'HENRY, VOL. 10. for 13 Weeks. Soldiers Department, CARDS. BUSINESS The PQMCE GAZETTE will be mailed, securely wrapped, to any aiMress in the United sta es for three months on receipt of CONDUCTED BY DR. S. F. BENNETT. 3Spi m •if ill Published Evft 'y Wednesday bv 1. VA> 8LYKE -, BDITO!t\K» PUBLISHER. Office in Bishop's Block, --OPPOSITE Puuitv & OVTKN'9.- yii:'.^|fBRJ|3^'Or SUBSCRIPTION. Jne Year (In .vrva.icc) fl.50 If Not Paid ivithin Throe Months ..2.00 Subscriptions received for three or six ®pnthe in the 9!nne-«proportion. Kate* of Advertising. #e announce liberal rates for advertising III the PLAtNUEAf-ER, ami endeaw to state them so plainly that they will be readily u'n- lerstood. They are as loHows: 1 Inch one year - * 5 00 . 1 Inches one year - • V - - 10 W S Inches one "year - * • 15 00 If Column one year - • *. • - SOW If Column one "year- - : » fiOOfl Column one year - »' - 100 00 One inch means the M^s'MMiaaiit of one nch down the column, single column width. Yearly ad vert i sera, at the above rates, have the privilege of changing as often as thoy tboose, without extra charge. Regular advertisers (meaning - those having Standing cards) will be entitled to insertion •f local notices at the rate of 5 cents per line each week. All others will be charged 10 cents per ;ine the fl:stweek, and 5 cents per line foe each subsequent week. Transient advertisements will be charged St the rate of 10 cents pe line, (nonpareil type, same as this is set in) the lirst issue, and Scents per line for subsequent issues. Th'is, kn inch advertisement will cost $1.00 for one week, $1.50 for two weeks, #2.00 for three weeks, and so on. The PLAIKDKALBR will be liberal in giving •ditorial notices, but, as a business rule, it will require a suitable fee from everybody •Peking the use of its columns for pecuniary gain. BUSINESS CARDS. H. T. BROWX.M.D. PHYSICIAN AND SlTIWEOtf. Office over the Post Office, opposite Perry & Martin's Store ni> stairs, Mcllenry, Hi. •" • - •••• gi -- , C. H. FliGKliS, M, D- I>HVSlCl.\N AMD StJRilEOH, McHenry, Ills. Ofllce at Residence. O. J. HOWARD, M. D. I1HYSICTAN AXD StXUUKON, Mollenrv, I III. Office one door West of FlUsimmons 4 Kvanson's store, up Stairs. BAlt 151 AN ISHOS. CIGAR Manufacturers, McHenry, III. Or­ders solicited. Shop, la Old Mcllenry, ji Keiter Block, two doors wes% of 'PLAIN- IBAL£R Oflice. ASA W. SMITH, TTORNEY AT I,AW and Solicitor to L Chancery.--Woodstock, III. - • • • • . WASHINGTON, D. The papular palace hotel of the National Capital. Conveniently located and accessible to all the street car lines of the city. Open all tbe year. ^ ̂ STAPLES, PROPRIETOR. Late of the Thousand Island House. ROBT SCHIESSLE Having purchased the old stand of Joseph Wiedemann, . NEAR THE DEPOT. McHENRY, ILLINOIS, Keeps open for the accommodation of the Public a First-Class Saloon and Restaurant, Wbcre Jie will at all limes keen thegbest ; tiiWids of Wines, Liquors and Cigars ; to be found in the market. Also Agent For FRANZ FALK'S BMADKEE LAGER BEER Beer in Large or Small Kegs or Bottles al. ways on hand, cheaper than any other, quali­ ty considered. * ' Orders by mall promptly attended to. GOOD HTABL1NU FOR HOR&E8. S»"Call and see us. Robert Schiessle. McHenry, 111., May 15th, 1385. M A R C U S ' GERMAN JESSR A. BALDWIN, TTORNEY AT LAW. businSBS la A' attention, cago, 111. Every part of the State receives prompt ' Room 24, 99 Washington St., Ctai- S. F. BENNETT, M. D. tfYSIClAN AND SURGEON. AlsoUnlted Richmond, States Examining Surgeon. Illinois. A. 8. CHILDS, M. P., HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SUR­GEON, West McHenry, 111. Call" promptly attended to, day or niarht. DR. C. R. WELLS. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Wauconda, Lakt Co., III. All calls promptly attend, ed, day or night. Office on Mainist., east of Barker's harness shop. MARY G. BARBIAN. HAIR WORKER. AH kn.ds of Hair Work done in llrst class style and at reasonable prices. Rooms st residence, north- east corner of Public Square, McHenry, 111. D* PR. C. E. WILLIAMS. ENTIST. Residence Dundee. Will be at Mi*Henry, at Parker House, the 10th 11th •25th and iWlth of each month. When dates occur Saturday or Sunday I make my visits on the following Monday, and the llrst day of such visit occurs on Friday, I will stay but one day. W. J. CUTTERIDGE, TEACHER OF INSTRUMENTAL MUS.C* Terms reasonable, and satisfaction guar­ anteed. Rooms at Mrs. L.' A. Clark'4, -Mc- Henrv, III. A. M. CHURCH, Wrttehmukor and Jeweler NO. 55 FIFTH AVE., (Briggs House), Chi­cago, ill. Special attention given to re­ pairing Fine watches and Chronometers. 4VA Full Assortment of Goods in his line AT THE OLD STAND, JACOB BONSLETT, JALOON AND RESTAURANT, at the old J stand, opposite Bishop's mill, McHenry, III. The choicest Wines, Liquors and Cigars to be found in the county. Warm or celd meals on short notice on application. GOOD STABLING FOR HORSES. J. PEKOVSKY, CIGAR MANUFACTURER, Wholesale and Retail Dealer. HANDLES nore but his own make,and will compare his Brands with the best mad« in tlie state. Store and Manufactory next door to ' lie Post Office, McHenry, III. Manufactured by . M AUG US, -DEALER IN- PURE WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. Woodstock, III. '•.The best Tonic in the world. Put up in ^intand Quart Bottles. <£v F. MARCUS* Patentee. jPONT YOU FO ASA W. SMITH, --OF-- WoocbsloOlc* • Illinois. Backed by Millions of mftBey^ o&ryou INDEMNITY against damage by ll" ffcSTOPPED FREE H H Marvelous success. • • Insane Persons Restored • • MS Dr.KLINE'S GREAT • • NERVERESTORER '<2//BRAIN&NKRVK DISEASES. Onlymrt re for Nerve Aj/ictu*ns. Fus, F.pi!rpsy% ttc+ I INFAI.I .IIJLR if t..ken as directed. Nohtsmfter 1 first?y\f use. Treatise And $2 trial bottle free to Fit p. - r.'iits, tt:ey paving expresschnrgesonbox whea e I. S-nd'nauir-s, P. < ). an4 express address of '• \ to n««.KUNIi.oit Ar h St.,rhiHdelphia,Pa. JUif+'AJtM OF IMITATING FKAUDS. 'SHORT HAND BY MAIL? Tlioroughly tauglit by practical stenograph­ ers in Rowe'll & llickcox' Correspondence Class of Phonography. Tuition $5 a terin (12 lessons) two terms in the full course. The most popular, the largest, tbe oldest, iro.'t re­ liable >'lass of shorthaml In existence. Through it hundreds have acquired a thor- •jugh knowled-ge of Phonography. Write for particulars ftn<t chculars. ROW ELL & HICKCX, Boston Has* American agents for Isaac Pitman's Phono­ graphic Books, aii'l dealers in all Shorthand Books and supplies. The American Shorthand Writer. (FOURTH YEAR.) The Cheapest Shorthand Journal in the United States. Each number contains fac-sinile reporting notes-of'eminent stenographers in the various systems of -Isaac and Ben Pitman, Graham, Munson, Takgrafy, etc., nnd all the news in­ teresting to the protession. Contributed to by leading stenographers. SUBSCRIPTION Sl.OO A TBAR. ®4ngle S limbers, 15 Cents. Row ELL A IIIOKCOX, Boston, Mass. PUMP REPAIRING, CEMENTING, ETC. The nndersigned is prepared to do all jobs la the line of Digging Wells, Repairing Pumps, Cementing Wells, or will put in New Pumps On short notice and warrant satisfaction. Ia short will do all work in this line. Can furush you a new Pump, either wool or iron, warranted, as cheap as any other man. Good references furnished if desired. If you want a Well Dug, a Pump Repaired er a new Pump, give me a call. WOrderi bv mall promptly Jh, III. attended to. Post Q&em,Johntburgli L. BANTESi Johnsbargh, III., May 2Sth, KM. H E. WiGHTMAN, Proprietor. class rigs, with or without drivers furnished at reasonable rates, all kinds done on short notice ONE DOLLAH. Liberal discount-allowed to postmasters, agents and clubs. Sample copies mailed tree . Address all orders to „ ALCHARD X FOX, FRANKLiK SyiTARE, New York. HOW TO SAVE Wait la dMe by wM&o the well-known iyiERCHAllT|TAILOR f Herman Mttimau. Wauconda, III. Dealetjln rOatlGN AITO DOMESTIC - If J. _ Of all kinds. Order J091 a suit Of Clothes •Which is perfect fittinga|*l all * WORK WARRANTED, i k' Or Money refunded, f f; Herman fl Wauconda, March 23d, 1*6. County G. A R. Directory. RICHMOND POST NO 298. e«^he«ttttith "m UKt tlUrU FrillaJ evenings of DR. S. P, BESKBTT. Con. • ' "WOODSTOCK POST, NO 10S. Meets the tbird Monday evenings of each onUi. - :, : i .. . -. ' B. X. SMITH, Com. SFNDA POST, NO •. Meets the first and third^ Wednesday evftii mgs of each month. - F E" WM. BUTLER, Com, HARVARD POST, NO 255. ^ 'WwHiISe second and fourth Monday even­ ings of each month. DR. H. T. WOODRUFF, COM. Maiman. J. P. SMITH, ! JEWELER, McHenry, - Illinois. H.viue moved into my new store, one door Vast of Mrs. Searles' Millinery Store I »«• now pre pa red to show to the buying public as fine a stock of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry. Silver and Plated Ware, As M<i be found in the county, which I{offbr u prices that cannot be beat. The tflnest line of l^ing-ei* H ings, v«r seen In this section. Also 'Agent ;Por It* P >pular| S»* Hsnt Stwiog ilaehia*. A Fine Stock of CHOICE CONFECTIONERY, AND CIGARS. Always on hand. I^Call in, examine goods an I 'iarn prices. Kemember I will not be un lorsold, quality of goods considered. /T*. SMITH.11 McHonry, Ill.JOci. 13, ISM. Smokers niokl: v srii^muT via4^ . S I L V E f t T A G , Or Z Bar a Qi ajfcer Cigar. QOLDITAG, OR 10 CE.X'J lSI'I^AHO'UT ('/(•' I /'. The Finest Gooili Ever Offered FOR SALfc BY All Flrst-Class Dealers. RETAILERS J^TTENTIOX, We advertise the aliove^branils in the lead Ing St. l.ouis dailies, and your name will sp war among the list ot ;ig««!ie8 onco a week or R0 days from date of las I purchase. -Villi llrst order we send 3 nw|t and .pretty signs. We have one price tor ; these goods from which there is no deviation, namely: JCickle Tag, f.Ti.OO; Silver Tag, «».<>•'; «i'dd Tag, $70.(H) >er 1000. We also carry] (lie most extent ive ine of Domestic, Key W< st and Imported Cistars in the country, atjfnttom prices. Sample orders solicited^ Goods guaranteed. Address, •* TAYLOR MF'G fO., St- Louis, Mo. H. P. HULL, Manager. A. r DO YOU KNOW THAT Plug Tobacco, 1 With Red Tin Tag; Rose Leaf Fine Cnt chew ing; Navy Clippings, and Black, Brown and Yellow Snuffs ure the best and the choleest quality considered. Attention Horsemen! I would call the atteiitfion of the public to my Stable ot Stock Horses, four in number: two Morgans, one .3-4 Percherou, and one Imported Horse. They arc all good representatives of their breed. Also a few Merino Sheep m ^sale. The public are cordially invited to call and examine stock, get prices, etc. No business done on Sunday. N. S. COLBY. MCHENRY, ILL Culver House, RICHMOND. ILL. C.N. CULVER, - - PROPRIBTOR. HAVIS 3 recently purchased the above lions*, I have put it in thorough repair, with new furniture throughout, and would rcfepectfull v invite the patronage of the trav. cling public and others. The tables will al­ ways lie proridol with the best that can be procured, and polite and attentive waiters will be in readiness at all times to attend to the wants of guests. No pains will be spared to make tins a First Class House. I.arge and commodious barns on the premises. Free Omnibus to and from all trains. Sample Rooms on first floor. SALOON and RESTAURANT Buck's Old Stand, MoHINRV, ILLINOIS. Fine Kentucky Liquors, French Bitters, McHenry Lager Beer, Falka' UilwaokM B*M, By the Bottle or Case. We buy none but the best and sell at Reasonable Prices. Call and see me and I will use you well. ANTONY ENGELN. McHenry, ill., 1884. .rif#, Lightning, Wind 8torm« f ; y-*, 1 CrCLOXES AND TOHXADOE& ; Drop me a postal card and I will visit you; ;^jallon me and I will write you a policy, and •;#iicii either oranv of these destructive el® -Aents devastates 'your property, happy will •on be if you hold one of my policies, for I will suroiy visit you, *.nd minister onto you. not forsak« yon. ASA W. SMITH, Uen'l Imuanee Ag C, -lUtEEDKIt OF BENNETT, Liolit Brahma F<>W RICHMOND, ILL. (FIK8T HEMIUM \T MCLLFCNBT OODNTT FAIR ) Mv fowls are of the celebrated DUKB Of YOI'JK strain, remarkable for their great size and laving qualities. I can show a trio of last season's chicks weighing SI pounds. Eggs, per setting of thirteen. 91.5U, delivered to purchaser in Richmond, Shipped, securely packed, «&00. JiOBERT G BBANXT1 P. HAUPERISCH, McHenry, Illinois, *01,11 inform the ftrmersof McHenry and « irrounding country that he is prepared to sell them a K1RST-CLASS PLOW, And warrant the same,at a lewer price than lit purchased elsewhere in the county, Al> ainds of BLACRSMITRING, WAGO 19 tnd t ARRIAGB work promptly attended ta HEPAIIIING, • tali kinds on short notice. **"Give ns a 9til and we will please you both In qnailt? in 1 rice of work. P. HAUPERISCH. M.-.lenry, III., Oct. 7th. 1884. For *• Hi story, Romance and Philosophy of Great American Crimes and Criminals." The most startling book oi recent vears. Biographical, Pictorial, 161 Superb Engravings with personal Portraits of the Celebrated Criminals. 65.9 Royal Octave pages Low retail price, #2 60. It is a work of art as well as of thrilling historic interest. Is bound to produce a profound impression. Agents sell it by the thousands. A grand chance for canvassers. Rend for particulars and be convinced that this is the most salable and protitable book published; or, to save time send 75 cents at once for cmvassing'Jiook and state your choice of townships. Aditress K.U THOMPSON A Co., Publishers, St. Bonis, Mo. •r sew York City. ipts Wanted. Men Wanted. To sell our Nursery products, on salary a*4 expenses paid by us, oi, if preferred, on com­ mission. Work every month in the year tor energetic and reliable men. Business easily learned. Wages liberal. Terms and outfit free. Address, stating age nnd Inclosing stamp, & fl> CHASE ft (The Chase Nurseries.) Geneva, SIBLEY'S Send for our ILM **TRATEI> and I)E. il-HIPTlVIt OATALIHUU of CtmO Vegetable, Flower ami f ield OLLUO D11IITC BULBS, FLOIII>TS* Sffi*. rjLRIllQ Pl'IBM nnd I HI'LI MENTS •(all kinds, mailed Fit I'l'. on nppliculioa HIRAM SIBLEY & CO. ROCHESTER, N. Y. CHICAGO, ILL. x»22-326 E. Main St. 200-206 Randolph St ittitiitfiji NO. 48. •IT-i I Written for the Plaindealer. JP|ttKSSRK'S DROLLEUIKS. NO 19. -' . BY I* L D., ST. tOtJTS, MO. THE VEIL. How oft a girl with obvi ms veil ^Obscures her face of light, „ So none a naughty glance may s|§ik} i Upon its snowy v» hite. V I hate that e'ei obtrusive veil 5- With malice deep, and keen Perhaps we smile upon such girla Whose looks are best--unseen! From the Comrade. Reminiscences of the Battle of Chicamauga, Ca. By Sam-Clark, of Post 317, Sidney, III., for. merly a member of Co. C, Twentv-flft ' i Regt Illinois lnftntrv. General Davis^ Division of the Twentieth Corps, Arm" ot the Cumber- land. Fought September 19th and 20th, 1S63. It was on the morning of September 19, 1863, ami we were ordered to ad­ vance our lines. We received a very warm reception by the " Johnnies" and the battle raged with unabated fury, during tlie whole of thal'ever to be remembered day. I was the only man in the Twenty-fifth that w&s armed with a Henry rifle, a sixteen shooter, and during the day I fired 371 rounds out of it. On Saturday, the first day of the battle, our division suite red ter­ ribly along the flrst part of the night. I was sitting cleaning out my gun, for I lind still about my person the same number of loads I had fired during the day; 1 had bcco-ne somewhat aceii"- tomed to the dangerous incidents of hard fought battles, lor mind you this was not my flrst experience by any means; yet you all know tjie feelings of tl.e soldier after the noise and din of battle has somen hat subsided, and lie gets a charjce to collect his thought* together ind to turn them to and on more pleasant meditations, generally toward loved ones at home: but at this particular time I was feelirg pretty good. 1 had been lucky enough to come out whole, in tact 1 had never received a scratch from an enemy's gun vet, but just aj--I had mnde everything ready for tr^^pbrrow's work and in the act of lying do« II to seek what rest 1 could in front of the enemies' lines, for we laid on our arms during the night, one ol my companion;: came op to me and I * frm n t IW, %u Ofc^tii h*. BARTHOLOMEW PECK AM. DEAR BOB.--I well remember the time my friend Denmore Introduced me to Mr. Pegrarn. I remember It so d'stinjtly chiefly owing to the manner in which Mr. Peg ram made acknowl­ edgment of our acquaintance. He was sitting on a high stool. "Mr. Pegram,"' said Denmore,' I'll make you acquaint­ ed with'my friend, Mr. Dresser." Mr. Pegram, In his haste to get trnm the stool and grasp me cordially by the hand, in some way caught his foot in the round* and fell sprawling to the floor, so exciting the dog ad to cause the nulmal to make a quick snap at him. "0,1 ain't a rat, you dog! I'm too tough to chew, I aiy. Say, ain't 1, Denmore?" Thus spoke Mr. Pegram. partly to the dog, partly to my friend. Mr. Denmore replied that he had never given the matter much thought, and would not care to hazard ah opiniou, as It would be liable to be incorrect. Mr. Pegram got up and grasped me by the hand, shaking my arm like a pump handle, while lie talked. Said lie: "You know I wauted to shake hands with you. Denmore knows I did. I am very glad to make your acquaintance. If you do not object to being seen lu my company, we.'ll take a walk. I want to buy a pie, I do. Don't 1, Denmore?" Mr. Denmore replied in the affirmative and then we left him, walking In the direction of the nearest bakery. '"Do you know," began Mr. Pegram, "1 sou.etlmes think horses should be !j|ed on pie. 'Why,' says you? O, says li to keep 'em fioin getting piebald. r<ia .'s a joke!" llere lie chuckled, ar.d seemed to expect me to do the same, but ifry smile was not not very congen­ ial, or lasting. "Ye6, sir," lie resumed, "l'ies are the staff ol life. A friend «ays to me 'have a drink?' Thank you, says I, I'll have pie instead, if you please. 1 remember my old Aunt Winket; she was a queer old body,.and she used to make pies iti all shapes out of turnips, clover t«pk, horse-radish, W'l I>f SLO-W S ^"Vineyard"|RollerjSkates. °'W For the best, most durable and easiest run- Kollcr skates get the ••VINEYARD." the principal Rinks are using the ViNEYAKD" Roller. I'ut up in *11 Clamp, Half Ciainp and Strapped Complete. The demand for these skates is so great that they are kept in stock by all principal har l- ware dealers throughout the country. Manufactured by the Inventor and Patentee SAMUEL WINSLOW, WORCESTER, MASS. m BARGAINS IN For Coal and Wood CAM. ON E M. HOWE Opposite Bishop'ii 91111, <¥ho has a completejline of the best stoves in the market, as well as a large stock of Hardware, Mechanic's Tools, fIN, COPPER & SHEET IRON WARE, And, Mn|fact, everything in the hardware •love and tin line. HE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD. Call at his store before buying elsewhere lobbing and repairing promptly attended to iKf Remember, extra good bargains can al *ays be obtained at Howe's. McHenry, Dec. 1, 1888. Important to Ruptured Persons The Excelsior Rupture Cure M'fg Co., of Ogdensburg, N. Y.. guarantee to cur .* any case of reducible Heri fa \v:th t|,etr Itemedies. THE RUPTURE PLASTEK AND IIEAIIMI COM POUND. This treatment is endorsed by our best Doctors', Diuggists, and the general public. Send Sets for free hook on Rupture or Mk your druggist for the Remedy- morrow, so if yuti are killed or wound­ ed i can get your gun. \ >w I had bought the '"Henry rilie" myself, aid paid titty dollars for it. Or course the idea of losing it had never occurred t » me, and at .the time the request was made I felt as well as 1 ever did In my life. 1 was never given to Mipemltious notions in any way; but the thoug'it struck ine at once tnat I should either be killed or wounried on that day. On the morning of September 20th, Davis' Division took a posl-lon a lime In advance of otir last stand on the even­ ing previous, and on a line that had been occupied Iv troips that had thrown up temporary works of logs and brush. The enemy immediately advnijcd their lines In solid, compact order and about eight flies deep, with arms at trail. The Hue in the immedi­ ate front of our division,was led by an otlker, on a black horse, who rode in front of his lines and kept them weU tslosed up, I could see that as fast as gi.e dropped out the gap was immedi­ ately closed up, and ns soon as we had received ord< rs 10 open Are on them 1 turned tny ' Henry rifle" on that ytticer and filed two shota directly at bin#. So eager did I become to un*horsc him that I failed to guard my own person, and just as 1 raised my gun to fire at him the t lird time, t received a ball through my left ,.$rm between the shoulder an$ elbtfW. The gun dropped out cf my tWhds; but the officer was still elicouraglng his men. 1 soon be­ came stupified from loss of blood, and our men were foried to fall "back from that withering etoruv of lead and hail our enemies hurled at us. I did not want to lose my precious gun, and so I slipped tnv arm through the strap nnd moved to the rear as fast as my condi­ tion «*)uld allow me, and right here, let me say, was where my imagination played havoc with my nervous system, for I could feel the ball enter my left side which would give me a lurch to the right, a*id then vice versa I imag­ ined. . -• . .-v * 1 received no leftf than ihr« balls In my back as I was retreating; but none had touched me but the one before Ii had started to fall back. I had gone perhaps fifty yatds when a lieutenant of my eompauy came running up to me and said, Clark, ^»ou are badly wounded give me your gun. He took It and immediatclj' leveled it o i the advano ing lines of the enemy but the poor fellow was killed right there,and 1 lost my gun. Soon after this I sank down Irotn pure exhaustion and loss oi blood and my wound had become very pain­ ful. A couple of Ohio boys came to me and picked me up and started to the rear. They had not gone far until one of them received a mortal wound, and I was again left in a helpless manner, when one of my own company came up and assisted me to the ambulance. This is as f ir as my owtj, personal ob­ servation went in thf battle of Chicka- co^fe^ Jor some t i m e . | f v The Fish Law. As several responsible and law-abi4> Ing citizens have signified their inte#> tion of prosecuting to the fulleil extent of the law any personor persons catching fish contrary to the laws of the State ot Illinois,we hereby pubillftr the law in relition thereto. SECTION!. [WHEN UNLAWFUL IT* CATCH WITH PEINE NET ETC.] Be it en­ acted by (he People of the State of Hit- ?i°'# represented in the General Assent- bly. That it shall be unlawtul for aujr person or persons to catch or kill anjr tisli of the species comminly called* black, green, sliver or white bass, plk«. pickerel, salmon, land lock salmon, jatfk salmon, croppy or grass bass, sun fi?ti or sun perch, or other fi«h commonly known as game fish in or upon any of the rivers, creeks, streams,ponds, lakes, sloughs, bayous or other water courses wholly wtihin or runnin ; through tit* State of Illinois, with any seine, net, weir, or other device, other that; w tta hook tnd line, from the fifteenth day of February to the fifteenth day of June, in each and every year. § 1. [FISH WAYS.] That no perMW shall place, erect, or cause to be placSd or erected, aay dam. seine, net,. weir fish dam or other obstruction in or across any of the rivers,.creeks, streams, ponds, lakes, sloughs, bayous, or other water courses wholly within this state, or in that part of such stream or water course wholly within this state, In such manner as shall hinder or obstruct thit free passage of fish up or down or t5irough such waters or vater courses; and that from and after the adoption of this act it shall be unlawful foranr person to use any seine or net for tbe purpose of catching fish, except min- uow-i. in any of the waters of this statft, tbe mesh -s of whose seine is less than two inches. Provided, that it shall be unlawful for any person to catch or take any fish, other than small fish for bait, with any net. seine, wire basket, trap, or any other device whatever, except witli a hook and line or spear within one half-mile of<anr"dam con­ structed scross any of the rivers or creeks of this State. § 1, [NOT TO OBSTRUCT PASSAGB OF FISH--NETS^ That it shall be the duly of any person or persons who now own or may hereafter erect any dam' or other obstruction across any of the rivers, streams, creeks, pon lakes, sloughs, bayou?, or other wai courses within this State, to pf therein suitable flshways, in order ti th" free passage of fi»h up or down or through such waters may not t»e ob­ structed. And any person failing to provide such lishways shall be subject to a fine not exceeding §200 per yefcr, to be recovered before any justice of the peace in the county or counties wlieie such dam or obstruction may be placed: Provide t, that this act shall not apply to 'si reun,>. ponds, lakes, sloughs, *>r bayoys, llu^m^bi ob •Si! woman stuff down a pie made Iron* oak leaves. She 1 ked varety, she <1 i. 1 Denmore knows it, too." 1 doubted, some whit, that Denmore" was conversant with the Aunt's eccen­ tric tendencies, but merely made some trivial remark In reply. We reached llie bakery and Mr. Pegram called for an k,un8tintf d apple pie, with all the cider In it." When it wa6 handed him he • lie red the baker a much worn jick* knife in payment--an offer that was promptly rejected. But he bad re­ course to borrow it from me. saying he had *'a lot of money at home In a stock Ing, but had unfortunately forgotten to provide himself," and whenever 1 afterwards met him he would make casual meutioif of that stocking, never failing to, remipst the loan of a quar­ ter. ^ . is. Cutting the pie into halves, Mr. gram oflered me one of them, at the same time biting Into the other por­ tion. 1 declined, and fi.:dlug he could not move mc, he put my h df Into his pocket, and we resumed our walk upon the str et. 1 was not particularly pleased to walk along at his side as he munched away at the pie, but I did not allow it to appear so. He suddenly broke the silence by asking: "Say, do ycu think it pays a man to marry? I really want your opinion." 1 replied without tbe least hesitancy, "Certain­ ly, provid* d he loves tbe woman to whom he is united." Mr. Pegram an swered excitedly: "But he don't love her! He throws the tongs at ber, and save b'gosh he'll knock her ear off witb the shovel! Says he'll burn lier toes ofl.lie does! Denmore knows It. We have spoke »bout it often!" I was completely mystified as to who he might be, and I asked for an explaua tion. Mr. Pegram took another mouth­ ful of pie, and in attempting to speak choked so badly as to get blue in ttie face. Just as 1 was about to summon a physician he recovered and spluttered out: "I'm a fool, I am! I ought to have known you couldn't know who I meant. I mean't Sam Parker, and his wife, too." This did not make the matter any clearer to me. so I started another topic, which WHS none other than the weather: "Yes," said Pegram in reply to my observation that it was a pleas­ ant day,"so 'tis. I like a nice day •Why?' you ask. Well, says I, because I relish my pie more on a bright day than on a dark one. Denmore knows 1 do. You can ask him."' Not caring to investigate the truth of his assertions, 1 bade lilm good night, and went home to a sleep that wag pregnant with night mares-- whtcb were talking, and moving pies. » JOHNSON. Johnson liaa a blooming nose, And all times it benuieth;--., Blushing like the crimson rose, £ven when he dreameth. Yours Excitedly, titled '"An adl 8>, jf»ris truction and protection of drains, ditches, levee?, and other works," or under any act relating to the construc­ tion and protection oi drains, ditches, ievees and other works, now lit to be hereafter passed. * ' t* BfeaT N iw York has suppressed bogus butter. Thanks to the law 1,8 people have had the privilege for the year past ol eating genuine butter insteal of vlllianous compound of colored lard and cotton seed oil which Illinois laws perm I Mo be palmed oil tipoti Illinois people and as a consequence the bogui butter companies of Nev York are failing. Last Week the ConcniercUl Manufacturing, Co. makers ot oleoma!** < garine was placed in tlm hauds of receiver. About fvo weeks ago ex- Senator Roscoe Conklin also obtained' judgment gainst the company for 111,075 for professioual services, Th* company was incorporated in 1876 and was at one time the largest manufao,- turer of oleomargarine In the Unitttf States. Its consolidated capital stock was $10,000,000 and according to tha annual report its debts on January 1st were 8141.000. The company has not been de!ng any busluess for some ti<na past and the fixtures nnd machinery are covered by a chattel Mortgage t« ' secure advances. 31 M W New Wall Paper and new Over 400 <lifltrent styles at Owen's. LOVICLI.. Borders. Among the subjects which tb« Collins cojamittee of investigation la our legislature are to look into Is the alleged bribery of one Oatnpbell of Hamilton Co., by that committee of the Elgin Beard of Trade which was sent down there to push the auti bot- terlne bill. The Board of Trade appro­ priated ?500, er so much as was needed of that sum, for their expenses. When they reach 'Springfield they struck thia fellow Campbell who persuaded then that the butterlne manufactories were . us Nig a great deal of money there, but that with $1,000 he could run their bill through In spite of the n. The charge is that tyey foolisl ly raised the tuoney and gave $1,000 to him. Oil Monday last officers of the Legislature were at Elgin with subpoenas for that commit­ tee, but Uiey had wisely gone a fishing and could not be reached. The Boar# of Trade has not paid tbe bribe money and the members of that committoa who borrowed it to pty Campbell are pr ibably out that amount. John Stew­ art, ot Campton. one of the most up­ right of uien, is specially indignant, for the committee on their return, la sai^d to have given as an exenrse for this disgraceful use of money that they found that no one, not even Hon. John Stewart, their own member, would take hold and work efiecti vely for tbalr bill unless he was paid for It.-- more Republican. ,» ' ' I A strictly all wool suit of dothoa from 36 to 42. only $7.00 at Bonslett & S toilers. ______ A few beautiful Wool Cashmeres aft 0 cent a y ard. Gxe*t. *% Saury Colby**. . '. >v m ,4f- •ii-'/-.

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