Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Jul 1885, p. 8

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4?- - mr. llclorr is something the people of world can hardly do without. The Tact of oar knowing something that Ihm happened to-day, or in our IIretime •Itbotigtenot written, is a matter of ltUtorf; we may be greatly benefitted by lhak knowledge, and if it is of much "worth to as we generally give It to our relatives and friends that they too. may likewise enjoy the good derived. We always like to know what our an­ cestors were and what thpy did, and from their doings can sometimes for- luulato ideas which oft^imes change «*ir entire life. So it is^Mth^written history. We learn from histories the standing and intelligence of countries and persons of centuries ago; we learn •••of their manaer of living, their pros­ perity, their greatness, and improve on their modes as we believe will best benetlt us, There is hardly a person In the United states, who can com­ mand the English language, but who has read some history of the United States; how she came to he peopled and now she rose from a colony of England to become the greatest power on the face of the earth; so also have we read sketches of the lives of the men who were instrumental in making the foundation of this government; but these latter are only sketches, and not even biographies. What a source of satisfaction it would have been for m to know of the early boyhood and life of George Washington and other great men! Not one left a complete biography, and the world is the loser kur it. The war of the rebellion wis an event in the history of the Uuited States that will never be effaced; we of to-day can remember it distinctly, probably; but in a few years our mem- orics may not be as bright and reten* live as now, and very likely some of the events which attach much impor- .tance to themselves may be lost to us. Without a doubt Geueral Grant was the greatest general the world ever produced, and his life has been an im­ portant factor in the history of the World. A short while--God grant that it be longer than we expect--and the old hero of Appommatox will be from this earth; time will blunt our memory of his life to a great extent, and in after years, if the events of this great man's life are left to onr treacherous memories, onr children may know but little of such a factor in the history of our country as the life of General Grant. Very fortunately Grant has written &ud nearly completed his biography-- written in his own hand. It is a great book--a wo iderful history--and every man in the United States should be possessed ef a copy. It will be pub­ lished in two volumes of five hundred pages each,excellently printed, beauti* fbliy bound and finely illustrated. It to a history to be preserved. •' ' 5 •" --DEALER IN--* v * 1 '^;x • *J * ise j M®V ; BLOCK, Great In price of Clothing. If not wanted at present, perhaps )f will pay to buy for future wear. Take notice of the following prices and decide for yourselves. We offer a lot of Boys Vests for 35 cents, former price 60 cents tof 1.95 84 Chlldrens Suits, ages 4 to 9 at $ to | former price. 11 Boys Suits, ages 10 to 14 at *3.00, former price #6.50 to Us! 18 Boys Suit? *"2.00 to 85.00, former price *5 00 to *10.00. 30 Young Mens Suits, sizes 33 to 36. at *5.00. former price »7.50 t0#H)M 40 Boys Poplin Coats, sizes 26 to 36. at 25c, former price 75c to *1.00. 12 Mens Vests, light weight and color. 50c, former price *1.75 to *2.00. 47 Mens Coats, all kinds, at *2.00 to 87.00, former rrtim til Itft 8 Mens Suits at *7.00. former >rice *10.00. 5 Mens Suits at *9.00, former price *11.50. .J. *4 Mens Suits at $ to j former price. We hare recently added to our Clothing stock some v&f Neat and Durable Suits,' In latest styles and patterns, which we have marked at Very close prices, and feel confident we can please all both in quality and price. We also desire to call the particular attention of our gentle­ men friends to our new line of Goods! Oreat A tt ractions. Jk.t * eV ' 1 * BROTHERS. WAUCONWA, iLt* • /r • Our Storib is full of New, Fresh Goods. We carry only the Best. PBICSS LOWES THAN EVER. 1VXBY SXFlfiTlBHT fULL AID comm. T, Iv" - OFFER DRAIN Manufactured by %. D. GATES, and fiillF^^^totead,,^.^!!^ As GOOD TILE Can be Bought Anywhere. y - •* en 111 We can show you some of the finest patterns ever brought to j Wauconda, and invite an inspection of our stock, and a comparison Of prices. „ Have just now on hand a new line of Groceries Qroo FEED, <fcc, At Lowest feates, teas L>cxomx*. |And Delivered in Car Lots and Molasses at|^ xCftluOM Station s lUOSt convenient to purchaser. A Line of Syrups Low Prices. The Prices of all good* are arranged to We Will Hot bo Undersold.« ETThe highest market price paid for Eggs and Pfoduce. COLDINQ BROTHERS* Wauconda 111., May 20th, 1885. DEALER Advice to Mothers- Are you disturbed at night and ^||?ekeo ot your nest by a sick child suf­ fering and crying with pain of cutting teeth? if so send at once and get a bpttie of Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for children teething. Its value it incalculable. It will relieve the poor little suffer immediately. De­ pend upon it mothers, there Is no mis* take about It. It cures dysentery and diarrhoea, regulates the stomach and bowels, cures wind colic, softens the fume, reduces inflammation and gives tone and energy to the whole system. ltr->. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for children teething is pleasant to the taste, and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians •nd nurses in the United States, and is |i>r sale by all druggiets throughout the Wecld. Price 25 cents a bottle. 10-51-12W. At this season of the year during the treat,of summer, every farmer and llairymen should keep in readiness a pottle of Dickinsons Cow Prescription is It will prevent their cow from hav­ ing Milk Fever, causes her to do well. Cures Garget and all diseases of the low. For sale by all druggists. . iftofvv if; BROOKS OIL CO'S GASOLENE " • fv Out Brand of w. . WW :si/.y WHITE STAB U A S O L E I N E Is ths Safest and Purest Gasolene in the .Market. This brand barns longer than common Gas­ olene and does not emit an offensive odor, . For Gasolene Stove6 and all purposes for Which Gasolene is used, the White Star brand Is the most reliable. If the White Star Gasolene Is not sold in J'our vicinity, send your order directly to as or a barrel. BROOKS OIL CO. •,#• Kaelid Ave-. Cleveland, a At his Warehouse in McHenry, is selling the best Machinery that money will buy, and at prices as low as any dealer in McHenry or Lake Connties. I have a full line of AGRICULTURAL Which is now very complete. We have the and colors, and know we can please you. wy lata, rtyles OF ALiXi KINDS, All of the best make, and warranted as represented. No old stock or cheap snide goods. If in want of anything in the line of Agri­ cultural Tools, do not fail to call before purchasing, as I can save I you money. --FABMERS1---- I BOOTS AND SHOES I Also Want Your Wheat! For which I will pay the Highest Market Price in caoh, delivered at my Mill. If you have any Wheat bring it along and get your | money now. m? This is one of the most importaat branches of our bubiness, and one that has received our very careful attention; we have studied our trade, and now feel confident we are better than ever prepared to meet their wants in this department. For medium price goods we continue to sell the Redpath make, which have given such gen­ eral satisfaction for the past 3 years. In I* A RIES FIIMI SHOES, We are confident that for Style, Finish and Durability the celebrated John Foster goods are as good as money will buy; *we have sold them several years and always find them reliable; while in Boots the "Buffalo" make still stands ahead, having been sold in this place for over thirty years, and stood the severest tests and not been found wanting. You take no risk in purchasing them. In Dry Goods & Notions We are full of all the latest styles and novelties which will be sold at the lowest living prices; we invite the ladies to call and ex­ amine our new and beautitul Dress Goods, consisting iu part ot Silks, Cashmeres, Ottomans, Flannels, Buntings, etc., etc., which will be found in various colors and prices. eikOopBias, Tli© largest and freshest stock in town, at prices that will astonish the closest buyers. McHenrjr, April 28th, 1885. & BBOOE8, OIL CO'S CORLISS Engine Oil For Reapers and Moweru Drugs and Medicines, Our usu&Marge stock and relirble quality. Every farmer abonld bay the Corliss En ' sri Uvv .. xnw Oil is manu ffcct ar?4 ex&tui by i$j -" '• ry _ ine Oil to use on their Reapers and Mowers luring harvest. the Brooks Oil Company. •as your dealer tor % BROOKS OIL CO'*. CORUSa ENCiNg 0|l> ms$, ;• - 0 Always the best to be obtained, at bottom price*. EVERY DEPARTMENT FULL. IST"An inspection of Ooodft and PrksM respectfully folicitod. 111* Kay aotii, w* Agricultural Implements, Wauconda, Illinois, Keep9 always on hand a fall stock of the ' Iieading Farm Machinery Of All Kinds, To whieh he invites the attention of those who intend to buy, [confident he can please both in QUALITY AND PRICE. If on and Wood Pumps ot all Kinds. Steel Barb At Very kow Rates. A Full Stock of BINDULC TWINE Always Found at his Warhousei •• WE ALSO SELL Til® pavis,/J^uehy & Buggies,. The best buggy for the money to be found in the market. Call and see them. Also keep in stock a full line of Shelf and Heavy Hardware Of all kinds, which will be sold at bottom pric#. S. 13. RUSS tUSSELL. Wftu con da, May 20th, 1885. nikiipB R. BISHOP. Bonslett & Stoflfel, At their Store on the West Side, hav« just received a full and handsome line of , , Mull Press Patterns, White Dress Goods, New Styles Lawns, New Dress Ginghams, and New Prints. Largest Assortment of Oil Cloth, - Skate a&d Polss in Town, Scrimb Cloth g Curtains, 15 CENTS. Fine Stock of Spring ud Summer Sha,wls, Scar&, ferseys, Ulsters, He The Above Cuts Show Sherman's Patent Gate Hanging As applied to the common earry-around Gate, or panel of fence, makes a gate that is Cheap, Strong and Durable, combining more points ot excellence than any other gate, however expensive. Any ordinary work hand can apply this hanging by looking at the cut. The cost of iron for hanging does not exceed 15 cents. Give this Gate a careful examination. It is something every larmer needs, Farm, Town, County and State right tor sale by your Blacksmith, Agent, or 8. & J. SHERMAN. 10 38 6m W#at McHenry, I8.L. FOR ALL AGES, Kg-yye invite an inspectio11 of onr new Spring Selection of SHOES of Jill styles suitable for our trade. A full Stock, Good and Cheap. Bons e(^& Stoftel. West McHenry, 111., May 4tli, 18S6. G. M A Y E S, HARDWARE HARDWARE ! JOHN X. STORY. \ rS~0u6 Door West of the Riverside House, -DEALER IN- DEALEB (IN Ready-Made Clothng, NAILS, MECHANICS TOOLS, CHANDELIERS. Lamps. Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware. And in short, everything in the Hardware, tove and Tin Line. ' HE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD, Call at his store before buying elsewhere. JOBBING iLETD HBFA.IHINQ Invites an inspection of his stock, all ot which will be sold at the • B «>rtov^ieSto™.a8h' B--«*teFife**<fc»j Ui;Hentft 1U., June 10, F. C. MAYE8, m., March 16th, 1885. JOHN I. STORY. W'- , ,1 ^ i. - v.i" r.,' . . ; y V . 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