Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Sep 1885, p. 5

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jfefjwj pinMw. WEDNESDAY, SEPT. S3, 1885, MASONI3 MCTIENRY T.OD*IE, NO. 158 A. F. and A. Regular Communications the Saturday on or Icfore the fuil of the moon and ©very two reeks thereafter. CHAS. O. Oolbt, W. M, MCEWRT JHAPTBR No. 34 R. A. M --Reirn- ir Oonvooa.ions held on the aenond and fourth Fridays in eaob moneh. JOHN EVANSON, H. P. Railroad Time Table. On ami nftcr Monday, June 1ft, Trains will pass McHenry station as below: OOINO SOUTH.) Seneva Lake Passenger. 7:88 A. V Geneva Lake Express . S:JS " Genera Lake Freight .........19:45 P. W Geneva Lake Passenger............ ..8:29 " finvo itoitrn. Geneva Lake Freight .9*11 A. M Seneva Lake Passenger..... . ... -- 1O:fl0 " Geneva Lake Express 4:18*. * Bcnova Lake Passeacer 0:57 " B. BUBS. Agent. McHenry, III WANTED.--A girl to do general work In a email famUy. Inquire at this office. / Do n<<t fiitl to attend the Lecture on the Mtbject of Electricity at Riverslda Ball on Friday evening. Miss MAUD VAN S LYKE oommenced attending school at Woodstock on Monday last. H. C. SMITH has been treating LIU hause to a new coat of paint. Mike O'Brien was the artist. JAMES WALSH has closed his Meat Market in this village and accepted i situation (n Chicago. THE celebrated young stallion "Gtforge O." can n«»w be found at his stable in this village. WE ietrn tha t a new Meat M irket is to be opened in this village soon. More full "particuUrs when we learn tli»»m FOUND.--A shawl , which the owner csn have by calling on H. W. McLean, provli g property and paying for this notice. WE unders tand our merchant* have deeded to again close their stores at 8 o'clock, on and after October 1st. This is a just and wise move. GEO. OWEN'S splendid young stal­ lion.'George O" again distinguished himself at Burlington last week, mak­ ing a mile in 2:36 without crowding. W. K. SMITH has been up north hunt- lug, and remembered ye editor with a liberal supply of Venison. He reports killing three deer and having a good time generally, Jos. Buss, formerly Baggageman at this Station , has been appointed Station Agent at the new Depot at Terra Cotta. We congratulate him on his promotion. IF our local page is a little t h in this week our readers will bear with us, as we have been obliged to be away from home, and could not give it thit at.en- tion which we should. MRS. JOHN W. SMITH, nee Mattie McOmbef, who has been living In Au- rora , i s s topp ing wi th her mother In tlii9 village, while her husband Is look- ing up a place to locate in the far West. JOHN R. DURKEE, an old and highly respected resident of this town, died at his home In this village, on Friday last, He has been tick for a long time, and hia death was not unexpected. THE Geneva Lake Passenger train that during the summer months has passed his Station, going north at 10:09 A. M. and south at 5:32 p. M., was dis­ continued last week. The traveling public should make a note. H. H. NICHOLS lits a oolt from hia Patchen mare, and sired by 4,Geerge O." that lays over any colt we have s»en this year. He is new about three weeks old and is a model in every re­ spect. Mr. Nichols was offered ti50 for him on Tuesday last, which he refused. WHILE a representative of the PLAINDEALER was at the farm of Sim Russell, near Volo, last week, he was showu an eight months old bull that weighed 800 pounds, and one seven months old that weighed 680 pounds Mr. Russell has one of the finest herds of short horns to be found In this sec­ tion. • LOOK this week to the premiums thatC, V. Stevens offers for the best samples of Corn. Save out five of your best ears and take them down to him, not altogether for the premiums which are fine , but you will have a chance to compare and see which is the best kind of corn, and where you can find good seed if you wish to change. THE Wheeler young folks have met with a great loss . The eld family horse denominated as Josle Wheeler's horse, di< d quite suddenly at the age of 23years . Scarcely a juvenile in town that has ever visited the Wheeler "home but has enjoyed a ride on old Flora's back. Such pets become so closely Identified with families as to become to the owners almost like one of the children: WHO can estimate the advantage of a right start In life, or the disadvan­ tage of a wrong or careless start? There can be no doubt f ^ t the r i gh t thing to do in starting out inTTt& sccure a practical business education. It can be secured in a few months at small expense, and it will do more to help a young man or young woman alouj; fn the world titan anything else. O u r mos t s u c c e s s f u l m e n h a v e f o u n d i t their best, and in many cases (heir only aid in starting life. Write to that large and finely equipped institu­ tion, the Metropolitan Business College of Chicg£^, for full information and biaijtl fully illustrated catalogue at ouoe, TEMPERANCE meetirg at Ringwood Methodist church next Sabbath night. n. L. ROUNDS caught three Pickerel, one Pike, live Ba<« and twenty-three large Percli in three hours fishing at Plstaqna Bay, on Wednesday. TAKEN, from by buggv, white In W30dstock , a whip . The party Is known, and If he will leave It at my barn or return It where T can get It. no questions will be asked. If not he must take the consequences of the law. T. J. ELLIS Ringwood. Vs. Louis FAVOUR advertise* a course of Lectures In this village on the subject of Electricity. His first Lecture will be on Thursday evening, and the ndmlssimi will be free. He has a large amount of Elcctrical apparanjs and machinery, which will be used to^ Illustrate these Lectures. These Lec­ tures are very highly spoken of at the other places where lie has been, and cannot fail to ?>• hoth Interesting arid instructive. Remember at Riverjide Hall, Thursday evening. First .Lecture Free. "AN editor died and slowly wended his way down to where he sWposed a warm reception awaited lilrth^ The devil met him and said: For many years thou hast bourne the blame of the bad spelling that the printer has gotten off In your paper, the paper has gone on for *1.50; also the #1.50 has often failed to come In. • Thy printer has bedevlldd thee for wages Saturday night when thou hast not a darned farthing to thy name. Men have taken thy paper without paying for Ic and then cussed thee for not getting up a better paper . All these 'hlngs thon hast borne in silence . Thou canst not come In here. And he fired him. As he did so he murmured to himself: "Heaven 's his home , and besides If we let him In here he would have been dunning his delinquent subscribers ami thereby creating discord.* Teacher* Pxamlnatton*. Our Fall examinations w i l l be held as follows. At Huntlev Monday, September 28th. At Nunda 'Tuesday, September '<K)th. ' At McHenry Wednesday, September 30th. At Richmond Thursday, October 1st. At Harvard Fridiy, October 2d. At Marengo Sutur'lay, October 3d. At Woodstock Saturday, October 10th. Teachers w i l l please come prepared with pens. Ink and paper. LESTER BARBER. County Su;iersntendent of Schools. To persons wishing to a t t e n d the Chicago Exposition, held from Sept. 2 to October 17, we will sell Excursion Ticket at $2 25, round trip , incluling admission ticket to the Exposition, on the following days: Sept 12th " •« 14th •• Sept 14, 15. 10, 17, 18, and 19, " 31st " Sept 22 and 23, good until 28th " Sept 26 «« 28th Sept 29 and SO " Oct 5th " Oct 3d " Oct 5th " Oct 6 and 7 «• Oct 12th " Oct 10 .. Oct 12th • Oct 13 and H, " Oct 191 h «• Oct 17 •• Oct 19th •' Parties wishing to attend the Stata Agricultural Fair, held from Septem­ ber 14t'» to 19th, inclusive, can take ad­ vantage of these rates, although Expo­ sition admission tickets will not be re­ ceived for entrance to Fair. B. Buss, Agent. McHenry, 111., Sept. 1st, 1885. A Card. 'l o the many friends , who so k i n d l y aided U6 by their tender sympathy and friendly acts during our recent great affliction we return to each of you our most sincere thanks and most earnestly hope you may long be spared the anguish of similar affliction. T. E. HALL, JLUCY HALL, CLARK HALL, OLIN HALL. Riverside Skating Rink. On account of the Hall being occu­ pied for the Lecture , the Skat ing R i n k will not be opened on Saturday even­ ing. W. H. FORD, Proprietor. Rockford Flannels are said to be the most durable of any Flannels manufac­ tured in America. Try them; they are for sale at Fltzsimmons & Eyanson's. Closing out Sale of Stoves. At Cost for Cash. A l ine of Hard Coal Htoves, of d i f f e r ­ ent sizes and styles, of the best makes, will positively be sold at cost, for cash until October l&tli. Must be sold to make room for other goods . Cel l at once and make your choice. JOHN 1. STOBY, September 33d, 1885. Great Cloak Sale. $5,000 to 810,00# worth of Laities and Chlldrens' Cloaks. Shawls and Jerseys will be offered about October 10, 1885. Watch the papers next week. J. C. CHOATE. Woodstock, 111. Our Chicago Market Report. Prepared Expressly for the PLAINDEALBR by Oar Own Correspondent. , CHICAGO, Sept. 22,1885. WINTER WHEAT-NO. 2 red 88J; No 3" red 84}. SPRING-WHEAT--No. 2 81 @82; No.; 73|c: No. 1 hard (Minneapolis) 83c. No. 1 hard (Duluth market; 86u CORN--No. 2 43c; No. 3 43}c. OATS--No. 2 26c; No. 3 by sample 22@28c; Barley Oats 32je. RYE--No. 2 by s a n p l e , 58. BARLEY--No. 2 By sample, 74. TIMOTHY SEED--Poor to good, #1.75 FLAX--No 1.81.21 CLOVER--Poor to choice, $5.00@#5.35 BUCKWHEAT--Prime, $1.25. BEANS--Choice haud picked, #1.20(3 •1.25. #1.00@|1.25 per brl. BUTTER--Creamery fancy 19 to 22c-; dairy to choice 15017c; common grade 6 to 8c. EGGS-GOO<1 fresh Northern . 16@16$c. CHEESE--Young America 9 to lOJ-c; full cream cheddar 9; skimmed 6c. PoULTRY-Old chickens ,9@7e; spring chickens 9c; live Turkeys 10@!1 CATTLE--Good to ext ra shippers §5.50 to #5.80; common to good #4.60 to #5.00; butcher* steers #3.90 to 84.25; Blockers #2.80 to #3,70; Texans #3.25 to #3.35. HOGS--Light weight #3.80 to #4.50* rough packing #3.50 to #3 95; heavy packing and shipping #4.35. SHEEP--CJommon to choice 92.00 to #3.85. The Pair at Johnsburph. The Catholic community of Johns- burgh, which at present enjoy* a new and vigorous life, as this may appear from the fact that Its new and beauti­ ful church Is nearly finished,has resolv­ ed to arrange a Fair foi the benefit of this church. This Fair will take place October 7th, 1885, In Chris Brick's Hall, in Jolinsburgh. The Arrangement Committee Is com posed of '.he following gentlemen: Matt Eng.en, Martin May, Castor Adams and John B. Blake. Committee for Steamboat and Music Me-srs. John Helmer, Anton Buglen, Joseph J. GiHis. Floor Managers and Committee for Order: Messrs. Henry Althoff, George Nell, Matthi iS Nlessen, John Barbian. John M. Miller. Bar Committee; Matthias Helmer, Nick W eber, John Niessen, and Frank Smith. Treasurer: -Casper Adams. Secretary:--John B. Blake. The following Is the Progamme: At 6 o'clock in tbe evening' the Steamer "Mary Grlswold" with the McHenry Military Band on board, will leave McHenry for Jolinsburgh. At 7 o'cloek, Concert of the above named Band, lasting (111 10 o'clock. Fro n 10 to 11. Raffling of various valuable articles, among them a gold watch valued at #80. After this, Supper, prepared and served by the Ladies of Johnburgh; whereupon a Ball will bring the fes­ tivity to Its close. The Entree to the Pair, Including Concert and Supper, 50c a person. Persons wishing to participate In the dai ce are requested to pay 25 cents extra. The fare to Johusburgh and return amounts to 25 oents. N. II.--Only persons presented with tickets will have free passage back to McHenry; otliets will have to pay a fare of 25 cents. AKBAHGKMCNT COM. FKLLGW CITIZENS:--We approach you with a request you will, we are fully convinced of It, not reluse, but grant gladly and cheerfully, for not only are you going to help thereby a good and useful work, but you also will be plentifully rewarded. The Catholic Community of Jolins­ burgh, with great endeavors and large expenses, has succeeded In building its own beautiful church, the chaste beauty Of which is an ornament to the county, yea, to the whole State. The outlays the community had to undergo for the erection of the building and its furniture were very heavy, but cheer­ fully did each one contribute accord­ ing to his means. Still there could not be done quite enough, and the com­ munity sees itself obliged to look for further aid at the hands of Its fellow citizens. In order to do this In a pleasant way, and still to be enabled to raise the yet necessary funds, It was resolved to arrange a Fair, and full of confidence the various committees elected for the purpose approaclTMieir felljw citizens, requestlug their aid. There is a good work to be done, and no good citizen ought to try to evade It. Every one taking an Interest in the pubHc welfare, every one not put­ ting bis Individual advantage above that of the common Interest,every one wishing that religion and It ministers be supported will, as we firmly hope, take part in the Fair arranged by us. Should anyone be preveuted from put­ ting in his personal appearance, he may at least show his good will by some material aid, which will be ever so gratefully accepted. Fellow Citizens: There Is little asked of you! What you give you receive back again, for it is our firm belief that no one visiting the Fair will ever regret, having done so. The charming boar ride on our beautiful river, a con­ cert given by a skilled and complete military band, the hope or being the lucky winner of a fine present, a deli­ cious supper, and last, but not letst, a merry ball, are attractions well worth their price. Now then, fellow citizeua, come one, come all, pass a merry night in the midst of your friends and bring home with you the happy remem­ brance, also the t;onfiction: It was a good work we helped to further. COM. For Sale or Rent* A good house and eleven lots on the East side of Fcx River, In the village of McHenry. The house is new and has barn and other out-buildings. Inquire of Mrs. Mary Ryan on the premises. W« wish to remind our friends and patrons that we are prepared to make any prices cut or regular that may be made. We appreciate your patronage and will always protect vou In prices. Please remember we have the goods an) will sell them as cheap, and in many instances cheaper than any other house In McHenry county. We will not be undersold. HENRY COLBY, CORN IS KING. C. V. Stevens, West McHenry, offers the following Premiums for the best five ears of Corn raised in McHenry or Lake counties this year. FIRST PREMIUM:--#12.00 Lap Robe or Shawl as the winner may choose. SECOND PREMIUM:--A pair of Otter Gloves or Dress Pattern worth #5.00 as the winner may choose. THIRD PREMIUM:--A pair of Shoes or a bolt of Cotton Cloth worth #3. 25. The test of quality to t>e the weight after the corn is seasoned. All corn must be delivered by November 20th. save your ohoice samples and bring them so that all can see and compare quality and kinds. Yours Truly, „ C. Y. STEVENS. Closing out Sale of Stoves. At Cost for Caah. A line of Hard Coal Stoves, of differ­ ent sizes and Btyles, of the best makes, will positively be sold at cest, for cash, until October 15th. Must be sold to make room for other goods. Call at once and make your choice. JOHN I. STORY. September 23d. 1885. Thousands of families have had oc­ casion .to try the never fallingquadtles of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, and they all unite in the praise of this wonderful prescription. Port Hill Proolnot-Lako Co. EDITOU PLAINDEALBR:--We have had a few days of pleasant weather, and the hum of the thresher Is agaiu heard, although grain stacks are gener­ ally In rather poor conditiou for threshing--particularly unbound grain. Sloughs are filled with water and there Is little chance for late haying conse­ quently coarse hay will be very scarce next whiter. The Lake County Fair will W gield at Llbertyvllle this week , commencing on Wednesday, dept. 23, and we hope for good weather. The patrons and scholars of the Fort Hill Sabbath School held a picnic on the grounds of Frank Sayles, at Fox Lake, on Saturday, Sept. 12, which was highly enjoye l bf those in attendance. Several of our school districts have employed teachers tor the winter term . Miss Anna McMahon is teaching t he G a v i n s choo l , a t Fox Lake ; E d w i n Wright at Hainesvl l ie ; Mr . McGuire at Antloch; Miss Amy Morse will teach at Fremont Center ; Emma Marvin the 1'ripp school In Vernon, and Mr. O. E. Churchill tlio Combs* school at feort Hill. 'I Several, of our young people have been taking music lessocs tbe present season at home , the t tachers vis i t ing the houses of their patrons for the purpose. Among the successful teach­ ers of music employed In this Precinct are Miss lea Clark, of Llbertyvrlle; Mrs. Edwin Wright, of Richmond, no v stopping temporarily at Hainesvllie; Miss Sarah Brown, of Fort Hill; Miss Chard and Miss Bond, of Gage's Lake, and Miss Sherwood , of Lake City (Stawood P. O.) Work on the new railroad Is pro­ gressing all along the line , though somewhat retarded by the excess of water. The Hainesvllie people are not mourning so badly as your Volo corres- respondent suggests. They never hare expected much troin the C. W. Co., and the road Is now bu i ld ing o i l the l i ne most convenient to Hainesvllie of any of their many surveys. He is right,* h o w e v e r , i n t h a t o u r f a i t h i s s t i l l i n S t Paul , and that road will be built next year from Llbertyvllle to Gei^va Lake plumb through Hainesviile and Nip- pursiiiK, and don't you lorget It, Mr. Bosiou. Mr. aud Mrs . Mlltou Sliepard, Eureka , Kansas, formerly residents of Avon and Autioch , are visi t ing relat ives and friends in Lake County. Mrs. Bump , of Council Biufl*, lo<va, and Mrs. Howe, of Massachusetts, are v i s i t i n g t h e i r s i s t e r M r s . J . D . F o x , I n Avon Mr. and Mrs. John W i :kliaui, of Wichita , Kansas , are visiting friends In Hainesviile. Mr. Hopkins, of Aurora, caudidate for a Congressional nomination , yislted our Coun y last week. .Richmond Department. CONTRIBUTED BR *. (*. BIKHCTT. HEBRON. EDITOR PLAINDEALBR:--Miss Alioe Morgan has been quite sick. A uumber Iron} fe«.re attended the State Fair last week. Mrs. E. Merritt and daughter May, from Elgin , have been vis i t ing f r iends here. The Hebron Dramatic Association will produce a Drama in the near fu­ ture. Watch the date. Mr. Frank Torrenco and Mis, Frankle Conn were married at Geneva Laka on Sunday last. W. I. Sanders, of Lake View , Chica­ go , s p e n t a f e w d a y s o f l a s t week w i t h relatives here. Another act of cowardly meanness was perpetrated a few nights ago. The street lamp in front of the M. E- Church was taken down, demolished, and left upon the sidewalk The par­ ties are known and If caught in any more mischief will be made to sufler the penalty. MARRIED:--At the Episcopal church( Geneva Lake, Sept. 13th, 1885, Mr. E! O. Rowe to Miss Ella Kane, both of Hebron . The impressive ceremony was performed by Rev, R. Keerfoot. Mr. and Mrs. Rowe went to Chleago Monday returning Wednesday evening. They have our best wishes and may the step they have taken brln^ theiu only brightness and sunshine. Wben buying your winte r supply Of Flannels examine the Rockford first, for sale at Fltzsimmons Sb Evan son's. Two hundred pairs Misses Black im ported Kid Gloves, sizes 6 to 6J,only 20c at Fltzsimmons A EVHIISOII S. Closing out Sale of Stoves. At Coat for Caah. A line of Hard Coal Stoves, of d i f f e r ­ ent sizes and styles, of the beet makes, will positively be sold at cost, for cash until October 15th . Must be Bold to make room for other goods. Call at on<» and make your choice. JOHN I. STORY. September 23d, 1885. Con. U. 8. Crant's Pictures. Do not read t h i s notice, unless you c a r e t o r e a d a p r o p o s i t i o n , w h i c h , i f you accept, will cost you something. We have an engraving made from an oil painting by a celebrated artist of General Grant , for which he sat shortly after his trip around the world. It is, In the opinion of critics the best pic­ ture of tbe.Dead Hero in existence. The price of the engraving, 21x28 in., on very heavy steel engraving board, is one dollar and twen:y-flve cents, (#1,25;, postage paid by us. So thor­ oughly are we convinced of the value of the engraving as a work of art, and its appraciation by the public that we will mail to any address in the U. S., FOR INSPECTION, one copy, packed in a heavy paper box, upon receipt of 24c. in stamps to pay p* stage and packing, upon the Condition that the party re- seiving same send us ONE DOLLAR (#1) upon receipt of engraving, if it Is sat­ i s f a c t o r y , o r r e t u r n t i i e p i c t u r e t o u s i f it Is not considered worth full the price asked. We have also a very handsome Cabinet Photo of Gen. Grant, hand fin­ ished . which we will mail on receipt of 25c . No a lbum i s comple te wi thou t one. Liberal arrangements will be made with agents. Write for terms and price list. Enclose stamp. Ad­ dress William Dickson & Ce„ Publish­ ers, Box 328, Chicago, 111, A. R. Alexander has a uew and beau­ tiful stock of hand, bracket and hang­ ing lamp* and chandeliers for the fall and winter trade. Some of the disigns this year are exquisite--real art pro­ ductions. Last week Mr. Faber was called home by the sndden death of his father, and the Grammar department was accord­ ingly closed all last week, while the other departments were rannlng as usual. The Bennle Gee Company gave an entertainment at the Opera House last w e e k . W e c i n n o t s p e a k v e r y h i g h l y o f the entertainment, though very good for children . In a few years If they keep up practice they will do better. Those who attended the Ringling tent show, Saturday, 6peak well of it. They did all they advertised, and gave *cy general satisfaction. The whole crowd war* well behaved and there was none of the rowdy element among them so common iu traveling shows. I'hey remained with Landlord Culver over Sunday , and - went , from here to Wilmot. Despite the rain the attend­ ance at the show was good both after­ noon and evening. The resolutions adopted at the late McHenry County Republican Conven­ tion have no uncertain ring, and place the party In this County squarely on record as unalterably opposed to brl fa­ ery and bargain-and-sale in politics. Those resolutions say in unmistakable p l a i n n e s s , " N o b a r g a i n a i d - s a l e i n ours ! " I t Is honorable to the spi r i t and moral cuaracter of the Convent ion t o t ake such a s tand . I t purges t h e party in McHenry County of any lot or part in political corruption, and robs I is enemies of a reason to make such an accusation. Cotton as well as Woolen Flannels sold cbeap at Fltssimmous & Evan- son's. The Republican caucus last Friday was.s l imly attended . The delegates elected to attend the County Conven­ tion were as follows: J. W. Hay thorn, A. R. Alexander Charles Green, S. F. Bennett , John McConnel , A. L. Brown Daniel Weeks , Wallace Monear , Ed Barnard , Henry Christian , Richard Overton, Richard Lawson, S. R. Ward.' The members present at the County Convention were empowered to cast the vote of the town. Only one mem­ ber of the delegation attended the Convention at Woodstock Saturday, though we could iearu of no grave rea­ son for keeping them at hotne than tiiere was a circtu in town The fact Is, the belief that the Congressional nomination was already sold for money made everybody feel that a County Convention would be useless , and the t i m e a n d m o n e y s p e n t i n a t t e n d i n g i t thrown away . Ere th is r»aches the reader's eye we shall be more enlight­ ened on the true inwardness of tills Congressional muddle. We are Informed that On ttif 6cca- sion of ? l tc"Bennie Gee"entertainment the band were taxed a dollar license. I t w a s a s m a l l a f l a i r , t o b o s u r e , a n d i t Is to be presumed that the band don't cry over the lois of a dollar , and we don't think they ought to have paid it. The bati'l hired the "Bennie Gee'1 com­ pany to come here and give an enter­ tainment ir. order to raise funds for themselves, and it was just about as f a i r t o m a k o t h e m p i y l i c e n s e a s i t would be to make one of%ur merchants pay a license when he hires a man to work i n l i l t s tore . The r u l i n g i s t ha t our local tradesmen and our local en­ t e r p r i s e s s h a l l b e f r e e f r o m l i c e n s e . I f there is a local enterprise here which o u g h t t o b e e u c o u r a g e d a n d h e l p e d , i t Is our band. Their playing has added not a little to the sum total of pleasure which our citizens enjoy, and has done not a little to give the village a good reputation for musical culture abroad. I f the baud boys had ever been nig {ardly about furnishing music on all occasions It would he different--but they have not, and it is looked upon as an unfair piece of business to make them pay a license. We hope the boys will not "lay it up," for th«y can rest assured the sympathy of the public is with them, and th»t public ought not to be blamed for the action of a penny cure aud pound foolish board. GRAND CONCERT. There will be a Vocal and Instru­ mental Concert at Coulman'a Opera House, Richmond, III., Friday evening, O c tobe r 2 d , 1 8 S 5 , t o be g iven by t he Genoa Junction and Richmond Chor­ uses , and by Richmond Cornet Band under the auspices of Richmond Post No. 286, Grand Army of the Republic, and for the benefit of Richmond Cornet Band. Tills complimentary Concert is tendered the Rlchmoud Cornet Band by the Richmond Post Grand Army of the Republic, and by the singers and citizens of Richmond and Geuoa Junc­ tion, in consideration of the gr ittiicous playing of the band on Decoration Day and other public and private occasions, and to show due appreciation of the eflorts of the band to become the prido of McHenry County, aud one of the best orgtniz itions in the State, it is earnestly hoped that the public wil l turn out en masse and give the boys a rousing benefi t . The programme ( to be presented hereafter ) wii . be varied and entertaining, consisting of selec­ tions by the Band and by the Rich­ mond and Genoa^Choruses. The repu­ tation of the local talent engaged, as well as that of the Richmond Comet Ban J is too well known to need praise h e r e , a n d a s s u r e s t h e p u b l i c t h a t I n this Concert they will get the great musical treat of the season. Doors open at 7:30 p. m. Concert to com­ mence at 8. Tickets, 25 cents; Reserved seats , 35 cents; Children under twelve years , 15 cents . T ickets for sale at 4. R. Alexander's , Richmond, and al J, M. Carey's, Genoa. Our Democratic friends seem to be doing a deal of quiet, still work just now. We presume E. M. Haines could arise and explain i f he wanted to . It is said that several thousand ot liis photographs have been distributed among the faithful in McHenry county. This is a novel electioneering scheme, and E. M. must be very desirous that people shou ld become f a m i l i a r wltb the "lineaments divine" of the would be next Congressman from the Fifth District. Perhaps he thinks no man can resist the seductive sweetness of that classical countenance; that when the horny handed granger looks upon It. all. memory of the unsavory past will vanish, and all opporition melt away like a morning fog before the splendor of a soaring sun . By the way the likeness is said to be a good one, but we cannot giye a personal opinion because we have not been favored with one of the photos--an omission which grieves us to the heart, and which we fondly hope may yet be remedied when the Demo-Repubi can Statesman sees how bad we feel about It . "It looks just like the old Devil, and you can see the Devil sticking right out of his eyes," we heard a man on the street corner remarking a day or two since. "Yes," rejoined another, "and I'd ruth* er see the 'stinkinlst Republican in the State go to Congress than him , for i f he had .stood up to the rack we might a had a Democrat in the Senate instead of such a thing as that ere Jack Logan." This conversation between two Demo­ crats. and it occurred iust as reported, looks rather discouraging to Mr. Haines' prospects with a party on whom he has most reason to look for support. However the Democratic party will be very apt to forgive everything Mr. Haines has done con­ trary to the tenets ot the faith, wheu they remember how faithfully he has always stood by the whisky interests so dear to the average Democratic heart and stomach. But, seriously, those who laugh at the Idea of Mr. Haines' aspirations for Congress, may have to laugh on the other side of their faces before the thing is through with. In view of a possible split In the Re­ publican ranks over the Ell wood-Hop­ kins bargain aud sale, the chance for the Democratic notnluee is good. Mr. Haines sees this as plainly as anybody. He is an astute political manipulator, an expert,and withal nn able man, and 11 he can capture the Democratic nomi- natiou in this District he will make hot work for the Republican party !n case of a split. The Republican vote of the District is not far from 20,000, against a Democratic vote of about half as large. Kane and DeKalb, where Mr. Hopkins is presumed to be strong poll about half the Republican vote . If a s e c o u d c a n d i d a t e i s put i n t he f i e l d I t Is hard to tell where the party will lan 1. The chances, it is thought by many, would be in favor of the Demo­ cratic standard beirer. If we mistake not the t emper of the Republ icans in this part of the District, there Is many a voter who wo.ild rather see a Demo­ crat represent us for Mr. Ellwood'a un­ expired term , than to have a candidate like Mr. Hopkins thrust down McHenry County's throat, willing or unwl'ling. In such a contingency we know a good many Republicans who would not deein it an overwhelming calamity to see Mr. Haines or some other Democrat elected . Heaveu grant , however , that the Republican party of the "Old 5th" have the wisdom to purge i tself of the rottenness ol bribery and jobbery by putting Into t!ie field as its standard bearer 'a man of clear head, clean hands and irreproachable character." WANTED, TO BUY:--A snug little far n of 20 to40 acres, w i t h comfortable house aud outbuildi ngs ,and convenient to boating and fishing on lake. Address Dr. 6,F. Bennett, Richmond, li& ,ftff Notice* •'I The estate of William Sutton deceas­ ed, consisting of one acre of land, to­ gether with house and tenements thereon, situated in Solon, McHenry county , Illinois , will be sold at Auction to the highest bidder for cash, on Sat­ urday. October 3d, at 3 o'clock P. K. J.». OVERTON. * WM. MOORE, Administrators of the Estate. Diesa Flannels good and cheap at Fitzsimmous & Evanson's. $0>ifel Salt at Bousiett A StoJgeTl. * * MRS. E. W. HOWE Has just returned from the city with a full line ol Fall Mlllinerv, to which she invites the attention of tbe Ladies. My stock is larger than ever before and comprises the latest stylee to be found in the market. Call early an I have your choice in the be6t selected stock of Millinery to be found in the county. _ MRS. E. W. HOWE. Fltzsimmons & Evanson invites the attention of Cash buyers to the fact that tliev are showing the most com­ plete line of Dry Goods, such as Vel- vetlnes. Dress Flannels. Worsteds, Rook to rd Flannels. Waterproofs, Cot­ ton Flannels, Underwear, Boots, Shoes and Rubber Goods that ever have been oflered in this part of the couutry. Be sure and call and see how cheap they are selling first-class goods. Examine the new styles Velveteens at Fltzsimmons A Evanson's. Interesting; to Both Sexes. Any man or woman making less than 840 vteekiv should try our easy money .nialSfig business. We want Agents for our celebrated MADAME DEAN SPINAL SUPPORTING CORSETS; also our SPINAL SUPPORTER, SHOULDER BKACE, AND ABDOMINAL PROTECTOR COMBINED (for men and boys). No experience requir­ ed. Four orders per day give the Agent #150 monthly. Our Agents report four to twenty sales daily, 83 outfit free. Send at once for full particulars. State Sex. LEWIS SCHIELE A Co., 8wl3 390 BROADWAY , N IW YORK New This Week* Mrs. H. H. Nichols has just opened her first invoice of early Fall Millinery Goods. We have plenty of new Fall Hats, just trimmed, on exhibition aud ready tor business. Give us a call and examine for yourselves. We always have tbe goods when we advertise them. MRS. H. H. NICHOLS. Business Notice*. Try our new Tea*. Booslett&9tofl< No trouble to show goods or answef questions at R. Bishop's. City residences for gale. Apply tl Asa W. Smith, Woodstock, III. Everything i n the Hardware liae a# bottom figures, at E. M. Howe's. Building Paper, cbeap, ajt John I Story's. . Randall and Keystone Pulverizers. 13 and 16 inch at E. M. Owen A Son. The BoaslBarrel Churn, at #ohn I Story's. % Children's Clothing cheap at Henry Colby's. New Fall Ginghams at Perry A Owen's. German Knitting Yarn, all colors, best quality at Henry Colby's. Fresh Eureka Bread at Perry ft Owen's. #10 boys i good heavy wool wine- colored suit at Bonslett A Stoffel's. Gloves and Mittens , good and chean at Henry Colby's. Fly Nets, ail kinds, cheap, at Bon­ slett A Stoffel's. Fine Velvet and Velveteen I n blaefe and colors at Perry & Owen's. Saxony Yarn, all colon aft ^Henry, Colby's. ' '•? Fine line Gents Neckwear it Henry Colby's. New Clothing at Bonslett A Stoffel's. For bush A Brown 's Bufftlo Boots the best made at Henry Colby's, Walking Shoes at half price to close at Henry Colby's. We carry a large l ine bakery goods: always fresh, at Bonslett A Stoffel's. Bremner's famous Eureka Bread al Perry A Owen's. Try the well known Chldk's Floor at Bonslett A Stoffel's. Bealey's Famous Wankegan Ale and Porter On draught at J. BonslettX A. En­ gl en's and John Heimer's. Buy your Flour of Bonslett A Stof* fel. New crate Lustre Band Ware, very cheap and warranted, at Bousiett & Stoffel's. ; Call at E. M. Owen A Son's for you] Farm Machinery. They keep none but the best, and warrant everything. Eight pounds Roasted <JoHse for #1 at Bonslett A Stoflel's, Notice. To those that want Tubs, Tails, Hay Racks.and anything in my line of busU ness. Work done on short notice to order. Shop one door South ot Law- lus' Store, „ „ . _ FCJL HBBARD, McHenry, Aug. 10,1885. •, ^114-ly The Lyman Barb Wire, both plain and galvanized,decidedly the best Wira in the market, at John I. Story'B. Fine white Handkerchiefs, colored border, 5 cents each, warranted fASWat Henry Colby's. GLASS I GLASS, ? % \ We keep Glass of all sizes constantly on hand. Special sizes cut without extra charge. JOHN I. STORY. We have In stock at uery low prices^ canned ap >les, peaches, pears, plums^ apricots, pine apoles. black berries*! raspberries, cherries, blueberries, green giges, strawberries, tomatoes, corn' succotash, lima beans, string beans, peas, baked beans, sweet potatoes, mackerel, cove oysters, salmon, clams, lobsters, beef, etc. ' HENRY Co|j|r. FEED CUTTERS. The Belle City takes the lead; the strongest and best, at E. M. Owen & Son's. Lnce Curtains, Tidies, Laraberkfns* Bedspreads and Shams, cheap, at Mrs, Schumacher's, near the Depot. THE finest assortment or Sewing Maohines to be found in the county, a# O. W. Owen's. - Please remember that oar ntock in every department is very complete and that our prices are always tho lowest that can be made. We will not be undersold by any bouse In McHenry Co. Henry Colby. BESLEY'S Ale and Porter Is the best made. On draught in McHenry at Jacobs Bonsletfs, A. Englen's. and John: Beimer's. Keep one Eye open on Bargains All Wool Suits #5.00; Fine all Woot Pants #2.00 aud #3.00; Fine Dress Suits #16 00; Odd Wool Coats #2.00; Vests 23 cents, at E. LAWLUS', Opposite Riverside House NOTICE. To persons wishing to attend the McHenry County Fair held at Wood­ stock from September 8th to 11th, we will sell round trip Excursion Ticketa at 05cents. B. Buss, Agent. For Sale or Exchange, One or two good bouses, with good oarns and other out-buildings; good orchards, wells, cisterns, etc. Well located near the Depot in West Mc* Seury, together with land from ono acre to 20. Will sell very cheap or trade for a farm, or western wild laud. Also a good house to rent. S. RATXOND. West McHenry, His. Bargains Extraordinary. Come to Fitzsimmous & Evanson's it you have Cash to invest, for any kind of Goods. I'his week Ladies, Gents, Misses and Children will have lower prices than ever known before* Also Dress Goods at half price. Also mens clothing, such as single coats at 'ualf price or bolow. Come in aud look us over and deu't wait. FITZSIXMONS A KVABSOH. MIDDLINGS! MIDDLINGS At Bonslett A Stoffel's. Wanconda, IIL, Sept. Sth» MM. C. Dicktnson A 8m, Harrington, lti.~ GENTLEMEN.--I f ind your Russian -' Liniment the best medicine 1 haver ever used. 1 am on the road most all the time and 1 always carry a bottle of it with me. I find it a sure mre for Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Lameness, Soreness, etc, and for pain iu the stom­ ach and bowels. Diarrhoea and Cholera Morbus one dose always cures uae. i use it also with the best results for horses. For sale by all druggists.

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