Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Sep 1885, p. 4

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F' 'A*, > . A* . :*°N hi * V-, - <Kt:& *** A. .tVj> 4^4* «?, -V, -ffc*'* • ~-V.U %«V, A«-^.***J.'.^V 4. itW WRDNESDAY, SEPT. 90, l«85. »I. VAN 8LYKE, Editor. rms paper st'it s'sy. KOWBIiL ft CO."S Newspaper A<lveriisin|f HirWB (10 Spruoe Street), where advertising SJrft'T ft NEW YORK- WailUl, It has been chaige<i In new- yipera In this Congressional District, as well M'ltr responsible private persons, that at the •r»t Mnlnatlon of onr late member of Con. |km a bargain and tale was arntngod, by virtue of which A. J. Hopkins, of Aurora, in tlie County of Kane, in said District, received two thousand dollars (*2.*>0) for the support •f auch nomination, together with the written pfedffe of such future support as ahoulri tifereafter insure his ownSnominaiion for this NMponxible position; and Whkrras, Such charge has not been sue- ea«atully denied, an<l, in our judgment and from the best information obUiaaWa. h ui- Mptible of proof; therefore, Jtetolved, By the delegates froiu the Ooun. ties of Nciltnrt and Boone t* the Congres- •ionHi District Convention held at Elgin this day, that in the nomination of the same A. J. Hopkins by the delegates from Kane, DeKalb Ud Lake Counties iu such Convention, we see bat U>* ratiflcstion and consummation of such trade. Ketolved, That we appeal from this action kjr these delegates to the voters of the Fifth Umtgrecsioaal District; and we hereby invite all Be publican voters who are opposed to a Mtoination secured by such mean to be repre- . Stated in Convention in the city ot Elfin on t|w6tbday of October, 1835, for the purpose of nominating a suitable candidate as repre- Mutative In Oongross from this District. •ftetotoed. That the votos allowed in such Q#ivention be as follows: Ooanty Koine ...» Votos. ...30 •» ...14 ...W 8. F. Bennett, JAMK8 1'HILI1, K. K. GBAWOgK, C. H. Tryon, J D. CLARK, Geo. Crkigo, Z. £. <...oi,K»ob, O. c. Digginw, M. L. Joslvh, McHenry County. C. K. Ki ller, A. W. HobinsiW, J. D. KCtlKKRAai, W. R. IXMHiK, W. C. Rowan, Boone County. A VOICE FROM LAKE COUNTY- (.otter From Aatloeh. Editor* a letter on (lie political situation of tills part of Lake County may not be un­ interesting to a majority or your readers who, like a great many here, are tliMatisfied with the barter and "Ring rule" by which A. J, Hopkins, or Aurora, secured the delegation from Luke, Kane and DeKalb Counties, J write you this, and will endeavor t«> give a Tew of the inside facts of the case. The Antioch delegation to the Conn ty Convention held In Liberty villi on the 19th inst., though not formally in­ structed for Mr. Fuller, went with the express understanding that he was to b« the first choice of the Aiitiocli Re­ publicans, atd that Gen. Dust in was second ch'.ice. Thtis it may be seen that Autioch was not and is not In favor of the 'barter system of politics.' The del gat ion proceeded to Liberty* ville, where they were met by the C. A Partridge crowd of VVaukfgunit* s. who, if all repor .s be Hue. came fully Intent on carrying out the tra<le made at the last District Convention, a? charged iu Mr. Fuller'* K-tter publish­ ed some time ago in the Lake County Patriot, but the Waukegan delegation, ir. order to do so, found It necessary to resort to the usual flllibusteriug tactics and In point of numbers overruled the motions of our delegation, thus prac­ tically ruling the Convention. How well 'they succeeded the sequel has shown, and how long they will ^njoy their success remains to be seen. Our delegation tindin; that they had no voice in th» matter, severtl of tliem bolted the Convention and have out calls for an Independent Republican County Convention to be held in Liberty ville on the 3.1 lust.* to select delegates to the district Convention to be held at Elgin on the 6th inst. Now, Mr. Editor, let the people of Lake, McHenry and Boone join hands and raileem our District from the power of "boffisiii" '•writptlon," '•ring rule'1and •'barter.*' • R -sped fully, J. J. B. MAW CONVEHTIOS. The Republican voters of McHenry #unty are requested to meet In mast ftmvention at the Court Hou«e in Woodstock, on Saturday, the third day •f October next at 2 o'clock p. m., for #*»• purpose of selecting 18 delegates •'tp represent said county In Convention be held at Elgin, Kane County, 111., pi Tuesday the 6th day of October .Best, for the purpose of putting in tpominaUon a suitable candidate for fciember of Congress for the Sth Con­ gressional District of the State of Eiois, to fill the unexpired term of ben Ell wood, deceased. L*t there full attendance. By Okdbh of Committee. 1886. <9-A ii - XHtuination of the v<»te To» Congress in the Fifth Congressional di9 rict last fall, will be of interest. The reMilt, by counties, November 4, 1884, was as follows: Bixwooo. ... .. .2.877 ii.......2,1-27 .....'....4.2(15 f.ake McHenry.... Boone. DeKalb Kane .... ..7,448 Bishop. 1,623 2.C50 4V2 1,7M 3,5*1 9,424 90.5H0 Bartlett, prohibition 2C; scattering 23. Thus it will be seen that by no possi­ ble contingency can a Democrat be elected, as splitting the Republican vote In the center would give a .ma­ jority of 826 over the Democrat. But we want a Republican whost hind* are not stained with the bargain and sale of the rights of the voters of this Dis­ trict. •'%« fSPDr. Thomas Waugh, the man who was shot in the back by Jasper K. •"jjweet, Sept. 12th, died at his residence -til Chicagh, at{4 o'clock Sunday after­ noon. Until |a short time before be died be was conscious. He knew from .the first that he could not recover and •twa fully prepared to die. -- Some of the real leaders of McHenry Munty, and some of the delegates themselves said that at Elgin tb*y were under the control of Joslyn and Fuller; but that when at home they ihould not oppose the election of Hop- 'kl ns,--Gene va Patrol. ! The above is about as near the truth jf* any of the saying* of the crank who jwoi the above sheet, and we pronounce It a lie made out of whole cloth. He Mver heard a delegate or any citizen ®f McHeary county make any such re- .ipark, A muse which needs such whole* jale lying as that indulged in by the Patrol must be a weak one indeed. Senator Sherman asks: **Are • are you not in favor of the same freedom or election in Mississippi as ^rou demand for yourselves in Ohio?" #ud question raises a yell all along fljhe line of "bloody shirt." And yet jthere Is no man but knows there is no •u^ueh Ireedom In the Statesof the South Iff such a condition Is not a living Issue ^|rhat Is? If Sn half of the States of the ^ntoa men are not allowed to vote or Slav# tb®'r ballots counted out because $h«7 are Republicaas, it will tnke f-iore than loud talk from Democrats to ®«P lh® people silent.--Inter Ocean. * J®*The Elgin Nswe, in remarking the °*«n«nents made by the Chicago 0vumal on the Congressional question t The editor of the Journal seems to Aave lost bla head. In Wednesday's v« would have Hopkins enter suit for libel against the foirt-teen delegates from McHenry and Booue counties -Who make specific charges against the folitleal honesty of Mr.Hopkins The gewt la given to uuderstanj that the ' Fourteen Invite the nominee to open ;|he bali. Nothing ot the kind Is more >#nllkely tp happen. Mr. Hopkins is too Sln4 * 7*r 10 do an7thi°K of the ^ The Newt has no interest in either iir. Joslyn or Mr. Fuller, but It decid- objects to "modern methods' which are doing so much te corrupt Jpodern politics. Conventions can be Eed and votes bought at a price but rank and file of the Republican f are not ready to be driven as ^•heep *o the shambles. The Journal * j1!!*8® other zealous Chicago papers vSJJ® "®ve no concern in regard to the fifth district. Chicago needs ail their tnnuenoe and attention where Democ* 2^.« "ooaple'e away. The people •* tula district have managed better, '2£«tfiroP?*# 10 care their own .jMitiw Interests and see they do notj s?"1? In#r® trading stock for i f«<rj ftmbitious politicians. The Ottawa, 111., Republican. which Is edited by 8, M. Sapp, I'ormer- ly publisher or the Woodstock Sentinel in this county, has the- following to say in relation to tho Congressional fight in District: "This bolt has more than ordinary significance and may furnish food for thought outside of the Fifth District, and outside of the State, for that mat* ter. The charge has been distinctly made and published over the signature of Mr. Fuller and others equally re­ spectable and responsible, that at the convention which gave the late Mr, Ell- wood his first nomination, Mr. Hopkins also being a candidate before the con­ vention, Ellwood paid Hopkins 82,000 In cash to have him withdraw and gave him (Ellwood) his influence, which was done, and the nomination follow- It Is also charged that as a part of the consideration Ellwood was to have two terms, after which his Influence and the DeKalb delegation should be given to Hopkins as his successor. The Boone and McHenry men say t^ese charges have never been denied; that they are true, and that the bargain thus made was a corrupt one and should u®t be ratified by the Republicans of the district, but that the parties there­ to should be repudiated. This is a matter of considerable concern to the Republican party of the State. It Is Impossible that open and unblushing corruption should exist and receive the endorsement ef the Republicans in any one district, and especially in one of the most intelligent in the country and having the largest majority of any one In the State, without doing permanent Injury to the party. We have no idea at this time as to the eflect this bolt may have en the electioo, nor do we consider that the paramount question --the purity of the party--is infinitely more Important than success in any one district election. The Democrats have the house at any rate, and It mat­ ters not whether their majority be forty or ferty-one. In all probability they will _ hold the Houpe until new States in the Northwest ar« admitted, and something of a revolution worked out in the South. It is a good time to purify the party where It needs it. No man who would gain, by the corrupt use of money, a nomination, whether by the purchase of delegates to a con- ventian or candidates befora a conven­ tion, should be allowed to represent honest men or honest party anyWhera. -tJJ16 ^city with whlchlhe people flnmn. ni t,!*,r early fa,th ,n Ayer's Sareaparilla is explained by the fact that it Is the bent blood medicine ever used, and is not equaled in excellence by any new candidate for public favor. Salvation Oil, the greatest pain cure on earth, is guarenteed to eflect a cure where it 13 possible for the seat of the disease to oe reached by a linament. ' rice 25 cents a bottle. Great Cloak Sale. •6,00° to iiO.OOt worth of La.lles and Sill h?Hff ,ak»- Sh8wlg a,,d Jerseys wll i about October 10, 1885. Watch the papers next week, J. C. CIIOATE, Woodstock, 111. Closing out! Sale of Stoves. At Cost for Cash. A line of lard Con) Stoves, of dlfler> ent sires and styles, of the best makes, will positively be sold at cost, for cash unttl October 15th. Must be sold to uiake room for other goods. Call at once and make your choice. John I» Sto&y. September 23J, 1885. A Marvelous Story TOLD m TWO UTTERS. FROM THE SON S ToSjoct.28 " Qentlemen: My father resides at Glovw, Vt. He has been a great sufferer from Scrof­ ula, and the inclosed letter will toll you what a marreloos effect Ayers Sarsaparilla has had Is his esse, I think his blood : have oontalned the humor for at least tea yean; trat It did not show, except in the torn ct a scrofulons sore on the wrist, ontll about fire years ago. From a few spots whioh ap­ peared at that time, it gradually spread so as So cover his entire body. 1 assure you he was . terribly afflicted, and an object of pity, when he began using your medicine. Now, there are few men of his ago who enjoy as good health as he has. 1 could easily name fifty persons Who would tostify to the facte in his case. Yours truly, W. M. i'lrTMiTTS.** FROM THE FATHER: a duty for me to state to yon the benefit I have derived from the use of Ayers Sarsaparilla. Six months ago I was completely covered with a.terrible humor and scrofulous sores. The humor caused an incessant and Intolerable Itching, and the skin cracked so as to cause the blood to flow in many places whenever I mored. My sufferings were great, and my life a burden. I commenced the use of the 8.A.RSArAftiLLA in April last, and have used It regularly since that time. My condition began to improve at once. The sores have •11 healed, and I feel perfectly well in every respect--being now able to do a good day's work, although 73 years of age. Many Inquire what has wrought such a cure in my case, and I tell them, as I have here tried to tell you, Aykb's Sabsafarilla. Glover, Vt., Oet. 21,1882. Tours gratefully, HtBAM Phillips.'* Ana's Saksapakilla cures Scrofula SM all Scrofulous Complaint*, Eryslp. •las, Eczema, King-worm, Blotches* Sores, Bolls, Tumor*, and Eruptions of the Skin. It clears the blood of all impa­ rities, aids digestion, stimulates the aotlon of the bowels, and thus restores vitality and strengthens the whole system. A'^ ntXPAJLZD BT Dr. J.C. Ayer&Co., Lowell, Matt. •old by all Druggists; fl« six bottles for 91. C. G. ANDREWS. GENERAL ABCTI SPRING GROVE ILL. J&iles of Stdck, Farming Tools and Goods of all kinds attended to on the most SEASONABLE TEB2IS, AND Satisfaction Guaranteed. (Jail on or Address C. C. Andrews, Spring Grove, 111. Spring 3reve, Sept. 30th, 1889, ll.ll.Sm CRANT BOOK! est-THE great Life and Personal Memories of Gen. G r u u t in one volume only S1.75. One agent aoi i 43 first 'lay; 10,000 sonl first weak. A engrav­ ing 22x23 inches of all "Our Presidents" Free to each subscriber. Think of this! Some per­ son shonl'l send 50 cts. for outfit and engrav. ingand secure this territory. Book now out --no waiting for commissi«ns. Address Eldkk PUBLISHINOCO., 364 Wabash Ave., Chicago, Illinois. Statue of "Liberty Enlightening the World.*, The Committee i n charge of the construc. t'onof the base and pedestal for the reception ot this great work, in order to raiso funds Tor lt» completion, have prepared a Minia­ ture Statuet te six inche* in hriyta-- the Statue Bronzed; Pedestal Nickel-silvered--which tney are now delivering to subscribers throughout the United States at one dollar This attractive souvenirand Mantel or Desk ornament is a perfect facsimile of the model furnished by the artist. The statuette in same metal, twelve inches nigh, at Five Dollars Each, delivered. ,»T.r,e,<l.esi.ltrns of st»'ue and Pedestal are pro­ tected by U. si. Patents, and the models can only be furnished by ihtt Committee. Address, with remittance, BICHABD BVTLEA, Scerrtary, To Whom it May Concern. Ju the Coun tv Court of McHenry Countv, ̂n the sute of Illinois, October Term, A. I).'l88fi. Wliei-ea-Stephen Kerns has been duly an. pointed l>v said Court Conservator of the K s l a t e o f W i l l i a m K e r n s , w h o h a s b e o u d u l v adjudged a feebleminded person, and where a* the said Stephen Kerns as such conserva­ tor has tiled his petition iu said Court to be heard at the next term ot said Court, to he n o l d e n a t t h e C o u r t H o u s e i n W o o d s t o c k, i n said County, on the third Monday in October A. I). ISS5, praying an erder ut said Court, granting leave to sell the one-seventh (1-7 \ I'art of the east half (>;) of the soul hwes i quarter (m. w. &)-and the southeast (juartei <*• e. <4) of the northeast quarter, (n. e, &) c# section ten (10; in township forty-three (4U north of liange eighth (8) east of the Thvr*i P7-,.V'1|'a' meridian, being tue interest of safe! William Kerns in said described real estate, where all anil every perion whomsoever hav­ ing an interest tlierein may attend and trav­ erse or defend said petition ftmi~Nftll matter* and things therein charged ( / I n testimony whereof I have! hereunto set my h a n d and a f f i x e d t h e s e a l o t I sakl cour t a t A^D l̂st©11 W(MKlJ,t<>cli th,s 21altiay ot dept. „ , W*. Avert, Clerk. Asa W. Smith, for Petitioner. Administrator's N otice. Estate of Amos Dodge, deceased. The tin dersiKnert, having been appointed Ad­ministratrix of the estate of Amoa Dodire •leceasee, late of the County of Mclfenrv, and State of I l l inois, hereby gives notice tliat she will appear before the County Conrtof Mc­ Henry County, at the Court House in Wood, stock, at the October term, on the third Monday In O c t o b e r n e x t, a t w h i c h t i m e a l l persons having claims against said estate, are notified and requested to attend for the pur­ pose of having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersiKueii. Dated 26th day ot August, A. 1>. 1885.. Habah N. Dodge, Adminiatratdx. - F. CI. y , fJL>£ALER IN Groceries ̂ Dry Goods ̂ •.NOTIONS, And READY-MADE CLOTHING}. full Assortment ef PANT 0V18&LIS, Best on Matktt -Shearers Sun C tired Jiipan Pail Tea, 50 cents per pound. Young v«ry tine flavor, 55 cents per pouijli'. , Green .fapap. Extra Stronjr. 50 cents per pound., Uncolon d Japan, Choice, (!0 cents per pouixl. ^ ̂ Uneoloriid Japan, Superb, 70 cents per pound. P E R R Y & CP Madam MeGee'st Coronet Corsets, f Unversally Conceded To be the most perfect Ilyirienic Corset, a t a nominal price, in the market. Its many qualities are embodied in the following points, vis: No bones or cords under the arms. Xo i-eams iver Ihe hips. It has perfectly formed bus.ts, held in position by a self-adjusting bust spring; also separate bracing from the base of the bust, downward; and is adapted to the spoon, also the straight clasp, as desired by the weaier. A single trial of its merits wil l convince >ou of the above facts. jfegf~Try my Overalls, Try my Teas, Try Madam McGee's Corsets, Try all twy Goods and you will get your money's worth. „ , F. C. MAYES. McHenry, Sept. I4ttiv 1885. Cash, Cash, Cash, Cash, Cash LOOK! LOOK! LOOK t CAUTION TO BUYERS OF WHITE LEAD, I PURCLINBELED PIIRKLINSEEP ITjjiZ, By the largest quantity of White Lead produced by any City in the World Is mad# In St, Louis. Thero are only three Corroders in St. Louis, (that is those who manufacture White Lead from tho metal,)namely: "SOUTHERN WHITE LEAD CO.," "COLLIER WHITE LEAD & OIL CO.," and "ST. LOUIS LEAD & OIL CO.," and their White Lead is always Strictly Pure. In consequence of thoveiy_ general reputation of these corroders for tho excellence of quality of their product, their brands have been imi­ tated to a considerable extent by those desirous of taking advantage of their good noma but who are not manufacturers of White Lead. The word "St. Louis" is frequently used on kegs similar in appearance to those of the St, Louis corroders, the contents of which arenotmade in St.Xouis and are_ adulterated. We therefore warn the public against these adulterated mixtures, •when buying Lead, to see that the kegs Dear one of the three brands whose fac-smile» are criven above. . t aotrTsaatt WSITB LEAP OO. sT.iomszj^igoniiijgii O0LL1EB WB1TB Z4BAD AND OS* 00*^ ^ f a very badly fixtures, ana -- THE -- MANUFACTURERS OF Farm Wagons of all kinds, Freight and Truck Wag­ ons, Express, Delivery Wagons and Drays. JBug- fies, Carriages and Iioad i Carts a Complete line I throughout. ' All ot which we fully warrant to be Strictly first class. We build no inferior work. Our wagon is a favorite everywhere. It is perfectly Tracked, durable, and neatly finished, every part well saturated in Hot Linseed Oil before Ironing. Ourprices -will always be low for qual­ ity or goods furnished. Call upon out •cent or write for prices and catalogue to STAR WA80N CO. CEDAB -RAPIDS. IOWA, •OPff 'LlilOTE -is "00'<6A0}@ nxeStrp's o". rronsorrdd* nodn «pi jS p»|i«ui oq Ilia. OX 61 ,;posoi3,, JO^.^owntl ®WTI-Strrqmd Xxdxars i£q '^tre-jsux ws ttt psddo^s pxcB e^ntrtut « ux Xp^sa st '89AO)« 3JOOO POOAL 20 pjoo ituu Tretf} ptre joiprnb qonxxt ^svo^ puu 'aettraiTB '|roq 'aatj 'tJSTBM. 'jjoiq '03fBq TTTM "S3A01S HHIIOSVO ivaw H9in6 The COPPER • "AGER UMP ,iO VKARS XT THE FRONT. ""be only Perfect house um • outlasts throe Iron : jBn in pa, never rusta, Sever wears, nem ; needs repairs. THE EASIEST P U M P KVEK MADE. Will raiKov/f^er 33 feet. Xadh pump is surplied with claapa or clani'-.s f>o rl can be set up auy w 6am and by any one. I want "very .reader of this ad- vertiwn.eiit t<> sftid for one of my descnptive cir>ntisu-s. It will tell you all this and other Copper Vilnius i make, md of the many advr.t.'.ami nterito over any it Pump made. You would never use 'Other after using one. RUFUS EAGER, Sole Manufacturer, LtincawtcryiMllili IJ 'THE OLO VOLK« AT BOMB." Wliite Seal Burning Oil The New York Board of Health estimates that 30,000 lives have been destroy ed by the explosive qualities of Petroleum. If every Household would adopt the White Seal Oil for Family use, none of these unfortunate accidents would occur. White Seal Burning Oil Has none of the defects usnally found in common Oils. It cannot be exploded, does not char the wick, will not smoke, emits no offensive odor, and preven ta the breaking of chimneys. White Seal Burning Oil is a rich oil for illuminating purposes. It is as light in co'oraspure spring water. It gives a strong steady light, and burns much longer than common oils. If tho White Seal Burning Oil Is not sold in your vicinity, send your order direct tu us for a barrel or a case containing two neat Ave gallon cans. BROOKS OIL CO. 66 Euclid Ave., Cleveland. 0. - THE - COTTAGE ttO Y ectx'N ORGAN Bcoord. f style BOUND TONE Bfiwse TASTY DESIQI I Durability Epillei by Few and Surpassed by Iml Acknowledged by competent Judges to be one of the BEST FOR THE LEAST MONET. If you are going to buy an orgfin do not fail to •end for our catalogue and price lilt. We have been established since 1805 axui , ' have a SO years' record. TE WESTERN COTTAGE ORGAN OA, •EIDOTi, ILL. The Bufortl wheel sulky takes ibe lead, also llapgood, Case, Skandla and Flying Dutchman Plow's at K. M. Owen & Son's, For or Prints 3 Cents per Yard, Gingham* b and S fJents. Extra Heavy Sheeting 5 Conts, by the yard or piSce, v Fine Bleached Cotton 7 center Extra Heavy Plaid Shirtingb 6lc by the j'ard or piece. Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, 2 for 5 cents. Good Cotton FlHr.nel 5 cents, worth Ten cent. All Wool Red Flannel 10 ceirts, worth 30 cents. we will Sell (.Jrash ToWcling i î iits. Dress Lining ('ami and Colors, 5 cetits. Black Job Lot of Corsetis at 50 ceuts on the Dollar.. iilewTme Grey Underwei ̂ Three for $1, worth 60c each finest Stock of Meits, Ladies and Misses Underwear in the County. ll̂ n s All Wool Red Underwear. id cents, . V ' We have a'MHune of C M Hen- derson's celebrated Boot* fcnd Shoes, unexcelled in. style and finish. Warrantee See our nir unusually large stock of Mens' and Boysr ( lothinir oys Clothing and Overcoats. Groceries ! Gro^dHlt!! Always Fresh and Pure. Ten Pounds Fine Rio Wfee, |t Nine Pound Roasted do 22 |Ws Good Soapi $l#00f ttii best 5 cent Soap In the market Three Pounds Good Tea $1,00 Our Large Line of Ladief and Misses Cloaks will &r* liy# This Week. & Owen. To call and examine the AND WINTER COOD8 Which are daily being received by the firm of GOLDING BROTHERa WAUCONDA, ILL. Including all the new shades in I, 111VVIH) PLAXDS> ETC. * Underwear, Underwear, A full line and of the best quality. ^Our stock is complete iu every department and we will not be undersold; quality of goods considered. A lull line of * ̂ cmo csi-- At botton figum. The Highest Market price paid for BUTTER AWD EGGS. GOLTHHOt BROTHElSi Wanconda, Sept, 7,1885. ; Bonslett & Stoflel t At their Store on the West Side, have just received fulj line of arsw THE- To which they invite the inspection of the buying public, lheir Stock consiols in part of Oij Bwdi, Hatisu, Clethiag, Boots tad Shoot, (te. All new, desirable and Very Cheap ̂ J^Our Stock is complete in every Department, iind knowing th« wants of onr customers we have endeavored, in putting in our JTal) and W inter StocR to meet that want both in Goods and Piico ̂ |Cgr"Call and see us, examine Goods and learn prices, Stoftel Atull Stoek, Good and Cheap. Bonslett Watt MoHonry, III., Sept, 7tb, 1885. f * « it'- 4*~- Wfc' Jjflr'

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