:• f' -- v mmam WEDNESDAY, S*PT. 90. 1886 MABOITIS MoIIiiriT Ix»«i, Ho. IOB A. R. and A. M.-- Saturday or and every two itki hlief tbt «eeki thereafter. moon •scalar OoowaatcwUon* the Muidn or th«*Mftar. OH A 8. C. COI.BY.W. M. _CBwn* JHA.PTBR ifo. 31 R. A. M.--Regu- Onfon.lni held on the second and fourth ,yn in eaeh moneh. JORM KTA>MW, H. P. . Railroad Time Table. On and after Mendar, June 15, Trains will pit McHenry Htation ia below; ooiwo SOUTH.; Beneva Lake Passenger .......7JS a. * Benera r<ake Express .........8:45 " Qeneva Lake Freirht .......14:45 p. w Genera Lake Passenger 3:29 " ooiito roam. Seneva Lake Freight .......9-II a. * eneva Lake Passenger I":00 " enera Lake Express 4:48 P. M ensra Lake Passenger. 8:57 " B. BUSS, Agent. McHenrv. III 0 Qurrm a number of our citizens are "courting" at Woodstock till* week. " CIKCUIT COUKT ia In session at Wood- Mock till* week, Judge Kelluni presid ent- - GEO, W. OWEN ia building an addi tion to his barn. Smith A Howe are .doing the work. P. D. SMITH, of Leonardsvilie, Kan., formerly of this village, was calling ou friends here last week. JOHN HKIMER is building a new barn In the rear ef his lot. Albany Frett is loiug the carpenter work. Clothes Wringers, both the Novelty ftnd Universal. Tour choloe for 12,75 it John I. 8tory*s. ; FRANK KERNS, of the Sandwich Free JPreta. made our sanctum a pie Man t .(jail last week. He had been rusticating • week at Plstaqua Lake. WK learn that W. H. Ford's running ponies, "Daisy" and "Fly." took first and second money at the Llbertyvllle races last we*k. ATTENTION IS called to the advertise- .feient of C, G. Andrews, Auctioneer, Bpring Qrove, III., which can bo found |» another column. WE have received a communication from C. II. Morey, in answer to the one published last week from the Modern . Woodman, which will appear next weak. LOST, on Friday last, between Mc- ftoury and Ring wood, a pair of Gold flowed Spectacles, The finder will be iuitably rewarded by leaving the same •t this office. 8. G. STREET and wife, of Hebron, have laid ye editor under many obli gations for the very handsome re mem trance, which w? received a few days if nee. ___ / IN mother place In this paper can be found calls for a Democratie District ftnd County Convention, tho .'ormer lo be held at Elgin October 7th and the latter at Woodstock October 9tb. THE assets of a lawyer Increase In proportion to Ills "lie" abilities. This thought was suggested to us by a pro- feesionable gentleman whose name we 'Withhold out of respect for hie family. A couple of the girls must have their Intentions "sot" on some of the boys, juid are bound .to get them, as they Called at the drug store the other day for "love powder." THE Waukegan Fair Is in progress 11)Is week and will continue until Sat urday night. McHenry will be well represented during the week. Ford's running mare,"Daisy," went over on Tuesday. r; As the rate of postage lias been re |luced it affords an opportunity to use Ji better quality, as well as a greater Quantity, of writing paper. You can procure the best quality of all com mercial paper*, neatly printed and put MP In tablets, at this office, at rock• bottom prices. THE Lecturea at Riverside Hall, by Prof. Favour, last week, on the subject of Electricity, were well attended and ^proved to be of the most Interesting ^character. Praf. Favour was well verted In* his subject, and had an abundance of apparatus to demonstrate ills iffitures. accident occurred on the rallraad near Algonquiu, on Friday last, freight train running Into the Pay Car, while paying all tha me a at the gravol pit. Quite a number of work men were severely Injured, and we ^hear that one has since diecU Wa did Wtliarri Uti name. WE learn that Albert Colby has rented Allan Walsh'* house, and that 11. N, Head, the West Side Hardware j Merchant, lias rented Wn. Walsh's residence. Was. Walsh proposes to mere to Chicago sometime doriag the rlnter. THE careful buyer will stu ly onr ad vertising columns for announcements of Fall goods and special attractions at this time. The dealer who has the gooda and can make the prloes to de serve the patronage, seldom (ails to notify the public of the fact ID the col umns of the local paper most exten sively read. It pays to read every an nouncement If you have goods to buy and no money to throw away. VACATION IS over. The town Is re- ceivlng back her sunburned children. School? have commenced. There is rlmson on the maple leaver Light and dark horses are prancing In the political field. Young ladies are put ting car-tails in tall vases on the man tle. The churches hive resumed. The oyster is reasserting It so If. The days are shorter. The fuel bills are largei. The harvest is pasl. The an.ateur botanist iias pressed the last rose of summer, and summer Itself has ended. No# that winter will soon be here, we advise young men to make prepara tions to attend some good school dur ing the winter months. Many young men are securing a business education which fits them for getting on In the world. We know of no better school to attend than the Metropolitan Busi ness College of Chicago. This College has a wide reputation and is doing a great work. It has a faculty ol ted professors, and an attendance of abouf!; 400 students. The Principal. Mr. O. M. Powers, is a thoroughgoing business man, and the College is a live school. THE Joh nsburgli Church Fair, which takes plan: on Wednesday of next week, afternoon and evening, promises to be a highly interesting and enjoy able aflalr. The Mi-Henry Military Band will be in attendance. Dinner will he served from 1 to 6 p. M. and Supper from 8 to 12, and nulling will be left undone t3 make It pleasant for all. The Steamer "Mary Griswoid" will make numerous trips during the day and evening for the accommodation of all who wish to go. Remember the time. Wednesday, Oct. 7th. afternoon and evening. WHEN a man says that newspapers amount to nothing--that he wouldn't have a country paper, and then borrows his neighbor's paper to steal the news he Is too stingy to pay for, we like it. When a man pretends he is in favor of building op his town and suppor ting homo Industries, and then sends away from home for his dry goods,groceries, etc., and gets his jol> printing done In he city, we like it. When a man 6aya It don't pay to advertise, "coz" no one will read it. and then "flies all to pieces"because of a two line local that don't suit liiui, we like It. Ye*, we like a fool, we do. THE reason why editors and printers are so well preserved has been account ed for by anatomists. Their declara tion Is that "work Is the essence of our existence and enjoyment here, and our happiness hereafter." Fourteen hours d ally labor in a printing room or as a common laborer, woulJ probably in duce a change of view In tne minds of these "bone" theorists. It probably never entered their one idea minds that % vacation of a month Is enjoyed by laborers as well as scientific theory builders. It Is an old saying, "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy." THERE will be a meeting of the Cemetery Aid Society on Friday of this week, October 3d, at Mrs. Julia Blshop't, commencing at 3 o'clock. It Is earuestly hoped that all tha ladies who are Interested in this work will attend tfels meeting. It Is time for the election of officers, now please coma and help us. We do not believe you would wish this work to be drop ped. It is right and proper we should care for the last resting place of our loved ones. The officers in charge at present feel It a heavy responsibility and wish your hearty cooperation with them. Don't forget the date, Friday, October 2d, at 3 o'clock. SECRETARY. Teaehera Fxamlnatlons. Our Fall examinations will ho bald as follows, At Richmond Thursday, October 1st. At Harvard Fridiv, October td. At. Marengo Saturday, October 3d. At Woodstock Saturday, October 10th. Teachers will please come prepared with pens, luk and paper. LESTER BARBER. County Supersntendent of Schools. are requested to give notice that there will ba a Lecture at tha Baptist church, Woodstock, on Friday eveniag next, Oct. 3d, by Mr. Hanford Subject, "Modern Literature." Mr. Hanford's Lecture there last spring on "Oliver Croonrel}," gave the best of satisfaction, and we bespeak for blip a full house on thlsoooaslon, A OAU for a Republican Mass Con vention, to be hold a( Woodstock on Saturday nest, for tha purpose of soodlng eighteen delegates to Elgin on the 6tb, to nominate a candidate for Congress In this District, can be found In another place in this paper. Every Republican who is opposed to bargain and sale by political Rings, should : attend. THE ladies of McHenry and vicinity should bear fn mind the meeting of the Cemetery Aid Sooiety (a notice of which can bo found elsewhere), which meets at the residence of Mrs. Julia Bishop on Friday afternoon next. We sgree with the Secretary that the flisttejr fs important, and we trust the ft^les, one and all, will take hold of ^e matter, and not leave It for a tew pff dp, thfys iipakjng It a burden, when jf ^11' woijld lepd a helping hand tha dittle# would be light fop alt. ^a( all turn^yt o# frltty BsuMrstle Congressional utifsaUH. The Democratic voters of (ha Fifth Con gressional District are requested to send delegates to a Convention to be held at Elgin on Wednesday, October 7, 1885, lor the pur pose of placing in nomination a candidate for Congress to Oil the vacancy occasioned by the death of Reuben Eliwood. The basis of representation will be u|>on the vote east for Richard Bishop in 1884, and is as follows. We recommend that the several counties neet at their usual places for holding the convention and select the delegates to which they are entitled. E. S. JOSLTIT, Kane. «. I. BHAUBI RV, Lako, E. C. JEWKTT, MC.Henry. ' ii. W. M I'BCH, Boone. C. BOVNTON, DaKa!b. Committee^ Democratic Coanty.Convention. The several Towns of McHenry County a*© requested to send delegates to a County Con vention of the Democratic Party, to be held the Court House in the city of Woodstock, Tuesday, October 6th 1885, at one o'clock m., for the ")>urpote of choosing Eleven Delegates to the Democratic Congressional Convention to be held at Elgin on Wodnesdav Octobei 7th, 1865, The Ratio ef representation from the several Towns will be as follows: Riley 3 Greenwood 6 Marengo ... S Helirtn S Dunham...,. 5'Richmond...*,.... 7 Chemung ...l| -McHenry.... II Aldeo 6 Xinula 7 Hartland .......in Algoaqule. 8 Seneca. ..... 6 Coral e rafton. . 7 Dorr. .. 11 Burton a We recommend that the seveftt Towns meet at their usual places for boiling cau cuses and select the Delegates to which they are entitled. Jon ir D. snoR*, RICHARD BISHOP, P. K. ALLBN, G. F. KKNWICK, JAM RS THOM rsoir, County Central Committee, Riverside Skatiqg Ifcink. The Rink will be open on Saturday evening, and every Saturday evening unless there be a notloe fn the paper to the contiary. We will try and correct an error In regard to (he admission fee printed (wo weeks Ago. Ticket good fori admissions .... .91.00 Admissloa with skates.. ,.«5 oents Admission fee.,,.10 cents For (he rant of skates. cants W. H. FORD, Proprietor. SPRikO chlokens are all a de usion and a snare. Buy one and you will discover to your Borrow that the hon est butcher forgot to tell you that It is not this year'f springchicken, nor even a last year's spring chicken. Before you get through with II you will pro bably come to the conclusion that, while In tha natural order of things there must have been a time when it could truthfully be called a spring chicken, that time was in the far ofl paleozoic age, and that it has been taking such vigorous exer :ise ever since that to call It simply tough would 0o an insult fo the Engljsb |an guage. |t is %aad and solemn fact that the genuine spring chicken fs never seen except with "tljo eye of a yiyijl Imagination.---Sc. Counties. Boone DeKalb . .. Kane Lake McHenry... Votes. . ... ill 1.7S4 ....*,661 .... 1,028 Delegates. 3 It 19 9 11 Democratic Caucus. The Democratic voters of the Town of McHenry aie requested to meet In Town Caucuo, at the Council Room, in the village of McHenry, on Saturday, Oct. 3d, 1885. at 2 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of chooelng Eleven delegates to represent said Town in t< e County Convention, to be- held at Woodstock oh Tuesday. Oct. 6(h, and to transact such other business as may enme before the meeting. Br ORDKI TOWN CoxmTTaa. 10- Au Iowa boy. aged 15. worked a month for the physician of the neigh borhood, and was given i istead of the ten dollars which lie expected, a re ceipted bill for professional services which the doctor had rendered on the occasion of his birth. Chas.C. Bonney. when practicing law in Peoria, played a similar trick on a coal dealer. One of the dealers teimsters iiad delivered a load o( coal to Mr. Bonney which was Intended for his neighbor. When the error wafc discovered the coal man call ed on Mr. Bonney and in a jocular man ner asked him his advico, giving a hypothetical cue. The attorney gave an opinion that if the coal was used it must be paid tor. A bill for seven dollars, accompanied by the weight ticket signed by his wife was present ed to him for payment. Bonney ad mitted Its correctness but Immediate ly made out a countercharge of ten dpl- Isrs attorney's fees for his advice In the case, and forced the funny coal dealer to pay the three dollars or stand a law suit. Bonney Is now rich and great, and he ought to be. When symptoms of malaria appear in any form, take Ayer's Ague Cure ar once, to prevent the development of the disease, and continue until health is restored. A cure I* warranted In every instance. Building Paper and Moth Proof Oar- pet Paper at J. I. Story's. Closing out Sale of Stores. At Coat for Caah* A line of Hard Coal Stoves, of differ ent sizes and styles, of the best makes, will positively be sold at cost, for cash until October 15th. Must be sold to make room for other goods. Call at once and make your choice. JOHN I. STORY, September 23d, 1885. For Sale or Rent. A good bouse and eleven lots on the East side of Fox River, in the village of McHenry. The bouse Is new and has barn and other out-builjllngs. Inquire of Mrs. Mary Ryan on the premises. Cook and Heating stoves, both Coal and Wood, of the latest styles and patterns, at J, I, Story's. THE FAIR. Part of the Finance Committee met at *.he Secretary's office and done what they could towards auditing the ex- pense bills of the late Fair. Owing to the continued illness# of the Treasurer (Mr. Bourne,) nothing will be done towards paying Q0 bills until someone Is selected by the Executive Commit- tee who meet Monday, Sept. 38th.-- Those having premium* due will please ba patient until the management And out where they Stand Please bear In mind the bright prospects were de stroyed by the terrible rain through the week, and it is each ones duty to bear their share. Everyone will ad mit that with good weather- the Fair of 1885 would have eclipsed all past ones, and stood forth as the banner County Fair of the Northwest, Noth Ing was left undone to make It such, but the weather is one matter no man agement can handle, and hence we sub mit. We have paid our running ex penses and improvements and have a small balance left. But the McHenry County Fair still lives. A. 8. WRIGHT, Secretary. We bave-in stock at uery low prices, canned ap »les, peaches, pears, plums, apricots, pine apoles. black berries' raspberries, cherries, blueberries, green gages, strawberries, tomatoes, corn succotash, lima beans, string beans, peas, baked beans, sweet potatoes, mackerel, cove oysters, salmon, clams, lobsters, bteef, etc. ' ' (IENRT COLBT. \n« % When buying your winter supply of Flanriels examine the Rockford first, for sale at Fit^s'immous & Evanson'g. ' The Fair at loftnabwrph. The Catholic community of Johne- biirgh, which at present en|oys a new and vigorous life, as this may appear from the fact that Its new and beauti ful church Is nearly finished, has resolv ed to arrange a Fair foi the benetlt of thU chureh. This Fair will take place October 7tli, 1885, day and evening, in in Chris Brick's Hall, In Johnsburgh. The Arrangement Committee Is com posed of Mie following' gentlemen: Matt Engien, Martin May, Castor Adams, John B. Blake, Stephen R. Smith and John Huemanu. Committee for Steamboat and Music Messrs. John Helmer, Anton Engien, Joseph J. GIIIIs. Floor Managers and Committee for Order: Messrs. Henry Althoff, George Nell, Matthias Niessen, John Barbian, John M. Miller and Jacob Freunri. Bar Committee; Matthias Heimer, Nick tteber, John Niessen, Frank Smith, John Frett, John H. Freuud, l'eter Tiialen and Anton Weber. Treasurer:-Casper Ailatne. SecretaryJohn B. Blake. ,. The following is the I'ro^aiiBUie:. Services at tiia Church at halt past ten. After services two salutes and a Grand March by the McHenrj Military Baud. Concert at the Hall to continue unti! 10 o'clock at night; A Grand Raflle will take place during the day and evening for a Gold Watch worth #80, and other valuable articles. Dinner from 1 to 5 o'clook p. in., served by the ladles of Johnsburgh. Supper from 8 to 12. Steamboat Tlma Table:--The Steam- er"Mary Grlswold" will leave McHenry for the Johnsburgh Fair as follows: 10 o'clock a. ni. and 6 o'clock p. m. Re turning leave Johnsburgh at 5 o'clock p. m., 12 o'clock at nl^lit and 5 o'clock on Thursday morning. The McHenry Band will accompany the 10, S and 6 o'clock excursions. Round tr p 25 cents. Fair, Concert and Supper 50 cents. Tickets to Ball 25 cents. Duticing-to commciicc at 10 o'clock p. m. Music by JMudgett's Q iadillle Biinii. N. it.---Only persons presented with tickets will have free pa<*.«g<> hack to Mcllcnry; otiieis will h ive to pity a fare ot 25 cents. AHKAKOKMKNT COM, FELLOW CITIZENS:--We approach you with a request you will, wo are fully convinced ot it, not refuse, hut Kraut gladly and checriully, for not only are you going to help thereby a good and useful work, but you also will be plentifully rewarded. The Catholic Community of Johns* burgh, with great endeavors and large expenses, has succeeded in building its own beautiful church, tha chaste beauty of which is an ornament to tha county, yea, tp the whole State. The outltys the community had to undergo for the erection of the building and its furniture were very heavy, but cheer fully tUdaachona uotftribute accord ing to his means. Still there could not be done quite enough, and the com munity sees itself obliged to Jook for further aid at the hands of its fellow citizens. In order to do this In a pleasant way, and still to be enabled to raise the yet necessary funds, it was resolved to arrange a Fair, and full of confidence the various committees elected for the purpose approach their fellow citizens, requestjng their aid. There is a good work to be done, and no good citizen ought to try to evade it. Every one taking an Interest in the public welfare, every one not put ting his Individual advantage above "that of the common interest,every one widiing that religion and It ministers be supported will, as we firmly hope, take part in tiie Fair arranged by us. Should anyone be preveuted from put ting in his personal appearance, he may at leaet show his good will by some material aid, which will be aver so gratefully accepted. Fellow Citizens: There Is little asked of you! What you give you receive back again, for it is our firm belief that no one visiting the Fair will ever regrer. having done so. The charming boat ride on our beautiful river, a con cert given by a skilled and complete military baud, the hope of being the lucky winner of a fine present, a deli cious supper, and last, but not le tst, a merry ball, are attractions well worth their price. Naw then, fellow citizeus come one, come all, pass a merry night in the midst of your friends and bring home with you the happy remem brance, also the con fiction: It was a good work we helped to further, • J. ' Com. To persons wishing to attend the Chicago Exposition, held from Sept. 2 to October 17, we will sell Excursion Ticket at $2 25, round trip, IncluJIng admission ticket to the Exposition, on the following days; Oct 3d «« Ootsth •* _ Oct 6 and 7 '* Oct lith '< Oct 10 « Oct 12th • Oct 13 and 14, '* Qot I9ih '• Oct 17 * Oct lttth " Parties wishing to attend the Stata Agricultural Fair, held from Septem ber 14t:i to 19th, inclusive, oan take ad vantage of these rates, although Expo sition a'dmisslon tickets will not ba re ceived for entrance to Fair. B, Busg, Agent, McHanry, TIL Sept. 1st, 1885. AUCTION SALE. The undersigned will sell at Public Auction on the farm known as the Stewart Farm, situated 3} miles south ef McHeury and one mile north ot Bar- reville, on Thursday, Oct. 8,1885, com mencing at 12 o'clock M. the following property: 15 cows; 1 2-year-old bull; 3 horses; 2 lumber wagons; 1 platform spring wagon; 1 Johnson reaper; 1 Warrior mower; 1 sulky cultivator; 1 Keystone pulverizer;2 walking plows; 1 drag; 1 Keystone corn planter; 1 bob sleigh ;1 hay rack ;2 set double harness; 15 tons tame hay; 28 aires co?n; 5Q0 bushels oats, and other article? too, nu merous to mention. TKRMS OF SALE:--AH sum8 of and under cash. Qver that sum 4 credit •f 8 nionMis wiU be'given ou approved notes at 7 per pent Interest. 2 per cent ofl for cash. CARL POMREKIKU. P. K. GBANQKB, Auctioneer. EDITOR PLAIN DEALER .---Mrs. K. An thony, from Massachusetts, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Jack Conn. Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Pierce started for the east Monday: They will visit friends lit Steuben county, New York. E. O. Rowe was the recipient ot a nloe chair Saturday evening, a present from the Hebron Cornet Band. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Rojve expect to go to Indiana this week, for a short visit with friend? there. Rev, Geo. K. Hoover will deliver a lecture on tho homes and habits of the people of New Mexico, at the M. E. Church, Wednesday evening of this weik. Social dance at Rowe's Hall, Friday evening, October 9th. Music by Slo- cum's Orchestra. Tickets to dance. •1.00, Supper will ba furnished at Earl's hotel. Some of our young people are con templating the organization of a Cor bet Band to consist partly of ladies, hey will procure a good instructor nd without doubt it will be a success^ A great many from here attended the Walworth county Fair last week and all came home feeling repaid and highly praising tha fair at Elkhorn. which, under the present management Is the best in this section of the coun try. We bespeak a larger delegation from Hebron for the year 1886. The fair 1-tst week, under tha aus pices of the Ladles Aid Society, was a grand success, about one hundred and fifty being presant. The program ne, though short was entertaining. The Band kept the company lively and the supper of real New England stylo caus ed considerable merriment. Oar Chicago Market Report. Prepared Dxpressly for the PLAINDKALBR by Oar Own Correspon lont. CHICAGO, Sept. 28,1885. The farmers of the West have evi dently begun to sell some of tbeir new wheat as receipts are Increasing slightly. The wheat prospect as a Whole is considered a strong one. If prices are not rushed up here too strong by the speculators, and England does not go back on us by refusing to purchase--and there is no reason why she should--there will certainly be better prices in the latter part of the year. The market to-day was some what weaker and lower. Corn Is aleo weaker and lower under the influence of large receipts and a decline^on previsions. The farmers seem anxious to get rid of their old com, hence the large receipts. The Oat market is quiet and prices remain about the same. Rye is quiet with light receipts which keeps prices up. Barley Is Arm. The Butter market is rather slow, the demand being limit- e»'. Eggs sell at good prices. Poultry is only in email demand and prices somewhat lower. Vegetables slow. The receipts of Cattle to day was 9,000 against 7,84*2 last week at 3»me time. There is a good dressed beef trade, and this class sell at higher prices than has been quoted for some time. Tex- an« are In suit)! demand witli a large supply In the market. The Hog mar ket is rather irregular, on best heavy shipping lots prices are'higher, but on rough and common there is very little ilemanJ and low prices. The receipts of sheep to day was liberal and prices are inclined to be lower. WINTER WHEAT-NO. 2 red 87; No 3 red 86}. SPKING WHEAT--NO. 2 86; No. 3 77c; No. 1 hard (Minneapolis) 84c. No. 1 hard (Duluth market; 86a CORN--No. 2 42c; No. 3 42c. OATS--No. 2 26c; No. 3 by sample 24@26c; Barley Oate 32c, KYK--No. 2 by'sa nple, 59}. BARLEY--No. 2 By sample, 70, TIMOTHY SEED--Poor to good, 91.71 FLAX-NO 1. 91.33 CLOVER--Poor to choice, S5.00@95.25 BUCKWHEAT--Prime, 91.25. BRANS--Ciioi.-e hand picked, 91.20@ 9130. POTATOES--New 35@37c per bushel. BUTTER--Creamery fancy 17 to 20c; dairy tb choice 15@16c; common grade 6 to 8c. Eoos-Gaod fresh Northern. 15@17c. CHEESE~Young America 9 to 10}c; full cream Cheddar 9; skimmed 6c. 'PouLTRY-Old chickens6@8c; spring chickens 8c; live Turkeys 11@12 CATTLE--Good to extra shippers 95.20^to 96 00; common lo good 94.90 to 95.00; butchers steers 92.50 to 94.00; stockers 92.60 to 94,20; Texans #3.20 to 93.75. HOGS--Light weight |4.00 to 94.S5; rough packing 93.40 to 93.95; heavy packing and shipping 94.20. SHEEP--Common to choice #2.00 to 94,00. The Nickel Barn Doar Roller, ac knowledged by all to be the best thing of the kind on the tn trket, for sale by John I. Story. CORN IS KING. G. V. Stevens, West McHenry, offers the follow*ng Premiums for the best live ears of Corn raised in McHenry or Lake counties this year. FIRST PREMIUM:--912.00 Lap Robe or Shawl as the winner may choose. SECOND PREMIUM:--A pair of Otter Gloves or Dress Pattern worth 95.00 as the winner may choose. THIRD PREMIUM:--A pair of fthues or a bolt of Cotton Cloth worth 93. 25. The test of quality to oe the weight after the corn is seasoned. All coru must be delivered by November 20th save your ohoice samples and bring them so that all oan see aud compare quality and kinds. Yours Truly, C. V. STEVENS. Rockford Flannels are said to be the most durable of any Flannels manufac tured in America. Try them; they are for sale at Fitzsiinmens & Evanson's Closing: out Sale of Stoves. At Coat for Cash. A line of Hard Coal Stoves, of differ ent sizes and styles, of the best makes, will positively be sold at cost, for cash, until October Joith. • Must he sold to make room for other goods. Call at once and t^a^e jaur choioe. JOHN I. STORY. September 23d, 1885. The coming holidays wJll be more generally observed than any for many years, and we would remind our read-, ers thit a bottle of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup would prove a moat acceptable holiday preset. Richmond Department. OOKTBLBUTAD BT J. F. BEKHBTT. GRAND CONCERT. There will be a Vocal and Instru mental Concert at Coulman's Opera House, Richmond, III., Friday evening, October 2d, 1885, to be given by the Genoa Junction and Richmond Chor uses, and by Richmond Cornet Band, under the auspices of Richmond Post No. 286, Grand Army of the Republic, and for the benefit of Richmond Cornet Band. This complimentary Concert is tendered tha Richmond Cornet Band by the Richmond Post Grand &rmy of the Republic, and by the stngers and citizens of Richmond and Geuoa Junc tion, in consideration of the gratuitous playing of the band on Decoration Day and other public and private occasions, and to show due appreciation of the efforts of the band to become the pride of McHenry County, and one of the best organiz ttions In the State. It is earnestly hoped that the public will turn out en masse and give the boys a rousing benefit. The programme (to be presented hereafter) will be varied and entertaining, consisting of selec tions by the Band and by the Rich* mond and Genoa Choruses. The repu tation of the local talent engaged, a9 well as that of the Richmond Cornet Ban J is too well known to need praise here, and assures the public that in this Concert they will get the great musical treat of the season. Doors open at 7:30 p. m. Concert to com mence at 8. Tickets, 25 cents; Reserved seats, 35 cents; Children under twelve years, 15 cents. Tickets for sain at A. R. Alexander's, Richmond, and at J. M. Carey's, Genoa. WANTED, TO BUY:--A snug little farm of 20 to40 acres, with comfortable house and outbuildings,and convenient to boating and fishing on lake. Address Dr. S, F. Bennett, Richmond, 111. tf Bird Cages, both Brass and Japan, the finest assortment in town, at J. I. Story's. W« wish to remind our friends and patrons that we are prepared to make auv prices cut or regular that may be made. We appreciate your patronage and will always protect vou in pi ices, Please remember we have the goods an 1 will sell them as cheap, aud iu many instances cheapei»thau any other house in McHenry county. We will not be undersold. * HENRY COLRY, A fine line of Stove Boards, different sizes and styles, at John I. Story's. For Sale. Fortv acres of land, situated one and a half miles South of Solon, McHenry <'a'jnty. There Is a good hou9e,stables, and other outhouses on the premises. Will be sold reasonable If applied for •oon. G. W. TuuESDlELL.. Dated Sept. 30.1885. Farm tor Bent. The larm known as the Wm. Stowart farm, ono mile from Barreville and three miles from McHenry, is offered for Rent, It contains 220 acres. For further particulars Inquire of Mrs. Wm Stewart, on the premises. IMl-Sw Closing out Sale of Stoves. At Cost for Cash. A line of Hard Coal Stoves, of differ ent sizes and styles, of the best makes, will positively be sold at oost, for cash until October 15th. Must be sold to make room for other goods. Call at on >*e and make your choice. JOHN I. STORT. September 23d, 1885. Bargains Extraordinary. Come to Fitzsimmoris & Evanson's It you have Cash to invest, for any kind of Goods. This week Ladies, Gents, Misses and Children will have lower prices than ever known before. ^Iso Dress Goods at half price. Also mens clothing, such as single coats at 'jalf price or below. Come in and look us over and dan't wait. FITZSIMHOKS ft Kramon. Notice* The estate of William Sutton deceas ed, consisting of one acre of land, to gether with bouse and tenements thereon, situated iu Solon, McHenry county, Illinois, will be sold at Auction to the highest bidder for cash, on Sat urday, October 3d, at 3 o'clock p. H. J.». OVKRTOK. WM. MOORE, Administrators of the Estate. Thousands of families have had oc casion to try the never falling qualities of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, and they all unite in the praise of this wonderful prescription. New This Week. Mrs. H. II. Nichols has just opened her first invoice of early Fall Millinery Goods. We have plenty of new Fall Hats, just trimmed, on exhibition aud ready tor business. Give us a call and examine (or yourselves. We always have the goods when we advertise them. MRS. H. H. NICHOLS. Dress Flannels good and cheap at Fitzsimmons & Evanson's. MRS. E, W HOWE Has just returned from the city with a full line of Fall Millinerv, to which she invites the attention of the Ladies^ My stock Is larger than ever before and comprises the latest styles to be found in the market. Call early an t have your choice in the best selected stock of Millinery to be lound In the county. MRS. E. W. HOWE. Fitzsimmons it Evanson invites the attention of Cash buyers to the fact that they are showing the most com plete line of Dry Goods, such as Vel- vetines. Dress Flannels. Worsteds, Rockford Flannels. Waterproofs, Cot ton Flannels. Underwear, Boots, Shoes and Rubber Goods that ever have been offered in this part of the country. Be sure and call and see how cheap thay are selling ftrst o!ass goods. Redpath's **3.oo Shoes. The b;«t In the world for the mon ey. Solid leather, solid sole, leather counters and innersoles and are made out of first quality calf skin, put te* getherin an honest, substantial man ner and warranted to give satisfaction Try a pair, For sale by Henry Colby. Examine the new styles Velveteens at Fltasimmons & Evanson's. Cotton as well as Woolen Flannels sold cheap at Fltsslmmoos A Xvan- sou's. Business Nonces. Try our new Teas. Bonslett AStoiel No trouble to show goods or answer questions at R. Bishop's. City residences for sale. Apply lit Lsa W. Smith, Woodstock, Til, Everything in the Hardware Hoe a|; bottom figures, at E. M. Howe's. Randall and Keystone Pulverisers. 13 and 16 inch at E. M. Owen 6 Son. The Boss Barrel Churn, at John |f"' Story's. . ;V* Children's Clothing cheap at Henry Colby's. * New Fall Glnghama at Perry £ Owen's. German Knitting Tarn, all colors, beat quality at Henry Colby's. Fresh Eureki Bread at Perry 4| Owen's. 910 buys a good hoavy weal wloe- colored suit at Bonslett A Stoftel's. Gloves and Mittens, good and cheap at Henry Colby's. Fly Nets," all kiads, cheap, *! Bo»- slett & S toff el's. Fine Velvet and Velveteen ta blank and colors at Perry & Owen's. ,,, Saxony Tarn, all colors Henry ^ Colby's. Fine line Gents Neckwtsar at Henry. Colby's. New Clothing at Bonslett & StofloPs. For bush & Brown's Buffalo Boots the best made at Henry Colby's, Walking Shoes at half price to close at Henry Colby's. Wa carry a large line bakery goods; always fresh, at Bonslett A Stoffers. Bremner's famous Eureka Bread at Perry A Owen's. Try the well known Chick's Flour at Bonslett & Stoffel's. Bealey's Famous Waukegan Ale and Porter On draught at J. Bonslett's, A. jfa. glen's and John Heimer's. Buy your Flour of Bonslett A Stof- fel New crate Lustre Band ^are, very cheap and warranted, at Bonslett « stoffel's. Two hundred pairs Misses Black im ported Kid Gloves, sizes 6 to 6f, only 20c at Fitzsimmons & Evanson s. Barrel Salt at Bonslett & StoffelN, Call at E. M. Owen & Son's for yonj Farm Machinery. They keep none but the best, and warrant everything. Eight pounds Roasted Coffee for |1 at Bonslott A Stoffel's, Notice. To those that want Tubs. Vat9, Bay R^cks,and anything in ray line of busi ness. Work done on short notice to i order. Shop one door South ot Law* - :-.s lus' Store, J ,-**H,rST • The Lyman Barb Wire, both plain and galvanized,decidedly the best Wire in the market, at John I. Story's. W 4 lored Fine white Handkorchicifs, border, 5 cents each, warranted Henry Colby's. m GLASS I GLASS J ^ J We keep Glass of all sizes constantly ^ on hand. Special sizes cut without extra charge. JOHN I. STORT. J FEED CUTTERS. The Belle City takes the lead; tho -V strongest and best, at E. M. Owen A * Son's. ' 'I Laoe Curtains, Tidies, Lamberkins, / I Bedspreads and Shams, cheap, at Mrs, ^ Schumacher's, near the Depot. An elegant Hue of Dress Goods at ' vi Henry Colby's. Please remember that our stock In ^ every department is very complete and that our prices are always tha .j ,'i lowest that can be made. We will not '* :'"J be undersold by any house in McHenry ' i. Co. Henry Colby. BESLKY'S Ale and Porter is the hfest made. Uu draught in McHenry at Ja^Oh r J Bonslett's, A. Engien's, and John JW* Heimer's. !$fj|| Keep one Eye open en Bargains All Wool Suits 95.00; Fine all Wool Pants 92.00 and 93.00; Fine Dress Suits V % 916.00; Odd Wool Coats 92.00; Vests SB ^ cents, at E. LAWLUS', Opposite Riverside House BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. STARPASTE >»?, - 'i 9 • „• P, " ;f1 ••r h- The Housekeeper's Friend ASK FOB, AND TAKE NO OTHKR. 8tH bj the Grocery Trade gaunty. wm BOBXBT C. BDIZR, J BREEDER OK LiiM Brabia. FOWLS ' ? RICHMOND, ILL. % (mn KExicM 4T wiuBT/joinnrr Mis, Mr fowls are of the ccl«l>ra*ed DUKB OF YORK strain, remarkable for Ibeur (TMt »is« and l&yiof i|UAUli6d. 1 Oil show a Itio of last season's chicks welffhinf StJpmiiiiU. Knr». uer of thiriaea. tl-SSL detiv«r«4 to pHrcbaMr 1b Riebmou<i, ShlppM, seeaialy maaXMTC. , , T A \ J L V . . . - \ ; «w.