Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Oct 1885, p. 4

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OCT. 14, 1885. VAN 8LYKE, T* A I>1?T> M»y fonnrt on si.s.«--' r Ar HiJtC Hie at UBO. P. Bwli.Ii ft OO.'S Newspaper Advertising wiHMIMi (NSttnee Street), where advertising a^TSNEW YORK H»fe Ton Heard From Ohiot Olilo has spoken and she utters no uncortaln sound. It WHS a glorious vle- lory, and more so because it was better iftan the most sanguine could have Itoped. The lournal of Wednesday evening says: "The Ohio election of -|re8terday resulted in the success of the Republican State ticket by from 15,000 to 20,000 plurality, and a Republican tbajority on joint ballot in the Leglsla (tire, insuring the reflection of John Sherman to the United States Senate* iff^jPhe Prohibition State ticket received jjjot to exceed 90,000 votes, instead of the 60,000 or 100,000 that its over-san $ulne ciiampions had claimed." • tSMn Chicago, as elsewhere, the Iftapubllean party needs to be protected Inst the selfish machinations of you Id be bosses. Such men would. It left to their own way, kill the best and Strongest party in the world.--JournaL And that is just what is being done t»i the Fifth (ongressdunal District. if iSTTUe small pox appear* to be Steadily increasing In fatality in Mon­ treal. On the 1st of October there Were 44 deaths in the city, and 10 in Adjoining municipalities, and for the fix days ending that night there were 176 deaths in the city and 66 in adjoin* Hig municipalities. The notorious crank, who runs |je Patrol at Geneva, 111., is still at­ tempting to be funny at the expense •f those who refuse to be sold and delivered at the bidding of the man Hopkins. His jabberings have about | . as much sense as the braying of a mute ? and if the amount Hopkins pays him is • *qual to his influence It wtll take but " a small portion of the ill-gotten gold to pay his bill. Let theidiot rave. He hurt no one unless they come in Hil'iionttct with bis dirty carcass. ̂ •©"Justice seems of late to be pur­ suing the polygamous Mormons to igood purpose. On Saturday last John • j^icholson, editor of the Desert News Alfred Best and Emil OIsen,were tried on the charge of unlawful .practices All pleaded not guilty, but admitted ,that they were living with more than 4»ne woman. They were all found guiity but sentence was suspended for ten days. Reports of similar trials and convictions are very frequent 1ST A farmer was hoeing hard on his jMtcli of land when one of those town :fbafer8 approached the fence. "Hello. • Farmer B„ what do you chink of the «utlook?N "What outlook?" "Why the ^business outlook." "Didn't know there was one." "We are all talking abMit)it down at the store, and they sent me up 4o hear what you had to say." "Oh, I see; well you tell 'em If they wlli •top talking and go to hoeing that the jwontry will prosper without any out­ look. Do you hearf --Bottom Journal, Report W For the mouth 1885: Roll of Honor--Pupils who neither tardy nor ub«ent during iha month: Rose Coates, Llbble Coxt«s, Joseph Coates, Elon Harrison, Scott Harrison, Mannie Auringer, Hody An- rlnger, Nellie Turner, Rose Orvis, Angle Reading. Grace IlaMemun, Wil­ lie French, ^Kririie French, Kddie Har­ rison, Ora Harrison, Ella SpaUliiig, Walter Cristy, Calvin Coates, Mary Coates, Laura Stephenson, Emily Chase, Abble Hall, Ellen Hail, Lucy Dodge, Mabel Stevens, Alice Auringer. Pupils absent Otia day: Grace Simpson, Frank Fay. The enrollment f->r the month was 44; the average daily attendance 41. Twenty-five pupils .. did . no"t. whisper during the month. We feel that J^pil ha> done good work during the month, and we hope that next month we shall do better still. Wn. NIOKLE. Teasliwfi manager ot i B o n s l e t t & ' S t o f l e l , «t America, M|ltkat «M1» a New York oa board a Ship ptafannA Gap* Horn, In the early days of empatkHi to Cal­ ifornia, fee learasd that Mrtfln oBeara «( the TMMI had earsd tlamlf, dutac *** age, of as obstinate disease by the oseeC Carp Distribution. The annual distr but ion of German Carp, under the supervision of the Illinois State Fish Commission, will commence about November 1st to 15th. All who have poruls prepared for their vulture, and desire li-h. should make application at once. Each applicant will receive twenty Carp. Applica­ tions should be in writing, stating lo­ cation of pond, area and average depth ot water, and whether free from other flsh or not, giving nearest express office and name oi postolfice. Applica tions should have the endorsement of a member of the General Assembly. Applications will be filed, entered and numbered a* received, and fish shipped in same order. All applicants will be notihed in advance of shipment. Ap­ plication can be made to either of the Commissioners. N. K. FAIRB\NK, Presilient, Chicago, IIL S. P. BARTLKTT. Secretary, Quiucv. ill. 31AJ. GEO. BKEUSING, Ceniraiia, 111. ft : k- I®*A Philadelphia dhpatch, under tlio date of Oct. 11th, says: "This ijifternoon while Robert White, aged 55 %ear», an employe of Forepaugh's clr- 1 CIH, was in the winter quarters of the Wenagerie with some rriends, the large elephant Empress struck him a fear- ;l«l blow with ber trunk, and threw ^llim against one of the cages with such ^foroe as to disembowel litag. He died shortly after being admitted to the hospital. The same animal killed a s young man at O'Brien's circus grounds • few weeks ago while she was being ; exhibited there." •8^ We promised our renders last , *®®it to have something to say In rels „ -tion to the "remarkable" Interview » purporting to have been held with D. |;F. Barclay, in relation te the "bargain ji^and sale." charged against A. J. Hop- t-kins. and which has never yet been de- * nled. But in reading that remarkable document carefully over, we were more than ever struck with the Ingenuity of ~ Its author, and the cunning manner fn which he ' dodges the question." Mr. Barclay does not deny that there was money paid, but in this remarkable interview state* that it was for Hall rent, Now the writer bad a converse* tion with Mr. Barclay not long since, when he not only stated this Hall rent < question, but went farther [and said, if we mistake not his language, that Mr. ' Ellwoodalso paid the said Hopkins1 campaign expenses. This is certainly > a remarkable way of putting It. "Cam- paign expenses!" Who ever heard of a successful candidate paying his oppo- nents campaign expenses? But that Is a new and ingenious way these "bosses" have of putting It. But as we said last week this interview, over which they are ttylng to make so much capital is only re mirk able in what It sloes not say. Neither Mr. Hopkins or any other man has denied that a bar­ gain and sale was made.and the money paid, and until tbey do this and briug , proof to the contrary it stands charged : against him, and no honest Republican r «ao give him his vote. We fatve Just received a U||ge stock lalles, misses and chlldrens Cloaks, all made with patent seams. Latest styles M»4 largest steck, lowest possible fig­ ures for similar goods. Sizes from years to size 42 in stock. !*/ Respectfully, - BOHSMTT A 8VOV»BU Our Chicago Market Report.: Prepared Expressly for the PLAINOBAXGR by i Oar Own Oorrespon tent. CHICAGO, Oct. 12,1885. There has been received 80,749 bush­ els of wheat within the last forty-eight hours. The receipts of wheat for the pa*t week at this point was 508,732 bushels, and the shipments for same time was 241?416 bushels. Farmers' deliveries last week was 40,000 bushels more than the week previous. There is a great amount of speculation on the wheat market at present but the reai situation is not essentially changed. Corn shows unmistakable signs of strength this month. Our receipts are not 1 irge and t'ie shipping demand re­ mains good. The probability is that the market for this mot th will be more or less Irregular and fitful until the close, but as soon as th3 new crop gets dry enough to grade, all uncertainty in regard to corn will disappear, and we shall have a normal market again. Oats are a trifle easier and quiet. Rye sell* sparingly but prices are the same. Barley is quiet. Market for choice butter firm and with fair demand, and other grades quiet. Eggs sell well with firm prices. Potatoes are weaker, and offerings larger. Poultry steady. The Cattle market fairly active anil" prices strong, shippers and packers taking the lagest share of the supply. The Hog market opened rather dull, but towards the close advanced live cents all around, with the demand about equal to the supply. Demand for Sheep is fair aad prices steady. WINTER WHEAT-NO. 2 red92J; No 3 red 86$. SPRING WHKAT-- XO. 2 88c; No. 3 77fc: No. 1 hard (Minneapolis) 84c. No. 1 hard (Duluth market; 86io. CORN--No. 2 43c; No. 3 4L@42c. ? 25£' No* 3 sample 21@2oJc; Barley Oats 32Jc. RYE--No. 2 by sa npie, 60 BARLEY-- No. 2 By sample, 70(274. JmoTHY SEED--Poor to good^ #i.60 FLAX--No 1. CLOVER--Poor to choice, $5.65. BUCKWHEAT--Prime, #1.50@$1.55. 'Cl>ol,-e hand picked, fl.40@ #1.50. POTATOES--New 40@50c per bushel. BUTTER--Creamery fancy 19 to 21c: dairy to choice 15@l7e; common grade 7 to 8c. ** EGGS-GO<X) fresh Northern, 17|c. CHEESR--Young America 9 to 10c; full cream Cheddar 8@9; skimmed 2@7 POULTRY--Old chickens 6@7o: spring chickens 6@7c; live Turkeys 9@10 ^STTLE Good to extra shippers J5.70 to $6 00; common to good $5.00 to &>.50; butshers steers 82.60 to 84.25: Blockers 82.75 to 63,15; Texans *2.50 to 93.40. HOGS--Light weight $2.60 to $4.05: rough packing $3.40 to *3 50; heavy packing and shipping 93.90. SHEEP--Common to choice #2.75 to *3,09. Sines tbtti Mr. LBLAWD hu rsoommmded Avia'a SABSAPABXLLA la many alutlar case*, and 1M has amr jrtt heard of Its fail, ore to effect a radkal ear*. Some yean ago one of Mr. Lnuuro's farm laborers brnlsad his leg. Owing to the bad state of his blood, an ofly aerofoloas awalllng or lump appeared on Uie injured limb. Hor­ rible Itching of the skin, with burning and darting pains throagh the lamp, made life almost intolerable. The leg beeama enor­ mously enlarged, and tanning nloera formed, discharging great qoantitlea ot extremely offensive matter. Ho treatment waa of any avail until the man, by Mr. LKLAKD'I direc­ tion, was anpplied with ATKB'a SABSAPA* BILL A, which allayed the pain and Irritation, healed the sons, removed the iweUlng, eat completely restored the limb to ass. pif.^li^ Ayer s Sarsaparilla far Rheumatism, with entire saceess; and, after careful observation, declares that, in his belief, there is no medicine In the world equal to it for the cure of Liver Disorder*, float, the eflNto of high lirlaf, Salt Rheum, Sores. Braptloae. and all the various forms of blood diseases. We have Mr. LELAKD'S permission to Invite all who may desire farther evidence la regard to the extraordinary curative powers of AVER'S SABSAFAaiLLA to see him person­ ally either at his mammoth Oeeaa Hotel, liong Branch, or at the popular Leland Hotel, Broadway, 37th aad 28th Streets, New York. Mr. LXLAXD'S extensive knowledge of the good done hy this aaeqoalled eradicate* off Mood poisons enables him to give inquirers much valuable information* 6 rUPABIO bt ' Dr. J.C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mtee. Sold hy all Druggists; «1, six bottles tor • { ' A ^ > K. , » i , f . . •-* - « - Bargains" III . / " "" and "Winter Goods. . . „ „ ALL ? NO OLD STOCK. ajw8Sareapaniia. Overcoatsi Overcoats! For AH A«#, from $2.50 to the.finest OhfuchiUit at $15.00 worth $20.00. • CLOAKS! CLOAKS! carried over Stock whatever For Ladies, Misses, and Chil­ i-en ; very latest Sty leg, lowest prices and largest assortment, from 95 cents to $25.00. Pricei guarenteed against any competion. Casta, Oaslt, Casta, Casta, Casta, Casta. Casta. Largest assortment, lowest possible prices, Ko shoddy «r old stock. From 18 cents to $1.80; all sizes, all gra les desired.' Cloth in sr. Blankets, Robes. Flannels, Yarns, Etc.. Hats, Caps, cloves and Mittens, New and Cheap. Our stock of ,(J. 11. Fargo's Boots and Shoes, is new aad com­ plete. (Jail and I earn prices as we will not be undersold. ^ Bonslett Ac Stoftel. West McIIenry, ill.,Oct.6th. 1886. ItEPORT OP THI O O N D I T I O N THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK At Woodstock, IIIinoli, -AT THE-- Close of Business, Oct. 1,1885. BBSOCBCas. Loans and discounts •IW1.W9 38 Overdrafts. U. S. Bonrt8 to secure circulation... One fro in approved reserve agente. Due from other National Banks Current expenses and taxes pail.... Checks and other cash item*........ Bills of other banks Frc'l cur. nickels A pennies Specie Legal tender notes Red'mpt'n fund with IT. 9. Treasurer (3 per cent ot circulation Total L1ABILITIM. Capital stock paid in Surplus fund Undivided profit* National Bank Note* outstanding... 45,00000 Individual deposit* •utajeet to cheek W,B3SM Demand Certificates of deposit...... 984 M 67S44 50,000 00 7.480 46 5,981 20 1199 82 • 2135 930 AC 4151 #5,738 40 1,500 00 2,150 00 ,807 M 80,00000 tO^OOOOO Total 4110,807 56 STATE OF ILLINOIS, | „ County of M<'H«Miry. ( I, John J. Miu phv, Oaahler of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the b«st of my knowledge and belief. JOHN J. MUBPHT, Oaehler Subscribed and sworn to before me thla 6th day of ,Oct. 1885. EDWARD O. QUIKUN, Notary Pnhllo. Correct Atteat:-- K. A. MURPHY, WM. H. STEWAXT, Jomr J. MIIKFHT, Direetors. •Money to Loan On Real Estate, in sums of $500 to $10,000. Time and payments to suit borrower. JOHN J, MURPHY. BOBBET C. BSHHSTI, --BREEDER ot t fowls DDKE OF YORK STRAIN. KICHMOND, ILL. First Premium Awarded Where *er Exhibited. FALL OF 1885. For the fall trade of 1885 I have about 80 of tht most beautiful birds I ever rasised, hatched in incubator early in the season., so they are now well grown, full fledged, and mature enough, for examination and rating by the "American Standard." They are the handsomest, largest and best towls I have ever offered to the public. Now is the time to order while the number to choose from •8 BO large. It will pay for a ten mile ride just to look at them. I will make reasonable rates for Pairs, Trios, or Larger Nuolers. Call at the residence of Dr Bennett, Richmond, or address I Kol)t. C. Bennett RICHMOND, McIIENH Y CO.» 1T.T~ MILWAUKEE, WIS. . W. Editor and Proprietor. TheFunniest Paper in America What Vaccination la te the PUCK'S SUN la to the Blue*. PECK'S SIIN Is one of ttao most widely read and popular Tpapers in the country to-day, and stand* without a peer in it* apeciaity. The Originator of the Celebrated BAD BOY PAPERS SPECIMEN COPIES 7SEE- TO AMr ADDRBSS. Sear tat miud that by sending a Postal Owl to this o ffico, a Sample Copy of Peck's Sun Wilt be mailed yon free. 3E*. DKALER IN NOTIONS, And READY-MADE CLOTHING. full Assortment of t&WS QVEBALLS, B^st o& M&rlstt Shearerp Sun Cuic«l Japan Pall Tea, 50 cents per pound. . . Young Hyson, very flue flavor, 65 cents per pound. Green Japan, Extra Strong. 50 cents per pound. Uncolored Japan, Choice, 60 cents per pound. Uncolored Japan, Superb, 70 cents per pound. I AGENCY JPOR Madam MeGee's Coronet Corsets, Unversally Conceded To be the most perfect Hygicnic Corset, at a nominal firtoe, in the market. Its many qualities are embodied in be following points, viz: No bones or cordp under the arms. No pcams over the hips. It has perfectly formed busts, held in position by a self-adjusting bust spring; also separate br»c.iug from the base of the bust, downward; and is adapted to the spoon, also the straight clasp, a* desired by the weaier. A single trial ot its merits will convince >ou of the above facts. BgfTTry my Overalls, Try my Teas, Try Madam MeGee's floreeta. Try all gqtods and you will get your mouey's worth. F. C. MAYES, MCHENRY;TEIFT^TH,:JI^. . SPECIFIC Thip is not a Cure All. But a Sure and Permanent Cure, for R H E U M A T I S M . This remedy is guaranteed to give imnu diattj; relief, and perform a permanent cure If used »s dtrected;*it acts upon an entirely new principle, disi covered after vears of patient study and experiment. Its eSfecti are truly narveloui. We claim that our remedy has a specific action uppn the fluids of the body, supplying moisture to the tissues and lubricating the joints affected by the disease. No Stiff or Distorted l.linl>a remain after a cure by this specific. A trial of a winkle bottle will convince the moBt sceptical that we have not told half Its virtues. Price, KM .«»© per bottle. For sale by all d <UKi?ists. Manufactured only by LENNCY «'cS«COao|l flST-We do not forget that our claims f r the Specific are contrary to all past oxperi^ enr.e in the treatment of Rheumatism. In tact It was long before we ou>selves became con vinced that it could lie possible that a single remedy <*<mId perforin radical cures, where the most eminent physicians had failed. Not­ withstanding all this we are now convinced, and we have also convinced every one who ha« used it, that it is a Wonderful Medicine. We mrite and urge thenffiicted to correspond with those who hav<t given their voluntary testimonials furnished on application as to its effeet* in their cases..#* Agents Wanted for our New Book. Th* "SPY OP THE BEBELLIOK" which la •ellinx b; the TetunflhowtandAl No competition. Only book of its kind. The " SPY ? reveal* many teereu Eheir heroic bravery fully recounted in these vivid sketches. Tfce "Spy" 1* the moat thrlllln* war book ever published. Endorsed by hundred* of Press and Agents' testimonials. A large handsome book; 6&8 pages; 60 illustrations. Bend stamp for Cir­ culars. J9~A*tenta wanted avsrywlwr*. H.A.W1NTE&& HATCH* Hartford* Cna Don't neglec t to aend at once, and tell your Ntdgbhor* to. SI WORTH OF PUN FOR |C- ADDRE8S CCOK?CE L. LORD, Bib iine»* Manager, MIIWAUKE I, - - - WISCONSIN. A Cri >*t Olsoov*ry. Mr. Wm. Tin >maa, of Newton, Iowa, »«ya: "My w| fe has been aertoualj «f» "icted with a cough for twenty-flva year*, and thi« spring more severaly than ever be for e. She had used many remedies wltht »ut relief, and being ur?ed to try Dr. King's New Discovery did so with m« «t gratifying results. The Urst bottle i 'altered her very much and the aecond bottta has absolutely cured her. 8he has not had so good health for thirty years." Trial bottle* Free at llenry Colby's drug store. Largo slzetl.Oq We soil strictly all wool asene scarlet Underwear at 63c. Bui tfUi NEW Meat Market. H ivlng npeaed a Heat' Market ill ; NICHOLS' BLOCK, Next door to Blake's Furniture Store, I am now pie pared to furnish the public with ! LOOK ! LOOK t, for Cash or Produce, we will Sell Prints % Cents per Yard, Gingham* 5 and 8 Cents. Extra Heavy Sheeting & C«ats, by the yard or piece. " Fine Bleached Cotton 7 cents. Extra Heavy Plaid Shirtingb 6|c by the yard or piece. Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, 2 for 5 cents* Good Cotton Fhtr.nel 5 cents^ %orth Ten cent. All Wool Red Flannel 19 cents, worth 30 cents. Crash Toweling 4 cents. I Dress Lining Cambric, Black and Colorsf # |;ente. Job Lot of Corsets at 60 ceuts * On the Dollar. AloftS Fine Grey Underwear, 35c. Three for $1, worth 60c each Finest Stock of Mens, Ladies and Misses Underwear in the County. '1 ' • Men's All-Wool Red Underwe*r» 49 cents. We have a lull line of C M Hen­ derson's celebrated Boots - *nd Shoes, unexcelled in style and finish. Warranted. Groceries ! Groceries I! Always Fresh and Pure. Ten Pounds Fine RID Coffee, |1 Nine Pound Roasted do fl 22 l^ars Good Soap, *1,00, the best 5 cent Soap In the market Three Pounds Good Tea $1,00 Our Large Line of Ladies and Misses Cloaks will an* Y1VG & Owen. To call and examine the FALL AND WINTER GOODS Which are daily licing received by the firm of GOLDING BROTHERS. WAUCONDA, ILU ' Including all the new shades in Underwear, Underwear, A full line and of the best quality. Our stock is complete in every department and we will not be undersold, quality of goods considered. A Ml line of botton figures. The Highest Market price paid for BUTTER AND EGGR GOLDING BROTHERS. Wanconda, Sept, 7,1886. FRESH AND SALT HMS, OF A MI KLX TTS, Sausage, Smoked Meats, ftc. -AT THE-- Lowest Living Price#. I buy none but the )>e«t of Meat*, anil flatter rnvselfUiat I cat. offer my un«toiner« mcuts~n as goo<l ettape as any other shop in this section. Soll'-lting a share of public patronage I will guarantee to satisfy you both in quality and price. E. LAMPHERE. MeHeury, 111., Oet. uth, 1885. 'THB OLD FOLKS AT Wliite Seal Burning Oil The New York 'TSoinl of Health estimates that 30,000 lives have been destroy e<l by the explosive qualities of Petroleum. If every Household would adopt the White Seal Oil for Family use, none of these nntortunate accidents would occur. White Seal Burning Oil Has none of the defects usually found in common Oils. It cannot be exploded, does not char the wick, will not smoke, emits no offensive odar, and proven ts the breaking of chimneys. > White Seal Burning .• a rteli pi) frr Illuminating purpose*. It t» ns light in co'or as ptlre Spring water. It gives a strong steady light, And burns much longer than common oils, II the White Seal Burning Oil Is not sold In your vicinity, send your order direet U» u« for a barrel or a case containing two ne it live gallon cans. BROOKS OIL CO. fit Soolld Ave.. Clereland. 0. C. G. ANDREWS, + • : - - GENERAL SPRING GROVE ILL. Sales of Stock, Farming Tools and Goods of all kinds attended to on the most SEASONABLE HEMS, --AND--- icfaction Guaranteed. i*all on or Addref* - C. G. Andrews, Spring Grove, 111. To Whom it May Concern. In the Countv Court of Mc'<><nry County, !M the State of Illinois, Octolio. ' T irm, A. D. IMft. Wherea • Stephen Kern* has lican duly ftp. pointed l.v hhI<I IJnurt ( '(iin irvstnr of tlM Kstitte of William Kurns, who IIIIM lw«n duly ailjudtroit a fuciilu miiuiiMl pui«ou, and whur*. as the said stitphuii Ku« mieli conserfft. tor litis Hied lux putilion ill nHi'I iJourt to be lienm at tlie noxt tiM'iu ot Maid Court, tub* holilen at tlio (\>urt House III W 'HHlntock, In said County, en the third Monday In October A . D 1S86 prityiiiit an order ef sain Court, granting lrave to sell the oiie-*eventb (1.7) part of the east half (Jtf) nf the southwest quarter («. w. and the southeast quarter (s. e. >i) ol 'the northeast iiuarter (n. e, k) of section ten (10, in township forty-three MS) north ot ltiuitte eighth (8) east of the Third principal meridian, being the interest of said William Kerns in said described real estate, where all nnd every person whomsoever hav- ingan interest therein inay attend and trav­ erse or defend said petition and all matters and things therein charged. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal ot said court at m>iOtlice_in Wood slock this 21st day ot Sept. A« W. SMITH, f„, 01,rk Administrator's Kotioe. Estate of Amos Dodge, deceased. Th« tin-dersigned, having been appointed Ad- ininistratrix of the estate of Amos Do<fge fleceasee, late of the County of McHenry, and State of Illinois, hereoy gives notice that she will appear before the County Conrt of Mc­ IIenry County, at the Court House in Wood, stock, at the October term, on the third JMonday In October next, at which time all persons having claims against said esttte, are 3)otiiied and requested to attend for the pur. pose of haying the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to m$|te immediate payment to *be undersigned. Dated 26th day ot August, A. I). JSS# SARAH N. DODGE, Adminjsitratrl*, Spring 3«*Te, Sept, 30th, 1980, 11-11-Sm Building Paper and Moth Proof Cifi pet Paper at J. I. Story's,, % . 4

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