Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Nov 1885, p. 8

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V it**-. ^XSSSTSS assess* \"\ »•' 1 .•-mn - I J! WILL To call and examine the it. GTeat FALL AND WINTER COODR Bavgaius Whichare d^ily heing lweived by the firm of and Winter GoodSs ALL T EW, NO OLD STOCK. Overcoats! WAUCONDA, Including allthc now shades in McHENRY, finest All Ages, $20.00. Chfuchilla $15.09 For worth CLOAKS! IXPOSITION. Sr., 6ct. 30, 1885. Oferreapowtent. »rty «4 Orientals had a picnic' in xpoMtion grounds recently. The «ny consisted of Abd el-Notir, » Ferrter, Abrahim Samaha, and Lettaneti. Prof. A. L. Peter- of Bowling Green, llenrv Evan?, dmonton, and your correspondent the guests, and the occasion was Joy able one. & &out lialf an hour befoi>t» th*» food produced a "cikaida," or piece of try In gold and sHver on Woolen nd, was spread upon the gmss. It done like services seven hundred (jkr«s ago, and looked as though it jglit last as many years more. The itern was curious and ihe colors rich i| gaudy. Each of the party sat Tegsted after the manner of the rk#, with some part of the body oiling the "ctfcaida." Cigarettes re produced and lighted, 'and the ,co^tei •sat ion'became lively. The war Cloujjn the East interests tlie Syrians Tec* deeply, and1 they discussed the EalLpru question In every phase. After the party had done smoking, a #a«k of "arak" was produced, and each gKjirtook ot about a teaspoOnful. It is a i^iin^ent liquor In which anise seed fcM *been steeped, and i^ universally Wed by the Arabs as an appetiser.-- * T1r> first csurse wa9 apple's, af t*r f which the repast was spread. The first <lish produced was called "Kobbey," which is to the Syrian what. ^ roast beef is to the Englishman.-- There wa6 also produced "maifoof." which is a staple article of diet in the East. To make it, a head of cabbage Is taken and the inner leaves separated from the stalk and boiled in water for a few minutes. Meanwhile rice has been washed in fresh water, to which meat cut to the size of'jteas is added? seasone I with salt ami pepppr. Then | tli* uyat and rice Is wrapped in the eabb%ge leaf like cigarettes. The " cigarettes are then placed in a stew- t pan in systematic livers, sprinkled with mint, g irlie, salt ami the juice ot lemons, and placed on the lie and boiled till ri|»e. ' Hospit tlity is the c .rtliiuil virtue of £ I h e E a s t , a n d a l l o f t h e p e o p l e o f . t l a Ll clime, the Arabi arj most pnuc: il one to the observance of that virtue. Tin- party broke up at a late hour. Rev. T. T. Eaton, of the Baptist ,church, after vMtinjg the Southern v-;, wrote as follows iu riie New York Examiner You will see that your correspondent's statements artmore than-substantiated: M6UbNflll^r l,ear t,,e rev'8ed ver- {di, vicif Is is. *1 cam'e^ i r r e d . ' I h a t i - m y e x - ng the Exposition in I was conquered by it and Wacurwd' in the praises of it that *had gonp forth," There are Mexican, French, Russian, ^ Japanese, Chinese, Austrian, Hungar Ian, Italian, and Syrian exhibits. The rico' is ̂ lirnst at IW^ii is v«ry full t it is the next exico. The dls Bohemian glass In tiie Aust department is quite dazzling, and n you ask the price of some of the i beautiful specimens, the answer tite take your breath away. The rnia exhibit is of special in- from the section of the immense trtia down. The models from the Pa a$t Office at Washington make an at tractive and ^Instructive display.-- Meikle's Model Farm shows in minia­ ture the* actual working ot various |£ricultural implem#a|s. At anotber place two Chinese are ••rving tea hot airtl cold, gratis: to convince tbe public that tbelr* is the sort of tea to use. Sample packages of various articles are given freely, so tbat the visitor can take away much Ijiore in value than his ticket cost |him. Of tbe Art Gallery I will now say only tbat It is a fine exhibition of mod em art. Most of the pictures are from tb« American Art Association, and igauy of them have taken !tbe highest prizes. It is gratifying to see the pro gress our arts are making. A happy man is Wm. R. White, the patent gate man from Neoga, 111., who has sold about 91000 per week of state, county and farm rights during the Ex ' position, and has been awarded first premiums over all competitors on h;s patent farm aid yard gate. Merit Reserves mention, and justice was done Mr, White. Everybody agrees with the judges. ' Tbe Castallan Natural Mineral Water has received the highest award, both a medal and a diploma, over all competitors, and the verdict of tbe |udg*« will be cordially Indorsed by every one who knows anything about , the curative properties of thin wonder ful water. It has certainly earned laurels for itself in LouUvllle. Mr. - Forbes is correspondingly happy, ant) • setting up (Castilian Water) as u»'>i to every person, * L Your correspondent, like every per­ son else, hafe had li good time, and is ' sorry tbe Exposition of 1885 it ovar­ ii We, however, congratulate the man •gement on its success. Yours Respectfully, W. D. B. PLAIDS, ETC. : ** " * • Under wear, Under wear, A full line and of the best quality. Our slock is complete iu every department and we wijl not be undersold, quality of goods considered. A lull line of At botton figures.- The Highest Market price paid for BUTTER AJST> KGGS. GOLBING BROTHERS. Wauconda, Sept. 7,1885. New Goods For Fall And Winter Use. An immense stock of seasonable merchandise now i'n. Every Department full and complete. Prices on many articles lower than ever. We invite a careful inspection of our No carried "over Stock whatev^^: For Ladies, Misses, and Chil­ dren ; very latest Styles, lowest prices and largest assortment, from 95 cents to $25.00. l^rice guaranteed against any competion. Largest assortment* lowest possible prices. No shoddy stuck. From 18 cents to $1.80; all sizes, all gra les desired. . 1 ° Clothing, Blankets, Robes, Flannels, Yarns, Etc* Hats, Caps, Gloves and Mittens, New and Cheap. ^ Our stock of C. H. Fargo's Boots and Shoes, is new and conitf Call and learn pu.ces as we will not be undersold. • Boiislett Ac West ItcHenry, Itl .Oct.6th, 188S. CAUTION TO BUYERS OF WHITE LEAD, I PURE LINSEED PI7RKLINSEEP dom% > By farthe largest quantity of White Load produced by ftny City in the World is made in St. Louis. There are only three Corrodors in St. Louis, (that is tnose who manufacture White Load from the metal,)namelv: '*S0UTnEKX "WHITE LEAD CO.," "COLLIER WHITE LEAD & OIL CO.," and'"ST. LOUIS LEAD & OIL CO.," and their White Lead is always Strictly Pure# . In consequence of the very^ general reputation of these corrodors for the excollence of quality of their product, their Brandshave been imi- tatedto a considerable extent by those desirous of taking advantage of their good name but who are not manufacturers of "White Lead. _ _ " The word "St. Louis" is frequently used on kegs similar in appearance to those of tha St. Louis corroders, the contents of which are nut made in SLLouis and arevery badly adulterated. Vc therefore warn the public against these adulterated mixtures, ana when buving Load, to see that the kegs Dear one of the three brands whose fac-smiles are s^iven above. ( flftTTTrrrrpw oi» vvui r.v>.An nn • ST. LOUIS T iff AT) 8c OIL 00. COLLIES. WRITS LEAD A2T2 OIL 00. Ey,s' W liLch we believe contains, the Largest Variet of Rwdy-raade Gnnnonts ever otlered in this market; many of our new lines are in exceptionally neat and beautiful pattern#., and no better made or fitting good* are to be had in America. To give us needed room tor naiidling our new stock we will make special prices on all two- piece suits, ages 4 to 9, and also on, all lines where only two or three suits remain* from thene lines one can often obtain just what W;*nt at a greatly reduced prioe; these offerings should com- mand the careful examination of the closest buyers. Our stock of Pantfe is now very complete, rau^ing in price from $1.25 to $7.50 per pair. » The largestt line ever offered in McHenry; aTl sizes and for all ages; call and see them early ; our clothing has been bought at the very lowest cash price, and is now offered margins. 4̂ . c? on exceedingly close IBOOTS AND SHOPS 'THE OtD FOLKS AT HOME." Seal The New York Hoard of Health estimates that 30,000 lives have been destroyed by the explosive qualities of J'etrolenm. If every Household would adopt the White Seal Oil for Family use, none of these unfortunate accidents would occur. ^ White Seal Burning Oil Has none of the defects usually found in common Oils. It cannot be exploded, does not char the wick, will not smoke, emits no offensive olor, and prevents the breaking o chimneys. Seal Burning Oil IfttePMtlng to Both Sexes. Any man or woman making less than #40 weekly Bhoulu try our easy money making butinens. We want Agents for our celebrated MADAME DEAN SPINAL SUPPORTING Cousins; also our SPINAL SfJPPOBTEit, SHOULDKIt BKACE, AND ABDOMINAL PKOTKCTOR COMBINED (for men and boys). No experience requir­ ed. Four orders per day give tke Agent #160 monthly. Our Agents report four to twenty sales daily. 93 outfit free, at once for full particulars. State •If*. % ' XSWIS 8CBIBLE A CO., 880 BROADWAY N«W YORK JS a rich oil for illuminating purposes. I as light in eo'or as pure spring water. It gives a strong steady light, and burns much longer than common oils. It the White Uurning Oil is no#sold in your vielnitv, send your order direct to us for a barrel or a case containing two neat five (•linn cans. BROOKS OIL CO. 91 iMlld Art-, Cltvelaad. 0. JOS. SWAPISH, WAGON and CARRIAGE MAKKR. If n vlnjr l«»a«ed the Wajron and Carriage Shop of lieury S.une*, op]K»site the l 'arker HoiiK' I urn i.ow prep:ire<l to do all kinds ol work in this line (J*\ SillOltr HOllVE, and GUARANTEE SATISFACTION. i • To iny old friends and customers at' Oary, I wish to return ' thanks for past favors and patronage, and assuVe them that if .they call on me at my new *li$p here I will endeavor merit a coniinuancjrof the »am«. This Is not a Cure All. But a Sure and Permanent Cure for R H E U M A T I S M . Thi<- remedy Is miarunteed to giro immediate relief, ami perform a permanent cure if used as directed: it acts upon an entirely new principle, dis­ covered after yearn of patient Hturty and experiment. Its effect* are truly marvelous. We claim that our remedy haw a specific action upon the fluids of the tvdy, BunnlylnK moisture to the tissues and lubricating the joints affected by the disease. Nd Ntliror IMstorted I'tmlia remain after a cure by this specific. A trial of H single bottle will convince the most sceptical that we have not told halfitg virtues. Price, #1.00 per bottle. For Bale by all <1 vggtsts. Manufactured only bv LENNEY MEDICINE CO., CHENOA, ILLINOIS. Wffe do not forget that our claims f y r the Specific are contrary to all past .experi­ ence in the treatment of Kheumatism. In fact it was long before we oni selves became con vinced that it could lie possible that a single remedy could perform radical cures, where the most eminent physicians had lailed. Not­ withstanding all this we are now convinced, and we have also convinced every one who has u sec I it, that it is a Wonderful Medicine. We invite and urge the afflicted to corresjiond Willi those who have given their voluntary testimonials furnished on application as to its effects in their cases.^y miMJTCHMM PRONOUNCED SUCCESS Thousands of Acres Plowed with the Flying Dutchman, arid Every Claim Made for This Wonderful Plow Fully Substantiated. No mao knows what a ministering ll bis wife is until be comes home au&eritig with a dreadful cold | fbe happens to have a bottle of in ̂ e, and assuVe my new sh$j ontinuaiK^iro Repairing of All Kinds "Promptly Attcmlod tO. JOS. 8WADISH. •Vest McHenry, Aug. 10, GRANT BOOK! a»-TiiK GEEAT Life and 1'ersotial Memories of iitn. tiran t in one volume only $1.75. One agent sol i 4:; first day ; iu,000 sold tirot week. <;n^ruv. Ing 2ix23 inches of all "Our I'rosidents" KKKK to each subscriber. Think of this! Some per- son should send 50 cts. for outii t and engrav­ ing and secure this territory. IVwk uwr out --no waiting for commissions. A.dcires« Ki.OER PUBUSiUNG OOI, aei Wubasii A\'e., Chicago, Illinois. f! ^ ̂ Why is this plow so successful and ! ' 1 popular ? Vl , Because It runs ONE HORSE LIGHTER Hi JJ than any other plpw; made. *- Because the plow i» CARRIED, GAUGED AND GUIDED by the UKC of tliree wheels. Because the plow is IN FRONT of the driver. Because the weight of the driver Is OVER THE FURROW WHEEL, adding but little to the draft, but keeping the plow down to its work. Because the swivel plate pole PRE­ VENTS ALL SIDS DRAFT or weight on horse's necks. Because it is simple, strong and dur­ able, end does Brst-ciaas work. Illustrated circulars ( descriptive ), The Story of the I'lylag Dutchman (sen­ sational), The Agricultural Pilgrim's Progress, with six tinted illustration* (comic), all sent free to any address* MOLINE PLOW CO., MOLINE. ILLINOIS. Blankets! scarlet. Bonciett & Stoftel'a white and gray, at Our etock was never more complete. This is one et the most important branches of our entire business, and one that has received1 our vory careful attention. We have studied our trade and feel confident we are better than ever prepared to meet their wants. We contiuue to sell the celebrated Buffalo Boots, Foster's fine shoes lor ladies best wear, and Kedpaths in medium price goods. Dry Goods & NStions. Our store is full of all tbe latest styles and novelties, and will be sold at our uniform low prices. Underwear and Flannels, Hosiery and Knit Goods, TBTOKS ASS VALISES, CBOCKOT, BLASSWABI, WOOD A1TB WILLOW WAS! GAMES HOODS, Drugs and Medicines, Etc. livery Department full and prices guaranteed to be as low asgoocl goods representing %hc same values can be obtained in Illinois. Call and see for yourselves j w© want your patronage tfud are doing all in our power to merit it. HARDWARE HARDWARE McHenry, IU^ 1886. I. _ STORY, j3P™One Door West of the Riverside House, DEALER IN--- NAILS, MECHANICS TOOLS, CHANDELIERS Lamps. Tin, Copper and Sheet Iran Ware." And in short, everything in the Hardware, tove and Tin Line* HE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD; Call at his store before buymff elsewhere. JOBSIXra AITD REFAIUXiNG Promptly Attended To , 4 , , REMEMBER, extra good bargains can wavs b,3 obtained. JOHN I. STORY. McBenry, 111., March 16th, 1885. DEA Agricultural -DEALER IN- Wauconda, Illinois, Keeps Always on hand a full stock of the Of All Kinds, To whieh he invites the attention of those who intend to buy, confident he can pease both in • * QUALITY AND PRICE. If on and Wood Pumps of all Kinds. Best Steel Barb Wire At Very Low Rates. A Full Stock of BINDING TWINE Always Found at his Warhouse. WE ALSO SELL THE Davis, £uehy & Co.'s Buggies, The best buggy for the money to be found in the market. Call and see them. Aso keep in stock a full line of Shelf and Heavy Hardware Of all kinds, which will be sold at bottom prices R B, RUSSELL- Wsq$onda, May.20th, 1885. BOOTS' AND SHOES! My Fall and Winter Stock is now competc, consisting of Men's, Women's, Misses and Chidren's Fiue and Staple Slioes in-all the atest styles. Mens, Boys, and Youths Stoga Kip, Veal Kip, and Calf Boots, Rubber Boots, Gum Boots, Men's, Women's, Misses' and Cbildreu's Buck'ed tics, Alaskas, iSelt-Acting Alaskas, Fancy Kubbers and Arctics in)a11 the latest novelties^ Men's Felt Boots, Siberian Boots, Beaver Fox Boots, Wool-lined Boots in Fine, Kip and Grained Leather ; in f»ct everything usually found in a first-class Boot aiul Shoe stoi&. We makea specialty of Ladies and Gents We Keep tiie Selz Celebrated *9 The best in the market; also the Ludlow, and other standard makes. We have a tremendous stock, can fit you in any kind ot Boot or Shoe, and we know that our way down Low Ca3h Pi ices will just please you. 0 Remember the'place is at the Old'Reliable (Jash Store CotvMain Street and Public Square, Woodstock, III. pT-N, fl. --House Established 1865. W. H. DWICHT. . <s •

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