Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Nov 1885, p. 8

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X m*r JOHNSB0ItGllH u t'-. ">3 I • ^ i-ft ftMM. In. 4ft IMnml * (M>«tiiiN8trisliip I# h Democrat who has been ar» Mine 'tinea in threw timuiti* for iftg the liquor laws. Turn Ihr till lit. In Indiana a place In (he mall service jflvetito a Democrat who. says *the jndiHiittpolir Journalpublicly boasts that he l>as ofterod bribes to the city* cla c. Tiiru the rascals iii. ; .'• ••T; In Maiylaod an appointment to the treasury Dp parton nt is given to a * Democrat who tiros jailed for breaking^' 4*' the petiftion laws. Turn the rascals in. In Colorado an agency of the Nation* •} Labor Bureau is given to a Demoi Cf«t who has been In the penitentiary* for horse stealing. Turn the rascals In. In Pennsylvania a clerkship In the thiilcd States Mint Is Ivan to a Dem­ ocrat who sent a bogus letter to Oincin Uatl last fall purporting to onme from 2fcal Dow, and by him denounced as a lorgery, designed to drive the German Vote away from the Republican candi­ date. Turn the rascals in, In Vermont a collectorihip is given to a Democrat who was an active mem­ ber of the committee that endeavored to compass the defeat of Gen. Garfield by the infamous Morey letter. Turn (be rascals in. In Mississippi another postmaster- ship !s given to a Democrat who notor­ iously is one of the most offensive partisans and thorough-going machine^ bosses in the country. Turn the rascals la*--New York Tribune. mi % t- m Like Hii Father. tber evening there wer« several t Col. Gradson's house. The takes great delight in "sliow- fog ofln his little son, and when the boy appeared at the parlor door the Colonel said: Oome In, Henry, Speak to the ladies and gentlemen. Ah, that's a an." "He is a fine little fellow," said Mrs. ftuey. «ine of the visitors. "Come bvre, ray little man." The boy approached ber, and per- Uitted Wr to lift him onto her lap, "Why, you arc heavy. How rid are you?" s *"Six years, goin' on seven.'* •"d you'll soon be a man. S^hat are you going to do when yon become a man ?" j I",.; "Do like pa does." |i,' "How does he do?" u" *'0, sometimes when be comes home •if At night he falls over & chair " t; "Henry!" exclaimed the Colonel. , "Falls over a chair, and when maw fits mad he says It's a pretty w»y for • iwomaa to go on just beetus^a man takes two beers and " The Colonel had seized him. •iv. n m PS WTwo anglers worked for an hour :*nd a haif at the Thousand islands a few days a^o before they were able to land a muskalonge which thpy had hooked. The mu&kaloage was not only * huge fellow, but a beauty, and it Went to their hearts when they were- »t last obliged to shoot it, breaking tbe backbone in order to get It ashore. It was covered with dark brown freck­ les and weighed thirty-five pounds, with a length from nose to tip of tail fifty-one iuches.--Buffalo Express. R-" G. ANDREWS. GENERAL m % Beautiful Incident. • poor Arab traveling in the desert toet wtth a spring of clear, sweet, sparkling water. Used as he was only to brackish wells, such water as this Appeared to his simple mind worthy of m monarch, and, filling his leather bot­ tle from the spring, he determined to go and present it to the caliph himself. The poor man traveled a long way be. fore he reached the presence of *iis sov­ ereign and laid his humble offering at Ms feet. The caliph did not despise tbe little fclft, brought to him with so much trouble. He ordered some of the water to be poured into a cup, drank It. and, thanking the Arab with a smile, order­ ed him to be presented with a reward. The courtiers around pressed forward, eager to taste of the wonderful water; but, to tbe surprise of all, the caliph iOrbade them to toacli a single drop. . After the poor Arab had quirted the royal presence with a light and joyful heart, thecal ipb turned to his courtiers and thus explained his conduct: "Dur­ ing the travels of'the Arab," said he, "the water in his leathern bottle be­ came impure and distasteful. But it was an offering of love, and as such 1 bave received It with pleasure. But I well knew that had I suffered another to partake of it, lie would not have concealed his disgust; and therefore I forbade you to touch the draught, lest the heart *.f she pqor a;ar. sbcald have beeu wounded." HENRY MILLER, --DEALER IN-- Foreip M American MarMe, Scotch and American Granite MO A L'MENTS, TABLETS, HEADSTONES CEMETERY COPING, ETC. JOHNSHURGH, ILI* Orders Solicited. Good Work Guaranteed. Post Office Address McHENRY, ILL. R^UTCIMffi i'^mn 11 A PR8MGE0 SUCCESS j$ NE HORSE LIGHTER V is CARRIED, GAUGED +, K userof three wheels. Thousands of 'Aorcs Plowed with £ the Flying Dutchman, and Every v Claim -Made for This Wondertui Plow Fully Substantiated. «' WTiy Is this plow so successful and popular ? Because It runs ONE HORSE LIGHTER than any other plow i Because the plow is AMD GUIDED by the user< Because the plow is IN FRONT of tho driver. Because the weight of the driver la OVER THE FURROW WHEEL, adding but little t.> the draft, but keeping the plow down to its work. Because the swivel plate pole PRE­ VENTS ALL SIDc DRAFT or weight on horse's necks. Because it is simple, strong and dur­ able. and docs first-ci&ss work. Illustrated circulars (descriptive), The Story of the Flying Dutchman (sen­ sational),The Agricultural Pilgrim's Progress, "'With six tinted Illustrations sU. sent free to any address. W!lr».*o MOLINE PLOW CO., MOLINE, ILLINOIS. TAADC JlVJK mark ® JOS. SWADISH, WAGON and CARRIAGE Maker. Having leased the Wa^in and Carriapo Shop of Iienry flmes, opposite I he Parker House I am low prepared to .do nil kinds ol- woik in this line ON SHOUT Nol tCE, and GUARANTEE SATISFACTION, To my old friends and en-tonic rg nt Cary, I wish to return thanks fur past favors and patronage, and assure ihem lhat if ilte.v call on me at my new shop li<-re I will eudeuvoMo merit a continuance of the «ihijo. Repairing of AM Kinds Promptly .Attornled to. JOS. SWADISH. est Mcllenry, Au^r. iu, isto. CRANT BOOK! «*THK GKIOAT Life and I'cr•.jonal Memories of Gun. ( in one volume only #1.75. (jne agent soil 43 first day; 10,0<Xl sol'l tint we-k. A on^rav. inga-2x23 inoheHof all "Our Piesiiientts" Fkke U) each subscriber. Think of this! Some per-Son ehoiiId send 50 cts. f«r outli l and engrav­ ing and secure this territory. .Book now out --n3 waiting for commissions. Address Kmikb PUBLISUINO Co., HG4 Wabasii .n e., Chicago. Illinois. SPRING GROVE ILL. Sales of Stock, Farming Tools •nd Goods of all kinds attended to on the most &IA80K&BLZ TEEMS, ,- . -AND v. Guaranteed. s ('all on or Address C. G. Andrews, Spring Grove, 111^ %rtHf aiwr*, Sept. 30th, 1886. 1 l.u-3m Agents Wanted for our New Book. VZ rĵ u,x' s A eruphi. Lincoln. p»,i in the l Cai7itoi; rftcG:int<;.'l m th^se vivij »• tl»** Wont j hrlllifltf Wiiy book Of the..... . of the con which la tition, Only n^fon: '.'1 pfriloug heroic bra*. sketches. The "Spy1 Ij - VT4V .ririoraeil Ijy hundreds of A 1 haucisomo pfor cir- jKM»k ever |mhlii,hed Press and Ajjont,' t. Coun. DOWNS' "rcTultfnT CORSET [IMPROVED.] Is the onlv perfect fitting trulv comfort»We VUK 0oI>,• l "lade. Has an Elastic Section above and below a Corded Centerpiece. Entirely different from anv otber. Kvory Corset .Vstain„ed and Ht,-,,)nte ».. l!atr>. l , 'ne £v<-rv I'arlicularl. ]?e 8„re Downs Patent. M.-imiPictured only forVakPb?>r,D?Wf8 C?rset Co" Chicago, anil where? frice « ^icAvery. SPECIFIC This is not a Cure AIL But a Sure and Permanent Cure for R H E U M A T I S M . This remedy i? srnnranteed to give immediate relief, ami perform a permanent cure if used as directed; it acts upon an entirely new principle, dis­ covered after years of patient study and experiment. Its effect* nre truly niiirvclnua. We claim that our remedy has a specific action upon the fluids of the body, supplying moisture to the tissues and lubricating the.joints Hffeeted by the disease. Nd .SUITor Distorted I^liwtas remain after a cure by this spccitic. . A trial of a Kiimle bottle will convince the most sceptical that we have not told half its virtues, l'rice. Wl.OO pertiottle. For sale by all d WRgjists. Manufactured onlv by L E N N E Y M E D I C I N E CO., CHENOA, ILLINOIS. do not forget that our claims f >r the Specific are contrary, to all past experi­ ence in tho treatment of Rheumatism. In tact it was long before we on. selves became con vinced that, it could lie possible that a single remedy could perform radical cures, where the most eminent physicians had failed. Not­ withstanding all this we are now convinced, and we have also convinced every ono who has used it, that it is a Wonderful Medicine. We invite ami urge thealllicted to correspond wilh those who have given their voluntary testimonials furnished on application as to its effects in their cases..^ar Peck's Sun, MILWAUKEE, WIS. O-JUCX W. PECK Editor and Proprietor. The Funniest Paper in America. What Vaccination is te the Small-pox FECK'S SUN is to the Bluee. PECK'S SUN Ts one of the most widely read and popular papers in the country to-day, and stands without a peer in its specialty. The Originator of the Celebrated BAD BOY PAPERS. SPECIMEN COPIES FREE- TO ANY ADDRESS. Bear in mind that by sending a Postal Card to this office, a Sample Copy of Peck's Sun Will Le mailed you Free. Don't neglect .to send at once, and tell your Neighbor* to. SI WORTH OF FUN^FOR 1c. A I) I ) It KS S GEORGE L. LORD, Business Manager, MILWAUKEE, - - * WISCONSIN. :7*% i?. A4..-J JL. .. v, •• ^!? •77,: AElFt Send 10 c^rnis postage and we will ImfU you free a royal, vauirnile, sample box of jroods that will put you in the way of making , -- more mmey at once, than !"y!h 'nngif , : 'n America. liotli sexes of all a g e s . c a n 1 1 v o ^ i " „ n c a n a w o r k i n B l i l I l e > wlU §tort vIJli^rT ;a , , lUJ not re, 'UU( '11- We • hniSw! " Immense pay sure for those who start at once. ^ Stinson & Co., Portland, Maine. IfeiK;'- *K4h,. 'OOhi > SODA Best in the Wo rid. [NASBY'S PAPEli ] THE 1885-«. During the past year the Weekly BUide has ueen a regular visitor in more than 200,000 FAMILIES Of the Unitad States, ̂ t now stands at the head of tho long list of weekly newspapers published in the country. At the low price ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR The ;;M«give8 mor9 reading, better departments and luter newt man any of its (oinpctitors. It is the only paper »that publishes the world renowned NASD Y LETTERS. To the subscriber the Blade offers the most valuable premiums, and to tho agent it PAys the largest, cash commission. Its departments are specially interesting to all cliisses--Hie tuther, mother, son, daughter* or children, the farmer, soldier, citizen, in lact everybody will lind exactly what they want in the Made. - * A Specimen Copy wi!l tell more than we can give in t^iis adver­ tisement. We therefore, invite EVERYBODY to send their udt'reen on a postal card for a specimen copy. Send The A cldress of Your friends at Fh'i Same Time. «,.Th e 18 *?nly * 1 OO a year, postage paid. Club raisers are invited to write tor Agents terms. Address THE TOLEDO BLADE CO. Toledo, Okio. General Merchants, McHenry, 111. GOODS AND LO"®; PRICES WIN. Our stock of Fiili an4 VV'iiiter Ooods is very completein all Depftrtments, and Uy »ll thfti we ^e neUmg cheiviier, quality considered, than anv other house in McHeury County. • ^ ; , y ; i A nice Hue, well made, and perfect in fit. Overcoats i. C'hoice Assortment. • IJAUIKS CLOAKS ' AID HEWMiRKlfS, This is a part of our business in which we take especial pride, and can save our customers from $1.00 to $5.00 on a garment and at the same time guar­ antee a perfect fit, 4 * t FWrnHHWl,. A tull line of (/. M. Henderson's custom make, including the Red School House Shoe, the best School shoe in the world. K, UTfBEBWE^^, From all wool Scarlet at 49c up lo the finest goods iu the market and down to the A, M. A. Brand at 33 1-3 cts each. n We ai'e lull and running over with these goods and hope winter will g> come about January 1, 188G, so we can unload. ') 1!¥B Dress Goods, Dress Goods, Etc*. Call for the Broadhead Goods. The only complaint we ever hear about these goods is "they never wear out," and th<Sse who think they need a new dress every month should not buy them. ' . ' 0. w w w ® - « > w f Always fresh and pure. We won't buy or sell what we would not be willing to use ourselves. We^Rrantee to satisfy our customers, and expect your patronage aud will merit it. Come and see us. Perry Sc Owen. CAUTION TO BUYERS OF WHITE LEAD, PURE LINSEED PURE LINSEED m By far the largest quantity of White Lead produced by any City in the World is made Inbt. Louis. There are only three Corroders in St. Louis, (that is tnose who manufacture White Lead from the metal, )namely: "SOUTHERN WHITE LEAD CO.," "COLLIER WmTE LEAD & OIL CO.," and "ST. LOUIS LEAD & OIL CO.," and their White Lead is always Strictly Pure. In consequence of the very general reputation of theee corroders for the excellence of quality of their product, their "brands have been imi­ tated to a considerable extent by those desirous of taking advantage, of tbtir good name out who are not manufacturers of White Lead. e The word "St. Louis" is frequently used on kegs similar in appearance to those of the ^ Louis corroders, the contents of which are not made in St/Louis and are very badly adulterated. W° therefore warn the public against these adulterated mixtures, and when buying Lead, to see that the kegs bear one of the three brands whose fac-smiles are given above. FLOUTBB&Y *WSITB 1JAB00 ST. L0TO1BAD KOQIOO.' OOTITITHM. WHZTB UBAS AND OIL 00.' IT WILL PAY YOU To call and examine the FALL AND WINTER GOODS W hich are daily being received by the firm of GOLDING BROTHERS, WAUCONDA, ill. Including all the new shades in Wool Dress Goois, Tricots, - PLAIDS, ETC. Under wear, [CJnder wear, A full line and of the best quality! Our stock is complete in every A ?ulimine W& ^ l^n(^e^0^• ̂ "^'ty of goods considered. At botton figures. The Highest Market price paid for BUTTER AJV» EGGS. GOLDING BROTHERS. ROBERT C. BENNETT, BR EE!) Ell OF 'THE 0?D FOLKS AT IIOVB." W liite Sea Burning Oil The New York Board of Health estimates 'hat 30,000 lives have been destroyed by the explosive qualities of Petroleum. If every Household would adopt the White Seal Oil *or Family use, none of these unfortunate accidents would occur. White Seal Burning Oil Has none of the defects usually found in common Oils. It cannot be exploded, docs not char the wick, will not smoke, emits no offensive odor, and prevents the breaking of chimneys. /) White Seal Burning Oil is a rich oil for illuminating purposes.. It is as light in co'or as pure spring water. It gives a strong steady light, and burns much longer than common oils. If the White Seal Burning Oil is not sold in your, vicinitv, send your order direct tw «ib for a barrel or a case containing two ne » t five gallon cans. BROOKS OIL CO. 66 Eaelid ATQ-> Cleveland. 0. FOWLS DDKE OF YORK STRAIN. KICHAIOND, ILL. Firat Premium Awarded Wherever Exhibited. FALL OF 1885. For the fall trade of 1885 I have about 80 of the most beautiful birds I ever rasi&ed, hatched in incubator early in the season, so they are now well grown, full fledged, and mature enough for examination and rating by the •'American Standard." They are the handsomest, largest and be3t fowls I have ever offered to the public. Now is the time to order while the number to choose from is so large. It will pay for a ten mile ride just to look at them. I will make reasonable rates for Fairs, Trios, or Larger Men. Call at the residence of Dr. Bennett, Richmond, or address Robt. C. Bennett, RICHMOND, McHENRY CO., ILL, A book of 100 pages. The best book for an advertiser to con­ sult, be he experi­ enced or otherwise. >apers and estimates DfthecostofmlvirtiHiiig. The advertiser who wants to spend one dollar, finds in ittlie in­ formation be requires, while forhim who will investone hundred thousand dollars in ad­ vertising, a scheme is indicated which will meet his every requirement, or ran be made to do so by flight changes easily arrived at by cor* retpondence. 149 editions have been issued. Sent post-paid, to any address lor 10 cents. Write to GEO. P. ROWKLL & CO., NEWSPAPER ADVfiBTlSlKi* BUREAU, (lospraoe St.Printing House 8q-)> New York. » ic•.. t -- aAa. J5 m. A. /mA The Old !JoI!nbl? a:rd Brit One Spool iiitiii»S i'uuder Mrnde. (One Tcaspcinful Co a rpi&rt of Floor.) On the marl,-ft f (r !•» and recommended j...; >icians as healthful. farraisi lo & ffss from liiojla: and all i-njurlnu* '->rr '.li^nts and to give pw*m feet Knt'.rfnetion. Isk year p;"?. ?.-;s s:aple (or trill OHiSS Cd., Also Sauoe, Jal» lies, l*i-esfr»<>s. Mqui - S> r i|w. FTatoi<. inj; Kxtr-fta •.•tc.. etc. bT. LOU IH, UO. \ s>*

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