Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Nov 1885, p. 8

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the I«M Dftf. Written tor Peck's San. I* wm Hit last day in prlnon. For thirty y«*RT» he had occupied that cold, I till, a tolitary prisoner. For s ' tfcfrtf year* he had seen naught of the yr ^lr-Mn*t world, the flowers, the gr -en (),e Htlls and valleys, the blue ' ^ - sky,Ilie bright etin,--neither the rising p\J a.mot the setting thereof. For nearly * f""« ' third of ft century, life had been almos,t .. '» blank, although from time to time "s ? *fic ",mr^ l,!U* brought him news of his k'i- .^rJeuds at home. But it was not gltul '^Mlags, which would have made the ; f(iwiiik1ei and hard lines of his face re- )u, or lighten the eye with joy. tjme |ie cau^e lie Iti- L . formed the eager captive. In a cold un-. V' * f |Sympathetic voice that his wife--she C; '; Jlfboni he had promised at God's alttr *:<t0 love, cherish, and protect--she was Idead. Again he received a message, ; Irom her who gave him birth. On her |iiylng bed she hud breathed a mother's rayer for him who once was her fond* ^ , hope and pride;she had not forgot- y - 4en her boy, even though he occupied m felon's ceil, and her last words of rt \ ^Messing and love were Conveyed to ..litm. From time to time, as the days ., lengthened int) years, the last tod tidings of those he loved were convey- »d to ,him by the faard. until, alas! here Were uo more coming. He was riendless. ^ ̂ To-day was his last day; on the mor- ,« *ow he would be froe. But that word *;•"* .freedom awakened no joyous response In his breast. What was freedom to . kim? Bat one last step from the prison • to the grave. Twenty years ago this last Jaf would have been one of joy. He was then not too old to begin life'i attle anew. But now, alas, he was ,hreescore years and ten, his step was |k> longer buoyant, his eye had lost its lustre, his hair hung In gray locks upoii $isshoulders. *'Too old! too old!" he ed, Mto retrieve the past; my future but the grave." , With his head resting on his hands, hese bitter thoughts of the hippy ays, when but a lad he had played to­ gether with his brother through green (V 'llelds of the Old farm without a thought sorrow, and with great expectations .!,? \ ,«tor the future--his ruined future, his V/misery was unbearable. ,\f "My God," he groaned aloud, "why '£> • i should I live. Oh, let me die.* |f"What are you "whining about," asked * the guard, In a rough voice, as he pp - ~ opened the door of the prison cell, and approached the stooping figure of the ^aged convict. "Don't ye know that t::' i to-morrow ye are free?*1 But there was no reply; bis lips were ;scaled forever. The convict was dead. v ' ' # Borislett & -'Stoflel, • ^feijtninDi! iin.i, iTi'i V"H 11 ^ Great Burgaius In and Winter Goods. ALU NEW, Overcoats! from $$,50 tot the finest ChfnchilU at $15.00 HJD OLD STOCK. Overcoats! For worth All Ages, $20.00. No carried over Stock whfctevttfc JFor Ladies, Misses, and Chil­ dren ; very latest Styles, lowest prices and largest assortment, from 95 cents to $25.00. Pricei guaranteed against uny competion. Largest assortment, lowest possible prices. No shoddy or old stock. From 18 cents to $1.80; all sizes, all gra les desired. Clothiner. Blankets, Robes. Flannels, Yarns, Etc., Hats, Caps, Gloves and Mittens, New and Cheap. Our stock of C. H. Fargo's Boots and Shoes, is new and com­ plete. Call and team prices as we will not be undersold. ; t Bonslett & Stoftel. 'en McBenry, 111.. Oct. 6th, 18SR. -DEALER 1N- fr,< is I * I Agricultural Implements, Wauconda, Illinois, Keeps always on hand a full stock of the Leading Farm Machinery Of All Kinds, j . , To whiehf he incites the attention of those who intend to buy, confident he can pease both in QUALITY AND PRICE. Iron and Wood Pumps ot all Kinds. Best Steel Barb Wire. At Very Low Rates. A Full Stock of BINDINC TWINE Always Found at his Warhouse. WE ALSO SELL THE Davis, Luehy & Co.'s Buggies, Call The best buggy for the money to be found in the market, and see them. Aso keep in stock a full line of Shelf and Heavy Hardware Of all kinds, which will be. sold at bottom prices ./ S. B, RUSSELL* Wauconda, May .90th, 18S& / BOOTS t EiWiarj. AND SHOES! ' f t t9*A physician gives the following „ .. sensible directions for avoiding colds. < (Now that the winter is upon us they "% v will be worth bearing in mind: "To fr^ ~ bo able to stand cold one most eat such ^ kinds of food as will give plenty of i-fr." heat, and must also Accustom the sys- ^^tem as much as possible to ooM. Heat- ^Mrming foods are rioe, sago* tapioca, Hj^Bbtatoes, the grains of wheat, oats, ^f^Barley, and especially maize 1 do not ^P^jPeoommend fat, because it is difficult Sv' of digestion, but tn moderation it is |-I useful. Oatmeal porridge,eaten with butter and sugir, forms a good cold re ; • 'alstiag breakfast. Then rice, with « , peas, barley, and a little oil or fat * make a good dinner; whilst for tea some brown bread, with butter and preserves, will not do. To accustom J, ' the body to cold, one must not wrap v>s% Up too much, but make the body adapt itself as much as possible to the cold. The human system possesses in the brain a centre for the government of ^ the heat of the body, by which It is always kept at one uniform height. If we heat our bodies by hot drinks, heaps | of clothes, hot rooms, etc , we give this V centre little to do. But If we expose « the body to cold air, take oar food nearly cold, and do not clothe to heavl- ly, we keep this in good condition, and It will keep the body warm if we give It the necessary food, and is ready for sudden exposures. The body can be used to cold by means of air baths, or exposing the node body to the air. This can be done by taking exercise at the same time, and so no cold will be felt. In connection with heaps of clothes, 1 may say that have cared, „ two or three weak chests by making I 0*" ^hoe, and we know that our way down Low Cash Pi ices wtll just ist protect- Please J°u. Remember the place is at the Old Reliable Cash Store My Fall and Winter Stock is now compete, consisting of Men's, Women's, Misses and Chidren's Fine and Staple S noes in all the,atest styles. Mens, Boys, and Youths Stoga Zip, Veal Kip, and Calf Boots, Rubber Boots, ^ Gum Boots, Men's, Women's, Misses' and Childreu's Buckled Arc­ tics, Alaskas, Selt-Acting Alaskas, Fancy Kubbers and Arctics in all the latest novelties. Men's Felt Boots, Siberian Boots, Beaver Fox Boots, Wool-lined Boots in Fine, Kip and Grained Leather; in fact | everything usually found iu a first-class Boot and Shoe stork We makea specialty of Ladies and Gents . v i We Keep the Selz Celebrated The best in the market; also the Ludlow, and other standard makes. We have a tremendous stock, can fit you in any kind of Boot ft;:.; the persons throw away chest ors (which are a snare) and sponge the chest daily. When cold do not rush to the lire, but take a sharp run, stamp the feet, and throw the arms across the chest, making the flnger3 hit the back like the cabmen do. Avoid hot fluids] of tea and soups, which give a fleeting feeling of warmth. They are very good if you want to restore a numb person. But if you are not much in the open air, take your food nearly cold, and the system will then supply the required heat, and you will And you can stand the cold much better than If you took hot drinks?-~Ex. Cor. Main Street and Public --House Established 1865. Square, Woodstock, III. J^gPN, B. W. H. DWICHT. For Sale. Forty acres of land, situated one and a half miles South of So loo, McHenry County. There is a good house,stables, and other outhouses on the premises. Will besold reasonable if applied for soon. D.ud3.P,.^,iea:w-T"u"I"u" ,• *' JOS. SWADISH, WAGON and CARRIAGE maker. Having leased the Wagon ana Carriage Shop Of Henry 8imes, opposite the Parker House I am low prepared to do all kinds ol work in this lies OiV SHORT NOIICE, and |GUARANTEE SATISFACTION. To my old friends and customers at Gary, I wish to return thanks (or past favors and patronage, and assure them that if they call oa me at my new shop here I will endeavor to merit a continuance of the same. .Repairing of All Kinds ^ Promptly Attended tOi JOS. SWADISH. «r«atXeBeary, Aug, iof uss. 'ji: '.a; v5' & .k NGJUTCHMM SODA Best in the World. SOOTHE GREAT GRANT BOOK! Life an>i Personal Memories of Gen. Grant in one volume only $1.75. One agent soil 43 nrst day; 10,000 8ol<l iirst week. A engrav­ ing 22x23 inches of all "Our Presidents" Kkee to each subscriber. Think of this! Some per­ son should send 50 cts. for outlil and engrav. ing and secure this territory. Book now out --no waiting for commissions. Address Eldbb Pjjblishiko Co., 864 Wabash Ave., Chicago, Illinois. A PRONOUNCED SUCCESS Thousands of Acres Plowed with the Flying Dutchman, and Every Claim Made for This Wonderful Plow Fully Substantiated. Why is this plow bo successful and popular ? Because it runs ONE HORSE LIGHTER than any other plow made. "clause the plow is CARRIED, GAUGED AND GUIDED by the use of three wheels. Because the plow is IN FRONT of the driver. Bi-causo the weight of the driver is OVER THE FURROW WHEEL, adding but little to the draft, but keeping the plow down to its work. Because the swivel plate pole PRE­ VENTS ALL SIDE DRAFT or weight on horse's necks. Because it is simple, strong and dur­ able, and does flrst-ciaas work. Illustrated circulars (descriptive), The 8tory of the Flying Dutchman (sen­ sational), The Agricultural Pilgrim's Progress, with si* tinted illustrations (comic)-, all sent free to any address. MOUNE PLOW CO., MOLINE. ILLINOIS. Kojp. m Cook and Heating fctoves. both Coal and Wood, of the latest styles and patterns, at J, I, Story's. " H - j I, HONEST GOODS AND LOW PRIGES WIN. Our stock of Full and Winter Goods is very complete inall Departments, and it is admitted by all that we are selling cheaper, quality con8iderod, than any other house in McHeiiry County, ^ - . » A nice line, well perfect in flJL ^ T » ""WIPWV.SI Overcoats f Choice Assortment - • v - L , • ! ' < ^ . / A N D ' ' This is a part of our business in which, we take especial pride, and can save our customers from $1.00 to $5.00 on - . . . * ' " a garment and at the same time guar­ antee a perfect fit, 'I A lull line of (J, M. Henderson's custom make, including the Red School House Shoe, the best School shoe in the world. G * * UNDERWEAR, UNDERWEAR, from all wool Scarle^ at 49c up to the finest goods in the market and down to the A, M. A. Brand at 33 1-3 cts each. We are lull and running over with these woods and hope w inter wiH LOTUS AND MlTTEKS. come about January 1, 1886, so we can unload. Dress Goods, Dress Goods, Etc* Call fl>r the Rroadhead Groods. The only complaint we ever hear about these goods is "they never wear out," and those who think they need a new dress every mouth should not buy them. Always fresh and pure, YVc won't buy or sell what we would not be willing to use ourselves, |3f~We guarantee to satisfy our customers, and expect your patronage and will merit it. Come and see us., Perry & Owen. IT WILL PAY YOU To call and examine the FALL AND WINTER COODS Which are daily being received by the firm of GOLDING BROTHERS. lifAUCONIJA, ILL, Including all the new shades in . PLAIDS, ETC, Underwear, Underwear, A full line and of the best .quality. Our stock is complete iu every department and we will not be undersold, quality of goods considered. A lull line of J fe At botton figures. The Highest Market price paid f(?r BUTTER AND EGG8. "'•i.conda, sept.7,1885. OOLDIN4* BROTHERS. * THE OLD FOLKS AT ROMS.' White Se«i Downs* COBSET [IMl>K,OVJbi2r>.] an^hoallh rf.rfC(,t 'ittin^/ mUy comfortible ioi-H V" ̂ Corst!' made. Hasan f'pnilr.u .;.! ,., a >"v0 an<1 >»olow a Corded nMw»r r Entirely (Ufferent from nny Iv i^"r8et 18 8tani*>e<l and absolute, to eet uio iw m Svery particuliir. He sure Al ®°5rns Fateut* Manufactured only for £%* C?ra?t Co- Chicago, ami where? ^nce % sfore^eUry. ASK Send 10 cents poHta^e and we' will mail you free a royal, valuable, sample box of goods that will put you in the way ot making' . -- more nvmey at once, than u 1,1 America. Jiotli sexes of all "ve Rt home and work in spare time, n^if, li . tln,G. Capital not required. We "l"*1' y«u- Immease pay sure lor those who suirt at once. r Stinson A Co., . Portland, Maine. For Sal©. Twenty Bulls, full blood anri grades, cu . r_At>erdeen Angus, Galloway, *^5 _or"' afMJ Hereford. George Abbott & Hon, Six utiles west of Mc- tlenfy and Four miles ea9t of Wood­ stock. Postofflce address, Woodstock, *"• 14-4w Agents Wanted for our New Book. 2P TnKBEBElUOV'whichh •ellimfby the Trns -y No competition. Oav fcookof Uk kind. The •• SPY " reveals many' s rrcu icar never before published. A graphic account of tho con8",r«"" ^ reTieucenm ourr kdkual »pifs in the Rebel Capitoll hoir heroio braver/ fully recounted in these vivid •ketches. TUe "Spy" la the must ikrilUlltwiu1 houk finer pubHwhest Endorsed by hundreds of frets sud Agents" testimonials. A larjje handsom* book; Osd pages; B0 illustrations. Send stamp for cir» •uiars. WA«erit« wanted everywhere. MXWMTBK* tlATCii* Hutlw4 C«tt The Kew York Board of Health estimates 'hat 30,000 lives have been destroyed by the explosive qualities of Petroleum. If every Household would adopt the White Seal Oil for Family use, none of these uufortunate accidents would occur. White Seal Burning Oil Has none of the defects usually fou nd in common Oils. It cannot be exploded, does not char the wick, will not smoke, emits no ' offensive odor, and prevents the breaking of himneys. ¥ ' White Seal Burning Oil Is a rich oil for illuminating purposes. It is as light in co'or as pure Spring water. It gives a strong steady light, and burns mu« h longer than common oils. It the White Seal Burning Oil Is not sold in your vicinity, send your order direct to tor a barrel or a c%se containing two ne»t five gallon cans. BROOKS OIL CO. 05 Euolid An., Cleveland. 0. A book of 100 pages. The best bonk for an advertiser to con­ sult, be he experi- enced or otiwr^ise. It contains lists ot newspapers and estimates afthe cost of advertising. The advertiser who wauts to spend one dollar, finds in it the in­ formation he requires, while forliim who will invest one hundred thousand dollars in ad­ vertising, a scheme is indicated which will meet his every requirement, or can be made to do so bp Blight changes easily arrived at by cor­ respondence. 149 editions have been issued. Sent, post-paid, to any address for 10 cents. Write to GEO. P. ROW ELL ft CO., NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING BUREAU, U0SpntoeSt.FzfntiB*Ho«MB4i.), H«* Yodb 1Q1IE7 C. BSHETT, -BREEDER OF- FOWLS DUKE OF YORK STRAIN. 1UC1IMOND, ILL. Firat Premium Awarded Wherever Exhibited. FALL OF 1885. For the fall trade of 1885 I havn about 80 of the most beautiful birds I ever rasised, hatched in incubator early iu the season, so they are now well grown, full fledged, and mature enough for examination and rating by the. "American Standard." They ar® the handsomest, largest and be3t fowls I have ever offered to the public. Now is the time to ofdey while the number to Choose from is so large. It will pay for a tea mile ride just to look at them. I will make reasonable rates for Pairs, Trios, or Larier NiDikrs. Call at the residence of Dr. Bennett, Richmond, or address Robt. C. Bennett, i RICHMOND, McHENRY CO., 1H+ BAKING PQWDER lh« Old Reliable and Beat Oa* |SM1' Baking Powder RKad*. < (One Te&spoonful to a quart of fkoj ' On the market for 10 years and recommsoded by prominent physicians as healthful. ( VarrantedtoliefrEe from Aiirala! and all injurious in^mlienta and togirep»e±. feet eat if faction* • Ask your grocer for a frii ianpSi fir bttL MADS ONLT BT CHARM MANUFACTURING CIL, Also mannfacturers of Quaker Table Uea, Preserves, Maple Syrupa, BUnik ing Extracts, etc., 0T. LOUIS, eta COw

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