Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Nov 1885, p. 4

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•I. VAN 8LTKE. tin-- 11 , Editor. % May be fonwl on Ale Rt GKO. P. KOWBIJ, A CJO.'S Newspaper Advertising Rnre*n (10 Aprnoe Street), where nriveriisnifr SSTfc-SPfcNEW YORK- THIS PAPER ttOWEM, A CO.'S New spa 'The three Italimnp, wl»o murder­ ed their fellow countryman, were hanged In Chicago on Saturday last. The murder was a cold bloodfd and ^rtiel one, and the miserable wretches diet a deserved fate at the end of the bang mane rope. •The Tribune cays: "Democrats ife road enough already over the order Which keeps them from asking the President personally lor place, and • what will they not say next week when straw is laid in the stieet in front of the White House that the of passing vehicles may not tofeak the flow£of thought while their •ne-tlme Idol Is engaged upon his messago. occasion* constantly wine which #ive'|| great itn)»>rtancc to writing#, or per­ haps to the mere niyucUure of n natne. The usual Inkstand ls, o( o< iwse. re sorted to.and if an inferior ink Is com- raonly used, life result possibly may be disastrous. The SpenceHan Writing Fluid corn- bines, in a high degree, three essential quhUlles, fluidity, color, and durability, and is absolutely reliable for sdl busi- ne8< purposes. • Tlie proprietors of these well known Pens and Inks, Messrs. IVISON , BLAKE- MAN, '1 AYI.OR & Co.. 753 and 75o l>road way. New York, Educational Pub.lsh* ers, will send free, on a> plication, a Sales book of their Spencorlan Special ties, which gives a full descriptive list of these and many other standard arti­ cles of interest to stationers and book sellers. i 'Two wars are now being waged vaded Bulgaria and the British have Invaded Burmah. The object of each invasion is the same--territorial plun­ der. The servlatu want to sieze and Mtiex a part of Bulgaria because southern Bulgaria has -annexed itself to northern Bulgaria. The British covet Burmah for the additional trade will give them and the trade route It will afford them Into China, > %9»Says the New York Mail and JErpress: "One of the most remarkable features of the late election was the fr«e and scarcely concealed use of mon­ ey in buying votes. Testimony to this fact comes from all parts of tbe state, altd shows that money was relied on In many counties as the most potent persuader. In Saratoga, says tbe Jour­ nal of that place, all day long the pur­ chasable votes were bought with Dem­ ocratic corruption funds at from 95 to «r Iter head. Reliable advices from ofitside tovns all agree that there was •ft Immense fund distributed through­ out all sections of the county, and that large sums were openly paid by the Democratic agents." The Ladies of Richmond will give a New Englund Supper for the beneflt of the Congregational Church, to be held at Coulraan's Opera Home, on Thursday evening, November 10th. Recitations, good music and a general good time may be expected. All are cordially invited. Admission to hall and supper, 25 cents. OP GENKKAI' CONCERN--ON* thous­ and lady and gentlemen agents wan­ ted at once to introduce our latest and most popular publication--"House­ wife's Delight."-- a large, durable bound, elegantly printed, handsomely Illustrated and the most complete cook book and general guide for the proper conductor the household ever issued. It retails at 92.00 ^rul sells at s'.glit to the ladies. Send 35 cents by postal note to cover postage, cost of packing etc., and we will send you an elegant sample if you tuean business and de­ sire to take advantage of this golden opportunity to make money easily and rapidly. If you are .otherwise engaged please show this to wine reputable person who is out bf employment. Address, B. K. FOCHT, Lewisburgh, Pa, Box, D.- • i ti We sell strictly all wool mens scarlet Underwear at 63c. BOKSLETT & STOFFEL. The signs all point to a deadly iitid on the Pacific coast as an outcome of tbe Chinese question. Extensive frauds in Chinese Immigration are be- finning to transpire, and the bitter­ ness of tbe lower clasae* of whiies act Inst the Celestials is very much in­ creased as one of tte remits, Pur- Attto^^certlficates for tbe admission «^^EH||^>en has become a thriving which haa been carried on by WfKmm corruptioolsts. The report, /wWFthat the Chinese Benevolent 8odety has begun the work discour­ aging Chinese Immigration, and of Inducing many of those who are here to return to China. The society fears an outbreak of Caucasian violence, and hopes to draw the electricity out of the v' cloud and prevent an explosion. Has It begun early enough? Is the question. C. G. ANDREWS. GENERAL AUCTIONEER. SPRING GROVE ILL. Sales ot Stock, Farming Tools and Goods of all kinds attended to on the most . f9»Tbe decision of the Supreme Oourt in thp Mackin case, sustaining - v the action of the oourt below, will be received with a feeling of relief by the public. People may not be inclined to oxult in the punishment of even a man like Mackin, but they are interested in the triumph of law and order, and the "^^^afntenince^^rtty°ftfneJectiooi; ^The fear has been that Mackin, con­ victed and sentenced, might, through ^ juggling with the law. esjtpe all pun f* .-tollment. Had such been the outcome Of the trial future proceedings against those who tampered with the ballots would have been regarded ss farcical and those inclined to violate law would Itave taken a more defiant attl tude toward those interested in enforcing the law. But it has been ordered ^Otherwise.--Inter Ocean. -AND---- Satisfaction Guaranteed. Call on or Address C. G. Andrews, Spring Grove, II1. Spring 3rave, Sept. aoth, 1885. l]-U-3m SUIT'S at §3 f®*Louis Rlel was hanged at Rigina |at 8;23 o'clock Monday morning, an ilied almost without a struggle. His executioner was one Jack Heuderso who was a prisoner of Rlelin 1870, The body was temporarily buried Ithe toot of the scaflold, but will be re moved In a feir days to 8t. Boniface Cemetery at Wlonepeg, there to rest : by the side of his father. The execu - tion caused great excitement in the Province of Quebec. At Quebec and Montreal men were seen on tbe streets wearing crape on their hats and on their coat sleeves, and Incendiary hand bill calllug;for meetings were distrlb- •\ uted. Flags bearing signs of mourning were hung at half mast, and special 1 pictures and decorations in windows attracted large crowds. Students pa- Vraded the streets execrating Orange- ^ men, but no breaches of the peace are reported. In Ontario the feeling ap­ peared to obtaiu that Rlel got his deserts. raw sn* Ink Worth R««ommeadln(. We have been favored with samples Of the celebrated Spenceriau Double Elastic Steel Pens, and after trying them feel justified In highly commend ing them to our readers. They are made of the best steel,and by the most expert workmen, and have a national reputation for certain desirable quali­ ties which no other pens seem to pos Bess In so great perfection. Among these are uniform evenness of point durability, flexibility, and quill action, to popular havo they become, that of |IM "Number One" alone, as many as fourteen millions are sold annually. Complaints are constantly made of the difficulty in getting good ink. ProV ably, In some cases, the durability of tbe Ink Is of little consequence--the lifting baa done Its work in an hour trtiro; but, U thouli 6e remembered. No other complaints are so iMictions in their attack as those Affecting the throat and lungs: none so tfifleil with by the' majority of suffer­ ers. The ordinary cough or cold, resulting perhaps from a trilling or unconscious ex­ posure, is often but the beginning of a fatal sickness. AY Kit's CHKRRY PECTORAL has well proven its eifteacy in a forty years' fight with tliroal and lung diseases, and should be taken in all coses without delay. - A Terrible Cough Cared. *' In 18571 took a severe cold, which affected my lungs. 1 had a terrible cough, and passed * * ii-*4 1 k<~vm> + clAun 'l<* * night after night without sleep. Tlie doctors GAVE me up. 1 tried AVKH'S CIIKKKY L'EC- TOTTAL, which relieved inv lungs, induced sleep, and afforded me the rest necessary for tlie recovery of niy strength. By the continued use of the PECTORAL a perma­ nent cure was effected. *1 am now 61! years old, hale and hearty, and am satisfied your CUKitKY PECTORAL saved me. HORACE FAIRBBOI&EB." Rockingham, V t., J uly 15,1882. Croup.--A Mother's Tribute, "yriiile in tlie country last winter my little boy,'three years old, was taken ill with croup; it seemed "as if he wouM die from strangu­ lation. One of the family suggested tlie use of AVHR'S CMEKRY PECTORAL, a bottle of which was always kept in the house. This was tried in small and frequent doses, and to our delight in less than half an hour the little patient was breathing easily. The doc­ tor said that the CHERRY PI « TORAL had saved my darling's life. Can you wonder at our gratitude ? Sincerely yours, 51RS. EMMA OEWEV." US West 128th St., Mew York, May 1C, ls82» " I have used AYEU'S CIIF.PRY PECTORAL in my family for several years, and '«!<» not hesitate to pronounce it the most effectual remedy for coughs and colds we have ever tried. A. .1. CHASE." Lake Crystal, Minn., March 13, lsb2. •• I suffered for eight years from Bronchitis, and after trying many remedies with no euc- .cess, 1 was cured by the use of A vKit's CUT N- 11V L'K<TOBAL. .JosEI'LI VALUEX." liy<tialia, Miss., April 5, lbt>2. "1 cannot say enough in praise of Arm's CniCRRY PECTORAL, believing as I do that but for its use 1 should long since have died from lung troubles K. BKAGDO>'." Palestine, Texas, April 22, 1882. No case of an affection of the throat or lungs exists which cannot be greatly relieved by the use of AVER'S CHERRY PECTORAL, and it will always cure when the diseasci* not already beyond the control of uiediciue. PREPARED BY Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mast. Sold by all Druggists. Do you need a few Warm Things for Winter and do you paT Cash? illlp- WAUCONDA CUTTERS And in fact Cutters everywhere are very particular about, their * Scissors -A NO- Shears. •w ould oe -wis£ to investi­ gate the doings at Fitzsim- mons <fc Evanson's. Among many Cash offers you will find 5,000 yards good Standard Prints * "4 cents per yard* 5,000 yards good f'otton Flannel, 5 cents per yard. 5,000 yards «food Sheeting, 5 oents per yard. 5,000 yards grood Gingham, 5 cents per yard. 5,000 yards all wool Scarlet Flannel, 18 cents per yard. 100 Dozen Mens Underwear, 36 cents each. 500 Overcoats, cheaper than ever heard of in this County. 100 Ladies Cloaks and Russian Circulars at nearly half price. 500 Men's Fur Caps at less than Manufacturers Prices. 1000 yards Colored Velveteen,(50 cents pea yard, former price $1.00. We have Special Bargains to offer in BOOTS AND SHOES, IInu Suits &nd Si&gle goats, Woolen Yams, MESTS WOOLEN" SHIRTS ' aefb jackets, 1000 Pairs Ladies Fine Shoee. ̂ . Bright plating is apt so important as ft G I L T E D O Mens and Boys Suspenders, That will hold r.lear to the end of the chap, ter. I have received a fresh supply of goods with ih-it kind of an edge. They aro plainly tinished, henae Cheap in price, but Warranted to be tlrat class slock, and to give satisfaction, if you want a GOOD PAIR, :all at the Drug Store and sen what 1 can offer you. w ooLsar Wauconda, NOT. 10,1885 John Humphrey. «-•» i i ^ i /> I Buck and Calr Gloves MONEY LOANED On McHenry County Farms, on time, term¥,^nd"llii™a1^ to suit borrowers, by J. W. RANSTEAD 11-17-6m Elgin, Illinois. JOHNSBURGH WORKS. axaaafw LHHIJ^iiii - - -m fact every article needed to make lite comfor1 table will be furnished at the lowest living Cash Prices. FITZSIMMONS &. EVANSON [It Will do Thee Ho Harm to. Investigate. This is not a Cure All. But a Sure and Permanent Cure for--. R H E U M A T I S M This remedy is guaranteed to give imrrwriia relief, and perform a permanent cure if uxed i directed; It acts upon an entirely new principle, dis­ covered after years of patient Htudv ana experiment, Its effects are truly marvelou*. We claim that our remedy has a specific action upon the fluids of the body, nupplyinK moisture to the ti(*Bue» and lubricating the joints affected by the disease. Nd StUS*or Distorted ̂ lml» remain after a cure hy thin specific. A trial of a single iiottle will convince the most sceptical that we have not told half its Tirtues. Price, Wl.OO per bottle. For sale by all amggllU. Manufactured onlv l,v LENNEY MEDICINE CO., CHENOA, ILLINOIS. •S^We do not forget that* our claims f >r the Specific are contrary to all past experi­ ence in the treatment of KheumatUm. In fact it was long before we ourselves Uecaine con vinced that it could l»e poissible that a (tingle remedy conhl perform r.vlical cures, where the most eminent physicians ha.| laileil. Not- wilhstan'ling all thin we are now convinced, and we have also convinced every one who has used it, that it is a Wonderful' Medicine. We inrite and urge the afflicted to correspond with those who have given their voluntary testimonials furnished on application as to its effects in their cases.^ir JOS. SWADISH, WAGON and CARRIAGE MAKER. Having leased the Wagon and Carriage Shop of Henry Simes, opposite the Parker House I am uow prepared to do all kinds ol worlc in this line ON SHORT NOIICE, and ^GUARANTEE SATISFACTION. To my old friends and customtre at Cary, I wish to return thanks for past favors and patronage, and assure them that if they call on me at my new shop here I will endeavor to merit a continuance of the same. Repairing of All Kinds Pro^iptljr Attended tO« m JOS* SWADISH. #4Bt MaHonry, Aug. 10, 1885. HENRY MILLER, --DEALER IN-- Foreign aM American Marble, Scotch and American Granite MONUMENTS, TABLETS,JHEAD8TO&E8 CEMETERY COPING, ETC JOHNSBURGH, IJEJU Orders Solicited. Good Work Guaranteed. Post Office Address McHENIiY, ILL. COLBY, •hff EITERSIDE BLOOK, - * r ' * * " I # " •M MeHENRY , General Merchandise. % 'At' 'J, New Goods For Fall And Winter Use. An immense stock of seasonable merchandise now in. Every bepartmeut full and complete. Prices on many articles lower'thftB ever. We invite a careful inspection of our THE WORLD'S BEST, PATENTS MITNN & CO., of the SCIEXTIFIC AMERICAN, con. ttnuc toHet us Solicitors for J'uteuts, Caveats, Trade Murks, Copyritrhts, for the United StaU-x, Canada. England, France, Germany, et<J. Hand Book about Patents sent free. Thlrt »-<Pvpn yfars'exporionce. Patents obtained throuch MUNN & CO. arc noticed til the SCIENTIFIC AMKKICAX, the largest, best, and Bifist widely circulated scientific paper. (3.20a year. Weekly. Bplendid cneravinug and Interesting In­ formation. Specimen cot>y < f the (Scientific A met* lean sent free. Addrcm MUNN ft CO., gcimim •HKBICAN Offlee, 261 Broadway, New York. - • FOR SALE BY JTOHC3ST X. DEALER IN MeHENRY, ILLINOIS, CLOTHING Which we believe contains the Largest Variety of Ready-made Garments ever offered in this market; muny of our new lines are in exceptionally neat and beautiful patterns, and no better made or fitting good« are to be had in America. To give us needed room for handling our new stock we will make special prices on all two- piece suits, ages 4 to 9, and also on all lines where only two or three suits remain • from these lines one can often obtain just what they want at a greatly reduced price; these offerings should com­ mand the careful examination of the closest buyers. Our stock of Pants is now very complete, ranging in price from $1.25 to $7.50 per pair. The largest line ever offered in McHenry; all sizes and for all aged; call and see them early ; our clothing has been bought at the' very lowest cash price, and is now offered on exceedingly close margins. : * « {ROOTS AND SHOES. 1 Our etock was never more complete. This is one ot the most important branches of our entire business, and one that has received our very careful attention. We have studied our tride and feel confident we are better than ever prepared to meet their wants. We continue to sell the celebrated Buffalo Boots, Foster's fine shoes for ladies best wear, and Kedpaths in medium price goods- Dry Goods & Notions. Our store is full of all the latest styles and novelties, and will be sold at our uniform low prices. Underwear and Flannels, > Hosiery and Knit Goods, TBTOK8 AS!) VALISES, CR0CKE3Y, BLASSWAHI, WOOD M0 WILLOW WARS CAHflSD 600SS, Drugs and Medicines, Etc. Every Department full and prices gu^rabteed to be as low as good goods representing the same values can Wobtained in Illinois. Call and See for yourselves; we want your patronage and are doing all in our power to merit it. *cHeury, llln M»y;20tb, 1886. v-j ' t "if ts •"iKSiagf? "

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