Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Nov 1885, p. 8

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> t rV , - >. «• .-«_ ft' "•«,' ferV-- ' w AmcrlMM Abroad. r there Is In London a quiet little t»*>-- |<M wlilclt U not generalLjr known by trMVrleiK, being fn>i|aentedoul]r by Hi" c!m«8 of llt'ed Englishman wui: (W)4fn Hob<ciQftn. A very few wealthy Americans who had found out that U t«* exclusive and costly tried occasion., ally to gain ad nlesion. "About a year ago, two lads-of 16, 4let«ed in the height of fashion a faint on their lips, sat in the drawing- room of rhls house before the Are, their W.l on, their legs stretched out at full length, whistling in concert. They were the eons of a merchant prince of Sew York, and of a Chicago man who katf gained a great fortune by mining ft|H*culalion8, and accordingly looked ilown on the world from a lofty height. A gray, bent old gentleman came in,. Wrapped In an old«fashioned traveling fhawi, something the worse for wear, fie stopped, looked at the Are. and frhlted for the youthful occupiers of |lte best places ro rise. The boys stared at h<m, stretched their legs a little fdrther across the hearth, and whistled more loudly than before. The old gentleman sat down In a corner. "It's a cold day outside, motherP said one of the young boors loudly, and they both laughed. A moment or two Safer a feeble old lady entered. They siill remained seated, but eyed her quitzictlly as she sat down by Iter husband. She wore thick, broad soled *'hoes, a traveling dress, and a bonnet Hot the fashion of two years ago. ^I'be lads giggled. "Ah, there!" said iwi®. ! "Nov there r responded the other. 'The first whistled, "l'je mookey •parried the baboon's sister." Where's your sister this morning. Bob?" interrupted his companion. , '-Busy with dressmakers. I guess. She to going to be presented to Vicky next week." • "Yesf She's a stunner. She'll lay over these English women, I guess." A servaut entered and delivered a message to the old gentleman, who fUtli his wife left the room. . **Ah, there!" one young man said, willing to repeat a fine bit of wit.. The servant turned to him aghast. "That Is his grace, the Duke of naming one of the oldest houses lu England. The young men, who were of that class of Americans who grovel before rank, sat dumb for a moment, and then muttering that it "was a cold day indeed," went out. The next day the hotel at which this scene occurred issued a notice, "No Americans will be received." This notice Is publicly given by some of the best hotels In England, and naturally affords much offense to travelers from this couutry. Our story may partially explain the Ireasoafor it. "r»ur n *v • ; • -• • ' r- «.1 r ; • li 'i in'in r % in i i nil ifjim ] Bons 1 e11sr Si Stoflel, 'I'ly,ifa" 111, Great Barg&iiis lu. ' ;r ,",:. ' *AIIU08 MRDICIKK MKN. " Messrs. Boot & Tinker, of New York City, who have pnblished from time to time handsome lithograph portraits of the prominent journalists of the United States and Great Britain, have just Issued a very attractive engraving ,32x28 Inches, of the leading Proprie­ tary Medicine Manufacturers of the United States, Including Dr. J. O. Ayer G. I. Hood, Dr. Hostetter, of "Hostel­ ler's Bitters,'1 John Hodge, of "Mer chant's Gargling Oil;" Mr. Scott, of 4 Scott's EmulsionDr. J. H. Schenck, H. E. Bucklen, of "Electric Bitters;1 Mr. Powell,of "Iron Bitters:" Dr. Tutt, Dr. Brandreth, of "Brandreth's Pills," and H. H. Warner, of "Warner's Safe Core" an J "Tippecanoe" fame. We doubt if a more attractive group of eleven men could be got together from any one walk of life. As is quite ap-«ropriate, the central figure is H. H. fnrner, the background of whose vig­ nette Is his trade mark of an iron safe. Inscribed with the names of the famous .Warner's Safe Remedies. Mi. Warner Is the most prominent as well as most successful proprietary medicine manu factnrer this couutry has yet produced and his zeal in the prosecution of his business grew out of the fact, in large ineasure, that -he himself, when given up to die aft Incurable of an extreme kidney disorder, In 1879, was cured by . the remedy to which he has given the world-wide fame--"Warner's Safe Cure." The sale of the "Warner's Safe Remedies" has been so widely extend­ ed that warehouses and laboratories for their manufacture have been estab* lished in all quarter* of the globe, not the least prosperous being one in far distant Australia. People have errone­ ous notions, both of the motives and character of proprietary medicine men. As a rule they are solid, substantial, . trustworthy citizens, who win the suc­ cess that comes to them purely on the merit of the goods they produce and of the work they perform. This is •specially true of the central figure of -this group. This picture hanging side by side with prominent journalists, re­ ligious, political and foreign, will probably attract more attention than those famous editorial writers, because there Is hardly a person who walks the street, who has not either used some of the remedies manufactured by these men, or had their Interest stimulated In the gentlemen themselves by the record made by their remedies among personal friends. This picture is sent out with the compliments of Mr. H. H. Warner, who, besides having won such distinguished fame as the manufacture •r of "Warner's Safe Cure," is well known founder of the " Aotror. Omical Observatory," Rochester. N. Y.» •fid the "Warner Astronomical Prizes'" for eometary discovery, so eagerly fpught for by astronomers all over the. World. Mr. Warner is a self-made man ind those who know him best say that flie success which he has won thus early 111 life (he being at present not over 46 i Sears of age) is in all respectB eminent­ ly deserved, "for he Is a man of very Jftroad views and wlde-extended liber­ ality. y ' f Interest! *g to 'Bottv Sexes. Any man or woman making less than #40 weekly should try our easy money inaklng business. We want Agents for our celebrated MADAME DEAN SPINAL SUPPORTING CORSETS; also our SPINAL SUPPORTER, SHOULDER BKACB, AND ; ^ -ABDOMINAL PROTECTOR COMBINED (for v; men and boys). No experience requir- v' jd. Four orders per day give the Agent r%160 monthly. Our Agents report four ,**o twenty sales dally. 83 outfit free. Betid at ouce for full particulars. State t fiex. F-KWIS SCHIRLE & Co., 8wl3 380 BROADWAT, NEW YORK \ Please remember that our stock in overy department is very complete ? iA*nd that our prices are always the lowest that can be made. We will not any houM in McHenry •^"intel* Good s. ALL T EW, NO OLD STOCK. Overcoats! Overcoats! For All Ages, from $2,50 Ho the finest ChfuchilU at $15.00 north $20.00. • - 'S! ... . I.:; • ' ' \ •, No carriedfover Stock whatever; For Ladies, Misses, and Chil­ dren ; very latest Styles, lowest prices and largest assortment, from 95 cents to $25^0. Prices guaranteed against an}' competion. Largest assortment, lowest" possible prices. No shoddy or old stuck. From 18 cents to $1.80; all sizes, all gra les desired. Clothingr, Blankets, Robes, Flannels, Yarns, Etc., Hats, Caps. Gloves and Mittens, New and Cheap. stock of C. H. Fargo's Boots and Shoes, is new anil com­ plete. GUI and learn prices as we will not be undersold. ' Bonslett Stoftei. West McHenry, 111 . Oct. 6th, 188ft. -DEALER IN- Agricultural Implements, Wauconda, Illinois, Keeps always on hand a-full stock of the Leading Farm Machinery Of All Kinds, To whieh he inv ites the attention of those who intend to buy, Confident he can pease both in QUALITY AND PRICE. Iron and Wood Fumps of all Kinds. Best Steel Barb Wire At Very Low Rates. A Full Stock of BINDINC TWINE Always Found at his Warhouse. WE ALSO SELL THE Davis, Luehy & Co.'s Buggies, The best buggy for the money to be found in the market. Call and see them. Aso keep in stock a full line of Shelf and Heavy Hardware Of all kinds, which will be sold at bottom prices ' 6. B. RUSSELL- Wauconda, May 20th, 1885. BOOTS AND SHOES! My Fall and Winter Stock is jiow compete, consisting of Men's, Women's, Misses and Chidren's Fine and Staple Snoes in all the atest styles. Mens, Boys, and Youths Stoga Kip, Veal Kip, aad Calf Boots, Rubber Boots, ^ Gum Boots, Meu's, Women's, Misses' and Childreu's Buck'ed Arc­ tics, Alaskas, Selt-Acting Alaskas, Fancy Kubbers and Arctics in all %.Jjte^9.velties. Men's Felt Boots, Siberian Boots, Beaver Fox Boots, Wool-lined Boots in Fine, Kip and Grained Leather; in fsict everything usually found in a first-class Boot and Shoe stare. We makea specialty of Ladies and Gents We Keep the Selz Celebrated The best in the market; also the Ludlow, and other standard makes. We have a tremendous stock, can fit you in any kind ot Boot or Shoe, and we know that our way down Low (Ja3h Pi ices will just please you. Remember the place is at the Old Reliable (Jash Store Cor. Main Street and Public Square, Woodstock, III. t^"N, --House Established 18G5. W. H. DWICHT. NfflUTCHm Best in the World. IM undersold by an; ^B|jp Qgfey. CRANT BOOK! Life an<l Personal Memories of (ion. (iraii i In one volume only #1.75. One agent tol l i:i first rtuy; 10,000 sofil lirht week. A f4 engrav­ ing 22x23 inches of all "Our Presidents" FKEK to each subscriber. Think of this! Some |>er- son should send 50 cts. for outllL anil enj^rav- log and secure this territory. Book now out --UJ wailing for commissions. Address KLDKK PriiLiSHiNG Co., 361 Wabash itve., Chicago. lllinaiii A PRONOUNCED SUCCESS Thousands of Acres Plowed with the Flying Dutchman, and Every Claim Made for This Wonderful Plow Fully Substantiated. Why la this plow BO successful and popular ? Because It runs ONE HORSE LIGHTER than any other plow made. Because the plow is CARRIED, GAUGED AND GUIDED by the use of three wheels. Because the plow is IN FRONT of the driver. Because the weight of the driver Is OVER THE FURROW WHEEL, adding but little to the draft, but keeping the plow down to its work. Because ttie swivel plate pole PRE* VENTS ALL SID,'£ DRAFT or weight on horse's necks. Because it is simple, strong and dur­ able, and does flrst-ciass work. Illustrated circulars (descriptive), The Story of the Klying Dutchman (sen­ sational), The Agricultural Pilgrim's Progress, with six tinted illustration* (comic), all aent free to any address. MOLINE PLOW CO., MOLINE. ILLINOIS. it a a Cook and Heating stoves, both Coal And Wood, of the l&test styles and y&Uerua, at J,l, Story's. fiONEST GOODS AND LOW PRICES WIN. Our stock of Fall and Winter Goods is very complete in all Departments, and it is admitted by all that we are selling cheaper, quality considered, than any other fiouse in McHenry County. A nice line, well made, and perfect in fit. Overcoats a Choice Assortment. -::r,' 'I : JkBH® This is a part of our business in which, we take especial pride, and can save our customers from $1.00 to $5.00 on a garment and at the same time guar­ antee a perfect fit, A iull line of'<'. M. Henderson's custom make, includinj; the Red School House-fihoe, the best School shoe in the world. . iijrC From all wool Scarlet at 49c up to the finest goods iu the market and down to the A, A. Brand at 33 1-3 cts each. »TKS AND. ---- We are lull and running over with these goods and hope v inter will come about January 1, 1886, so we can unload. Dress Goods, Dress Goods, Etc! Call for the Rroadhead' (roods. The only complaint wo evei hear about these goods is * 'they1 hever wear out," and those who-think they need a new dress every mouth should not buy them. Always fresh aud.pure, W a won't buy or sell what we would not be Avilling to use ourselves, triP"* W^§ guarantee to satisfy our customers, and expect your patronage and will merit it. Come and see us. Perry & Owen. IT WILL PAY YOU To call and examine the FALL AND WINTER GOODS W;hich are daily being received by the firm of GOLDING BROTHERS. W AucoNiiA, III. Including all the new shades in i, Tricots, Flannels, r • PLAIDS, ETC. Underwear, Underwear, A full line and of the best quality. Our slock is complete in every department and we will not be undersold, quality of goods considered. A lull line, of ' GROCERIES, At botton figures. The Highest Market price paid|for BUTTER A.TVT3 EGGK w , „ . , GOLDING BROTHERS. Wauconda, Sept, 7.1885. DOWNS' plS?3tf„T COSSET [IMP KOV 18 the only perfect llttinjr, truly comfortible ami health-preserving Corset made, lias an Elastic Section Hlxive and l.elow a Conled Centerplooo. Kntin?1y ililTevent from m>\' other. Kverv Corset is stamped and absolute- ly Guaranteed in every purtic'iihir. Be feur«» to get the Downs Patent. Manuf«etnreil only by the Oage-Downs Corset Co., Ckicaffo* lor sale lans stores every, where. Price $ | ,50. Serid^lo cents postage and we will mail you free it royal, valuable, sample box oi goods that will put you in the way nt making ntore innmey at once, than anything else in America." lioth sexes ol all ages can live at home and work in a pare time, or all the time. Capital not required. We wijl start you. Immense pay sure lor those who start at once. ST IN SON & Co., Portland, Maine. For Sale. Twenty Bulls, full blood ami gnules, I'olled Aberdeen AII^UO, Galloway, Miort Horn, and Ht-fciiorri. G«forg»( Ahoott & Son. Six miles west of Me Henry and Four milpa ea«t of Wood- Ftock. Poatolllce additbg, Woodstock, 111. 14-4w <* w,v •"> \ « ^ . VS"ri •THE OLD FOLKS AT IIOMK." W hite Sea Burning Oil The New York Board ot Health estimates lhat 30,000 lives have been destroyed by the explosive qualities of Petroleum. If every Household would adopt the White Seal Oil or Family use, none of these unfortunate ccidents would occur. White Seal Burning Oil Has none of tlie defects usually fou nd in common Oils. It cannot bo exploded, does not char the wick, will not smoke, emits no offensive odor, and prevents the breaking of Chimneys. White Seal Burning Oil is a rich oil for illuminating purposes. It is as light in co'or as pure spring- water. It gives a strong steady light, and burns much longer than common oils. „ If the White Seal Burning Oil is not sold in yotir vicinity, send your order directions .for a barrel or a case containing two ne it Hve gallon cans. BROOKS OIL. CO. 56 Eaeiid Ave-. Cleveland, 0. '49HP Agents V^antsd for our New Boo! Newspaper?,; ngj[ERT!8!NSii> Tlio "S1»Y OP Til E It t which lis Bellini; by th i T/_ns <j IH H U M I it,-- • Only book of its kind. The " SI*If '» rovenYs ma.iy mmi* of the war never bofor.i publis'.ieil. A grur.lur account or the conspiracy tu i.; Lincoln. Ppriloua ex- porieucosofo.jrl'.:i)k ;aL,S1"i:b in th« UeVo' r&uitull their horoio "orav^r, fully jcco-.mleil in tliona vivid eMtclies. Ilie i« the w *t il riilHig war book t-ver iOnilorata bv i.atit.reda of Press una Asc/itK' tc-innoniali. y. hauuiO'tM book: W W 1' I H < • » : ? . 0 i l i u s t r S c i . d i'o. ia- oalai-a. M*Attent( wanted everywn«re. SaAaVSflli'nitt W w „ ,,, ,1. Abook of 100 pages. k The best book for an advertiser to con- | suit, be he expert- -- or otherwise. It Contains lists of newspapers and est imates jftlic cost of advertising. 1 ho advertiser who wants to spend one dollar, finds m it the in­ formation lie requires, while forhiin who will invest one hundred thousand dollars in ad­ vertising, a scheme is indicated which will meet his every requirement, or can be made to do »o bp slight changes easily arrived at by cor­ respondence. 149 editions have been issued. Sent, post-paid, to any address for 10 cents. Write to GEO. P. HOW ELL ft CO., NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING BUREAU. (10 Spruce suFrintinf House 8q.), KowToek. -BREEDER OF ROBERT C. BEMETT, FOWLS DUKE OF YORK STRAIN. RICHMOND, ILL. First Premium Awarded Wherever Exhibited. FALLOF1885. For the-fa 11 trade of 1885 I have about 80 of. the rtfost beautiful birds I ever rasised, hatched in incubator early in the seasqn, so they are now well grown, full fledged, and mature enough for examination and rating by the "American Standard." They are the handsomest, largest and best fowls I have ever offered to the public. Now is the time to order While the number to choose from is so large. It will pay for a ten mile ride just to look at them. I will make reasonable rates for Pairs, TriosnHarier Mere. Call at the residence of Dr. Bennett, Richmond, or address Robt. C. Bennett, RICHMOND, McIIENRY CO., ILL. Ac did nUtable and Bert On* Biwi Baking Powder Mad** " . (Cue Teaspoonful to a quart of VlOBB) ' On the market for 10 Tears and »--••• - niM by prominent physicians M healthful. Warranted tD lie free and all injurious ingredients and toctvejMVW feet satisfaction. . Askfoar grocer for a frea stnpli firtrUL MAD* OKLT mr CHIRM I'-. ^FICTUBINB CO., Alio manufacturers nf Quaker Table SaooL lies, Preserves. Maple Syrups, FkmKfe lng Extracts, etc., eta OT. MO, UiU: . Ji'Q

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