Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Jan 1886, p. 4

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r* : FNUMUVII >!TES*>AY, IAN. 6, 1886. WHmYKG. Editor. T> A HT?T> May be found on lAI rvilfiie at GEO. P. & OO.'S Newspaper Advertising (Spruce Street), where advertising TPS NEW YORK- OTTIw Albany, N. Y. journal, hav- tng admitted that "there was sufficient •oft iieadft In the Republican party" to v«Dret Orofer Cleveland, the New York &9t hastens to say "that's M." ?" 'NT A bill Is before congress grant­ ing ponsionsto all who served thirty <1*7* In the late war. Another, equally Interestlnc, Is a proposition to amend (he constitution so that postmasters ^pn be elected by the people. tQTThe Southern Hotel at Mew Orleans, La^ was totally destroyed by lire Suudajr mornijig. One man Is known to have perished In the flames and It Is believed that others were burled under the debris. Several fire­ men were Injured. iSTA second attempt was made Sunday morning to burn dowa the town of Tarentum, Pa, The incendi­ aries took every precaution to make this attempt a success, cutting the f^pes of the two alarm bells and ren­ dering the' purnps use ess. The flames w%re dlSkiovered anJ extin^ul lied by the citizens with alos3 of only 99,000. The previous entailed a loss •i 980,000. =jjr , ' tW A stanch Democrat to-3av told like Tunes correspondent that he knew Democrats had not given up hope Of capturing the Senatorsbip and that 'It would not take au hour to raise #100,000 or even more if two weak kneed "boodle* loving Republicans eould be found. The Republicans fully understand the effort that Is being wade, and will frustrate the desiga to •teal this high office, and the man who falls from grace mast do so with a Urket for Europe in hts pocket when the vote' Is cast.--Columbus, O., Carres- New York Times. vM^Wben Ed*on, genius and Inven- tOr that he ie, had given two weeks of his valuable time to going up and down the New York elevated railroad |ryln# to discover what caused its J»oise and a cure tor it, be gave np the Job. Then a little woman took it. She .rode on the car three days, was denied $. place to stand on the rear platform, laughed at for her curiosity, and po­ litely snubbed by conductors and pass­ engers. Ba( she discovered what •anted the noise. Invented a remedy, which was patented, and she was paid of 910,600 and a royalty ver. » ' ; tSTSycamore Republican: • Hon. A, . J.Hopkins was in Sycamore looking lifter matters of interest both in con­ junction with his law practice and his Congressional duties. He is brim full •od running over with his old time #aetgjr and enthusiasm,keeps on excel* lent terms with all the powers that be Jn the executive department at Wash­ ington, and although of opposing poli­ ties, really manages to have about as ttoch or Indeed more influence with this administration than some of his predecessors bad with an administra­ tion of their own party. 'The Apaches ambushed a detach* .JBent of soldiers In New Mexico the 'lather day and killed the entire number without any loss. They htve terror* tsed the entire territory, so It seems, although there are bat thirty-two h os­ tites. Seems queer that the government oontiuoes to allow that old fossil Crook to monkey with the Indian question after the manner he has been following for several years back. The President Iwuld put bis time to better advantage byiMlStlng on the utter extinction of ItdiMfs on the warpath, or, better, tboee who leave the reservations, than to take up so much time discussing the ' Tehauntepee ship railway scheme. f9"On the threshold of another year It occurs to us to remark that a good many brilliant statesmen iiave subsi­ ded In Illinois since a twelve-month ago. A protracted legislative session served to slaughter ofl a large number of comets which had biased athwart the political horizon. One year ago what golden destinies seemed to be awaiting Eugene A. Sitting, David Trexkr. and Hank Ruger; Where are they nowf Whete, it not hopelessly flattened out? There, too, was E. R. E. Kimbrough. arid Qutucy E. Brown­ ing. and* Edward L. Cronkrite, and Clayton E. Crafts, and Henry W. Leman, and Thomas C. MacUillan. an<l Thomas O. Donnell, and id genus omne--some of them bright fellows and full of stir and promise, but how they were shriveled up by six months In the legislature! The most melan­ choly spectacle, however, ts Elijah M. Haines, the man who had the whole state at his feet a year ago What an autocrat he was then, to be sure ! Oh, how majestic, how despotic, how awful! Yet we Hurt him at this time wrangling and wrestling around in the mud of a measly little McHenry county village over a one-horse postoffiee -- shorn of hi* Samson Ian locks and di­ vested of all his pristine dignity. How sad it all is! Wtiy a year ago he was as chipper as a 2-year-old colt be­ hind a band of music; now he looks like a government mule hauling a load of pig Iron.--Chicago Newt., A Tennesee Democrat, wjio it not altogether In harmony with the Ad ninistration on the Civil Service question, says that it was the inten­ tion of the party to go ojUy a little way In that direction, and Mr. Cleve­ land has goue altogether to» far. He says the situation reminds him of the story of the monkey the sailor brought hntne to his wife. The morfkey got to be a honsehold pet, and was always about tiie kitchen when the good woman was at work. The yard was full of chickens, and every now and then they would come into the room to pick up the crumbs. Whenever they became too mush of a nuisance the good woman would throw a few grains of powder in the fire to frighten them out with the flash. OIIO day the sal tor's wife was away, anrl the monkey undertook to run the kitchen. He watched the chickeus very carefully, and when the kitchen was pretty well filled with them he took down the powder horn and tlrrew It all in the fire, blowing himself and all the sur­ roundings sky high.-- Washington Star. . v fflp*Cleveland Plain Dealer'. Silver ' ffelaage was suspended once before by 'I trick, and It took a hard battle to have it restored. The silver men should refuse to listen to any Insidious suggestions that it might work to Ir Interest to suspend again. They raid stand firm in the strong poci* that they now hold. They should that whatever Europe may or not do, bimetallism should be the of this country. Thev have the !|*gttato*nt on their side, the right and power, and they should stand firm refuse utterly to take one step watdtho demonetization of silver matter upon what pretext It may urged. (Me A Boston man in Eagland has examining the original charter Massaohlsetts, and finds that rocky islet called Middle r, oil Boston harbor, lies out- of the bouodry and was never toy the Massachusetts Colony therefore, not a part of the ijMwblch became the United and must now be dee med the rty of Great Britain, from which tiy, it had never been cut off. same If the British lion ever ts to put his paw upon it he very likely to take it off border--It's too close to us for such Ivantage to be taken, and if we t a navy that will compare favor With Her Majesty's guess we can >m with an array of toy plitols the Bostoulans throw "culch at them. rtke and Heating stoves, both Coal rood, bt, the latest stylet and at J, I, Story's. Hon. A. J. Hopkins has already prepared one bill to be introduced into Congress, which Is designed to benefit his constituents in the dairy districts. It is a bill to place all man­ ufactured substitutes for butter and cheese on the list of articles to be taxed under the internal revenue law. The bill provides for a tax of ten cents pound tor all substitutes for bntter, and three cents a pound for substitute* for cheese. It also provides that all such articles shall be branded with its name, such as "butierlne," "oleomar­ garine," etc, Imposing severe penalties when such articles are put on the market without being so branded. The tax is to Ue paid by stamps In the same manner that the tax on whisky and tobacco is paid. If Mr. Hopkins can get such a bill through Congress, It will be a squelcher on all kinds of frauds uow sold for butter.--Aurora Express. A MARVELOUS STORY TOLD n TWO urnn. FROM THE SON: "SSOefer St., York,Oet.38,18SL " Mteam: My father raita at Gkvrar, Vt He haa been a great cofferer from Bent' nla, and the inekmd tot* a marvelous effect t tatter will tell yoawhat Ayer's Sarsaparilla Tbe Weekly Inter Ocean closed its first y with 10,000 subscribers* It eloM* It to teentb year with 110,000. The paper has grown steadily and rapidly in popular favor until it has a reading con­ stituency of 500,000 Because it has been for fourteen year* The Best Newspaper, The Best Republican Paper, The Best Family Paper, The Best Soldier's Ppper, The Best Farmer's Paper, In the United States, and has been growing- better every year. Our Chicago Market Report. Prepared Expressly for the PLAINDEALEB by Our Own Correspondent. CHICAGO, Jan. 6,1886. Tbe wheat market is weak and lower but stock heavie;r. Dull news from New York and England, where large offerings are reported and aflect this market unfavorably. Receipts Inst week 285.385 bushels, and quotations unchanged. Corn Is weak, with only a maderate amount of business doing. Shippers are buying and paying a shade advance for low grades, but there are at present no signs of an advance above quotations. In the movement of oats and other grains there Is no change to note. Cattle trade slow, and except for sclect lots quotations about the same as last week. Receipts for ttie week past 29.105, for the year 1,905,518, Hogs only iu fair demand but about all ofler ed were taken, and at about last week's quotations. Sheep, prices rule lower, and charges of "monkeying" in the trade on the part of some disreputable dealers are freely made, iu order to secure commissions and ruin custom ere. The best sorts brought to day 93.50 and 93.75. Receipts for the week 16.616. The butter maiket is demoralized with plenty of stock but few buyers Choice 32 to 35, outside figures. Ohe-s» holds steady with moderate offerings Poultry is higher and steady at former quotations. WINTER WHEAT-NO. 2 red--; No 3 red . SPUING WHEAT--NO. 3 84c; No 79@80E: No. 1 hard (Minneapolis) 90c. No. 1 hard (Dututh markei; 91 J,c. CORN--No. 2 36Jc; No. 3 34@35c. OATS--No 2 28c; No. 3 by tamp)* 26@28c; Barley Oats 28@30. . KYK--No. 2 by sa nple, 55@60. BARLEY--No. 2 By sample 32f<$80. TIMOTHY SEED--Poor to goad, 91.95 @81.75. FLAX--No 1.91.12. CLOVER--Poor to choice, $5.3O@95.60. BUCKWHEAT--Prime, BRANS--Choice hand picked, #1.50(3? 91.60. POTATOES--55@60c per bushel. BUTTER--Creamery fancy 32 to 35c, dairy to choice 22@25c: common agrade 17@20. Eaos-Good fresh Northern, 18@20c CHKKSK--Young America 10(A>l0}c. full cream Cheddar 9@ 10; skimmed 6 @7c. POULTRY--Chickens 8@l0c: Turkey ll@12Jc. CVTTLE--Good to extra shippers 93 .60 to 93.65; common to good 93.65 to 94.67; butchers steers 93.30 to 93.75 stockers 92.40 to 93,00; Tez>tns HOGS--Light weight 93.45@93.95 rough packing 83.75@94.05; tieavy packing and shipping 93 00@94.05. SHEEP--Common to choice. 9l,65@ IM®1 has had In his ease. I think his blood i have oontained the humor tor at toast ta years; but it did not show, except In the I of a scrofulous sore on tbe wrist, until i five yean ago. From a few spots whleh ap­ peared at that time, it gradually spread to as to cover bis entire body. I assure yon he was terribly afflicted, and an object of pity, when be began using your medicine. Now, there are few men of bis age who enjoy as good health' as he has. 1 could easily name fifty persona who would testify to the facts In his ease. Yours truly, W. M. PHILLIPS." FROM THE FATHER: a duty for me to state to yon the beoeAt I have derived from the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. • Six months ago I was completely covered wttfc a terrible bumor and scrofulous sores. Tbe humor caused an incessant and intolerable itching, and the skin cracked so as to cause the blood to flow in many places whenever I moved. My sufferings were great, and my life a burden. I commcnccd tbe use of the SARSAPABILLA in April last, and have used it regularly since that time. My condition began to improve at once. The sores have all healed, and I feel perfectly well in every respect --being now able to do a good day's work, although 73 years of age. Many inquire what has wrought such a cure in my case, and I tell tbem, as I have here tried to tell you, AYEB'S SABSAPARILLA. Glover, Vt^ Oet. 21,1882. Yours gratefully, HIRAM PHILLIPS." AREA'S SARSAPARILLA cures Scrotal* pud all Scrofulous Complaints, Eryslp. elas, Eczema, Ring-worm, Blotches, Sores, Boils, Tumors, and Eruptions ot the Skin. It clears the blood of all Impa­ rities, aids digestion, stimulates tbe action of' the bowels, and thus restores vitality and strengthens the whole system. FRXPARKD BT Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, 1 Sold by all Druggists; 91. six bottles for 5 0 0 , 0 0 0 READERS. ear our- COLBY, ; GENERAL MERCHANT, McIIEIXltY, RQEST STOCK, ^ • (Successors to [cHENBY F. C. Mayeft.) 4 I'JL %>;•* I ' Having-purchased the store aud stock oSHF. Gf. Mayeat *e wt c* 11 ow prepared to show the bnying public a stock of ,, , • < GENERAL MERCHANDISE to noue. ftur sfe dent, and will consist in part of ( V*: Dry Goods, ITotions, Clothing* -OUR ANNUA|*dGRANP-i mon be continued this during which, many May be obtained xtra Discounts AMONG ITS SPECIALTIES ARM Stories By The Best American AUTHORS, INCLUDING Elizabeth Stuart Phelps, Obarles EKt>ert Craddook, ' Julian Hawthorne, J. T. Trowbridge, ( Frank R. Stockton, Sarah Ome Jewett, G. P. Lathrop, H. II. Bovesen, And Others. Illustrated Letters by Jenny June; Letters lo A.'Mugwump, hv the author of the Siva Letters; l etters from Abroad, by Theodore Stanton, Wm E. Curtis, and others; Woman's Kingdom; Our Curiositv Shop; Curb-stone Crayons (Soldier and other anecdotes); Illus­ trated Biographies; Farm and Home; General Literature. The Inter Ocean Ts the only Political and Literary Weekly that aims to cover each week the whole Held of Foreign and Home News. It tells every week the story of that week, clearly and fully. ~ The price of the Weekly Inter Ocean is only «1 l>er year, postage prepaid. The fSnmi- Weekly Inter Ocean Is published cverv Mori'lay and Thursday. In addition to the features mentioned altove, this edition every Monday contains the sermons of Prof. Swing and other leading divines. The price of the Semi Weekly Inter Ocean is $2.50 per year postage prepaid. The Inter Ocean offers a number of premium combinations, which we believe to be the best ever offered by a newspaper. Below we give a sample of them: THE WEEKLY 1NTKR OCEAN One Year AN D Book alone. Law and Lawvers..... tl.80 |1.20 Needle Work, by Jennv June, ••• 1>3& Kiiitiiiigaml Crotchet, Jenny June 1.36 Boy*' (Tseful Pastimes I.B5 Kamnus People of All Ages L3B Talks with Honielv Uirls 1,35 Burt's Selected (icms of Song 1.35 ftopps Calculator & Account Book 1-35 National Standard Encyclopedia.. J.60 .sa .50 1.00 ,W .00 .00 .75 100 .90 LSO 1.00 JMl JO .00 JO ,85 1. »0 8^0 9.80 4.00 .30 Nation il Standard Dectionary.... L50 Lives of our Presidents 1.75 Popular History of Civil.War. . . 1.75 Ladies' Manual 1.35 Dictionary 1.35 Dictionary of Synonyms 1.35 Usaares of Best Society 1.35 What Kvcryone Should Know 1.5B Dr. Danclson Medical Adviser.... 1.80 Inter Ocean Watch 3.50 Little Detective Scale 3 00 Family, or Union Scale 4.25 Our Curiosity Shop 1.25 To And the price of the *emt- Weekly with any of the combinations, add $1.50 to the com bination price for the Weekly. The Inter Ocean has subscribers- In every State ana Territory in the Union, It paid postage on circulation in 1884 to tUe amount oi 9-25,4 >1 02, There is a continuous iMtte of the Dally and Sunday editions ot the Inter Ocean Every Day of the Year. The price of the Daily Inter Ocean, exclusive of the Sunday edition, is $10 per year, postage prepaid. Inclusive ot the Sunday edition it is fli. The Sunday Inter Ocean alone is S2. Maniple copies of any edition sent on appli­ cation. Keniittances may lie made at our risk either bv draft, express, poetotlice order, or regia. teied letter. Money sent in any other way is at the risk of the person sending it Addi-esa THE INTIilt OCEAN. 85 Madison St., Chicag articles, an in­ spection of which is respect­ fully solicited. HENRY COLBY. B. BLAKE, --DEALER IN-- IN BOOTS .AND SHOES, H&TS, CAPS, ETC., RC. We shall keep none but the befit of goods, and our prices will til low as good goods can be bought anywhere. A share of public pationage is respectfully solicited. as-.: Tbe Highest Market Price paid for Batter and } &LTHOFF BROS. McHenry, llh, Jan. 5th, 18^5. - . CxEO. W. BESLEY, West McHenry, Illinois. DEALER IN- Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Toilet Articles* Choice Confectioner^! hand. The finest line of Pure Candies to be loiind in the county best brauds ot Cigars aud Smoking- and ("hewing Tobacco always 6a Physicians Prescriptions carefully compounded. CEO. W. BESLEY. 1 have one of the largest stocks of all kinds of Fur­ niture always on hand MY -PRICES WILL BE Lower Than the Lowest. Persons wishing to buy Furniture of any kind, will saye troni 5 to 1 o per cent, by gieing me a call. A full assortment of (Joifius and Cast ets always on hand, furnished at reasonable rates. Hearse "v JOHN B. BLAKE. Five Gnlloos 150 teat Bonalett & StoHel's. Oil for 65c ai We buy our Goat Rob#-* direct from th« tnttniifacturers <uid can give you jobbers prices. PltltKT & OWKH A Boone to Humanity, ST. ALBAV8, V.T.. May 21, 1864. C. Dtcieinson <£ Son, Harrington, IU.: 1 have used your Hutulan Liniment !n my faaiily over two yeara, and find It the be*t Ljnlmen:.1 ever used. It will teiieve pain almost instantly. For Rheumatism, Lame Back, Headache. Sore Throat, Burns and Chilblains il lias no e«|ttal. I should not feel safe without it In my family. CHiCK-S BY ^IVltb tii*" SIo*t Perffct nixl I'ul Imitation of tbe lleii. TIX13 OR.AIG FOLDING INCUBATOR Simplicity Itself. So lampsto explode. No batteries, clockwork. roeulRtorn. CKK drawers, or oilier con *T" "" 'ilinnTii openulut. lid of a mink. Tlie are (flvances to get out of order. No coat or expcrleuce. and very little tal)or and ilinnfn operatln, watching. Hatches aU fertile egge. The upper portion folds back .ike Ui •• • - J 1 In a placed I Needs no ey; tlouaud receive tl nest on natural soli In the lower por essary beat from atank of warm water In the ltd. Proper heat ts main' talued bv drawing oil a part of the water twice a day and replactail with boning water, about lO quai ls at a time for smaller size. EARLY HATCHED CHICKS Sell at from 50c to $1 per Pound. It Is al«« a Brooder and will care for the chicks as iongas t hey need artUSclai heat, thus saving expense of special brooder Both as an Incubator and as a Brooder It IK unsurpassed by any machine, no mat­ ter what the cost, and Is th« auTest, cheapeMt and rnoii enally mantiKeil candidate for public favor. The, Craig Incubator can be run with protit at any season. Any person should liave a paying hatch the first time. It hatches in from 18 to days, aud cuuals the beat work of the hen. LADIEQ --You thousands who are struggling for pecuniary Independence will tlixl artificial rearlnuof poultry a most profitable home Industry. It requires the least possible capital. Does not Interfere with household duties. The same Are thai prepare* tile meals can heat water for au Incubator. 42 ROIIESON SI-RKBT, MiiMPnt*. Tenn.--From iObeRKs I hatched 1ST Chicks In the Craig Incubator. I •now It Is the best one made. Yotlr plans for brooder are uncxccllcd. I). C. HATCH. Hors»AL*. 111.--Third trial, out Of 78 (.i»5 hatched A5 chicks. Had Tenr go<jd success first trial. Nev- •r nau a finer lot of chickens. HELEN OUNDOKFF. 8HAHOK. 111.--Tour Incubator beats all the hens for hatching. I •et 145 egg* under hena and have 30 chicks. I iet 101 In Incubator and have 97 good, healthy chlclca as a result. C. W. MAYS. RIVERTON", Ncl>.--Hatched ona brood to get my hand In, fully 60 per cent of all eggs put In. No trouble to keep an evm tempera­ ture. Shall run It all winter. K. VAN DKUSEN. ELTZABBTHTOWN. N. Y.--By at- Ingthe Craig Incubator I couildcr my first attempts at artificial Incu­ bation a complete success. A. WALTER DUUAND. Fa Da CRAIG, MANUFACTUB^H, Norih Evanstoii, III. •END 4 CKJITI 1H ITAHLT FOB CATALOOVB. Contains more useful poultry Information than any K Ixiolc. OescrlbM Tixijs'jaomjljLMP '~ * e * ' l R c u b * S - ° J , j * l & i RIP VAN WINKLE ^lERATli SODA Best in the WORLD. SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN The most popular Weekly newspaper devoted to science, mechanics, engineering discoveries. In­ ventions and patents ever published. Every num­ ber illustrated with splendid engraving*. This publication famishes a most valuable encyclopedia of lafuiuuiiou iiintii li-.j jicr.iou should be without. The popularity of the SCIKNTOIO AMBBIOAN If anch that itn circulation nearly eqnala that of all other papers of its class combined. Price. $3-91* year. Discount to Ciubs. Bold by all newsdealer*. MUNN & CO., Publisher*. No. 361Broadway, N. Y. A aaa ••*•••• M MunnACo. have JkT P N I R,IK> had Thirty Eight years* practice befora the Patent Office and have prepared more than One Hundred T|iou« sand applications for patents in the United States and foreign countries. r Caveats, Trade-Marks. Copy-righte, Assignments, and all other papers for I securing to inventors their rights in to* I United States, Canada. England, Franoa, I Germany and other foreign countries, pi*. I pared at short notice and on reasonable terms. I Information as to obtaining patents cheer- Ifnlly given without charge. Hand-books of 'information sent free. Patents obtained through Uunn A Co. are noticed in the Scientific American free. The advantage of snch notice ii well understood by all persons who wish to dis­ pose of their patents. Address MUNN A CO.. Office SCOHTSnO JUUJUOA*. 961 Broadway, New York. muuwyrh TO lOOOwrwm. irall M M iMIMs We wish to remind our friends and natrons Hint we are prepared to make tny prices cut 6r regular thai may be made. We appreciate your patronage • ltd will always protect you in pi ices. Please re member we have the goods and will i>ell them as cheap, and in Tiiany instances cheaper than any other house in McHenry county. We will not be undersold, HKNRY COLBY Gloye8l Glovea! Mittens! Mlttena 'or men, women and children, at Perr 4K OW«O'B. This is not a Cure All, But a Sure and Permanent _ Cure for RHEUMATISM* This remedy is guaraateed to give Immediate 5? L . fnM perform a permanent cure If used a* directed; It acts upon an entirely new principle, die* covered after years of patient study and experiment. V* truly narvelona, tVe claim tnnt our remedy has a specific action upon the fluKU body, supp ying moisture to the tissues and lubncittlng the joints affected by the disease. W BtieTor Dlatorted Llalm remain after a cure by this speelflc. A trial of a single bottle will conviaee the most sceptical that we have not told half t«| ylrtues. Price, #1 .OO per bottle. For sale by au) d niggiats. Manufactured only by ®fW« do not forget that our claims f f the Speciflc. are contrtiry to all j>»9t expert-' ence in the trentment of Rheumatism. In tact it was long before we ourselves became con vinceil that It coulil be possible that a alnglo remedy conbl perform rndical cures, where the most eminent physicians hail failed. Not­ withstanding all this we are now convinced, and we have also convinced every one who has used it, that it is a Wonderful Medicine. We inrtte and urgu theafflicted to correspond with those who have given their voluntary testimonials furnished on application as to Ite effects in their cases. a f-3 t i r o n 02TF. wm DOLLAR We will send you the Formula for making the famous Compound 0ZTQBH H0KB TREATMENT, a positive cure for Con­ sumption, Bronchitas, Asthma, Catarrh, Hay Fever and all Blood Diseases of either sex, from whatever cause, or we will send you the Formula and a two months treat­ ment with Inhaler for $3.00, Send in letter at our risk. Address, 0XTSEN HttVE TREATMENT GO* 13® Dearborn »fc, GflKlOACMr If* 'JejL&jt , "A"'* v mailto:5.3O@95.60 mailto:83.75@94.05 mailto:00@94.05

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