Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Jan 1886, p. 8

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- ' \ % ' < •' "-"V* '* * * v'v-1 f«S "5™". irjt" .'-tnL'-gri wm^P S&Sfes »,* j: V •'•'-• .*A /,.•> . ,-V : BROS. a GENERAL MERCHANT (Successors to McHENRY Mayes.) krau feftaftkSaft#*- n^ purchased thestore and sfcierfc of Fr(l. Mayee now prepared to show the baying pubtip a stock ot' ILL. FOR »ALE BY f DEALER IN ^4>UB ANNUM«liKi)-. MeHENR Y, ILLINOIS p, /'. •Ml (ltul«y RBHtlejr. Stanley Hantley, once a r«- oa tlM Tribune, was seat to • meeting of the Farm trs' Club, "Itjflfife *.»«<Bb«ra got in a quarrel over a flWr klnd of potato, an I the reporter •|llrill» his flret joumalUtlcertort) gaire funny account of it, wh cli, Usot 9#4t«g the dry editor in when he went . il*l to the office, lie sent up at airs in I th« regalar way. The next ilay the V aniel* appeared on the first pag&of the Tribune, and young Huntley thought he had "struck it rich" in his aew situation, and promptly looked forward to being made managing edi­ tor of t lip journal. When he arrived at the office an I .^entered the city room he noticed a •mile spread o*er the other reporters* faces, but attributing it to jealousy, he calmly seated himself at his desk. In / a few minutes Mr. Moore, the citv edi­ tor, called him and said Mr. Greeley wanted to see him. Swelling with 1 * pride, and casting a look ot triumph , " around the room, the young reporter walked out of the office into Mr. Gree- , ley's office. The door was closed. He rapped gently. "Come in," responded a shrill falsetto voice. Mr. Huntley did so. Mr. Greeley was •ea'ted at his desk, writing. He waited patiently until he finished. Then the old gentleman wheeled around in his etiair aud said: "Well, sir, what can I do for you?" "You sent for me, slr.n < ••For you f W liar, is your name ?'* " "Stanley Huntley.* "Oh! 8o you are the blamed fool Wild ^ wrbte up that Farmers* ciubf1 ' The hopes of the future humorist •experienced a suddeu decline. He would now be satisfied with the city editorship. "Why did you do it P" "They acte 1 disgracefully, sir." "Yes, I know it; but what did you v do with your copy V M1 shoved It iu a hole in the wall and whistled twice. *Young mau, bow long have you been •o the press fw "Twenty-four hours, sir,'.' "Well,sir." said the editor, a twl ikle coming into his eyes, "you dI.lift know ^ of course what the rules of our office ' are. But you oughtn't to have written that report. Indeed you oughtn't to. Of course they are a pack of fools. They always have beeji; but you shouldn't have said so in the Tribune. Young man, I'm the preeldeut of that club."-- JSmYork Graphic. A farmer la The Voks. An amusing stoiy wis told us the other day which we priut for the delec- tatton of farmer boys. "A granger who lived on a nice stork farm adjacent to a flourishing village, had a t>et yearling bull which was his especial pride, and he used to card and smooth him down every day, hoping to fiud sometime for him a suitable mate. One day he thought he would see bow A ,, the animal would act with a yoke on bia neck. He adjusted It as best he ! ' r couid, but it was ho awkward at one end of the yoke lopping down that the gl'-' bull could not move about to any ad- vintage; so to facilitate matters the I* farmer put his owo head into the yoke fe and was moving about the yard with . /bis pet at bis side "hawing" and *'gee- 1':, log" with a. good deal of pride. Just A then an offensive bee stung the bull on 'his rump, which was the signal for a h*circus. Away he started, dashing down [x j|5, long village street, dragging the %*'••• old man along with such velocity that ?r >hecould scarcejy keep Ills footing. A • jerowd of villagers standing near the ^blacksmith shop saw the strange 'team* f'iConiIng amid a cloud of dust, and when Moear enough they haard the old man FT wheezing and shouting--'Slop us.-- •Stop as,--two dumb fools running , ftway! Stop us.--help,--stop u#!' They |,'y' ' formed a line across the street and i# /brought them to a stand still,--the bull If/' *otuewhat winded and the old man P . ^nearly dead from fright and exhaus- /Mtlon. His friends gathered about him, ^and at once began to assist in extricat- ,lng him from his perilous position- but soon as he got sufficient breatn he bawled out to them: 'Unhitch the otber fellow first, I'll stand." -,5 GLASS ! GLAS* ! f • We keep Glaag of all sizes constantly hand. Special sixes cut without -extra charge. Johk I. S tory. ̂;• ==============^ ̂ C. BRKKDEB OF &> ' . •.& I: FOWI.S JfKI OF YORK STRAIN. KICHMOKD, ILL. VliatJFnminai Awarded Where vsr Exhibited FALL OF 1885. For the fall trade of 1885 I have about 80 of the most beautiful birds I ever rasi&ed, hatched in incubator early in the season, so they are now well grown, fu.l fledged, and mature enough for examination and rating by the "American Standard." They are .the handsomest, largest and best " fowls I have ever offered to the public. Now is the time to order while the number to choose from is so large. It will pay for a ten mile ride just to look at them. 1 will make reasonable rates for Pan. Trim, or Larier Nute. Gall at the residence of Dr. JBinnett, Richmond, or address Robt. C. Bennett* L; MICHMOND, McMMNRY CO» ILL "US! GENERAL Second to none. Our stock will {n» Complete in every depart­ ment, and will consist in part of a Dry Qood», Notions, Clothing, shoss, a&rs, caps, stc., We §hall keep none but the best of goods, and our prices will b# as low as good goods can be bought auywhere. A share of public patronage is respectfully solicited. • Tbe Highest Market Price paid for Butter and ISggS* ALTHOFF BROS. McHetiry, III., Jan. 5th> 1885. GEO. W. BESLEY, I "West McHenry, Illinois. --DEALER IN-- Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Toilet Articles, &c. hand. The finest line of Pure Candies to be found ill the county. Th best brauds ot (>igars aud Smoking and Chewing Tobacco always on Physicians Prescriptions carefully compounded. GEO. W. BESLEY. JOHNSBURGH HENRY MILLER, --DXALBB IH-- American Marlle, Scotch and American Granite monuments, tablets, headstones CEMETERY COPING, ETC. JOHNSBURGH, ILL Orders Sttlicited. Good Work G uaran teed. POP t Office Address MCHENRY, ILL. £% 7-RiP VAN WINKLE ^ This is not a Cure All. But a Sure and Permanent Cure for R H E U M A T I S M . This remedy Is guaranteed to give Immediate jelief, and perform a permanent cure If used directed; it acts upon an entirely new principle, dis­ covered after years of patient xmdy and experiment Its effects are truly marvelous. We claim A PRESENT! Oar readers for 12cents in postage stamp* #r.mai.l,nf and wrapping, and thi- ? » ? ™ tWv°.b00" "pento, will receive fret trinithtng Parlor Engraving of all our »»»5?iDE?T8' 'n<' ,u' ,i,'K Cleveland, size 43x28 Inches, worth 14.00. AUdress Elder Pub. Co., Chicago, 111. stock of Fall and Winter Millinery juat receireil. Latest styles and lowest prices to be found In the county, at Mrs. Schumacher's. that oar remedy hat* a specific action upon the fluids Of the body, supplying moisture to the tissues and luhncatini? the joints affected by the disease. Nd Stiflr or Distorted Limbs remain after a cure by this Bpecitic. A trial of a single bottle will convince the most sceptical that we have not told half Its virtues. Price, VI.OO per bottle. For Bate by all 0 uggiBts. Manufactured only by LENNEY MEDICINE CO., CHENOAf ILLINOIS* do not forget that our claims f t r the Spec i Hi-are r.ontrarv to all past ex perl enee in the treatment of RlioumatiMin. In tact it was lon>? lieforc we on.selves became con vince<l that it ootiW lie possible that a single remedy could perform radical cures, where the mom eminent physicians had tailed. Not­ withstanding all tnio we are now convinced, and we have al«o convinced every one who has used it, that it is a Wonderful Medicine. We inrltc and urge the afflicted to correspond with those who have given their voluntary testimonials furnuhed on application as to its effects in tbeir oases. Clop ilBUGBING VoiSr. M DOLLAR We will send you the Formula for making the famous Compound O X Y G E N H O K E treatment, a positive cure for Con­ sumption, Bronchitas, Asthma, Catarrh, Hay Fever and all Blood Diseases of either 6ex, from whatever cause, or we will send you the Formula and a two months treat­ ment with Inhaler for $3.00, Send in letter *t our risk. Address, OXYGEN HOKE TBBATKENT 00„ lMDeubwaM,«aiOA«S T>e contimied tMs month, during which many May be obtained Discounts On many articles, an in­ spection of which is respect­ fully solicited. HENRY COLBY. DEALER IN-- iLL IBS OF HUTUl 1 have one of th© largest stocks of all kinds of Fur­ niture on hand Mir PRICES WILL BE owe* Thau the Ziowest. Persons wishing to buy Furniture of anj kind, will save from 5 to 1q per cent, by gieing me a call. ,-aWv. A full assortment ofCoffius and Oast ets always on hand. Hearse furnished at reasonable rates. II JOHN a BLAKE. EOHT YOU FORGET IT I ASA W.SMITH, Woodstock, * • lUlnoici. Banked' by Milllo&s of money4 offej yon INUEMN1TT against damage by Flr«y Ughtnlnfi Wind Storms, .CYCLONES AND TORNADOES Drop me a postal card and I ^ill visit von; eall on me and I will write yon a policy, *nd wnen either or any of these destructive ele ments devastates your property, happy will you be if you hold one of my policies, for I will sureiy visit you, %nd minister untojyou. WUI not yau. tJ • Om'lhtmmum Atf FEED CUTTERS The Belle City takes the lead; th< •trongo.t aed beal, »( E. K. Owea d Soa'i. ' c. G. ANDREWS. GENERAL SPRING GBOV Sales ot Stocfc, Farming TooU and Goods of all binds attended to on the most SEASOHABLS TU2IS, AND Satisfaction Guaranteed. Clali on or Address C. G. Andrews, Spring Clrovt, IU. i f f , Sept. 80th, 18U. 11. u-3ia DEALERS Furniture of All West McHenry, Illi t We have one ot the Largest Stocks of Furniture of all ki|u||^: be found in the county, aud our prices will be as Low as The We keep none but th« best and persons wishing" to J>uy Furniture of tmy kind will save money by giving USB call. We also tull line of.samples of IM CARPETS, CARPETS^ a» And can sell you one from the cheapest grade tb a Brussels, cheap a» any house out side of Chicago. Give us ^ ure we can save you money on anything in our liae« . A full Assortment of COFFINS and CASKETS always on hand-' erA Fine New Bearse Furnished at most Reasonable Rites. JUST EN BROS. West McHenry, Nov. 25th, 1885* CHICKS BY With Hit* Mo't PeaiVct nit'lKuccetr a i'ut Imilailou of ihe Hen* I, T H E C R A I G FOLDING simplicity Itself. Xoliim tr! varices to get out of onli: watching. E^ICUBATO^ atches all fei tllu eg m lOO EGGS 81Z£. SOW 8I»« fio» ISO ; io<-\|il(Nle. Kohaurrios. Cloc.kwi No cost or ex|>t;r ir i i r .and very l l i i lv i The upper portion folds Imr.k m nlaentl in a n<>«ton natural soil intl igsj o^surjf iioar from aiituk of warn wnuri •I'-nwrr*. or a' Ikt eol» .,'! «•»> t im-lu oi v.uiing. n# i i.p, ltd of s trKiufc. Thu MS; lower po.-Mou and rect ive tlie ne** j:.i.,ea1,y dniw.nB offa 'pkrTif'wMcrVulfi with boflluK vvatei, about lOquai i$ ai a Umu for tuiiilcr sue. EARLY HATCHED CHICKS Sell at front 50c to 91 per PeniM|» #n,! wl" r"ro 'or '•f"1 chicks ns inn^M the# i! t . heat, thus Having expense of specuil toiijoder ' uu 1 i iculuuor and as a UroodiT i t Ih tiusnrpftSNcd (»y any ji i t»rl i ;ne, no tnav tci \v11;ir tiio cobC« Hud Id (he an<l niaftfc j miinnK«(l cindldatc for puhllc favor. The Craig Iiicuiiator cftn Iji# • !!'n«v.s!'KS"n- .Any person should Imv >• a paylnslistcll \v" rk'Sf 11 oi?"*n hiitcljeb Id froiu 18 to 2J (liynt ttud cyuftli Llii Imr LADIFS 7Trn who »r« ntrunrllnxfor peruhlarr I»»® InUepenileuce will lind nrtllli•!». roarluir of noiilirt a most pro fit a l ile liome IndiiHtry. It reijnlres the Iiiim poKsll.le (Splint The Mm(i lire I hut preparst* t(i chicks. I s«t 101 In IncnUrat :mil have 97 Kood. hcnltliy eh kit* H» a result. C. W MAVb. Does not Interfere with household ilutic the myitiscuu heut water for nu iaouhaior. 42 IJonitsoN Street, Mkmpii'*. Tonn.-F'rotn a*leKK»I liatehed 1»; Chicks In the (..'ra g lneuliaior. I know it Is t lie best one made. Your piausfor brooUer arc utievrrlted. D. C. HATCH. Hor*t>Al.K. III.--Third trial, nut Of T8 e^KD hftteheil fi'x lilcka. Had very KOod Hiieeegs fir t trial. Kev- er had a tiner lot of chickens. HELEN OliNDORFF. Shanon. III.--Your Incubator beats all the hens for hatching I set 145 eggs under hens aud have Rivkbtov, Krli.--Ilntchecl on* lirood : >gei my hand .In, fully 8* per <M'iu of nil emm put tn. K j * t roul»ic to keep nn ev n teinnsrsr ture. 81ml 1 run It nil winter. K. VAX DKISKN. , ELT*ABKTnT»lWV, N, V.-- ItjT OS» Ing thoCralu Incubator I oon«lde» my fli-et attcmpis at artificial lnci»« batlon a complete fiiuveiis. A.. WALTEK J>U1CASU. . F* Da CRAI3« North Evsnstoiif IIL^ »EXB 4, CRNTS IN STAMPS FQU CATALOOI'K Contains more useful poultry Information than anjr ss book. DeiertkN nil breeds, diseases, cures, hon-housea, brooders, Incubator*, fie- l'£LLH ltoiv to MAkiB lOOOftrtssl. irali m r~ " -- BOOTS AND SHOES! My Fall and Winter Stock is now compete,, consisting .©f Metm Women's, Misses and Chidren's Fine and Staple buoep >n «U the atest styles. Mens, Boys, and Youths Stoga Hip, Veal Eip, and Calf Boots, Robber Boots, Gum Boots, Meu's, Women's, Misses' and Childreu's Buckled Arc­ tics, Alaskas, Selt-Acting Alaskas, Fancy Kubbers and Arctics in all the latest novelties. Men's Felt Boots, Siberian Boots, Beaver Fox Boots, Wool-lined Boots in Fine, Kip and Grained Leather; in ftct everything usually found in a first-class Boot and Shoe store. We> mafcea specialty of Ladies and Gents • . > % We Keep tbe Selz Celebrated - GOODS, The best in the market; also the Ludlow, aud other stands^; makes. We have a tremendous stock, can fit you in auy kind ot Boot* or Shoe, and we know that our way down Low Cash Fiices wtH jus** please you. Kemember the place is at the Old Reliable Cash Store Cor. Main Street and Public Square, Woodstock. Ill, K --House Established 1865. ' * 1

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