WEDNESDAY, JAN. : .'•'•ar-v? T iw,s? m .\.:r& vVj$^ i'Sif:;:' SSfpi \ v -. »*•**•) w 1»' 3T*r- * *- m MASOHI3 MOGJBKBT iODOl, Ha W \. F. and A. M.-- fceffalar Oowmnnleation* the Saturday on or before tb6 fall of the stoon and every two weeki thereafter. OHAS. C. COLBT/W. 11. vcmr iHAPTBB Ho. St R. A. M -- Regu- \*r Coarse*.tona held on the second and fourth fiMr > in each moneh. ii JOHN IUHWH, H. P. Railroad Time Table. <Hi and after Menday, June 15, Trains will McHenry Ktatlon aa below; tool NO Seneva Lake Passenger Sane' SOUTH.} ' J? P. "I Ihi er »:* " THOSE trhf have sjbscrlbed for the support of the Unlvenal1st 8oclety, In McHenry, are requested to- pay the ffiSt quarterly Installment to the Treasurer of the Society, James B, Perry, with as little delay as possible. TICKETS have been Issued for _ a Social Party, to he giveu at Grand Hall, Parker House, on Wednesday evening of next week, Jan. 27th. Slocum's Or rlwstra will furnish the music and a general good time may be expected. Tickets only 91.00, With good sleigh'ng and good music, no on* who attends can fall to have a pleasant time, Tne managers will leave nothing done to mike It so for ail. sva Lake Express Geneva Lake Freight Geneva Lake Passenger.. or»i*o ffoara. Geneva Lake Freljrht...* .S*LL 4. * 9eneva Lake Passenger ..10:fl0 •• 3eneva Lake Express 4:48P. M Beneva Lake Passenger .8:07 " THE Ice houses In this village are ting filled rapidly with A No. 1 Ice. fas Tax Collector Is on the war [patlu.8ee his notice In another column ALTIIQFF BROS. are finishing oft the upper part of their block for a real* denoe. MEETINGS are being held at the M. S. Church, In this village, every even ing this week. READ the new Mtvertlaement of B Lawlus, Merchant Tailor, which can be found In another column. DR. CHILDS' Office hoursare 7:30 to 9 A.M.; 12:80 to 3,and 6:30 to8 P.M.; and Sundays 12 to 1 P. M. .. E. M. DENNIS, will please -Wtcept thanks for files of St Paul, Jflnnesota, papers. WE notice the firm of Horton, Hoyne A Saunders. Attorneys and Counselors at Law. has been dissolved, Mr. Saunders retir ing from the firm, and the firm will hereafter be Horton A Hoyne. Mr. Paul Brown, formerly of this village, who has been with the above firm lor a number of years, has by this change obtained a well deserved promotion and hereafter will hold the same rela tive position in the firm- heretofore Shield by Mr. Saunders. WE Were shown a few evenings since a new light which promises to be a strong competitor to Kero»ene. It is called the French Electric Fluid and the Excelsior Safety Burner. These Burners fit any lamp and give six beautiful gas jets and it does away entirely with iarap chimneys. It is said to be cheaper, safer and better thin Kerosene. E. Lawlus has the right lor this county and will explain Its working and give full particulars to auy who will call on him. He also wants two or three agents to canvass Bar. B. BHuiMtjto gave notice last SSnday that he would deliver fdrif Lecture Semens on the next foar coitggdti live Sunday evenings on the following subjects: Jan. 24: Upon the reee nt attack In Onleago upon Universalism and Liberal Christianity, by ROT. Mr. Bland and Bishop Mc rrill. both of the Methodist church, and treat of It as producing excellent results by its tendency to increase tTniversali»t thonght. Jan. Si: "Universalism. Is it of God? etSS it of men?" Feb. 7: The Temptation ot Christ, and what or who the devil was that tempted him. FeU It: "The Rich Man and Lazarus," from a Universatist standpoint. Mr. Brunningsaid thesa would be exposi tory, mostly, for instruction 11 young and old inquirers into the consistent and true Inter pretation of the Scriptures, as against con structions of doctrines that have been and are held contrary to the tpirlt ol the gospel. bv a Chicago paper thaKHo "aM lhe8e rt,8cour8«B wouW ,leal w,th • __ f&rinciplet and errors, and not with persons, nor call in question the .personal integrity of those ot other faiths. From the gem loman's clear method of presenting his subjects and his thorough earnestness, we feel that he will have crowded congregations. V A HOUSE that advertises cannot be otherwise than progressive, ambitious to keep abreast of the times, and alive to every demand of the public. 'REMEMBER the Western Plowman, a first class Agricultural paper, FREE to ail subscribers to the PLAINDKALER who Day one year iu advance. THERE will be a Social Party at 8eimer*s Hall, In this «r|llngeton Tues day evening next, Jan. 26th. Music, Blngwood Band. Tickets 50 oents. REMEMBER the Social Party at Ilrand Hall, Parker House, on Wedties day evening next. Tickets il.00. See notice in another coliran. THE Snow ot Saturday. Sunday and Monday has left us with first-class sleighing In this section, and business has revived accordingly, CIRCUIT COURT took a recess on Wednesday last until Wednesday of this week on aocount of the sic*nets of Judge Kellum, The Orand Jury w«ra session until Saturday. FOR cuts, bruises, sprains or strains bnrils, scalds, lYoat-bites, chilblains and bites at poisonous insects, nothing equals Salvation Oil. It annihilates* pain. f*rice25 cents abdttle. THE next Sociable by the Ladles or the. OnlversaNst Society will beheld at the residence of James B. Perry, Esq., on Friday eve dug. of this week, . Jati:22d. ' A general Invitation is ex tended to all. THE Twenty-first Annual Meeting of the Illinois Press Association will be held at Centralist, Februrary 231, 94th and 25th, 1S86. Programme and other announcements will be Issued shortly, THE Ring wood Dramatic Club are rehearsing the beautiful Drama in 5 Acts, entitled "The Hidden H«nd." New'Scener? and Costumes are being arranged for this jiiay. Full particu- tars and programme next week. DID yon say or did you not say what I said you said? Because John said you never said what I said you said. Now, if you did say that you did not say what I said you said, then what did you say ? THE McHenry County Agricultural Board have fixed the date for the 34th Anual Fair, to be held at Woodstock 'September 14 15,16 and 17.1886. The proceedings of a meeting of the Ex ecutive Committee can be found in another column. THE Brewery Ice House, the largest private Ice House in this village, hold- flag we believe, about seven hundred tons of Ice, was tilled last week In five day* by John Myers and bl< men, Aud the ice is said te be the finest ever put up in this village. "TIS more brave to live than to die." Therefore dotrt wait until a slight cough developes itself into consuiup* tlon but Secure a bottle of t>r. BuiIV Cough Syrup at the small outlay of 25 ' oents. cure your cough, and live on happily .j AN exchange says: "Look out for two swindlers that are going arouod. One of them purports to be after crop statistics, and the other has a remon strance against heavy taxes. Both of them ask farmers to sign their names to papers which afterwards turn up as promissory notes." HON. ROSCOE CONKLIN \ft credited with the following truthful saying: ••The-. smallest country newspaper Is worth more to Its subscribers In one month than Its price for a year, and does more for its neighborhood for nothiug tliau a high official djee for his munificent salary." /"^NOTWITHSTANDING tlte storm the 1 Masquerade ar the Riverside Skating I Rink was well attended an<t all seemed I to enjoy themselves In the best mau- rier. The costumes com oined both the i cublime and the ludicrous, and both together made a pleasing sight for the | lookers on. The nest entertainment I will be a Turkey Race on Saturday I evening of this week. A Sewing Machine, good as new, only #14.00, ^t E. Lawlus: i*. ...«•?. ^Marhibd--On Thursday, January 7th, 1898, by Itev. B. Brunniiff, at the resilience of the bvMe's parent*. Amos ivtiiting, Es<)., Edwin T. Fryer, of Frankfort, Dikota, and Miss Cynthia Whiting. Mr. Fryer was formerly from near Woodstock, 111., where his parents now live. He is cow a wheat grower In ^'f>akota ar.d is the owner and claimant of 480 a^res of fine agricultural land there. Mrs. J. F. Claxton Is his sister. The bride Is so well known and highly regarded that no word need to be said of her only that McHenry loses while Dakota gains an eminently excellent young woman, better versed than usual In household and social duties of life. All bid her joy in her new relations and new home. The wedding party ceusistftd almost exclusively of tne im mediate families of the bride and groum-) • 'IF I only bad capital," it an ex pression often u«ed by young men who stand around Idle, and waste the val uable winter months. Youn;man. you can easily obtain the best kind ol capital In the world--a business educa tion. It does,nt cost much, and is within the reach ot almost any one. No capital ylel Is PUCII bountiful re turns as this. It brings back your first Investment In a few months. It can uever be lost or stolen from you. It opens wide the door to success aud manly Independence. At.d during these winter months Is the best time to obtain this capital. Write to soiut' good business college, are know >1 none better than the "Meiropollt itr1 of Chicago, and make arrangements to «»nter school at once. In tl^s fatuous school every advantage is ufiorded to give a young man a good start lu lite. READER, did you ever notice what a di Here nee there Is in babies? Our great hive for them hss caused us to note some of the til fie re noes in the<u. First there is the grasping, hungry iulant. It grabs at everything aud never voluntarily lets go of anything. There Is the fighting infant, that lias lumps ov <r • ts ears where combative* ness is located. It is born with botlijf' fists doubled up. As so«nras tt ts ab<e It wrenches out its nurse's Int r, ham mers its brothers aud- sisters. When this kind of * baby grows up if it I a boy It g*ts appointed on the police loroe. Startling as It may seem, po liceman were once babies. Last but not least is the good natured baby. It laughs aud crows when he Is awake, and at night It sleeps like a man who has paid a year's subscription in ad vauce lor his newspaper. This baby smiles in its sleep because angels are whispering to it. Who (does not. love such a baby ? THE following particulars of the burning of the house aud the death ol Leouard Doolittle. of which we spoke last week, we find lu the Waukegan Ocuette ot last Saturday. "At about two o'clock In the morning Mr. Doolittle was awakened and discovered that his house %as all in flames. The la uiiy wetc alarmed and ha J time just to escap- with but little clothing. Mr. Doolittle after getting his family out went back Into the building aud seized bis bed, which was on the first floor, and carried it out. Upon getting out he discovered that Instead of bringing out all the bed he had ouly secured the feather bed on top, aud went back again, It is' supposed that he had some considerable mouwy between the feather beu and the uuder mattress and that he wished to save It. How> ever that >uay be, he was evidently overcome by the smoke or heat, or both, and perished iu the flames. No cry was heard, «od the deceased was probably stricken do vn by inhal >ng the pine siiM ke. with never even a struggle for life. The family were borritfed by his fate, though they could do nothing. The night was Intensely cold, with a blizzard prevailing and the family, cousistlug of wife and Tour cuildren, dearly perUhed from the cold before the? reached the shelter of the neighbors. Tho house and contents were a total loss. As soon as the lire wassi-.bdued sea-ch was made tor the remains and they were found, badly charred, In the cel'ar lying face down* ward U|>on the springs ol the bed with his hands extended. This position showed that *ie desired something-- probably money--in the bed. Near one of hlsvhands wasan amount of j£old coin that was scarcely tarnished by the fire. The aflalr was a most terrible one-- a tragic end of a life. The deceased was an old resident of ihe county and town, having lived . there for over 35 years, and he was one of the prominent and wealthy citizeM of the town. He leaves a*wlfe aud several childreu to mourn his loss. Four of his chl dren were living U home at the time of his death. Hie aged wife has been entirely overcome by tLie sad aflat.* ATER'S SarsapariUa is the most po* tent blood purifier, and a fountain of health and strength. Be wise In rime. All baoeful infections aro promptly ' removed by this uoequalled alterative. MABRIKD:-->At St Mary's Church, Wood stock, Jan. 13th, :89ft, by Rev. ITather Claaov, Thomas Don way, ot McHenry, and Miss Anna Bulger, of Woodstock. Mr. John Pnalin, of this place, and Miss Sarah Holeren, of Woodstock, were tin respective groomsman and bridesmaid. Thus auother couple have entered upon the sterner duties of life* to a8«urne a responsibility trom whlt-h death alone can llherafc them. Yet while so many marriages are darkened by the shades of sorrow, till* will be brightened by the sunlight of happi ness. Both the bride and groom were reared in the same neighborhood, at* tended the same school, and together they entered Into manhood and woman? hood. That they were highly esteemed by all was attorned by the presence it their Nuptial Mass of their many friend*, who offered a.glorious tribute to the happv couple that ttieirs may be a life full of toy. and that their paths may be full <»f blessings to the end^ After the usual congraiula'ions were given, all went from the church to th« resi 'ence of the bride's parents, where mirth and pleasure r?ig-ied supreme. May God grant Mr, and Mrs. <!ouway joy here on eart h, and may He crow theui with n earth, ana may He crown everlasting joy In heavenV G. W. PT DIKD , "V OUiriMKY. At her home, near tttngMrno t, Jan w, Mrs Carey, wit'e of Joun Uarey, Sr., in the 7*1 ear of her age. Mrs. Carey was born in Kilkenny, Ireland, and cauie to this country iu 1838. She wat> married iu Chicago the uext ytar to John Uarey, and came with her husband the following spring to Lake Co., III., troiu which they soon after moved to this County and settled In the Town of Burton, In which town she refided nearly half tier life time. Mrs. Carey was the mother of five sons, four of whom grew to oian- hood and three of whom survive her. She was a person of excellent health and robus- constitution until abou> 3 years ago, when she became * sufferer from bronchitis, which fimilly develop ed into asthma. Since her residence near Ringwooil, about two years ago, being in feeble health she has lived a quiet and homely lipty-sfldom leaving home except to attend Mass. She was a life long Catholic, anil a very z?alou» member ol the chuich. During t; e lust weeks of her life she suffered much but seemed very patient and bowed humility to Him who gave her life and being. On the morning of JAII 2d she seemed to be weaker than before, and before/ evening passed quietly sway. The funeral services were held at the Catholic church In McHenry, Rev. Father O'Neil officiating. Ma* y friends aud relatives were there whose tears were evideuce ol iheir love and attending school at Dixon, ill., return- affect.on of the deceased of whom 1 rB(' home last week for a short visit. mmewGou. Eotftli P JLAIND«4LER Vln t Lmn- ley Is home from EMion on i ifiuttion. There Is very ilttl* sickness In tbts vicinity this winter; We have a very (htelasting school this winter In both departments. Vernle Nickle has returned to Evan- ston, where he is attending school. Remember the Ladies Church sociable at R, H. Can's, Thursday after noon, Jan 2lst. The blacksmiths are kept busy from morning until nlglit and are turning out some first class work. Every one interested In choice liter ature should call at the library, where will b« found a fine collection of books About twenty oouples of young people enjoyed a pleasant dance at Ed Bed's, last Friday evening. Mr. E. G. Smith formerly of this place, has removed to Adair. Iowa, where he Is at work at his trade. Ed is a good workman. A company of about twenty of the young people met at Jabez Carr's last Thursday night an<1 enjoyed a good social time. Subscriptions for American or foreign newspapers may be lert at the Post Office, where they will be fur. nished at publishers prices. Some of young people attended the play at Spring Grove last Saturday evening and report a cold but pleasant time. Where Is the executive committee that has charge of our oemetery meet* !»*** Much Interest Is felt in the coming trial of Gray, who was connected with the killing of Snyder ln Geo. Harrison's barn last October. The universal feel ing Is let justice be meted Out. Our merchants believe In fair treat ment and If you have not tried them just give them a trial and they will stand to their word on any article they recommend. Their stock Is complete lu every department. The Ring wood cheese factory Is steadily gaining In popularity, under the skillful management of C. N, Thompson, over 4500 pounds of milk being ill* dally receipts. The nett pr iceeds to the producer eoems to be the secret of a steady increaae of the milk delivered at tills faotory. The Messrs Oatiuan. as well ts the patrons ol the facti ry may well congratulate themselves on securing the service of Mr. Tlionpson. Call on J. W. Crlsty A Son and get as man? pounds of Rice for one Dollar or as largo a keg of good Syrmp tor •1,15 as j ou can <et ln the county Not only these articles but t<i«y wid sell you anything In their line as cheap, quality considered, as can be bought anywhere. They handle nothing but perfectly reliable goo Is and have but one price for ttie rt. The? will use you well if you will give them a trial. I'll- Baud Boys are hard at work.on a verv interesting pla^ entitled "l'he Hidden (laud." II. E Pot^r, an old and experienced hand, has taken the plavioto lila h tud'i.a id. having M»eufed "onie excellent assistance, will bring it before (he public. 'This I* one of the most interesting plays on the bo rd and the bovs are getting new scenery and are sparing no painlt o make this one of the most Interesting entertain ments ever given by the ba>id. Come out and hear them and you will be well paid for your trouble. GREENWOOD- EDITOR PLAINDKALKR--Mr». Lola Vasey.of Marengo, is visiting triends here. Levi Coudrv Is quite poorly again, but we believe he is uot oonfined to the house all the time. There was a tinging school at the Baptist cnurch last Wednesday even ing . Adam Westerman has klndlv accepted the position of teacher. We believe the next school gathering will be this week Weduesday evening. There was a sfH-lli g school at the school house last Frldsy evening. Miss Coudty, from near Ivanhoe, I.ake County, Is visiting with friends here. V. E. Jones, of Woodstock, was town on business last week. D, W. Super, (formerly our merch ant) ol Belolt, Kansas, has been oalllme on friends here during the past week. Sarah Herrington, who has been have wiitten. CoM^ DIED:--In Greenwood, ilL, Jan. 10th, 1886. of enlargement of ih« liver, Mrs. Ira A. Bajrlow. of Harvard. 111., aged 50 years. 5 mouths and 27 days. OAKD OP THANKS:--We sincerely return our thanks to our many friends and neighbors who so kindly and will ingly assisted us during the sickness and death of our sister, Mrs. Ira A. Barlow. MU. AND MRS. R. M. GODRABD; Greenwood, 111 Taxes1 Taxe*! The undersigned. Collector of Taxes for the Town ot McHenry. is now ready to receive your Tuxe*, and will he at the following phiceson the days named: MONDATS. at the Store „al Lay A Adams, Johii8burgh. TUESI>ATS. at tbn Store of J. W. Cris'y & sion, Ring wood. - WEDNESDAYS, at the Shop of NorJ- quest & Weber, McHenry. SATURDAYS, at the Store of Flt«l>n- mou<* A EV*H8<MI, West McHenry. GEO. ROTHERMEL, Collector. Biverside Skating Rink. SATURDAY EVENING, JANUARY 23d. A TURKEY RACE. The parties entering for this Race will be blindfolJed. the Turkey sus pended from the ceiling just within their reach and the skater finding the Turkey to have It. Rare sport may be expected, * Admission sa ne as usual. W. H. FORD, Prop. Sewing Machines to Rent, or for sule at *8.00. by E. Lawlus. opposite the B lverside House. McHenry 111. < She Intends to return this week. The regular prayer meeting of the Baptist church will meet this week at residence of the pastor, on Thursday evening Instead of Friday evening. The lawsuit on Friday last, tried be lore Esq. Barber, proved to be a one sided affair, and of course the prosecu tioifgol judgment for the l>*mand. The Cemetery Aldaoclety will meet this week Wednesday afteruaou^at the residence of C. Stratton. The pastor of the Baptist oliurch ex pects to commence a series of dis courses on "Pilgrims Progress" uext Sunday evening. Xhe Young People's Literary will meet this Week Saturday eveulng at the residence of Dr. Hari>. We thought we would be able to publish the pro gramme this week, but we have failed to get It, so of course we are unable to do so. The donation for the benefit of Rev. F. R. Swartwout will be held on uext Friday evening, Jan. 22d, at the resi dence of W. A. Baker,, An invitation is extended to all to come and bring their friends with them, and If so dis posed their pocket books also. Mr. Swartwout has been a bard worker, and let us show by our giving that we appreciate such men In our midst. Remember next Friday .evening, Jan. 22d, 1886, at the residence ot W. A, Baker. Wanted To Exchange. For McHinry County Farm, vbrth about t3 500, a small business property at Dundee. Apply by letter or iu per son to O. F, HALL, Dundee. Will paj Cash difference. )5-4w * NUN DA. / EDITOR 1'LAINDEAI.KR The nftllk men of this community met in M. F. Ellsworth's law office on Friday morn ing list. It was reported that Mr. St. Clair had vlolate^hls obligation, and was shlppiijgji^lk ten cents less than the assocl «tion price. A committee wa* appointed to wait oo him. The following, received from Chicago, was Introduced and read: "NOTICE TO MILK DEALERS.-A meet ing of Milk Dealers will b-> held at the Lecture Rooms of the M. E. Church Block.corner of v ashington and Clark, oa Friday evening. Jan. 15th, at 7:30 p. m. The meeting is (or the purpose of talking over the milk busloess in general,and the necessity of a Union, hvery man engaged In selling milk should come. Signed. D HAYS. WM THOMPSON, J. W. KEK. JOHN S »L(W, J.J Mix, D. Dbff, V >> _ Committee^ E.J. HOYS, Secretary. On the reading of the above a motion was made and carried that a committee of five from the Nunda Association of Shippers be sent to the above named meetings Wm. Hofiman, John Palmer, Joe Courthers, Wm. Plnneow, and an other German, were selected as such committee. On Saturday morning a large number of shippers met at the same place. The committee appointed to wait upon Mr. St Clair reported that they had seen him an I endeavored to Induce him to live up to his agree ments with the association--but with out avail, tie stated to them that hl« milk man In Chicago refused to give the association price, and that i.e and hh son depended wholly on their milk for their receipts, that lie must tell for what he could get, and could not aflord to sell to the factory. After a good de%l of discussion, in which the deter mination to stick by the association and their pr(ce3 -van unanimously de clared, the same committee was con tinued, with Instructions to Inform Mr. St. Clair that the association would give hltn until uext Tues lay morning to comply with his undertakings win* the association, and that 11 he did not then have a oon tract lor one dollar and twenty cents. Ills milk wpuld not be allowed to the milk car. This may seem harsh measures, hut It Is insisted that Mr. St. Clair has signed he as<o da Ion agreements and contributed money, aud that heretofore he h>o> always fav.ipMl the mo*i stremmn* m-aMireswlrh a»-y who violated tln-ir pledges And that Just at thN time |i is important 'hat ihe iule<* be -ttictl.v entorced and the organlzxtio:, be k> pt intact. The committee appointed to go to Chicago reported that they were present; that thu feeling among the f'lilcago milk dealers Se«-m*d to be In favor ot a sec ret association. That they seemed to want to rid themselves •f uon patrons,etc. The meet Ing waa not entirely harmonious and seemed much like « -Town Meetin>»." It was known tht' a delegation or tar mers from Nunda were present, and that undoubtedly cast something of a damper over the meeting. Mr. Calmer says tliey let the committee severely alone. The Nunda association ad journ >d to meet at same place Monday morning to 'tear a report trotn the St. <71 ilr committee. The association of milk shippeis met again on Monday morning. Mr. St. Clair was present, and the matter of shipping under price received a ventil ation. It appeared that Mr, St Clair, instead of being the only man who was violating rules, was the only one who was manly enough to state frankly that he was doing so, while It was charged that very tew members were actually getting one dollar and twenty. After much discussion it was almost unanimously voted ta sustain the price as fix'-d. and a committee wai appoint ed to ascertain who were shipping un der price and report t'ie same. Then rhe flr-t step was taken, as your corres pondent believes, in the eftectunl remedying of the great difficulty. A committee of three, consist lug of Geo. Ford. V^in. Huffman and Henry Keller, was appointed to exami ne and report a plan of establishing a factory at this place through which all the milk of tliis section should be handled, to the end that the milk dealers In Chicago should have but one mail to deal with lu buying milk, aud all that could uot be so sold to advantage would be manufiiclured here. The milk pro •lucers wou'd then be In a posltiou to fix and maintain prices. The meeting adjourned subject to call of the corres ponding secretary, who was instructed to correspond with the different ship* ping associations to ascertain how far their members are standing by the associ tlon. We now have about a foot of snoW on the level, whh more coming. The M. E. Church are holding a series of evening m^etiigs. Tne Presiding Eider, Rev. Van Horn, preached to a crowded house Sunday evening last. l'he put lie installation services of Nun la Post No 226 G. A. R. on last Wednesday evening was a success In •very particular. The address of (Vim ride Dr. S. F Bennett. .Commander ol Richmond Post, was deeply iuterest Ing. He dreamed a remarkably aflect lag drea«i, In which he saw the Comrades of the order dispensing their charity, and releasing the needy wid ows and orphans of their dead com rades. He did himself and the cause "proud." After the exercises at the Rink, the old soldiers and their families marched 'o G. A. R. Hall, where the Ladies Relief Corps had prepared a perfect s irprlse In the shape of hot coflee, sandwiches, cakes, ete. Long live the Ladies Relief Corps. Miss Edith Kingman has been oblig ed to resign her position as teacher of the second primary department of our Union School, on account of ill health, and Miss Edith Ellsworth has taken the room for "jj; of |)m fMr. % 'v ALCOHOUIN. EDITOR PLAIN DEALER:--The fastest runner In forty-two states has been distanced, Tink wears the belt tor being the highest itepper and fastest long distance.runner on record. If yon don't believe It a-k Charley. Tink would rather fice the bllxaard on the prairie than face the Grand Jury at Woodstock. There was quite a delegation from here went to Woodstock on Friday last to Interview the Grand Jury on the beer question, the result Is not yet known. At C. E. Chapell's auction sale of a carload of milch cows on Saturday last cows sold on an average of $39 per head. It was a very low average to what cows have been selling for. Well, the farmers received a benefit. There was a German dance at Plngry Hall on Saturday evening last. The gathering ww rather small on account ot the weather. There was quite a number ^l our young folko attended the Literary at Cary on Friday evenli g of last week. They report having a good time. On Friday last we had another all day snow storm, and on Saturday the wind blew and the snow drifted very badly, but tiie mercury didn't go near as low as It did the week before. The Baud Boys will give a dance at Pingry's Hall o.i Saturday eveulng of this week, and all are cordially Invited to attend and have a good tlmu. as the boys always give a good dance and look well to the comfort of all who attend. Mrs. Robert Phillips ha>l another paralytic stroke on Saturday last. She Is quite feeble. Sunday last was a big day here for sleighing parti-ts. Every horse and cutter to be had was engaged for the afternoon. The sleighing was good and the Weather mild so that all were happy. Plngry A Donnelly have started a sla ighter house on Main Street. Here* after t' at street will be as fragrant a> a whole bunch of roses. Our population is still steadily lu-- cleaning Tnat Is. up the river. Old Mrs. Glilllan Is reported as being quite teeble. She Is one of >ur olde-t «<*t tiers. I. V. Moutanye. of Elgin, was the guest of J H-ltn over Suudav, l>. W. 'ihomiis shipped a carload of • tock to Chicago ou Monday of this •veek Mr and Mrs. C, E. Chaiiell took in the slglus au l scenes of Chictgo on dosidav of this week. M<*rtou A .leitcks »liipp d a carload of stock to Chicago on Monday o' thi» week, ll they keep on la this wa\ th**y will soou have the dry stork clfuued oui in this Action. And ii seems as If there would be a goo demand for a quantity of good cows i< the sprlrg. as there are hut tew ot tli dairymen that are filling up their dairies now as there Is a drug In the milk market. l'he Algonquin Creamery Compare conimencxd their ice harvest on Mon- dav of this week. The>r houses wlh hold about 4lM) tons. It will keep ibem ou t of mischief for a tew days. A this w.ltlng. Mon lay. It is still snowing. «ud it lo »ks as if we would have enough of the beautiful before It gets through. Notice Extraordinary. We wish to uaii the attention of our friends knowing themselves to be owing us on book ac:ouut. that settle ments must be made previous to Feb 10th, next. After that date unpaid acounts will be left with a Justice for collect ion. FLTZSTMMONS & EvANSON. Hay for Sale. Twentv Tons flr*t class Tlmethy Hay for sale, on the 0*uian Hale farm, oi e half mile South East of Burton's Biidge, on the Wauconda road. PATRICK FLUSKY. For Spot Cash. You can buy at Fitzsimmons & Evan son's 30 pound** Pru les for fl.W; 20 yi*rd« Cot ton Flannel fl 00; 10'pouiid* good green Coff-*4 91 f0;8 pounds g njd roasie-l Coffee 91 00; 25 vards Prints 91.00; 1 gillon Apple* 15c; 5 gallons extra tine Syrup 91 25; R>Makf>«rd Flan nels below cost, to close. We also have bout 200 pair child* Shoes, slz**s from 7 to 11. at 95 ce.its, all extra fine aud worth dotibl* the monev, and a few pair ladles Shoe-, former price iroiu 92 25 to 93.00. to lose ihem out we t>ff<'r l he HI at fl 75. b iMi side lace and butt"ii;300t yards R-innenH of differ entkluds. Come out aud look them over. It will par vou. FITZSIMMONS A EVANSON. 0or Chicago tf irket Report. Prepared Expressly for the I'LAiMOBALBa by Our Own Correspondent. CHICAGO, J ul. 19. 1886. WiNrER WHEAT-NO. 2 red 91; No. 3 red --. SPRING WHEAT--No. 2 85JC; VO. 3 78c: No 1 h>«rd (Minneapolis), 88c No. 1 hard (Diilnth maike*; 89c. CORN -- No.2 36Jo; No. 3 34o. OATS--NO 2 33c; No. 3 by sample 32<-; Barley Oats. KYK--No 2 by sa nple. 59. BARLEY--No. i Bv sample 5O@0O. TIMOTHY SEED--Poor to good, 91.79 FLAX--No 1. t JLOVER--I'oor to choice, 95 90. BUCKWHEAT--Prime. BKANS--Cuoi -e hand picked, 1 POTATOES--50@55c per bushel. BurrER--Creann-rv fancy 30 to 33c; datrv to choice 22@25c; common grade I4@I8. Eoos-Good fresh Northern. 20@2lc. tJHKEsE-Young America 11c; full cream Cheddar 10; skimmed 6 @7c. POULTRY--Chickens 4}@5}C; Turkeys 6@7c. C\TTLE--G>od to extra shippers 95 00@#5.50; fair to choice §4 40@94.80; coiii'iior. to good 94.00(g94.55; poor to medium 93 60@94 30; stockers 92.80® 93,45; feeders 93.60@t4.25; 'l'exans HOG'S--Light weight 93.70@93.90 rough packlnjf 83.60@ 93.85; heavy packing and shipping #4 00@94.15. sheep--Common to choice 94.00@ 94 40. ^===s====^ The Lyman Barb Wire, both plain and galvanized,decidedly the best Wire in the market, at John I. Story's. . Five Gallons 15Q:,*§», OU for fiQftat fionslett A StoOelV e • > . . • . r^'.V j • Business Notice*. City residences for sale. Andy It Asa W. Smith, Woodstock, 111. Everything in the Hardware bottom figures, at E. M. Howe's. Randall and Keystone Pulverisers, 13 ami Id inch at E. M. Owen A son. Celluloid Sets, cheaper than ever be fore at G. W. Besley's. West Side. Keg strictly pure Suifar Syrup only 91.15 at Bonslett A Stoflel's. Fine Scrap Books only 91.25 at G. W, Besley's. West Side. Celluloid Combs, only 20 cents, St 6. W. Besley's, West Hide. Good Roasted Cotiee only 12} cents a pound at Bonslett & StoffeTs. One pound good whole leaf uucoloredl Japan Tea for only 30c at Bonslett A Stoflel's. Lace Curtains. Tidies, Lamberklna, Bedspreads and Shams, cheap, at Mrs, Schumacher's, near the Depot. Bran, Middlings, Salt and Oil Ileal?;.' at lowest prices at Bon-dett A stoffal's. We sell jood Fine Cut Tobacco at 35 and 50c per lb. at Bonslett A Stoflel's '• "••s One pound good smoking Tobacco ' only 20c at Bonslett A Stoflel's. A fine line of Stove Boards, different sizes and styles, at John I. Story's. 1:200 best Parlor Matches for 25c at % Bonslett ft Stoflel's. ' Jumbo, Labor Saving. Ivory, Nimble Nickel, hard to beat, brands of Soap, at , Bo'islett A Stoflel's. f Hoyt's Mexican Coffee, best on the, market, at Bonslett A Stoflel's, Look at the choice Candies at Bes4:: ley's Drug Store. West End. Call at E. M. Owen A Son's for Farm Machinery. They keep none butg the best, and warrant everything;. Cook and Hearing stoves, both COal and Wood, of the latest styles anH; patterns, at J, I. Siorv's Bird Cages, both Brass and Japan, the finest assortment iu town, at J. I» "Morv's. . ............. ;£: • I'^rter 1« th»* best llenrv at Jacob); BESLEY'S Ale and I'or made. «indraught iu Mv Boofth'trs, A. Boglen's. and John tlelraer's. The Ruford wit** <"il v rake* the lead. t!so if tpgood. tlise. Sl{ in II t and Kly ng D itctitn in Plow's at K. Mi Owt.n Jfc Hon'*. cur re a. A L i rge Stork ot tl.i»* OiltteT. Rob*** ai Low Prl •••s at K M OWEN A 1. Mrs. Schumacher. Visits Cti If I go everv weelj nu| will ;ake in vour ord**r< and furnish g>»o«|* •t the lowest Cnicag" prices. ' • -J 11 - r If you want to ieuro li«w to Paint >1/4 tonr'B' ggv 'or One D dl-ir, e*U ! •esley's Dsug Stor»« WHSI P id. The Nickel B rn Door Roller, ae- ; knowl«*dged by all to hf the best thing;'- '•f the kind on the in irket, for sale by John 1. Story. b The celebrated Cprtlaud Side Spring' Buggy Is the leader. Ask the 290 in (tiN Hmntv what, tti-'v think* of litem Always on hand V E M. Owen A Son s •; IP Iff ' '*;i; ffll Bealey's Famous Ale and Porter On draught at J. Bonslett's, A. Ktt* glen's and John Helmer's. Jersey tValst*. a full supply, which- •* will be sold at lower prices than any>' other store In McHenry. - , %'f; MRS U. SCHUKACHaa. -- » • Notice, " 3. To those that want 1'ubs. Vats, Hay' Racks,an<I anything in rav dne ol° busi-> ness. Work done on <hort notice to - order. Shop one door South ot Law* ius' Store, r - 4 XoHenry, Aug. 10, IW, F. A. HEBARD. 11-4-ly 'irM Fashionable Dress-Making. MRS. H. L. ItOCNDS has opened* DresvMaklng Rooms at her reni.l Mice, over Lawlus Clothing store. McHenry, * and is prepared to do tl'8' class work »r *i-eas enable prices. Perfect fit and e>. lire sallstaction guaranteed. Clill-< dren'8 Olothing a specialty. The - liatronage of i he 'adies of this vicinity ^ Is respectfully solid»ed. Farmers and Dairnuen. do not fail f4> use Dickinson's Cow Prescription, as it will often save the p ice of tne cow iu preventing that fatal disease, inilk^ lever; will cause ihe cow to do well • I t e r c a l v i n g . c u r e s g a r g ' e . h o r n a i l a n d j ill disease of tne cow, aud wi'l rep»y en told lu increasing the flow of milk. For sale by all l>ro 'sr'sts. f*' * ,s; For Hale. The West Division ol Clover Dale Farm. contal»il~g 160 acres, situated on the Waukegan aud McHenry road, tbout four milHi from the new Rtil- road now being built, and only five nlles ftora the Fox Lake resort, l'erms rwasonable. Apply ou the p eiui*es. E STANrORD. 18-tf Forf Hill. Lake Co., 111. Remnant* at » sacrifice. We have marked aud placed on a _ parate counter, remnants of dress {ouds, silks, woolen cloths, flannels and an ne goods trom every d 'partaient iu •nr store. The same will be closed out v ; regardless of cost. Among tliose will > ^ he found about sixty l»di«8 rubtjer^ gossamers iusizesSO to60 at fortv-mne^ ceuts, reduced from one doll tr and ; . fifty cents, ladie*'. iulsses4 and cbii- | dren'8 shoes at tweuty-five cent), fifty § cents, and one dollar a p ilr (some or these have «old as high as four dollars • pair), fifty men's coats, in sizes 34 to 38, at troin one to three doll irs apiece; Q men's first quality wool felt boots at ,3 M-venty five cents; rubber overs at fifty ce its; bovs' and men's caps at wenty-ftve ami tiftv cents; ladies' and « children's gloves at fave and teu cents a pair; all-wooi cashmere, two to teu^: yard pieces, twenty to fifty cents av 4 yard. As we are anxious to cl >se out . . these remnants as soon as possible, the ' . ' " cost will uot be takeu into considera- j tlon in making the price. We have decided that the goods must go. Co«- . - suit your own interest and call early. < - - - - - - a ; . r •i E. A. MURPHT A OO. Woodstock 111, A 3EN>1BL,E MAN Would use Kemp's Balsam for tfee Throat and Lungs. It is coring mwe cases of Coughs. Anh u i, Bronchitis, Croup, and all Throat and LUB(' - ^ Troubles, than any other medicine.", The proprietor has authorized Geo. W. • Besley to refund your money if, after- taking three-fourths of a bottle, relief -YVi'O., Is not obtained. Prioe 50 oeuts and W, , ^ * Trial size free. '•vV.i' For sai|,!;|^*cHenrj W,' -:Xi s mailto:40@94.80 mailto:00@94.15