Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Jan 1886, p. 8

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wsmm. i as % • * .V h *&£ " *•»*# -v :4t it-?. ' - e rAT | "•i^s^S.'.-. £ _ - Mrt » «*-£ ** -'V*. %' - H r#.: vtj:. t * v *VC' «*"* :^,,'-^"'Jij'i;?K; * > > • u *-:ffl. ̂ i-KSJt:^ 'rAi. y't yM&.fo * -. ... $^4; J :T< t* GENERA iERCHANT ','^V\ 2*% "** ^ silk S.v , " r" "-* f'v.} V « ..•.*- * J4 ^ "I' * * : W*:cr* - v. h® that mtketh up thy milk •w; thereby putting the shek- thjr pocket; therefore I com- honor and love me, you, jotte WIVM and daughters--especi­ ally the latter. ft - * 1 Thou shah not MI unto the OMCM-maker or hi* assistant, "Why - ^HMtteot thou me in the weight of my C milkr lest he arU« in ills wrath and bunch thy snout. Kern ember the Sabbath day to bring v'* ittiy mtlk early to the factory, for bo •that tarrieth long in the morning put- ?.»••:/rieth me back in my work, and causeth touch profanity, yea, even so. - £ . 4. Thou shalt put no water into thy inllk, lest when thy dividend cometh ^ot, and going forth to seek i( thou Cometh unto the committee, they shall f; iay unto thee, "Dost see anything 4n |p^;'s!>ur optics of an emerald color P Thou fa lit get no shekels here for thy milk, f|»ot if this court knoweth herself, and *£' T'ih'o thinketh she doth; moreover, if thou settleth not this thing up we shall fnake it red hot for thee.*' 't* 6. Thou shalt not kill thy "dekins** l|ud leave the carcasses thereof to rot '.jfiear unto thy barn-yard or other place %bere thou dost thy milking, for the iteuch thereof tainteth the milk. > 6. Thou shalt not bring nnto, the factory any sour milk, or tainted milk, ior the milk of a cow that is lately .Wived; for from such milk cometh . Porth.iively cheese, /* 7. Thou shalt not carry off more fftan thy share of whey. One hog car- fieth food unto the rest. 8. Thou shalt cause thy cans to be Washed every day, the seams thereof fod cover* for a filthy can is an aOomi. •at ion In my light, and I will vent my #rath uptyi the head of him who $rlngeth i<p 9. Thou shalt not bother the cheese ^iaaker, saying unto him. "When shall I Jeceive another dividend?" for verily 1 say unto you, he neither knoweth or toreth a continental about It. 10. Thou shalt not say unto one an­ other concerning me, "Lo! hath not Ibla Phlllistine of a cheese-maker a •oft thing? He getteth big wages and *H>rketh oot hard?' tor verily I say feoto you, that'6 "a "whopper," for be getteth up early in the morning and faboreth till late at night. Moreover Jbe worketh on the Sabbath day. May HM Lord have mercy on him. West McHenry,; Illinois. --DEALER Drugs, Medicines, Faints, Oils, Toilet Articles, && Choice Confectionery, The finest line of Pure Candies to be lound iu the coun ty. Th best brands ot Cigars aud Smoking and ('hewing Tobacco always on " Physicians Prescriptions carefully compounded. * hand. What Made Ber Letvc. A Janesvllle young lady, wishing to write some poetry on Tobacco, though* It would be a good idea to go to a warehouse and learn all she could about the culture and cure of the weed. She Mid so, and the proprietor, a young -jman, answered all her queer questions pleasantly, and showed her about the building. After looking through the shed gnd putting several leaves of , "choice Havana" in her satchel lor fu- ture reference, they came to the base­ ment. "Down there,n said the pro­ prietor, "is the stripping room, where ,**The wkat?" said the visitor. "The stripping-room." "Well, excuse meF uttered the young lady, and she left (he premises so suddenly the young man couldn't explain. Costly Burial. Sr- fhe burial of a relative in Tlmiir Is jja very serious and expensive business- •It involves a gift to the deceased from :%*J1 his blood relatives, and in return a burial feast. If the deceased Is a man 'fpt rank, this feast is a matter very gotten of ruin to bis family, i he fes­ tivity must be giyeo and at the same feline the hospitality is expected to be Extraordinarily lavish. Consequently |t often happens that the day of the lnneral Is Indefinitely postponed for Inonths and even for years, until the family had time to accumulate sufflci- ;V •nt wealth of cattle and substance. In ^bo meantime the corpse is inclosed In matting and boused either in a tree or £ hut and left to itself. Then for days llMre is a savage banqueting and revll> 1qg« and the Interment at last Is carried put*--Anglo-Japanese Review. ft:'" % m |fe* I: - . I^It is said that farmers are never $oo poor to buy lightning rods or pat« , $nt rights. There is much truth in the l-emark. if any people are gulled out #f their eyes by those sharks, they are 0a* farmers, and in nlue cases out of ien the money is wasted;few lightning ^sfrods are of any service, and where one |oinrai protection fully a dozen invite ^ disaster. As regards patent rights, .none of them are beneficial to farmers. Just think a moment before buying and try and remember if you ever knew a neighbor who made any money out of one, and then recall the names *f those who have lost. If farmers %wives would train up a breed of dogs to destroy all peddlers of lightning •rods or patent rights who come on their premises, they would save • dollar for their huBbands. many in Would Bather Fight. >lle on a "prospecting tour in Colo­ re stopped all night at a stage Next morning we eat down to those dreadful breakfasts that .found nowhere but in the West lored coflee, yrtT**^ biscuit swimming in lard, Indians were reported as being neighborhood. The landlord p*o poaed that he would send his son with VS across the range as an additional protection against the savages. "Will be fight?" asked Maj. Smith, ••fight?" replied the landlord, * We 11 I should say so. Why he'd a durn sight sooner fight than eat breakfast." MYes," said the major, glancing at (bo breakfast table; "I wouldn't won­ der; so would L" GLASS ! GLASS t , V# keep Glass of all sizes constantly gMjttod. Special sixes out without mam charge. JOHH I. SXOBI, Fll» Gallons ISO tea* Q&tetfifioat Braslall A Slofiel's* • ••-• m y GEO. W. SESLEY. BAKING p'SWDER Old Reliable and Beat One SpoSB' Baking; Powder Blades (Dm TMapooofal to a qwut of OB the market for 10 rears and raoommaB&Sfl by prominent physicians u healthful. fmiieJ tote free froffliimifflla I ftsA aU urious in^redienta and togtrajpMW feet satisfaction* III yoor grocer for a free staph for ItjA KADS OKLT BT ~ QURM MANUFACTURING 60, JJBO manufacturers nf Qitaker Table 8AAO% AT" lies. Preserves. Maple Syrups, Bla ing Extracts, etc., eto. ST. LOUIS. Mq. RIP V%N WINKLE SPECIFIC This is not a Cure All. But a Sure and Permanent Cure for R H E U M A T I S M . This remedy is unarantecd to Rive Immediate relief, and perform a permanent cure If nsed as EOEERT C. mil?, BRKKDE& OF--- FOWLS DUO 01 YORK STRAIN. RICHMOND, ILL. First Premium Awarded Wherever Exhibited FALL OF 1885. For the fall trade of 1885 I have about 80 of the most beautiful birds I ever rasised, hatched in incubator early in the season, so they are now well grown, full fledged, and mature enough for examination and rating by the "American Standard." They are the handsomest, largest and beat fowls I have ever offered to the public. Now is the time to order while the number to choose from is so large. It will pay for a ten mile ride just to look at them. I will make reasonable rates for Pairs, Trios, or Law Merc. Call at the residence of Dr. Bennett, Richmond, t^r address Rot>t. C. Bennett, RICHMOND, McHBNRY CO.. ILL directed; it acts upon an entirely new principle, <31 s- Severed after years of patient study ana experiment, ts effects are truly marvrloni. We otatin that our remedy has a specific action upon the flu! of the body, supplying moisture to tbe tissues am lubricating the joints affected by the disease. N attflTor Distorted Llmbt remain after a cure by 'S3 A trial of a single bottle will convince na' ' bot d "uggists. Manufactured only by this speciQc. the most sceptical that we virtues. Price, #1 .OO per bottle •e not told halflta For sale by all LENNEY MEDICINE C0 CHEN OA, ILLI IOI8. I^W« do not forget that our claims f>r the Specific are contrary to all past experi­ ence in the treatment of Rheumatism. In lact it was long before we ourselves became con- vincert that it coulil l>e possible that a single remedy could perforin radical cures, where the most eminent physicians had lailed. Not­ withstanding all this we are now convinced, and we have #lso convinced every one who has used it, that it is a Wonderful Medicine. We inrite and urge the afflicted to correspond with those who have given their voluntary testimonials furnished on application as to its effects their cases-mmr \ JOHNSBUgGH Marl k Granite STOP nBUQ6IN6 ONE " DOLLAR We will send you the Formula for making the famous Compound OZTOEN HOME TBEATHENT, a positive cure for Con­ sumption, Bronchitas, Asthma, Catarrh, Haj Fever and all Blood Diseases of either •ex, from whatever cause, or we will send you the Formula and a two months treat­ ment with Inhaler for $3.00. Send in letter •t our risk. Address, OXYGEN HOKE TREATMENT C0„ 130 Dearborn St* CHIGAM imMHiiMttsBiuiimi, HENRY MILLER, SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN popular WeBkly newspaper deroted * ™ec"anic«. engineering, discoveries, In- patents ever published. Every nnm- wh"'h;50 pereon should be withoot. Z v. Popularity of the SCIENTIFIC AME&ICAK is snch that its circulation nearly equals that of all other papers of its class combined. Price. 93.20 a ^ldbyall newsdealers! MUWN A CO., Publishers. No. WiBroadway. N. Y. AT FIIT0 Munn A Co. have JVl t PI TS^aJfo had Thirty- " prStioe the Patent Office and have prepared more than On* Hundred Thou­ sand applications for patents in the _ United States and foreign countries, r Caveats, Trad&-Marks, Copy-rights, Alignments, and alt other paper* for Mcurlng_to inventors their righto in the United States, Canada, England, France, Germany and other foreign countries, pre. pared at short notice and on reasonable terms. Information as to obtaining patents cheer­ fully given without charge. Band-books of information sent free. Patents obtained through Munn A Co. are noticed in the Scientific American free. The advantage of Buoh notice is wall understood by all persons who wish to dis­ pose of their patents. Address MUNN * CO, OOee AWIMS, 361 Broadway, New --DKALHB ia-- Foreip aM American Marlile, Scotch and American Granite. MO* UMENT8, TABLETS, mUD8fOIiBS CKMETXRY COflXQ, ETC. JOHN8BUBGH, HJf* Orders Solicited. Good4' Work Guaranteed. Post Office Address A PRESENT! Our rea<lers for 12cents in postage stamp* to pay tor mailing and wrapping, aud tn«* names of two book agents, ivill receive tret iSfecJ Finishing Parlor Engraving of all our PRESIDENTS, including Cleveland, size £2x'2£ inches, worth #4.00. A'ldress Elder Pub- Co., Chicago, XII, if'1" •> i^ > * ' L • '*<? s IiQ^y£iSfT PHlC , • 'r V,,» -j®U8 AN®UAL QRAKP-- % x A* - iw JML v Wilt be continued this month, during which many SPECIAL BARGAINS Ifay be obtained Extra Discounts 'S BEST, FOB SALE BY :k x. i --DEA LER IN *, % ^ I McHEISRY, ILLINOIS, DEALERS^ On many articles, an in­ spection of which is respect­ fully solicited. ' W ¥m>. Y;v >#Y , 'J A new stock of Fall and Winter Millinery justrecelyed. Lat lea and lowest prices to be fou he county, at Mrs. Sotiuaiacber's,' HENRY COLBY. --DEALER IK-- 1 have one of th# largest stocks of all kinds of Fur­ niture always on hand- <||/ MY PRICES WILL BE Lowsf Than tbe Lowest. • Persons wishing to buy Furniture of any kind, .will save from 5 to 1q per cent, by gieing me a call. of All Kinds "I * "* V>' ' T" %v est 111 We have one ot the Largest Stocks of Furniture of/ftll kinds to he found in the county, and oar prices will be as Low as Thf Iwe#. iSimb keep none but the best and persofis wishing to buy Furniture of any kind will save mopey by giving usa call. We alqp keep g tall line of.samples of *• " - i C'-V'm CARPETS, CARPETS, And can«sell you one from the cheapest grade to a Brussels, at cheap as any hpuse out side of Chicago. Give us a call and wa ^i- sure we can save you money on ftnything in our line. A full Assoatment of COFFINS and CASKETS always op hand m- a Fine New Bearse Furnished at most Reasonable R*teg. ^ ,:r, West McHenry, Nov. 25tli, 1885, 'S CNICKS BY "With ilu? Mo«l I'oj'Oct nii't tiucceKt* 2'ui KialtaUurt ot* (he Hen* TIIS CRAIG FOLDS^IQ -fMOUBATOR. Simplicity Itself. Nolampt loe.vplodo. Nobntiorlcn. clockwork, i to pet out of order. No cost or experlcn. •Mind very liulf Watching. Hatches all fertile ems. Tho upper i">rt1on fo ' placed in n ir essiiry l.eut from atiiuk of warsn tsilned by (lruwlng oft a part of with bo ' A full assortment of Coffins and Cast ets always on. hand., Hearse furnished at reasonable rates. 1KFfT&- • . - - - JOHN B. BLAKE. D0NTY01J FORGET IT! If SMITH, '•f* Wooda< ook, i » ttlinolig. Backed by Millions of money; o®M yon INDEMNITY against damage by Flf% Lightning, Wind Storms, CYCLONES AND TORNADOES. Drop me a postal card and I will ^rlsit yoor oallon me and I will write yon a policy, and wnen uitlier or any of these destructive ele­ ments devastate* your property, happy will you be if you hold one of my policies, for I will suroiv visit you. and .minister unto|you. wtU not forsake yon. 4&A W. SM11B, 0m'( Inauanc* Ag4 IlllSli fEED CUTTERS. The Belle City takes the lead; tbe strongest and best, at E. M. Owen & Son's. a G. ANDREWS. CENERAL AUCTIONEER, SPRING GROVE ILL. Sales ot Stock, Farming Tools and Goods of all kinds attended to on the most SXAS0HABL1 TIBUS, AND Satisfaction Guaranteed. iiati on or Address .., C. C. Andrews, Spring Crave, III. Syrinc 3NT«, Sept 30th, 18^ lMl^m •ul«forMf wort, or oitu rcun'r Illlii* it! nif Md at H nuiik. Tht wkh art- M i Mi M.uirtnd tl»« lute* f i **HI4«r JulUe IIIL. l'roperhvut IHIHHIIU ' )y Uiuwing otl a part of i!n» water twirc ft day Hiui rttplucUitf ifllng water,about iOquiirtsat a timv for Hiiwiler «1IEU. J EARLY HATCHED CHICKS Soli at from 50c to $1 per Pound. w ®p°*M'er nml wilt enre for the chicks as IOIIK as tlic< *i needartlitclal heat, lima aavln« expunxi! of tppciitl Inoodcr Hotli JtV.^ an lnculmior and USA Hroodur IT 1« unsurpassed !»v any uiHrhiiH*. u<» [IIRET tor what the cost, and la ihe clieHHeMi uml iikiiiI iiuinuKed cumtldate for ptiiillc fnvor. Tliu CralK lnciiimtor can 1»S *' run wlili prolU at any season. Any permin shunlil have a Murine ImuH ':"r^ tin; first tlmo. It ltatcliesla frum la to 24 day«, aud cuuuU the iwt? wurk 6f the hen. LADIES 7T.°" 'l>™»B»n<ls who ar« *ini(ntltn(rfor pecutili lndept'iidenco will HIKI »rilin la: retiring of iwiul Amostprotltahlc home Industry. It reijiilrcs ihr lc«ht IIOKKIIIIU capl DOL-S not Interfere with honsi-hold duties. The «nme lire tliut i>ro " tbe meals can lieat water fur an luctilmtor. 42 HOUKSON STREET, MKVPHIH. Tenn.--From 'i*)egK8 I hatched 1ST chicks In the C'ntlK lncuhniur. 1 know It lathe hestunemade. Voitr plana for brooder arc unexcelled. D. C. HATCH. HOPKHALK. 111.--Third trial, mil of 78 eKKS hatched 6!> chicks. Had Tery good stieccgg first trial. Nev- r bad a fluer lot of chickens. HELEN OBNDORFF. fiHAKOir. 111.--Your Incubator beats all the hena for hatching. 1 set 145 eggs under liens and have chicks. I set lot In lncui>atoi and liavo IT good, healthy chlcKa a* a result. C. W XI AVsJ RIVKBTOX. Kelt.--Ilatclied ona' ^ , "rood :>i get my hiuul In. fully fid per cent of all e«ns put In. t rouble lo keep an «v. n lenipei^yv># turo. Shall run It all winter. K. VAN ilKtMBK. ^2;,$ ELiZABBTUTofrs, W. V.--By at4' Ing the Craig Incubator I contlder . <: my first attempts at artificial tncitf ~ batlon a complete succei*. A. WALTER DU1CANU. IJj® EGOS 81ZJK. 8«H> .»• ' •« * A«M» •• . *• . IOOO •• ss F. D. CRA1I, North Evansfon, III. 4 CENTS IN STAMPS VOK CATALOTTTL. Contains more useful poultry Information than any Kt book- DetcrlbM all breeds, diseases, cures, hen-houses, brooder*. Incubators. TBI.L8 ilOW to MAU lN«rw«wt. »rsfl •• t BOOTS AND SHOES ! My Fall and Winter Stock is now compete, consisting of Men Women's, Misses and Chidren's Fine and Staple Sftoen in aU- the atest styles. Mens, Boys, and Youths I,--. Stoga Kip, VeaTEip, and Calf Boots, Rubber Boots, ̂Gum Boots, Men's, Women's, Misses' andChildreu's Buckled Arc* tics, Alaskas, Self-Acting Alaskas, Fancy Kubbers and Arctics in all> < the latest novelties. Men's Felt Boots, Siberian Boots, Beaver Fox Boots, Wool-lined Boots iu Fine, Kip and Grained'tieather; in fact •"* everything usually found in a first-class Boot and Shoe store. We 1 rfafej)))! ̂ specialty of Ladies and Genta.̂ .-.̂ , « - We Keep the Selz Celebrated The best in the market; also the Ludlow ̂ and other standard - makes. We have a tremendous stock, can fit you in any kind ot Boot̂ ~% W. H , DWICHT, if , r i j " ; 'jJSkiL % i 4 i:- ,w ,'u-- - ^ . SeaSfi

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