Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Feb 1886, p. 8

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fttttftrft 9*0ILttftlES. No. SB. BT u k ST. Lomq, j*' A MAIDEN 'S GLASS.'. ':, I } ;• to be a maiden's trlass, ll»»* I might he w<irke<l to deat Is back at the powdered lass drink her artilicnil breath; n onouiti arc PirhapsIM litoWr mi I'd Mnlle until her chalk blackcil brows Should arch In practiced, sweet surptite; "M srnilf again,--who knows? . mixture-brightened eyes. ^ • > 1*4 •e« her glove her hands at night, ^ And IMLhe her face with mllkv wash,, I BiMuse her skin mnst t>e real white i j h charm the fool who hi>s most cash. , | XM see her put her hair in crim#»j. And genllv sink to sweet repnpBn> L ,; Todnwm ulovster soup and shrimps, | ;s AAd of the dainty <ludes she Knows. »• i I think at morn I'd smile in two i f l6o 8<se he,r pare her aching toe#-- 5 " Ofcoiirse the wears a tiny shoe, Which her superior breeding shows.,. Bonslett & Stoffel, Kx^rdittary, basins in WitilMr^Oeodh toolo^out; consisting of :W> Alt DESCR1PTIONS, Day wrapped itself in its star-lit Mantle anil liy, with head pillowed on Hie earth, io dreamy slumber. The lights in the city were twinkling cheerfully, and reflections from blaz- ing chandeliers were thrown in broad gleams across the spotless snow, gave the scene an air a ghastly quiet- ode. In one of the finest mansions of the marble walled streets there reigned a supreme and Impenetrable stillness. No eouudft of youthful liiitghler, ot •ong and music, or the treaJ of danc­ ing feet enlivened its inmates. The shutters were tightly closed, and the •xterior of the buildiug presented a lonely and gloomy t^pect. Let us glacce within, A woman lies, pallid and^jeeble, upon a bed, and siftrouiidlng her are three young wemeu, a man of middle age, and a colored female servant. 1 he tick woman's wh te llps moved tremu- lously: -Marie Jayen, come near me." In obedience to the command a lovely girl--of the trio, advanced to the lady's side. Her grace was poetry Itaelf, and tier eyes were like brilliant sapphires set in eyelids of pearl. Her lipa were like banks of blushing roses, lad her voice a brook that flowed be­ tween, "What do 7$u* desire, dear ttat?" she said, "Marie Jayen, yon have always been good to me, and I have tried to requit It. Often have I helped you make mashes on forelg 1 noblemen, and through my assistance you are now en­ gaged to Count Williera Schliesman- Isgerbeergerersteinertnan. The law- ytr,"--tnrniug to the middle-aged man ^*wlll please note down carefully what ^ i BOW tart" I bequeath to Marie Jayen Browen all my false hair, the manu­ script of my unfinished society, novel, •j paste diamond gilded earrings, the baa* burner (the one I have taken 10 bed with me lately on cold nights), my lMt year's spring bonnet, and one ton •f bard coal now in the cellar. •*To you, my equaliyi.d«{ir neioes,"--- addressing herself to the two other weeping damsels,--'"1 leave what fol­ lows: To 6. Kaiteah Smythhe 1 leave a dozen bottles of tonic: three wash tubs, a set of dishes, a clothes horse, the led plush easy chair, nine dozen cloths plus, my toilet set, sixteen flat-irons, the dining table, a eoal scuttle, and one of the clocks on the mantle piece. "And to you"--turning to the last of the trio--"my beloved neice, Loociey It^lmleray Joahnes, (leave two lengths of stove-pipe, one pair of pillow shams, achromo of Napoleon Bonaparte done In green and purple, ten pounds of lard, one bak^L apple, a thousand jjfgpies of old newspapers, my dog, my aprons, and a piece of oil cloth. * MNor are you, my faithful servant"-- •peaking to the negresa--"forgotten. 1 bequeath you the piano to sing to ai sight when yon wish to keep the gen­ tle policeman awake on his beat, or .when your soul soars far above t>ur 4 v^eary earth, and tha wash-tub." Then taping to the lawyer: "The rtmaisHpt property, including JOfd^Weatal«,«a»h, etc., altogether adMuatiug to nla^tilllloiis of dollars, l give to you as the frtce of your servi- ota this day. My dear children, I will •000 be gone" The young womea went onto each eiher. The lawyer suddenly arose, and said to the dying woman: "Madam ' I'am sorry,, but I can not witness this . igill for the amount you have named. It is far too little, and-- "Take it all, then !"shrieked the wan s -i:**oman, and then she died. The nieces r got nothing except the unpaid hills. ':'S. Ill ' = FUR and CLOTH CA S, BLANKETS, ROBES. * - . r . - . s * / A Toll Liot of Gloves and Mitteni, '• - Warm Liaed Shoes and Overshoes, FELT BOOTS AND OVERS, All sizes and grades. Liberal discounts on the above tot the next two weeks. Our large Spring Stock of Clothing, Hats and Caps, Just arriving. Will have the largest and bast assortment of Wall Paper, Borders to MatdbL, '̂ '7 - Ceiling Paper WithlBorders, Centers and Corner Decorations. THAT 1 * V?1* "S(S JOB THE •# iiuuv' 1 tw t l-ltr "• EW GOODS EVER/ WEEK. OUR STOCK OF s alway new, of extra quality, hnd at reasonable prices. We keep none but Sun Cured'Tea, at 35, 50 and GO cents per pound. We are headquarters lor Chick's Celebrated. R O C K F O R D F L O V n All grades, warranted and4delivered free. In addition to above we constantly carry a heavy stock of BRAN, MfTbDLINCS* SHORTS, SALT, OIL MEAL, CORN, OATS, WOOD, ETC. Bonslett & StoiM. West McHenry, 111., Jan. 27th, 1886. W#are better prepared than ever to sell* you anything you want y ^ ' Priccs lower than ever before. We have IRINTS AT 3 'CENTS PER YARD AND UP, - A fine Stoek of Qinghams at 6 cts. pt? Yard sad up, line Hsavy Sheeting at 5 cts. and ap. Dress Goods axxd Trimmings Of every description includ­ ing the celebrated Broad- head Fabrics. An extra fine line of Black Goods and Cashmeres at very low prices. See our black Dress Silk at 65 cts. per yard, worth $1, warranted all Silk. • We have bought our Spring stock of Metis, Womens anr Childrens ine Shoes«t greatly reduced prices and can fit all at low prices. See Henderson's celebrated school shoe. Teas, Coffees,. Sugars. Prunes and all Family Groceries at the greatest reduced prices. Sole agents for Campbell's Prize Baking Powder, every package warrauted. Perry & Owen. Is the place to "buy _ Groceries, Etc Oheapfc >|ir"Stock Is Complete, our prices are Low, and our Goods the best be fonnd iu the market. We visit the city weekly, aud . therefore our stock is fresh and new. It, RIP VAN WINKLE -SPECIFIC f't % This is not a Cure All. But a Sure and Permanent 4 Cure for '^RHEUMATISM. iramedx IB «naranteed txi give Immediate perform a permanent cure if UH«<1 aa GEO. DRUGGIST tl est McHenry, Illinois. -DEALER IN- Drugs, Mediines, Paints, Oils, Toilet Artides^c. Choice Confectionery. The finest line of Pure Candies to be lound in the county. The best brauds ot Cigars aud Smoking and Chewing To1>acco always on hand. Physicians Prescriptions carefully compounded. CEO. W. BESLEY. JOHN B. BLAKE, --DEALER IN-- ALL KI 1 have one of the largest stocks of all kinds of Fur­ niture always on hand MY PRICES WILL BE ^Xower Than the Lowest. Persons wishing to buy Furniture of any kind, will save trom 5 to 1q per cent, by gieing me a call. SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN The most popular Weakly newspaper devoted to science, mechanics, engineering discoveries, in­ ventions and patents ever published. Every nom- ner illnstrated with splendid engravings. This publication tarnishes a most valuable encjcl opedia of information which no person should be without. The popularity of the SCIENTIFIC AMEBICAJT is such that its circulation nearly equals that of all E. LAWLUS, I; tl act® upon an entirely new principle, dls- „ T _ lafter years of patient st udy ana experiment. Ite MheU »re truly marvelous. We claim (our remedy has a specific action upon the fluids he body, supplying moisture to the tissues and fjtlie Joints.affected by the disease. Nd terted Llmhii remain after a eure by A trial of a single bottle will convince , sceptical that we have not told half I Price, Sl.OO per bottle. For sale by ,. Manufactured only bv LKNNEY MEDICINE CO.. CHENOA. ILLINOIS. not forget that our claims f>r tare contrary to all past experi- •BM In (He treatment of^ Rheumatism. In iact it ni long before we ouiselvoa became con. Ittotiteoald be possible thut a slngln reoald perform radical cures, where t eminent physicians havl laiie'l. Nol- ndlngall tnU we are now convinced, W0 »,8° convinced every on© who * lt, th«t it U • Wonder'ful Medicine. Md urge tbeafflicted to correspond j who hare given their volnntary iBMiftU furnished on application ae to its iTFilTA HanntCo.lura ATEHTS.^r1i»- practice before I the Patent Office and have prepared Imore than One Hundred Thou- I Sand applications for patents in tn® ' United States and foreign countries. r Caveats. Trade-Marks, tjopy-ri(?hts. Assignments, and all other papers for I securing to inventors their rights in tho I United States, Canada, England, France, I Germany and other foreign countries, pre- | pared at short notice and on reasonable terms. Information as to obtainingpatents cheer- ully given without charge. Hand-books of 'information sent free. Patents obtained throufh Munn k Co. are noticed in the Scientific American free. The advantage of such notice is well understood by all persons who vvush to dis­ pose of their patents. Address MUNN * GO.. Oflee ScmrnflO Axxucin, 361 Broadway, Mew York. Send 10 cents postage and we will mail _you free a royal, valuable, sample box ot goo"ls that will put you In the wav ot making more money at once, than anything else in America. Jtoih ot «|| ages can live at home au<l work in »|,:ire nm«, or all Hie tune. Capital not reqiiirc'i. will start you. Immense pay sure lor tlio s who start at once, STIMSON A Co., Portland, MiUf HOLDS THE FORT He makes tiuits to oi'des of the b«st Cloths, Foreign or Demes- tic. n AT TBI LOWEST PRICES at. That good Goods can be sold HE ALSO Cleans and Repairs Clothes Neatly and on short notice. Give Me a Call, E. LAWLUS. ittctSfanry, Jan. 19th, lg86. , t A full assortment of Coffius and Cast ets ahvays on band. Hearse furnished at reasonable rates. ^ JOHN B. BLAKE. DONTYOU FORGET IT! ASA W. SMITH, -or- Woodiitook, - - Illinois, Backoft by MXlions of money. oiTeji INDEMNITY agdinst damage by you Flref Lightning, Wind 8torm«f CYCLOPES AND TORNADOES. Drop me a postal card and I will visit yon: call on me and I will write yon a policy, AWI wnen wither or any of these destructive el»» ments devastates your property, liappy will you be if you hold one of my policies, for I will sureiy visit you, ind minister unto'you. Will not forsake you. " - - - I T . K M n n . Omt'l Inruance Ag* See ShneB Henderson'* <1 School for botft ami girl?, every paJr at Terry & C. G. ANDREWS. GENERAL AUCTIONEER, SPRING GBOVE ILL. Sales ot Stock, Farming Tools and Goods of all kinds attended to on the most SEASONABLE TEEMS, ---AND--- Satisfaction Guaranteed. Call on or Address C. C. Andrews, Spring Grove, 111. 'pring 3rove, SopW 30th, i«Wk. lMl^tm '••Mm, ('a.11 and see us, examine ^oods and learn priceft# GOODS WARRANTBD . . . . . , , • - ' • » 3 F 3 j q E f 5 S - JUST AS REPRESENTED. A share of public patronage is respectfully solicited. Tbe Highest Market Price paid for Batter and Eggik ALTHOFF BROS McHenry, III., Jan. 25th, 168S. i THE WORLD'S BEST FOR SALE BY r. s -DEALER J McHENRY, ILLIIfOIS CH8CKS BY With tIn* 12»nii Siicciews* I'ui Imitation of the Ilea. THE FOLDING craio | It'JCUBATO^. Simplicity Itself. No lumps iu c\No liatKM'les. clockwoi k. rivulrii trlvances to get out of oixli'r. Nomst or expi i-ii-M IMIHU V IT-y li; I I • iiinM'H'Hl tii watching. Hatches all loitlle ep, Itswers. in r con Tho lijipcr portion f<>!«ls"ba'<:k".lii 'e"i he iiTofii cLis»*a5 plat ed in i\ n'*st on i):ittu itl »oil in I In* luwei |MM litmiuiU ivcrlve the into* cssary ju'at irojn atauk of warm \N'it.i'rimhc li<l. Proper liutii Uinnlii* ulneci hy drawing off a part of the war,.,- i«l. o a tiny and replacing Willi boiliug water, about IO quaris at a lime for smaller size. EARLY HATCHED CHICKS Sell at from COc to $1 per Pound. It IN al.o a Brooder and will care for the chicks as mug as Hie* neud r.rtl tidal heat, thus saving expense of special hroudi'i- Hot hat * an 1 rxulmtor and as n Hroodcr it is unKurimsscd l>y any mac hi no, lioiiiftt* tcrwhat the cost, and la the treat, cht-uitfat and momt eii.iljr inaiu«Ke«l c imlldate for public favor. The Craig lucubator can •»« run with pvolit at any season. Any person should have a pay Inn hatch the first time. It hatches in from 18 to 34 days, aud euuais the beat work of the hen. re *trn(Kfllni?for pecuhlary Independence will Unit artllh la, :i most protlnr " Docs not Inicrfere with household duties. The same lire iluu preparili the meals cau heat water fur ail Incubator. . . . - r e a r i i i K of poultry le hotne_ Industry. IT requires the least |M>HS1I>IC capital. IiOnKSON SI'RKKT, MBMITI'*. Tenn.- Krom atnicggs I hatched lii; Chicks In the Craig Incubator. I know It Is the best one made. Your plans fur brooder are unexcelled. D. C. HATCH. HopsnALK. III.--Third trial, out Ot 78 e^gs hatched 65 chicks. Had Tery eciod suoccss first trial. Nev­ er nalti a filter lor of chickens. HELliN OKNDORFF. SnxNON. 111.--Your Incubator beats all the hens for hatching. 1 setl45t'ggy under hens and have chicks. I set 101 In Incnhator and have St> good, henllliy clilcka as a result. C. W. MAYS. RIVKBTOX. Kcb.--llrttched ona brood toget my hand In. fullyltO per cent of all ecir* put In. NO t rouble to keep an ev. n temper* turu. Shall run It nil winter. K. VAX OKL'SKM. EUZABJCTUTOWN. N. Y.--UY at-Ing the Craig Incuhxrnr I consider my first attempts at. artificial lnc«» batlon a compb-re SIICCCK*. A. WALTER JJUIIAXO. lOO £Ofi8 81X£. C<H* •• 8IM> •• » fi<H) « « F. D. CRAIG, North Evanston, III. 4 CENTS IS STAMPS FOR CATALOHIX Conlalns more useful poultry Information than any r2 book. DescrlbM all breeds, diseases, cures, hcn-hotisec. brooders. Incubators, cia. T£LLtl 1IOW to MAKJE1 lOOO ytr cent, prvll vu SIS kMM AlOIClit BOOTS AND SHOES! My Fall and Winter Stock is now compete, consisting of Mens. Women*8, Misses and Ohidren's Fine and Staple Shoes in a 1 the atest styles. Mens, Boys, and Youths Stoga Kip, Veal Kip, and Calf Boots, Rubber Boots, Gum Boots, Men's, Women's, Misses' andChildreu's Buck'ed Arc­ tics, Alaskas, Self-Acting Alaskas, Fancy Kul>l>ers and Arctics in all the latest novelties. Men's Felt Boots, Siberian Boots, Beaver Fox Boots, Wool-lined Boots in Fine, Kip and Grained Leather; in ftct everything usually found in a first-class Boot and Shoe store. We makea specialty of Ladies and Gents. We Keep the Selz Celebrated •• The best iir the market; alao the Ludlow, and other standard makes. We have a tremeudous stock, can fit you in any kind ot Boot or Shoe, and we know that our way down Low Cash Piices will just- please you. Remember the place is at the Old Ueiiable (Jash Store Cor. Main Street uud Public Square, Woodstock, 111. fCflf N. tf. --House Established 1865. • W. H. OWIGHT.

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