Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Feb 1886, p. 8

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Piii ^i^iWKBpiinppisp« ipw h,.-:- Electric or Pan-Kleetrie, "0m," said (he Pros! dent, as the two Mt together In the seclusion of the Wliiie Rou9« dining room lingering • over tlmtr evening pie. ' do you think that I am electrifying the country With reform these days? Tell me true, Dan; How l» It?'1, j V "Mr. President.' replied the Irauk Mid level headed private eeCrltary, *alnce you have asked tne the question Mid we are well out of the way of re­ porters, 1 may say thai I have a strong Impression, which Is growing more robust every hour, that the br.nd of reform uow emanating from this ad­ ministration is rather more thau elec­ trifying the country." ••What do you mean, Dia, by 'wore" than electrifying the country ?" inquir­ ed the President, while a puzzled look erept over his face. "I mean," explained the sagacious Mid subtle Daniel, "that an attentive perusal of our leading party organs, to My nothing of the Republican papers, renders it only too evident that you •re Pan-Electrifying the country with your present brand of reform." Then the Marine band struck up "Dare to be a Daniel" and the execu­ tive session closed. •».' It Doesn't Work With Bay* • "She won't do, Marie; she won't do." Mid the man of the house, just In time to upset the negotiations between the mistress and a new nursery maid. "Why, dear, don't you like her?" "She's not young enough." "That's why I was engaging her. 8he's not young." "That's why I object." "Henry, what do you mean?" "I want a young, pretty bright girl. With a white apron and pretty nose." "Oh, yes; I suppose you do," ; "You are wrong, my dear. I do not mean that." "What?" "Your tone was significant; No. I have a theory. I think that children grow up a great d?al like the people who take care of them." '"Oh," and she began to cry. "I sup­ pose you don't Ifke to taavn your chil­ dren grow up like their mother." "My dear, don't be ridiculous. I mean that they get to speak and act like nnrata, and I wish my children to'have no mannerisms that will ue offensive." "What kind of a nurse did you have, Henry ?" "Madam," he said, rather confusedly, UI had a colored nurse, but it doesn't with bovs I" GENERAL 3fcHEl\RY. 1JLJL* . To make rootft closed our entire » tot Spring pufcfaaut w* thall] oflW uatil line of i , I • " ' ' r-" ' •»->»* ' * fir • Overcoats,g^Tinter Shawls, SHOTS, CAPS, BL0V1S MQ 1CITMS, i'F"' .Hv!" At a reduction of twenty per cent, for quantity of Cash. also have a CERMANTOWN YARN. V - * ' v _ All colors, which cost us from 12 1-2 to 18 cents a skein, 10 cents will now buy it. Embroideries at 75 cents on the dollar. We are EY£J?r Vttaau r prepared than ever to sell you anything you want t Priccs lower than ever before. We have O -vC"'-' '1,H x , *' i s * y 1 ' ' " _fc 1"* > ̂ 4*S ALT HO Ft' -mm ** • # I» the place to buy Grbfceriefc, Etc. Cheap. l*ur Stock is Complete, our.prices are Low, and our Goods the to be found in themarket. We visit the city weekly, and ,i therefore our stock is fresh and newt " beat Wild Horeee ia Hontau. The wild horseaof the plains and the Bocky Mountains are pretty much a thing of the past. Nevertheless a few Isolated herds are said to be occasion­ ally found. A Montkna writer says, in substance, of these isolated bauds, that with the wild horses a stallion is at the bead, and is the leader of every herd, having such control over them that no band of cowboys are able to drive a band of horses so fast or so well as a stallion can. All in the band are so, thoroughly afraid of him they keep in bunch, and their speed Is gaged by his own, he running behind with his head low, scarcely above the ground. He advances quickly on the hindermost ooes, giving them to understated they most keep up, should one turn out he follows him, much after the fashion of a shepherd dog, and runs hln^back until his band Is out of sight in the mountains, in ravines, canons, and in aocessible places, so that when the rider arrives at the place he last saw them he is mortified to find his own horse almost exhtasted and the herd •o scattered that he must give up the Chase in disgust. Arr LESS THAN COST. BEQKEEf LIMS OF SHOES AT HALF FBIC1. Special Bargains IN EVERY DEPARTMENT, We are receiving new goods every week. A careful inspection of our new Dress Goods is respectfully solicited. Attentive and obliging clerks always in attendance to look alter youi wants and make shopping pleasant. Come and see us. HENRY COLBY. OTA chimpanzee got loose in a St Paul museum when no one was about Mid immediately proceeded to open all the cages and let ont his fellow curiosi ties. He had nothing but fun until he opened the snake box and one of the reptiles fastened on his tall. The snake held fast and the monkey ran down stairs and over and under every thing until he Anally threw bis arms around a colored girl whom he met at the door. This diversion enabled the keeper to get control of his pets. But the colored girl's wool has turned gray. &WEY> 9 RIP VAN WINKLE PRINTS AT 3 CENTS PER YARD AND UP, | A fiat Bjftpfc of Ginghams at 8 eta. p« Yard and of, fist Heavy Shitting at 5 ofs. nd up. iSress Goods and Trimmings Of every description includ­ ing the celebrated Broad- head Fabrics. An extra fine line of Black Goods and Cashmeres at very lew prices. See our black Dress Silk at 65 cts. per yard, worth $1, warranted ail Silk. We have bought our Spring stock of Mens, Woraensanr Childrens Fine Shoes at greatly reduced prices and can fit all at low prices. See Henderson's celebrated school shoe. f. . . . . . . Teas, Coffees, Sugars. $20,000 WORTH Of good straight Merchandise must Habd Cash at once. be converee into Prunes and all Family Groceries at the Sole agents for Campbell's Prize Baking warranted. reatest reduced prices, owder, every pack'age Perry & Owen. JOHN B. BLAKE, --DEALER IN-- Note a few Cash Prices. Joints . .2 cents per yard Good Ginghams. „ .5 cents per yard Rockford 1» lannels (sold at 50 td 68 cents) we now oSer at..... .30 oents per yard Overcoats (formerly selling from <7 to $10) we now offer at $4 to #6 Good White Union Flannel 10 cents per yard We have a few Cloaks left which Mid from f 10 to 919 we now otter younr choice In lot for 96.00, --WE MAKE THE LIBERAL-- Liberal Cash Discount of 20 Per Cent. On Ladies and Gents Underwear, Ladies and Gents Woolen Hose, Mens Overshirts and Cardigan Jackets. Mens Fur and Scotch <^aps, W oolen Yarns, white and colored Blftnkets, Gloves and Mit­ tens, Shawls, etc. We also have a few broken suits for men at HALF PRICE. - Also 50C pairs Ladies Shoes'at greatly reduced prices. It will pay you to trade with us provided'you buy for Cash, as we will oner extra inducements to that kind at trade. FITZSIMMONS & EVANSON. in '2&. ind see us, examine goods and learn |>ri6es. GOODS JJjIST AS REPRESENTED. 'Mr share of public patronage is respectfully solicited. The Highest Market Price paid for Butter and Egglfifc McHenry, III., Jan. 25th, 1886. * \ ' A THE WORLD'S BEST FOR SALE BY JOHN X. STORT, DEALER IN- 1 nave one of the largest stocks of all kinds of Fur­ niture always on hand MY PRICES WILL BE Lower Th.axx the Lowest. Persons wishing to buy Furniture of any kind, will save trom 5 to lo per cent, by giving me a call. SPECIFIC This is not a Cure All. -wjBut a Sure and Permanent Cure for RHEUMATISM. m3n!!p ISS'SrtnJiryrf**'"1 40 1,176 Imniertittte gUg'->Bg a permanent cure if used aa ntirely new principle, dia- «prer*dafler years of patient study and experiment na> efltoto mr* truly m»rvel«iiH. (.la „ act.,on ""°fl the fluidS soppjytpg moisture to the tisnueH and EMHapttog.the jqlnU.affected by the disease. Nd J®"remain after a cure by Jfcto 2^fl£v,Atrialofa «nK e bottle will convin% 9* m* *£5? *er }ja,ve not told half ita LCNNEY MEDICINE CO., * . CH1HOA, ILLliloiS. :»f C" , WWe do not forget tbat our claims fw *' Spectflc »re contrary to all past exoert- fnot la tbe trestment or Rheumatism. Intact K «li long before we ouiaelvee became coa. Vtaeed that it could be possible that a single HwlT con Id perform radical cures, where ftMBMWt eminent physicians had failed. Not­ withstanding all this we are now convinced, Mi We have also convinced everv one who tee peed It, tbat it is a Wonderful' Medicine. WtiaflM and urge tbeafflicted to correspond With those who Save given tbeir voluntary teettmenials furnished on application as to Its their eaaea^g* • •* SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN T LAWLUS, The most popular WMklV newsnapsr devoted to science, mechanics, engineering, (fiscoreriee, in= jrentions and patent* ever published. Even i Mr illustrated with splendid engravings, publication furnishes a most valuable a of information which no penon should The popularity of the Banomno A-- sach that its circniation nearly equals that of all ot'Mr °*ito daas oombined. Prim. » ^isooantto Olubs. Sold by ell nswsdeal ere. A CO., Publishers, Ho. aOBroadway, N. ¥0 MnnnACo. hav» lTpWTK-also had Thirty " fcn 1 '"y »rr' pnettoo wfort the Patent Office and have prepared ' " foreign coun tries, . CaTeats, Trade-Marks, Gopr-righte, Assignments, and all other papers for , ----ring to inventors their rights in the I United States, Canada, England, Frances, I Germany and other foreign countries, pw- I pared at short notice and on reasonable terms. 1 Information as to obtaining patents ckeoi I folly given without charge. Hand-books of . 'information sent free. Patents obtained through Mubb 4 Co. are noticed in the Scientific American free. The advantage of such notice is well understood by all persona who wish to dis- more than On# Hur sand applications 101 United States and foi use of their patents. ^SSuWLUWfA! ft GIFT 11 wbo start at once. Send 10 cents postage and we will mail you free a royal, valuable, sample box of go©.Is that trill put you in the way.of making- 7 , -- nwe money at once, than gi®lBe in. America. Both sexes of all iiS-ii .J1 »ye at home and work in spare time, PaPital required. We *iu •»« yo«- Immense pay sure lor those 8TIN8ON & Co., Portland, AL&me HOLDS THE FORT AS He makes Suits to ordes of the i 'loths, Foreign or Domes­ tic. AT THE LOWEST PRICES Tbat good Goods can be sold at. . - llE ALaa Cleans dnd Repatrs tfottes Neatly and on short notice. Give 1 Me ni Oall. . E. LAWLUS. McHenry, Jan. 19th,} gfip A full assortment of C<olBn^ and Cast ets always on hand. Hearse furnished at reasonable rates. • JOHN B. BLAKE. SONT YOU FORGET IT! ASA W. SMITH, -or- Woodstook, - - lllinolei. Becked by Millions of moneyi' offej yon INDEMNITT against damage by Fir*, Lightning, Wind Storms, CYCLONES AND TORNADOES. Drop me a postal card and I will visit you; call on me and I will write you a policy, and wnen either or any of these destructive ele­ ments devastates your property, happy will you be if you hold one of my policies, for I will surely visit you, end .minister untojyou. will not forsake you. ABA W. 8MI1H, Gm'l lnawmce Ap* See Henderson's Celebrated School Shoes for bojs end girl*, every pair warranted; found only at Perry & w. C. G. ANDREWS, GENERAL AUCTIONEER, SPblNG GROVE ILL. Sales ot Stock, Farming Tools and Goods of all kinds attended to on the most ' BIA80FABLE TSB2CS, AND--- Satisfaction Quaranteed. |- on or Addres* C. C. Andrews, Spring Crove, 111. IIUUIUMUIU, McHENHY, ILLINOIS, CHICKS BY 'With lite Moot Perfect nml Nucceu- fill Imitation of the Men. THE ORAIG- FOLDING INCUBATOR lolf Vitl<nnt)K h>Pi filiwlo® \Tn hfttlnrlno L-simplicity Itself. Solampe loevjiludo trlvances to get out of onU-r. No cost or ezporluui•<;. and very Hi i I watclling. Hatches all fertile eggs. it con wj <:! , . . and ilmi! in op. hi Ing. Meeds I nper portion folds l.a. k .Ik.i the lid of a mink. The enus aro - .',l i neston naturnl soli In the lower norMou and recclve tire neo- csHary h oat from ataolc of wann watcrlnlno lid. Propurhcat IsinAlih falned l»y drawtng off a part of tiio water iwtco a d:iy and ruoUdiifl with boiling waier, about lOquaitsatatlmo fursmailer size. EARLY HATCHED CHICKS Sell at from 50c to $1 per PoufllL It la also a Broader and will enre for the chicks as tonee* tl»F necdartlflclnl heat, tlius savliiK expense of aneclul brooder BothM an Inculmtorandaaa Brooder it Is unsurpassed l>y any n.ui lilne.uomat­ ter what the cost, and 1b the aurest, ehe»|»e*t and »i<»*t enally manueed candidate for public favor. Tilt Craig Incnlialor can lie run with prolit at any season. Any person should liave a payinx hatch the first time. It batches in from u to 'it days, and eouals the beat work ot the hen. * LADIES iT?" thousands who ero struwr"njr for pecuhiMf bAl/IBOi Independence will nnd artlilelai resrliiK of poultry a most profttiilile liome Industry. If requires (he least ihwhIUIc canttaL Doeti not Interfere with household dm les. The Mine drc that prcnaree the meals can heat water for an Incubator. 42 lionEsow Strbbt, Mkmviii . Teiin.--From JOOeKKS I hatched lui chicks In the Craig Incubator. I know it is the best one made. Your plans for brooder are unexcelled. D. C. HATCH. Hopfdalk. Hi.--Third trial, out of 78 t'KK» hatched 65 chicks. Had very good suocess first trial. Nev­ er had a liner lot of chickens. HELEN ORNDORFF. SHAiroir, 111.--Yonr Incubator beats all the hens for hatching. I set 145 eggs under hens and have so chicks. I set 101 In Incnliatflff mid have 9! good, healthy olilcka as a result. C. W MA VS. Rivertox. Neb.--Hatched one brood to net niy hand In. fully* per cent of all ectrs ptit In. He trouble to keep an ev> n temper# ture. Shall run It nil winter. K. VAN UKLSKJf. Kl.li8AnitTMTnwN. N. V.--Uy ee^ Ing the Cralg Incubslor 1 contldef my first attempts at artificial lne«> bation a complete success. A. WALTER DUUAND. Ft Ds CRAIG, m^ufactubSb. North EvAoston, I IK #ESB 4 CENTS I.V STAMPS FOR OATAMIVVft Contains more useful poultry information than any t3 book. Describee BOOTS AND SHOES! $ ' * ' My Fall and Winter Stock is now compete, consisting of Mens Women's, Misses and Chidren's Fine and Staple Sttocw in al the atest styles. Mens, Boys, and Youths Stoga Kip, Veal Eip, and Calf Soots, Rubber Boots, Gum Boots, Men's, Women's, Misses'and Chitdreu's Buck'ed Arc­ tics, Alaska*, iSelt-Aeting Alaskas, Fancy Kubbers and Arctics in ajl the latest novelties. Men's »lt Boots, Siberian Boots, Beaver Fttfl Boots, Wool-lined Boots in Fine, Kip and Grained Leather; in f*ct everything usually found in a first-class Boot and Shoe store. We makea specialty of Ladies and Gents. We Keep tbe Selz Celebrated J* ^ ^ SIAND-UIADE QOOD£l» The best in the market; also the Ludlow, and other standard makes. We have a tremendous stock, can fit you in any kind of Boot or Shoe, and we know that our way down Low Ca3h Pi ices wtll just lease you. Remember the place is at the Old Reliable Cash Store Jor. Main Street and Public Square, Woodstock, III. K9*N if --House Established 1865. W ' - W. H. OWIGHT. t V, -f ; KJ"- : . 54

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