Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Mar 1886, p. 5

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T<F • V • \ 1" ^ ; J'1;. •! * ••• . « •' s • Business Ifotteeni WEDNESDAY, MARCH. 10,1886, Railroad Time Table. On And aft#r Monday, JuM 15, Train* will, pas* MeHenry station 88 below: OOLNG SOUTH. »sneva Lake Passenger "...7:S8 A. K Geneva hake Express... Geneva Lake Freight Geneva Uike Passenger... not wo xoaTd. Geneva Lake Freight Seneva Lake Passenger Geneva Lake Express ttenora Lake p»w«uer. .8:» .12:45 P. M ..3:26 •• 9-11 A. M .»^0 r .......... .4:48P. M 6:57 »• B. Buss, Agent. Mr-Henry, HI M ASONID MCHBNBT LODGE, NO. 158 A. F. and A. M.-- Regular Communications the Saturday on or feefore the full of the moon and every two •reeks thereafter. CHAS. C. OOLBT, W. X. MCKVRT >HAPTBR NO. 34 R.'A. M--Begu- tr Oonvoca.lons held on the seoond and fourth Fridays in eaoh moneh. JOHW EVANSOW, H. P. !•••? Br • & y Wi bad another snow storm Sunday / night, what thay would call lu the L maple groves a yugar snow. RgiD the new advertisement of Booslett A Stoflel, to be found in aq> other column. / MBS WILLABD COLBY drew the lucky '/number in the drawing for the quilt, at ijUhe Band entertainment on Thursday Advening. , Call for the "Winning Stroke", a new Brand of five cent Cigars, manufacture ed by Barbian Bros. It beats them , all. Ir you want an evening of real en­ joyment go to the Fair, at Riverside Hall, on Friday evetlng of next wejK, March 19th. PKMoftai, GEO, P. SALSTEI, of Crccn-ccd, was a cailerat this otflee on Monday. MM, J. PvKOYSKr spent the past week visl'lng friends In Chicago. - J. A. Qowo, of Clilcijo, spent San- day with friend* in this village 8. BRINK, of Woodstock was a caller at this office on Saturday last. FRED MCOMBKK is rapidly improving, and will soon be able ^o be out again. MUBBAY TYU&BL starts to day. Wed­ nesday, for his new home, at Staton, Minn. /Phil BUCK, IS Very low and but lit- Ale hopes are entertained of his recov- ^ . ALBANY FRETT w»ht to Chicago on Saturday laU, andl will spend a week with friends in that city. Miss BABBITI;, of Elzin, Is visiting her sitter Itt this village Mrs. O. N. Owen. f J. A. SHELDON, Principal of the Huntley Public School, made us a pleasant call oo Wednesday last. W, J. CUTTE&EDGB, former teacher of the McQenry Band, is now located at Ring wood, teaching the Ring wood Bapd and private pupils. Miss JESSIE WIGHTMAH, Deputy P. in this village, returned from a three months visit in Dakota]and Iowa, oil Saturday evening. Slits CARTER, ef Pennsylvania, ac­ companied by her children. Is visiting with her sister, Mrs Geo. W. Besley, in tlijs village. Miss COUA PAIGE, datighbsrof WM. Paige, started for St. AWfchS, Vt., where she will visit among friends for two or three months. TitiS fOltcTles named gentleman ?o besn dratf n to serve on the Petit Jury at the may term of the MeHenry County Circuit Court; Charles llance.....v..**.... ...v.Marengo Addison Deitz..... " Thomas Hanoe......... O C. Digini* Diiniol C >ventrr ..... Philo Itoa Dennis MeG<"e . ...... Jacob Deletanga .... W. W. Ellsworth . .. A. Crandall........ Geo. Mills ............. I. 3 Burrell Chris. Brock man ..... Aloit Drver Smith (Jampbell. Patrick Caiihan...... Bobt. Campbell L. B. Compton ....... Chas. Harrington .. . Chas. Fori It W. C. Hyde Sanford Kotnouf Geo. H Shibley... . . •"red Bennett. Henderson Clturchlll O. Harrison G. Heck with Thos. Knox John Justen... »V. Stevens ....... John Wliorter.,.. .... II. C. rtordcii ........ Geo. 11. Clayaon V. X. Ford A BEGULAB Communication of Me­ Henry Lodge No 158, A. F. & A M., will be held on Saturdav evening next. March 13th. Every member Is earnest­ ly requested to be present. By order of the W. M. TAKE Ayer's Sarsaparlila In the spring of the year to purify the blood, invigorate the system, excite the liver to action, and restore tho healthy, tone and vigor of the whole physical me­ diants u. THE next meeting of the Ladies Society of "Willing Workers,' con­ nected with the Universalis'. CnurMi, will be held at the residence of Mrs. E. Carpenter's on Thursday afternoon next, March 11th, at half past on- •'clock. H,- it:1:' V H. H. NICHOLS has rented the Brick Church and is fitting it up for a Paint Shop. When he gets it arranged lie will have one of the roomiest P-tint Shops In the county, and will be pre­ pared to do (all jobs in itmt line on short notice. that weltr 'SHEPHEBD A SON are weighing up their last years Clover Blossoms and making preparations for the (coming season. They will put up another Dryer on the West side this spring, and do a latger business this season than ever before. k REMKMBEB the Fair, by the ladies ot the Universalist Society, is to be held at Riverside Hall on Fri­ day evening of next week March 19th. There will be vocal and instrumental music, aud a good social time. Turn out and give the ladies a benefit. ' /THE MeHenry Brick Manufacturing ^Company have already contracted half fa million Brick of the coming seasoKs j[make. They have been getting out I1 clay all winter and will be ready to M open up with a big gang of hands as soon as the weather will permit. "They intend to make double the number of \Brlcit this sea§on than*last. *THE Band entertainment on Thurs­ day evening last was a success, both financially and otherwise, and netted the band about <50.^ All who a'tended "weTI pleaseti and speak of it in the highest terms. The Band request us to return their thanks to the ladies for their very efficient aid both before and during the entertainment, and to assure them that they will be ever ready to aid them In a like way when­ ever It lays In their power to do soj THE Steamer Mamie made a success . fnl trial trip on Tuesday morning to the Half Moon Island and back. The new Cabin not only adds to the ap pearauce of the boat, but has stiflened er considerably.^ Claxfe^ttTe Superintendent of thj^Hqon Club" of Fox Lake, was <u* f>oard anche^pressed great s&tUfaction with the running of tbe.^at aud the improvements Jgems^ apt. Hill Is now ready for bnsi as saon as the Lakes wijl open allow him <o make a thro.igh trip. "T8 ' ' " " , AN exchange sys: The roan wlio places % ten dollar advertiaement in hi* paper, and fl itters himself tn>.t he Is • liberal advertiser, wilt be surprised that a yearly advertisement of one column lu length In the Chicago Trib­ une costs the advertUer #26.000, .The New York Herald receives for its lowest price columu 939,623, and for 1U highest #349,000. The New York Tribune for the lowest 129,754, and for 1U highest, #85,648, and these papers tt Is stated, are hever at a loss for ad­ vertisements to Oil their columns, Io these days, when so many books come out tbat only prove "a weariness to the flesh." It Is a tieat to receive such a package as came to us recently from K. II. McDonald DruCo., 528 to 632 Washington St., New York. Chief among them are "Our Ladies' Book •Farmers' ;Hand>Book," "Merchants' Manual," and "Catechism nn Inteuiper a nee and Tobacco." For four cents, in Itftmps, the Drug Co,, will seud any two of the above books; th«y are well Worth s«»udlng for. T«n cents, aeui io their addreM, will procure the fascina­ ting gume of Verb*, which should be In every household. Dried Apples, Prunes, Lemous Qtanges,all ><e« and cheap tor uaah at YUsslnuaons A Kvanson's. A MATTOON (111.) man has just taken from his heel a needle that was stuck in his breast twenty-two years ago.-- Exohange. That's nothing. On New Year's night a Quincy man run a piece of glass into his heel, aud the next morning while In his room he threw up window.--Quincy Optic. Pshaw! About a year ago a man ran a tack into his foot, and tie Is now coughing up ten-penny nails. THE Society of Ladies connected with the Universalist Church of Me­ Henry 111., hold their Fair at Rivrreide Hail on Maroh 18th. 1886. afternoon and evening, at which time they wish to dispose ot their *voik consisting ot a Rag Carpet Bed Quilts, a large vari ety of Aprons Fancy work etc. A Basket lunch will b" on sale. The eu'.ertaimnet will al?o be inter­ spersed with Voca! and Instrumental Music 4 MRS. J. B. PEBRY, President. MRS. GEO. OWKN, Secretary. The annual Thank-Ofleiimf meeting ol the Womans Foreign Missionary Society, will he held in the M. E. 'hurch on Wednesday evening of next week. March 17th, the ofleringM to be applied on the work in 3'iutli America. An interesting programme will be pre pared and a cordial Invitation is ex tended to all. It is hoped that ea* h member (or any persou desiring to help on tlie work) will be present with their oflnring(oC send It) inclosed in an envelope, with a text expressing their reasons for Thank-Offerings. CLARA WRIGHT, Rec. Secretary. ex • %• .......Dunham . .......Cheman* .........llurtiand --Seneca ,".** "7 7.7.7. .Qmfton .*.*.'."".".".".7.... Dorr ........Greenwood «« Hebron u, ... Richmond ...........Burton 7. .77777..MeHenry ...tfanda ...Algonquin AN rx^hange asks, "which la the worst, the common tliief or the thief shat steals our character." Any fair minded person can answer this ques tien with very little deliberation. The common thiei is punished by the law In nearly every case, while the thief tbat steals our character, very seldom, indeed If ever, meets his deserved punishment. What the common thief steals is very easy to regain, but what the character thief steals is one of the hardest things in the world to regain. The law of the present day does not reach far enough in this case. A heavier punishment should be inflicted on charracter stealiug than on petty stealing and perhaps there might not be so much of this fearful crime, and it 1« surely nothing less than a fearful crime.; THERE are many mean bundles of human anatomy, and the variety of the meanness is, according to sale bill form, too numerous to mention. One kind of petty meanness some persons show, and it is difficult to perceive of thoir getting down much lower, is to make a regular practice ofborrowitg a paper which .they dislike too much to purchase. They get'on their ears about some trifling matter and send In word, "stop my p iper." Then shortly after this display of independence and animosity, they begin to drop in to a neighbor's house and borrow the paper, first at Ini/ervals, but after awhile they hardly wait for the ink to °<ecome drv before they are after it. Too sancti­ monious. or bigoted to patronise a paper that does not believe or we just as they do, yet they are mean enough to sponge their reading of the same paper. They are meaner than parscly. Ex. ^ ' THE extraordinary popularity of Avers Cherry Pectoral is the natural result of its use by intelligent people for over forty years. It lias proven it­ self the very best specific lar cold*, coughs, aud pulmonary complaints. For Sale. The undersigned oflers tor sale Ills re si deuce, and two acres o( land J situa ted in the village orRiitgwoid 1- well located, in good repair and on the premises sre all kinds of small fruit, all in a healthy and bearing condition, it is, with all, a very desirable piece of property. .Good barn and outbuildings For terms an.I other particulars call on the undersigned on the premises. WM. LANGHAM, Ringwood, March 9'h. 1886. DIED.--In McHenrv, III. March 7th„ .188(3, literally of old age, HBNBT W. JBRINK. * Hew as never sick in his life, A few day! before his death he took: to bis bed, with no pain,, no suffering, eat very little, slept a great deal and dually, tired nature simply yielded to the call for permanent rest. Mr. Brink was born in New Jersey. When a mere child lits parents went to Plielps, Ontario Co. N. Y. He was married in 1830 to her who Is now bis widow. In 1$35 lie lost one arm In a threshing machine, but has worked hard and steadily ever since. In 1841, b6 inov&d with his family to Algonquin and has lived In this county and vicinity ever since, and has maintained an excellent reputation throughout his entire life. He was 77 yeare and 8 months old. Funeral was held in the Universalist Church, Rev B. Brunnlng, pastor, offi elating. A coincident In the family was that the youngest brother, Leman H. Biink, aged 64 years, died lu Iowa March 1st, the news of which was re< celved after the death of H»inry W. who; was the oldest of r.lie family. Hence the funeral was really a double one. REPORT of the MeHenry Public School for the month ending Febiuary 26. 1886. HIGHEB DEPARTMENT. No. registered >...62 Present attendance ..50 Attendance average per cent ....A4 Punctuality average percent ...96 * BOLL OP HONOR. Mattie Smith. 94; Marv W^ntworth 95; Wallace Mor>*y,94; Elsie Mage, 92 Hattie Story, 94; Hattle Mead. 96 Michael Walsh, 93. J. J. VASBT. Teacher. INTKKMKIHATE DEPAHTMSNT. No. registered 55 Present Membership.... ..53 Attendance, percent Punctuality per cent. .86 * LO'LL OF HONQK. Agnes Oolbv. 99; Agnes Perry. 98; Lon nie Smith, 97; Klfie Kennedy, 91: Maud Colby, 90. CLARA L. WIOHTMA*, Tcaeher. PB1MABT DEPARTMENT. No. registered....,...»•>•• .......38 Present membership.. ..... .34 Attendance, per cent......... *«.... .75 Punctuality, per cent .. .....91 * BOLL OF HONOB. Harry Wlghtinan, Lutle Merey Louis Block. Willie Meyers. MiloHowe Willie Neil, Edith Curtis. Lena Smith, Sainmv Henry, Thomas Gieason. Edgar Bishop, Willie 3i«hop. Frank Colby. Lois E. CHASB, Teacher. * Embracing those pupil® who were perfect in attendance, deportment and punctuality, and whose general scholar­ ship average is 90 or a-ioye. For L»c« Curtain* Screen Cloth, new style Window Shades, Curtain Poles and fixtures, call on Bouslett A Stof- fel. Three 3 pound caiu? canned Pumpkin only SO cents at Bjmleit A bwflnffc The Jones and Small Theatricals MB. EDITOR:-It Is just one grand shame to call the Jones and Small fiasco In Chicago "a revival of relig­ ion," It Is nothing more nor less than simply ulow Comedy in the Churches." It no more resembles a rel'gious meeting thin "Happy, Cal Wagner's Minstrels," does a funeral service. It was all nonsense to fit up the Cassino Rink, when|any Theatre or Opera iiouse would have answered the pur­ pose just as well. A regular Comedy Company would get up no more jokes nor witticisms in the same length of1 time on Monday than Jones did on Sunday, and the only difference Is that, if the Comedy Co didn't use finer language In their jokes and witticisms they would be hissed, while Jones Is applauded and treated to a storm of hilarous laughter. While both Sams may tell some very cutting truths, that is no reason why they should be applauded for bandying the name of Qod and of Christ around amid a bundle of coarse jokes, after the man­ ner of Col. Ingersol. without half the brains the latter has. Chicago is disgraced instead of honored bv get- ting them there «n the name of re- lUion.andl venture to say that the other Theatres will suffer in receipts while the Sams are running through the week their slang, low Ccmedy. religious theatricals. I do not believe you will And the religious people of MeHenry upholding the effort in Chicago as christian. CHURCH MEMBER. EDITOR PLAINDKALEH lidfn Feb. 33d. 1886. to the wife of Lewis Benson, a daughter. Chapell and Thomas shipped a car load of Stock to Chicago on Wednes­ day and also one on Tliuradiy of last week. The Sherwood Brothers have erected a line Granite Monument in our <3eiue. tery In memory of their Father, the late B. R. Sherwood. It was set up by a Detroit Michigan firm. The child of Joseph Johnson, that was reported very sick with Diptheria In the Nunda Herald, has recovered under the skillful treatment of Dr. Nason. Mrs. E. A. Ford went to Chicago on Saturday the 27th, to spen 1 a few days there with relatives and friends. Walter Seaman, of Alden. with his Bride, were the guest^ of H.J. Brink, on the 20th. The Scott family gave one of their popular Gift Concerts here on the *)th. They drew a very fair attend­ ance. Below we give the names of the candidates and the number of votes received by each. Miss Anna Philp 96; Miss Julia Ransford, 85; Miss Lizzie Doig, II; Llllie Bennett ,5; Mrs. F. Pinjrry, 4; The Receipts of the evening were #16,25, We lately had a slight of hand shar­ per drop into our midst but as he could not find any suckers he took the first train for parts unknown. Tom Philip, who has been in Kansas for the past year or more for his health, has returned home. Tom says he has got tfown to good fighting weight 118 pounds. Mrs. H. J. Brink has so far recovered |hat she was out riding. John Lumm, Jr., of Batavla, is here visiting with his parents. On* Tuesday of last week Robert Hager, living east of town, brought down two Holsteue cows and had them weighed. One weighed 180o pounds and the other 1645 pounds. How Is that for high? Mrs. C. E. Chapell gave a Progres slve Euchre Party on Tuesday evening of last week in honor of her husband's 41st birthday, May he have many happy .returns. Robert McAdam, of AiiaMlc Iowa, was in town OH Tuesday of last week calling QII friends. Mr, and Mrs. Morton were twice surprised on t uesdav of last week, it being their 20th. wedding Ann iversary. At noon a few <d their friends walked in and took dinner with them. Mrs, M. remarked, that could not be done again. In the evening they were again surprised by n l>irge company of 'rientls who oame and spent the even­ ing with them. They received number ol nice presents, among which were n very line decorated china tea •et. and A What Do You C<iU It, from Joi n Church, of Crystal Lake. At the Literary, on Fridav evening of last week, the question of debate Was, ^Resolved that the»Printing Press has been of more benefit to ma fclnd than the Steam Engine.1! The Judge decided In the affirmative. There was a verv goed attendance. Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Church, of Turner Junction, came upon Thursday even ing of last week to attend the wed­ ding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Win* Morton. Also John Church of Crystal Lake wis present. Geo. Lowe's team Indulged iu quite a spirited runaway on Chicago St. on Sunday morning last. The only dam­ age done was a tew less hitching posts, a few scratches and a broken harness. Mrs. Douglas has returned from Genoa Junction, where she has been visiting her parents for the past week. dispell and Thomas shipped a car load of cattle and a car load of hogs on Monday of this week. Stene Doig, who has been very sick for the past week, U now oo the gain. Dr. Nason Is attending him. The Ladies Aid Society, of the Episcopal Church, will meet on Thurs­ day of this week at the resideuce of Mr*. D. W. Thomas. hi? connection with tho Baptist Church the first of May. fits A»MOFT for such a course is on account of poof health. His relations with the church, aud congregation and community, have been from the bear!nnlng, very pleasant and harmonious indeed, and the church' and co nmunity regret parting with him, but possibly It may best 60 to be. We humbly confess to the readers of our items to the PLAIN DEALER, we have no farm in this county, or blooded stock to advertise weekly In our letters *o we hope to be excused if a portion of our items are not about ourselves, or our private business. W4 think, however, if we had a dozen farms and a thousaud hogs, uur sense of proprietv would forbid our adver- tiselng in the locals continually. One day last week while some wolf hunters were chasing a wolf and after wounding him mortally, he ran Into a bam, in the towu of Hebron, and while those wounding him were approaching the bam, some men who, were near, having nothing whatever to do with hunting or wounding of the wolf. tiie killed him with a stick or stone, (at any rate so they claim) and before the huuters came up tbey had the Wolf In their buggy and were on the road to Woodstock, for the bounty. The re- suit is they were requested ^o appear before Esq., Barber March Uth. The Cemetery Aid Society trill meet Wednesday, March 17th, at tho resideuce of Orlando Garrison. All ttre eordially Invited to attend. , Remember that L. W. Nichols, Jr„ the West McHt-nry Jeweler, does all kinds of repairing in his line an4 guarantees perfect satisfaction. To Cash Buyer* We ofler extra Inducements In Flour made itr-im Minnesota hard Wheat, a trial will be appreciated, Fitzsimmons A Evansoti. 3 fancy (solid colors) hemstitched Handkerchiefs for 10 cents at Bousiett A Stoflel's. Wall Paper. New and elegant styles, lar** assort• meut and pricea reasonable at FitMlui* mons A Ev in;on"f>. L. W. Nichols, Jr. the Jeweler, in West MeHenry, dees not mike a speciality of CHEAP WORK, but has for Ids motto. uPromptae»s and good ^teark. , ' GREEN WOOD- EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--Mr. Mellen ban moved Into the *'Uucle Young house." J. C. Parker has moved into his own house. Oharles Jones made, * visit to Chica­ go last week, Mrs. S. D. Baldwin has been sick for a few dsys but Is at present improve- Ing. Mrs. Wire. Sr., received a fall a faw days ago which injured her quite badly. Mr. and Mrs. H.^R. Baldwin, of Hebron, were own to the entertain* ment last Friday evening. Mr and Mrs. W. E. Wire intend spending a portion of the two |weeks vacation of school at (Solon. It is rumored Adam Westermsn lias bought his Father's farm, consisting of 220 acres. Mrs. Rath bone, of Buftalo. N. Y„ is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Moses, Frank Mansbeld has moved in the house with Ills Father for the present. lle|ls Intending to build soon. Mark Dawson moved Into the house back of the store for a short time. He intends building iu the spring. Miss Lizzie Barnes has been en­ gaged to teach the "Sorgum City*' school during the summer. Dailey's Hail last evening, was well filled, and % programme occupying • hreefull hours was carried out.. Re­ ceipts about ten dollars. Our Cheese Factory caught fire on Saturday last, caused from spaiks from the smoke stack, (Hit Mike was prompt in his efiorts to extinguish, and very won succeeded. ^ MGus" Adsms has been increasing the size of hl« lot by buying ttie east ?>art of "Sid" Oration's lot. We learn ie takes all east ot where Soap St would pass through if continued. Us* iVf^<wM?o«!t intend# •evt«» RINGWOOD. EDITOR PLAIXDBALBK:--The sick are gain, ing slowly. Frank Coates will work for J. W. Bell this summer. The Band beys have hired W.J. Cutter, edge, of Lake Genera, Wis., as Instructor for the coming manth. Dan Arringer has rented a house in Solen anil will remove there tu a few days. Miss Carrie Hammond, of Waneonda, who has been staying with L. C. Andruss family for the past week or more, has returned to Waunonda; We want more choloe table butter tor which we will pay more than the market P"ce. J. W. CRIST T 4k Sou. Will Dodge and wife of Ord Neb. arrlf ed here last Friday evening and will mkko this their future home. We are glad to have Will back again, and congratulate him on bis choice for a companion. Bob Tweed Jr., ot Nebraska, arrived Prl. dav evening last. He is in the Mercantile business ami reports a good trade. Prank and Fred Bell will return with him iu a few days Some of iho relatives surprised L. A, Wiiiumiiin and family last Friday evening aud enjoyed a <ooil m>ciat lime as well as a hearty supper Irv Merchant and Emery Carr have been visiting in Bigin and Aurora. Mrs Ingalis is m iking preparations to biiild a nice nouse just wed of 8. Simmon's resi dence. Peter Itollieruiel will do the carpen­ ter work. We-have a nice line of boots and shoes for men. woinnn aul chiMrens allot' whiehare warranted to give perfect satisfaction. We also handle the best quality of Buhiter boots to be found in the county. Our stock of mens furnishing goods is complete. C.pme in and let us sell yon your working suits aa well as "Sunday" suits for the summer J, W. CRISTT A SON. The King wood school will give an exhibi tion at |ihe Congregational Church in Bing. wood »n Saturday evening next Maroh Wth. The entertainment will consist of dialogues as well as declamations and no pains will bo spared to make tins a llrst class entertain­ ment. One of I lie principal features of inter­ est will lie a contest fot a price between some of the scholars in reading declamations. Come out and hear them. Admission only llftaen tents, FROM ANOTOBB COBBESPONDBNT Mrs. John Orimolby and Mrs. Lee Audrus have both boen very sick but are gaining slowly and their friend* hope soon to see them well ag;tin. We see Robert Tweed Jr. from Davenport, Neb., Is home on a visit looking well and happy and says that he likei the west very well. He stays until next week. His Fred and Frank Bell go back with him on a visit and Jmay make up their minds to stay out west. If they do their many young friends wish them good luck and hope they wilt do well. Mate and Jeny played at a dance Friday evening last, at J. W. Bell's where a num. ber of his friends and telatlves enjoyed a social time. We hear that Mr Spauldlng talks ot leaving Ringwood and going ;back east. His friends at the store will mist him very much. Will Dodge and wife, arrived from the west last Friday night. Will Is going to work the • Id place. A daughter arrived at the house of Grand- pa Weldrichs, Sunday Feb. 9Sth. George WeUtrich is the happy father and had ought to treat. There is to be a surprise and Basket party at Bichard Lawson's next Thursday evening. The boys to pay the fiddler and the glila to bring the baskets. 1FIII your baskets well for yeur lel'ows may be very hungry when supper time comes around. J, W. Bell has hired Frank Coates for the coming season. He thinks it .is not safe to hire any more tramps. We w^h to correct the mistake made last week in the Bingwood Items about that low- lived sneak that ransacked J. W. Bell's house His name is not Painting but Poynton. He is well known around Hartlandand Woodstock, so that all t.irmers and persons needing help may beware of him Ws will try and describe ^u^.s medium slsed, has a fair com­ plexion,Tight brown hair, and light brown Mustache, has two of his upper front teeth broken off* has light blue eyes, an • as Ills name tattooed on hie arm and several other marks MUCII as sailors often put on their srms. We hope ilie miserable cur may lie found and Justice dealt|ont to him as be derserves. MARRIKD.--Fen. Sith, 188o, at MeHenry, by tli.- Kcv t ather o'Sei., Mr. Jaque Adams and Miss Katie Turner. The young couple were married in the fore* noon and arrived at home in time to take din­ ner with about forty of their friends and rel­ atives, The tables were loaded with the very best of everything and everybody done ample Justice to all the good thinge set before them. The rest of the day was passed in pleasant conversation and music, and then came the supper, which almo t surpassed the dinner. They received several nice and useful pres­ ents and all hope that Jaque and Katie may have a long and happy married lite, and may Heaven's choicest blessings ever felt npoa them. NUflOA> SDITOB snow Squall oa Snnday night and Monday morning; William Nickle, of Ringwood, «ur ex- County Superintendent of Schools, called on friends In town last Saturday, betweed trains He visited Chicago to hear the two noted Sams in their revival work. He thinks they are heavy guns, and are doiag good execution on the devils fortification* in that City ot shams. Frank Spitser, of Woodstock, was down oa Saturday last On bnsiaess eenneeted with his profession. Judge Joslya appeared on Friday last, ia the suit of Smith vs Beardsley, for the pur­ pose ot having the suit continued on account illiness of his partner, C. P. Barnes, who is re­ tained tor the defence. Four or five suits were settled, or judg­ ment taken on default, last week, none being contested. Three or four more In the near future. I wonder how our democrat ic soldiers like the position of their southern allies on pen­ sion matters, as exhibited In the sixty-fonr votes from the southern States against the raising of Widows pension's from eight te twelve dollars per month. Only two demo­ crats from Northern States dare to faee their soldier constituency after a negative vote on that.bill. Bragg, of Wis. and Hewett of N. T tipol them boy*. Mr. Fillmore, a map who led the reDel hosts rises and tells things as they are Are we Union Soldiers fools enough to believe that such men as he, and the rest of the sixty-four, are going to vote large sums of money to us fellows who whaled them out, when their entire southern states ai he says, do not receive three cents of it. No, no, com­ rades tley don't mean to do what their north­ ern political associates 'premise/ for them. And they, the southern wing, of the democra­ cy are the controling power, now as hereto­ fore. You mnst drop the rotten old hulk, and come out and vote, as you shot, if you would hand down to your children what yoa fonSht for, a Government worth fighting for. House and Lot For 8alo»l In the village of Ringwood. Con­ tains 10 Rooms. Also a Barn, Wood* shed and other outbuildings, well, cistern, etc., on the premises. With* in twenty rods of Depot. 4 Good Garden, Apple Trees, etc. * Price •1000. For terras and other partlcu lars Inquire of WESLBT LADD, Ringwood, March 5th, 1886. 84-6 months. 6 pounds Saieratus 25 sents for cash up at Fitzsimmons A Evanson's. Ont pound box bating Powder only IScentBfor cash at Fitssommons A Evanson's. Buy of us good i'i*weiing and Sheet' lug at 4J ceiiis per vard. BONSLBTT A STORRSL. See pgr band painted Window Shades. "BONSUTT A SXOI FKL. New spring styles, Prints, Ging­ ham. Shirtings etc. cheap fo» cash at FOR SALC. In the village of Wauconds a two story building, 23x30 feet, nearly new. Weil located and the Snd., story finished off for living rooms. W»« l.uilt and used for a Blacksmith Shop. Having no use for It I propose to seil it ch >ap or ex thsnge for other prop­ erty. Would like a good Span of Horses toward It. For further partlc ulars ariply to >V. H. FORD, R verslde House, McHe iry. 33 tf. _ Why Not? Patronise home institutions. R. L. Scott otters to tune Pianos as cheap and as thoroughly as any tuner fro<n Chicago or any other town. Work warranted to sati«fy or no pay requir­ ed. Special attention given to tuning and voicing Organs, all of which, in­ cluding the best, need this as often as once'in two or three years. CHICAGO. Feb. SB. 1885. Thl9 m*y certify that R. L. Scott has been in my employ, and Is fully qualified to tune and repair Pianos and Organs. W. W. KIMBALL. WOODSTOCB, June 5,1885. Th!* may certify that Mr. R. L. Scott has repaired and tuned the Organ be­ longing to the Congregational Church of tlii-> place to the entire satisfaction of all interested. The Org tn was badly out of repair and required the services of a ttkUJiul workman. E. E. RICHARDS, MBS. A S. VVBIGHT. Orders tnajr be left at Howard s Meat Market or with Barbian Bros., Mc Henry, III. 32-Sw R. L. SCOTT. Ladies Rubbers Onljr 89 cents at Perry A Owon% * Solo Agents Fop O. M. Henderson's school shoes. Owen's, celebrated See them at Perry A For Sal*. A good Work Horse. Inquire at Besley's Drug 8tore. IF you want to make jour Baggy Top look as good as new get the Na­ tion*! Patent Leather Enamel at Besley's Drug Store. Farm For Rents Tho Farm known as the Stewart Farm, containing 220 acres, situated three i..lies south of MeHenry, two miles from Terra Cotta Depot and one mile from Barrevllle Cheese Factory.) Ter ns reasonable. l<'or further par­ ticulars Inquire of the undersigned on the premises. 32-Sw MBS. WM. STBWABT. Millinery.--Hew This Week. Mrs. IL H. Nichols, will re turn from the city on Thursday, with a full line of early Spring Millinery, the first invoice this season. Call In the lasi of this wefk and see the new styles. All are cordially invited. MBS. II. H, NICHOLS. Last chance to buy Keg Syrup for •1,15 at Bonslett A Stofiel's. For Sale. I have two span of young horses tbat I wish to dispose of. One span four and five years old and the others coming three and four. Will sell older horses instead if desired. GBO. H. HABBISON. Two and a half miles Southwest of Ringwood. 33--ft. HAY FOR 8ALB. About ten tons a No. I Timothy Hay for sale. Is the second crop and was put up without getting a drop of rain. Inquire on the premises, half a mile South of Bishop's Mills, Also 60 bushels of uood Potatoes. 33--3 weeks. MICHABL CLABT. Men's Rubbers. Only 49 cents at Perry A Owen's. We sell 4 pairs good ladies hose 'for 90 oer.ts. BONSLKTT A STOFFBL. Good whole CodHfth only 4 cents per pound at Bousiett A Stofiel's. Farmers and Dairymen, do not fall to Dickinson's Cow Prescription, as it will often save.the price of the row In preveutiug that fatal diseaso, milk fever; will cause the cow to do well after calving, cures garget, horn all and all disease of the cow, and wlM renav ten-fold In Increasing the flow of milk. 1aal* -te *" #llt« , "J m WM 4 C!t* residences for sale. Aopiy t§ Asi W. Smith, Woodstoclc, 111. Everything In the Hardware lino d bottom figures, at E. M. Howe's. Celluloid Sets, cheaper than ever-hi* i fore, at G. W. Besley's, West Side. Clothe* Wringers, both the Novelty and Universal. Your choice for «2.3S at John I. Story's. • * Sewing Mschines to Rent, or for sale at 48.00. by E. Lawins, opposite (ft# Riverside House. MeHenry 111. Fine Scrap Books only $1.25 at G, W, Besley's, West Side. Celluloid Combs, only 20 dents, at Q, ; W. Besley's, West Side, Lace Curtains, Tidies, LatnberkiOB, Bedspreads and Shams, cheap, at Ml*, Schumacher's, near the Depot. A fine line of Stove Boards, different sizes and styles, at John I. Story's. Look at the choice Candies at ley's Drug Store, West End, A Sewing Machine, good aahoWv4-' nly $14.00, at E. L*wlu?: DOMESTIC Piano and Furniture Pol- '-j ish. the finest thing io the market, 1st • !>•> Besley's Drug Store. The Lyman Barb Wire, both plait | and galvanized,decidedly the best Win S in the market, at John I. Story's. I Bedey's Famous Waakegaa Ale and Porter t On draught at J. Bonslett's, A, &*-. .^ 3 glen's and John He liner's. , Take your old watches to the Jewel* M er In Besley's Drug Store, West S MeHenry, and have tbem nicely re- paired. Mrs. Schumachers Visits Chicago every week and wHt take in your orders and furnish goods at the lowest Chicago prices. Cook and Heating stoves, both Cottl and Wood, of the latest styles and patterns, at J, I, Story's. Bird Cages, both BraSs and Japtft, the finest assortment in town, at J. I» Story's. _____ BBSLKT'S Ale and Porter is the brtl made. On draught in MeHenry at Jaoob ltonslett'8, A. Bug leu's, and John Heimer's. .. GLASS~1 GLASS ! keep Glass of all size#constantly on hand Special siges cut without extra charge JOHN I. STORT, • " J The Nickel B>rn Door Roller, ao- knowledged by all to he the best thing fi if the kind on the in irket, f<»r sale by M John I. Story. 1 Full stock of La<lie<* line *hoes. Miss- ; es fine shoes. Mens fine shoes* Boys bne shoes, at Perry A Owen's. ~ If you want to learn Paint \vi your Buggy for One Dollar, csll (ti'V. -t4- itesiey's Dsug Store, West End. i.j Our Immense ilneot new. Wall Paper ' 1 Borders. Celling Paper, CenterPieces, ^ and Corners will he here soon. Wait Ki aud see our samples. , • *> '< PBK&T 4 Own. Rubbers and Rubber Boots sill tUtt. j l «t Perry A Owen's. ' Fish! Fish! FisM Mackerel and White Fish in pails "I and half barrels, whole and boneless Codfish, Herring in qu-irter barrels and kegs, at lowest prices at Perry ft Owen's. mi 'A'! Buy only good Kerosene Oil. •rii best can be found at Perry A Owen's, Buckwheat Wanted. AtIhe Fox River Valley Mill, faty which the highest market price will btf paid. R. BISHOP* ^40 *4 J • i-d FARM FOR SALE. The un-iersigned offers for sale bit farm, situsted four miles west of Mcllenr^, consisting of 246 acres. In good location and an excellent Dairy farm. Or will trade fir a smtllef farm. Apply to PHILIP GIBSKLBB. 29--3 months. NOTICE TO HOI.DBBs OP McOENRt COUXTr OBDBBS. Notice is hereby given that on the first day of April, 1886, I will pav all the outstanding 6 per cent. 3300 Me­ Henry County Orders. Interest will cease on said co-orders Aoril 1st, A. |l* 1886. JAMBS N ISH, CO. Treas. Woodstock, III., » eb. 33, I&8. S2-4W FARM FOR RENT. Containing nearly 300 Acres, si tig* ted two miles from MeHenry vlliagis.' Possession given March 1st, 1836. For further information call on R. Bishop, at the Fox River Vallev Mills MRS. L. C.GATES* MeHenry, Feb. 1st 1886. 29-4 w^g Notice, To those that want Tube. Vats. BiT Racks,and anything iu mv tine of busr- ness. Work done on «hort notice to order. Shop one door South of La«t" ius'Store, F. A* RIRAIOi MoHenry, Aug. 10,1SSB. 11-4-ly Great Redaction. . - 1 will until further notice make 'ures at t'ie following low rates: Cabinet Photos, perdos $3.00 Cabinet Photos, p»r half dos...... 2.00 Card Pho os. per d«z 200 Card Photos, per half das. 1.50 Satisfaction given iu all cases, as formerly. L. E. BBNNKIT. A 3EN*IBLK MAN Would use Kemp's B.tlsam for the Throat and Lungs. It is coring more cases of Coughs, Asthut, Bronchitis, Croup, and all Throat and Lung Troubles, than any other medicine. The proprietor ha# authorized Geo. W. Besley to refund your money if, after, taking three-fourth* of a bottle, relief is not obtained. Price 50 ceuts aud $1. Trial size free. For sale in MeHenry bjr Geo. W. Besley. J. P. SMITH, WATCHMAKER f; JEWHIR, ̂ MeHenry, V fltinoiw. 1 £* J Croat Tumbloin Wotch WorlU From this date I will do Watch Be pairing at th» following Prices.- Cleaning Key Wind Watch, ......... ...SSetS Cleaning Sieui Wu>4 If*** Main Spring,. e» Best, Warranted, - . fl.SS Cleaning noua Cltioka .. ... ..Wets, Cleamak8 day Clocks... .. Jfteta AH work vr:irrauted( and it nut Mtijfiwlofj money ref *ndnd. J. P. SMITH. : m M.rtl> lit. ,V1 •'prupj wiiLiqinr- v% ^ . j v Vi i i * » -

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