Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Mar 1886, p. 8

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Johnny Flmletop got llM Idssloto his head from attending ^ur.Say^iclioo] that lie could got any­ thing |» wanted by simply praying for It. A 4«w evenings ago wuile pngaged la lits devotions he prayed for a b%<« ball, a pony, a new euit of Sunday ulothea. Pliot gun. a qutrter of a dollar Mid varloua other tiling which he Deeded. Wh le Johnny was thus pray- hla brother Tommy burst Into* tears and said in an agonizing voice: "Mam­ ma. please make Johnny stop. He is praying everything away from me."-- Spring Trade * " 'i X £ ' • * Why Not? Patronise home liistitiuioiic. R. L. Bfiott offers to tone Pianos as cheap Md as thoroughly as any tuner from Chicago or any other town* Woffc warranted to sati«fy or no pay Squir­ ed. Special attention given toHunfng arid voicing Organs, ail of whic^C In­ cluding the best, need this as otcqh as once in two or three years. CHICAGO. F'EB^SJS. 1$85. This may certify that JR. L.Scott bas been in my employ, and is fully qualified to tune and repair Pianos and Orgaot. W. W, KIMBALL. WOODSTOCK,, June 5.1885. This may certify thut Mr. R. L. Scott has repaired aod tuned the Organ be­ longing to the Congregational Church of ti l < place to the entire satisfaction of all interested. The Or>rin was badly out,of repair and required the services K of a skillful worktnan. E. E. RICHARDS, , I ; MRS. A S. VVRIGHT.. Orders may be left at Howard s Meat Market or with Barbian Bros., Mc Henry, III. 32-2** R. L. SOOTT. Are prepared to show the buying publio one of the KIADYFOB THE , , "v" ' !' • ' • . fsig* • ' "iS Stokes ofGener tit Merchan­ dise to be found in fourteen Counties consisting of W COOPS EVER/ WEEK. Are better prepare,Hhan ever to sell you anything you want *1 Prices lower than ever before. We have^ PRINTS AT 3 CENTS PER YARD AND UP, A fin# Stock of Riaghami at 6 cts. pit Yard and op,' ::s; IIm Hhv7 Starting at freU.udnp- tor all ages, New, Oneap, dtylish, and well made. No Shoddy oi Trash. Wedding Suits a Specialty. C. A. FARGO'S Custom Made Boots and Shoes. Spring Styles. Large Assortment, ot good Service and Low Prices^ Spring Designs in Stock, Borders, Ceiling Paper. Centers, Cor­ ners, Decorations, etc., in great variety, all Trimmed Free. Window Shads*, Trunks, Voliua Ha&d-Bags, Hats, Caps, t7ndemrear. eto., BONSLETT & STOFFEL. vnt TAKE THE I TTT . H JT "T T' I • UBEBTT-ENLIGHTEN1NGI West„ MeHenry, ; Illinois r THE WORLD. 'lit ragard to the unequalad merits S3 ||Qood3^azid|Trimmixig3 *- - Of every description includ­ ing the celebrated Broad- head Fabrics. jA.n extra fine line of Black Groods and Cashmeres at very low prices. See our black Dress Silk at 65 cts. per yard worth $1 warranted all Silk We have bought our Spring stock of Mens, Womens anr Children? Fine ShoA at greatly reduced prices and can fit all at low prices. See Henderson's celebrated school shoe. Teas, Coffees, Sugars. Prunes and all Family Groceries at the greatest reduced prices. Sole agents for Campbell's Prize Baking Powder, every .package T KM COLBY, GENERAL MERCHANT, Hie Original and Famous Three-Wheeled Plow, for Ligfrtnets of Draft and Working Qualities is Ika Conceded Champion of the Whole Plowed World. POINTS QFIUPERIORITY. It runs li(ffiier than any other plow made, because by means of the perfect support afforded by three wheels the plow is carried, not dragged. It l« easy on the team, because there is absolutely no weight on tbe horses* necks, It tarns square corners, turning fur­ rows either inward or outward, as may be desired. The rear furrow wheel is locked when plowing straight ahead, but unlocked by foot- trip when necessary to turn. After the corner is turned it locks itself automatically. The caster -wheels running in farrow effectually prevent any strain on the frame of the plow, or on the horses when turning. The plow is turned on the same principle as a cart. The front farrow wheel Is at point of plow, insuring a uniform depth when crossing dead furrows or ditches. . Thy land axle has a spring that keeps the plow from being too rigid, and causes it to cut level when crossing corn furrows or ridges. team is hiiched the same u to a walking plow, and the horses draw easily and zuttu* ratty. ' The plow Is in front of the driver. •here its work is constantly under his eye. These, and many other points, fully explained, illus­ trated and proved m our descriptive circulars, e *p^t free to any address. We also mail, free of charge, the Agricultural Pilgrim's Progress, by John-with-a* Bunion, with illustrations; the Story of the Flying Dutchman, a graphic sea sketch: and other literature Wxuch will amuse, entertain and instruct, address, MOLINE PLOW CO., Moline, Illinois E. LAWLUS, McHENHY. 1JL.L. 7 To make room for early Spring purchases ws shall offer until closed our entire line of Overcoats, Winter Shawls, SHUTS, BAPS, BLOWS AITS UITTISS, i- At a reduction of twenty per cent, for Cafh. We alas have a quantity of . CERMANTOWN YARN. All colors, which cost us from 12 1-2 to 18 cents a skein, 10 cents will now buy it. Embroideries at 75cents on the dollar. HOLDS THE FORT AS He makes Suits to ordes of the st Cloths, Foreign or Demes­ ne. 'Af TBE LOWEST PRICES -A.T LESS THAN COST. BBOfflOt LOIS OF SHOES AT HALT PBIC1 Special Bargains That good Goods can be sold HE ALSO £J*ans and Repairs Clothes Neatly and on short notice. ive 2ML© a Call. E. LAWLUS. pif," iicHanry> Jan. 19th, lg86. L*: mr • • ,sv ^ ' 5 . • . ••it •- •• • - . -- j- » ' i ir-'» L'* ̂ .4 '. tdstic. IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. •i We are receiving new goods every week. _ A careful inspection o: our new Dress Goods is respectfully solicited. Attentive am obliging clerks always in attendance to look atter youi wants an< make shopping pleasant. Come and see us* HENRY COLBY, warranted. & Owen. JOHN B. BLAKE --DEALER IN-- III HIS t 1 have one of the largest Stocks of all kinds of Furniture always on hand. ' MY PRICES WILL BE Lower Than the Lowest. Persons wishing to buy Furniture of any kind, will save from 5 to IQ per cent, by giving me a call. CARPETS, OA.KFETS/ \ We also keep a full line of Sams-lee of Carpets, and can sell you one from the cheapest grade to a Brussels, as cheip as any House outside of Chicago. Give me a call and I am sure I can save you money. , A full assortment of Coffius and Cast ets always on hand. Hearse furnished at reasonable rates. JOHN B. BLAKE. PONT YOU FORGET IT! ASA W. SMITH, -0*•- Woodstock, - - Illinois. Backed by Millions of jnoney, ©ffeji you INDEMNITY against damage by Fire, Lightning, Wind Storm*, CYCLONE8 AND TORNADOES. Drop me a postal ward and I will visit yon: call on me an<t I will write you a policy, ana waen either or any of these destructive ele­ ments devastates your property, happy will you be if you hold one of my policies, for I will surety visit yon, and .minister untojyou. will not forsake yon. AAA w. SMI1H, Om'l Innunat Af* V * 1 > 5 • ,rT.(Wfc&lrf' See Hendersoo's Celebrated School Shoes for boys and girls, every pair warranted; found only at Perry A Owen's. C. G. ANDREWS. GENERAL AUCTIONEER, SPRING GROVE ILL. Sales ot Stock, Farming Tools and Goods of all kinds attended to on the most mSOMBU JIB2IS, AND Satisfaction Guaranteed. Call on or Address C. C. Andrews, Spring Oroya, IU; 4>rins 3we, 8ept.30tti, ltmo, nn-Sm MellENRY, , #'•••»; UiJ ' « < i,h:~ J i . j*. 4 v i ̂ ̂ ./,7> ( the place to bay /.fT" _; ^ irz Groceries, Etc. Cheap. >tock is Complete, our prices are Low, and our Goods tlie fteilt be found in the market. We visit the city weekly, and therefore our stock is fresh and new'. Call and see us, «x$mine goods and learp prices. / ,'*v,5 . JUST AS REPRESENTED. lare^of public patronage is respectfully solicited. The Highest Mirket Price piid for Batter and Egg*. ALTHOFF BROSi McHenry, 111., Jan. 25th, 1886. ' ' Kim My Fall and Winter Stock is now compete, consisting of Women's, Misses and Chidren's Fine and Staple Snoes in at the atest styles. Mens, Boys, and Youths ^ Stoga Kip, Veal Eip, and Calf Boots, Rubber'Boots, Gum Boots, Men's, Women's, Misses' andChildreu's Buckled Arc- tics, Alaskas, Selt-Acting Alaskas, Fancy Kubbers and Arctics in all the latest novelties. Men's Felt Boots, Siberian Boots, Beaver Fall Boots, ool-lineJ Boots in Fine, Kip and Grained Leather; i| fict everything usually found in a first-class Boot and Shoe store* We make a specialty of Ladies and Gents. We Keep the Selz Celebrated The best in the market; also the Ludlow, and other standard jmakes. We have a tremendous stock, can fit you in any kind ot Boot or Shoe, and we know that our way down Low Ca3h Prices will jnst please you. Remember the place is at the Old Reliable Cash Store Cor. Main Street and Public Square, Woodstock, III. gg*N. g. --House Established 1865. W. H. DWIGHT. Simplicity itself. Nt>l:ini[K«: io< Wvances to get out of order. No < watching. Hatches all fertile CHICKS BY With the Mo>l IPerfoct on*i Muccem* I'ul linttiilloii ot'the Ilea. TI3CX3 ORA.IG FOLDING INCUCATOK. ^plode. No butteries, clookwdi l;. c^^ (iinvrrr». or uihcrcua at or czpni-ii-ur-iMind very lin !.• a...,r tfi.ii-1,< Ncwl. no ' »i upper ponton folds IiHi k .ike i liu lid of s i runk. Tlie are placed In a n<;ston natural soil In 1I10lowtTiMirrjounndreceive the nvo essary licnt f n»m a tank of wann waiciliiilie lid. Proper heat tNHtAlit* t at lieu by drawing oil a part ot Hie water iwfl-e 11 day and replaciufl with boiling water, about IO quarts at a time tor smaller size. EARLY HATCHED CHICKS Sell ai from 50c to $1 per Poiml. It l» nl«o a Brooder and will euro for the chicks as ionar M ther need artlllclHl heat, thus saving expense of spechtl brooder Dotti M ' an 11.collator and ass IJrooder It is uiiHurpassedby any iiiachine, no mat­ ter wlnit the coat, and I# ilie M.&IVait. clieuiktrMt and moiit eMVllv niaiui»e<l candidate for puliile favor. TlicCnilft Inc"<l»ator can M ran xviili proiii at any season. Any pernon sliouK! I HI V n; lialrji- ttie first time. It batches in from It) to 24 days.' WM cuual* I liin Mfii work of the hen. - LADIES TTi°" arc Tt^iCTriinKfor peouhtaiT Independence will llndartllU lai reHrliitf of poulirT amo8tprofitai)le home industry. It requires the lea»t IMWSIIIIO capllau Doi 'N not interfere wli li household dtirien. Xlic sainv lire lliat nrrps'rM tbe meals can heat water for an iucuiiator. 1M S6M *lZli. •OO -- •« « i«SS •« '" i . SO !«• 42 IIOHKSON STREET, MBMI'IUS. Tenn.--From adtiegRS I hatched ml Chicks In the Craij? Incuhaior. I know It Is the best one made. Yotir Diana for brooder are unexcelled. 1). C. HATCH. HOPKDALK. ill.--Third trial, out of 78 ckks hatched 65 chicks. Had •ery (rood sum-ess first trial. Nev­ er had a finer lot of chickens. HELEN OKNDOKFF. SHANON, 111.--Your Incubator beats all the lions for hatching I set 145 eggs under hens and have :*> chicks. 1 set 101 in IncuWor mid have 9t good, healthy chlcka as a result. (,'. W MA Vb# HIVKBTOV. Neb.--Hatched on* brood t'lget my hand in. fully 60 per cent of all ecus put In. »• truuble lo keep an cv< n temper* turo. Shall run It all winter. * K. VAN DKSfg*. ELIZARRNITOW.V. N. V,--I lng the Craig Incubator I my first attempts at artifl ftinSS! ba'tlon a compete success. A. WALTER UUI^INO. Fs Ds CRAIG, MAKUFACTUBJHt. North EvantfoC, lite HMO 4 GENTS 1ST. STAMPS TOB CATALOSVI. Contains more useful poultry information than any (2 book. OewrlfeW v all breeds, diseases, cures, hen-houses, brooders, Incubators, *14 THXaUOW (• MAKJE UOOpsrMBt. »r«ll •afivmm • /f"? GEO. W. BESLEY, DRUGGIST ID West McHenry Illinois. -DEALER IN- Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Toilet Articles, &i. Choice Confectionery 1 The finest lin® ef Pore Candiw to be found i# %be countf^The best brauds ot (?iwars aud Smoking and Chewing Tobacco always on hand. Physicians Prescriptions carefully compounded. t5P"JLi. W. Nichols, Jr., a Jeweler of large experience, baa t-sfcwi a Window in this Store, and is prepared to do all work in hie line. % a % v:i. , >.< -V, v, "'•5 ,:%S

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