Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Mar 1886, p. 5

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WEDNESDAY, MARCH.17.1886. p> Railroad Time Table. On and Hftefr Monday. Jim? M. Trains will flu McHenry s«t«Hon K8 W OOIKO WOTH. - Iraevti Uka P»M«»(!W *. • Geneva l-ake Expreaa . w OtiHTt Lake frelfM.... .|4.45 r. a Geneva Lake Paaaenger.......w... ;,8:» " ooiwo sroaru. Omen Lake Fretjclit .s*lf A. II Geneva Lake Paaaenger 10:rt) «• Genera Lake Express genera Lake PaaaenaeT. ...• •« B. BIT88, Agent. McIIenrv. Ill MASOTUt? HCIIKNRY LODGE, NO. 158 \ F. and A. M. i < two CHAS. C. COLBT, W. M Begular CommunicationH the Saturday on or tsfore the full of the moon and every greeks thereafter. MCBXRT HAPTK* Ko. 84 R. A. M --Refru- tr Convocft.ionrheld on the second and lourtn rridaja »n each moneh. _ „ „ JOHN EVAWSO*. 11. P. FOE SHERIFF. I berebv innounra myself as a Candidate for the offlcf of Sheriff of Mrftenry nonnty at the comirg Fall election, subject to the dec il «ion of the Repablloan Ccmnly Convenu-uu W*. B. WALKKK- TO-DAT, WEDNESDAY Is St, Day. Patrick's u I* TOWN Meeting two weeki frMB next Tuesday, April 6th. EASTEK GOODS. Ju<t received at in. £. H. Nichols. EVERETT NEVILLE, has Auction on Monday next, the 32d. See notice in another 'place. Do not fall to read the Auction notice of L* C. Flanders, to be found Elsewhere in this paper. It takes plsoe on Saturday of this week, the 20th. ' C. E. CHAPBLL has an Auction of two ears of Cows, new milch and springers nod two stock Bulls. In tthe village of ' Algonquin, on Tuesday next, the 23d. REMEMBER the Fair of the Ladles of the Uulversalist Society at Riverside Hall, on Friday evening of this week. thelStli. Let everybody turn out, ^^Tow I will give fair warning that I W will not allow hens to scratch out the l#ormstn my garden without resent W u. , F. A. HEBABD. Remember that L. W. Nichols, Jr, tbe West McHenry Jeweler, does all kinds of repairing In his line and guarantees perfect satisfaction. (^GEO. ROTHERMEL, Tax Collecter for this township, returned his books last week, which show that out of a Tax of #11.857.99, he collected all but #269.26. A good showing for hard times. SIM BOX POSTER, having sold his farm near Ring wood, will have an Auction of stock, fuming tools, etc.. on Saturday of next week, .March 27th. Full notice next week.. See Posters. [*HE Trustees of the Woodland Cemetery, In this village, are nego­ tiating for the purchase of two acres of land adjoining, it having become necessary to enlarge the same. RE notice by the Chicago papers that Paul Brown, son of Dr. H. T. Browr., of this village, has been a<! mitted to the bar, and l« now a full fledged lawyer, fie Is one of McIIenrv Mirny's most proml>»lng young men. ti 13 time to prepare. The milleti- |um Is purely <1 rawing on, for an Ohio Democratic Judge has Jnst decided against his own party anil progressive eucher has been ^denounced from the pulpit. Get on your ascension robes Cor tbe day cannot be.far removed. LADIES are Invited to bring well . Ailed Baskets to the Fair, no matter whether you are a member or the Uni Verealist So slaty or not. There will «be*noname In the Baskets and the gentlemen purchasing can choose Ills ; «wn partner to sample the contents. AYER'S Hair Vigor stimulates the *q<r.y»N- 40 healthy action, and pro Quotes a vigorous growth. It contains Afll that can be supplied to make the 1 natural hair beautiful and abundant; |teeps the scalp free from dandrufl, and J laakes the hair flexible and glossy. % THE Sermon at the Unl^ersaHst Church next Sunday *mornlng, March tlst,wlll-bo entitled "Hanging up to ' dry". The services In the evening will consist of Bible readings, and how to read tbe Bible understanding^* The pastor requests all to bring Bible" with them, with pencil and paper If .they wish to take notes. THE Marengo Republican of last Week says: *'Weil, if President Cleve ' land wants to give Marengo the go by. frnd not a,tpolnt a new Postmaster, we lion't know as anybody Is going to feel Very bad about it. The present Po t- Jma«ter. Dr. Adams, and his efficient ^assistant, MII>8 Ella Allen, are very ijpopular and acceptable to the patrons lof the offloe." • • .L-aaiBMPiinAI.. HEnr* TttALEH, son of t'eter Thalen, has been quite sick the past few days, C. V. STKVEWS ha" moved UU family to Itls in ihe town of Burton, this week. mm J . W.jijiitH fte*'Mttttl* McOm* ber, i* vli» with iter mother. in this village. •GEO. ROSKKBEBGKB has b*en confined to the hou*e with rheumatism the past week. JACOB HELKEL, the West side Bar­ ber, has been 011 the sick list- the past few days. H L. ROUNDS was taken suddenly sick on Saturday last, and wa* obliged to close his shop. He Is better ftttd able to he out again now. Miss Beaeli. a resident ol' the Countv House, from this town, died in that in *titution a few days since. -Her re­ mains were biwught to Ringwood for interment. D. W. OWES, wli > has been with the firm of Pefry A Owen the past few years has changed his business and is now one of the firm of E. M. Owen ft figns. "BUTT" WALKER, of Harvard. wa» a caller at this office on Tuesday. He Informed us that he would" be a canr didate for Sheriff before the coming Republican Countv Convention GEO L SHERWOOD, J. H. Johnson. Col. Wm. A very. As*d Ud li E. W Blossom, Frank Short. Capt: Jas. Nish. S. Van Cureti, Asa W. Smith and T, J. Di»cy, all of IV to 'stock, were over to the Old Settlers Meeting on Thursday last. WE were shown a few days since a combined Milk Bucket". Strainer and Stool, that we think the finest tiling of the kind that ever came under our notice. It should be seen to be appre­ ciated as no notice we can give it will half do li justice. Every dairyman should li:iv • 01 e or more. The Agent Is now In tli.s village. eUSrttknrKwttag. The Annual Meeting of tbe bid Settlers* Association .of McHenry and Lake rtounties was held at the River­ side In the village of McHenry, on Thursday. March II. the P.esldjMjJ# Richard Itl-lmp. in the chair. ! • f ri»«-re «trt* a goodly immber Mf menihers present frutn Mcllenry Uouu- ty. but for some reason Lake County WHS HOC represented. The first btisinets in order being tbe election of officers, the following nam­ ed were elected such officers fbr the ensuing year. , * President-- Richard Bishop, Mc­ llenry. » Vice Presidents--Joel H. Johnson, Mcllenry Comity; John G. Ragan, Like County. Treasurer--George L. Sherwocd, Woodstock. Secretary --J. Van Slyke. McHenry. EXECUTIVE COMMITTED. . McHenry County- .1. II. Johnson, W. H. Ford. Asa W. Smith. Lake County--John G. Ragan, War­ ren Powers. i-- Parkhurst. On motion the Executive Commit­ tee were instructed' to meet at the Riverside H mse. In McHenry, on Thursday, May 6tli at 1 o'clock p. M., for tiie purpose ot fixing the time and place for holding the next Re-Union On moti6n the Executive Commit- tee from the two counties, at their meeting in Mav. were Instructed to discuss tiie advisability of forming a separate Association for each county, and to act as in their judgment seems best. The Secretary and Treasurer made a verbal report, which showed a balance in the treasury of #13.60. On motion adjourned to the call of the Secretary. R. Bisuor, President. J. VAN SLYRB, Secretary. PROOI.AMME Jor the next meeting of the M. C. T. A.. to be held at Woo'tl- stock Saturday, March 27.1886. "hysiolof?y 9 -It Hnrsh Examinniion in Arithmeilo J. C. Paul Language work in Brat ' wo srrailea Kiss MarKle Donnellv Cnrient Newi Mr. It intwell Civil Government H. R. Baldwin (ch'hvoloirv ••• K L. Carr S11 ppleinentar jr read in < to ue dlacnased by any pricent H> R. BALDWIN, Pre».d«at. F. L Carr, Cor. Secretary. ^DiED--On Thursday mornin*, March llth, 18HS, Philip F. Buck, aged Si years and 10 months. He had been a great sufferer for a yeas or more past, and all 'hat medical skill could 4o had been done but. with­ out avail. Inflammatory Rheumatism had been followed by other diseases, which he bore with pitlence until tired nature yielded, to the strain and flie quietly passed away. He w is a [young man recpected and honored bv all who knew him, and his bereaved parents, brothers and- sisten have thv» sympathy of the entire co uinui-iry. Ills funeral was held on S it irdav and his remains were followed to their last resting place, in tjje Jidinshurgh Cem­ etery by a arge concoursejof neighbors and friends. A CABD We w'l«h to herehv return thinks to our neighbor* aiid friends for 11»»* kind noss shown u< duri. l'g I lie la^t sickues* and death of our son. May equaliy willing hands be ktT*t«*hed lorili 10 assist j*<»u one and ail. should you b* .lied to pass through a like ordeal, Is our sincere and hearrfedt wishes. MB. AND MRS. JOS. BUCK AND FAMILY. U\- TlIE Society of I.atlles connected with the lTnlvers:ili»r. Church of Mc­ llenry ill., hold their Fair at Kiver^de Hall on Maivlt 19tii. 1886. afternoon and evening, at which lime they wish to dispose oi their -votk consisting ol Rag Carpet Bed Quilts, a large vari etv of Apron*, Fancy work tic. A Btsket lunch will b" on sale. The en'erainmet will al«o be inter oersed with Voca! and Instrumental Music ' At 8 o'clock P. M. the following mus­ ical programme will i»e rendered by the membersjol the Church Choir, as­ sisted by the McHenry Military Band and Prof. W. J.CuHerldge. Selection ...Mcllenry Military Band Glee, "All Anion* the Barley... .Cnurch C.ioir Instrumental Duet, Air. "Alexandria," .. .. UraceOwen, Prof W J Cutterldue Song. "Excelsior" Caut Waller Kill Quartette, vsunrise" I'hiireh Choir Selection .. Mclleniy Military Bind MM J. B. PKIRY, Preaident. Mas. OEO. Owcir, Seeretary. SCUTTLK, rush, cat belonging to whirl and tbe family Mrs. C. E. Piper, of I Moline; has caught a mouse. After dallying with ber prize after the usual • cruel fashion of tbe feline, she pro ceeded to eat it. She had it about half livv jeaten when 'something red md brll ""-"Kitant fell to the floor and rolled under a cbair. Mrs. Piper picked It up. ;ir ^ was a real ruby, worth hundreds of dollars, ibe mouse bad It in his stomach -- Oeneseo News. AH editor in Massachusetts, who was also deputy postmaster of Ins to«rn< was obliged to suspend the publication of Ills paper because of the pressing duties of bis govern i.ent position And herein we see a new danger. It is M attempt to muzzle the press. Sup poseng we were all to get appoint ments, there would be 00 one left to pitch Into Cleveland or Garland, and the Administration would just roll In peace and contentment, P rish the thought! It must not he. AM Inquirer asks. "Whai coior wonl I you paint a «ronn »t sea?" Tbe waves ffff, and the wiud bUw. AN exchange says that if readers ish to iiave a complete record of local events and one of the most interesting books tiiU can be had anywhere let them take a blank book, each week clip from their paper all the Items of interest and paste them under the date of the paper. an .1 at the end of the vear they will be surprised at the amount of local history had i-i one scrap hook. Cut out all church notices, weddings, births, deaths, personals and Improvements, and all such Itenu that are'interesting, and in a few years vou will have a collection that you would not part with foi any other bonk that could be procure I. Teacher** (examinations Teachers' examinations will be held' as follows;-- Saturday. March 20th, Marengo. Monday, M?irch 22 >d. Nnnda. Tuesdav. March 23rd, McHenry. Wednesday, March' 24th. Kichmond. Tliursdar. Mar^'t 25'h, Hebron. Friday M «rch 21 h. II irvard. " , Monday. March 29'h, Huntley. Tuesday March 30th, Woodstock. Teachers will p|«asn u«e legal cap for their work, (examinations wi 1 commence at 9:00 A. M. LESTER HAKBKR. CO. Suj>t. Schools. ;TC»RDOFTH%NK«. FROM "MOTHER AND CHILDltKH. We wish to say to the friends and neighbors who so kindly aided us in our fatherV • IRS! illness, we as one xtend to thein our thanks and gratl tude for the many word* and act* of oinfort and. kindness shown us in our roW' > ( lltts. H. W. R<ITNK, MK AND MHN O,' I NRT, MR AM* MKS S. BRINK, MK, AM> MRS M. V.COLKMAN THE Hebron Dramatic Club, under the direction of Howard Wall, former |y of the Budgett of Fun Comoanv have advertised to appear at Ring wood on Saturday ^venln* of thi week, March 20th, at. which time they wlii produce the celebrated Comedy- Draina, "Among the Breakers,'1 and the funniest Negra Farce ever written entitled, 'The Coming Man." This Club have an enviable reputation, and those who have seen them pronounce their acting equal, if not superior to any amateur organlzitlon In this sec tlon. The Drama is a good one and we caneafely predict for our readers in Ringwood and vicinity a rich treat on Saturdav evening. Turn out and give them a full house. MTA special invitation Is extended to the McHenry Military Baad to be present on that o.wion. Our German frleuw mg^a merry making at Section Boss Rittt last Fri­ day nlylit. 1 lie occasion was the mar* rlage of hi* daughter Minnie, to Mr. Chris Smith. A large number ot tbe friends and relatives «f the parties assembled at Papa Rltts and enjoyed a liountilul display of good things for the delectation of the Inner man, and shook the light fantastic 'till the "w« sma hours." A worthy couple art liai pUy launched on the sea of matri­ monial bliss, and may piece, joy and plenty ever be their portion. Our milk shippers, to the number of about thirty, assembled at the office ot fioq. Beardsly on Saturday last, and again discussed the milk business. A circular was read from "Headquarters Milk Producers Union," Chicago, under date o« Feb. 19, ai d signed hy W. W. Morton. Dundee, J. M. Thompson. Joliet, and H Giikeison. Hampshire. Snid circular urges the milk producers to keep up a thorough organization, at shipping points. Claiming that their eflorts In that direction since last fall had resulted In a saving to them of one hundred and fifty thou*- and dollars. Citing the succtss met ith by Labor Union, the Irish Land League, and kindred associations. Adjuring them not to enter into com­ petition with .each otfcer, to see who could make the cheapest milk. Re- questing them to send delegates to a coivention to be held at the Grand Pacific, In "Chicago, on April 9th, fur them with the names of all shippers number of cans shipped daily, the price .which the organization think lair to fix for milk for the coming six mootlil, and the forfeiture they would tlx on each can sold under price. One delegate allowed from each Station, and one for every one hundred cans daily sLIpped. There were present shippers from Cary, Algonquin and Ridgeflcid. On acco-int of the absence of John Palmer, wtio is or the execu­ tive committee, and was called to Clii- ago on an early train, but little, or nothing was done except the giving of the usual am >unt of advice, and the meeting adjourned to meet at tbe call of the President, The suit of Smith vs. Frank Beards- lejr as garnashee, was tried on Satur­ day last before E»q. Mallory. M. F. Ellsworth attorney for the plaintiff, and C. P. Barnes being sick, young Mr. Higgina, from the office of Joslvn A Barnes, appeared for defense. A judge menr tor thirty dollars and costs was rendered for plaint III. Mr. Barnes had better be careful how he sends Mr. Higglns to take his place, a* he may soon All it too well to be called a student. Many of our people, young and old. are complaining of colds, eplzooty, or pizootlc" or whatever It is. The symptoms are a seriou* enlargement the head, a flushed face, swelled nose, hoarseness.etc. * s \ • * * :?• ' ' - AUCTION SALE. RINCWOOD. EDITOU PLAISDKALER:--Our school closed last week. The Bell hoy» left, with R. Tweed, lr.. f«>r Davenport. Ne*>.. last Monday. Dan Au ringer moved to Solon Monday. Mrs. H P. Bucklaud. who has been quite sick again is much better. Libb'.e Beach, welt known In this vicinity, died last Sa'urday at the county poor farm. In Hartland. We learn there is to he a Cemetery meeting <ome evening this week. We are selling barbed wire as cheap as my one In thn market. J. W. CRISTY & SON. Martin Spaulding sold his "Jersey** to Frank Pirker, of McHenry. Sbe is a good one. Judge Brewer has dismissed court for a few days, and is at present eujoy ir.g a siege of the mumps. The Hebron Club will visit us next Saturday evening, March 20th, wtth their Interesting play "Among the Breakers." We hear it is a very nice play, and that this club is har l to beat Come out and hear them. The Ladies Church Aid Society will mt-et this week Thursday. March. 18th at J unes M. Carr*s. All aie invited. D. A. Whiting and family were pleasantly surprised by some of their relatives last Prid ty eveuin*. All en )oyed a good social time, also a good supper. Some of the young people called on Walter Cristy last Thursday evening and had a good social time. We have a complete stock or mer rhandise. consisting of s'rictly first etas* goods wlitch we are sailing cheip If In need of any Nhing in our line come and see us. It will do you good J. W CKISTV & SON. The exhibition last Saturday even ing was a success in every particular. All of the pieces were very ably rend ered. more especially the declamations, Til* attendance was good, and all were well pleased wi<h me entertainment The Big Five r«lr Circuit fill e 11 brace Kockford, Aug. SI to Sept. 4; Belvidere. Sept. 7-10; Wood Stock, ^ept. 14 17- Elkhorn. Wis. Sep* 21 24; Waukegtn, Sept. 27 to Ocr. 2 This will make a grand circuit and one which will create great enthusiasm. A. S. WEIGHT, Secretary. Pulverizing Harrows. The Randall, Keystone, a ul Rose Disc for a wheel, and the Lane which beats the Acme, for a, Knife narrow. Call a E. M. Own A Sons aud get lowest, prioea. Plows. Plows, and Plows. We have the following makes which we warrant to suit any farmer Ora«id>*toiir. Moline. J-dm D-^er*. (Jase Norwegian, Thompson's Norwegian, Skandia, Garden Oily and Star, all ot the oitle^t makes which injures success in a good plow an I warranted to scour in any soil. E M. OWEN A SONS ttood and Iron of all fcizes, ai E. M. Owens y Pumps, both k I iido and sons. The finest line of Top and Combined Buggies ever brought to (lit* Comity at E. M.Owen A Sons, and way down ou priccs. GREENWOOD BniTOB PLAIKDRALRR:--Our wolf hunters killed another waif last Monday Our merchant, Prank Mansfleht. WSnt tO Cbict»jro la«t week after goods. John Gruikahank, one ot our blacksmiths, has been quite sick, jtat is recovering at present. Aorotherof Chris. Stratton Is expected to more into a psrt of Mr*. Dasnow's house soon Mr. WepMon'M little girl has been quite si<'k. Olie Hackett, of Wis., spent a short time in thi» place last week, visiting relatives and friendo. Jimmy f)rnlk»hunk in having the roof af hi* bon«e raised Jam' ts is the Ixus workmen. Ed D.'1-.sow wan Kick a few days last week, •hit took his place in the factory during his abaence, Mrs. Nellie Daesow went to Harvard Wed. "neMay, to visit her sister, Mrs. Frank Drake, who is very sick. Frank Man«tl«l' IIIM employed his brother John to clerk for him 'luring the summer Ora Howe hint commenced work on Frank ManaHeld's house. Frank will soon be living near his place of business. Mrs. D-. Hart and Nellie Baldwin have been sick with-celds during the.last week. Charlie Jones tooy an unintentional bath last Frutay, whil% walking on the lee on the mill pond. f hat wolf matter (which we mentioned last week.) was settled. The men who took the wolf paying the hunters the bounty and twenty dollars more. itev. FR. Swart wont formerly resigned as pastor of the Baptist Church Sunday morn­ ing, to take effect ilie last Sunday In April. Dr. A. E. Ilaldwin, of Chicago, with his brother H. R , of Hebron, made their parents a visit la*-t Saturday afternoon, the Dr. re­ maining over Sunday. Business called him out from the City. We learn that at the competitive examina­ tion tor the selection ofa Cadet to West t'oint from the Fifth Congressional District, there is one proiaiuent educator selected from each ceunty In the district. We learn that H. R,~ Baldwln, of Hebron, has the appointment from this county. We think the choice a good one, and shows an appreciation of his standing as an educator In this coun y. It Is evident his standing as an educator la second to none in the <'ounty ALOOMOUIN EDITOR PLAINDKALKH :--Mrs. Peter returned home from Chicago on Mon­ day of last week. Mort<>n and Jencfcs shlped a ear load of stock to Chicago, ou Tuesday ot lnst week. * ' Eranlc Plngry got up quite a runa­ way on Tuesday of list week, which resulte I In a badly smashed up carriage. ~ Mr. and Mrs. J, A. Sherwood attend ed^a Progressive Eucher Party at Elgin on Tuesday of last week, at D. K Sherwood's. „ R-me in ber the Lltefary meeting on Friday evening of tlitn week, subject or debate "Resolved that Capital Pun­ ishment. as a matter of Public Policy, is advisable. Smith Chapman, of Chlsngo. made friends here a short visit last week . Win. Smitli and family start on Wednesday of tills week for Dakota, where they intend locating. Mrs L. Thomas, ol Ninula. mad9 friends here a call last week. The Ladies Aid Society of the Con­ gregational Church meet it the resi­ dence of Mrs. Bigelow *on .Wednesday of this week. Di*d, March 12th, 1886. of Pneum.f> nla, Mrs Kobs, mother of- Geo. Kobs. aged 77 years, 2 months and 10 days. The funeral was held at the German Luthern Churcli on Sunday, 14th lust,, at 2^0 p. M. and the remains were fil­ tered in our cemetery. D. W, Thomas started west 011 Wednesday of last week to buy milch cows. Mrs. Ed Morton, Sr. was taken quite sick with chills ou Wednesdar of lat>t week, but Is tomewhat better at the present writing. Dr. Watson-of Nunda. Is in attendance.. C, E Chapell started north on Thursday of last week to buy milch cows, so look out for a choice lot of cows soon. rs. Geo. Dodd gave a progressive eucher party on Friday evening of last week. iud as usual there was a very pleasant eve 11 in spent by all present. Mrs J. A. S'lerwood Ivts been on the sick list the past few days. S. S. Chapell is spending a few days in Chicago with his son George. Mr. and Mrs Nason. of Alpeno Mich, are visiting here with their son. Dr. Nason. Mrs. E. A. Ford returned home on Saturday {last from a visit to Chicago. Mrs S. A. French, ol Chicago, was the guest of the family of II. lilii liips last week. ffAUCONDA. EDITOR PLAINDEAI.KU:--Mr. W. P. Hill,, represent ing the Mutual Reserve Fund Life Association, spent last week in Wuucouda. Mr. Will Toynton and Miss Lilv Br«»ok* were married last. week. Tliev Intend making Minnesota their future home. t;harles Wells clos« d his School In Flint Creek with a grand exhibition niu-ie by the Waiiv'ouda band being a pramiwat frum*; " Mrs Thoma« Glynch died suddenly Tuesday eve, March 2d. A Dim» Sociable will be held at Robert. Harrison's nejet Friday evening Evefy body Invited. Lew Hai'g*. James H iipi i and Ar tlmr Smith Iiave gone to Dikota. Fred Bangs, soi. of Aiuhrow Rangs. f Iowa, is vxi s liere Tbe undersigned will fell at Public Auction, on tho old Sam McMillan farm, 5 miles South of Mcilenrr. and a mile North of the Terra Cotta Tile works, on Saturday, March 20th, 1888. commencing at 1 o'clock, the following jjroperty. 1 good cow, live years old. cow 3 years o.d. 1 lieifer 2 years old. with call by her side. 3 heifers 2 years old. coming in soon, 2 yearllug heifers span good work horses, 1 choice brood iftare, with foal. 1 span 3 year old geldings, broke, 1 yearling colt, 3 choice brood sows, with pig, 1 lumber wagon. 1 set double harness, 1 set light driving harness, 1 new cutter.! sulky corn plow, nearly new, 2 stubble plows, I breaking idow, 1 horse rake, difk pulverizer: 1 Ave tooth cultiva tor. double shovel plow, 3 harrows, pair platform scales, will weigh fifteen hundred pounds, pair bob slel hs, wood rack, about fifteen tons choice tame hay. In barn. 150 bushels o»ts. quan'itv corn in crib, some seed c >rn, a lot of potatoes, conk stove, heating stove. tui'K cans aud other articles not mentioned. I'KKMS OF SALE:--Sums of 910 and under cash. Over that sum a credit of 10 months, on approved notes at 7 per cent. 2 per cent ofl for cash. No property removed until Settled for. Frj'e lunch at noon. °f L. C. FLANDEBS. F. K. GRANGER, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE* The hndersigned, having closed a term of years lease, will sell at Public Auction. 011 the James Neville farm, 3} 11.ileg Northwest of Wxuconda, and miles East of tlie Mudgett Cheese Factory, on Mondav, March 22. 1886. tinnencing at 1 o'clock, P. M. the fol­ io *iug property. 8 cows, new milch ans springers, very choice. I two year old heifer, 3 yparilng heifers. 3 year ling steers, 2 yearling bulls, 3 calves, 1 span b-y mares, thiee and four years old. 1 Aimont colt, coming 2 vears old 1.yearling colt. 1 Emerson A Fi*l»er buggy, a'liiost new, 1 good cutter, 1 sin gh- harness. 1 milk wagon 2 plows, and other articles too numerous to men tlon. TERMS'OF SALE:--All sums of #10 and under. Cxsli. Over that sum a credit of lO months on approved no^es at 7 percent. 2 per cut of! for cash. EVERETT NEVILLE. F. K. GRANGKR. AIICI ioneer. HEB AON. EDITOR PLAINDEA LER:--Masquerade Tuesday i.ight. Mr. Jesse Baldwin, frott Chicago, is visiting liis brother. Mrs. Frank Torrence gave a pro­ gressive euchre party Saturday even* Ing. Miss Glennor., from Woodstock, is the guest of Miss Ella Rowe Mrs. Ad "Ison Philips is slowly yield­ ing her lite to that dread destroyer, consumption. Miss Eva Smith, who has been a pending tne winter with Mr, Dart's people, returned last week to ber home at Graud Rapids, Michigan. Mrs f. W. Soper is very low with typhoid pneumonia, her life being despaired of. H. M. Soper came out from t'hicagn Friday night and D. W. Soper is expected to night (Sunday,) from Kansas. • • Mavor" Hanver, of Blgfoot. and Mlsa Minnie Dauchey. of this place, were married at Geneva L«ke on Wednesday, March 10th. Our best wishes are theirs. Building has again commenced in South Hebron. W. O. Boughton is having a blacksmith shop erected and Chas. Durkee has the lumber on tbe ground tor a new dwelling house. W. R. Kane surprised his friends last week, b-iiigiug a wlf« with hint, nn Ida teturn from the elty. Tiie bride. Mrs. Sarah Smith, is a lady well known here, and their Irieud* wish tbetu much joy. For Mo ot On account of sickness I !!!^c!;:ailth aad Wagoa S village of McHeory, for 8ato «r AMI. T' There is a Blacksmith Shop ttx*. Wagon Shop 30zi4, with and Store Room in second story. Alas a Warehouse on North aide MxXl. Is In good location for this or any other kind of busiaess. Will sell on reason- | able terms, or will Rent with or wltb> out Tools. PHILLIP HAUPBRISCB, F McHenry, 111, March 16th, 1886. Work Horses fsr Sals. For Sale a good work team, 8 a*d 11 ; years old. Will weigh 1200 eash. Fsr other partlculars^inqulre of JACOB HAUPnoMH*, . McHearv. March 16. 1881. Iliisliieflfl Notice*, City residences for sale, Asa w. Smith, Woodstock, DL Everything in the Hardware lias St bottom figures, at E. M. Howe's. Celluloid Sets, cheaper than *evex bs- fore at G. W. Besley's, West SIds. Clothes Wringers, both the Novelty and Universal. Your choioe for fS.75 at John I. Story's. Floe Scrap Books ouly flJK at & W.« Besley's. West Side. Celluloid Combs, only 30 cents, at O. W. Besley's, West Side. House and Lot For Sale. In the village of Ringwood. Con tains 10 Room*. Also a B trn Wood shed and other outbuildings, well, cistern, etc., on the premises. With twenty rods of Depot. Go »d Garden Apple Trees, etc. Price For terras and other partlcu lars Inquire of - WESLEY LADD, Ringwood, March 5th, 1886. 34-6 month** FOR SALE. In the village of Waucondt a two storv building, 28x30 feet, nearly new Well located and the 2nd., stor\ finished oft for living rooms. Wa* l.iiilr and used for a Blacksmith Shop Having no tne for It I propose to se.l it ch iap or ex -hinge f,»r other prop erty. Would like a good Span ot Horses toward It. For further partic­ ulars a ipiy to vV. H, FORD, R verslde House, McHejry. 33 tf. To Cash Buyers We ofler extra Inducements in Fkm« made tr >m Minnesota lia^d Wheat, « trial will be appreciated. . FI'Z«i'n*»ion<» A Evanson. & fancv (solid coii.rO hemstitciie« II <ndkercbiefs for 10 cents at Bonslett A Stoflel's. Lnce Curtains. Tidies, Lamberklus, - Bedspreads and Shams, cheap, at Mrs, Schumacher's, near the Depot. ^ flue line of Stove Boards, differs ok , sites and styles, at John I. Story's, Look at the choioe Candies at Bss- ' ley's Drug Store, West End, DOMESTIC Piano and Furniture Pol- " ish. tim finest thing iu the market, al Besley's Drug Store. The Lyman Barb Wire, both plain and galvaniied,decldedly the best Wire in the market, at John I, Story's. Besley's Famous Wankegan Ale and Porter On draught at J. Bonslett's, •. la- glen's and John Helmer's. IF you want to make yoar Bam : I'op look as good as new get the Bra- rlonal Patent Leather Snaaael at Besley's Drug Store. Mrs. Schumacher. . Visits Chicago every weekend will take in your orders and furnish goods it the lowest Chicago prioes. ('00k and Heating stoves, both Coal - tnil Wood, of the latest stylss aad'\ oat torus,at J, I. Story's. ^ Bird Cages, both Brass sod Japan. lie finest asaortineut in to wo, at J. I. >tory's. BESLEY'S Ale and Porter is the best 1 iisde. on draught In McHenry at Jacob -' Jtoi.sletf 6, A. Englon'a. and lleimer's. < ^ GLASS I GLASS F R* We keep Glass of all sfxe«'coflittlrttiy MI band Special si*e» cut without extra charge JOHM I. SIHIHT, ? : The Nickel B rn l>oor Roller, ac-s Siiiowledged by all to he the best things if the,kind ou the iu trket, for sale by Iwhii 1. Story. Wall Paper. New and elegant styles. Iarg» assort meiit .1 |>iice" reasonable at B'ltzsim mmiS & Kvai-onN. Ladies Rubbers Onlv 29 cents >t I'.-n v A Oweu*S, For Saie- I ofler for sale my F irm of 110 acreu situated 3 miles from Richmond known as the old Newcombe Farm one half mil" from school imose.atid wi'li a living spring ru«tni g thron./h it, MAJ<»U NOBLE. Hlcliiiiond. Mateh 17. 1886. For Sale. A house aud iot in this village. Is well located, the house new, having been built, last seaaoo. and i* a very desirable piece of property. Will be s«dd cheap If applied for soon. Will give possession at once. For further particulars inquire at this office. Reduced Prices. LUMBER WAGONS, Complete, oniv ®45 00 Carriages and Milk Wagons at cor* responding low priceB. Horse Shoeing a -peciaity. New Shoes ..26 cents Setting 10 cents ^ Call and see us 35-Sra <;rimoi,BY A PINT. Ringwood, March 17,1886. WHEN the blood Is loaded with im­ purities, und moves sluggishly in the veins, an alternative is needed. This condition of the vital, fluid canno last long without serious results. There is nothing better than Ayer's Sarsaparilia to purify the blood, and Imptrt energy to the system. Call for the " W inning Stroke'*, a new Brand of five cent Cigars, mauufactur ed by Burblan Bros. It beats them all. L. W. Nichols, Jr. the Jeweler, in West McHenry, does not make a speciality of CHEAP WORK, but has for liis motto, '• Promptness and good work. CALL and see the new stock of Spring Millinery at Mrs, H II. Nichols, For Sale. The undersigned offers tor sale hi residence, and two acres of land; slrua ted in the village ofRingwo>d I well located, in good repair arid on tlie p-emises are all kinds of small fruit, ail in a healthy and bearing condition It is. with all. a very desirable piece of property. Good t)«rn and outbuilding" For terms aiul other particular* cill on the uudertsigned ou the premises. WM. LAMOUAM, Ringwood. March 9th. 1886. For Lsee Curtains Screen Cloth, new style Window sSiiH«les. Curtain Poles and 'fixtures, call on Bonslett A Stot- fel. 8se'dsrs« Seeders,. Seeders. Van Brunt. Prthle Hty, V\ | liana? qad £uckeye4 at £ M Qwi u A Sons. Solo Agents Fur 15. M. Uemlersmi's celebrated »ch<»t»l slioes. See them at P«?ry A Owen's, , Dried .Apples. Prunes,. Lem.»n* A Or:»nge«, all • e# an l cheap tor cash a< Fitz.immons & Kvatfon's. 6 pound* Scleral n- -25 aents for up at FiiZ'itiinionii A Evanson's. cast OIK pound b<>x •18 cents for cash Evanson's. link<tig Powder onl* at Fitzsommons A Buy of us good T weiing and Sheet ing at 4J cents per vard BON8I.KTT ft STOFFBL. Last chance to hoy Keg Syrup for fl,15 at Bonslett A Stoflel's. For Sale* One Sorrel Horse, six years old, Weight about eleven hundred pounds GEO. H. HARRISON. Two and a half miies Southwest of Ringwood. 33--ft. HAY FOR SALE. About ten tons a No. 1 Tl<nothv nay for sale. Is the second crop and was put jp wlthout getting a drop ot rain. Inquire on tlie premises, half a mile South of Bishop's Mills. Also 60 bushels of good Potatoes 33--3 weeks. MICHAEL CI.ART. Men's Rubbers. Only 49 cents at Perry A Owen's. We sell 4 pairs good ladies hose for 20 cents. BONSLETT A STOFPEL. Good whole Codfish only 4 cents per pound at Bqusiett A Stoflel's. The Great Russian Remsdy. Geo. w. Westing, Bishop, IU., writes Feh 4th. 1886. G Dickinson <£ Son, Barringlon, 11L Your Russian Liniment is gaining ground aud I anticipate large salea the coming year. T. S. Wlnton & Son. Prospect, Wis writes: I am selling more of your Rcssian Liniment th in any other litis ment. and it is giving good satlsfsc tlon." For sale by all Druggists. Notice, To those that want Tubs, Vats, Hay Racks,and anything iu mv due of bust Work done on xhort notice to order. Shop one door South ot Law lus' Store, F. A. HEBARD. Mollenry, Aug. 10,1*85. U-t-lj For Sale or Exchange, One good house and barn with other out huiidiii^b, good orcn.iid and all in good bhupe. wiih land from 1 to 14 acre?; or wi'l sell a part of the land by tn»* acre without the buildings, Also Mill .sell nouie goo<t lots to anvoue tw build. Wlli aell i,uy or the whole of tli" above property very low, trade for a good firm or for Western laud. The anove property is well altu- aied near the depot in We*. McHenry 111. 29tf S. Rathomu. - Full stock of Ladies line nhosi, Miss- i es line shoes. Mens fine shoes. Boys snoes, Mt Perry A O.ven's if yotl Wint to learn how to Peli»%; our Bi gg.v 'or One Dollar, call at" '- '.esley'rt Dsug Store, VV(»si Eod. Ye Our iinmense line of new Wall Papep ' Hord< rs. i'eilln,' Paper. Outer Pi» oesi md Corners will be bere soon. Waifi md see our samples. - PBBST A OWBM. ; Rnhher- and Rubber at Perry A Owei.'s Boots all slsssv Fish! Fish! Fish! Mackerel and White Fish In *to d half barrels, whole and honeles#- 1, Herring in qu trter barrels anal K«ifs. at lowest prices at Perry # Owen's. J Buy only good Kerosene Oil. 'fb«r:Sv best oeo be found at Perry A Oapsa^p. FARM FOR SALS. ^ ^ The un erdgued offers for sate atf • farm, situated four miles west of , Mcllenry. consisting of 246 acres Iqt good location and an excellent Dal farm. Or will trade fir s. sra%l farm. Apply to PHILIP GIISKLBB. 20--3 months. •4"" NOTICE TO HOI.DER4 Of MOBBKBV OOUXTT ORDBB4. Notl» Is hereby given that on thSt first day of April, 1886, I will pay all?; the outstanding 6 per cent. 9900 Mop- Henry County Orders. Interest wil|?* cease on saltrco-orders Aoril 1st, A. IV 1886. JAMES VISH. Co, Tress. Woodatock, III., f eb. S2, 18SL Mv FARM FOR RENT. Containing nearly 300 Acres, sltua» ted two miles from McHenry villin^ Possession given March 1st, 1886. roiF further information call on B. Bishop at the Fox River Valley Mills ^ MRS. L <}. GATKS. . McHenry, Feb. 1st 1886. Great Reduction. 1 will until further notice maks tures at toe following low rates: Cabinet Photos, per doc ~ Cabinet Photos, per half dos J.0| Card Pho'os, per dot.... 209 - Card Photos, per half dos L59 Satisfaction given In all esses, sa formerly. L. E. Bsmnm. • SENSIBLE MAX Would use Kemp's Balsam for th# Throat and Lungs. It is curing mote cases of Coughs, Asthut, Bronchitis* Croup, and all Throat and Loaf Troubles, than any other medielBOh"*' The proprietor has authorised Gee. Wj» B»*sley to refund your money if, aftst tiding three-fourths of a bottle, relief is not obtained. Prioe 60 ossts and 91» Trial size free. For sale in McBsnry by Geo. ¥|, Besley. •M : ¥4 DOW COB® 1^1 [IMPROVED.] |T perfe<u flttin*, troly eo«aS*f%l»l# ta tbe only perfect fitting, . and health |>r«jier*iuir C«'raet mad* HMM Elastic s«uiii)D above an>1 feeiew S Osteesf, C«uioruiece Entirely iliSmat fteas SMf •toer. Krerv Conwi 1* iliiapal aed aSaajaSfc:. Iv tJnarant®«.t m everr partlMler. •SSeMS; to *et t.i» Bfrwa* nassae. *m»m«wi«al# f e ' l r ^ a l ^ ^ g o o d a S t M « S f f S U ! q ^ WiMMTM. rtW» $

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