Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Apr 1886, p. 5

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ifJIIIMISV ftliiilfiifir JITJ®"! fiiuwiiWi WEDNESDAY. APRIL 7, 1883, Railroad Time Table. On and after Monday, June 15, (Train* will pass McHenry station as below: OOINO SOUTH. Seneva Lake Passenger.. 7:88 A. M Benera Lake Express .8:25 " Ocn»!Ta Lake Frefsht 1S:45 p. M Geneva Lake Pa»a«nger............ ..3:» •« OOF!*** NORTH. Geneva Lake Freight 9*11 a. M Seneva Lake Passenger,.... . " Geneva Lqke Eiprtu 4-48 p. u Beneva Lake Punhnr 6:57 " B. Boss, Agent. McHenry. HI MASON 13 MOIIENRT LODGE, NO. 158 A. F. and A. M.-- Regular Coin muni cat ions the Saturday on or terore the full of the moon and every two •reeks thereafter. OKAS. C. OOLBT. W. M, MCBWRT HAPTER SO. 34 R. A. M --Regn- ir Con voca .tons held on the second and fourth frldaja in each moneh. JOHN EVAHBOH, H. P. ANNOUNCEMENTS. FOB SHERIFF. Announce myself as t Candidate he officc of Sheriff of McHenry county at the comic# Fall election, subject to the deci­ sion of the Republican County Convention. WM, B, \V A I.K Eli. The undersigned, being requested by many eitisens of Mcllenry County to becomc a can­ didate for Sherifi, would respecifullv an­ nounce himself a candidate for that office, subject to the decision of the Republican County Convention. C. S. CULVER. CHARLEY IS going to California to look after that Goose. OUR Public School will open for the spring Term, on Monday next. Do not fall to read the Carpet notice of Jubten Bros., In anotherlcolumn. LOOK oi.t for'tlie new advertisement of M. Englen, next week. C. V. STEVENS IS stocking his farm in the town of Burton, with » fine lot of young stock. THERE is a fair piospecttof a first class Bakery being located here. We hope it will come. / JOHN MYRES is expected down the / river to dty with a raft containing I thirty cOrds of dry wood. Y THAT "April Fool" we received from /English Prairie was of the right kind, I Shake. X THE cold weather still sticks to us. [ We tolerate it, we have no taste for y It, but--we are strongon fried oysters. READ the new advertisement of W. , H. Dwight, Woodstock, to be found in another column. JOHN P. SMITH, Jeweler, has a new advertisement on the first page of this paper. / THE Post Office at West McHenrv /WAS moved on the firat instjwt ami I Allen Walsh, the new^pTlii) now has charge of the same. ' WE are under obligations to some one for a Huron. Dakota, paper. It is a creditable sheet, and looks as If It was In a prosperous condfti >n. R, A, HOWARD of the West Side Market, has purchased ol Richard Carr, Ringwood, a lot of extra Beeves, wh|ch he will slaughter for his trade, T. L. TURNER, of WaucondR, has- purchased the Meat Market of E. Lam- phere. in this village, and taken .possession of the sama^ He proposes to keep a first class Market, and hopes to merit a share of public patronage. A young man from this village was politely Invited by a young lady to accompany her to Chicago on Saturday morning last, and for fear he would get bashful and back out. Constable Lelckem went along as body guard. Oh, you naughty, naughty man. SOME one shrewedly remarks that a fa-t walking horse Is of a more practU cal value to every farmer and to every man who has use for a horse than a trotter, and says it is strange county _ and town fair managements do not oiler premiums for fast walking horses / THE wife of John F!usky, who lives /south of this village, on the Nunda /road, died on Sunday morning last. I She had been In poor health lor sonie 1 time, but her death was not looked for iso soon. Her romalns were taken te ySlgln for Interment. ^WHILE at Harvard a few days since we had the pleasure of meeting our old friend R. F. Taggart, Dentist, former­ ly of Wauconda, who , has located at Harvard, and informs us that he Is doing a fine business. His many friends in this and Lake couoty will be glad to learn of his success. LOST.--On March 27th. somewhere In the village of Mcllenry or oil the road between McHenry and the resi­ dence of Wm, Thomas. West oft; McHenry, a ladies Gold Neck Chain, i- The Under will be suitably PHMONAK. W. P. MORSE. of Nunda, WAS a caller rat this office on Tuesday. MRS. JAS, WALSH was reported quite sick on Monday evening. H. C. FABER, of Richmond, mad* our sanctum a pleasant call on Saturday. , -Du BRAND, of Chicago, Is the guest of Dr. C. H. Fegers.Jn this village. MRS. 3. BABBITT of Oakland Cali­ fornia, was visiting with O. N. Owen Ht«d wife a fe» days since. MRS. DR. C. H. FEGERS spent a part of last week wlllt friend* in Wood­ stock. MRS C. E, CHAPELL. of Algonquin, spent Sunday in this village, the guest of O. N. Owen and wife. LEW OWEN has been under the weather the past week, but is around again. * . MISS MART BONSLETT. daughter of J. Bonslett. has tx-eii quite ^ck the past few days. CHAS. GRANGER *iid Ifmnk Parker, •fart tomorrow for;a trip to California They take advantage of the low rates. MRS. D. S. BABBITT, of Elgin, is visiting for a few days with her daughter, Mrs. O. N. Owea, III this village. E, M, OWEN ha* been confined to the house for the past two or three weeks with rheumatism. His friends hope to see him around again soon. GEO. OWIMOLBT starts for Dakota to da? Wednesday, where be has taken up some land, and will settle. He takes along three or four horses. FKANK FAT, who has been engaged at the Red Front Drug Store. Wood­ stock. Is on our streets this week. He goes to Chicago next week, where he expects to get a situation In a Whole* sale house. IT VOS better dot you buy a^tlcket before start Ing for Chicago next time! Walking vos not goot one of dose days! Don" It. And dot conductor, he vas a mad C. E. CHAPELL. of Algonqu'n, has another Auction of a car of Cows, new milch and springers, in that village, on Monday next, commencing at 9 o'clock A. M. F. K. Granger, of this village, is the Auctioneer. AN Irate farmer threw a brick bat at dog, In this village, the other day, and missed the dog. But the bat hit five candidates for Sheriff, and just missed one or two who have strong inclinations that wav. WE learn that Prof. Faber. late Prin­ cipal of the Richmond Public School, contemplates starting a paper In that village at an tarly day. Professor, when you hear the ' Devil" cry copy, and something else, a few limes, you II wish you hadn't. But all the same, here's success to you. M. NEIL, who has been in the Mill of R. Bishop, In this village, for the past, year of two. has severed his con­ nection with that institution with the intention, we believe, of going West. Mr. Neil Is a good miller, and has our best wishes for success In his future ho ne, wherev«' that mav be. AN excTiange tells us that If a piece of charcoal Is iaid on a burn the pain will subside immediately, and if left upon the wound for an hour It will cure it. This seems almost Incredible, but as a piece of charcoal is readily procurable, it thould be kept in everv house for im nediate use and tts effi­ cacy tested. LECTURE. H. W. Thomas, D. D., the ramous Chicago minister. will lecttir* at Cout mans Opera Hou*e, Richmond, Illinois. Monday evening, April 1*2th. Subject "Doubt." Music by the 'Riehmond Glee Club. Admision, 25 cents. Re­ served seats 33 cents. Tickets for sale at A. R. Alexander's Drug Store. --. NOTICE. To persons wishing to attend* the Citrus Fair held at Chicago from April 1 to April 24,1886. We will sell excursion tickets on Thursdays 8th. 16th and 22nd, and on Fridays 9th. 16th and 23rd at 92 round trip good for 4 days. B. Buss, Agent. rewarded *• by returning the same to Wm. Thomas ' •r leaving It at this office. t, THAT slight cold you think so littler of may prove the forerunner of a com-' plaint that may be fatal. Avoid thisfe result by taking Ayer's rCherry Pectos- ral, the best remedy for colde,ooughs,»d oatarrah, bronchitis. Incipient con-*8 sumption, and other throat and luiig^ diseases. js ^'How are we ever going to get*1 through our spring and summer's"' woikP We are all run down, tired out, before It begins." So say many i farmer's family. We answer, try Ayer's Sarsaparllla, This is Just the medicine you need, and will pay compound In­ terest on jliejiione^ MRS BRTER, wirpof Henry Bryer, ^West McHenry, idledenThursday morning last, after a brief illnes^r She was somewhat advanced in years, and tho cause of h»r death was a general breaking dowu. Her funeral was hHd on Saturday, from tne M. E. rhurch. the Lutheran mluiater from Oys'al Lake officiating, and her remain* were deposited In the Woodland Cemetery. am towii Meeting in McHenry. 'he Town Meeting In McHenrv, on ueadav. passed oft very quietly, but t the same time i good deal «f arnest work wa» done, Tbere werp s usual, two tickets In the It ?ld, via, he Union Ticket, headed by F. K. Granger for Supervisor, and the Peoples Ticket, headed bv John Huemann. For the office of Town Clerk, Assessor and Collector there was no opposition, the names being the same on both tickets. The result was the election of the entire Union Ticket, by majorities ranging Irotn one to one hundred and seven. Gr*or*«\ for Supervisor had a majority over Huemann of 107, while E.dredge. for Constable, had a majority over Wlghtman of 1 vote. The following are the nainetof the officers elected. Supervisor-- F, K. Granger. Town Clerk--¥. G. Mayes. Assessor-- Peter Rothermel Cotlector-- Matliias Uelmer. • Commissioner of Highways*-Allen P. Colby. Constable---Charles T^. Eldredge. a* I expected," and "I knew 'twould be so." are much abused phrases which we Invariably hear from a certain class of far sighted (?) people. In connection with any occur­ rence out of the general run of every day events, when, if the troth were known, nine times out of a possible ten, such thought never racked their brains, or caused them to lose one minute of sweet repose. They always know,, when some unhappy couple severed the bonds which bound them "for better or for worse" that It wouM be just so. They knew, too, when somebody's boy or girl makes a mis- itep and went wrong that they were eveutually coming to It. Oh, s*es. these people expected this all along (proba­ bly if some country editor should suo ceed In getting all his delinquent subscribers to pay up, they would have anticipated it.) But they never said a kind word or gave a bit of timely advice to check the course of these misfortunes--aud still they expected It all the time, they did. Well, maybe they did. but what a blessing It would be to humanity If these people possess­ ing the extraordinary faculty would warn their fellow-creatures beforehand of the calamities which they knew or expected would befall them, but they don't do It--"there's the rub." Un doubtedly. aa long as Time, predoml nates, and we are allotted only three meals a day, this species of mankind will abide with us. and as they pass away one by one and a^» planted in the cold damp ground, the tree toad as ft warbles, and the wind as It sobs a sad requiem over their last resting place will seem to say. "Just as I expected." --Marengo i>epublican. ' Mi WE 'iave sometimes published noti­ ces for the "Rutledge Publishing Company, E 'Ston, P»»nn.," advertising their "Biblical Rewards"--as. for Instance, they will offer apprize of #20.00 to the person tellir g them, be fore a certain date, which la the "ehortest verse," or which the ""longest chapter" in the New Testament, all persons trying for the reward being required to send twenty cents with their at-swer, We have learned that their promises are not kept, and have reason to believe that thfe co npany Is a fraud, working a scheme oI petty, swindling tluough the mails, by tbe aid of such newspapers as they can persuade, by their plausible offers/to publish their advertisements. Onco upon a midnight dreary, I was tossing weak and weary. For I had a fit of ague, And mv bones wero very sore. Suddenly I read a label, Of a medicine on my table, But to reach't I scarce was able; I was so infernal sore! Took I just ono dose, 'twas BILE BBAKS; Soundly slept I and did snore. Ilad tlie ague nevermore! 25 cents per bottle. Sold by all druggists. tSFAt a dinner In Rondout, N. T, the other day, there was a German, just arrived, who had not seen United States paper money. A gentleman opposite took a 160 bill from his pock­ et and i endeavored to hand it to the German, but dropped It into a dish of soup. He took It out as quickly as possible and was waving It to and fro. to dry it, when a big dog in the room snapped it out of his fingers and bolt­ ed it down with apparent relish. THE Ringwood Dramatic Club have issued programmes for an entertain ment to take place at their llall, on Friday and Saturday evening* of thU week, the 9th and 10th. It will consist os Recitations'Vocal and Instrumental Music, ^olos. Duets, Trios, etc.. and two of the most laughable 'Farces ever brought out in this section. '4The Kansas Imigrant" and "A Regular Fix." Ail for the benefit of the Band. All shou.'d go and hear them. greatly liismu-u-u m me uiHcusstoi which"yon gentlemen have so ably eon-fthe Palmer House Chicago), the If°you want your Garden Seed call for the Seed in bulk, at M, EnglenV. H. H. Bromwell ft Co. Chicago's Leading Fine Furriers, have just opened in connection with their large ,Fur business, 161 State street (near ducted. ITlo not pretend to say wliafcjlargest and finest line of Imported the disease is, for I am not versed in! Millinery ever shown West. Our lady snch sciences. It inav be acute jehossi-; rea(jerg should give thein a call, a* pliat, exaggerated ]K»llywog, intlamma torv jim crow, or a mild type of eplurii bus unum, but there's one thing I d| know. It's <1--d ketchin and I'm goinj to adjourn this votirt."--Arkansas Traveler. I The Enterprise of the Press. "What's this newspaper article alnm the late John Smith ?" inquired old Mr, Badger. "Is he <mr John?" "Guess he is." "Well, well! He allers was slower molasses in Jauuarv. Ht they can always rely upon flrst-citss goods at "Popular 38-lSw. strictly Prices.? Best Clothes Engl en's. Wringer 93.60 at M. Down Goes ths Prices. New Styles Suits..... *..4.75 Best in market ......16.00 Best Vests. I.W> Cashmere Pants 2 25 never was on! Best Worsted all wool Pants 6.00 :ta and thev used to sav A large Jtock of Boys Pants.. 2,75 E. LAWLUS. Opposite Riverside House. 3 Carpets! Carpets! On April lOrh we will receive One Hundted diffiereiit Samples of Carpets, all grides, which we will sell for five daysVt Chicago Prices. Call early and receive a pick of the lot. Remember wie date, April 10th. U JCSTEN BROS. VWest McHenry. April 7,1886 Remember that L. W. Nichols, Jr. the West McHenry Jeweler, does all kinds of repairing In hlai line and guarantees perfect satisfaction. First cl.tsa Goods at low prices at M. Engleu's. . . is.... Largest assortment of Accordians at M. Engien's. Cucumber Seed, We have made arrangements by which we can supply best qu-dity of Cucumber seed at very low prices. Quality and variety guaranteed. CRISTT. WALKER ft Co. 366w Machine Nee lies for every Kind of Sewing Machines, at M. Engien's. Butter Snglen's, and Eggs wanted at M ALGONQUIN. EDITOR PLAINDEAI.ER Mr, and Mrs C. E. Chapell spent a part of last week In Chicago. Charlie; Balcli. of Elgin, was here on a visit last week. He has just returned fro n a trip South for his health. J. Van Slvke. of the VLAINDEALER, called on the Scribe on Thursday last. Mrs S. M. Babbitt, of Oakland. Cal., is visiting here with her sister, Mrs. Willet Phillips. There was a good attendance at the Literary on Friday evening of last week. The question of deb.tte was: Resolved, That the Statesman lias done more for the world than the Warrlot. The Statesman got it. C. E. Chapell started North on Satur­ day last to buy Milch Cows. So look out for choice cows soon. Mr. & Mrs. R, Kee and children, of May field, Cal., are visiting here with relatives and friends. Mrs. C. Fletcher, of Sharon. Wis.,'was In Algonquin last week visiting friends. Mi, L. Ford Is slowly faill ng every day. She Is at the home of her son, V. N.Ford. / 1 Mrs. Keyes, mother of Henry Keyes, was quite sick last week, ̂ ut Is ou the gain now. Therevwere services at the Episco­ pal Church on Sunday last. The river Is subsiding In good shape. Now all we want is some warm weath­ er and there will be good fishiug. Our Public School opened on Mon­ day of this week for the Spring term. Of all the disagreeable weather we ever saw the last week takes the cake. The Ladies Aid Society of the Con- <regatioral Church will meet at Mrs. E. A. Fords on Wednesday of next week. Rev, C. H. Fraser, of Genoa Junction, will deliver a Lecture on Progress, at the Congregational-Church, ou Thurs* day evening, April 16th. Under the auspices of the Ladies Aid Society. Let all remember and* give the ladies a benefit. RI N G W O O D - EDITOR PLAlNDKALER:-ttoward Buck- land lias returned Irom Dixon where he has been attending school. Word was received by Thomas Lum- ley that Mrs. L. Madole was very sick at her relatives in Ohl<». Thomas E. Hall has gone to visit Itls son lit ^Stockton, California, Vint Lum.ey was iiotne on a vaca­ tion but has returned to school at Dixon, til. Mr. E. H. Carter was the guest of W. Ladd oyer Sunday. The band will have an interesting entertainment on Friday and Saturday evenings of this week. Mis.s. Freddie Ladd returned with E. H. Carter to Jefferson, Iowa. At present writing Mrs. R. Simpson is very nun h worse. Mr. II. Dwell)' and H. C. Allen are on the sick list. Vernle Nickie, who to as been attend­ ing sehfol at EvatiStoiVr I* home on a •hort vacation, but will return on Wednesday of tlds week. ' • Toucan always find good' honest bargains with us and we are ever ready to give yeu as much value for your money as anyone will give you. J. W. CRISTT & SON. Erwin Dodge and Mr. Re a arrived from Ord, Nebraska on Friday even­ ing last but will return some time this week. Walter Waterman started for Minn, last week Thursday. S. Potter and Hube will ship their car on Wednesday of this week. Miss Ann Green and Miss Lois Chase have been spending the past week in Chicago. WIMB Baby was Hsk,w* gam* tarCaatMfc ' When she WM » Child, »ha erted for Caatbria, When >he became Mlaa, aha clang to CMtoria, 1 *uT ktrt HilHnnii sh» ffaTethem faahala. Oar Chicago Market Report. Prepared Expressly for the PLAIHBBALBE by Our Own Correspondent. CHICAGO, April 6, 1886. WINTER WHEAT-NO. 3 red 86}<986; No.3 red 83(#S4. SPRING WHEAT--NO. 2 85N; No. 8 73(of78c: No. 1 hard (Minneapolis) 87c. No. 1 hard (Dulnth market; 9lf<j. CORN--No. 2 36@37Je; No. 3 34|c." OATS--No. 233£@34c; No. 3 by Sample 31}@33e; Barlej- Oats. KYE--No. 2 by sa nple, 61 @41}. BARLEY--No. 2 By sample 46@53, TIMOTUT SEEI»--Poor to good, S1.91 FLAX-S-NO 1. 81.11 CLOVER--Poor to choice, 96.40. BUCKWHEAT-- , BKANS--Cnol -e hand picked, #1.10 •1.26. POTATOES--40@67c per bushel. BUTTER--(/t^am^rv fancy 30 to 31}c ; dairy to choice 24}@27§c; common grade 10(318. EGGS--Fresh Northern. 10}c. CHKESE--Young America 9014;; full cream clieddar 8^010; skimmed 6 @7e. POULTRT--Chickens O§9C; Turkeys 6@10. C\TTLE--Good to extra shippers 84.90@«fi06; fair to eho!«-e 84 25@85.05; cmninor, to ijnrtil 83 80@84.65; poor to meoiiim 83 7»>@4 50; Mockers 82.60(3 83.65; feeders 63.66@#4.50;Texans 84,40 HOGS--Liijht weight. 84 00@84.16 rough packing 84.25@84 35: neavy packing and'shlpping 84.00@84.20 MIEKP--Jomuion to choice 82 60® 85 00. New Light-No Humbug. 60 cents 00 the dollar saved by buy­ ing the Gas Burner for your lamps. Price onlv 75 cents. Call and see at E. LAWLUS', opposite Riverside nnuse. Cows! Cows! Cows! ALUEN, 111.. Kel'. 4th, 1888. C Dickinson & Son, BarrtngUm, 11L DEAR SIB:--Please send my by ex press two doxeu Cow Prescriptions. I got oue of my neighbors to try It on a oow that was almost dead with milk fever aud It cured her. It is a good thing. 9. t-IMTB. For sale by all Druggists.' NUNDA, EDITOR PLAIN DEALER:-- the Tem­ perance Meeting, at the M. E. Church, on Sunday evening last, was a success in every particular. Although II. V. Shephard was not there. Rev. R. Congdon delivered a stirring sermon, from the old Mosaic Law, with refer­ ence to the ox who was wont to push with his horns, and the same having been testified by the owner thereof. That the ox and the owner thereof should be stoned to death. He likened the liquor traffic to the unruly ox, and argued the justice of tiie death penal­ ty boing executed upon It. The house was full with an attentive, and appre­ ciative audience. The Choir did their best to make It interesting. Our second winter hangs on like grim death to the deceased African. Nearly a foot of snow and freezing bard every uight. Geo. H, Clajson has returned from Arizona, and this (Monday) morning received a letter from hl6 son Frank who he left there on a Ranch. The letter contained a beautiful flower, in appearauce like a huge pansy. He says the plains are carpeted with beautiful, fragrant flowers. He telle of four crops of clover being raised on the same ground, in one year, and each crop weighing two tons, worth twelve and a half dollars per ton. for home consumption. Other cro|» in proportion. A lively time at the Republican? caucus on Saturday last, J. H. Palmer was nominated°for Supervisor, William Morey for Town Clerk, Wm. Britton lor Assessor. D* L. Barney for Collec­ tor, Henry Worden fpr Hi jhway Com­ missioner. to succeed himself. It is not yet known what will be done with the accounts of the Board of Highway Commissioners. The Auditors refused to audit them. First because they submitted no Itemized account of re­ ceipts and expenditures, Secoud be­ cause they had violated the law in letting jobs to one another, to| work the roads. Both clear violations of law. . A Temperance Lecture by a Mrs, Bailey Is advertised In the M. E. Church, for next Wednesday eveuing. April 7. She comes highly recommend­ ed as a lecturer. D. L. Barney, who had such a serious* Injury of his shoulder. Is able to be upon the streets again. He looks a though he miglit IIHVH participated in a I vely campaign, auil got leK Every body Is jfl «d to |i*« hi in out again. Our Union School op*>ns a^ain for (unifies* tills week. Ed St Clair sell* twenty-live quarts of milk for one dollar. The Village Board have ordered op another stree t lain >. HEBRON. EDITOR PLAINDKALER:--The spring term of school «ommt need Mond&y. Miss Hattie Reed is visiting lier sister. Mrs Lyman l'lerce. We hear rumor* of a neat cottage snoit to be erected on Main St. Miss Etta Torrence .has been en­ gaged to teach the summer term of fechool in Mr. Morgans district. Mr, 1. W. Soper sold his property here at auction on Friday last. He will go soon to a home with his son Duncan, in Kansas. G. B. Stone went to Nebraska last week to Investigate the great murder tragedr perpetrated at Ids creamery near Lyons. We expect a full account on his return. SidneyH). Rowe started last week for Minnesota to fulfill at) engage­ ment as head butter maker in a factory at Winnebago city. We wish him every success. • The Sons of Temperance will have a Masquerade and Basket So :iable at Union Hall, Wednesday evening of this week. A good time and a bounti­ ful supper for only twenty five cents. Carpets and Wall Paper. tye have now In stock an elegant line of carpets a ul wall paper to which we invite the attention of those re­ furnishing or decorating for' the coming season, W>* offer a good quail 'y of hemp carpet, full yard wide at flf teen cents; cotton and wool carpets, newest patterns at from twenty two cents to fifty cents a yard; all wool ex­ tra supers, two and three ply at from fifty to eighty cents a yard; tapestry and body Brussels at fifty-live cents to one dollar; and twen*y Ave cents a yard; we also have a line stock of vel­ vet and orienta. rugs, door mats, etc Alt of our bestcarpeta are the prodnc tlonsofthe very best mills in the country, viz: the Lowdl aud the Hart­ ford companies, from whom we received them direct and are thereby enabled to ofier them to the people of this county at lower prices than anv wholesale house in Chicago, will sell them by the piece. We will guarantee a saving of from ten to twer ty cent* on every yard of carpet purchased from us at over flttycentsa yard. If parties coming from a distance are not satisfied that they can save money by buying from us. we will cheerfully pay them for what time they may loose in comin/. If those intending to send to other markets for carpets will call aud examine our stock before doin< so, we would take it as u personal favor. We will show our stock cheerfully and will not find f;tult II we are uuable to please, Call and exami ne. E. A. MURPHY A Co. EVERYBODY KNOWS That Henderson's Boot* and Shoes are the best. We sell lots of the 10.-- Perry ft Owen's, Sole Agents. For Sale. The undersigned offers for sale III residence, aud two acres of land? situa ted in the village of Ringwood. 1- well located, in good repair and on the premises are all kinds of small fruit, all In a healthy and bearing condition It is, witli all, a very desirable piece of property. |Uood barn and outbuildings For terms and other particulars call 00 the Qnderslgued on the premises. WM. LANO^AV, Ringwood, March 9th, 1886. Ayer's Sar*aparllla. the first blood medicine to prove a real s nocess, still holds the Ijit plaoe In public estima­ tion, both at home and abroad. Its B»|r#c*tUHts cures, a«4 feamense sale*, •how this. Plows. Plows,! and Plows. We have the following- makes which we warrant to suit any farmer. Grandetour, Moliue, John Deere, Case Norwegian, Thompson's Norwegian. Skandia, Garden City and Star, ail of the oldest makes which insures success in a good plow an 1 warranted to scour in any soil. E. M. OWEN St SONS. Barley For Sale. About 300 bushels of first class Seed Barley for sale. Will be sold for 40 cents per bushel. JOHN FLUSKET. Two miles south ot McHenry, on the Nunda road. ' Sw For SaML I offer for sale my Farm of 110 acres, situated 3 miles from Richmond, known as the old Newcombe Farm; one half mile from school house, and with a living spring running through It, MAJOR NOBLE. Richmond. March 17, 1886. For Sale. " A house and lot in this village. Is well located, the house new, having been built last season, and is a very desirable piece of property. Will be sold cheap If applied for soon. Will give possession at once. For further particulars inquire at this officeu Pasture for Stock. The undersigned has good Pasture for stock, on the old Wilson farm, two miles east of McHenry. Good water for stock. Will take a lira'ted num­ ber of head. Call on the premises. HUBERT WEBEB. •cor- Reduced Prices. L.UMBER~WAGON8, Complete, only 845.00. Carriages and Milk Wagon* at responding low prices. Horse Shoeing a specialty. New Shoes.... .....25 cents Setting....' 10 cents Call and see us. 39-SM URTMOLBY ft PtaT. Ringwood, March 17,1886. ^ l.o >k at the Brewster Bug ry. full shitting Kail, double steel Coll ir Axle, at Bishop's Warehouse, it prices that are sure to please. / A lot of 16 inch R itary Steel Disc Pulverizes, that, wilt he closed out at t low price, at Bishop's Warehouse. Don't fail to leok at Good« offered lor «ale at. Bi«hopN Warehouse. No goods will he oili*red but what are firs* elas«, and will b4 sold way down to Bed Rock, Call for the "Winning Stroke".anew Btand of live cent Cigar*, manufactur­ ed by B>rblan Bios. It beats them alt. L. W. Nichols, Jr. the Jeweler, In West MeH»-ur»r... >! »i*s not >11 ike a !»li»*ciallty of CHKAP WORK. bur' ha8 for iii* motto, '*Promptness and good work. Th«» finest line ot Spring* Millinery ev«-r brought to thi* town ;it .Urs. tl H. Nichols. The finest line »f Top and Combined Buggi»* ever brought to till* County at E. M.Owen ft SotH, and way down on prices. OUR PAPEK HUMMER Is running , constantly now. We trim all our Wall Paper free of c'targe. Call early and see our New Styles. Perry ft Owett. Wall Paperl New and elegant styles, large assort­ ment at>>1 prices reasonable at Fitasim- mous ft Evanson's. Ladies Rubbers Only 29 cents at Perry ft Owen's, Sole Agents For C. M. Henderson's celebrated school shoes. See them at Perry ft Owen's, Dried Apples, Prunes, Loin »ns ft Oranges, all new an<! cheap tor $asb at Fitaslmmons ft Evanson's. 6 pobnd's Saleratus, 25 sente for cash up at Fitzsinimons ft Evanson's. One pound box Baking Powder only 18 cents for cash at Fitzsommons ft Evanson's. .. Buy of us good T>>weling and Sheet­ ing at 4J cents per vard. BONSLETT A STorrcu Last chance to buy Keg Syrup for 81,16 at Bonslett ft Stoffel's . Pumps, both Wood and Iron of all kinds and sizes, at E. M.Owens ft Sons, „ See our qand painted Window Shades. BONSLRTT ft STOFFEL. Three 3 pound cans canned Pumpkin only SO ceil is at Bon<l«tt, A Stoffel's. For Sale. One Sorrel Horse, six years old. Welg ht about eleven hundred pou nds. GEO. H. HARRISON. Two and a half miles Southwest of Ringwood. 33--ft. Good whole CodH-ih only 4 cents per pound at Bonslett. ft Stoffel's. EASTEK GOODS, jmt received at Mrs. H. H. Nichols. Catarrh of the nose and head can be easily.quickly, pleasantly and lastingly cured. The Francis Catarrh Cure will positively and effectually cure In a few days any case. A package, more than enough to surely and infallibly 'cure any case, sent post paid by mail for one dollar by M. FRANCIS. Washington D C Jersey vvalsts. a full supply, which will be sold at lower prices tban any other store In McHenry. MW M. scnuMAcnem. House and Lot For Sale.' In the village of Ringwood. Con tains 10 Room-<. Also a Barn. Wood­ shed and other outbuildings, well, cisrern, etc., on the premises. With­ in twenty rods of Depot. Good Garden Apple Trees, etc. Price 81000. For terms and other particu lars Inquire of WESLEY LADD, ] Ringwood, March 6th, 1886. 34-0 months. For Sale or Exchange, One good bouse and barn with other out-buildings, good orchard and all In good shape, with land from ) to 14 acres $ «»r will sell a part of the land by the acre without the buildings. Also will sell aonie good lots to anvone wishing »o build. WJU gel I any or the whole of the above property very low, trade lor a good farm or for Western laud. The above property is weii t>i u ated near the depot iu We*t Mcilomj UL Sttf S. RAYMOKD. For Sals or Rents account of sickness I oler mt Blacksmith and Wagon Shopla tks village of McHenry, for 8ale orBtfft. There is a Blacksmith Shop Iftdt Wagon Shop 20x24, with Paint Shop and Store Room in second story. Aim a Warehouse on North side Mxtt. Is in good location for this or any other kind of business. Will sell on reason* able terms, or will Rent with or wt%> out Toole. PHILLIP HACPERISCWJPII? McHenry, 111, March 16tb, 1886. -ff ' ~ ----- Work Horses for Sals. For Sale a good work team, 8 and If years old. Will weigh 1200 each. F«, other particulars inquire of JACOB HAUPERISCH. • Mcllenry, March 16, 1886. . Vj Business Notice** City residences for sale. Apply i* v Asa w. Smith, Woodstock, 111. Everything in the Hardware line 0. bottom figures, at E. M. Howe's. _____ Celluloid Sets, cheaper than ever life fore, at G. W. Besley's. West Side. i Clothes Wringers, both the Novelty and Univeraal. Your choloe for 82.76 at John I. Story's. Fine Scrap Books only fl.35 at 6* W, . rl Besley's, West Side. Celluloid Combs, only 20 cents, at & W. Besley's, West Side. Lace Curtains. Tidies, Lanberklns* Bedspreads and Shams, cheap, at Mf0* . Schumacher's, near the Depot. > ;$v A fine line of Stove Boards, different sizes and styles, at John I. Story'a. Look at the choice bandies at B«I» ley's Drug Store, West End, WALL PAPER. . Full Line at Perry ft Owen's, Bishop means business when be be will not be undersold. ' , WALL PAPER Trim tied iree of charge at ft Owen's Buy Henderson's Red School Houte Shoes for Boys and Girls, found only at Perry ft Owen's. All Standard G -ods, at the WaiS* house of R Bishop. ' ^ -1"1- •" , ̂ Look at the Manny Seeders, at. Bishop's. Paints and Oils, and Mixed Palnij| lowest prices at Perry ft Oaren's DOMESTIC Piano and Fumltnre Pop** ish. tti- finest thing in the niarket, it Besley's Drug Stor*. The Lyman Barb Wire, both plaift and galvanized.decidedly the best Wipe In the market, at John I.Story's. Besley's Famous Waukegftft Ale and Porter On draught at J. Bonslett's, ft. Be* glen's aud John lleimer's. IF yon want to make, your Buggy ^ Top look as good as new get the NSr* tional Patent Leather Enamel lit Besley's l>rug Store. Mrs. Schumacher. Visits Chicago every weekend will take in your orders and furnish goods at the lowest Chicago prices. Cook and Heating stoves, both Coal and Wood, of the latest styles and patterns, at J, I. Story's. BirdCages, both Brass and J ^ , the finest assortment in town, at^. Story's. . BESLEY'S Ale and Porter Is the best made. Un draught in McHenry at Jacob- Bonelett's, A. Engien's. and John lleimer's. • GLASS ! GLASS ! > " We keep Glass of all sizes constantly on band Special sizes out wltboipl extra charge. JOHN I. STORY* The Nickel Barn Door Roller, flb* knowledged by all to be the best thing of the kind on the market, for sale by John I. Story. If you want to learn how to <Pai*t your Buggy for One Dollar, call §| Besley's L>sug Store, West End. 3 fancy (solid colors) hemstltehitf Handkerchiefs for 10 cents at Bonslstl ft Stoffel's. ; yM Rubbers and Rubber Boots all dug at Perry ft Owen's. Buy only good Kerosene Oil. Ttpa best can be found at Perry ft Owen's, New spring styles, Prints, Glaf- ham. Shirtlnga etc. cheap for caah at Fiuimmons A Evanson's. • ;$! FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned offers for sals |iM farm, situated four miles west of McHenry. consisting of 246 acres. Iil good loeation and an excellent Dairy farm. Or will trade f >r a er«*U§$,.. farm. Apply to PHIUP GlESKUUt£ . % 20--3 months. Men's Rubbers. Only 49 cents at Perry ft Owen's.' We sell 4 pair* good ladles hose 20 cents. BONSLETT ft STORM^ Seeders, Seeders* Seeders. Van Brunt, Prairie City, Willi and Buckeye, at E M Oweu ft Great Reduction* 1 will until further notice malce pic­ tures at tne following low rates: Cabinet Photos, per doz. 83J80 Cabinet Photos, per half dos 1.00 Card Pho'os, per doz 3.00 Card Photos, per half dos 1.60 Satisfaction given In all cases, fgB formerly. L. E. BRNNRTT4 John Helm, Algonquin, III., DEUX& HI Batdwais, Stem, Thnrsis, ID short, we keej> everything in the above mentioned liuae, which we are offe ing to the buy­ ing public as cheap aa any ethSP bouse in this section. Call and See lUk NG & ftBPAIBim, PROMPTLY ARUISID TO. JOHNIIBUfc Aijaayla.r»b. m . W : mailto:25@85.05 mailto:80@84.65

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