Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Apr 1886, p. 4

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J. VAN NLYKK, THIS PAPER WGBof p" (OWBIJL A CO.'S Newspaper Advertising Barest) (W Spruce Street), where advertising ss.r«sms5new york- gQTThe first seizure of an American Vessel for the alleged breach of the Afthlng lsws was made at Baddick, Nova Scot!*, on Saturday. The vessel Is held pending Instruction* from the Canadian Government. ISrBy a dispatch to the Chicago papers, from Springfield, Mo,, we learn fhat George E. Graham, the wife murderer, was taken from jail by a nob on Tuesday morning and lynched. ||jrved him right. gQTTbe season of cyclones seems again fairly inaugurated, A tearful one swept over a portion of Minnesota on the evening of the 14th Inst. St. Clond, Sauk Rapids and Rice's Station sppear to have been the places most ceriously devastated. As nearly as we can gather from the reports, not less than seventy persons were killed outright In those three places, and as many more seriously injured, a number of whom It was thought must die. Hany more were less severely injured. (|0*Nothing more unique in the line Of private correspondence has come , to light of late than that between Master Workman Powderly and Jay Gould. Mr. Powderly's plea for a ter­ mination of the strike is stronger than his argument in support of the strik­ ers. Mr. Gould's strong point in his Olftlm for the recognition of his rights as an American citizen, depending Upon the law and the courts for pro­ tection, and willing to accept them for justice. of Depositions in the case Brooks alias Maxwell, in prison at St. Louis for the murder of Prcller, arriv «d from England Monday. They are generally favorable to the good Character of the accused; but the testi* mony of a business man of Hyde, to the efleet that I'reller purchased from Iklm a certain chanmois pouch, must have a bad effect on the defense, as a pouch identical with the one mention­ ed, whic'h was found on Maxwell, was claimed by the latter to be bis person- Id property. •r a band of moonshiners sur. rounded and Invaded United Sta'es Deputy Marshal Purdon's house at Manchester, Tenn., early Monday morning, .and a fearful battle follow* ed. Purdon killed one of the invaders, mortally wounded three others, and after discharging his last shot fell dead beside the body of his victims. LETTER FROM OAl^fX. EDITOU PLAINDEALEB:--Many of the readers of the PLAINDEALEB would like to know something about Dakota, so I take pleasure in writing this brief letter that you may know the real facts. It is a very busy time here just now. The farmers have been working on the land for three weeks. Some have sown from 50 to 100 acres, and «till have aboat as much more to sow. The hills and valleys are very verdant while the flowers are in full blossom The weather is very warm and clear| I have seen some wheat two inches high that was sown this spring. I was reading in the paper recently of the great snow and rain storm that crossed there.about the first of the month. Strange to say we have nothing of the kind here. We do not have so much rain as in Illinois, and we do not need it for the ground will stand much drouth, This spring excels any spring back east. * fl he land is very level and good. Dakota has 2000 school houses, 300 newspapers. 2500 miles of railroad, and in June 1SS5, the population was 405,000, I often think of Col. Donan's lecture in which he said: "Dakota is th9 newest an<l grandest of the ter­ ritories, and the garden spot of the world." Five years ago the Bufialoes and Indians roamed over the prairies which now are under cultivation. I will write again in the near future. Yours Truly, A. R. FRYEK, Irving, Dakota. •^Speaking of the evil effects of Jtrikes, the New York Trtbune says: 'According to reports, the nnmber of men on stiike is less than 60.000. But ft far greater number are unemployed, •Imply because capital does not dare to put Itself at the mercy of men who •how neither reason nor justice, neither decency toward other workers nor practical good sense Iu regard to ttelr own i nterests. More titan 8100,- 010,000 of money, it is easy to prove. !• now lying idle In this country. ' Which would keep employed 100.000 men, while machinery and capital /already Invested amounting to several times 9100,000,000 more are now stand- . .ling idle,becausc men who have enough to live on for the present prefer not r risk it until l.ibor shows more reason and more justice. 'Most of tise President's graver blunders have been caused by his er­ roneous notion that nobody else under the skies can |adequately fill his place, and that the government would be forced to suspend but for him. There could be no graver error. So far as we have heard there has lived but one man whose relation in life was such as to cause an absolute vacuum when he passed away. He was a gentleman of «olor, and lived on Long Island, and Was widely known for his many virtues 3The farmers for miles around employ- id his intelligent and experienced fervlces for the destruction of a cer­ tain justly abused and malodorous ani­ mal which occasionally infested their barns. When lie died, it was mourn- Inlly and truly said that his like would Caever again be found, and to this day his place in the esteem and service of the public remains vacant. But with this solitary exception "mai yet can do what has by man been done.* The president should come a little close r to the people who took him up. •^The Democracy who want office, and where is the Democrat who does' aotP, are not enthusiastic in their gup. pott of the President. The Washing- ton correspondent ot the Cincinnati Enquirer says: The echoes from the recent election •re heavy on tha Btomach of the Ad­ ministration. Take the town of Mad­ ison, Wis. This is regarded Democratic city. It land electors 938 home of Postmaster QUANTITY in medicine is no indlca tlon of value. Ayer's Sarsaparilla is concentrated and powerful; requires a smaller dose, and is more effective, dose for dose, than any other Sarsapt- rilla. It is the best of all blood medi* cines. as a . gsve tb'j i )eve- majority. it ,R the . , -Ster General Vila* who |« the special guide of itle .nu^* wump clan. It hts just Republican mayor by a overs 309. tected a *"jp»ri ty of And then the Evening Otitic prints tots: ' Yes% sire,** t.lnAed? dSX.iT ,a""oUtr*,'« •«- earned The fact Is President Cleveland is trying very hard to give the people a respectable government, and consider­ ing the material he has to work with la doing very well. But no Democrat «an forgive him for keeping Republl' caw to office. If he would furnish the provender they would support him no matter what else he might do, but his WARREN LELIND, 'trhom everybody knows as the successful manager of the Largest Hotel Enterprises of America, says that while a passenger from New York on board a ship going around Cape Horn, in the early days of emigration to Cal­ ifornia, he learned that one of the officers of the vessel had cured himself, during the voy­ age, of an obstinate disease by the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Since then Mr. LCLAKD has recommended ATEK'S SABSAPASILLA in many similar cases, and he has never yet heard of its fail* are to effect a radical cure. Some years ago one of Mr. LELAXD'S form laborers bruised his leg. Owing to the bad State of his blood, an ugly Bcrofulous swelling or lump appeared on the injured limb. Hor­ rible itching of the skin, with burning and darting pains through the lump, made life almost intolerable. The leg became enor­ mously enlarged, and running ulcers formed, discharging great quantities of extremely offensive matter. No treatment was of any avlii until the man, by Mr. LELAXD'S direc­ tion, was supplied with AVEB'S SABSAPA- BILLA, which allayed the pain and irritation, healed the sores, removed the swelling, and completely restored the limb to use. Mr. LELAKO has personally used Ayer's Sarsaparilla fer Bhenmatlsin, with entire success; and, after careful observation, declares that, la his belief, there is no medicine in the world equal to it for the cure of Liver Disorders* ,• Gout, the effects of high living:. Salt Bhenm, Sores, Eruptions, and all the Various forms of blood diseases. "We have Mr. LELAKD'S permission to invite •H who may desire further evidence in regard to the extraordinary curative powers of ATE&'B SAESAE AEILLA to see MM person­ ally either at his mammoth Ocean Hotel, long Branch, or at the popular Leland Hotel, Broadway, 27th and 2$th Streets, New York. Mr. LELAND'8 extensive knowledge of the good done by this unequalled eradicator of Wood poisons enables him to give inquirers much valuable information. PBXPARBD BY Dr. J.C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mast. Sold by all Druggists; «1, six bottles for KJ. IN McHENRY. Having leased the Baker Gilles' Block, near • the Bridge, X shall, on or about : ; WLMTF 1. Open a First Class Bakery and Restaurant, and will be prepared to offer to the pnblic A NEW BRAND OF HOMFI HADE BREAD. Which is sure to please all who give it a trial. Having had a in the business, I can please a l l . Call iu and se first. long experience I am'confident e me after May A, G. I4OCKE. Mcllenry. April 20th, 188S» SMITHS BEANS /"VURE Biliousness; Sick Headache In Four hoars. (6) One dose relieves Neuralgia. They cure and prevent Chills Fever, Sour Stomach ^ Bad Clear the Skin, Tone the Nerves, and fllve Dose 1 ONE BEAM. Breath Life > Vigor to the system Try them once and you will never be withoirt them. Price, 25 cents per bottle. Sold by Druggists and Sent on receipt ot Medicine Dealers generally. price in stamps, postpaid, to any address* J. F. SMITH & CO.. Manufactsrers and Sole Props.. ST. LOUIS. MO* 9 TO CURE RHEUMATISM. This remedy has a specific action upon the fluids of the body, supplying moisture to the tissues and lubricating the joints affected by the disease. No Stiff or Distorted Llmbi remain after a cure by this specific. A trial of a single bottle will convince tlie most sceptical that we have not told half Its vir­ tues. Price 91.00 per bottle. For sale by all drugRists. Manufactured only by LENNEY MEDICINE CO., CHENOA. ILLINOIS. Chancery Notice L AX U OI I1I1DQ18) JULIILCNRY VVQDIJ^S 00 • Circuit Court of McHenry County, May Term, \. D. 18t*6. Stephen U."Emory, vs. Ger­ trude M. Emory, in Chancery. Affidavit of the non-residence of Gertrude M. Emory, the ilelendant above named, hav- inpr been filed in the office of the Clerk of said Circuit Court of McHenry County, notice is hereby given to the said non-resident de­ fendant, that the complainant filed his bill of complaint in said Court on the Chancery side thereof on the 10th day of April ; a. D. 1886, and that a summons thereupon issued out of aaid CoilrI against said Uefeudent, returnable on the 21th day ot May, A. D. 1386, as Is by law required. Now, therefore, utiles yon, the said Ger trude M. Emory shall personally be and ap­ pear before the said Circuit Court of McHenry County on the first day of the next term thereof, to be holden at the Court House in the City of Woodstock in said County, on the 24th day of May, A. D. 1886, and plead answer or demur to the said complainant's bill of complaint, the same and the matters and things therein charged and stated will be taken as confessed, and a decree entered atrainst you according to the prayer of said bill. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Court, at my office, in Woodstock th's 10th day of April A. D. 1886. E. E. RifcHABDS, Clerk, J. M. MARKS, ( IRA R CUKTISS, April lutb, A. D, 1& leowenadaptodtoehQdrenthat I recommend it aa superior to any prescription kSKnm to me." H. A. Aaoma, M. D., #U8%Mort8t»8vooktirB, N. T. Castor!* cores Colic. Oonrtlpafton, gour Stomach, DiarrhOBa, Eructation, _ „ < mn« Worms, gives sleep, and promocea Ol- | WlJ^l^ailoaaaiedkattoa. T-- CURRACA COMPANY, 189 Fulton Street. H. Y. DRAINAGE ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR. Levels taken, Drains located and Grades established for Tile tlnd Open Drains. Swamp and overflowed lands reclaimed. Elevations taken of Spring's. Ponds and Water Courses and all work requiring Accurate Leveling. P. o. Address, GREENWOOD, ILL* ENGELN, -DEALER IN-- Table and Pocket Cutlery, Clothes Wringers, Washing Machines. Gun and Fishing Material, Sporting Goods, etc., m AT BOTTOM FRXOES Also a good stock of Fine Family Groceries, Canned Goods, Con­ fectionary, fresh Breid and Baker Supplies, the largest stock in the County. ROLLER MILLS FLOUR, WARRANTED. No Snide Goods kept in.Stock. Prices Satisfactory. M. ENCLEN. : Complainant's Solicitors. Chancery Notice. STATE of Illinois, McHenry County, ss. Cireult Court of McHenry County, May Term, A. D. 1886, Eckert Sohuman, vs, Hen- |T Vanvleet, Leraati Thompson and §arah Ann Warner, In Chancery. Affidavit of the non-residence of Henry Vanvleet and |(.eman Thompson of the de- lendents above named, having been died in i he office of the Clerk ot said Circuit Court of McHenry County, notice is hereby given to the said non-resident defendants, that the complainant filed his bill of comolaint in said 7ourt on the Chancery side thereof on the 10th day of April A. D. 1886, and that a sum­ mons thereupon issued out of fai^ Court against said defendants, returnable on the '21th day of May A. D. 1886, is is by law requir- ed. Now, therefore, unless you, the sale Henry Vanvleet and Leman Thompson shall person, illy be and appear before the sail Circuit Court of McHenry County on the first day of the next Term thereof, to be holden at the Court House in the City of Woodstock in said County, on the 24ih day of «ay A. D. 188f>, and plead answer or demur to the said complain­ ant's bill ot complaint, the same and the mat­ ters and things therein charged and stated will be taken as confessed, and a decree en­ tered against you according to the prayer of said bill. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Court, at my office, in Woodstock this 10 day of April • D. 1886. E E. RICHARDS, Clerk. IRA R, Ct'RTiss, Complainants Solicitor. April iotb, A. D. 18S6. Republicans in plaoe Is aa un- pardonable siu. Th«v thought the tlMlr candid siu. Thej evidently s^&Wil service professions of dsuUkmeaot nothing. ^UraTÎ SODA Bust in the World. Notice. ' To those that want Tubs, Vats. Hay Racks,and anything in my line of busi­ ness. Work done on short notice to order. Shop one door South ot Law- his* Store •, ® __ T „ P. A. FKRARD. MoBenry, ,\nf. 10b IMS. ll-l-ly ^ Chancery Notice. STATE of Illinois, McHcnry County, ss-Oircuit Court of Mcllenrv County, May Term, A. D. 1886 I,angdon M.Iler ana Henry Henk, vs. Eva L. Wiley and Mary L. Pratt in Chancery Bill to remove cloud on title and relief. Affidavit of the non-residence of Eva T„ Wiley, one of the defendants above named, having been tiled in the office of the Clerk of said Circuit Court ol McHenry County, notice is hereby given to the said non-resident de­ fendant, that the complainants filed their bill of complaint in said Court on the Chancery side thereof on the 12th day of April a D. 188tj, and that a s in mo n a thereupon issued out of eaid Court against said defendant, re­ turnable jn the 21th day of -May A. D. 1886, as is by law required. Now therefore, unless yon, the said Eva L. Wiley shall personally be and appear before the said Circuit Court of McHenry County on the first day of the next Term thereof, to be hoidenattne Court House in the City of Wood took in said County, on the 24th day of Mav A. D. 1886, and plead answer or demur to the said complainant's bill of complaint, the same and the matters and things therein charged and stated will be taken as confessed and a decree (entered against you according to the prayer of said bill In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my band and affixed the seal of said Court at my office in Woodstock this 12th day of April, A. D. 1886v. E. E. RICHARDS, Clerk. J. H. MAYBTTRK, Complainant's Solicitor. Woodstock, April 12th, A. D. 1886. PERFECT soundness of body and mind is possible only with pure biood. Lead­ ing medical authorities Indorse Ayer'a Sarsaparilla as the best blood purlf; Ing medicine in existence. It vast _ increases the working and productive powers of both hand and brain. BOUND TO SELL, TO MAKE ROOM FOR BOOTS AND SlIOEg FOR CASH I WILL SELL Double Harness ! former Hatne Straps.... * „ " Tie Reins " Cushions " Oollar Pad ** Sweat Pads •* Collars " Root Brushes " Curry Combs. " Inch Lines •• Riding Bridles....,..^ '• Men's Saddles Ladies Saddles. .... " Bitts.... Goat Robes " Bufialo Robes " Five Ring Halters " Plush Robes below Cost Whips less than Cost. Will Wash an Single Harness U eonts. I MEAN BlTgiNBSd. O^me on as I have new help. Tours Truly G. L. HUBBARD. e «34 00 now •28.00 .15 •• .10 .25 4» .15 1.60 U 1,00 .30 It .25 .75 t. •40 2.00 It 1.50 •25 M .10 .20 M .05 3.25 it 2.50 1.00 ft» .60 600 Is 450 600 It 4.50 .20 Is .10 900 •1 6.50 9.00 It 6.50 .90 M .50 Double Harness for (1.2ft J0HNWAN1YNE MUNIMENT PARSONS' SPILLS ' ThSM pills wars a wonderful dlsoovsry. No others like them Sn the world. W111 positive)y cure or relieve all Banner of dlimt Tba information around each box is worth ten times the coat or a box of eilla. rind out about them ana you will always be thankful. One pill a dose. Illustrated pamphlet free. Sold^errwherV^5r sent bymall for 36c. in stamps. Dr. I. S. JOHNBONftCQ.. 82 C.H. St..Boston. Sheridan's Condition ̂M M m M •• • • •• • • M / am K Pow4*r U ab«olut«lyH H UP llPlin •" llS" make hem lmjr at them and you will always be thankful. One pill a dose. I r^LQraentb^mat^for3&o- in gtampa. Dr. I. S. JOHNSON&CO.» MAKEHENSLAY i Coni rder is absolutely! par* asd blchly con­ centrated. Oneounce is worth a sound of any other kind. It is trictly a medicine to MMlqr"wSinwSr °^U U will make hens lay like it. It cures ehioken cholera and £11 diseases of hens, s worth ite weight in gold. Illustrated book by mall free. Ayer's UarsaparMla. the first blood medicine to prove a real success, still holds the first place In public estima­ tion, both at home and abroad, Its miraculous cores, and Immense sales, show this. Examine the oelebrated Packard A (Jrover #2.90 shoe, either button, lace or congress, fully warranted equal to any #4 shoe in the market, BOHSLETT& STOW&. % - O U R Is complete. and one of Stocks in McHenry 40 select from New Styles the Largest J u s t O FEW DBY GOODS, STAPLI AND FANCY. BOOTS AND SHOES. Remember, that Selz, Schwab & Co. took the first premium at the World's Industrial Exposition, and that we have a full line oi their Best Goods, which for Style and Quality are bet­ ter this year than ever and are always the best. You will buy it you see them and want a good Plow Shoe. We Want Your Trade. And will give you Good Goods at the very lowest prices to get it. Yours Truly •t WIST M H1KRY, ILL. * *

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