Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 May 1886, p. 8

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Jlpw „ . .... .... file rgy man, Ihe Be*, ItAifrlo boMt that he was tlx After his mother had His mother, who resided He townehlp, N. O*. fell HI," ill «ppear.i«co8 died, and wtt |ll» 8tewartvllle cemetry. The allowing her interment, ghoult, purpose of securing some jewel- was buried with the body, un- id the remains, when constou*» i^torued and she was eaabled to 111* to tier lioxe. Arriving at her Bhe rapped at the door, llritt answered by her husband who iinanded to know who was there. To |1* great astonishment the answer U your wife." He was not qftttatt In opening the door, but Anally dWsO, and was overjoyed to meet< igain in life his beloved wife whom be >|id mourned as dead. Four months af- terward the Rev, Lindsay was born, fe find his mother survived several*yeart. if : m ,N -HEADQUARTERS FOR a, >• J ; " J : i f ' l > ' l i /•"- t&TA ------•- . r M ',F*f - vl?i F;' ; IS NOW RECEIVING! ** * HlJLiX* i' '*v' *"•- ?• "< , ts ' •• *vf> . &;? * • 'wl * Notice. To tfcoae that want Tuba, Vats, Hay J?ack?,and anything in my Jine of bus!- Bees. Work done on short notice to Order. Shop one door South ot Law- |u8'Store, w . _ • F. A. HSBARD. HoH^ry, lM-ly FAIBFFOR SALE. The undersigtaed oflers for sale his rot, situated Your miles west of cHenry, consisting of 246 acres. In ood location and an excellent Dairy arm. Or will trade for a smaller farm. Apply to PHIUP GIESKLER. ^ i 30--3 months. f l ^ E S I K T ' V, ; ;;|A.PETT ti\A ^OCICI3sTa P O R T E R £>-.-T m i.ixZut w -vt :» * -- : / .* * i* - . BOltDEkS AND DECORATIONS. S {4t[ a o » o fe Children's, 1 to 5 years, - «; • 8c. • paift ditto, tw8 attachments,- , « • 3 Oc. " Misses' " " *. i I Sc. M Indies' " M • - 15c. •• Misses', with a belV" - • 80c. " Ladies1. " " " • * Sac. " Stocking, Abdominal, and Cataine* nial Bandage Supporter com- - SOc. * . - SSc. " • 15c. " FOB 8AIJS ST ' ALL FIRST-CLASS STOBBEL : :J ;, Samples pent post-paid to any addTOM upOB " , r 1 noeiptof price in 2-cent stamps. LEWIS STEIN, p «. Sole owner and Manufacturer, " 178 Centre Street. New fork* RELIABLE GOODS. D tk« Brightest, Hewssi, aad Best Spring Stjlw. Complete in assoitmeut, splendid in quality, and at the very ^ow-* est prices consistent with good quality and honest quantity. Honest dealinsr, truthful representation in connection with the largest line of Ready-Made Clothing ever brought to this market, which for style and general make up cannot be excelled in America are the inducements we offer in this department. Bpots and Shoes for Now in and arriving. The largest and most *desirable ine ever fhown in McHenry. We have made - TV*' ALL PAPER TRIMMED FREE OF CHARGE. ^ H'- /"v V. k ^ r i .n rQ' th. -Tinwi. stock At Way Down Low Cash Pries, ^ - - v •• - # . yf ^ >^V" Corner Maine St. and Public Square, Woodstock* III. m Mi DWICHT, the CouQty. lemt new Spring stock 1§| j • FINE CLOTHING /" •M THAT- Style, Quality •m hincd. '^•Brighton Gent Health Skirt Supporter, it's Garter, ? • »±- Our special study, and feel confident we can please every taste and every pocket. * a . H O G E R I E 9 . Stock very complete, and Prices exceptionably low. URUGS AND' MS11I€IN12S. And every other Department full of Seasonable Goods, in wide ran^e for Styles, in quantity and quality, in newest aud most exclu­ sive tyles, in prices uniformly low on every article, we offer the best opportunity of the season. u- ' H E b R Y BONSLETT & Are prepared to show the buying public one of ike Is ahead of them all in fit and style of goods. Prices guaranteed the lowest. We invite evei^ Man or Boy who contemplato faliiying a Spring suit to SEE OURS. • ** ^ -FLM * • : . '• -i . - , Everybody knowe Henderson's cej^gl) BOOTS.-AND We carry a full line and warrant them. Henderson's Red School House Shoes fist Coys and Girls are nofced for durability. Weimve ILL. ^ Hfj: S T S McHENBY Is the place to buy Dry Goods^ Clothing! Groceries, Etc, Cheap 'L 'v/ v Insto|k: .. Also sell from samples. Our Stock is Complete, oil'prices ace Low, and our Goods the 4 $ t o b e f o u n d i n t h e m a r k e t . W e v i s i t t h e c i t y w e e k l y , a u d ^ f ? * ; 4 l i therefore our stock is fresh and new. ' ' ^ 1 Latest novelties in t)ress Goods and Trimmings, W hita Goods, Embroideries, etc. Full line of Canned Goods and Fresh Groceries. & Owen. WALK UP WALK OT And careti^ly^xamilad all goods it* Agricultural lmplernenst, for sale by 1 11 and see us, examine goods and learn prices. , 'j. ALL GOODS W^EEMTp «J8T A8 REPRESENTED. A share of public patronagejis respectfully solicited. The Highest Market Price paid for Butter and Eggs- * ALTHOFF BROQ. ( McHeury, III., Jan. 25th, 188t>. 'V.'r % McHENRY, ILL. I carry a full stock of all goods in this line and everything' war ranted as represented or m sale. Bear well in mind that I will not be undersold and am confident that I cau save you money on any­ thing in my line jf favored with a call. ANY ONE CAN Become so thoroughly ported In three week)' reviewing with the COMMON SCHOOL 'EHUGHTENIK6 THE WOBLDr to the uneqWtot WiHtf Stocks of General Merchan­ dise to be found in fourteen Counties consisting of Hm Original ud Puon Three-WhM(«d PIm, <XMeh for UgMnm of Draft and Working Qualities is •• ConeaM Champion oi the Whole Plowed World. NUTS OFIUKMORITY. It ran* lfffliter than any other plow made, WC1I1K by IM»m of the perfect support afforded by |bn« wheels the plow is CAITlea, not dragged. Mt la eaiy on tlie team, because there is no weight on the hones' VI tarn* Moore corners, turning fur- tDHS either inward or outward, as may be desired. ThcrearAsrrow wheel is locked •bam p'. jwing straight ahead, but unlocked by foot- hi what necessary to turn. After the corner is |M k locks itself automatically. enstrr wheels runninsr in furrow Snwftoally ptevent any strain on the frame of the •low, or oa the hones when turning. The plow is hraed on the seme principle as a cart. T*hs? flront narrow wheel Is at t insuring a uniform depth whea or ditches. --le has a spring that ! MOW tm being too rigid, and causes It te When crossing corn furrows or ridges, tmam ts hitched the same as to S Idow.sttd the horses draw easily and nnts- plow Is In front of the driver* lis wWK is constantly under his eye. » SMlRjr other points, fully explained, Ulite* .. proved in our descriptive circularS| to any addre«. We also mail, free of chargs, •1 Pilgrim's Progress, by John-with-a> nhtsttations; the Story of the Flying 4MP»phic sea sketch ; ana other literature "~™*:-- entertain and instruct, addro&s, HE PLOW €0., M«Hm, Illinois Shoddy LOOK! LOOK! LOOK! Kotary Stoel Di#c Barrows, wrought iron frame, chilled cast iron bearings, self feediug oil cups, and all journals protected trom dirt lor all agwr Mw, tJfieap, ot^VUh, or Tiash. X Wedding Suits a Specialty C. A. FARGO'S Custom Made Boots wjd -Shoes. Spring Styles. Large Assortment, of good Service and Low Prides. mi Spring Designs in Stock, Borders, Ceiling Papek Centerf^^or- ners, Decorations, etc., in great variety, all Trimmed Free. ^ Shadis, Troaks, Yo1um; Busd-Bagf, a- mm •• ww a The celebrated John Deere. N. C.. Thompson, Brigg's Enoch & Co's., all warranted, and as alirarmera fenow, standard goods the world over. ' / BUCCYS, BUCCYS|'i^:^ ;::j "^•i^^l^ertown in all styles, not dipped, butjwelf pftlii^, finished, lull shitting rail, and double collar steel axle, winch you would do ^ell to examine before purchasing elsewhere. 4- 5 ' ' . i R . B I S H O P . IPSiilfftrd & GrflWws renowned Men's $2.99 Shoes, in Hit. ton. Lace or Congsesa, fully warranted equal to any |4,0C Shoe on the Market. W£are sole agents here. STOFFEL. West lIcHen^r, i ;i-'|Uin6&. »S«i • SENSIBLE MAN Would use Kemp's Balsam for the Throat and Lungs. It ia curing more Oaselof Coughs, Asthaai, Bronchitis, Group, and all Throat and Lung Troubles, than any other medicine. The proprietor has authorized Geo. W. Bealey to refund your money if, after taking three-fourths of a bottle, relief 1« not obtalued. Prloe 60 oenti and fl. Trial slse free. _ _ For sale In Mo&emry by QfO. W. Besley, To Cuh luyirt We ofier extrn Inducements In Flour " bard Wheal, a FlUslmmoue A Evansoo. DONT YOU FORGET IT! ASA W. SMITH, -OF- Woodst ook, - - mi I I » % ,r- Barked by Millions ot money, oflftx yon INDEMNITY againat dsaaage by ^ Fire, Lightning, Wind Storms, CYCLONES AND TORN A DORS. ' • Drop me a postal card and I will visit yon: eall on me anrl I will write you a policy, ana wnen citiier or any of these destructive ele ments devastates your property, happy will you bo if you hold one of ray policies,,fa? i will sureiy visit you, %nd minister uatOiTM. ftUsrtiHMtofea. AAA W. SMITH, fgm'l Jnnumm.Agt 1 QUE Sl work published. 1'seful to everybody. Invaluable to t. acbcrs. fmli^n^e 'to schoola^15 educ«to» CERTIFICATES* CAN BE OBTAINED. far£gbfor"xa1n!natf?ns^^!is book ,n oue week thau from Text Books In three months. lnpss» PARLIAMENTARY RULES ARE WORTH THE PRICE. It does not deal In proofs or arguments, f Klven. It supplies a want lone felt among teac branches taught in our schools, without recouri to en«i- The arrangement" has been carefully studred.^^heTuesUons^on'eacii of theistiidles einbraca .11 theleadinR snd technical pp'nrs. This work Is especially adapted to Normal tralnlnK. InstltMes^S^S Ke aDDreiM^pTl M«iw,.-1nimathaiVMWi'B l"b,,u'r'i? ,0 Pr<*Pare for sehool certificates. It fe only to be sesnta HfJ.ny claim that the book cau have no equal, considering the assistance it renders in refin> lng snd bringing back to memory the principal questions represented In common school studies. 3500 3500 QUESTIONS. ANSWERS. Esch branch is divided Into vwo departments, one for questions and one for an­ swers. Each question Is numbered and a like nyinber ts given the corresponding answer. Civil Government, Parliamentary Raieg, Beading, (Made liaay, InflnltUes and Participles Penmanship, Physiology, United States Hlstosw OMgraphy, • ' . dram rear, • Written ArltkmeHe, N Physical Geography, Orthography. [Eztraettflrom Letter* to A. U. Craig. representing thomtwtdt Of fi <tat ions, ] ̂ N EW YORK.--I have sold over 10,000 copies, snd the demand still eoatlMM I have never handled a book which gave such general satisfaction. w. C. llAGAli, Ed. Pupil's Companion* SvnAcrsn. N. T.--Too have a splendid book for teachers and revlewlu classes, and it Is bound to have a very large circulation. Ship 1,000 by freUZ C. W. UAKUKKN, Dealer In School Supplies. ST. ALBANS, Vt.--They sell at sight; and are highly recommended bjronf advanced teachers. * ALBERT F. hASMT HRTAN, Tex.--I have used your Book for several years, and am moeh pleased with it. WM. A. BANKS, •. M., Sup't City f " One Copy, Sl.SOt Two Copies. ««.SO| Three Csriss, SS S«1 •Is Ceplea, H.OS. tT Sent by mail. A6EKTS WAXTm SEND SS CENTS for canvassing book; terms and Instructions to agents; recommends, description, binding, etc. Thirty cents aUowsd tf returned In exchange for Question Book. As Hi CRAIG, PUBLiatet Caldwtll, RaoiM C«.t Vb» '"'••ft i: West McHenr ' x. A : WW Oer:i " ••r, • ?/,. & EB fli-- Illinois, • * :-<w- \V* Drags, Medicines, aints, Oils, Toilet Articles, . "J> \ ectionery, fev MA-/ m&& The finest line of Pure Candies to be* iound in the county. The best bra ads ot Cigars aud Smoking and Chewing Tobacco always on hand. Physicians Prescriptions carefully Compounded. £gr*lj. W. Nichols, Jr., a Jeweler of large experience, has taken a Window Cn tihs Store, and is prepared to do all work in his line. > W. BEBL£% ' 'XV. 'r * % ;• ' r^V-,C,-fr. . v-<. 1

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