Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 May 1886, p. 4

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T« *<<>*-< --.r • - **£> , f* v •**'• * J Jfr $ r. , K J. * jv. ^ V • ' ? • WKDNE8DAY,, MAY IS, »j. VAN SLYKE. Editor. THIS PAPER .W !•£?,'T ROwE 1,1, A CO.'S Newspaper Advertising ft urea it (lb Spruce Street), where advertising rrw "S NEW YORK- Fifth District Republican Congrossiona Convention. The Republican< of the counties Jconiposing the Fiflh Oongresslonnl Distric t are request- «<1 to send delegate* to a convention to be held at Elgin, on Tuesday, June i, 1888, _at 11:30 o'clock, A. M.. for the purpose of placing in nomination a candidate for Representative In Congress for said district, and to transact such other business as may proporiy come before the convention. The beveral counties comprising the dis. trict will beMUU^to fielcaates as follows: „6rnnUe».'f ";t •• D«teg»tes. , Kah« - . » - - 1S X>eKalb • • • - *' * 10 • ; ';icciHenr|^ • • • . - ' • * • W. 8. FRAZIKR, Kane ', V W. L. SIMMONS, DeKalb F, Z. KIMBALL, Lake. F. s. WHITMAN, Boone. Congressional District Com, gs 1 % IttpubUcan County Convention* The Republican voters of McHenry County are requested to send delegates to a Repubil can County Convention, held at the Oenrt Honse in Woodstock, Saturday, May 29, 1886, at 1 o'clock p. M. lor the purpose of elect Ing nine (9) delegates to represent McHenry Oonnty In the Congressional Convention to be held at Elgin, Tuesday, June 1st. Also to elect nine (95 delegates lo represent McHenry Oonnty in the State Convention, and twenty three (») delegates to represent the County in the Senatorial and Representative Conven­ tion, the two last hereafter to be called, and M place in nomination a candidate for County JU£ge. County Clerk. Treasurer, Sheriff and County Superintendent of Schools unci to tmn&Hct such other knt*inc*s&6 may properly eome before the convention. Eecta towajs entitled to the following rep­ resentation. * CONGRESSIONAL CONVENTION, „ i |m Congressional Convention for tt!r !?!ctrtc: !c to meet In Elgin on Tuesday, Juao 1st. linn. A, J. Hop- ,H /%••« r> »t t i*l\1 > •*» a »•*<* •>»> »* probably have no opposition to & re- noiniration. During his short term In Congress he has proved himself Alive to the interests of his constituents, and should, as he no doubt will receive the compllm«jnt«,of a unaroimous, re- D o m l n a t i o n . ' « i • • • • • ; jg'We hear much dissamftSttoo- expressed at the action of the Republi­ can County Committee in calling a Convention for the nomination of utity officers at so early a date. • It does look a little unseemly, but as we have no axes to grind we can afford to let^hose growl who have A grievance «®"A full account of the Socialistic mob in Chicago, wherein five Police­ men and a large number of the mob were killed, can be lound on the inside pages of this*paper. >f- .£ Bl'HNKD OUT. "The Jfomekeep*r%" Minna**© Us, Wnru, rrns fctrrncd out for the*»»ond time lasts yeai'P, April 12 th, and a ii'tlon list de­ stroyed. Several of the* ladles em-, ployed barely escaping with their lives.' Such of our readers as dgf'uot receive the May number promptly, should write to the publishers, giving full ad­ dress. time,- wjfen futicriptlon VM marie, and length ot Jtime |paid for. The May number will then be forward­ ed and the na ne restored to the list WgrThe republican state central committee will meet In Chicago on Thursday. May 20th, to determine a time and place for holding the state convention. • v « ....« . ... 7 .... Si . ... 7 . . . . . 2 . . . . . 8 . ...10 s » Riley .... Marengo....*». Dunham..,» »• Chemung.. .... Alden »»•"• < Harliaml..... • Reneca ......... Coral . Grafton ..... Dorr • Total By order of McHenry Ooonty Oemtral Committee. G. 8. SOCTHVVOBTH, Chairman Greenwood.. .... -J Hebron JJ Klchmoad » Burton:.... * McHenry . 12 Nunda 8 B»-reville « Algonquin 1® Crystal Lake 5 ...184 Republican FOR SHKK1PF. - i EDITOR PLAINDEALKK:--I wish to <jsU the attention of yeur readers arid tho Republicans of McHenry countv generally, tb the facto! the candid acy • or the office of Sheriff, of. HENRY KRYES, of Algonquin. Mr. K>yes was the fl£St soldier who cnlUted ir» McHenry county, was a member of the 15th Illinois, and served his country long,(faithfully and well. He is also an upright citizen, a good business man, and is every way worthy and well qualified for the position he seek&. "Algonquin has never asked for much in ilie way of county offices, and we trust and liope that Mr. Keyee claims may be candidly, considered at Utd county Convention. , -»• -. -- -ft ."yitixmt.. Crystal Tjak^Mav^O^h^SJlfi. :$»• it- '\-K COUNTY POLITICS. The subject of County officers Is oc- fiHpylng considerable attention at present, although somewhat early, as the election Is nearly six months away. The officers to be elected are County Jud«e, County Clerk, Treasurer, Sheiif! and Superintendent of Schools. The PLAINDEALER thus far has taken Slut little interect in the contest that has been going on for the different offices, but in justice to Us readers mast at least mention the names ol the different candidates. For the officej of County Judge at Ibis writing we think there is no op­ position to the re-nomination of tbe present able Incumbent Judge O. H. GUmoie, He has fll'ed the office the past four years to the entire tatisfac- tt*n of the people. He did yeomans service on the stump durfcig the last Presidential campaign a*d is deserv­ edly popular. Be will be te elected bj: an almost unanimous vote. r For County Clerk Col. Wm. Avery, Who has held tho office for the past four years, is a o*°dldate for re elec. tion, and has rot now and probably Will not hare any opposition. The most arduous duties of any office in the County is connected with this office, and as it has been customary to give this officer two terms we can see u« gofld reason for a change at this time. Co). Avery has made an able and efficient officer and deserves, as he will M doubt receive tbe unanimous vote •Itbe County Convention. For the office of County Treasurer We have beard but little, and person­ ally know of but one candidate for tfeftt offioe, vlz: W. I*. Morse, o! Nunda. Mr. Morse Is well-known in tbe county ftltd seeds no Introduction at our hands. ||« w*vl>l fill the bill in every respect •»<! by his strict integrity and business Mwtlfl nations would make as good Treasurer as McHenry county over had Wm shall expect to see him unepi •KMisly nominated. fTor tbe office of Sheriff, ah. there comes the strife. It must be the fact that Grover Cleveland stepped from the tfftetiff office Into the Presidential chair, almost at one step, has made this offi* so snxioualy sought after. Be that as It may we hear the following names prominently men­ tioned for that offioe. Capt. George Xckert, of Woodstock ;D. A. Stedman. Marengo; Henry Keyes, Algonquiu; W. B. Walker, Harvard; C. N. Culver, Richmond; besides a number of others. In speaking of the first named, Capt. "Eckert, the Sentinel of last week says: For the Sherlfl's place there are eeveral candidates--but none strikes tbe Sentinel as forcibly as that of Capt. George Eckert. The editor of this paper served three years during the -late unpleasantness," with GeorgS?, i and a more bra^e and faithful soldier Wver shouldered a musket, and the Skfitinel believes that if he is elected he ^ill make just as good and faithful afctifcsrifl as he did a soldier, so the inty ci most hearty en- m • V • i-. i' IW(P!KBPPP^ iti ••amam '"""f " VIY • 4k* £?<*,• Are you aware that at £. M. Owen A Sou you can get all the best and latest improved Machinery, mid all warranted as represented, wtm TOCK .V 5 MWT-. CORN PLANTERS. pe<»plev^f McHenry county can have no fear* of ^ivin^ him dorse me nt. e should i||je to ̂ a)l tbe boys elefci*4. but j-wr will not allow hut one. all m\t abide the choice of t the Convention^ r f'^F^r lbe offlAof Scltool Superln :|%ndent we have hf ardafcw mutter- In the wind but nothing deflnlte. g '• to be presume that Lester J^ber, the present lambent, will be eaod'.date, but as has left his «iatT * l',e ^®rl^ ^regard to the •nvtiJtU W® CtU U^e dou't know -Jh * about lt- - the 29th>Un-y ConveDtIo°W for ADDRESS JOHN HOCAN. Commissioner of Highways of t'ie town of Wauconda, Lake County, be­ fore the State Convention of Road Commissiuers, held at, Spring­ field. III., April-27th and 28th,"lSS6. Mr. Hogan said: I am glad to meet such a large as­ sembly this evening with such a strong desire to attain the best po«si le de­ vice lo accomplish the success of their desire to obtain permanent roads, have reason to believe that it is a sub­ ject that interests the close attention of every citizen that travels over the highway. We are all a lover of good roads, and cannot ailord to be without them. Tnis important subject has been lpst sigiit of under our old way of repairing Roads under the super vision of path masters. Gentlemen 1 have seen good straight farmers when called on to work on the road bring a garden hoe. Had he not been ashamed to do so he would probably have brought a meat fork, and I be lieve if this old fogyism of working roads Is pot aban loncd some of us on the flats of IlLnols will get drowned attd as I have ofiered a resolution to p*y our tax in money, think that we are coming nearer to the attainmen of good roads. First wo want money Second great care, should be taken in the selection of men to entrust with this money, who will expend to the best atvantage and put it where it will do the most good to the greatest number. Next is to have some knowl edge of selecting tin proper tools for the section where he lives. Those tools are like medicine. The tool that is good for one section of the country is no good for the other. The same medicine will not cure the same di3 ease. We are all here from different towns and counties and we must be our own judge to choose the tools thai is the best adapted to the soil where it is to be operated. Gentlemen this puts me in mind of our milling conventions, i lie only way we could ever obtain our great advance of milling, was to hold meetings and squeeze the sense of every mind to its utmost capacity. It required difierent cons'ructions of mills to obtain good results from the difierent grades of wheat, soft and hard. Wheat mills that would be adapted to one would not be adapted to the other. So we find in road making. In the sections where them is plenty of gravel there Is no reason for not having good roads; only drain the surfice water oft. Io other sections wh- re gravel is scare it would be a great expense to get a permanent road. Road making Is a science and we should learn its re­ quirements before we can hope for much success. It is my experience in our black poru* soil, roads where gravel is too scarce, that to raise our road bed as high as we can con venientJy over the surface of t<>e road bed, round it In the middle, then tile each side of the road leading to some natural or artificial outlet, and keep the roads smooth, that in time we would have a passable road most of the time, but It would not go under tbe head of a permanent road. It. would take a great many thousand dollars in our town to make a perma­ nent road. But in this way we could keep it passable and it Is about time to go to work on the loads, so as to get them well beaten down before Fall rains. I suppose I am speaking to four hun­ dred men this erening who have had the misfortune to become a Road ».om- missioner like myself. I will say to you, gentlemen, go to work with a nerve and a system. Do not get dis couraged by crank, chronic, faultfind­ ing grumblers. Highway men can stand a great deal cf grief. Go ahead and what you do do It well. Let the benefit of your labor be seen for year# to come. We learn by this Convention that the old way was not a profitable way of makiug roads. A load of Some­ thing here and a load of nothing there, and like the Irishman's Ilea, when you wanted to find it It was not there. It had disappeared In the mud. Thus tlie adoption cf a practical system of road improvements has be­ come necessary to our beautiful State of Illinois. I have faith to believe that each Comml-sioner and each In­ telligent farmer will show a willing­ ness to learn the requirements of our roads in tha difierent sections where he is located, and it wi.l be but a few years when we will have passable roads and I believe that the influence of this meeting will, in a great measure, in­ vite application. saw ? KING'S EYI Was the name formerly given to because of a superstition that it cured by a king's touch. The ' wiser now, and knows that SCROFULA esa only be cured by a thorough puriflca-' tion of the blood. If this is neglected, the disease perpetuates its taint througlLpfs, generation after generation. Among It» earlier symptomatic developments are Eezemaj Cutaneous Eruptionfc®u» mors, Boils, Carbuncles, Erysipelas, Purulent Ulcers, Nervous an« rPhy- steal Collapse, etc. If allowed te conlV tinue, Rheumatism, Scrofulous"Ca» tarrli, Kidney and Liver Diseases* Tubercular Consumption, and vari-; ous other dangerous or fatal maladies, are produced by it. Ayer's Sarsaparffla I We carry in stock the celebrate ! Keystone in two styles, Standard, * ' Challenge, Arving, Evans and John Deere. 7s the only powerful and always reliable blood-purifying medicine. It is so effect" ual an alterative that it eradicates front the system Hereditary Scrofula, and the kindred poisons of contagious diseases and mereurv. At the same time it en­ riches and vitalizes the blood, restoring healthful action to the vital organs ana rejuvenating the entire system. This great Regenerative Medicine Is composed of the genuine Honduras Sarsaparilta, with Yellow Dock, Stil- lingia, the Iodides of Potassium and Iron, and other ingredients of great po­ tency. carefully and scientifically com­ pounded. Its formula is generally knowu to the medical profession, and the best phvsieians constantly prescribe AYER'8 SAKSAVARILLA as an ^Absolut© Cur£ For all diseases caused by the vitwWoni of the blood. It is concentrated to tfie high* est practicable degree, far beyond any other preparation for which like effects are claimed, and Is therefore the cheapest, as well as the best blood purifying medi­ cine, in the world. Ayer's Sarsaparilla PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. A/er it Co., LOWBII, JFAM* [Analytical Chemists.] Sold by all Druggists: price six bottles for #fc We can discount them all on the old reliable Bertrand & Sanies; Climax, Standard. Monitor or Star, Crawford, Case, Norwegian, Furst & Bradley and others, sold very low to thin them out. MOWERS! MOWERS! MOWERS! Look out for our Six Foot cuts this season. The Eureka 6 toot cut will draw with lees draj't than any 4 toot cut made and leave your grass in better shape to dry. Call and see one at our place. Also have the Standard and Manny, both iu wide and narrow cuts. The Crawford, New Warrior'ind otherb which cannot fail to suit you. Try a wide cut, as two rounds with one is equal to three With a narrow cut machine, and can . do it just as easy " "-- WAKKAMT.te THAT•••-•VE- NEW PATENT COOLER W Having recently purchased nnrt lltto<l up the Shop in Nichol*' Block, we are now pre- paicrl tofurnUh our customers wilii Fresh anil Sait Heats OF ALL KINDS, Sausage, Smoked ;Nleats, Etc. --AT THE- LOWEST LIVING RATES. We bu* none but the host of Meats, and flatter ourselves tliat we can offer our cus­ tomers ine.'tts in better shape than any other shop in this section. We have put tn one of Stevens' Patent Coolers, \vlii« h enables us to keep Meats of all kinds in the warmest weather. Give us a call and ^we will guarantee to please you. T. B. TURNER. McHenry, 111., May 10th, 1885. --AND LUNCH IN IMcHENRY. Havinsr leased the Bakery in Gill es' Block, near the Bridge, 1 shall, on or about Iron Open :i First Class Bakery and Lunch B,oom, and will be pre puied to offer to the pnblic A NEW BRAND OF HOME MADE BREAD. Which is sure to please all who give it a trial. Having had a long experience in«the business, I am confident I can please all. Call iu and see me after May 15th. A, G. IiOCKXU April 20th, 1MB. OTLVEBISING H Ait ROWS OF ALL KINDS. Carriages and Spring Wagons, We have the most popu'ar tnakee, and can say here that we have the finest finished jobs tba» ever came into the county and the mater­ ial can't be better. We have in stocK the celebrated La Crosse Walliscarriage; the renouned Cortland, which we have sold hun­ dreds of, Hanny, Miller, Fenner, and others, and the price we can convince you is right. All waraanted for two years in regard to material. Call and see us before you invest in anything in our line, as we are sure you can be suited; A few Single Harness oil hand. The best for the money ever offered. * E, M.1IOWEN & SON. complete, one Stocks in select from es Largest Co. to r• y HEW DRY GOODS, STAPLE ASO FARCY. ation Ia not malciAk dent ndf J? < OUT* rive# " by fo: Ugfiytjr" CHAS. H. TRYON. DRAINAGE ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR. Levels taken, Drains located and Grades established for Tile and Open Drains. Swamp and overflowed lands reclaimed. Elevations taken of Springs. Ponds and Water Courses and all work requiring Accurate Leveling P.O. Address, GREENWOOD, ILL. Remember, thmt Selz, Schwab & Co. took the first premium at the World's Industrial Exposition and that we have a full line ot their Best Goods, which for Style and Quality are bet­ ter this year than ever and are always the best, S 4 : ENGELN, fl-DEALER IN-- Itt de&d e*rue8t. The contest will ooir open Table and Pocket Cutlery, Clothes Wringers, Washing Machines. Gu# and Fi#hing Material, Sporting Goods, etc, ALX. AT BOTTOM PRICES. Also a good stock of Fine Family Groceries, Canned Goods, Con­ fectionary, fresh Bre id and Baker Supplies, the largest stock in the c ounty. ROLLER MILLS FLOUR, WARRANTED Snide Goods kept in Stock. * Prices Satisfactory. IMP. ENC EN. siflrnrs BEANS /2f INK BlltWMi; Sick Httdacto In Four hour*. V9 OM tfMNHjalltm Neuralgia. _Thej cure and Buckwheat Wanted.; ^ At the Fo* River Valley Mill, for which tbe highest market price will be "SODA ! . 'j'lb-li. J ' J r - m prMMt CMIIt > Fivw, Sour Stomach Bad Breath. Clear tho Mln, Tone tho Nerve*, arid jive Ufa>VI«or to tho tyttem. DOMI ONKBKAN. Try thorn eece and you will never bo without thorn. Prtoo, tf eenta per bottle, fold by Driifflota *"d Modteine Dealers generally. Sent on receipt ot prlee to ttaawa, postpaid, to any addreu, J. F. SMITH * CO., and Solo Props.. ST. LOUIS. Mb Bay only good Kerosene Oil. tbe •«* h* fnimil it Purv A f> man1. *vw** w ?**•* v v ^ TO CURE RHEUMATISM. Thin remedy has a specific action upon the fluidt of the body, supplying moisture to th<> t!Rstu*»« am: lubricating the joints affected by the disease. N. Stiff or Distorted UklM remain after a cure t» this specific. A trial of a single bottle will convince the most sceptical tbat wfl bate not told hull its vir tues. Price Kl.OO per bottle. Kor sale by alt -druggists. Manufactured only by LENNEY MEDICINE CO., «NOA» is BOOTS AND SHOES. You will buy it you see them and want a good Plow Shoe. We Want Your And will give you Good Goods at the very lowest prices to get it. ;-w; m ilMNBY, XXJ40 .. " Si -j- •' - *#1

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