Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Jun 1886, p. 5

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WEDNESDAY, JUNE Table. • JHM M.tTttttaa M below: •OIXOSOUTH. }nm Lake Nnnfw 6tB«Ti I4k« Ixpreu 6«n«n Lake FreUcht Goners lake Paaaenrer 7:88 A. M .8:45 1 »:« P. lf| SM ' "ii: aotao >oira. W': gum Uk« freight l iu.i Seaeva Like Paaaenger .. WrflO - 3t»mUk* lipnu...... 4:48r. it IMHTI Lake PHMutr .S:W M B. BUM. Agent. Mekearr. Ill H'H. NICHOLS IS treating bis block to a new coat of Paint on this outside. ED W. Owen has been quite sick for tb« past week, but Is now better. Iryou have a good business advertise and' keep It, If not advertise and get It. • Dp Ml fail to read the now adver­ tisement of Bonsiett ft Stollel, tobe found in another column. THE Steamer "Mamie*1 made the first Sunday excursion of the season to the Lakes ou Sunday last, quite a nuiftber went up. TBC Chicago Baptist Association holds Its Annual session with the Sec­ ond Baptist Church, Chicago, June 15. It and 17. • AVERT flat Poem, read at the Ddco- ration Day services, in Hebron, will appear in our Soldiers* Department next week. I$OBT. TWEED, Soring Grove, will please acoept thanks for tho very Unhandsome remembrance sent us a few days since. F. A. HEBARD is Improving the looks fof his residence by a fine scroll-work railing around the porches, on the first and second stories. Taos. .WALSH'S carriage mare was badly cvtSoD a barb wire fence onfe day last week. It was an ugly looking wound, but with proper care she will be sll right again soon. TBIS IS Waltonlan week at Fox Lake, and the Stesmers "Mary" and 44Mamie" are making trips from every train arriving from the south during the week. bonds while the six wi ytfuR Police Court Is Girder. Two cases on i ROBT. SCHIE88LB and C. H. Ostrai der, have lately been repairing, paint­ ing and renovating their Salofn buildings and now look as slick af a new pin. FORD, of the Riverside House, Is making preparations for a rousing Fourth of July Party, to take place m the evening of the 2d, (the Fouifh coming this year on Sunday.) QUITO a number of our citizen* tended the Decoration ceremonh at Richmond, on Monday. Rev. Brunnlng, of this village, dellveret the address. m THE man Rudolph, who was shot by young Bngart, near Richmond, i« still alive, but not vet out of danger. In tho mean time Bngart languishes ir. thejlotei de Udell, at Woodstock. THS repeated Raoe at the Riverside Skating Rink, between Smith and Colby, skaters and Phalen walker, on Saturday evening last, was won easily by»Phtlen, beating the skaters eleven Im Miss DORA WHITING, daughter of Arthur Whiting, hue been very sick and for several, days her life waa^ dlspalred of, but she Is now reported as slowly Improving. Dr. Davis, of Woodstock, Is In attendance. WE heard a farmer say a day 01 two since that he had discovered that his sheep were in a very bad condition from being Magoty. As this Is some thing a little unusual at this time of year farmers would do well to make a tamlnation of theit flocks. WE learn that Miss Belle Beckwith. of this village, and Bert Darling, of Rlehmond, were married at the Methodist Parsonage, in this village, one day last week.] As the notice has nor" beeu baudCa In we canoot give farther particulars. THE ladles of the M. E, Church will ho'd an Ice Cream and Strawberry Festival at Riverside Hail, (instead of the Church, as announced last week.) on Friday evening of this week, June 4. A general Invitation Is extended by tho ladles to a!l, to turn out to this, their first festival of the season. : , WHETHER or not we are to have a Fourth of July cele oration In MeHenry. Is a question thai Is yet undecided, but wo trust the matter will be taken in hand at once by some one. Let a nesting be oalled, committees ap­ pointed, and make arrangements to havcLMPod old fashioned time, ~ THS large Dryer being built In this village by S. S. Shepard ft Son, Is on a much larger szale than we supposed. It Is to be 60x75 feet, high basement, stone foundation, with drying and Storage ̂ rooms above. McAfee ft Lively, of Chicago, are the Architects and<the building when completed will mt $3,500. TRAVEL to the Lakes has set In quite lively, and the prospect now is that the visitors to Fox and Pistaqua Lakes will be larger this year than c-ho/ftre. f Oood flatting and bunt­ ing. good -Hotel accommodations and the finest scenery in the world, are a few of the Inducement that bring pleasure seekers to tbis popular sum mer resort. BALDNESS may be avoided by the oso of Hairs Hair Renewer, whloh pre- veots the falling out of the hair, and stimulates It to renewed growth and luxuriance. It restores faded or gray hair to Its original dark color, .and _ vod tii on Saturday lastly dec- logtbe graves of the sofimi»«lio are sleeping in our Cemetery. No regular arrangement* hliving hcen made it was an Improrata affair. never­ theless went to show that the patriot dead burled in ou»- mJUlsl were not en­ tirely forgotten. .4, THE teachers and pupils of till pub lie' school are preparing to close the present term with literary and musl' cat exercises and will entertain their friends, on Thursday and Friday even­ ings, June 10 and 11. The proceeds are tobe used in the interest's or a school Hbrary.jMuch care will be taken 'to make the programme interesting, and It Is hoped there will be a large attendanoe. THE Rsngwood friends observed Monday as Decoration Day by strew ing choice and beautiful flowers on the graves of the dead heroes who are sleeping in the Cemetery at that place. While those impromtu gatherings are not so elaborate as those gotten up by preconcerted arrangements yet they go just as far to show the respect and honor of a community towards those brave men who died that this country might live. THE Ringwood Cemetry Aid Socie­ ty will meet at the residence or Wes­ ley Ladd, Saturday evening. June 6th. PROGRAM MB. Declamation........ . . Walter Crlsty Song.. ...Lois Chase Declamation........Laura Stephenson Reading... J^. ... J. E Crlsty In«trumental music.......KmiW Chase Declamation ......J' V. B tick land Declamation E. W. Bobbins MRS. MABT DODOS, Secretary. AX exchange says: "A newspaper In this State recently brought suit against 43 men who would not pav their sub­ scription and obtained judgment. * In each case for the full amount of the claim. Of these, 28 made an affidavit, that they owned no property but that the law allowed them thus preventing attachment. Then under a decision of the supreme court they were arrested for petit larceny and bound over in the °um of 9300 each. All but six gave bonds while the six went to iail. now in ruuning Monday morning, that were run in by the Night Watch Saturday and Sunday nights, received attention and helped to replenish the village Treasury. On Tuesday after* noon Night Watchmen Llneolu and Holmes, and Marshal Wightman char­ tered thefclty Bus as a patrol wagon and starting from the Depot succeeded In hauling in four between that plac* and the lock-up. . Three of these were broug'.it before Police Magistrate Holmes and fined in atotal of $27 and costs. Police Magistrate Holmes is liable to become a terror to evil doers here ahouts And our Marshals are doing their whole duty without fear or tavor. ILVEKi1 IHiW Hllil we are asked to do free advertising. The request usually comes to "puff" a certain busl new. and If that Is ndt^omptTed with' the publisher is found fault with. We are always willing to give religious and charitable Institutions suitable space, free, in the master of loca' notices, but when it cornea to private business the line must be drawn. This paper is published, primarily for the benefit of the proprietor, and for the good of its readers and advertisers, and an advertisement In lie columns-- local or otherwise --is worth what is charged for it. It is our merchandise. When business men give their mer chaidlse awav, then, and not till then, will w* furnish free advertising, and the public should remember this. WHEN a death, marriage or birth oc­ curs I11 one's family, he always likes to see mention made of It in the local pa­ per. When his folks are visiting or visited he likes to see it In print. But when sending to some large city he can get printing a little cheaper, he fre­ quently overlooks the fact that his home paper la employing hands and paying them money to trade at his store, paying tax to support his village and keeping the world informed that the market is the place to buy and sell, and ignqres home efforts and for a few paltry cents Bends to some large city where a press run by steam and fed by a 35 cent boy makee bis note heads, letter bead*,statements, etc., on Inferi­ or paper, for a few pennies less than he would have to pay for a good job at home.--Ex. AT the County Couvention, held at Woodstock on Saturday last, the fol­ lowing named were chosen to repre. sent the County in the different Conventions. STATE CONVENTION. A. W. Young, B. N. Smith, Ira R. Curtis, A. Barber, J as. Nish, R. J. Beck, Chas. H. Tryon, James Crow, Wm. Avery. CONGRESSIONAL CONVENTION. A. S. Wright, Geo. Crego, G. W. Eldredge, J. Van Slyke, H, 3. Williams, W, T. Hamilton, D. Thompson'. Charles Irwin, F. J. Disbrow, SENATORIAL CONVENTION. J. C. Crumb, C. L. Kingsley, Linn Young. J. McConnelt. D. Haldemann. O. C. Dlggins, S, L. Lincoln, G. H. Garrison, F. K. Granger. L. Woodard, F. A. Patrick. W. Belden, M. L. Joslyn, G. S. Soutbworth, George Ford. A. Williams, H. A. Sheldon. C. Cook (J.'F. Dike, H. Hamilton, S. H. Calender, Z. E. Goodrich. James B. Perry. Farm Hand Wanted. A good farm hand can flod a situa­ tion by applying to E. Barnard, at the old Northorp Mills, west of Ringwood village. YOUNG MEN. don't bay a soldo Carriage, when you .can get a Court- land, Henry Miller, or others of the best possible make at TO. M. Owen A S^f^riy warred for' two foftrs., OHghMt MpO Paying VMta--The dooftofa. H. D. Knowlton. of Holland, W. Y„ says Pise's Remedy for Catsrrh has proved "Excelsior"* In his ease. A millionaire, who was looking at a level tract of land which he had just purchased at an extravagrant price said to tho agen*. woo had sold it to him, *'I do admire a rich green flat.** "So do 1," significantly replied tho agent. Wm. C. Hawkins, of Ellsabethtowa. Ky.. had Bronchitis In its worst form, and two doctors considered his case very doubtful. He used Piso's Cors for Consumption freely, and believes It saved his life. -Johnny," said his father, as the, boy took a biscuit from the plato. "don't you know that It Is unpollto^to help yourself before your elders f - Wh y, pa, mother told me to help myself be­ fore you!" "What do yon mean?" ask­ ed his father; while Ids mother looked up with astonishment In every feature. 14 Why, I heard mother tell aunt Han­ nah that she hoped I wouldn't take af­ ter you; and so I thought I'd take my biscui t first. Mr. A. J. Grubb, of Dayton, Ohio In a letter dated Jan. IS. 1886. says: "You may add my testimony as to the merits of Piso's Cure for Consumption. I took a very severe cold last February, which settled on my lungs. They became ul­ cerated and were so pahiful that ! had no rest for two days aod nights. I got a bottle of Piso's Cure, and was reliev­ ed by the time I had taken half oC It. Since then I have kept this medicine In this bouse, and use It as a preventive both for lurg trouble and croup, for which I can recommend It as the best medicine I ever used; and that Is say­ ing a great deal, for I have used at least twentySothers. Piso's Cure has never failed to give relief In my fami­ ly.*' VOLO. EDITOR PLAINDEALER : -The Im­ provements of dirt roads In this vicln Ity is very satisfactory and farmers are delighted and well pleased with the same. Indications now point to a new era In road making in Lake Co., and the problem has been solved with the intelligent farm er and very soon there will not be one rod of poor roads in the town of Wauconda. 1 he |i^op]e have paid their road tax in money for the past two or three years which has enabled the Road Commissioners to p-irchase two Grading Machines, that cost some over 9150 each. We.have seen, with one of those machines with four good horses abreast and all han­ dled and managed by intelligent n^en, atter the land had been plowed pro­ fusely, grade up, of sufficient w«dtli and hel ;ht, one mile a day of road as smooth and ueat as a pjn. It was a pleasure to see the phiz of the skepti­ cal yeoman un these machines wieath ed in smiles as he stepped out lu the road to view the landscape o'er after this work was completed and ho was thoroughly couviuced the old fas'il on- ed way was not the best ii| all things yet. The greatest dlffljulty the Com­ missioners hive to ooiitend with so far Is to get the plowing done In season as heretofore they have de­ pended upon the farmers, but now they will purchase plows, hire men and teams fur the seaton. It'was very fortunate for the town that. John Hogan. last April, was elec­ ted Commissioner of Highwajs. and as well also to have lilm a delegate to Springfield Convention, as he proves to be the right man In supervising road making. After all Is graded, then gravel follows. Then Illinois will be, verily the "Garden ol the <>ods." B. OOMPTO-f. mfsssxss.. . A CARD Or TH INKS. Atlantic Iowa, May Sta. 1SK. To my many Friends To my many friends I take this method of thanking my many friends for the splendid gift sent mo by them and I assure them they will always be remembered with gratitude. EDWARD KIMBALL. ESTRAY. Came into the enclosure of tho un­ dersigned, on Monday, May 31st, one white hoise, about eleven years old. The owner is hereby notified to prove propertjr, p*y charges and take him away. MICHAEL DOHERTT. 'MeHenry, June 2 1. 1886. COW WANTKD. A New Milch Cow. Must be strictly first class. Apply at the Riverside House. W. a. FORD. Tent for Sale. A good 10x13 Wall Tent, Good as new, never having been set up but once. Will be sold cheap. Inquire at this offioe. BOILS, blotches, pimples, and all skin diseases, are quickest cured, by cleans­ ing the blood with Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Remember at E. M.Owen 4 Son's, vou will find the Sames, Standard. Climax t'arpentersville. Monitor, Thompson. Norwegian, Case and Brad­ ley Cultivators, and the price way down. Both four and six shovel. Window shades, lace curtains, lam­ brequins, scrim b cloth. In great varie­ ty at Bonsiett A Stoffel'g. Case and Climax Cultivators at E. M. Owen A Son's, for 92S. Others In proportion. Farmers don't fail to see the Eureka Six foot Cut mowers, it E. M. Owen A <o»'s Warranted to draw easier than any side Cut 4 foot mower over made. Standard. Manny, Crown. Knowlton. Warrior and new Crawford Mowers, at E. M.^Owen A Son's For tsls. f'ofer for eale my Farm of 110 acres, situated 3 miles from Ricmbond. known as the old Newoombe Farm; one half mile from school house, and with a living spring running through It, MAJOR NOBLB. Bfabinond. March 17. 18W. 0 EDITOR PXJPH||ilWTIio*» new uniforms are tfatstes. I Mrs. Woodburv is again quite sick. -Mrs, E!eeta*Tryon. from Nebraska, Is visiting her parents. Old Mr. Hawley Is reported very low at this writing. Mrs. Josle Mauley returned to Har- var I Saturday night. Mr. Baldwin, from Greenwood, Is making his son H. R. a visit. E. F, Hewes and wife returned from the north Saturday. A number fr>m here attended the Convention at Woodstock.. Mr. aad Mrs. Henry Housholder wont to Harvard Saturday night. Misses Madge Merry and Nell Rich­ ardson were in town Thursday and attended the dance. Mr. and Mrs. Everett, from Ohio, are spending a few weeks with their mother, Mrs, Wickham aod other friends. Russell Holmes' little boy met with quite a serioua accident Ia«t week. A larger boy fell from a fence knocking the little follow down and breaking bis collar bone. The "Cyclones" and "Kids" played a game of base ball s«tardav afternoon, the result being happily [n favor of tho "kids;* The score standing 80 to 34. Our band will "toot" their best at the opening of Kayos Park on Satur­ day next. ; Perhaps "Flossie," In the klnduess of her heart, might make Georgle \ new sun-bonnet, as ho has outgrown his last years one, Those who attended the Ma£!party report a grand time. Several^ouples were present from W^odsto^k, also some from Rlehmond. The next dance will be given <(unc 18th. Where were the delegates when the IwRljy broke down? 'They parted by the hll* side.' The programme arranged for Me­ morial Day was as usual, successfully carried out. The procession was led by the Hebron Cornet Band, the Guards and old veterans. The exercises at the church were very Interesting through­ out, consisting of music by the band, singing by the male quartette, recita­ tions by Misses Grace Groesbeck, Nel­ lie Brennan and Gertie Gratton, an original poem by Miss Ibbie Rowe, and at last the address by Rev. Chas. Fraser, of Genoa, which was pronoun­ ced by one and ail to be the finest of any description ever delivered In He­ bron, Mr. Fraser has gained many ad­ miring friends here who ate hoping for the good fortune to listen to him at our Fourth of July celebration. ° ALGONOUIN EDITOR PLAINDEAI.CR C. E. Cha­ pel! came in on Fridty last with three carloads of stock,one ear of mlicit cows one of springers an1 one or young stock. The Algonquin delegates came home from the County Convention, on Sntur day last, and xlfftftugh beaten on the Sheriff question they were to all ap­ pearances sober. Mr. And Mrs. ~W«S. Morton* spent Saturday last at Elgin. The outdoor dance platform was finally dedicated on Saturday evenlne last. There was a fair attendance, the evening being beautiful. D. B. Sherwood and family, of Elgin, attended Decoration here on Sunday last. The Excelsior Literary, on Friday evening last, was well attended and a nice programme was well rendered. Our Public School closed on Friday last for the Summer vacation. On Suuday last our little Village towns people assembled at the Congre­ gational Church to form In line to march to the Cetbetry on the hill, to pav its tribute to the honored dead. Columbia's brave defenders. Chat lie W and rack, wh> was marsh all of the day, was followed by the old Soldiers, who were retnforoed by the Nunda Post, 22 strong. Then came 20 young misses dressed in white, with rel white and blue sashes, At the Ceme­ try gate the Vets, opened ranks while the girls passed through with their choicest floral offerings to deck the Soldiers Graves. After the decorating services wera completed, the friends, who were very numerous, gathered around the Speakers stand, when the following programme was rendered: 1st, A song by the Choir. Sod, Prayer by the Rev. Dougkss. 3rd, 3ong by the Choir, which was followed by a speech by Judge Gillmore, of Woodstock, which was greatly enjoyed by all and was followed by a short speech by D. B. Sherwood, of Elgin, which was also ireli received. 4th, the old yet always welcome Hymn, America, which ail Joined In singing. The Beredlctlon was then pronounced by the Chaplin. Mr. Douglass. The comrades from here wish to lender their hearty thanks to the Nunda Post for so gallantly com­ ing to their aid. AtC. E, Cha pell's auction sale of a carload of milch cows, on Monday of' this week. Cows sold on an average of $38 per bead. F. K. Granger of MeHen­ ry. was the orator. There were quite a number from here attended Decoration at Dundee and Elgin, on Monday of this week. The Nix Brothers Swiss Bell Ring ers are hilled for Tuesday evening of this week, at Plngry's Hall, The celebrated Courtiand and Heur; buggies both light and heavy, M. Owen A Sou'a, [eury at K. La Cress Wallace Carriages, at E. M, Owen A Son's. O the shaking of the ague I O the tortures of Neuralgia I O the misery of dyspepsia I wretchedness or headache! NELIEPECK HOrrlfASr, who died April 34, WW. This Is tho first of June and from a sorrowful farewell to departed May I turn to meditate upon the many bright things .this month of June Is ever bringing to Increase our happi­ ness and already I anticipate their pleasures. Sweet-scented roses, and a great variety of bloom, rich in fra­ grance and gorgous In color, and 1 re­ flect that ever those born to blush In beauty are but transitory things and that June's gifta to mortals are to Time, the bright wing with which he Is wending bis way forever onward. They are already in reflection decay­ ing and I believe have their claim to our admiration, rooted In our better nature, not from their fragrance nor beauty but from their kindly offices to mortals. They cheer the forlorn who have naught else to cheer and bring light and joy to tho sick room, where lingering Ills contend with drooping spirits. It was with this thought that remembrance of the above deceased and her fondness of flowers came rush­ ing upon me. The smallest child with a single flower would have been a more weloome guest than the greatest personage without one. In a few words at the head of this article can the stranger read the career of ordina­ ry mortals, but of those we know we; linger o'er sn<1 lmmagination pictures ! the laughing child, fondled In a loving mothers bosom, or Iteid with pride upon a sturdy fathers knee. Then a merry school gli 1, with book and slate and tiny pall, ready for morning walk to school or on her return at evening tired with the exertions of a summer day, throwing herself in mothers arms, relatlnic t}ie story ef some childish adventure to pluck some wilted wild flowers she holds in her soiled hands. Then scarce the evening meal was served when already halt asleep she was tucked by mother In her cozj* cot snd was soon oblivious to the vexa­ tions or joys through which childhood is ever passing. Next In early woman­ hood, then as wife and mother; but the messenger death came and she couid|not. even through the ties of love which holds wife and husband, mother and child together, resist the Inevita­ ble, 8lic was a patient sufferer, and ever, anxious for the welfare of those around her. Her death though ex pected by her family brought gr ief to them such as they have never known. The funeral was a gathering of her many friends who followed her in re­ spectful sorrow to her last resting place in the little cei.>etery near the school she attended in childhood. And now flowers of June I know not a kindlier office for you than to decorate that new tu»de *rave. F. L C. GREAT REDUCTION AT M- ENCLEN'S. Ash Oars, a>>y size, 7} foot. eents per Fish Poles, 18 and 22 feet 6 eents. Fish Lines, the beet 16 f<iot, 3 cents. Screen Wire, 2} oents per square foot. , Patent Spring Hinges,40 cents per Pair, Nails, #2.85 per Keg. Rim or Mertlse Door Locks, 00m plete, with Krob, 30 cents. Door Butts, 3x3. 6 cents per pair Farms Wanted. Mr. M, A. Howell, hte proprietor of the old Dake farm. Greenwood. Is glvlrrg his attention 10 the sale of first class Improved farms only. Any of our old f&riners who think they can fill 1 he bill, and have their farms in No. I condition, can find customers by ap plying to M, A. Howell. Riverside House McHenrv, or by leaving their address at this office. Mr. Howell re­ fers to H. E. Wlgntman. Henry Colby, and others of MeHenry. and to any of the old residents of Greenwood. 43 If, WHEAT WANTED. | AT THB Fox River Valley Mills. Cash and the Highest Market Price paid for good Milling Wheat, at the Fox Rlvor Valley Mills, MeHenry. Ill R. BISHOP. Full line of C. H. Fargons ^custom piade Boots and Shoes at Bonsiett A Stoflel's, 8hort Horn Bulls for Sale. The undersigned has for sale full blood Short Horn Bulls. Will be sold cheap, Call on or address FRANK COLB. One mile East of Spring Grove. April 24,1886. Sood Corn. For Rale. PRIDE OF THE NORTH, at Bonsiett A in#c|'». Flour! Flour! Save the commission by buying your Flour at Iianlv's Mill. First Class Flour f 1,10 per Sack. A. H. HANLT A SOUS. MeHenry, May ISth. 1886, Try our warranted Badger State Overalls, Jackets and Shirts. BONSLETT A STOFFEL. AYER'S Sarsaparilla has such concen­ trated, curative power, that it Is by far the best, eheapest, and surest blodo purifier known. WHEAT WAITED The highest cash price will be paid for good Milling conda Mill. 45-4w Wheat, at tho Wau< O the O the gripes of bilious colic I All of these will surely vanisn Like the snow before the Southwind, If you'll only take SMITH'S BILK BEANS. You can buy them at your drug store For s quarter of a dollar; And if you will only try them You sever b» VfiU^ui ' SALE. Tho undersigned will se ji at Public Auction, at his bouse. In Spring Grove, on Tuesday, June 14th, 18»6. commen­ cing at 1 o'clock p. M., a quantity of Dry Goods, Yankee Notions, Glass ware. Tinware, etc. TERMS.--Sums of $5 and under Cash. Over that sum a credit of 6 months will be given on approved Notes at 6 percent ihterest. Wlf. WBAY. CBAS. ANDRSWS. Auctioneer. Good Rockford Flour only #1.25 per sack at Bonsiett A Stoflel's. Ladies and Gentlemen's Summer Underwear at Bonsiett A Stoflel's. la tho vlllsge of MetSoary, a and five lots. Tho owner wishing to build on land owned bv blm outside of the corporation will sell very low. The house has been newly painted throughout, contains fxir rooms besides kitchen and pantry below, and two good large rooms aod closeta in the second story, There is a good barn, well, cistern, and other outhouses on the premises. Also an abundance of small fruit of all kinds. Is well located and convenient to the Public School. Will be sold cheap if applied f jr soon. For further particulars Inquire at this office. Wanted. and energetic mfctttO sell all kinds of njrsery goods. New and hardy varieties adapted to the cli­ mate. Business light aad easily learned. To successful men weean pay good salaries and expenses and give steady employment. First class referecces required. Send for terms. Address L* L. May. A Co„ Nurserymen St, Paul Minnesota, Eggs for Hatching! ̂ From Wyandottes, Hon dans, White Leghorns and Light B rah mas. A few White Leghorn fowls for sale. • W. H. D WIOHT. Woodstock, 111. For Sale. A house and lot In this village. Is well located, the house new, having been built last season, and Is a very desirable piece of property. Will be sold cheap If applied for soon. Will give possession at once. For further particulars Inquire at this offioe. Great Reduction. I will until further notice make pic­ tures at toe following low rates: - Cabinet Photos, per do* $3.00 Cabinet Photos, per half dos 2.00 Card Phoros, per doz 2.00 Card Photos, per half doz 1.50 Satisfaction given In all oases, as formerly. L. E. BENNETT. House and Lot For Sale. In the village of Ringwood. Con tains 10 Room*. Also a Barn, Wood­ shed and other outbuildings, well, cistern, etc., on the premises. With- n twenty rods of Depot. Go'td Garden, Apple Trees, etc. Price #1000. For terms and other particu lars Inquire of WESLEY LADD, Ringwood, March 5th, 1886, 34-6 months. B. H. Bromwell ft Co, Chicago's Leading Fine Furriers, have Just opened in connection with their large Kur business, 161 State street (near 'tie Palmer House Chicsgo), the largest and finest line of Imported Millinery ever shown West. Our lady readers Bhould give them a call, as they can always rely upon strictly tirst-class goods at "Popular Prices." 38--13w. EVERYBODY KNOWS That Henderson's Boot) nnd Shoes are the best. We sell lots of them.--* Perry A Owen's, Sole Agents, BAND f OK SALE. I am now prepared to furnish partiet- who deslre, with a very fine quantity of 6«nd, In either large or tmtll quantities. THOS, KNOX. MeHenry, Mav 85 1886/ Flour! 1- lour I Save the commission, by buying your Flour at Hanly's Mill, First Class Flour 91,10 per Sack. A. H. HANLY A SOUS. MeHenry, May 18th, 1886. • * St vllsh, well made Seersucker Coat* and Vests only $2 00 at Bonsiett A Stoflel's. We have bargains and assortments In Commu.'ion »nd Confirmation suits tor vouths and boys. Please examine at Bonsiett & Stoflel's. Solo Agents For C. M. Henderson's celebrated school shoes. See them at Pony A Owen's, Notice. To those that want Tubs, Vats, Hay Racks,and anything in my tine of bus!- less. ^ Work done on short notloe to lrder. Shop one door South p> Law 'us' Store, F. A. HEBARD. tfcHenry. Aug. 10,1886. 11-*-ly FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned oflers for sale his farm, situated four miles west of MeHenry, consisting of 246 acres. In good location and an excellent Dairy farm. Or will trade fir a smaller farm. Apply to. PHILIP GIESKLER. 30--3 months. For Sale. The undersigned offers for sale his residence, and two acres of land, situa ted in the village or Ringwood. Is well located, in good repair and on the premises are all kinds of small fruit, all in a healthy and bearing condition. It is, with all. a very desirable piece of property. (Good barn and outbuildings For terms and other particulars call 00 the undersigned on the premises. WM. LANOHAM, Ringwood, March 9rh, 1886. For Sale or Exchange, One good bouse and barn with other out-buildings, good orchard and ail in good shape, with land from 1 to 14 acres; or will sell a part of the land by the acre without the buildings. Also will sell some good lots to anyone wishing to build. W|)| eell any or the whole of the above property very low, trade for a good farm or for Western land. The above property Is well situ­ ated uear the depot in West MeHenry U(. 39tf S. RAYMOND. SUMMER MILLINERY. - Ladies who desire stylish and artis­ tic Miilinery Goods, of any description should call on MRS. H H.NICHOLS, who has just returned from the city, with the finest line of Summer Milli­ nery and Fancy Goods ever brought to this town. Her stock consists in port of the latest styles of Hats, Bonnets, Flowers, Feathers, Ribbons, eto. Sat isfactlon guaranteed in stylo, prios and workmanship. « An Inspection of stock Is respect ful­ ly solicited. MRS. H. H. NICHOLS. Boy only good Kerosene Oil. best pan ba found at Perry A O Everything in tho Bar4*ai» Bsoi bottom figures, at K. M. Howe's. Celluloid Sets, cheaper than ever to* fore, at G. W. Besley's. West Side. _ Fine Scrap Books only 91.35 at O, W, Besley's, West Side. Celluloid Combs, only 90 oeats, at ft, W. Besley's, West Side. Shoes, all styles, ali sizes, ail wldtba and all prices at Henry Colby's. Eggs wanted *t X, Butter end Englen's, Machine Nee lies for every Kind of Sewing Machines, at M. Englen's. Call at Henry Coi «y's a^d ask to so# the wear-resisting Jamestown dress goods. Lace Curtains, Tidies, Lfcabovklpt Bedspreads and Shams, cheap, at Mn^ Schumacher's, near the Depot. Best Smoking Tobacco at M OSBti pound at Perry A Owen's. C. H. Far go's Box Tip shoe* at Bo# slett A Stoflel's. 25 pieces of the celebrated JamSS'"" jown dress goods in all the new shades, ust received at Henry Colby's. For Lace Curtains,Screen Cloth, new style Window Shades. Curtain Polos and fixtures, call ou Bonsiett <& Stof* fel. • Remember that L. W. Nichols, Jr the West MeHenry Jeweler, does al« kinds of repairing in his line ami guarantees perfect satisfaction. First class Goods at low prlbes at 11 Englen's. If you wsnt your Garden Seed call fo" the Seed in bulk, at M, Englen's. Look at the choice Candies at JNo» ley's Drug Store, West End, % WALL PAPER. " Foil Line at Perry A Oweiftb WALL PAPER Trtm-ned free of charge at Fttity. ft Owen's Buy Henderson's Red School Hooti Shoes for Boys and Girls; found at Perry A Owen's. Paints and Oils, and Mixed Patntt* lowest prices at Perry A Owen's DOMESTIC Piano and Furniture Pol- ish, the finest thing io the market, at Besley's Drug Store. Besley's Famous Waukegaa Ale and Porter On draught at J. Bonslett's, A. glen's and John Heimer's. Ip jou want to make your Bu^y Top look as good as new g«*t tlwj rional Patent Leather finann it Besley's I'rug Store. ^ V , ̂ Mrs. Schumaoftefe ' Visits Chicago every week and will take in your orders and furnish goods at the lowest Chicago prices, BESLKT'S Ale and Porter Is the best made. On draught in MeHenry at Jacob Bonslett's, A. Englen'S. and Joha Heimer's. a fullVupplj, whtcb Jer«ey W-aMe will be sold at I other store in MeHenry. jjhm. M. soHDMACRaa. If you want to^liearn how to Palot vour Buggy for One Dollar, cell at Besley's Drug Store. West Eud. Call for the * Winning Stroke**, s new Brand of five cent Cigars, mnunfaetur* ed by Barbian Bros. It beats them all. dll be sold al lower prices thao any the L. W. Nichols, Jr. the Jeweler, la -4 West McHenrv, does not make a speciality of CHEAP WORK, but has for tiis motto, ^PromptneM- and good work. The finest Hue ef Top and Combined Buggies ever brought to this County S at E. M.Owea A Sons, and way dowa M on prices. Rubbers and Rubber Boota all slsae S at Perry A Owen's. Ladies Rubbers . Only 29 cents »t Perry A OweaX . Men's Rubbers. Only 49 cents at Perry A Owen's. Largest assortment of Acoordlaas al M. Englen's. OUR PAPEK HUMMER Is running .constantly now. Wo trim all our Wall Paper free of charge. Call early and see our New Styles. Perry A Owen. We have the most com pie to assort* ment of Gents Neckwear In tho County. All new and desirable styles* ' • « HKNRY COLBY. Best Clothes Wringer at M. Englen's. Down Goo* tho Prleoa. New Styles Suits... 4JS \ Best In market .....UgDO ; Best Vests *.00 S Cashmere Pants .2.25 j Brst Worsted all wool Pants 5.00 A large itock of Boys Suits E. LAWLCS. Opposite Riverside B< For Sale or Rent. * On account of sickness I offier my Blacksmith and Wagon Shop in the village of MeHenry. tor Sale or ReM. There is a Blacksmith Shop ISitf, Wagon Shop 20x24, #ith Palat Shop and Store Room In second story. A1M> a Warehouse on North side 24x28. la In good location for this or any other kind of busioess. Will sell on reason* able terms, or will Rent with or wit^ out lools. PHILLIP HAUPERISCH, MeHenry, 111, March 16th, 1886. ork Morses for tele. Sale s good work ream, 8 aad 11 years old. Will weigh 1200 each. For other particulars inquire of JACOB HACPSRISOU MoHearv, March 16, 188& Cows! Cows! Cowol ALP EN, ILL., reh. SMk O DM U M M 4 t D m , b u r r M y t a n , J I L DEAR SIR Please send my press two doaen Cow Prescrtptiooi,* got one ot my neighbors to try tt O* it cow that waa almost dead wftife aitlll fever and It cured her. It H agonal

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