. . mM. FAN 8LYKB, Editor WEDNK8DAY, JUNE 16,1886. IS PAPER m?* OBOd °pn V - - Advertising WSl<L * OA*S Newspaper Advent* n* NM (1ft Aprase Street), where KkR't:NEW YORK- person who has been spending • few daya at Springfield wys there WW* ft food deal of rejoicing over the ;U«|inoM renomination of Mr. Hopkins for Congress, and tbe pros pect for bis election almost nnani- mooalj. He bas macw\ himself known m« a very useful and eflreient member, And Senator tullom wbo had recently IMCB at borne bad given them the !m- preaslon that be was a valuable mem ber of Congress. MTTbe Marengo Republican says: •'Tbe Jury, before which the question M to tbe insanity of D&cey was tried, ^deoided promptly that be was sane,and lis cucli be was of course responsible for all bis am an:l amendable to tbe laws. \|kbouteverybody believes it, and fur ther bsiieve tU«t lit) ought to be hung for his crlmo without auy more delay |>y Uie schemes of his attorneys or In tervention of executive clemency. I» Snurder Is no longer a crime let it be so frnderttood, but if It is a crime as the Statute declares it to be, let the penal ty ba < xccuted--let the law be respecl od «nd obeyed.** si--: - •L S^Tbe Maxwell-Preller trial In St. Xmiisliaa ended in the conviction of the murder Maxwell by a jury of twelve £ood men, and beyond any re asooable diubt the verdict Is not only correct but generally satisfactory. There are two distinct theories presented to the Jury, In one of which Maxwell was pre filled as an unfortunate young man, « who In trying to render a signal ser- vice to his friend, was bereaved by a most unexpected accident and was erased by the unbar PJ result. Tbe other was that he was a cold blooded deliberate murderer, wbo took his companion's life for tbe sake of hi* money. Maxwell's reoord and tbe evi dence produced at the trial fully satis- Hod the Jury that the latter was the true view of tbe case. MTThe Chicago and Northwestern B. B. held its annual stockholders meeting last Thursday, and relected the old directors and officers. These are Albert Keep, president; M.L. Sykes vice-president, secretary and assistant treasurer in New York ; Marvin Hngli- Itt.second vice-president; J. B. Red- fleld, assistant secretary, assistant treasurer and auditor. The gross earn ings of the road for the fiscal year end- teg May 31 were about 924,300,000, in- t.udiug the estimated earnings of the ! month of May jast closed. The opera ting expenses and taxes, estimating those for May, will be about ••3.900,000 the Interest on the bonded debt and •Inking fund amounts no about $5,700.- 000 making the estimated net revenue 94,700,000 from which tbe dividends of six per oent on cojnmon and seven per oent on preferred stock, amounting to 93,444JS00, have been declared, leaving surplus of #1,255,100, exclusive of rove- noes derived from tbe sales of land. rnmmmm A Few Day* in Southwsetsrn Minnesota. KuiToa PUUJN>K AI.EK :--We left Kutta Jane 3d at 11:4# a. m.. on the O. 9t P, If. * O. road, in a southwestern!? direction, on a down grade Near the Minnesota river the land being very rough and rocky and poor to all appearances. We soon arrive at I<ake Crystal. Here we make but a very short stop. Another short ride brings us to the Bine Earth river, there being some little tim ber here. Now we are on an ocean of prairie, it being quite low and wet, but occasionally a good look ing;farra an«l some very good pieces of corn. The prairie is very large, nothing bat the land and sky, As a gener*l thing the land is low and level. Next we arrive at Heron Lake. SIS miles from Chioag*. Here we change cars and go in nearly a wcatcrnlv direction. Around Heron Luke the land is not good for much but graa ing. We are soon on more elevated and roll ing prairie land. Here we find fields of flax oats, barley and wheat, but very few hogs and cattle. Nine miles farther brings us to Dundee, in the northers part of Noole county situated on the C. St P.M. AO.R.R. Twelve mi'ea farther brings us to Avoca. Here thev have a steam tow mill, and the Sisters of Charity have an educational institute Six miles farther bring* us to the enci of our jour ney, the beautiful little town of Slayton. Here we step from the cars te the pint form of the depot and a gen2tenian steps up and aske if you are looking for Mr. Morse, he being agent for the Murray Co. I .and Co,) I said no, I am looking for Mr. Tyrrell." He had not seen him that day, bat directed me s> that I could find him. Slay ton has three ch urches, a large hotel the State bank of Slayt jn, a very large brick building, a bteam tow mill, county fir* grounds, a small lake of 64 acres, also several stores and shoo , and a paper called tbe S.ay ton Gazette is also published here. Slayton Is to be the County Seat of Murray county- The land north of town is quite rolling. Bea-, ver creek flows but a short distance from the vi lage. After leaving the village I travel in an easternly direction for IX miles and meet those 1 havo seen before. The land here Is not quite as rolling as aroun < Slayton bat seems to lay good. I could stand and (urn my self around and eount between 30 and 40 houses. The weather is ver^dry at present, the oldest settlers saying they had not seen it so dry for 13 years- Land here is worth ran ts to 912 per «cre, accordiug to location. Those looking for homes would do well to make a visit to this part, as there is a great •uaj acres of good land for aale. Tours, W. P. Prohibition County Convention. The Prohibition Party voters of tbe county of McHenry. and all citizens wbo favor Abolition of tbe saloon by the only sure method known in a gov ernment of the people--viz, by voting it out of lawful life, are invited to meet at tbe Court House, In Wood- tock, Friday, June 18,1883, at the hour of 10:30 •. M., to select Ave delegates to represent said county in the State Convention to be held at Springfield, June 23. 1886. and to transact such, other business as may properly como before the convention. E. R. BIRD, Chairman. Buy only good Kerosene Oil. Tho best can be found at Perry & Owen's. Agents Wanted! FOK TUB GREAT DKW BOOK, 'The World's Wonders.' ByJ.W.Bnel. The most successsul subscription book ever pnblished. Over half a million copies were sold the past eight vwnths, and it is selling three times as ta»t now as ever before. Regular canvassers clear from fl5 to #25, #40 and #SS per da . Nothing like it was ever known in the history of book publishing, Bro.fs sent free on application. No experience needed to insure success. We help persons without means to do a lar<e business; no capital need ed. Write for particulars. Salaries guaran teed to persons who do not u-tsh to canvas* on com mission. We mean business, and wanl live agents in every township. It will cost you nothing to write for lerms and full descrip tions of our plans of doing business. We also give away standard books to persons who send us name* of book agents, Write for our list •f free standam books. HISTORICAL PUBLISHING Co. 400 & 411 N. Tbird Street, St. Louis, Mo. 47-4w, WANTID. A Now Mitoh Cow. Must be strictly first class. Apply at tbe Riverside House. W. H. FORD. ItKPORT OP TH« C O N D I T I O N --Of-- THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK At Woodstock* Illinois, --AT TRA- Cta* of Business, Jons 3d, '86. MSOUBOBa. ' W Loans and dlsoounts ......'•164,075 OS Overdrafts . HSS0 U. ». Bonds to secure circulation... 00,000OS Hue from approved reserve agents. 1MB0M Due from other National Banks St,S07 IS Checks and other easb Item* 74 8S Bills of other banks Frc'l cur. nickels Jfc pennies......:.. S IS Specie 23,907 OS Legal tender notes ...... 8.WOOS ited'mpt'n fund with U. 9.* Treasurer (9 per cent ot circulation t, 350 00 Due from U. 8. Treasurer, other than t per oen t redemption fund..,...... 1/00 SO Total *. LIABILITIB8. Capital stock paid in Surplus fund..... Umiivid-d profits National Bank Notes outstanding... Individual <lei<osU* sublcct to oheck 174,038 Demand Certificates of deposit...... 94460 Total ..4*90,707 7# 8TATE OF ILLINOIS, l„ County of McHenry. f I John J. Murphv, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swenr that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. JOHN J. MURPHY. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 8th day of Jane, 1888. . EDWARD A>Quisuir, Votary Pnhlle. Correct Attest:-- f,' i " ' . , /A i-\V t, J 7W7 79 W1 to A. Mvnrar, U. H.STBWABT, OHX J. MCKFHT, Directors. Mdflif xb Loan On Real Estate, in sums of $500 to $10,000. Time and payments to suit borrower. JOHN J. MUBPHY. It Is the Best, and Cheaper than yen bny Coal or Wood and make it yourself Locks'* SOBS Bakny, ICE CREAM PARLOR -AND-- LUNCH ROOM. •ear tls Irem IrMfS. All foods Home Made, from Home Receipts. Koallum or other drag used to lighten or whiten our bread. Nothing but good old fashioued Yeast, absolutely pure and whole some. lee Cream, from Pare Cream Her Parties and Festival* All kinds of Cfake en band. A, G. LOCKE. Justice to tho Vstsrsn Sold lor. EDITOR PDAINDKALER: -- We were pleaaed to note tbe bappy turn tbe lv? • question of nomination for Coanty A Treasurer took at our recent Rcpubii eao Convention. Boih candidates for "•: the office were good and competent | men; botb were soldiers in tbe great strife to preserve the Union and the 1 liberty of tbe American people; botb are warm peraouai friends, and botb have the confidence and respect of the Bepobllcans of this county. To have waged a political warfare in Conven tion between suc'a men would have been cruel and trying to delegates wbo loved them botb and wished to see beth have official position in this coon* ^ ty. A compromise was therefore made ^ between the warm personal friends of Cspt. Win. Stewart and tbe great suf- lerer at Andersonvllle, W. P. Morse, | "by which the former was to receive tho ^ unanimous nomination for Treasurer . at that time and tbe latter to have the nomination for Circuit Clerk two years bence. v This proposition and agreement, en- , t®red into between a few of the lead- \Y-log friends or tbe parties, seemed to { i,; send a thrill of enthusiasm throughout '*1® convention, and cheer upon I a cheer rang through the Court room.-- This compromise was thus heartily en- " dorsed without a formal resolution, f , v and all the delegates we djnbt not, re turned borne rejoicing that the vexed if question had bee i thus justly and ami- oably settled. History bas shown to as that there Is honor in the Republi- - <*n It has always in this coun- try carried out Its pledges, not only . . to the tetter but In tbe spirit, and it bas by so doing raised tbe credit of nation equal if not above that of any v other on tbe face of the globe. Tbe He publicans of McHenry county have never shown themselves behind the ®^®at party in the nation, and wo cao* sot therefore believe they will be re ntes la duty two years hence in eleva ting the man wbo. In his country's need, shouldered tbe musket and march od to tho front, taking part in tbe tbiokeet of the fight and who after- 1 wards suflered ail tbat human nature could endure In that rebel prison pen of oraelty and torture. Under all theee circumstances we belle?e it would be a cold day for any aiaa to try and undermine Mr. Morse hut tbe offloe of Circuit Clerk of this , , ooanty at our next Republican Conten- ATTENTION ALL! Are you aware that at E. M. Owen & Son you can get all the best and latest improved Machinery, and all warranted as represented. THS BEST IN * • 1 ak>n and Lightning Cass i LOWEST PRICES. 13^"*One Door West of the Biverside House. ^Fl DEALER 000 WOBTK • ' i "Must lie converted into CASIf .'•« - ** -L , , HARD TIME PRIC Commences this ̂ eek. Clothingv . Ladies Fine Shoes, Law ns, Parasols, Cot ton and Worsted Dress Goods, New Iknd Stylish Ginghams and Prints, white linen, Lawns, Em broideries, Hosiery, Hats and Caps, Groceries, eto. ^ BEST il "O F~ G«6 Also I the Celebrated iGARLAND STOVES & RANGES, And in short, everything in the ' Hardware, Stove and Tin Line. CORN PLANTERS. 10 Standard, We carry in btock. the celebrated Keystone in two styles, Challenge, Arving, Evans and John Deere. WB HATE A FULL STOCK OF OABS, OAB-LOCKS FISH POLES, ASD nSHUKQ TACKLE OF ALL KINDS. Which will be sold as low as the same quality of Goods can be bought anywhere. Call at ray store before buying elsewhere. THE FINEST LINE OF BIRD CAGES IN TOWN. JOBBING KEPAIHINa IPromptfy Attended To, o Trouble "to show Goods, JOHN ICSTOIty?: McHenry, III., May 24th, 1886. Cent We can discount them all on the old reliable fiertrand Ss Samee; CHimax, standard. Monitor or Star, Crawford, Case, Norwegian, J? ur&t & Bradley and others, sold very low to thin them out. MOWERS! MOWERS 1 MOWERS11 Look out for our Six Foot cuts this season c The Eureka 6 loot cut will draw with less draft than any 4 toot cut made and leave your grass in better shape to dry. Call and see one at our place. Also nave the Standard and Manny, both iu wide and narrow cuts. The Crawford, New Warrior and others which cannot fail to suit you. Try A wide cut, as two rounds with one is equal to three with narrow cut machine, and can do it just aa easy. THAT WE WA&BANT. PULVERISING HARBOWS 07 ALLIKINDS. Carriages said Spring Wagons. We have the most popular makes, and can say here that we have the finest finished jobs that ever came into the county and the mater ial can't be better. W.e have in stocK the celebrated LaCrosse Walliscarriage; the renouned Cortland, which we have sold hun- dieds of, Henny, Miller, Fenner, and others, and the price we can convince you is right. All waraanted lor two years in regard to material. Call and see us before you invest in anything in our line, aa.we are sure you can be suited; A few Single Harness on hand. The best for the money ever offered. A SON, CHAS. H. TRYON. DRAINAGE ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR. Levels taken, Drains located and Grades established for Tile and Open Drains. Swamp and overflowed lands reclaimed. Elevations taken of Springs. Ponds and Water. Courses and^ all work requiring Accurate Leveling P. O. Address, GREENWOOD. ILL. To be found in McHenry Co. Also extra good yardf wide Sheeting at 5 cents. 150 MM . AND •# ' : :1 * ' • Single Coats at Less than Half Priet. Late Muslin Underwear, AT 50 CENTS LACE AND LINEN COLLARS AT HALF jfclCE. Cash Buyers are particu larly invited to examine these inducements, and come at once. 3#': t l, *-< ' V *v