• : • --.'V States. A traitor at heart, he it rein stated by the vote of traitors arid rebels, and If, knowing the facts ss he does know them, the President signs the bill, he is no less* traitor than the rest. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 30,1886. .J. VAN8LYKE, Eklitox*. THIS PAPERMoto." A CO.'3 Newspaper AdvertU found on P. . . . . ^ _ -- _ N e w s p a p e r Advertising Itarean (10 Spruce Street), where advertising SSttWlKNEW YORK- S-i" 9STA hail storm Sunday in Grand Fork* and Walsh Counties, Dakota. ;-uined crops and leveled buildings. The low Is estimated at <500,000, F*Judge David DsvU died at his home, In Bloomlngton. III., on Hatur* • flay morning last, after a long and ^ painful illness, in the 72d year of his *. "«'• jffAV' * . •' ^ ^ • 89T President Cleveland Monday tk* t #etit to the Senate the naipe of < V * William G. Swing to be United States §|fi^|)ietrict Attorney for the Northern fe district of Illinois. 1,^ • 4^' 5f ;- Joseph Lyon a lawyer of Elk* liorn, Wis., erected a cottage and built a l>t«r on a piece of land which he . claims as his own on Williams bay I,uke Geneva. Majoi Meteyard claim? ownership of the land which ^Mr. Lyon rf>uilt upon and Tuesday night the * linajor and his men visited the scene, more down the cottage, broke up the little pier and played cyclone gener ally, So It reats. The law will settle It. ;-;9 iSTTbe severest attack made on the President in either bou<e yet, was made by Representative Gibson Of VJest Virginia on Fiiday afternoon. The points was his vetoes, and critl : ci&ms on bills for pensions. Among Other thing* that Mr. Gibson said was that the President was no better than iir.y other American citizen, and not fjie equal o! any man who periled nls Jjfe and went out to save the Union. ^ True, every word. r MTA strike on the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern R. R., in Chicago, ..Has been going on for some days, (he strikers preventing the moving of trains, bat on Monday, under the p*o- taction of 124 of Pinkertoos's ufen, beavlly armed, a detachment ol deputy sherifls.and the Hyde Park and town of Lake police, the moving ol trains was carried on without any other Interference than the derailment of four cars at Sixteenth street. The be lief is that the strike Is practically ever. •ST Mr. Parnell expresses great con fidence In the return of a home rule Bajority to the next British parliament He thinks the Irish voie in Great Brit ain wil. pat fifty liberals into as many •eats now bald by tories, whose elec tions were given them by the Irish. Bo counts these as net gains, holding i< probable that the loss of Gladstone lib* erals will be made good by gains I-i ^contests of Gladstone liberals against Of eiiftat Welsh lib igalnst the home rule ^declined to be candi stlon, regarding their chances hopeless. Mr. Parnell'6 figures give the ministry a majority of seven ty* Including Irish nationalists. rr' v 19* The McHenry County Voltsblatt. printed In Chicago and dated at Woodstock, pretends to be greatly troubled at the course of the PLAIN K>EALER In not publishing local items :#osuit the taste of the pretended editor V: ~ it that sheet. The particular subject Alluded to was the proceedings of tO the confirmation services, held at t Johnsburgh on the 9th. What we said ; In relation to that day, and the expte- iatlon why we did not give a more ex >* tended notice. Is entirely satisfactory to onr German friends, and therefore K *e care not for the opinion of t:*e mouthy Voltsblatt. The great "I am," I r who runs the mongrel sheet referred ^ to, had an Idea that when hit ponder- ©u? brain took hold of the Voltsblait all other papers la the county would t have to get out of the way, and as the •artb did not move at his bidding he II »*ow attempts to belittle the mlods of ^ Ills German readers, as "4> the enter- prise of the PLAINDEALER. But be f-yr lias evidently forgotten one thing, and s that Is that the Germans In this vicini ty are an Intelligent class of people. y-1 snd can read -and think for themselves. ind much prefer even the short ao- »f, counu lound In the PLAIVDEALEB to ^ ft column of his silly twaddle. Look to ^ your own fences, Mr. Voltsblatt. The I LAINDEALEU needsnonj of your ad flee, and your slurs cannot hurt us. <r>> as?-. •VThe following is aa extract from the speech of Hon A. J. Hopiclns, delivered lu the House of Representa tive on the Oleomargarine bill showing df what ingredients this bogus butter Is manutastured: The following ts a list comprising sixty (Hfterent articles named by seventeen patentees in their patents, and claimed by them to be use-i In the manufacture of oleomargarine oil neutral lard, oleomargarine butter, butterine. A*\x. Sugar of lead, blsulphate of lime, saltpeter, borax, boraclc add. Salicylic acid, benzole acid, orris root,cotten-seed, oil, vegetable oils. Bitarlc acid, bicarbonate of soda, nitrate of potassa. glyoerlne, capsylic acid. Cuparlc add. alum, capslc acid, sul phite of soda, cow's udder. Commercial sulphuric pedtln, sal nodi, tallow, lard. Sea salt, farinaceous flour, butyric ether, caustic potash, carbolic acid. Sulphuric acid, castor oil, slippery- elm b»rk, caul. Oil of sesame, oil of sunflower seeds, olive oil, ^curcumine, turnip seed oil. firomo cbloralutn. chlorate of potash, niter, oil of sweet almonds, oil of peanuts. Poroxlde of manganese, stomach of pl«8. of sheep, of calves, nitrite of soda, Benhle oil, gastric juice. Mustard-seed oil. nitric acid, dry blood, albumen, sugar, butyric acid. Bicarbonate of potash, chloride of sodsum. caustic soda.com 'starch, color ing matter. Factories for the manufacture of such frau luleut, and I might almost «ay criminal, aubetitutes for bu ter have been eatablished in different cities tn t*»e country. In Chicago alone, I am told on good authority. 200.000 pounds are made daily, and I have It from reliable sources that at least 200.000.000 pounds of these fraud ulent, Imitations of butter are made annually. If these Imitations of and substitutes for pure butter were marked or tabled what they really are. and the dealers and consumers advised of what they are purchasing and eat- iug. no complaints would be made by the dairymen. The great wrong is the fraud and deception practiced in sell ing such loathsome compounds for genuine butter. ° Talking of war reminds us that |he case of that doubtful If not doughty warrior, Fits John Porter, as printers would say, la Mof the hook." It is to be hoped forever. The bill for hie relief passed the senate oo Friday, notwithstanding the long and earnest giit made against it byGan Logan mad others. Of course the president will fign it;he will be *oolr too happy.'. It was a striking coincidence that just fcefore the vote was taken the an nouncement was made that the presl dent bad iust vetoed a bill giving Mrs, <3ea* Hunter a pension of $56 per month. Aa Geo. Hunter presided at the court martial that tried Flu John forter, the point Is easily seen. An other thing was noticeable in the last debate, and that was, that Sutler, tbe former Confederate general from South Carolina* took up the cudgel for • " Porter ID the last Joust with tbe oppo i*'/: n?ntaof the bill. Time, It is said i akes ail things even, and if tbe Re publican party, and the boys in blue i.on't square aooounta with the Demo- static party at tbe next Preeidnntial 'ejection, then we are no prophet. The kolaatatement of Porter Is an insult to •very loyal clttaea ef the United OKTTV8BDRG 15 lMft. 4'A battle is a glorious thing to look upon, if you have no friend or brother thete.,, says Lord Byron, and bow true Who hu not. on reading some vivid description of a battle, felt his blood tingle In his veins, and silently wish that he bad been there too. If this is the case, be the battle ever so small, how much greater then must be the thrill of enthusiam, when upon the re sult of ttil conflict may hang the fate of nations. A battle of such moment was Gettysburg, which will be emblaz oned In the historical pages of tbe Worlds and posterity will read of it with awe. To look upon such a battle again, is highly improbable, |>at to see it represented by a matter hand, in such a realistic way, that the eye is deceived, as it Is at the Panorama of Gettysburg, in Chicago, and to hear the story of that awful conflict related by one who was there, makes the throb of patriotism gosurging through the body. Once seen, this battle pic ture will be remembered as long as memory endures. This Panorama baa been ou exhibi tion for tb* paat three years, attract Ing over a million of sightseers, of whom tbe great majority have often r epeated their visits, seeing new beau ties, new wonders and new points of Interest on each occasion. lhe faitbfullneaa of Its situations have beee attested by thousands of soldiers who were in tbe fight. The fi uresof the men are so realistically portrayed, that a band of Indians on their way to Washington, who were taken there by their guide, to see the Panorama, grew so excited that they could hardly be restrained from jump ing over the railing and rushing into *he supposed combat, and when they finally went oul of the building, they rushed wildly around it, Iu vain search for the battle ground. Everyone view- iug the picture should take special no tice of Pickett's famous charge on t e Federal center, which occurred oo the last day of the battle, and has be^n called the "Climax of the War." The features delivered every hour by a veteran, are graphic and Interesting. A CORBBSrOMDBMT. Our Chioagd Market Report Prepared Ekpreaaly for the PL.A1MDBA1<CB by Our Own Correspondent. CHICAGO, June 28. 1886 The trading In breadstuffs the past few day*, scarcely reached an average volume. Wheat is the only small grain that attracts much attention, and in thi* cereal more activity is noticeablt caused by unfavorable crop reports, anr? a more brUk export trade E ist. For elgn markets are easier. Corn still re mains in the old rut. The feeling if some firmer, but prices remain low. Oats are a shade firmer. Rye is firmer and demand equal GO offerings. Barley still dull. Seeds are glow. Butter and cheese continue rather sluggish with liberal receipts. Green fruit and veg« etables of all kinds are plenty, and the market Is weak. Cattle are firmer with smaller re ceipts and a "good demand, the best beeves selling at #5,40. The demand is lively both from outside and local orders. Armour and one or two other large packers boomed the hog market buying them 10 totlfiq higher up to $4.60 eo 94 65, about the highest prices paid thisyear. Tbe strength of the Stock Yards and large outside orders for the product cau-ed considerable strength, and mess pork advanced as noted, closing at outside prices. Loca' operators purchased rather heavily, and more buslneas was transacted in hog products !fcai for a long time pa9t. Sheep are falny active and prices re> main firm except (or Texatis. which are 10 tol5c lower. WINTER WHEAT-NO. 9 rect 76}; No. 8 red 70. SPRING WHEAT--No. 2 72JO; No.3 63@65Jc; No. 1 hard (Minneapolis) 74 No. 1 hard (Duluth market i 77. CORN--No. 2 34ic; No. 3 31 @32. OATS-NO 2 26}E; No. 3 by sample 34@29}c; Barley Oats. RYE--No. 2 by sa nple, 67. . BARLEY--No. 2 By sample 40, TIMOTHY SEED--Poor to good, $1.70 @#172. FLAX--(^o l.$1.08£ CLOVER--Poor to choice, $5.39@5,35. BUCKWHEAT-- , BEANS--Choi * hand picked. #1.25 POTATOES--30@50c per buahel. BUTTER--Creamery fancy 14 to 15c; dairy to choice lOJc; common grade 6@10. EGGS--Fresh Northern. 10}c. CHEESE--Young America 7@8c; ful cream cheddar 6; skimmed 3@4c. POULTRY--Chickens 11 @13 Turkeys 7. CITTLE--Good to ext/a shippers #4 70@#fv>5; fair to choice #4,40@$5.00; common to good #4 0(>@$5J0; poor to •nefiium $3 7»@430; Blockers $2.55@ 83.60; feeder>|#3.40@#4.40;Texans #2.60 @83 70. HOGS--Light weight #4.15@#4 45 rough packing $4 25@84.25: heavy packing and shipping $4.60 HHEEP--Common to choice #2.40@ #4 25. iVSpeaklng of superstitions a wri ter says the old notion that there is uck in a horseshoe finds support In one case at least. When Maud S. did her first really fast mile In Cleveland In 2:10|, Captain Stone, of C'nclnnati, who owned ber, pulled off her snoes and stored tbem In bis desk, and sold tbe mare to Vanderbilt for a snug prioe. He has been making money ever sloce. and capturing tbe best things of life. The captain kept only one of the ahoes. He gave one to Mrs. Swain, and she gave it to her larger brother. He hadn't bad it a week be fore be was married to one of the most charming ladies In New York. He baa been prospering like a green bay tree ever since. M^Tbe Vermont Republican* have adopted Msouluttons reaffirming obe dience to tbe established principles of tbe ptrty. arraigotog the Democracy for lis failure to redeem a single one of its promises made upon eomlog into power; rebuking tbe national »4»io- istruion for tbe "offensive partisans ship" tt &as displayed; condemning the Morrises tarifl bill and upholding the doctrine of protection lor Ameri can Industry; and especially urging upon Republicans the dstf of forget ting all paat dissensions, aad ef pre senting a united front. Tbey also favor the establishment of State and National railway commissions; en- done Gladstone's policy of Home Rule for Ireland* and demand the passag e ot tbe hlU now pending in the Senate to prevent the manufacture and sat»of oleomargarine. Republicans through- oat tbe *>umj M0 Mdlpve W*se jploljtef. W- STATE OF ILLINOIS, McHenfy County McHenry County Circuit Court Louisa C. Gates, 0>nservator of Wilson S. Hft'.t vs. Frank Waterman and Wilson S. Hait. Bill. Public Notice is hereby given that in persu- ance ot decree of said Court entered in the above entitled cause, at its May Term, 1386, 1. A. B Coon, Master in Chancery of said county, will sell at Public Auction to tbe highest bidder, for cash, on the farm herein after described, on the 23d day of July 1886. at 2 o'clock p m., all the interest of the said Wilson S. Hait, in and to the following de scribed Real Estate, to-wit: The west half of the southeast quarter (JO of section number Ave (5); the northeast quar ter of the southeast quarter (J4) of the south west quarter [X). except 10 acres sold to Flusky; the northwest quarter {H) of the southeast quarter ()£) excepting 18 acres sold to Flusky All in township number forty-four (44;. north range eight (8) in said county. A'so lot number four (4) block number eighteen (18; and lots No 8- 9-12 and twenty feet off the south ui'leot lot number live (5) in block N*. 19, in the village of McHenry, in said countv. The interest of said Wilson S. Hait in said premises being owner in fee of two- thirds (%) part thereof, subject to the dower of the aid L. C. Gates, as widow ot Nathan Hait deceased. Dated June 30,1S80L A. B. COON, vaster in Chancery for said McHenry Oo. T, D, MUBPHT, Complainant's Solicitor. Also at the same time will be sold the por tion of the above tarm belonging t > me in *ee simple, in connection with that portion be longing to Wilson S, Hait, and a title in full given. Possession of farm given Nov. 1,1886. MRS. L, c. GATKS. Xk • T E I W A P 3 T T -^O R WE 33. « " J gg §1 « O i a o •fc. .-bililrpn'R, 1 tf> * mire, « Sc. a pair nr.. uiuiChmenU,- . ]Oc. " 'lisst s' . . 13c. •» '.m!ivr " " . iftc. •lisws , with a bHt," - . 20c. " '. " " - • 85c. " ito.-kii.i-, Ahd-wina), and Catame* i.inl BviiUagM Supporter pom- bin»»>l. * . r . - 50c. Itli Skirt fu^portw. - . - f So. .Million Lieut's Uarter, • • l$o> " roa SALE BT ALL FIRST-CLASS STORES. ••M-npN pet.t pout-paid to any address upon etxij-i "f 'n ice ill 2-<.-ent stumps. LEWIS STEI*, ufacturer, >>iv York- O*-- rer an.! Mar •ill *c SIQP hRUGGING O R E W W D O L L A R DOLLAR We will send you the Formula for rnaklng the famous Compound OXYGEN H0MB TBEATHEKT, a positive cure for Con sumption, Bronchitas, Asthma, Catarrh, Hay Fever and all Blood Diseases of either sex, from -whatever cause, or we will send you the Formula and a two months treat ment with Inhaler for $34Ql Send in letter ft,$ur risk. Address, tfXWP BOKE TREATMENT CO., »«• n^UFborn GHIGAM MMn mttrffiff. PATENTS jcnnr *c°. ./>f T H E SCIENTIFIC AMKRICAK-COII- ttaift C»«ot M Bolloit<.rs for 1'atcnta, CaveaU. Trad* '. CvpffrbtSt tor the United States. Canada, nd, Frt^fce, Onrraanf, etc. Hand Book aboot fSobtalnM <««NTI no A M BRICAN.the UrgtBt. bMt, and Bocwt widely circulated acttotlflo taper.' Bfaekly. Splendid ewmvlnss and lnterertln*^u Iflmatlon. fipoclmen copy of the HtleutlBc Aawjfc lean M>nt froe. MUKN A CO.. Bcinmm w Ottea. »a Broad war. Maw York. CD Tt) O o G> O £0 0 xn hj <x> JO p pi raj P P Pf 1--i-(3 CO O Ms p ts o o ss P P< M* CD l/l go e+ e t Tfi erf a CD in WEST MCHENRY. READ OUR BARGAIN. >v" V ^ <i' ^ "'w ;/rpL C. J,', A . \ HOW OFTEN 0 Q o o Pi §0 •"J* y CD Q H S® CD H 00 I-"* H CD O H 09 N# H o 3 CD P- O CD m UUXMU 1 U « * *, j. 5 ,, r "i , I ^ ^ 1 r WILL 00. vov.oooa* o P CfQ CD 09 p ts & REMEMBER FERRY&OW "Well, I've been all ground and find that I can do better here than anywhere else. We want to make our Store the GBIAT IhMiSi ISVSI OP MeHKNRV. There 4«r only one way to do it Low Prices. We guarantee to pleas* every purchaser, both in quality and price of Goods. We have Dress Goods, In India Linen and Baptiste Cloth, fancy, containing 1*2 yards of material and 9 ytrds of Em broidery, from $125 to $5.75 per pattern. Overdress or Flouncing, Ecrue or White. 45 inches wide, at 95 cents a yard. Real Lisle Thread Hose, all colors and sizes, at 25 cents per jpair. Biilliant Lisle Thread Hose, imported, in colors land black, at 50 cents per pair. W orth 80 cts. Great Bargains In Ecrue and Wh|tet 7 inches wide, 16 cents per yard. Narrow er in proportion. Our stock o* LaWns and White Goods is large and well selected. SEERSUCKER DRESS GOODS, 32 inches wide, at 8 CENTS FEB YARD. Ribbons and Fans all shades, styles and prices. Our Clothing Department is complete in every particular. Our $2.99 Shoo Is warranted by the manufac turers to be equal to any $5 shoe in the market. LIGHTNING AND MASON FEUX1? JABS* At the lowest market prices • GOOD ROCKFQBD PLOtJB, $1 .05 a Sack Qood Fin* Cut Tobacco, For 25 cents per pound. Good Smoking Tobacco 20 cents per pound. Barrel, Bock 3ii Diiry Salt. 20 pounds good Dried Apples or Prunes for $ 1.00. Aud all other goods in propor tion. W hen you are in want of any thing in our line call and see ua. We are sure we can save you jponpy. BONSLCTT § 8TOFFKL. JfcMt McHenry, Jam* TO HAVE ONE j>4X Of BECAEATiflU t n Outfit. ^We can sell you a hand some suit ot Clothing this season cheaper than you can buy them in McHenry coun ty, Style and quality eon- sidered, : How Does This mm. IS OUR OFFER. A well got up Suit • J$3.50 New Hat - 5c." to 75 c. Pair Shoes - - 1.25 Boiled Shirt - - - .05 Good pair Suspenders IB .00 Total Our stock for style and quality is first chop, It you want a suit that fits you to , the Queens taste, choice im ported goods, come US. "We can deal Dress CfoodS, Shawls, Parasols. White Goods, Embroidery, -IN FAUT- Staple and Fancy coo OOTS AND 8 Cheaper this year than ever. Lawns to close at 31-2 cents per yard. 1 Call, we will save you- money and guarantee satisfaction. ^ YOURS, VMS' WEST M mailto:25@84.25