Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Jul 1886, p. 4

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DAT, JULY 7, 1888. E, ESdttor. -PAPER oitod p" IL 4 OUKM NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING _ (10 taraM itrMtl where advertising "ft"it t NEW YORK- heat in the Aberdeen .Action it parch in jf the grow- infgfmln, and the prospects for wheat loot|^ootny. Orders for farm ma ehl{M»ry, lumber etc, are being counter n-lli 1 * IV Maine Democrats Wash #l44» |V lllght embarrassment when ask*d to explain this plank in their platform; **kesolved. That we favor all legists* , tlou whicn will tend to the equal dis­ tribution of property.4' Any W'IO wish oan distribute without waiting for legislation. »JprThe Sam Jones revival in Baltt snore was carried on at an expense of •4,497.35. The collections exceeded expenditures 9197,51. Sam Jones' •hare of the mo ney was 92 500 out of which he paid his assistant. Sky pilots of the Sam Jones order come high, but Dice city councils, the people must v have them. Detail 3d reports from the spring wheat States, together with the actual results from the winter wheat harvest Ing, indicate that the official estimates as to the probable crop yield will not i e realized Intense heat and heavy hot winds hare done considerable dam age in Dakota the past few days, and tula is anxioufiy looked for. MFSeveral months ago our people 'were astonished to irarn that there was a shortHge of 910,000 in the money in the Sub>Treasury at San Francisco, and now we are regaled lu the tune of •3.000 more. See here, Grower, we don t kick against your firing Republi­ cans, but we do eeriously object to ap­ pointing men who belit-ve in reduce - tag the surplus at such a rate and by *ach means. ^Turn the rascals out!" •6TThe Illluols prohibitionists in State convention at Springfield, Thursday, nominated Henry W. Au«t> In,ol Oak Park, for State Treasurer; and Protessor U. Z. Gilman. of Qulncy, for Superintendent of Public Instruc­ tion. A State Central Committee was ehoeen, which elected John W. Hart, of Rnckfurd, as chairman, and Chicago was selected as bendquarters, A cam­ paign fund of 81 000 was raised, of livbich Mr. Austin gave $410, 1ST Colonel George B' Corkhill formerly United States Attorney for the District of Columbia, died at Mount Pleasant. Iowa, Tuesday, of hertaorage of the stomach. He weat to Mount Pleasant, his old home, a few days ago on busiuess. Colonel Cork* hill was about fifty*two years of age. and earned a wide reputation as pros­ ecuting attorney iu the case of Guiteau, who assassinated the late President UarfleM, 1, §9"The Chinese may have to go bat their government intends to be represented on a magnificent scale at Washington all the time. We read that the Chinese Minister at Washington is about to build a mansion there for the legation. The building will be located In the fashionable northwest portion of 'he city, and a whole block will h * purchased at an expense of not less than •250.000. The building will be after the exact fashion fo a m tndarle's pal ice and will cost a quarter of i million more. The whole will be sur rounded by a wall, and carpenters and masons will be Imported from China to do the work. The expenses and board of ail the people connected with tbe 'Chinese legation are paid by the gov­ ernment, and the Minister is paid 850. 000 per year besides, making bis entire compensation as much as sixty tlious and dullars annually. Tbe construction of thia palatial legation building set- ties the fact that the Chinese govern­ ment Intends to make Washington tbe headquarte a for all lu diplomatic business In this part of the world. It j|#already the headquarters for Spain ftttd Peru as well as the United States. Oar OwMtrfMmaa gets Tfcaakml,, We clip the following from the Au­ rora Beacon: Tbe American Agricultural aad Dairy Association, through IM president, Jo­ seph H. Real), has published a letter of tbanka to Congressman Hopkins on behalf of.the dairy farmers of America tor his services and speeches in support of tbe bill regulating by taxation the sale and manufacture of bogus lutter Mr. Hopkins is entitled to theirlt«tlug gratitude for his efforts on their be­ half. His first public duty was the In­ troduction into the House of a bill similar to the one just passed with all his > ccustomed vigor. The dairymen have given well merited thanks to one of their strongest champions. Below wo give a cop| or tfeo letter: NEW YORK, June 4, IMS. HOH.A.J.HOPKINS, M.C., Washlngtoo, D. C Mr DEAR SIR:--I desire to thank you most sincerely on behalf of the Ameil ean Agricultural and Dairy Aesocia tlon and on behalf of the dairy farmer* of America, whom 1 have the honor to represent officially, for your support of the bill regulating bogus bu'ter and your vote for the measure. You have rendered them an inestimable service by your weil directed efforts and ardu ous labors in their behalf, and you are entitled to their lasting gratitude The passage of the bill Is of the utmost importance to them as it concern* their best welfare, and they will be delighted to know that they have rep resen tat Ives in congress, suoh as your* self, who <ippf*clate their necessities and have a lively concern for their interests and the Interest of tbe coun try at large. You have done a great public good, greater than can be real­ ized now. 1 hope the farmer*, of America will see that they are represented lc Con gress by such men as yourself regard* Ifcss of party politics. 1 express not only my own sentiments but thoso oi he butter and cheese trade of Ne» York and other cities, and of five millions of dairy farmer?. 1 earnestly solicit your best aid in securing the passage of tbe bill by the Senate. Very truly yours, JOSEPH Q . REALL, Preside at. F. X. Mo** EL AND. Secre tary. S 9*Tbe Elgin Daily Newt, speak* lag of tbe recently quashed indict­ ments against Mrs. Emma Molloy, rather pointedly say*: "An indictment is a fearfully and wonderfully constructed document and passetb tbe understanding of the aver age mortal, A word omitted or misplaced In any one of tbe absurd repetition phrases will knock the en tire charge holus bolus out of the ring, and this is what was the matter In the Molloy case. It did not follow from the charges themselves that the Minted Emma, apostles of sweetness and light and hater of ail unrighteous­ ness, was guilty, although the action of the grand Jury In finding Indict* flseots Is la some aorta presumption against her; neither does it follow from tbe quashing of the proceedings that tbe sister is necessarily Innocent. And neither does it follow, as some luve supposed, that tbe girted revival* 1st is out of the woods, On the con­ trary, She is still under bail to answer before another grand jury. Tbe failure of the attorney* to draw up the indlct- snents properly necessitates their re hashing tbe whole business and going mm It all agaiu. This will be done by tbe grand Jury at the fall term of OOurt, aad tatil then, 81ster Molloy is janderbail. This, wo take It. is the attuation ar tbe present time,** Inspection Is solicited by 8oldtar*. Grasd Army Suits at bargain* for cash 0k Fltasimmous & EvansoaV. MeBemry Coaatjr «|rinl(arsl Board. SrtOlAL PREMIUMS. Offered for 1886 by citizens of Wood­ stock and Chicago. 1. Best outline description of any graded school of the county, by any pupil under 16 years of age, to be awarded by committee of the Youths Department, method of teaching and government to be particularly noticed --86.00 by TLos. McD. Richards. 2. Best and largest display of Fancy Articles, one Fine Autique, Solid Brase 3 Arm Candelabar wi ti Cut Crystal Pendants, worth 815. by Vergho, Rhul ing A Co. of Chi ago, the great lm porters of Fancy Goods. 3. To the man with the largest foo* to be measured in hit stocking feet by a committee appointed by the Presi­ dent, one pair of Kip Boot", worth H by W. H. Dwlght. the Shoe Dealer. 4. To the lady making the best loaf of «heat bread, one pair of Kid Button Shoes, worth 93 60 by W. H, Dwlgbt. the Shoe Dealer. 5. B. S. Austin A Co., Grocers offer 85 wortb oft goods ror tbe best 251b tub of September butter 6. Capt. W. H. Stewart offers >5 for the best and largest display of cut flowers to be exhibited during the fair. 7. Peter Van Schaack A Sons. Wholesale Druggists. Chicago, offer one 85 Triplicate Mirror, a beauty to tbe best looking young lady unier 20 years of age. 8. J L. Archer, of F. McVeagh £ Co., Chicago, offers 810 to the couplt who will get married on the grand stand during the Fair. Notice of date names of contracting parties and mar­ riage services preferred, to be record ed with the Secretary before Septem ber 1st, by parties competing for this premium. 1st to notify will be the one elegible. 9. E. U. Richmond, dealer in Saddle­ ry. oilers for the best lady rider, one elegant lap robe, valued at 85. 10. A. 8. Write, the Red Front Druggist, offer* to the couple winning the 8th premium, oue perfume case valued at 88. 11. J. J. Stafford, furniture dealer, offers one bible stand valued at 86 for the best oi. painting from nature. 12 Frank Bunker, the Masonic Block Grocer, one hanging lamp. 86 for the best loaf of broad made from his patent flour, "to be decided by the bread committee. 13. E. R. Bird, dealer in Saddlery etc, offers an elegant puinuier lap robo. 86 for the best ladv driver. 14. J. C. Choate. Prop, of 'he Palace Dry Goods and Grocery House, one embroidered Robe dress-pattern. 810. to tbe lady making the best display of embroidery of tier own work. 15. John Murphy, of the First Na­ tional Bank. 810 in cash tor the best span of matched borses,speed Included to be tested on the track. 16. To the couple winning the 8<h special premium, the Society offers a complimentary ticket entitling them to admission to the Grounds, Amphi- rheatre and Dfnlng Hall during the Fair, and to be introduced by the dis­ tinguished speakers each day to the crowd. 17. E. A. Murphy 4b Co„ the exten­ sive dry goods merchants, offer to the couple winning the 8th premium, one elegant dress pattern, worth 8*0. 18. Col. Wm. Avery, County Clerk. Ill present the cnuple desiring to compete for pr»mium 8tn. free of charge. the marriage license. 19. Rev. E. B. Bogges9. pastor of the First Congregational Chutcli, will per form the marriage cermony free, to the couple competing for premium 8th. 20 Bunker Bros, dealers In Hard ware and Groceries, ofler a fln» Japan­ ned Toilet Set, valued at 85. to the couple wlm Ing the 8ch premium. 21. John A. Dufleld offers 85 in gold and a years subscripton to the McHenry County Democrat to the couple win­ ning the 8th premium. 22. Elmer * Bag ley, Lumber and Feed Merchant, offers to the couple winning tho 8th premium 85 wortti or his best flour. 23. G. 9. Southworth, proprietor of Sentinel, offers 95 In cash to tho hand­ somest baby under |18 months old and over 6, said premium to be awarded by D, O. Green, M. D. I. T. Salsbury and E. E. Richards. - n W TPalmar, ftwner of flatten B W Hows Uhas Dike K OruptOT ' Geo J weir Henry 4!eraM Forte Bros Itjuuev ltros W l'homaa Kirk wood Red Grot* Jr. Typhoon George O Farmers Fonoy tor 8 Flue Horsas MoH nrvr Algonquin 8pecial premium to be use of horse lor best sucking colt of his get to be Dltown on the Fair Grounds during tin- Fair, day to be announced later, Dike and Hnnly Bros add for best colt under 2 years and over l. Let all beat this in mind and be ready to compete If any others desire to offer such pre­ miums they will please inform tlft Secretary. A. 8. WRIGHT. J AOAINST TUB, "Wife," grfld Mr. Cleveland, very tenderly, but sternly. "I love you-tnd everything that Is yours most dearly but you must consign our poodle to in- oeciioua desuetude, by what route 1 care not." "But, dearest. Hector is just a love of a thing, and as harmless as Govern­ or Hill." "No, wife, there's blood io that dog's eye, and he mii$t be sacrificed. HU oonduct is ominous la the extreme.-- See f Mr. Cleveland took hi* wife into his study and with startling eye and trem bling hand, muttered: '•See--that--miserable--poodle f He Is sitting on a stack of forty-nine pen­ sion bills that I've got to veto In half an hour, and be looks fiercer than Logan denouncing Fitz John Porter Frank, I love you, but that paper weight must go. I think he soldier's friend." is tbe A MARVELOUS STORY TOLD m TWO LETTERS. FROM THE SON: •fiS&SrSf -Otntlemen: My father resides at Glorer, Vt. He has been a great sufferer from Scrof­ ula, and the inclosed letter will tell you what a marreloui effect Ayer's Sarsaparilla has had In his ease. I think his blood most hare contained the hmnor for at least tea fears; but it did not show, except in the foria of a scrofulous sore on the wrist, until about five years ago. From a few spots which ap­ peared at that time, it gradually spread so as to cover his entire body. I assure you he was terribly afflicted, and an object of pity, whoa be began using your medicine. Now, there ar* few men of his age who enjoy as good health as he has. 1 could easily name fifty persons who would testify to the facts in his case. Yours truly, W. M. Fmixin." ROM THE FATHER S pleasure and a duty for me to state to you the benefit I have derived from the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Six months ago I was completely covered with a terrible humor and scrofulous sores. The humor caused an incessant and Intolerable itching, and the skin cracked so as to cause the blood to flow in many places whenever I moved. My sufferings were great, and my life' a burden. 1 commenced tbe use of the SARSAPARILLA in April last, and have use! It regularly since that time. My condition began to improve at once. The sores have all healed, and I feel perfectly well in every respect --being now able to do a good day's work, although 73 years of age. Many inquire what has wrought such a cure in my case, and I tell them, as I have here tried to tell you, ATKB'S SABSAPARIIAA. Glover, Vt., Oct, . H,IMi Yours gratefully, ^ H IBAJC PHILLIPS." Area's BAKSAPARILLA enres Scrotal* and all Scrofolons Complaints, Eryiip. •laa, Kczema, Ringworm, Blotches, Sores, Bolls, Tumors, and Eruption* of the Skin. It clears the blood of all impa­ rities, aids digestion, stimulates the action of Che bowels, and thus restores vitality aud strengthen* the whole systeas. PREPARED BY Dr. J. <f. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. SoM by all Druggists; fl, six bottles for IS. ST T T E OF ILLINOIS, McHenry County sicHenry County Circuit Court Louisa C. Gates, C»nservator of Wilson S. Ila!t vs. Frank Waterman and Wilson S. Halt Bill. Public Notice is hereby given that in persn anee of decree of said Court entered in the above entitled cause, at its May Term, 1*86, 1, A. B Coon, Master in Chancery of said county, will sell at Public Auction to the highest bidder, for cash, on the farm herein after described, on the 2&I dav of July 1886- at 1 o'clock p m , all the interest of the said Wilson 8. Ilait, in and to the following ue scribed Keal Estate, to-wit: The we-*t half of the Routheast quarter (M) of section number five (5); the northeast quar ter of the southeast quarter (X) of the south west Quarter (X) except 10 acres t-ol i to Husky; the northwest quarter (X) of the southeast quarter (^rexc.upting IS acres sold to Flushv "A11 in townshipnumlwrforty-lour (44;. north ranye eight (8) m said county. A'so lot number four (i) block number eighteen (18) and lots No 8 9- 11 and twenty feet off the south si-leot lot number live (5) in block No. 19, in the village of Mcllenry, in said c-ountv. The interest of said Wilson H. Ilait in said premises being owner in fee of two- thirds (%) part thereof, subject to the dower of the aid L. O. tiatea, as widow of Nathan Uait deceased. Dated June 30,1S8Q. A. B. COON, •"aster in Chancery for said McHenry Co. T , D , MURPHY, Complainant's Solicitor. Also at the same time will be sold the por­ tion of the above tarm belonging t > me in *ee simple, in connection with that port ion be longing to Wilson S, Ilait, and a title in full given. Possession of farm (riven Nov. 1, ISM. MRS. L, c. GATES. Administrator's Notice. ES TAT E of James Grac.ey, deceased. Tbe undersigned having been appointed Ad ministrator of the estate of James Gracey. deceased, late of the county of McHenry and •tate of Illinois, hereby gives notice that he will appear before the County Oour. of Mc. Herry County, at the Court Ho.ise in Wood- stock, at the Septemiier term, on the third Monday in September next, at which time all persons having claims agai nst said estate are notified and requested to at tend for the pur­ pose of having the same adju sttd. All per- sons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment to tbe undersigned. Dated this 2d day of July. A. D. 1886. J O H N H. G R A C E V , Administrator. 51-- 4w FOR ONE We will send you the Formula for making the famous Compound O X Y G E N H 0 H B T R E A T M E N T , a positive cure for Con­ sumption, Bronchitas, Asthma, Catarrh, Hay Fever and all Blood Diseases of either sex, from whatever cause, or we will send you the Formula and a two months treat­ ment with I nhaler for |3.00c Send in letter •t our risk. Address, 0ZIQBK HOVE fBMTIKEHT G0„ 1M Dearborn IK, CIKCAM mention (tola Vapw. PATENTS JKCNTVR A CO., of the SCIBMTIFIC AMBRICA*. eon- Unne to act as Solicitors for .Patents, Caveats. Trade Marks, Copyrights, for the United States, Canada, •ncland. France, Germany, etc. Hand Book about Patents sent free. Thirty-seven veers' experience. Patents obtained thmuab MUNNa CO. are notloe4 The following owners of Steele Horses have notlde-1 the fair manage­ ment to after special premiums: | Weekly. Splendid ewrrsvlnn and Interests formation. Specimen copy of the MclrutISc A •nww lean sent fr<•><». A ddross MUNN ft CO., ScUEKTinO •JUOUCAH Office. XI Broadway, Mew York. " V) 3 2 3 CD 09 • F* c-h cf J3- CD * CD 9 WEST MCHENRY. V*' • : ' I P * > ' READ OUR BARGAINS. . . < V 1 1 1 1 1 ' 1 I X * V • X ' n V,* ^ #R ' • r- "• - *. <». «s-"Js Afe-iA -M ,1 l'-$V * MOW OFTEN Q p 03 ss & VH CD REMEMBER "Well, I've been all around and find that I can do hero than anywhere else. f . V# wu4 totJMks set Stow QB1AT l&RBADT SGVSS IN MeHKNRV. ; ~ ' - *v: . " "" '" There Is ottly one way to it Low Prices We guarantee to please every purchaser, both in quality and price of Good| . W e nave Dress Goods, In Itidia Lineri atid BapHste Cloth, fancy, containing 13 yards of material and 9 yurds of Em­ broidery, from $1 25 to $5.75 per pattern. Overdress or Flouncing, Ecrue or White. 45 inches wide, at 95 cents a yard. Real Lisle Thread Hose, all colors and sizes, at 25 cents per pair. Biilliant Lisle Thread Hose, imported, in colors and black, at 50 cents per pair. Worth 80 cts: ' 'V, ; -w-mjk m 'urn- • - . ^ '•%{ • j* - , :-4j m "• ' [,..x • HAVE ONE DAY OF RECAEATION. /* VV? , r - i ~~ » i.« -A' w | We ean sei 1 you a hancU Vi some suit ot Clothing this season cheaper than you caxi buy them in McHenry coun­ ty, Style and guali sidered, f Great Bargains In Ecrue and White, 7 inches wide, 16 cents per yard. Narrow* er in proportion. Our stock Lawns and White Goods is large and well selected. SEERSUCKER DRESS GQQE 32 inches wide, at 8 C£NT8 PER YARD. Ribbons and Fans all shades, styles and prices. Our Clothing Department is complete in every particular. Our $2.99 Shoe Is warranted by the manufac­ turers to be equal to any $5 shoe in the market. LIGHTNING AND M AON FRUIT JTAHSf [At the lowest market prices GOOD ROCKFORD FLOUR, $1.05 a Sack. Good Fiu Cut Tobuco, , For 25 cents per pound. Good Smoking Tobacco 20 cents per pound. Barrel, Rock ail Dairy Salt. 20 pound* good Dried A |̂ or Prunes for $1.00. And all other goods in propor­ tion. W ben yon ate In want of any­ thing in our line call and see us. We are sure we ean save you money. S0IISLETT & ITOrriL jfcett McHenry, JuM 91,1886. Bow Does This Strike You, Twais OUR up 6c. to 75 ci New Hat Pair Shoes Boiled Shirt Good pair Total -mm? Our stock lor style am quality is first chop, It yoi* want a suit that fits you t# the Queens taste, choice im­ ported goods, come and seep us. We can deal Dress GoodS, Shawls, Parasols, White Goods, • IS FACT Staple and Fancy X>XtY OOO X> M • * ,-"•4 m Cheaper this year ever. Lawns to close at 3 1 cents per yard. Call will save you money guarantee satisfaction. YOURS, PS--1'-'5 1st WEST M?HENRY, IIJL* ^3 'M ' . aSlfic..*.

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