WEDNESDAY, JOLT 7, 1886. Railroad Time Table. 0» nd After Kwte|, June iljtrilM will f*M McHenry nutin *» below: ootim WVTR. UfciOnmrMMiiet,.. 7:88 A. u tAkeGenera Bxpraas....... ;. ,.8:8 " l4k« Ota«n Freicbt.... .. M:45 p. m ftlW Oww» PMMWT S:26 •• Like Geneva P«lll«g«f S:S1 " otr*o *o#rn. Lake <}en«n fMlRll.... .*'11 A. II Lake 3«nen PMWigir 1»A » * Lake Genera Passenger W:IO " Lake tomlipnM h Lake Ganara Pirnanr .9:07 " * Slops only to ten Pmranrii. B. BUM, Agent. M«Henrr. Ill PERRY A Own ban a new adver tisement tbl* r^eek. Read it. THR half mile Foot Race on Bator- day hut, waa won by Ed. Warner, Ju Well* eomlnf In second. NUT Ja*tdlar the last Bode Beer fro to IM McHenry Brewery, at A. Engien's, John Helmets and Jacob Bodttetti /OUR Police Court ground out quite a grist on Monday morning, all caused by an overdose of patriotism on Satur day. Three dollars and cost was tbe remedy applied lo most caws. OUR German friends celebrated oik Monday by a P'cnlc and dance at | Plstaqu* Lake, and a dance at Admins* " Hall, Johnsburgh. At both plaoa| good times are reported. bs account of Ihe extreme warm weather Hie Sunday evening services at the Universalis! Church will be dis- eontlnued nntll the lint wepk In September. Morning services will be held as usual. /"oi ON Saturday last a match was made for #800 a side, between "George 0„* owned by Geo. W. Owen, of this vil lage, and "Comanche," owned by J. Roney, of Wauconda. the raoe to come off on the Libertyv He track August 14 Considerable money Is liable to change bands on the result. TBBUB will be a Lawn Sociable, tinder the auspices of the Baptist Church, Woodstock, on the grounds of Mrs. Wm. K. Smith, In that city, on' Tuosday evening, July 13 th. Ioe Cream and otlier refreshments will be served. All are cordially Invited to come and spend a pleasant, 8oclal Hour. WE have been afflicted with some fearful hot weather In this section the past week, the thermometer ranging from 96 to 194 degrees In the shade for several days. And II we do not get rain soon w| wHl all dry tip and blow away. As soon as the wind gets In tbe right direction we trust all our readers will commence praying for rain. THst/anada Club has a new Presl dent* and Is now uoder petticoat government. Axes and clubs took a back seat at the last meeting and a «»»ule gad was wielded the new President In a lively manner. As . this club is less than a half mile from limits, some foreign power may take a hand ere lot g. They oug'it to. at least. / EDDIE CAMP, son or I. N. Camp, of f the firm of Estey A Camp, Chisago. V left Chicago after breakfast on Wednesday morning and arrived at tbe residence of O, W. Owen. In this village, at 12.30. o'clock, just In time for dinner, making the entire distance on a Bydcle. This beats any long distance Byoicle rides we have heard of lately. He left| for Lake Geneva at 3 o clock this afternoon. WR learn that a. son of Bert Rosen crans was accldenally shot in the foot at Algonquin on Saturday. It appear*' that as a party of rougns were pissing In the Bus. one of them drew a revol ver and fired, the ball striking the boy In tbe heel. • Whether it was Inten- tlonsl or pure cussedness Is not known, but could the name of the per petrator be found out he should lie severely punished. The wound was a severe and pal nful one Dr. Nason was called to attend It. TOUT BARMAN went to Geneva Lake,on Saturday last and entered for the two hundred yards Foot Race, which was advertised by the 4th of July committee at that place, which be won easily. He returned home her<> on the 5:31 train, when the Waukegan Base Ball Club thought they had a runner and a match tor one hundred Taras for 910 a side was made •'Tony" again carried oil thi laurtls, beating his opponent with ease. Waukegan may beat us plaving Ball, but when It comes to a hundred yards foot Raoe we can down them every time. WR would call the particular atlen t*on of the ladles to the notice of the meeting of the Cemetery Aid Society, which takes place on Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock, at the resilen'e of Mrs. John I. Story. It 1s Importaut that the ladies turn out and give this matter their encouragement and aid. There Is much needed work do be done and It Is not fair nor right that it all should be done by a few. as herefore. Remember, Friday afternoon, at 3 o'clock. We hope there may be a good turn out. WR bad expected to have a full re port of the celebration at Algonquin on Monday, but at the time of going to press it has failed to reach us. We were only able to get down a short time In the afternoon, but from all we could learn It wa a grand success, and the largest crowd overmen In Ajgon quin. The Oration was Que, the hor ribles were Immensely ftorrlblp, aqjl •yery |>art of tbe programme was carried out to the entire satisfaction of tbe large crowd In attendance. We persume our regular correspondent will give fuller particulars next week. H. KLEIFORN, of Chicago, spent the Fourth with friends in this village. Miss VAN VBLSKH, of Delevan WU„ visiting with Mrs. T.J. Clifton. In this village. Miss AMRLIA RICHTER, «f Chicago. \< tbe guest of Miss Cora MiOmber, In this village. BERT STRBBINS, who !s now working at Chenoa; HI., is horn a here on a two weeki vacation. Miss EMMA GREGORY, spent the 4th wit*) her parents. in shin village. She I* now living In Chicago. GEO. YAOEK spent the Fourth In tills village, and toot in the tParty at the Riverside House. MR. JOHN GRAVES, and wife of Elgio, spent the Fourth with friends In this village. MR. CHAS. SCHUBBR. of »Mar»hal Fields wnolesale house,Chicago, Is rus ticating in our mid*t. WM. ANDERSON and daughter Aonie, of Clt'cago, were the guests of Isaac Wehtworth and family over Sunday. FRANK FAT. of Chicago, Is spending a short vacation with friends In this village. FRANK PATTKUSON, wife, daughter and son. of Chicago, were the guests of E. M. Owen and family over Sunday. H. L. ROUNDS, of this village, spent Monday and Tuesday with frieods at Belvldere. MKS. R. C. KNIGHTS, and daughter Efflo. of Clinton Junction. Wis., are visiting with the family of E. Lawlus, In tliis village. LARRT MCQCE, that old Soldier and Irish Republican, of Nunda. accompan ied by his wife, attended the celebra tion in tlii* village on Saturday, and made the PLAINDBALRRa pleasant c ill. F. A. PATRICK, of Marengo, accom panied by Mr Drake, of the firm of Otis A Drake. of that place, were over fishing two dava last week. The wind was In the East, consequently the catch^as not quite as large as It other wise would have been. They were the guests of C. V. Stevens, at ills fariu THE little daughter of John Bl »k«*. who we reported last week as having met with a fall breaking one of her h*gft< i* getting along as well as could be expected, hut still at times Is still er! ng much pain. She has the heart felt sympathy of all. DIED.--At the resided** of her daughter, near Solon, Mrs. Margaret Trueadell. wife of George W. I'rues •ell. aged 81 years. Mrs. Truesdrll wan born at Coxsackle Green Countv, N. Y., and came to this county In 1842, where she has resided ever since. Her funeral waa held on Tuesday afternoon, Rev. B. Brqmilng, of the Universalis! Church, of this villsge, oft-elating. ̂ An Appeal To The Ladiee of Me- Honry and Vicinity. There will be a meeting of the Cemetery Aid Society a* Mrs. J. I. Story's on Ffid iy at 3 o'clock p. M. We urgently ask you to give tliH more than a passing nut lea, as the funds are In h low state and It Is earneaMy requested that you meet snd devise snme mean* to raise funds that our cemetery may be properly car*d for. An election ot officers will take place. Hitherto meeting after meeting lias been called and no one came but the officers. La dies these things ought not to be so. Come out and make the meeting a success. MKS. J BISHOP, Sec. AN irroneous report Ins been cur rent In the neighborhood of Round Lake tegarding the illness <»| Mr. Geo. Heudee, the assumption having been hastily ranched that lie was afflicted with the gltndera. It Is true that Mr. Hendee had a horse sick with the glanders recently and the animal was kill 'd uy the prooer authorities. But Mr, Hendee's illness only developed a Serious contraction of the musrls of the lower limbs. Or. G, H. Barney of this city has had the ci«e in charge and says Mr. Hendee has shown no symp toms ot the glanders. We trust this statement of i)r. Barney will set the matter right. Mr. Heudee, we are gl'td to s ty. Is grad'itlly Improving.-- Waukeegaa Ocuettee, WR would fall the ar tent Ion of our readers, and especially old soldiers, to our Soldiers' Deparnnent, which appears each week on the first page Ihls department Is now under the charge of Wm. H. Cowl In. of Wood stock, and we are hearing almost every week high commendations of the manner in which it is being con ducted. Mr, Cowl In, having gone 'lirough the fiery ordeal of battle and prison pen. his heart is In the wurk. and no man living takes greater inter est In the cause of the soldier. He Is making? the Soldiers Department In the PLAINDBALER not only Interesting to all nut of great value and benefit to every old soldier. Mr. tJowlin t* also one of the most successful Pension Attorn iys in tbe State, and soldiers having claims to prosecute will do well to secure his services. THR Woodstock Democrat would I'O well to look up his old arltb metlc before he figures on the "out put" of the McHenry Brick Company again. He says in last weeks Issue that "10.000 is the daily output." and that their "sales have amounted this year to 1,000.000." Now Mr. Democrat, that wont hardly figure. The faots are they hive been making from 20,000 to 25.000 daily, and up to Mon day night last bad made one million five thousand Brick. Their Brick are all sold as fast as uiad), and the de mand is so great that In several Instan ces they have been obliged to load from tbe Kiln before they were cqld enough (q handle without gloves. Tbey are making the best Brick In the State. Mr. Wentworth, one of the firm and Superintendent bps no super ior iu this business. THR celebration In Mchenry on the 3d was a grand success (a every partic ular. At an early hour the crowd commenced coming In and by noon full three thousand persons were on our streets, all bent on doing honor to tbe day we celebrate. The exercises at the Grove were commenced promptly at half past ten. arid were tistened to with the closest attention by all. We were detained by other duties and did not hear but very little of the speeches but those who did hear them [ ronounce the Oratloi of C. H. Donnelly, Esq., a masterpiece of oratory, logic and pa triotism, and one that was an honor to both the heal and heart of the orator. Remarks *were also made by H V. Shepard, Hon. Geo. Walt, and others, wh'cli were well received by the large audience assembled. In the afternoon the center of attraction was the Drlv Ing Park, where a Base Ball game, be tween the Waukegan Club and a Pick up Nine from this village, took place* which resulted in a score of 30 to 15 In favor of W aukegan, and two Trotting Races, one Free for all. for which there were three entrees, vis: *George O.,'* ot this village, "Comanche,** of Wau conda. and "White B.' of Llbertyville, which was won by "George O." taking the second, third and fourth heats. For the three minute raoe there were f iur e'ltrles. via: Mockey," Lady Ar- gonout." "Bay Billy,** and v*Black Bird** the first time being owned In this vil lage and the last at LibertyvlUe. The first heat was taker by **Ladv Argon- out,*' the second by "Jockey,** and the last three and the race by J"Black Bird," No time was given in either race. ,, This ended the 4th of July celebra* tion for 1886 in McHenry, and all agree with us that it was one of the moat pleasant ever held lit this village, everything passing oil In the most and orderly manner. GRAND HALL, Parker House, out their-usual large crowd at their Independence Party on the evening of the 2nd, one hundred and sixty two numbers being registered, and not* withstanding tills large party every thing passed off in the most quiet aud »l«a8aut-4»etmec as it always does at this H ill. Slocu n's full Orchestra furnished the music and as usual gave the best of satisfactio i, and as we have ofteo said before, are too well known In this section to need any en comiums at our hands. The supper was pronounced one of Parker's best, and all who were present unite In pro- nounclng the Independence Party for 1886, at Grand Hall, a success in every particular. THE Independence Party, at the Riverside House, on the 2.1, was at tended by one huudred aud five couples, and a more pleasant and or- t^rly party is seldom seen together. l'he music by Preston's Orchestra^ eight pieces, was pronounced by good judges to be tbe be*t ever beard in that Hall, and that is saying a great deal. While we are not prepared to sa.v |us» t iat we can truthf ully say we never'heard It excelled at least, while In several points It was really HI perl or. Taken all together no better music can he found in the State than Pre«ton*s Orchestra, So say the -dancing public who listened to them on Friday eve ning. The sup »er, as it always is at. this Hotel* was fine enough for a wedding feast, and done great eredit to mine host F ird and Ills estimable lady. All went home well pleased with their evening entertainment. A Joltet despatch und*r date of July 6tli, says: George Panton. the mur derer of Smith, of Elgin, and who was o hang tt Belvldere, 111. Friday, the 16'h of the present month, was brought to the penitentiary s afternoon by S berifl Ames, of Boone County. Gov ernor Oglesby has commuted Panton'" death sentence to a life term In the penitentiary The inurder wnlcli Pan ton ooinmicted was a very cold-blood ed aflalr. Smith rented a bouse from Panton at Elgin, and falling behind In his rent, Panton went to the house during Smith's absence aud threw his household goods into the streets Smith came home and placed his things back Into the house. Panton then approached the house, drew his revolve' an 1 fired througu the wlo- dow, killing Smith instantly. The murderer took a change o* venue to Boone County, where he had two trial*, both resulting In a sentence of death. His escape from hanging through the Governor's commutation, creates a greit deal of unf avorable comment at Belvldere and Elgin. Sealed Prop* sals. Will be received at the office of J Van Slyke, Village Clerk, of the village of McHenry, until July 16tli. 1886. for the digging of Four Wells. Said wells to be located as follows: Two on tne South side of Main Street. In West McHenry, bet we in the Depot and the Parker House. And one on the corner opposite John Blake's Furniture Store, and one near tbe Public Square. Said Walls to be 5 feet In the clear, excluding brick. The contracting parties to furnish everything except Pumps. The Job to be let at so much per foot. The contracting parties to guarantee the wells to throw a two inch stream of water for five hours T le committee reserve tbe right to reject any and all bids. Gao. ROTHKBHEL R, A HOWARD, W. A. CatsTT, Committee. BANANAS, choice Confectionery, etc., at Lock's Bakery. Fire Crackers, Fire «Vqrks and tpr pedoef are c'heapeft at Berry 4 Qweos Ladles Gloves aad Owens'. Mitts at Perry A ... t' so .. S 78 ..•98 36 ....41.25 ..7-..S00 S 0'J .... S 00 9 00 ...WOO Parsols and Fans at Perry ft omens'. BBRAD, Cakes and Plea at Lock's Home Bakery, Ulllee* Block. ErooeesMnga of thaMiattf of • Truateee. MCHBHRT. July lit, 1998. Board met pnrsnant to adjournment. Pres ent fall Board. Minn Ces of last meeting read and approved. Tbe following Mils were presented, audited and the Clerk ordered to draw orders on the Treasurer for the Mine: -m K, M Howe, nails, etc .. SS.S5 J Bi«nop, denning C4l*boo*e „.. 5.00 J I Htory, ntlU ggo J HauperUch team worlt....w..* 57 75 * McDonald, teim work ....... ... ... iff jj Wm DavU, team work 53*75 J Botherinel, labor ....... 'MM P Tlialea, labor .jg as J Barbtan, labor a&gH A *tyer«, labor 3,00 Wm Sohreiner, labor. 35.00 On motion the Board were allowed their sa*. ariea f» date. 4 On motion A. G. Granger, Peter Brahan. J Simet and Peter Thalen were appointed Special f-olice for Saturday, July il l. On motion, duly seconded it was voted that no booths or games oe allowed on the streets on Saturday, and that the police be instruct ed to see that the order is enforced. Oa motion adjotrned to meet Monday even., lag, July 5. at o'clock. B. GIMSBBT,Preside Attest, 4; Va.KSLTKB. Clerk. MeHBNRT, July Sth, lflSS. Board met pursuant to adjournment, Pres. ent full board. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. The following bills were presented, audited and tbe Clerk or tered to draw orders en the Treaetyifr for the same. A ___™~ ® * *• • samtyliaa • Co., lumner N I. Homes, Night Wateh........ S McDooaUl, special Police ...... WntSfflfta " " ....... J UwtSane " « AOtfraager " •• O fiSotfa, Night Watoh ... On motion the Clera waa instructed to draw an order in fcvor ot Smith Son A Oo for 1250.00 the balance of their bill to be paid In four months from date. The License Committee reported th|t they had waited on Jos Buok and thit he had clos ed bis place of business. The .street Committee who were Instr cted in relation to carrying off surp|us«Waier on M»me sireet, made a partial report aad the ole matter was put over uqU4 tee next eeting. Tlie:rommittee to look np probable eest aad locate Town Wells, reported and recommend- ed that four wolie be dug, two in West Mo- Henry between the Depot' and the Parker House, one on the oorner opposite J B Blake's Furniture store, and .eae near the Public Square. The report of the committee was accepts I and the committee further instructed toad* vertise for Pealed Proposals an-l let the job to the lowest responsible bidder. It was moved by Trustee Cristy that an Ap. pmprlation Ordinance be passed by this Board making the following appropriation. Far streots, tlieys md Im lgea exclusive of Poll TAX the sum of ftioe. For misscellanous and contingent expenses including salaries, $1200. For Town Wells aud Pumps, fGOO. The above motion being duly seconded was loat by the following vote: Ayes--Cristy, Howard an 1 Gilbert. Naya-- Nichols, Weber and RMhennel. Moved by Trustee Webar that the Appro priation Ordinance be tne following* For Streets, Alleys an I Bridges exclusive of Poll Tax, fcSOSO. For tne improvement of the Public Square, •100. For miscellaneous aad contingent ex including expenses.^SISOO. For Town Wells and Pumps, #000. The above motion being duly seeonded Was loat by the the following vete. Ayes-- Nichels, Weber and Rotliermel. Nays--Cristy, Howard aud Gilbert. On moti<>n adjourned to the call of the Pre* ident. B. GILBBBT, President. Attest4, VA* ̂ LRA^J^EGK. ., _ eath" Regiment minoiaj Infantry. The officers elected at the last annual Ke>Unloii of this old oncaulz t- tion are requeued to meet at tii<» (Jourt House. In Woodstock, Saturday, Julv 10th.. 1886, for the purpose of deciding upon the plaoe for holding the next K**-Unloii, also appointing the neceasary committees to make arrangements for the same and rans- act such other business as may be dee oed proper by the committee. The following nain»d gentlemen are the committee: Col. Wm, Avery, President; George Eckert, Secretary ; B.S.Parker, Treasurer. Vice Presl - dents:--Company A, W. H. Sauuders B C. P. Loop, C, Asad Udell, D, J. E. Beckley, E. D, S. Marshall, F, K. Thompson. G, Robert Horan, II, II. It. Godnfd, I, James Nlsli, K, John V*iianlwert. All old soldiers interest ed are rnqu«*ted to be present and aid the Committee with their council aud advice. County papers of McHenry, poooe and Lake counties, please copy.. Qs*en Anne Harvest Festival. The friends of Queen A nte and vi cinity will be glad to know that a be ginning is made to arrange for this festive occasion. A few of the friends met at the Burton Wright «chool house on the evening of June 89th, to begin preparations. The following are the committees: To arrange programme, M. J. Wright, T. B. McDowell and Mist. Ida Frey, assisted on music by H. M* Towne. Misses Nellie Senger and Jessie Given; On generat management. Bur ton Wright. S. E. Olmstead and C. A. Given. On refreshment, Jerome Thompson and John Fosdic. Adj urn- ed to meet on evening of July 13 at same place. A good attendance Is de sired as It Is hoped to make the com ing festival oue of interest and enjoy ment. J- . : .tr-Jfciff. M. J. WaiOHT. Pre*. T, B, McDoWBU..#»c. Thistle Notice. Having been appointed Thistle Com missioner for tbe town of Nunda, I re quest all persons wno will help to rid our town of this dread pest to report t» me any patches of thistles they may know. I also warn all persons who have thistles growing on their places, to rid themselves of them, or sufer the penalty of the law. GEO. *OBD, Com. of Canada Thistles, Wanted. Reliable and euerg«tic iqen to sell all kinds of n irsery goods. Sf««w and hardy varieties adapted tot the cli mate. Btjsinefs light and easily learned- T° *MC0e»Btul men we ean pay good salaries and ex >enses and give steady employment. First class references required. Send for terms. Address L' L. May. A Co,, Nurserymeu St, Paul Minnesota, ATTENTION DAIRYMAN. We sell you 66 lb sajks, salt In Linen Sneka at 6b oents, tor cash. FITZSIMMOMS A EYANSOK. HEBRON EDITOR PLAINDEALKB:--W. J. Saun ders. of Chicago, Is spending a few days with his relatives and frieuds. Chas. A. Stanton, from Janeaville. is enjoying himself with frieuds here and at Richmond. Miss Nellie Glennon, of Woodstock, spent the fourth at Hebron, tbe goest of Miss Ella Rowe. G. B. Stone came ho^e Saturday night. He is spending the season at his creamery In Nebraska. Those who listened to the exercises at school Fiiday afternoon were high ly entertained. The graduates for the year 1886 were Mr. W. Glddlngs and Miss Nellie Brown. Mrs. Donnelly, from Woodstock, and Miss Retta Van Hoozen visited with their sister. Mrs, Frank Rowe. Satur day and Sunday. The semi centennial celebration Saturday was a glorious success. It hi« been,, estimated there were 2000 to 8000 people present. The oration by Rev. Frazer was what we expected It would be, patriotic and eloquent. Llnn Young, by his impressive manner of reading, awakened In many a new in terest In the Declaration ^ Indepe- dence, and the H, C. B. I^tind their best. Melodeou* voices Mmblng from numerous stands throughout the grouuds Informed the masses of their wants, and hundreds responded. Those in need of exercise obtained the same at a platform erected for dancing. The gaoil'of Base Ball resulted In the defent of the married men. The Kal* itlmmplan parade caused much merri ment. The e<g race was won by H. Conn. The wheelbarrow race by A. Mason and the two mile running race by A. Uason. The display of fireworks was simply grand and witnessed by a vast crowd of people. Great praise and credit Is due the president of th» day, the marshal, executive committee and Committee on fireworks, for the successful manner In which the entire program was carried out. July 4th 1886 will long be remembered by our people. Our Chicago Market Report Prepared Expressly for the PLAUIDEALRB by Our Qwa Correspondent. CHICAGO, July 8, 1886 The estimated product'on of winter and 8prlntf wheat in the U. S. for 1886 Is 43$,009,000 busheR These estlmatee imply a gain of 78,000,000 bushels In the production compared with 1885. Stronger eastern and foreign markets less favorlble crop reports, and an ac tive local and outside demand caused tbe upward movement In wheat, which has advanced nearly 2 cents within the past week. Com and oats sympa thized with the leading cereal, (wheat) and they rule more active and higher. Oats experienced a regular boom, and more interest is shown tli:»n tor a l<>iig time in this cereal. Rye is rather slow aud barley is duU as ever. Butter market Is slo*r with small de mands. Eggs, poultry, hides, and liay rule steady, while berries, fruits and vegetables met with a better de^ matid aud prices show an improvement 1'he cattle receipts are ' ery meager, and prices exhibit a decided upward tendency of first-class lots of 10c per 100 lbs. Siuce Monday hogs have advanced 25c, Compared with prices current June 14 an advance of 60 to 6Sc have been established. Present prices are 20 to 2&c higher than the "high time" Itst March, and 45 to 80c higher man one year ago. • he present outlook for a further advance is good. Common grades of sheep are lo heavy supply, and prices rule 15c idwer. WINTER WHEAT-NO. 2 red 76J; No.3 red 70. SPKING WHEAT--NO. 2 72Jtf; No 3 63@05}c; No. 1 hard (Minneapolis) 74 'No. 1 nard (Duliuli oiaikei; 77. COKN-- No. 2 34Jo; No. 3 31 ($32. OATS-NO 2 2U} -; No. 3 uy sample 24(a)-2g4c; Barley Oats. Kyk--NO. 2 by sa ople, 67. BAULKY--No. 2 By sample 40, TIMOTHY SEED--Poor to go^d, 11.70 @91 72 . KLAX--No 1.91,08} ULOVBK--Poor to choice, f5 30@5 35. BUCKWHEAT , BEANS-- C o o l h a n d p i c k e d . $ 1 . 2 5 POTATOES-- 30@Mfcs per bushel. BUTTER--Creamery fancy 14 to 15c; dairy to choice 11)^; common grade 6@1<). EGGS--Fresh Northern. lOJc. CHtESE--Young America 7@3c; ful cream Cheddar 6; skimmed 3@4c POULTRY--Chickens 11 @13 furkey* 7. CXTTLR--G>od to extra sliipppif •4 70@#5.55; fair to choice *M<J@£5.00; coiumoi. lo good $40o@$5.60; poor lo medium $3 7S<<J4 3<); stackers 92.55@ 93.60; feeders93.40@#4.40; Texaus 92.6U @33 70. HOGS--Light weight 14.60 @94.80 rough packing 94 50(§94.80; neavy packing and shipping 94 85 KHREP--Common to clioice 92.40@ 94*25. SPECIAL CELEBRATION All this Week at Fitzsimmons & Evanson'g, Woo tfloHonry. Jllinolo. Speelal cash prices on Saturday morning and evening. 600 pair Ladles fine Shoes at 92 worth 93. 100 black Jerseys at 95 cents. Ladies Muslin Un derwear at prices unheard of in this section. Good Lawns 3 cents per yard Special cash sale on Friday of Ladiea and Childreus Hosiery, half price Parasols. Men's Shirts 25 cents to 91. Mens fine Suits. Come over, bring the Cash and you will always find some thing new. novel and attractive at astonishingly low prices at FLTGSIULFOMS A BVANSON'S. ©nee upon a midnight dreary. I was tossing weak and weary* For I had a fit of ague, And my bones were very sore. Suddenly I read a label, Of a medicine on my table, But to reach't I scarce was able; I was so infernal pore I Took I j ust one dose, 'twas BITJE BEAKS; Soundly sleot I and did snore. Had the ague nevermore 1 S( cents per bottle. Sold by all druggist*. Extra fine. j«t black, all wool, patent seam Jerseys, only 90eents. Extra fine, jet black, all wool, patent seam, coat back Jerseys only il.t0. Extra fine, jet black, all wool, patenl seam and rlchlv braided coat back Jerseys, only 91.25. Very fine vest front, plain black Jernevs. 91 90. 12} Inch Ecrue and Cream Laee only 19 cents wortn 50 cents. BONSLETT A STOF*9&* Once upon a midnight dreary. • I was tossing weak and weaiy. For I had a fit of ague, And my bones were very sara. Suddenly I read a label, v Of a medicine on my table, * But to reach't I scarce was ablot I was so infernal sore I Took I just one dose, 'twas BILK BKAHBI Soundly slept I and did snore. Had the ague nevermore 1 25 cents per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Before yon insure get terms for Fire, Lightning and Tornado 1 nsu* ranee, of Bonslett A Stoflel, West Mc Henry, 111. Knowlton. Standtrd. Manny. Crown Eureka. Crawford and New Warrior, Mowers at E. M. Owen A Son, and In price from 945 to 990. The best assortment of Hats, either Felt, Wool, or *»traw. to be found in town, at Bonslett A -Uoflel's. Hammocks and Lap Robes, a good stock, at Bonslett A StoftePs. Fruits, Nuts and Candles, largest as* sortment In town, at Perry A Owen's. For 8aio. I offer for sale my Farm of 110 aeres. situated 3 miles from Ricmhond, known as the old Newcombe Farm; one half mile from school house, and with a living spring running through it. MAJOR NOBLE. Richmond. March 17, 1886, FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned offers for sale his farm, situated four miles west of McHenry. consisting of 246 acres. In good location and an excellent Dairy farm. Or will trade fir a smaller farm. Apply to PHILIP GIRSRLBB. 20--3 months. For Sale. A house and lot in this vlllag#*, >lfh well located, the house new, having been built la«t sea«on. and Is a very desirable piece of property. Will be soli cheap If applied for soon. Will give possession at once. For further particulars inquire at this office. u What's the matter Si? " you are nol looking well. " O nothing only a slight cold. \ In two days after the above con versation "Si" was very sick with pneu monia. Had ho at first taken a dose of SMITH'S BTLE BEANS (1 bean) he would have been surely cured without harm. A cold is congestion! BILE BEANS will relieve a cold quicker than any other remedy, as it relieves the congested part at once. For sale by all medicine dealers. Price, 25c. per bottl* E. M. Owen A Son receive-I seven ot the celebrated Eureka 6 and 7 foot cut Mowers one day la^t week. ------ P 8hort Horn Bulls for Sale. The undersigned has for sale lull blood Short. Horn Bulls. Wlil be sold cheap. Call on or address FRANK COLE. One mile East of Spring Grove. April 24.1886. xmn wouia nn coiupBrwwf mppj world if everybody knew the virtues of SMITH S BTLE "BEANS as a family medicine, and acted upon that know ledge. One half the misery of the world comes from ailments which arise from a bad stomach or a bad liver. Chiefest among these are dyspepsia, biliousness, sick headache and Neuralgia. BILE BEANS will cure all of these, besides all .miasmatic dlaoascs. Dose: One Bean. SUMMER tflLLXERY. La lies who desire stylish and artis tic Miilinery Gon<K of my description should cill on MRS. H H. NICHOL*. who hatijnst returned from the city, •vith the tinest line of Sumner Milli nery and Kancy Goods ever brought to this town. Her stock consists in p >ri of the latest styles of Hats, Bonnets. Kiowers, Feathers, Ribbons, eto. Sat isfac'lon guaranteed in style, price and workm tnshlp. An inspection of stock Is respectful ly solicited. MRS. H. H. NICHOLS. Good Rock fori l Flour only fl.2fi per sack at Bonslett A ^infltd's. Best Smoking Tobacco at 90 oent> pouud at Perry A Owen's. For Sale- In the village of McHenry. a House and five lots. The owner wishing to huliri on land owned hv him outsid< of the corporation will sell very low The hou<*e has been newly painted throughout, contains f >ur room* besides kitchen and pantry below, and two good large rooms and closets In the second story. There Is a itood barn well cintern, and other outhouses on the premises. Also an abundance of small truit of all kinds, (s well located and convenient to the Public School Will be sold cheap if applied f ir soon F. r further particulars inquire at this office. Also twenty acres of good land near be corporation. Will be sold cheap. Tent for Sale. A good 10x12 Wall Tent, Good as new, never having been set up but once. Wiir be sold cheap. Inwilro a* this office. - Malaria 1 The very mention of It Is a nightmare! Whoever has suffered from this blighting disease knows what a dread scourge it is. and how it seems almost impossible to eradicate it from the system. SMITH S BILE BEANS will most surely destroy the germs of Malaria, and afford permanent releif. Dose, one bean. 25 cents per bottle. For sale by all druggists and dealers in medicine, or sent postpaid on receipt (g price, to any part of the country. Ladies and Gentlemen's Summer Underwear at Bonslett A StoleT*. Business Notice** City residences for sale. Apply Asa w. Smith, Woodstock,I1L / ^ Everything In the Hardware Hao §§^ bottom figures, at E. M. Howe's. Celluloid Sets, cheaper than ever bo* fore, at G. W. Besley's, West Side. Fine Scrap Books ouly 91.25 at G. W. Besley's, West Side. Celluloid Combs, only 20 oents, at G. W. Besley's, West Side. J. Butter and Eggs wanted at K» i Engien's, ! Machine Nee lies for every Kind#! Sewing Machines, at M. Engfen's. Lace Curtains, Tidies, Lamberklns^ Bedspreads aud Shams, cheap, at Mrs, Schumacher's, near the Depot. C. H. Fargo's Box Tip shoes at Boa slett A Stoilers. ^ • Remember that L. W. Nichols, JfeV: the West McHenry Jeweler, does al* kinds of repairing in his line and guarantees perfect satisfaction. First class Goods at low prices at M Engien's. If you want your Garden Seed call for the Seed In bulk, at M, Engien's. Look at the choice Candle* at Bee- ley's Drug Store, West End, DOMESTIC Piano and Furniture Pol ish. (be finest thing iu the markef^at Besley's Drug Store. B--ley's Famu? Waukegso- Ale and Porter . On draught at J. Bonslett'!, JU En gien's and John He inter's. IF you want to make your Buggy Top look as good as new get the Na tional Patent Leather Enamel at Besley's Urug Store. _____ , „ f: Mrs. Schumacher* Visits Chicago every week and will take in your orders and furnish goods at the lowest Chicago prices. BBSLKY'S Ale and Porter la the best made, un draught in McHenry at Jacob Bonslett's, A. Engien's. . and John Heimer's. Jersey Walata, a full supplj, which will be sold at lower prices than any •ther store In McHenry. MRM. M. SGHDMAOHBa. If you want to learn how to Paint vour Buggy for One Dollar, call at Lesley's Drug Store, West Eud. , >'* ' V Call for the "Winning Stroke*',at _ Btand of five cent Cigars, manufactur ed by Barblau Bros. It beats them all. L. W. Nichols, Jr. the Jeweler, In West McHenrv. does not mike a speciality of CUKAP WORK, but has for his motto, *'J*rom/jtae*a and good work, One Thousand Lace Collars new and •tvliah. "big discouu's," at Fltssim* nous A Evauson'a. Call and exaiul>.e aline of Ladies Muslin underware. Cash price BO cents, FITZSIMMONS A EVANSOM. Our Shoe Deparnnent Is nnusually large this Seasou ai.d we Invite close cash buyers to investigate our stock •etore buying as we can do v«»u good. FITZSIMMONS A EVANSOM Carriages the be'ai of makes and i lully warranted for two vearaat E. M, Owen A Hon-.- - - Lawns in newest styles and of extra good quality. 6 cents per yard at Fits- oliumoiia aud KvaMaon'a. Stylish, well un»<le Seeriucker Coils •ml Vests only 92 00 at Bon«l tt A HiuOel's. "tfeel framed Ptoas, and Minneapolis . Binders whicn by th^tr >v«»rk ii tv* ••roven the beat, are at E, M. 0#en A M»n. k -vV Largest assoi twe »l. Engien's. Best Clothes Engien's, ot Accordians st Wrm^er #250 at It, Try oiir warr toted Badger State Overalls, Jackets and Shirts. BONSLKTT A ">TOKFKIrt House and Lot For Sal* In the village of Ringwood. Con* alns 10 Room". Alao a B vrn Wood- lied and other outbuildings, well, Astern, etc., on the premises. With- n twenty rods of Depot. Go >d harden. Apple Tree*, eic. Price *1000. For terms and other particu lars inquire of WBSLBT LADD, Ringwood, March Sth. 1886. 34-6 montbir H. H. Bromwell & Co. Chicago's Leading Fine Furriers, have just •pened in connect ion with their large fur hUHiness, 161 State street (near he Palmer House Chicago), the argest and finest line of Imported Millinery ever shown West. Our lady eadera should give them a call, as hey can always relv upon strictly first-class goods at "Popular Prices." 38--1SW. Don't forget the Eureka 6 foot Mow er at E. M. Oweo A con. You can cut I more and cure it ready to put in the bam right out of the swath. No we for Tedders. EVERYBODY KNOWS That Henderson's Boots and Shoos are the best. We sell lots of them.-- Perry A Owen's, Sole Agents, Down Coos the Prices. New Styles SuLts.......*......... 4.76 Best in market ............16.00 Best Vests 1.00 Cashmere Pants .2.26 Best Worsted all woo] Pants......5.00 A largedtock of B.tys Suits ,,2,75 S. LAWLDS. O poslte Riverside House. For dale. The undersigned offers for sale Ma •*esldeuce, aud two acres of land; situa ted In the village or Ringwood. Is well located, in good repair and on tho premises are all kinds of small fruit, all in a healthy and bearing condition. It Is, with all a very desirable piece of property. Good barn and outbuildings For terms an.l other particulars call on the undersigned on the premises. WM. LANGHA*, J Ringwood, March 9th, 1886. Cowsi Cows! Cows! AUIKN, III , reh. 4th, HML*' JuMsws 4 6m, Bamtigton, 1U. '̂ rc,-2 DEAR SIB ^Please send my by ex. pre88 two doseu Cow Prescriptions, f got one ot my neighbors to try it on a cow that waa almost dead with milk fever aud it cured her. It Is a good thing. E. S. SMITH. For sale by all Druggists. • +M Ageots Wanted! FOB THE GBKAT VBW BOOK, •Tho World's Wtndsn * By J W. Bart. The most successsnl »nb«c rip tion book mr putilixhe<1 Over half a million copie* r rrfrf the paM eight month*. an<1 it is s*|iin# ih*e« limes as ta»t now as ever lirfure. Regular ranvasoers clear from fid to fin l«er da . Nolhltt like it wa# ever known in tbe history of book publishing. Pro 1a temt /re* <nt applicttiioti. Sa eipermnee ni'txiwl lo insure success. We hHp pertwuis withost means to do a lar<e busineos; no capital ueett- •a. Write for particu lars. Aala>ies sfuunM- iMd to periMu vw do IIU u txh to eumu» i>» cmi MMitioR. We meaa busiue»s, an>l wuui l»*w agents in eTory township, it wiiu-ost TOU ••thins to write for teruia aud full tleserip- Uons or oar plans of aoiug basineas. We also ySawwy stenxfcmi Ixjoks to p«r^>04 w bo seati as name* of book awut*, writ* tor our list of free staadaru booka HWTOSIUL Poauantao On. SSS a <11M. Tnirt -troe', u i^wiaJa. »»•*«. ; j . • J' :