Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Jul 1886, p. 5

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mmm mm •r, WEDNESDAY, JULY 28. 1886. Railroad Time Table. i and after Moadav, June 21,J Trains will •• Mcllenry station as below: " O O I H O S O O T H . Lake Gsnevfc Passenger . Lake Geneva Express .. Lake Geneva Freight Lake Geneva Passenger , Lake Geneva Passenger ....... .VMfU yt»BTil. Lake Geneva Freight . Lake Geneva Passenger * Lake Geneva Passenger Lake Geneva Express te Genava Passenrer Stops only to leave Passens B. 1 .^...7:88 A. X „8:» " 12:48 P. M .... " ®:SI " ll K. M ,10:«0 " ......10:10 " ...... -4:4« P. M 6:57 " :er*. #nss, A pent. McHenrv. Ill ' READ (he Article on the flist page, Headed "How to make a Fair Attrac-. :|§ve. . ' THIS section wa* favored with taveral floe showers on Monday morn­ ing. FOB the very handsome Boquet that M#aoes our desk, M rs. R. A Buckland. of 111ngwood, will please accept thanks. % IWITH good weather the.Old Settlers Meeting on August'18th, will be one of the largest gatherings ever held In McHenry. ( ABOUT thirty tickets were sold at tills Station on Sunday for the excur­ sion to Milwaukee. 411 report a good time. A GRAND. Harvest Party will be given at the R'verside House. August 18th, Old Settlers Day. Music, Preston's full Orchestra. WE are requested to state that a jfiod Doctor will And an excellent Opening for boslness at Halusvllle, Lake county. "MASON A MORGAN S Uncle Tom's Ifcbln company played to a crowded jf6use. at Riverside Hall, is this ffllage, on Monday evening, MCHENRT County has rendered a bill against Cook county. In the case Of James Dacy, who was hanged for the murder of Alderman Gaynor. the total being $3,186.08, THE call for the Republican Sena­ torial Convention for this District, can be found at the head of our editorial page. It will be held at Woodstock, August 30th. HON. 8HELBY M. CCLLOU favors the PLAIN DEALER with a copy of his speech on the importance of the con- Struct on of the Henepiu canal, deliv- ' ered July 8th. WANTED, a young man from 16 to'20 years of age to drive a delivery Wagon. To one who is steady and has the right business snap a goo sltua Hop is open. For full particulars in­ quire at this office. THE Mr E. Church. Sociable will be held at Mrs Beasley's on Friday even- log of this week. All friends are In­ vited. Our young people should strive to rnakd the occasion one of pleasure and profit. "I AM omlng by and bye, you%Ill fcear my plaintive cry. In accents mild •fid gentle as a lamb; I'm not coming on a froll •, but to give small boys the oollc, the small green apple that 1 THE old settlers of Lake Mid McHenry County will meet at John G Regan's August 4th.. that being the occasion of the 50th., anniversary of Mr. Ragan's settlement la Lake County. GEO. MYERS' team were frightened at the train on Monday morning, and with part of a load of lumber took a little run across the common pear Haniv's Mill, but running into the ditch were stopped without damage. R. A. HOWARD, of the West Side Market, is killing this season a large number of Fat Steers.. He has just purchased of Jas. Monetian, Wauconda. ltlne four year old steers, that would be hard to beat, and which he will •laughter for his tra^e. C. D. PARKER, of Volo, left on our • desk on Monday a head ofwheitln the center of vhlch had grown a perfect and fully developed kernel #f Oats, How this should have hap- jpned or where the seed or sprout for iftls oat came from Is a mystery. A MARRIED woman was telling an old maid of her domestic troubles •*Well," said the old maid, "you have brought these troubles on yourself, 1 told you not to marry tilm. I was sure he would not make you a good husband." *He is not a good one, to trdbt sure,*, replied the woman, "but he f Is a powerful sight better than none.'* A FRANK QOIGLEY, Jacob Hauperlsh. JL John Simon and Tommy Currens done H some lively work gra -eling on thg. §| river road the past week. With two teams ane two wagons, in three and a half days they bauled and spread two hundred a id twenty-eight yards of gravel. This we call pretty good work. Who can beat It? "RAMBLER In Every Saturday says; "1 see In a long dissertation upon the art of base tall a remark to the effect that the head as well as the hands must be uted, I suppose the head is feed for a short stop. I have seen It so used. It Is very effective if not affecting.** Yes that Is so. We have been there. Tax sale of. the* farm owned by *** Wilson Halt and Mrs. L, C. Gates "jr which was (advertised to be sold on tig Friday last, was postponed on ac vi count of a mistake In the description. An attempt was made to lay the mis- •*" take to the printer, but we have the documents to show that it was printed exactly according to copy, and there­ fore the mistake Was some one elses, It. however appears correct this week. Itnd the sale will take place oothe SOtb vfiy of August. ELDER SHUNNING tut* iHHFe rani eating at Pinnqua Bay this week. Miss LIZZIE KLEIFGEN Is visiting friends In Chicago this week. MISS THOMAS. «.f Cnijugo. is visiting with Mrs. Dr. K-g.r*, in this village. Mrfs. PARKER, of Hyde Park, is the guest of Ml*s Julia Story this week. J. H. SEXTON and wife are visiting with friends in Lake County tills week. S. B. HANLY, of Chicago, spent a few days with friends in tills village last week. A. G. SCOTT and wife, of Kearney, Neb., are visiting with old friends in tills vicinity. . FRED • HAYEK, of Oak Park, is visit­ ing with the family of H. E. Wight- man, in this village. Miss CORA TAYLOR, of ^Hebron. Is the guest of Mrs Ralph 8tebblns, in this vi/1 age. J, F. HARVEY and wife, of Chicago, have been visiting in this village the past week. FRANK PATTERSON came nut from Chicago Saturday and took .in the Milwaukee Excursion on Sunday. ED. BESLEY and wife, of Waukegan, were visiting in this village a few days la«tt week. -Miss FLORENCE CHASE, of Chicago, is visiting with Mlu May Wightman , In this village. Miss MAMIE CONE, of Waukegan, la visiting with her sitter, Mrs. Geo. W. Besley, in this village. Miss HATTIE WELLS, of Waneonda, Is visiting with friends in thi^vlllage. this week. O. W. OWEN and wife returned on Tuesday from a weeks sojourn at their Cottage on Pls*aqu% Bay. FATHER CLANCY and Father Ryan, of Woodstock, were the guesfs of Dr. Fegers and wife one day this week. A. S. WRIGHT and wife, of Wood­ stock, passed ' hrongh here on Tuesday, for Fox Lake. Mr. Wright made the PLAINDEALKR a short call. MISSES ADOIE AND ETTIK ALEXAN­ DER. of Lake Zurich, are visiting with Miss Jessie and Clara Wightman, in this village. Miss CLARA B OWEN IS expected home from New York this week, to spend a short vacation with her pa­ rents and friends In this village and vicinity. BY the urgent request of J. Roney, the owner of "Comanche.** the daj for the match race between that horse and "George O." has been changed to August 12th. This has been done on account of somi misunderstanding in relation vo getting use of the track, THK M. K. Church Sunday School, of this village, will hold a Picnic at M. Jiiaten's; on Pistaqua Bav, to-morrow. (Thursday). Teams will be at the Church promptly at 10 o'clock. This Is one of tlie most delightful pi tee* to Picnic in this vicinity and H^are cure of having a good time. A MAN In Jasper county li'as applied for a patent on a contrivince to keep railroad trains from killing hogs. He reasons that an engineer never runs over a red fl ig, and his invention con­ sists In attaching a red fltg to the tall of every hog along the line of a rail­ road. ESQUIRE PERKY insists that McHenrv is threatened with the dymanite He- d, and that even the liens are in league with them. He say* that while pnek- ing eg;* on Tuesday an explosion took place, and that dynamite was the cause he has no doubt. At least he sought the air In short order. It should be looked Into--the case, not the egg. WE learn that Mat Pitson lost his life on the Keres farm. North of Johns burgh, on Monday last in the following manner. A team attached to a Reaper started to runaway, and in attempting to stop them he was krouked down, the Reaper running over him. mang­ ling and bruising him In such a manner that lie died About 10 o'clock the same evening. He was a single man and about 35 years of age. THE Steamer "Mamie" last week had her machinery overhauled, a new shaft put In. repa<nted and fitted up, and on Monday conmenced running in connection wltii both the Wisconsin Central and Northwestern Roads making her headquarters at Fox Lak«. She will connect with th* "Mary Griswold" at Sayles Landing. Captain H II is sparing no pains to accommo­ date- 1 he pleasure seeking public In the best manner possible. THE postmaster general ha*. In com­ pliance with petitions signed by largo number of business men in nora^rou* cities, amended the postal rules so as to permit the transmission through the mills, within the United Stares and Territory, of liquid* not liable to ex - ploaio or spontaneouns combustion, or ignition, by shock or jtr, and not In­ flammable; soft s »ap, pastes, or con­ fections. ointment*. salves, and article* of consistency, nnder certain con­ dition Insuring safety to other mail matter In transmission. OLD SETTLERS* DANCE. There will be an Old ^ettlert' Difnce, at Grand Hall. Parker^louse. on Thurs day evening. August 19th, Music, Slocum s Orchestra. All are cordially Invited. Tickets will be Usutfd in due time. » • PAKE EA. Proprietor. To Persona wishing to attend the "Cheltenham amusements' held at Chicago from Julv 23 to Aug. 14 We will sell excursion tickets at 82.00 round trip the following days. Julv 24 good to return until July 96 inclusive. u July 31 * « -- * Aug. 2 Aug. 7- "*.*•• * ' » " 9 •» *» ' •• a ]g ' ' B. Boas. Afoot. MERCHANTS and farmers hare • 8 lurdy contempt for the proposal of shortening the time of labor for me chanics to eight hours a daf: hat they all need reform In that direction for themselves. Farmers who b*gln »»tk *1 ft A M. and finish at 8 %. M. are working 100 hard f<»r tlieir own good, and merchants who open at 6 A. M. and close at 9 p. M. are working still more unwisely, fib9Csuse it is in­ door labor and less healthy. With all the Improvement* of modern machin­ ery. men ought to live with ION ihoo 15 hours labor a day. THE Board of Supervisors, through their purchasing Agent, have been so- licting bids from the different pnhlish ers In the county for the publication of their proceedings for the coming year. The acr.l »n of the Board in this matter is a d-sgrace to the county. When the representative* of a county like McHenry are too plcavunish to pay a reasonable prWefor publishing their proceedings it is high time for the people to rise and aak by what authority the doings of the Board of Supervisors are hid under a bushel. The tax payers hate a right to de­ mand that the proceedings of their servants he published for the benefit of all and this cannot be'done In any one paper In the county. They ahould be published In all and a reasonable compensation paid to each. We also understand that the Woodstock papers were paid last year 815 more than was bid by ah outside paper. If this is so pray what Is the use of outside papers bidding at all? The whole matter is a fraud and the pretended economy only a mere pretence. • JAMES FREEMAN, of Diamond Lake, was shot and killed by Wm. Sklbbe on Monday night of last week. The par­ ticulars of the affair, which we clip from the Libertyviiie Times, are as.fol- lows: "Mr. Tlios. Duddles has been at 111* brothers-working for the past two weeks and in his absence his wife hired James Freeman to do his chores. Up­ on Mr. Duddles* return he discharged him and gave the Ciarge of farm into the hands .of Mr. Sklbbe. On MonJay night between seven and eight as Sklbbe was working about the place Freeman came along and left some mall that he had brought for the Duddles family. Soon after Sklbbe went into the yard and saw Free>nan, who drew his revolver and fired, the ball going wi Je of its mark. Skibbe went Into the house and pro­ cured a gun. He waited then by the stove to dry his clothes which were wet from the shower, and upon going home wan cautioned by women fo k* to take the gun along with him, as it was teared Freeman might be waiting outside. As sklbbe stepped out doors, he saw Freeman standing behind a ttee with a revolver leveled at Sklbb»-*a head. Quick as th"Ught he raised the guu and fired, the sh>t striking Freeman full In the face and causing instant dsath*' A coroners jury brought 1n a. verdict exonerating Mr. Sklbbe from all bUni'V Frenm HI H Haid to have once been a res!• lent 01 th's town, but we have no rncollectiou of ever seeing him. His father di^d here some years ago. j To the Public. There seem* to have been quite a misunderstanding and a good many false statements about our Indepen­ dence Dance. One thing WAD in regard lie bill. I wil* rxpiain the matter f<>r those that have b»en claiming I was the one <hat raised the price. I deny it to begin with. Mr. Frank Parker came to me and wanted to know if we could r.ot agree on a price and make it what it ttbght to be for a Celebration dance. I told him that I had ord-red my tickets printed at 12 00. but that I was willing to Hgree wlth them in a> y thing that was fair and that th*y would stick to. He said he wouM give me his wor«i that there should be no cutting of prices. 1 was told better, hut thinking the advice was a little rank, I would not heed it, but I think I learned something,' although my faith in certain Individuals Is badlv shaken. When I say 92.50 I don't mean •1,50. Neither do 1 propose to give half of my numbers away to get the other half to come. I think, In a Pub­ lic Ball, where everybody is iuvfted, they should all be treated alike, as near as possible. I expect to have a grand Harvest Party on the 19th of August, and I de­ sire to thank the Public that have patronized me so well since I opened the House, and shall try (In the luture as in the past) to keep a first class House, and to run it on my own judg­ ment hereafter. W. H. FORD, Riverside House. Tho Coming Fair. We take this opportunity, an 1 at this time to annonnce to the general public that the program mapped out early in the season Is co nplete to a letter. The attendance each day of distinguished men excel all other years. We Jo not intend to tire any one with speech making. Each speak er will be limited. With the excep tlou of Mr. Raudall who delivers the annual addreas oifr d.iy, all the ad dresses will not exceed 45 minutes. There may bo some who do not appre­ ciate the coming of Mr. Randall as we do. We consider It a great matter to every farmer and mechanic In this section. A man of ills uational fame Is worthy the attehdance> and hearing of every man, woman and child, hence we are anxious to give him a giand reception. Thursday will be old soldiers day, Maj. James A. Connelly, of Springfield, principle address. He is one of the most gifted orators in the we^t. Con­ gressman Hopkius and scores of others will be with us. It will be a grand day. Now be rea ly to attend the Fair each d »y. Count on Fair week. It will pay you, and in the mean time be getting road? to exhibit something. WEIGHT, Secretary. : • ir'- if ir *• HSRIVQ, Annual Re - Union AHD BASKET PICNIC, --or THE-- Old Seitlers Association Of McHohry and Lake Counties --AT-- . M'HENHY," ILL., Thursday, Aiipst 19th, 1886. The following Speakers will address the Meeting, Hon. A. 13, Coon, Hon. Isaac G, Wilson, Capt, John Eddy, --And others- Chaplain, Rev. Joel Nheeler. The R6»Un1on will be of the Picnic order and will be held on the Public Square, where ample accommodation will be fumlfthed for all. In the afternoon there will be a Boat Race, for a Purse of 815, $7 to first, $5 to second a*id 83 to third. Also a Tub Race f<<r a Purse of 86. 83 to first, 83 lo second and 81 to third. Also a one hundred yard Foot Race for a Purse of 86. For the Boat Rice an entrance fee of 10 per c nt wl.l be charged. All other races free. The OlJ Settlers* Champion Flag will be contested^, for this year. A sufficient number of Marshals will be appointed lo have charge of every road Heading Into the village of McHenry, and the town bringing in the largest procession of teams on the day of the Re-Union will be awarded the Champion Flag. Let every town In McHenry and Lake Counties make an eflsrt to carry home the Flag. Appoint your Marshals, organize, and arrangement's will be made to meet and count your delegation at a certain h-Mir. that no delay* may occur. The McHenry Military Band and a choice Choir will furulfh Music for the ocCaelfaf. A g«'iiera4 invitation is ejrended to all r.o come out. meet the Old Settlers, and have a day of real enj-iyment. ft, nisuoi* President. J. VAN SLTKR, (Secretary, The Veiled Iteture, Two artist-lovers sought the hand ol a -noted painter's daughter. The question which of the two should pos­ sess himself of the priz*> so earnestly coveted l»v hoMi having come finally to the father, lie promised to give his child lot he one that could paint heft. no with th« highest skill his genius could command each strove for the maiden. One painted a picture of fruit, and displayed It to the father** inspection In a beautiful grove where gay birds sang sweetly among the foliage anti all nature rejoic I In the luxuriance of bountiiul life, Pr< sent y the birds came down to the canvass ot the young painter and attempted to eat the fruit he had pictured there. In his surprise and joy at the young artist*s skill the father declared , that no one could triumph over that. Soon, however, the second lover carac with his picture, and it was veiled. * Take the veil frorvi your painting," said the old man. "I leave that to yon.M said the young artist, with simple modeety. The father of the young and lovely maiden then ap­ proached the veiled picture, and at­ tempted to uncove* it. But one year ago I weighed only 1*24 pounds, and was very low with consumption, when I b'gan taking Piso's Care, Now I weigh 140 pounds. ( have some cough yet, hut think a few more bottles will efleet a cure. I was given up by good physician *, and had about given up myself, but luckily got hold of the right medicine.--W. C. Hall, 3806 Clay Street, itichmo id, Virginia. great was h<8 astonlchmeni when, as he attempted to take ofi the veflftie found the veil itself to be a picture. Plainly he who could so veil his canvas with th<* brush as to deceive a tkillful master was the greater artist. Grand Opening. MONDAY. AUGUST 3d. Having leased the Saloon of J. J. OiIlls, near the Iron Bridge, I will open the same to the public on Mon­ day, August 2d. The choicest Wines. Liquors and Cigars to be found in the county will always be kept on hand. Call and see me. Jos. BOCK. Mclinary, III., July 28th, 1886. NOT a particle of calomel or any other deleteriou- substance en&ri Into the compo8ltlou of Ayer's Catharic Pills. On the contrary, those who have used calomel and other mineral poisons, a« nied.clne, find Ayer's Pills Invaluable. A LAI»T writes: "1 have used Ayer"s Sarsaparilla In my family for many years and could not keep house With­ out It. For the relief of the pains cons quent upoq female weakness and irregularities, I* consider U with­ out an equal.** AKOMHMM* EDITOR PLAINDBALIK: -C. C. Chapel! started North bo Friday last to buy milch cows. Dr. Nason spent a couple of day* lb Chicago last week. Mrs. Wm. Morton and daughter. Miss Ida. visited a p-irt of last week with friends in Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. Wolaver of Minnesota, are visiting with relatives here. Mrs Wolover Is a sister of Mrs. Dr. Nas »o. Several of our towns people went on the excursion to Millw-tukeo to at­ tend the great Sangerfest. Master Walter and Leon Helm are spending their vacation with their Grandpa and Ma. at Lawrence, 111. Mrs Henry H>abbard. of Wayne, is visiting here with her mother, Mrs. S. Seber. Mrs Ed Morton, Sr. has been quite sick for the past few days. ^ DIED.--on Jul* 26th. 188ft, the two year old son of Mr. snd Mrs. August Wolf, of congestion of the brain. Mr. and Mrs. James Balch, of Elgin, spent Sunday here the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mortor. Mr. J. M. Pyott, of Chicago, has commenced the erec ion of i fine resi­ dence on his farm west of town . Mrs Argard with her two daughters have returned to their home at Eau Clair, Wisconsin. The Ladies Aid Society of the Congregational church will meet at Mrs. V. N. Ford's 00 Wednesday of next week. Our School Board will furnish the upper room of our school house with uew seats before the fall term of school. The boys have been catching a great nany Pickerel the past week alorg the Fox river. ; Mrs. Chandler and her three daugh­ ters, of Cnicago, are visiting here with Mrs C. E, Chapcll, » J. W. A dame k - lias commenced the election of his new Post Office build­ ing. Henry Keys Is doing the carpen­ ter work. HEBRON. EDITOR PLAINDEALKR:--u Bessie's Burglars.** Saturday night. Mr. Ed, Buchanan, ot Johnsburg^ was In to vn a few days of last week. Mrs. G. B, Stoue has a sister and her hutband visiting her. Remember tin H-trvest Party Fri­ day evening Aug. 6. Ice cream and cake across the way. Do not fail to hear "The Private Secretary," the funnlesA comedy ever rendered In Hebron. Come prepared to laugh. Matt Kelley's little gir', whose arm was broken iu two olaces ty a fall from a wag »u. is doing as w$ll as could be expected. The BaptUt meeetlngs at Union Hail every Sunday eveniug, are well attended. They have a fine choir which helps to make the service* in­ teresting. There Is talk of the society building a church here. Mr. John Wick nam was very serious. Iv Injured on riiur«dty of la t w*ek being kicked by a horse. The breast bone and two rib* were broken. AU » severe internal injuries. Dr Merrick was called immedi ately and made I1I111 as comfortable as poss ble and with the good care he receives at home ii is thought he may recover. NfXt month, while conference is ii »ess 011. the M R. churc'i will undergo ac.'iiipleie reiiovitlou iindde. It will be newly ptpered and otherwise beautified and mvie ready for the new yejir. It Is heped that the society will conclude to add a bell, which wouit' be a great improvement. At Rowe*s Hall, on Saturday evening July 3ist the Hebron Dramatic Asso.;la tion, tinder the m nagement of How­ ard Wall. *111 produce the great sensa­ tional comedy "The Private Secre­ tary." Mr. Wall's refu'-atiou as a manager, Is too well kn >wn here to need any comments -tnd this promises to one of hi 1 best efforts. The even­ ings entertainment will conclude with with "Bessie's Burglars" of which little Mildred Howard is the heroine. Admission twenty-five and fifteen cents. Don't miss it for a quarter. SAVE A DOLLAR. We have had consigned to us by the marufact'irer as an advertisement ot iheir work some extra fine genuine Tam pico goat Shoes for ladies wear, suci as h ive been sold tor Three Dol­ lars. We are Instructed to sell them at Two Dollars. Buy a pair and save a dollar. PHtRT&OwKlf. N, B. Every pair warranted. Sohooi Children. Wednesday Sent. 16. is free to all under si xteen years «f age. We have secured Wyant's Museum which will be {fee to all. Now try and exhibit some article in the youths department and help to make the hall attractive. *.3. WaioHT. Mfanted. Samples of rye. barley, and wheat on the stain, to make a display with. Let all select out a small quantity.of each and leave it at the Secretary's, pre­ vious to Sept. 10. A. S. WKIGBIV The Population of McHenry Is about 1000. and we would say at least one-half are troubled with some afiection of the Throat and Lungs, as those complaints are, according to sta­ tistics, more numerous 'hap ->there. We would advise all not to neglect the' opportunity to call and get a bottle of Kemp's BaWam for th > Throat and Lungs. Price 60c and 8100. Trial free. Resp* ctfully, Geo. W. BESLET. Lots than a BO-Csnt Bottle Curea Bone Spavin. IVvifDA, III . May 22, 1884. C. DtOKIVSOH A Sow--Harrington, III Gentleman,.* I had a horse lame Jor over eighteen months with a Bone Spavin, and I procured a bottle of Dickinson's Russia*) Lloiin^nt. and lesg than a fiftv-oent bottle completely ciifed the spavin. W. IX PAR^$. Prepared Expressly for the Futstiliun by Our Own Correspondent. CHICAGO, July 96^1886 The gralo market shows a slight falling off in trade, but are steadier. The inteiest in wheat and corn shows little. If any, abatement, and they are not so exjlted. Wheat is fairly on the basis of lower prices, and increasing receipts has a weakening Influence on the market. Reports of damage to the corn crops In the West by heavy rains checked the upward movement in corn, bur, prices vary but little from last quotations. Oats are quiet at re­ duced prices. Rye steady and un­ changed, and Barley is weak and lower. Green fruits, vegetables and berries meet with brisk demard, and prices higher. Tlie cattle market Is active and good cattle are 10 to 16c higher. Calves are In small demand. A brisk loc il and shipping demand for nogs caused prices to advance 6 to 10c. with light receipts The packing of the West Is about 330,000 hogs in exoess of the returns of last season to date. Sheep are good demand and prices stronger. WINTER WHEAT-NO. 9 red 8J; aNo.3 red 76. SPKINO WHEAT--No. % 78c: No.S 85@Pfte; No. 1 hard (Minneapolis) 79f Mo. 1 hard (Dulnth market j 84$. CORN--No.2 38Jo; No. 3 33(^35. OATS-NO 2 No. 3 BY sample 39@30e; Barley Oats. Ktk--No. 2 by sa nple, 69, BARLET--No. 2 By sample 84. TIMOTHY SEED--Poor to good, 81.70 <a»2 is. • FLAX--No 1.81,13. CLOVER--Poor to choice, $6.60(36,20, BUCKWHEAT------, BBANS--iJnol e hand picked, 81.30 POTATOES--30@60o new per barrel, 3.70@1 90. BUITER--Creamery fancy 16 to 17c; dairy to choice 13c; common grade 8@I0. * Eoos--Fresh Northern. 19o. C'HtE8E--Toung America 7(®8e; ful cream Cheddar 7; skimmed 3@4c. POULTRY--Chickens 13@15 Turkeys .8 C\TTLE--G->od to extra shippers 86.20@86.40; fair to choice 8430@85.10; couunor, 10 good 83.9<)<<$$4.40; poor to medium 83 7n@4 2<>; stackers 82.66(3 83.30; teedera83.l0@f|.|0; Texaos 83.6(1 @*4 30. Hoos--Light weight 94.60^84 90 rough packing' 84.65@84 85; ueavy packing and shipping 8606 NHEEP--Common to oiioloe 93.36® 83.46 . To-Nightland To-Morrow Night. And eaoh day and night during this week, you can find! Geo. W. Besley's drug store Kemp's Suppositories, ac­ knowledged to be the most successful treatment y'ot Introduced for the cure of piles. Old sufierers from this dls. stressing complaint lire at once re­ lieved and In a short tl ae a permane it cure established. Check the disease in t| ne by using the most effective remedy. Price 6O0, Send address for pamphlet on plies. Box 395, Le R<>y- N. Y. If you want a good lunch or a cup of «ofh>«, at'auv lioor of the day. go to Locke's Bakery, t.esr the iron Bridge. La lies \li 1-II.. U'ldftwear, 60 cents it Fiiz-lmmous A Kv*ii"»on's. Tent for 8ato. A good 10x12 VVail Tent, Good as •ew, nevr ii ivl ig b>«en set up but <oice. Will be sold cheap. Inquire at thl* office. Useful bargains iores«h on Remnant ta^le at Fiiz^immoMS A Kvisou's. flood Mens .Hlnr s. 36 cents at Fits- -humous & Kvanson's. ASenelbie Man. Mfould use «K'inp's Balsam for the i'liro-tt and Lungs. It ia curing more c *ses of < 'oiighs. Colds. Asthma. Bron- cliitls Croup and all Throat and Lung Troubles, than any other medicine. I'he proprietor has authoriz -d Geo. W. Besley to refund your money If after taking three-fourths of.« bottle relief is not obtained. Price 60u and §1. Trial slie free. Look at the ciioioe Candles at Bee- ley's Drug Store. West End, Mens unlaundried Shirts, good,cash price 60 cents at Fltzslmmona A Bvansoa's. Remnant sale on Saturday July 94th* at FlUidminons A Kva 'son's. Firzeimmons A Evanson will sell you remnants on Saturday July 94th at bargains, but onlv tor cash. • BREAD, Cakes and Pies at Lock's Home Bakery, Oille** Block; Ladies Gloves and Mitts at Perry A Owens*. Short Horn Bulls for Sale. The undersigned has for sale full blood Short Horn Bulls. Will be sold cheap. Call on or address FRANK COLE. One mile East ot Spring ftrove. April 34,1886. In the remnant sale at Fitcslmmons A Evanson's will be found various kinds of cloth and also a few articles In Shoe Leath *r, among other bargains are offered a lot of La lies Slippers, ^lcA mostlv 3 and 4 at 86 cents, worth 81 60. Also a few Mens Shoes, all tor cash. BANANAS, choice Confectionery, eta, at Lock's Bakerv. Extra fine. j»t blaok. all wool, patent seam Jerseys, oulv 90 cents. Extr* fine, j«>t black, all wool, patent sesm. coat back Jersey* onlv 81.>0. Extra fine, j*t black, all wool, patent s«-«m and richlv braided coat back Jerseys, only 81-25. Verv tine vest front, plain black Jerse vs. 81 90. 12} Inch Ei-roe and Cream Lace only 19 cents wortn 60 cents. BQNSLKTT A STOPPIL. Would y>j Bel lava It* That we are authorized by the. pro­ prietor of Kemp's SaraapariXa to re­ fund the money to any one who his taken thDe foiurihs of a bottle wltli' out relief? We are positive that no other proprietor has the conflilence*lii hi* medicine to do this, it Is for en­ riching, cleansing and purifying the Blood and toning up the eyeteob. Prioe U.00. >11 *t our store. Bespectf»"y, oco. W BPS LET. City resideaoee H»r eele. Asa W. SaithYWmditockJ Everything In the BL. bottom figures, at E. M. I ' Celluloid Seta. cheaMir-j fore, at G. W. Besley*!, Fine Scrap Books only p] Bealey*s, West Side. i ^ Celluloid Combs, only 901 W. Besley's, West Side, Hammocks and Lap Rob stock, at Bouslett A Stof| Frails, Nuts and CandltO sort me nt in town, at Per* Good Rock fori I Flour sack at Bonslett ft Stogelfer*^^* Best Smoking fobaoot* pound at Perry A Owen's. P Before yon insure ge Fire, Lightning and T01 ranee, of Bonslett A Sto Henry, 111. Knowlton. Standard, Man Eureka. Crawford and Mowers at E. M. Owen A price from 846 to 890. The best assortment of . Felt, Wool, or straw, to town, at Bonslett A *toftel* Lnce Curtains, Tidies, Li Bedspreads and Shams, chea|, Schumacher's* near the Depoi C. H. Fargo's Box i'ip shoe' slett A Stoflel's. Remember that L. W. Nil* the West McHenry Jeweler, kinds of repairing in his If guarantees perfect satlsfaet^l Parsols and F<tns at Perry DOMESTIC Piano and Fnrnito ish. the finest thing in the mar Besley's Drug Store. Besley's Fun as Ale and Porter On draught at J. Bonalett's, A1 glen's and John Helmer's. IP yon want to make yomr Top look as good as new g*t t tlonal Patent Loatber la Besley*s Drug Store. Mrs. Sohunwoher, Visits Chicago every week take in your orders and furniah at the lowest Chicago prt BESLEY'S Ale and Porter I* Un­ made. On draught in McHenry at*) Bonslett's, A. Englen*s. aadsjk Uelmer*s. Jer«ey Waists, a full supply, will be sold at lower prleea t J other store In McHenry. Wan. M. Stylish, well made Seersucker and Vests only 8900 at Boualn Stoflel's. Call for the u Winning Stroke**,a Biand of five cent Cigars, mtuefat eil by B*rbiau Bros, It beats thi all. U W, Nichols, Jr. the Jeweler, Ii West \tcil-*itr*. I not a iks s speciality or CHKAP WORK, bu' has fOi hi* motto, •• Proinptne*4 and good* work. Carriages the bes* of makes and fully warranted for two veara at E. M, Owen A Son. "<te«l framed Plows, and Mlna*-apolfiU Binders wtilc'i K" * uroven the best. *on. are at E, M.Owen A, Try our warranted Badger State! Overalls, Jackets and shirts. * J BONSLPTT A ^roniL, Don't forget lite Eureka 6 foot Mt. er at E. M. Owen A ~on Y«u can «£• ' i more and cure it readv to pot In 1 oarn right <>ut ol the swath. No u»% for Tedders. EVERYBODY KNOWS That Henderson's Boot* and Slw*.-.,.- are the best. We sell lots of them.;1 Perry A Owen's. Sole Agents, | House and Lot For Ms. In the village of Rlngwood. Col f| tains 10 Room*. Also a Barn Woo- 'a shed and other outbuilding*, we || cistern, etc., on the premises. Wit* I •n twenty rods of Depot. Oa ,1 Garden Apple Trees, eic. Prf a #1000. For terms and other parti % lars inquire of \| WESLST LUK -<§ Rlngwood, March 6th, 1888. | 34-8 NS9athfl| ' For Sals. « The undersigned offers for sale | g residence, and two acres ot laadi ell# 1 ted in the village or Rlngwood. * well located, in good repair and en f 1 premises are all kinds ofsasall fit ^ all in a healthy and beariug ooaditfl It is, with all a very desirable _ property. Good barn and ootbnll For terms an.I other particular* < the undersigned on the premise*. WM. LA>< Rlngwood, March 9eh, 1888. Ladies and Ge»*iemen** SIT Underwear ac Bon*h*tt A StofleW Co we! Co we! Ca< ALDKN, lU , Pfl C ftiWims A An, BamttgUm, DEAR SIR:--Please send press two dozen Cow Prei got one ot my neighbors cow that was almost d* fever aud It cured her. thing. For sale by all Druggli E. M. Owen A son r» "Tjrrm*. the celebrated Eureka 8 W. KM* Mowers one day ta*r Want Reliable and euergett' all kinds of n irsery gooc hardy varieties adaptearpraters' mate. Business llMb.PfrTuo«t! learned To *ucoes*fi£tb^!ac'n pay good salaries and Werec* give steady e^np!oytneot\W!*uw•,,? referecces required. 8<.k Address L' L. May. A Co* St. Paul Miun*«ota. A - "For bale. •=--» In the viKage of MeHeat-r aad ive lots. The ow build on land owned bv Ma of the corporation will sell The hou«e haa been newly throughout, contains f besides kitchen and pantry two good large room* the secern? story. Their* I* a well etstern, and other 1 the preaslsss. Also an small trait sfallklad*. la and convenient to the WlH he sold cheap If F. r farther partloulara oBtoe. Alao tweatv acres sf «ae4 .Outfit mailto:86.20@86.40 mailto:8430@85.10

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