Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Aug 1886, p. 4

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i?. ^ , u i,.,.,,,,, „T, il. I y 4».^.MjrW -".M hu. McHENR WEST GENERAL READ OUR BARGAINS. To make room for W KDNESDAY, AUG. 4, 1886. .1. VAN SLYKG. Editor. THIS PAPER "r.f uiod,p° iOWKLL A CO. *3 Newspaper Advertising Itarefto (10 spruce Street), where advertising S&'rW'SNEW YORK- ican SenatoriaLDistrict Convention. , . "®he Republican voters of Boone, Iisfce *"d " McHenry Counties, comprising the Eighth Senatorial District, are req nested'to send del •fates to the Republican District Convention to be held at 'the Court House, in Woodstock, McHenry County, on Mondav, August 30th, Vm, at 1 o'clock p M, for the purpose of plac ing In nomination candidates for he General Assembly, and for t'ne Transaction of any other bHsiuess that may properly come beforo It. The representation will be on the basis of one delegate for every 150 Republican votes east for President in 1984, and one for every fraction above 50. On this basis Boone Coun- tj will be entitled to U delegates. Lake County to' 19 delegates and McHenry, • Ooanty to U delegates, ,, . C. A. 1'AHTRIDGB, ;~7 J.J. CLARK. Wf , Lake County COBUIMUM., .M» .M / *%. s. WHITMAH, ; »• ,*• ,J', !&. H. MURCH, >»% ..FEF. - V- -JA. O. FABSKTT, •' t\ v • ' Boone County Committee. ' *>• "4 SI / IT„ GEORGE K. BUNKER, - "AA W YOUNG, „ V'^FCSS* - V HENRY KKYE8, • McHenry County Committee. gpect. I would a thousand time rather thtt any soldier, who had a bill for a pension of $96 a year, who had served his country, whether he could prove it exactly or not, Should have it signed by the President, than that an arrant knave and a rich traitor should tjave $4,000 a tear. , I claim nothing: fflfr-myself* The men who carried the mubkets were thi men who fought the battles. Bu while you were tramping day and night around Vlckburg and Sliiloh, am freezing in the storms around Donel- fon, and marching to the word of com­ mand fro® one end of the country to the other, young and strong, you did not believe then that the time would ever come that any man, no matter what his political affiliations were, would tver complain of a little pension granted to a soldier; and there is not a man within the sound of my voice in this vast audience, who was in the army himself, but must confess that during the war, and when it was donbtful which side would be success­ ful, the feeling was that, when these boys returned home they would not want for gratitude. Why shouM flch men,,who fattened on the blood ol 300,000 men, now complain If men are pensioned because of their services May God forget me,ifl ever forge I them" utorait v»RW The Beloit free ,/Ve#s tints tersely states the case: poor living up In the woods in this state, was killed by the cars. He left a widow and half a dozen young children absolutely destitute excepting a pen­ sion of six or eight dollars per month He had J) «%a**l crippled and maimed while serving . s a Union Soldier." HI* widow applied for an increase of pen <lon. The congress acted favorablj •n the application. President (^lev«-- land vetoed It. A "high toned"* high­ flying cashier of a Buflalo bank em­ bezzled 9600.000 of depositor's money. He left a wife and five children when he went to prison for ten years four o» fiye ago. Application for his pardon was made to President Cleveland. He granted it "because of his wile and children." It la to be understood that the wife and children of it rich mm who steals half a million dollars has a higher clal.n upon tha nations mercy and "benevolence than the wife and children of a man who sacrificed his •strength and health that the nation might live? It seems,so." t 'At the encampment ground of Ihe Indiana militia,at Lafayette, John fchroyer, City Marshal of Andrews. !nd., and a. member of company* B. * First Regiment, was overcome by heat, on Saturday, and died Sunday. About thirty others were prostrated, but are .JPVERLNG. r. HI®"Beloit Free Frew: A "tramp' called at the residence of F. 8. Fenton. Tuesday, and being a mute wrote on his slate asking for something to eat and drink . The domestic informed him by "slate and pencil1' that she eould give him a drink and pouri IG out banded him a glass of water, lie finished driukiug she remarked "will you have some more?" Forget­ ting that he was a "mute" he replied «t once, UNo, 1 thank you, and then he wade for the upper country. 19* It will take a change of bat blueteen member of the douse to put the Republicans in control of the Fiftieth Congress, and we have much can and will be election The President's Peculiar Duty. M£verv i l t izen ows to the country a vigilant watch and close scrutiny of its public servant*, and a fair and r e a s o n a b l e es t ima te o f t h e i r f i d e l ' t y and usefulness." I his was the opinion expressed by Mr. Cleveland in his inaugural address. Is it opinion still, and if it is, why does he not act in accordance? This duty of every ci t izen in regard to public servants is peculiarly and I n- dlspensably the duty of the President of the United States. The people can watch all the ofHcers of the Govern­ ment, but with regard to very many of them It ,1s onlv indirectly and re­ motely that they CM punish the un­ faithful ALL can scrutinize; the Presi dent can dismiss. Has Mr . Cleveland kept a vigilant watch and close scrutiny of the con­ duct of the Attorney General? Does he think that in any reasonable est! mate that officer would, bo considered as faithful and useful ? Was-the Inagural address for effect only? If it was not, why does not Mr. Cleveland illustrate the high concep­ tion of public duty which It contains, by dismissing.from his Cabinet an un faithful public servant.--JVFEW York Sun. I9 w i t h pleasure that we have yo^ress of the tr ials of the ^Chicago, and it seems p e l l -meant i n t en t ion out, to pios J£$*THE Democratic Congressional campaign committee is having a terrl- able time' In getting material for the coming campaign( which shall show the people that the Democratic promise of "economy" of two years ago has been carried out by the administration. Of course everybody knows that Con- gross has no record in this direction. So the committee has made A call upon the various heads of dopirtments to show what has been done by the new administrations, "in the interest of economy and reform," which call has resulted in a very full set of reply* Great credit is claimed for reductions of force here and there, but the aver­ age of re forms consis ts mainly of system of cheese parlnga. The com­ mittee propose* to make a spread of literature of this sort, but thus far they are greatly discouraged oyer a lack of funds. No one as yet has come for­ ward with contributions, and the ne­ cessary clerks have not been engaged, because there is no money to pay them. I* fe> <Sf V 9i - '•V" §*'": the K'wehty fold, for 5nt and unhappy women lildren must mingle in the stifle r- vortex. All this can be avoided by the use of moderation and concilia ; flon. No matter how long the contest. It is Invaribly settled, for the time ^eing, by a compromise. But people r for their passions unless •tnplovers and workmen meet and Arbitrate. Wisdom and sagacity are paramount to every other consider­ ation. Our Chicago Market Report. Prepared Expressly for the PLAIKDEALER by Oar Own Correspondent. CHICAGO, Aug. 2, 1886 Business in the g*ain markets is ac­ tive, but unsteady, aud the fluctuations of prices are exacting, and are In­ fluence d greatly by the amount of this year's crop and the condition of the weather. Wheat is active and slrongei and sells quite freely at slightly higher prices. The volume of trading in corn and oats is smaller than'on the previ­ ous day6 of the week, there being but little outside demand. Reports of rain from different parts of the country have a more favorable outlook for a full crop. Rye and barley are oderately active and steady. Dairy DUCE^TFMMHTTILHLMLPES. Fruits and lower. Veal " ^; IFIP-A dispatch from Echo, Utah, last ; I R#IGHT, says the excursion trajn from • the East, having on board Gen. Logau and Gov. Alger, of Michigan, and families, and the delegations from Ulchlgan and New Jersey, colli Je d •%ith a helper engine just as the train emerged from Ucho Canyon, wrecking AOTH engines and doing considerable lithe r damage to the great peril of the L Ipassengers . Al th o u g h t i t e p l a t fo rm o f ;R E*®UWIOB train was crowded not person was Injured. The escape of ^ J&ov. Alg r who was riding on an ; *ngine was miraculous. Praise serv- < fee was held soon after it was ascer­ tained how providentially all had been PAYED, and "Praise God from whom all •lessings flow" swelled up rrom the Canyon from thankful hearts. V I^EVEN the Mugwumps I n Indl ina are beginning to confess that they fcave been deceived in the Cleveland 'Administration. A correspondent of the Evening Pott, In a gloomy letter recently, said that "the whole Civil Service of the State had beeu turned Over to the spoilsmen, and they have Hone about what they pleased with it," *ddlng that ' THE postal service would |< |>e a disgrace toZululand." Now the Indianapolis News, an independent £ I F>*P«R, reports that the representatives EXPRESS companies say their T J"ONEY ORDER business has largely In- * freased because of the demoralization THE post-office service. Similar re- port comes from other cities. What V else could be expected from the re- Y eooval of experienced clerks to rfake V |>lace for ex-convicts, as baa been done F *FA Indiana P. alists. Ian agitators, dy- i lk, they should be any domestic criminallof HTer calibre, and, on the first lntl- n of an outcropping of their inner nature, to be dealt with without favor. A few years of united action, on the part of ° the Courts, in this relation, would have a very salutary effect, and, perhaps, entirely wipe out an element of foreign importation that is not at all to our liking. The atti tude of the Democratic pre - s a t present , when contrasted with their utterances In the past, is most ludicrous. For years they have de­ nounced the Republican party for keeping a surplus in the the treasury vaults. Now that Congress has resolv* ed that this surplus shall be applied towards the reduction of the public d e b t , t he se ? a m e organs c o m e ou t w i t h long articles remonstrating against a scheme "so vicious aud so antagonistic to sound public policy ." Cries of "You are censuring the administra­ tion," ,4It will compel Sec. Manning's retirement," etc., ring out from all sides; and this in the face of the fact that the party firmly bound itself by Its la9t national platform, whose prin­ ciples Cleveland is supposed to have subscribed, to do away with the sur­ plus of more than 8100,000,000, ' 'which has beenjwrung from a long suffering people.** 1S»- •; - •^SENATOR Logan, a few days aro delivered a speech In Kansas, In which ihe alluded to the pension vetoes of the President, and his own general course toward the ex-soldiers, as follows: MI would rather have a few frauds, ao called--although they hmount tA | little--than to bare hundreds denied < pensions who are justly entitled to % them. I would take the chances of FI@?*Tbe New EngUnd fishermen have issued an Indignant circular com plaining that , instead of affording them protection, the government has encouraged the Canadians in thc-Ir re­ pressive measures . The truth of this statement cannot fairly be questioned. Two months ago congress passed a bil l authorizing the president, by procla­ mation, to deny the Canadian vessels all right* a- d privileges refused to American vessels trading in Canadian ports . The Canadian government issued a proclamation denying com­ mercial privileges to American fishing vessels, and it followed up the declara tlon by various repressive acts, even o r d e r i n g a w a y v e s s e l s engaged i n purchasing fish of Canadians for sardine packing. But nothing has been done at Washington and the president has refused to take advan­ tage of the act passed almost unani­ mously by congress to meet the cate. It is true that Secretary Bayard has denounced the course of the Canadians as "unjust," "reprehensible," and an ' Interference with a recognized and le­ gitimate trade." but mere words count for nothing. The fishermen believe, with apparent good reason, that Secre­ tary Bayard cares more for bis own opinion, as to the advantage of a new fishery treaty, thkn he does for tho in­ terests of American flahertnen. Look at the choice Candies at Bes- The cattle market <fum!^TT!^^eek has been weak and unsatisfactory. Cattle are crowding the market on account of the drought, and the supply Is greater than the demand, with prices about 30 to 40c lower than a week ago. Hogs are strouger'f or good grades and prices higher. Sheep are In large supply but active and steady. WINTER WHEAT--NO. 2 red 76@77: No. 3 red 74. * SPRING WHEAT--No. 2 76fo; No.3 67@70E; No. 1 hard (Minneapolis) 76 No. 1 hard (Duluth market; 771. CORN--No.2 43@44 c; No.3 4l@42 OATS-NO. 2 27|C; No. 3 by sample 26@28c; Barley Oats. P RYE--No. 2 by sa nple, 53. BARLEY--No. 2 By sample 63@66i, TIMOTHY SEED--Poor to good. 82.00 FLAX--No 1.81,12. CLOVER--Poor to choice, 85.93(36 25. BUCKWHEAT 1 BEANS--(Jnol e hand picked, 81.30 POTATOES--45 @ 48c BUTTER--Creamery fancy 17 to 18c; dairy to choice 11 @ 13c; common grade 8@9. s EGOS--Fresh Northern, 12c. CHEESE--Young America 8Jc; full cream Cheddar 7j; skimmed 3@4c. POULTRY--Chickens 11@12 Turkeys 7@8. * CITTLE--Good to extra shippers 84.95@$5 00; fair to choice 84.00@#4 55- common to good 83.60@#4.10; poor to inertium 83.50@3.90; stockers 82.10(3 83.35; feeders 83.00@83.85;Texans 82.40 @84 10. HOGS--Light weight $5.00@85.05 rough packing 84.20@#5.00; neavv packing and shipping 85 20 hHwsp-- Common to choice 82 50® 84 00. The ctratlve power of Ayer'S Sar- saparilla is too well known to require the specious aid of any exaggerated or fictitious certificate. Witnesses of marvelous cures are to day l iving every city and hamlet of the land* Write Dr. J. C. Ayer A Co,, Lowell, Mass., for names. What are Suppositories. A. G. Rose, from New London Conn., writes: Send me two boxes of your Kemp's Pile Suppositories mall. Our druggist is out. They are f o r a f r i e n d . I t r ied eve ry th ing w i t h out heJp. but the Suppositories cured me. The treatment is new and within reach of all, AND would advise the •'fleeted to give them a trial. For pamphlets on Plies address Box 295 Le Roy, N. Y. For sale in McHenry by Geo. W. Besley'S at 50c per box, Speelal Premiums. Let all remember the many^speclal premiums offered by the merchants of Woodstock and other places for the coming Fair. Just drop A postal card to the secretary and he will send you a 'IET' A. S. WBIGHT. Secy. LOOK AT THI5! We wUl send a ^ " READY F0T08RAPHER FOR 25 CENTS. Takes pictures of anything and anybody, at any time andat any place. Areata waate*. n a (5* a. o CO REMEMBER In order to close out all Sum­ mer Goods, to make room fbi^ our Fall and Winter Stock now. it riving", we will offer you gains that will maK« it in o for you to come and bee us. f« mm* * 'teaicb: Straw GREAT BARGAIN HQUS1 IN mNSHKNlih" There is only one way to do it Low Prices. We guarentee to please every purchaser, both in quality and price of Goods. We have Dress Goods, In the Latest Fall Styles. In short we are sure we can please you in this line, both in quality and price. Real Lisle Thread Hose, alt colors and sizes, at 25 cents per pair. Biilhftnt Lisle Thread Hose, imported, in colors and black, at •50 can ta n«»g_-nair^ ...W orlh 8U cta« CLOTHING, FALI* PURCHASES, We offer Special Discounts on And a Large Line Our Clothing Department complete in every particular. IS Man of which have been reduced to . THAN COST* To clobe* We also wish to close out oui entire line of Ladies sad Vitus Walking Shots^. - And Qt&titms&'g Low fat Many of theses Goods are now offered at less than One Half For­ mer "rice, and will be found woithy of inspection. Every Depart­ ment full of Seasonable Good % Attractive in Style, ly low. Superior in Quality, and at HENRY COLBY V ^ANODYNE mar Diarrj^f., KidneyTrouhlea. and Sp:i;nl fliscaseg. Pamphlet free. Pr. 1.8. 60" Boston PARSONS3 £: PILLS . ?ero "awonderftil discovery. No others like them in tha world. Will pogltivelycurTor relieve all manner of disease. The information around each box is worth ton times the cost or s box of Find out abput them and you will always be thankful. • If you are in want of a full suit or a single garment, we can accommodate you. Come and look over our Clothing Depart­ ment, and it in need of any we can save you money. Our $2.99 Sho« Is warranted by the manufac­ turers to be equal to any $5 shoe in the market. ROCKFOBD FLOUR, Bosd Fins Cut Tobacco, Vj fc or4Jo cents per pound. Good Smoking Tobacco 20 cents per pound. Barrel, Bock anil Dairy Salt. 20 pounds good Dried Apples or Prunes for $ 1.00. And all other goods in propor­ tion. W hen you are in want of any­ thing in our line call and see us. We are sure w< money. e can save you BONSLKTT * 6TOPFKL. West MeBeaiy, J«m 11, lMfc, iven with food. everywhere, or eent by mail for 85 oe&U i& silts anted ••••Bin a m saNHE HENS UflmM BIS • • book by mail AM. Wanted. Reliable and euerg«tic men to sell all kindd of n irsery goods. SEW and hardy varieties adapted to the cli­ mate. Business light and easily learned. To successful men we ean pay good salaries and ex.tenses and I?lve steady employment. First class references required. Send for terras. Address L" L. May. & Co,, Nurserymen St, Paul Minnesota, For Sale- In the village of McHenry, A house and five lots. . The owner wishing to build on land owned by him outside of the corporation will sell very low. The hou«e has been newly painted throughout, contains f >ur rooms besides kitchen and pantry below, and two good large rooms and closets In the second story. There is a uood barn, well, cistern, and other outhouses on the premises. Also an abundance of small Iruit of all kinds, [a well located and convenient to the Public School. Will be sold cheap If applied f >r Boon. F.-r further particulars Inquire at this office. Also twenty acres of good land near the corporation. Will be sold cheap For Sale. The undersigned oflers for sale his residence, and two acres of land; sltua ted in the village of Ringwood. well located, i n good repair and on the premises are all kinds of small fruit, all in a healthy and bearing condition It Is, with all a'very desirable piece of property. Good barn and outbuildings For terms an J other particulars call on the undersigned on the premises. Wm LAMOdiM, Ring wood, March 0th, 1886. Don't forget the Eureka 6 foot Mow­ er at E. M. Owen & .>ON You can cut } more and cure it ready to put in the barn right out,of tbe swath. No use for Tedders. , . -•-»*- ; THOSE WHO KNEW HIM From the obscurity of his boyhood to the date ot his tingle death, A new Biography ©f the great American President, Irani a new . staiKi-point--accurate and exhaustive In fael and Incident, replete with aneciiote. profuse |and elegant in illustration (100 engraving* from original designs illustrating incidents , anecdotes, persons, Ac., Including tlC Steel Portrait*.) Agents Wanted K?.SJ JS'JBiSSS that this is the most salable and profitable book published ; or. to Rave time, send #1.25 at once for Canvassing Book, ami state your choice of townships. Address X. L>. THoiir* BON PUBLISHING CO., PubS., St. Louis, M4,, or New York Oity. * GOLD) inelds are icares, but those who write to Stioson a Co., Portland, Maine, willraceiv. free, full fnfornmiioii about work which tbey csu do, and liven! home,that will pay them from $5 to $25 per day. Some have earned over$60 In a day. Either eex, youn^ or old. Capital aot required. Too are started free. Those who start at once are abeolate(j tare of mf little fortuaca* All le sew. DOWNS' CORSET Patent Self-Adjusting • [IMPROVED.] Is the only perfect fitting, truly comfortable Sao health-preservtug Corset made. Hasan Clastic Section above and below a Corded Centerpiece. Entirely different from any QTATB OP ILLINOIS. McHenrjrdDounty M. o mcRenry Cnnnty Circuit Coifrrt. May Term thereof, isse, Louisa U. Gates. Oonser. vator of Wilson S. Ha.t vs. frank Waterman and W iison 8. Hait. Bill. By virtue and in pursuance of a decretal order made at said term ot court, I shall on the 20i h day of August, 1886, at the hour of a o clock p. M. of that day, on the premises hereinafter flrsi mentioned, offer for sale at public vendue, to the highest bidder, for cash, all of the right, title ami interest that the said Wilson S. Hait has in and to the fol­ low Hga°scrtbed real estate, to-wit: The West half ol tbe Southeast quar­ ter (>0 and the Northeast quarter (Jf) of the Southeast quarter (M) ot section number five (6) and the Sou i hweet quarter iJO ol section number 4, excepting 10 acres thereof hereto, fore sold to John Fiusky-- and the Northwest q u a r t e r ( K ) o f t h e S o u t h e a s t q u a r t e r ( X ) o t said section numbrr four (4) excepting IS acre* thereof heretofore sold to eaM Flusky, all in Township number forty four (44 North of Range No. 8 East in said County and con­ taining in all '292 acres. Also lot No 4 in block number eighteen and Lots number eight, nine and twelve. (3, 9 and 12) and 20 feet off of the South slileoflot number live (6) in block number nineteen (19) all in the original villtgeof McHenry. The interest of said Wilson S. Unit being tbe owner in fee of the undivided two-thirds (%) part thereof subject to the rignt of dower of the said Louua C- Gntes as widow of Nathan S. Hait deceased is and to said two-thirds. Dated this 23d day of Jnly, 1SSS- _ A. B. Ooov, "aster in Chancery for said McHenry Co. T, D, MDRFHV, Complainant's Solicitor. piece. Entirely different from itber. Every Oorset is stamped and absolute ly Guaranteed in everv particular. Be sure to get the Downs Pate at Manufactured onlv to the Gage-Downs Corset Oe., Chicago, and Sat sale by ilrsuelass dry-goods stores every. Where. Prtoe f | .50, Administrator's Notice. •i'ST ATE of James Gracev, deceased. 'VkS Ci . undersigned having tieen appointed Ad. ministrator of the es&Rte of James Grace?* deceased, late of the county of McHenry and state ot Illinois, hereby gives notice that he will xppear before the County Cour. of Mc- Henry County, at the Court House in Wood- stock, at the September term, on the third Monday in September next, at which time all persons having claims against said estate are not fled and requested to attend tor the pur. pose of having the same adjusted. All per­ sons indebted to said estate are requested t» make immediate payment to the understated. Dated this id day of July. A. D. 1888. >. • JOHW H. GRACET, Administrator, si--4w Ladies Muslin Undei wear, M oiitl •t PitsslmmoDB A Evansou's. jr*. . ,<• , "• iI -A mailto:83.50@3.90

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