Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Aug 1886, 1 000 1.pdf

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BVOL. 12. PBBUSBSO Evaat WKDXBSDAT Br .. " # • V A N 8LYKE, - SDITOB AND PKOPBIBTOR. Office In Bishop's Blo^k, < -*OP*O«ITB PBRBT FT'OW««•«;' TERMS OP 3UB3CBIPTION. Un« Tear (lis .vtvaace) Si .50 ff Not Paid within Three Months .. in Subscription-* rnceivoi tor three or six nonthe in the same proportion. Kates of Advertising*. We announce liberal rates for advertising , |i* the PLACNCBAMCB, ami en leavor to state (hem so plainly that ther will be readily un. lerstooJ. They are as follows: 1 Inch one year - . ^ 8 0* . 3 Inches one rear - . . . ]n oo f~ Inches one year . - - 15 no Column one year . . . . . Soon Column one year- . . . 00 on Column one year 100 SO One inch means the meaiurement of one jach dewn the column, single column width. Tearly advertisers, at the above rates, have |he privilege of changing as often as they thoose, without extra charge. i Regular advertisers (meaning those having Standing cards) will be entitled to insertion •f local notices at the rate of 5 cents per line each week. All others will be charged 10 Cents per 'ine the II* at week, and 5 cents per line for each subsequent week. 'j Transient advertisements will be charged it the rate of 10 cents pe line, (nonpareil type, same as this is set in) the first issue, and ft cents per line for subsequent issues. * Th".s, §n Inch advertisement will cost 91.00 for one track, $1.00 for two weeks, *2.00 for three Ireiks, and so on. liie PLAINDRAI.BR will be liberal in giving fri.torial notices, but, as a business rule, it frill require a suitable fee from everybody yoking the use of its columns for pecuniary fain. BUSINESS CARDS. B. T. BROWN, M. D. - H78IOIAN AND SURGEON. Ollce at Besldence, McHenry, 111. O. H. FEGER3, M. D-rlirslOlAN AND SURGEON. McHenry, Ills, Oloa at Residence. O. J. HOWARD, M. D. iVlTSlOIAM AND SURGEON, McHenry, III. Office one door West of rttielminons Evanson's store, up stairs. BARBIAN BROS. jjniGAR Manufacturers, McHenry, 111. Or- %J ders solicited. Shop, la Old McHenry, f» Kelter Block, third door west of Riverside Bouse. Livery Stable. fj E. WIGHTMAN, Proprietor. First XX, class rigs, with or without drivers furnished at reasonable rates. Teaming of §11 kinds done on short notice. BT CHIES8LE Having purchased the old stand 0 Joseph W iedemant*, NEAR THE DEPOT'< HoHENBY, ILLINOIS, Keeps open for the accommodation Jof the public a First-Class Saloon and Restaurant, Where he will at all times keep the|best brands of Wines, l.iquors and Cigars to be found in tne market. Also Agent For FRANZ PALE'S IILf A0K8K LAGER BEER. Beer in Large or Small Kegs or Bottles al- ways on hand, oheaper than any other, quali. ty considered. Orders by mall promptly attended to. GOOD HTABLWU FOB H0R8E&. W(M1 and see as. Robert Sehlemle. MoBeary, IIL. May 18th, 1886. I L. SALOON and RESTAURANT Buck's Old Stand, HBHINRY, ILLINOIS. fine Kentucky Liquors, French Bitters, McHenry Lager Beer, W' Milvaulus Bwt, -AND- J. Scilitz Milvanlee Bottle Beer. By the Bottle or Case. We buy none but the best and ••11 at Reasonable Prices. Gall and see me and I will use you well. ANTONY ENGELN. McHenry, 111., 1886. Ageats Wanted! >t>B THB OBCAT HIV BOOK, •The World's Wonders' By J. W. Bail. The moat anccesssul »iibarription book ever published Over half a million copies were apM (MtpatHiaht moiUAt, and it is selling th»ee (Unas as fast now M ever l>pf<>re. Regular •Mvassera clear from {15 to f26, #40 and fBO Kr 4a>. NotliiiiK like it was ever known in a history of book publishing. Pro f ttttl frm aiUMppHcatiom. No experience needed to tasure success, We help persons without :|MMI to do a lar<e business; no capital need- £<1. Write fsr̂ particulars. Salqrie* guarwm- imtAto jasra--> who do not «iiA to canvas* on am- Uiiini We mean business, and want live aaenta ln every township. It will cost you MttABS *0 write for terms and full descrtp. Nana of our plana of doing business. We also rfrr anny rHr'f--book* to persons who send iiMBdsriiouk agents, Write tor our list •f free standaru books. HISTORICAL PUBLISHING CO «Ww, ms aiiiii, Jiiifll 4jrfla|: ji L^nallA BUSINESS CARDS. M. F. ELLSWORTH, ASA W. SMITH, 1 ,» ATTORNEY AT LAW and solicitor] in Chancery.--Woodstock, IIL S. P. BENNETT, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SUijUEON. Also United Statea Examining Surgeon. Richmond. Illinois. M*HENRY, ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 11, 1886. E. LAWLUS, E. B. BEANETT, M. »., Late House Surgeon Cook County Hospital R CHMOND, ILLINOIS, Special attention riven to difficult Surgical cases. DKVT&CH O ESP HOC HEN. Office at Residence of Dr. S. F. Bennett. DR. C. R. WELLS. PHTSICIAN AND SURGEON, Wan eon da, ' Lake Co., III. All calls promptly attend, ed, day or night. Office on Main St., east of Barker's harness ehop. MART «. BARBIAN. HATH WORKER. All kinds of Hair Work done in llrst class style and at reasonable prices. Rooms st residence, north east comer of Public Square, McHenry, IIL DR. C. E. WILLIAMS. DENTIST. Residence Dundee. Will be at M^Uenrr, at Parker House, the 10th 11th 25th and 8flth of each month. When dates occur Saturday or Sunday I make my visits on the following Monday, and the first dav of such visit occurs on Friday, I will sta? but one day. United States War Claim Apcj -r-or--- WM. H. COWLIN, Woodstock, - - Illinois. Prosecutes all cla«s3s and kinds of claims asninst the United State* for ex-Soldiers, their Widows, Dependent Relatives or Heirs \ specialtv is made in prosecuting old and rejected claims All communications promptly answered if Postage Stamps are enotosed for reply. WM, H. COWLIN, Office at Residence, Madison St., Woodstooc, Illinois. Attention Horsemen! I would call the attentfion of the public tomy.StaMe of Stock Horses, four in n urn her: two Morgans, one 3-4Percheron, and one Imported Horse. They are all g'ood representatives of their breed. Also a few Merino Sheep r»r sale. The public are cordially invited to call and examine stock, get prices, etc. No business done on Sunday. N. S. COLBY. 10 7-tf MCHENRY, ILL c. G. ANDREWSa GENERAL SPRING GROVE ILL. Sales ot Stock, Farming- Tools and Goods of all kindfl attended to on the most SSASOMBU 7SSXS, --AND Satisfaction Guaranteed. ('all on or Address C. C. Andrews, Spring Crove, 111. "l-ring jirove, Sept. Suth, 1M86. U-ll-Sm PUMP REPAIRiNQ, CEMENTING, ETC. The undersigned is prepared to do all jobs In the line of Digging Wells, Repairing Pumps. Cementing Wells, or will put in XTew Pumps On short notice and warrant satisfaction. In short will do all work in this line. Can furnish you a new Pump, either wood or iron, warranted, as cheap as any other man. Good references furnished if desired. If you want a Well Dug, a Pump Repaired or a new Pump, give me a call. VOrders by mail promptly attended to. Post Offlce, Jonnsburgn, 111. L. BANTE8. Johnsourgh, 111,, May 28th, leaS. I0B B&EBAINS O • • ' - ' ; * " • ^ • . For Coal and Wood CALL OK E. M. HOWE, Opposite Biithop's Mill, fho has a complete line of the best stoves in the market, as well as a large stock of Eariiare, Mechanic's Tasls, - RIN, COPPER & SHEET IRON WARE, And, *ln|fect, ererythingjln the hard War# itoveand tin lino. as WILL NOT BE USDBRaOIM. Call at his store before buying elsewhere lobbing and repairing promptly attended to (^Remember, extr* good bargains can al- 'WXSSXt&SGt;, -M 81 for 13 Weeks. The POLICE GAZETTE will be mailed, jeeurely wrapped, to any address in the unitedSta es tor three months on recoiplof^ ONE DOLLAR, Liberal discount allowed , to postmasters, agents and clubs. Sample copies mailed froe Address all orders to BICHABD K. FOX, „ ; fRAMKLiN SQUARE, New York A. M. CHURCH, Watchmaker and Jewder NO. 55 FIKTR AVE., (Briggs House), Cb». cagor HI. Special attention given tore pairing Fine watches and Chronometers. WA Full Assortment of Goods in his line JOHN J. WINKLES, CARPENTER AND JOINER, Is prepared to do all work in his line on short notice and gwuv en tee sati faction. Will work by the job or day as desired, and do as <?ood work as any man in the business. Orders left at his residence, Southeast corner opposite the Public School House, will receive prompt attention. Best of References given if de­ sired, ? JOHN J. WINKLES. JtcH NKV, ILL., March SOfA, 18M. J. P. SMITH, W&fCHHAKER § JEWELER, McHenry, - Illinois. As Fine a Stock of Wafeltes, Clocks and Jewelry Ascan be found in the County, which I offer at prices that can not be beat. A Fine Stock ol CHOICE CIGARS Call and examine goods and learn prices, J. P. SMITH. McHanrr, 111., March 1st. 188ft. BEANS /"*URE Biliousness: Sick Headache In Four hours. \6) One dose relieves Neuralgia. They cure end prevent Chills Fever, Sour Stomach Bad Breath. Clear the Skin, lone the Nerves, and five - ~»KAN. Life Vigor to the system. DOMIONK BI Try them once and you will never be without them. Price, 25 cents per bottle. Sold by Druggists and • Sent on receipt el Medicine Dealers generally. price in stamps, postpaid, to any address, J. F. SMITH « CO., Maaatectarers and Sole Proos.. ST. LOUIS. Ml John Helm, Algonquin, III., DKALKB IN Hardmii, Starts, Sinwan, In short, we keep everything in the above mentioned lines, which we are offe ing to the buy­ ing public as cheap as any other bouse in this section. Call and See us. J0BBNG ft &EPAI&IHG, PBOMPTLT ATTENDED TO. JOrtN HELM. Algonquin. Feb. 18. 1886. JOHNSBURGH • | HENRY MILLER, --DULSK IK-- Foreip and American larWe, Scotch and American Granite. MOAUMtUrVSL TABLETS, HE A D8TO&X8 CEMETERY COPING, ETC. JOHNSBURGH, ILL* Orders Solicited. Good Work Guaranteed. Office Addremi lloiiENKY. ILL. HOLDS THE FORT AS a He makes Hiiits to order of the nest (Uoths, foreign or Domes­ tic. ' ^ . AT THE i'hat goo<^[ can be sold • -§i|AtSO Cleans and lepairs Clothes Neatly and #n short notice. < *ive |MLe a Call Be LAWLU8. McMenrv, JIMI . IHth, 18HR. AT THB JACOB iD STAND, )NSLETT, JALOON AND RKSf-AURANT, at the old J stanii,op|to»ite Btshop> mill, MnHenry, III. The choicest Wines, Liquors an*l Cigars to ho foun<i in the county. (Varm or cold meals on short notice on application. PHIL BEST'S MILWAUKEE BEERtotiw Bottle or Case, always on han<l, GOOD STABLINU FOR HORSES. %HHEY>9 ^ TO'GURE R H E U M A T I S M . This remedy has a specific action upon the fluid' Of the body, eupplyitiK nicMsttirc to the t:s-uos am joints i lubricating the'. Stiff or Distorted I.imba remain after a cure tn afTected by the dist ase. N this specific. A trial of a single bottle will oonvin.. the most sceptical that we have not told huff Its Tir- tueg. Price Sl.OO per buttle. For sale by ali druitRlsts. Manufactured only by LENNEY MEDICINE CO., C^VNOA. ILLINOIS. FOB THIS Waited) iay tfe of Lincolo. -BY- TH03E WHO KMEW HIM From the obscurity ofhi^ boyh'wvl to the dateol his trnuie death, A no# 'Itioffrapliv of the great Americsn President, Inma new stand.|K>tnt-- accurate and exhaustive In fact and incident, replete with anecdote, profuse end eleeant in illustration (100 engraving" from original designs illustrating inrMenrn. anec'ioiea, persons, Ac., including 1C Steel Portrait!..) Agents Wanted Ittrs and for evidence that 'his is the mo-t salalde and profltniile b<>ok published ; or. to *ave time, send SL.'2.'>at once for Canvassing Book, ami state your choice of townships. Address N. D. Tm"»MF sow PUBLISHING CO., Fobs., si. Louis, Mo„ or New York City. GOLD! are iearce, bat thow who write to StiniOD A Co..Portland, Maine,will receive free, full information about work which ttw C*D do, knd live Rt hnrtic.liiHt will pay from 85 to $26 per day. Some have JEDORARSA^HIADAY Either HI, younftorold. Capital aotnqnlred. Tan arc itarted free. Those wbo.tart at one* M SMolatsiy (Bis of mug little fortunes. A1I ii new. DOWNS' Patent Self Ad lusting [IMPROVED.] COSSET Is the only perfect fitting, truly comfortvble «nd health.preserving Corset made. Has in Elastic Section above and below a Corded Centerpiece Entirely lifferent from any Hlter. F.very Corset is stamped and absolute Iv Guaranteed in everv particular. Be sure ••o gel the Downs Patent. Manufactured onlv •»y the Oags-Dow&s-Corsst Co., Chicago, and *»r «ale tlrni.<•!>••« irv.goods stores every, here fTl" 11 -SO. n. LAHBE Ctlc SODA Best in the Wo rid. If yon want to your Buggy for Beeiey's Drug Dion, West Bud. learn how to Paint One Dollar. egU at Soldiers' Department, COHTRIBUTKD BT *»M, H. COWLIN. County C« A* R. Directory. KTOMTOKDFFOBT HO 388. 1 fMeets the flrst and third Fridaj evenings of each month. DH.JS. F,;BBMH*TT, Com. |WOOOSTOCK POST, NO 108. Meets Arst and third Monday evenings of each month. GEO BOB ECKBBT, Com. HDRDA POST. WO , Meets the second and fourth Wednesday evenings of each month. Wit, BUTLKB. Com. HABVARDJPOST, HO SSS. CTMeets the second ana tourtn Monday even­ ings of each month. I>R. H. T. WooDRtnrr. Com. MARKNOO POST, No. 168, Meets eve-y Second and Fourth Friday evenings of each month. A. J. BOTIHOTOM, Com. The President's wit continues to flash and thrill in every pension veto The President's wit is as bright a pewter dolhr, aBsh-rp as a lusty hoe and as refined as a fishmonger's. It amuses the administration however aid therefore ft goes.--Philadelphia PreM. Mr. Morrison's attention Is respect­ fully called to the following account: The U. 9. Creditor By Cash To bondholder f3,.V*o,ooo,noo To Lnion soldier for pensions.. Excess to bondholder fr2,80:',000,000 The payment to the bondholder has not been objected to by the Union veteran. He only asks that his just due6 be also settled and the account balanced. The Senate Committee on Pensions administered a schilling rebuke to the President in its report to the Senate, recommending the passage of a certain pension bill over the President's veto. In a dignified manner the committee railed attention 10 the wholesale veto nig of proper measures; showed that three times as many Senate bills are vetoed as Honse bills, and calls atten­ tion to the special Antagonism to the Senate on the part of t'ie President which this displays; and condemn* CleveUnd for r lying for hit* tacts up on reports from department clerks, he being totally ignorant himself 01 the manner In which pension legislation conductedjn both Houses, and mak­ ing no ettur . to ascertain the nature 01 the additional evl lence, often of the most important nature, in tlie hands ol the c< mmlttee reporting the bills I'lte seeming Jbruttli y ol some of his utterances in pension vel es Is touched with a firm hand, and the r« port is one that every inieliitf nt cit"Z-N jhould read with c tr*--TnleAo Blade. him. The troops had now all left tbe Held, and none but the dead and dying remained. At this time a number of young ladies from the town of Cynthl- ana came to visit the battlefield. They had gathered up the ramrodA scattered among the dead, and one of them find­ ing Mr. Stone still alive and the hot sun beating down upon him, took a bundle of those rammds and struck, them into the earth, making a ball moon of paling fence above his bead Ove'Fthis she spread her shawl and did what she could to ease him. This young woman Is now Mrs, Stone, one of the accomplished women of our oon gressional society. Stone fell In love with her on the battlefield, and after his recovery he succeeded In winning her. The story. If told In the shape of a novel, would be considered Improb­ able. But truth la stranger than Scion, and there is more romance all arou id us than there Is on the book- shelves- Where Grunt I Med. [Troy Timu,] I passed several hours at Mount- Mc- tiiegor to-i!a\. The Urezel coltaifi remains almost literally as when Gen­ eral Grant died. There the lied upon which the illustrious commander wreathed his last, his favorite chair. In* garments, including dressing gown idll'pers and hats, and even Ills medi­ cines. cups and the sponge* with which lie was wont to moisten his Hps. You ar* shown IWMIS with whic.i he wrote the latter portion 01' his book and quantities of paper, cut in small slsvs, by means of which he was wont to carry on his snare of c >nver«atlon. A number of thf beautiful floral pieces wrought in immortelles, sent bj friends of the General, including the huge pillow from the Philadelphia Pout, are also In view. All these are looked uponkby the vl-ltors In solemn •dlenc*. Some of them might with propriety be removed--notably the medicines and vessels. Outside the cottage all looks "aim and beautiful, A Congressman's Romance. Aoropos of romantic marriages, savs the Phiiedelphla Tiwes. there Is prob aMy no man In conifres" who can show a better record than Representative WllllimJ. Stone, of Kentucky, who takes Oscar Turner's place in the house. The story of Stone's terrible wound on the battlefield was told not long ago, but the best part of the story wa« left out. The battle where he lost his leg was near Cynthiana. Kv.. He was In the 'confederate service, and after the battle was lvlng on the field gasp­ ing for wafer, with his leg shot awav almost »o the hip. A federal soldier saw him and isked him if he was nor thirsty. He re pi veil that he was, and the Yankee went off ind brought back a canteenful of water, fie raised the wounded man. anil gave him a drink, and then in kindness Ileft his own can­ teen by the side of what h« thought, to be the dying rebel. Said he: "1 will le\ve this, as you m*v want to" drink again after while." Stone thanked him. As he turned to go awav another union soldier came up and said; "Hello! mv men Is that rebel dead? The flrst Yankee replied he was noi, but he though he was dying. The newcomer then said: Stand aside and I'll finish him.*' and with that h« rais ed hie musket. The kind-hearted Yankee stepped In front of him aid told him If he shot the rebel be would shoot him. This ended the matter and the good and bad union soldier went away together. This much has already h«>en told. Mr. Stone lay apon tlie battlefield for some time bugging tbe canteen M* A Characteristic Dispatch, The following dispatch was sent by President Lincoln to General Hooker, while the latter commanded the Army («f the Potomlc: WASHINGTON. D C. June 5,188S. Majnr-General HOOKER, -S* Yours of to-day was received an hour ago. So much of professional military skill Is requisite to answer It, that 1 have turned the task over to General Halleck. He promised to per* form It with ids utmost caro. I have but one idea which I think worth sug gestlng to you and that Is, In ease you find Le^oining to the north of the R •ppanninock, I would by no means cross to the south of It, If be should have a rear force at Frederlck«burg tempting you to fall upon It, It would fight in iutrenchmeiits, and have you at disadvantage, and so man tor man, worst YOU at that point, while his main force would, in some way, he get­ ting an advantage of you northward. In one word, I would not take any risk of being entangled upon the river, like an ox jumped half over the fenoe ai d lit tile 10 be torn by dogs front aid rear, without a fair chance to gore one w*y or kick the other. If Lee would come to my side of the river I would keep on the same side and fight h m or act on the del* nee according as •night be any estimate of bis strength restively to inr own. BIK tfitse are- tiler* seggestious which I desire to be controlled by yourself and General Halleck. A. LINCOLN. ?THIt D*M%Nns UV LABOtl. Yesterday, as Mr. Hardware, of the well known firm o Hardware A Tooli, waa writing In bit private offlce, b« was waited upon by a committee of his employes who told him that tbejr were dissatisfied and bad deefded to strike unless certain demands were 00mplied with. r - 14What's the matterf asked Hardware. "Aren't you gettiarenoogh pay?" ,, Oh, the pay Is all right,n r«BiUe4 '4 "•'V, is Jl Saloon \ "i -il!v Comrades How does this Picture dolt VIM Ooinrades, It is hu* a week or two ago thai Fn-d Do ml re, formerly of tilts t'ilv, was brought from the insane 48ylum at Klgm and placed In the county Poor-hdusH at Klshwaukee. ('••mrade Doiuire served during the w«r In tue sane brigade as lid the .writer, and was an honored member of Battery II. 1st Illinois Light Artillery, lie saw hard and long service and came out of the service a far diftv-rem <n.ui physically from what he was wnen he enlisted. He has suffered from date of discharge with a general debilitated condition of his whole sys­ tem. yet because he could not prove he bad contracted some special disease or lost a limb, or received a wound, the pieseut pension laws does uot en­ title him to a pension, which by all 1 hat is right and fust, Is his due. His nfflictlou and terrible suffering finally was more than his constitution, weak- wued by hardships and privation underwent In his adopted countrys service, could bear up under, and he about four years ago lost his reason, and for the greater portion of the time since he has been treated in the A«y- lutn at Elgin, and It now appears with­ out beneficial Jesuits. This then is what falls to tbe lot of nim who went forth in those dark days of sixty one and two to help battle lor the preserve Ion of the (Juion, Who vas promised that should h« In any manner become disabled, the govern­ ment would care tor him In every way This was just as much a part and parcel of his conttact with Uucie Sam as w»s the promise of thirteen dollars per month, board ($uch as it was) and cloihlu<, yet the soldier is taket from his wife and cuildreo, the former brave woman that she is, doing her utmost to take care ot her husband as long as h was safe to have him with her. And because, poor in tills worlu's goods, he is thrust into the poor hou*-i, there to end the remainder of tbe tew week*, months or yeais, at the fan he rest, that lie may live. What a spectical; yet this is not some fancy sketch, drawn lor eflect, but facts, that dciens io this locality are cognizant of. Tbe soldier has ever tried to do all possible to keep up and earn a sunport for blm- elf and little ones, and ha* lived among our people, that good, honest and worthy citizen and neighbor that formerly made him the genuine soldier and comrade that he was In the service. The ciratlve power of Ayet'a 8ar saparilla Is too well known to require the specious aid of any exaggerated or fictitious certificate. Witnesses of Its marvelous cures are to day living la every city and hamlet of tbe laod. Write Dr. J.C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass.. for names. tbe spokesman. "To many hours of workf" '•No. Hours are all right.* "Well whats the matter thenf** 1 "Well, you see we go to work abeot seven o'clock." V :. v* ; %,Ye«, 's It too early?" || "No, But about nine o'clock we gel 4; thirsty, and we wast a balr hour off to ; get some beer." "Half an boor wn rather a long « '.<[ time." ' - ^Perhaps; but one can't drink m or ^ six glasses of beer tn a minute." "Well, ril allow it. I don't want to have any trouble wltb ay employes. Anything more?" "A trifle. You see, about elevea o'clock we get tblnty again." --I'll give you auother half hour thea. Now go about your work.** The men left. Within an boor they "> eame around again threatening to strike. * -i W hat's tbe matter now ?" asked Mi# Hardware. "Well,sir," said tbe spokesman.**we S need some more beer at two o'clock.** , ^ "All right take It." ^ "And--and--"| V : "Well, well--whtt now ft 1 ^ ^ • "Why, you see, by that time we^ M so drunk we can't work any more, sA we want to be let off then." *Lonk here!" ex, lalmed tbe propria* tor straightening up. "If I bave the morning bell ung from the across the way. will v«>u drop In bero< and work between drinks?" • "Yes. sir." *\ " W|i|» n »increase of "No lucreaae." "Then I presume - if# ounatder that Mettled." The committee looked troubled, and held a cousiiitttlon in the d«»or-way, Tnen they gms their ultimatum as foll'.Wi* ^ ••Well, sir* thit's til right as far aa ft k gOfS. but we will have to atrlk** umess vou will agree io pay Tor the"^ Rambler. ' .lit > t Dtorjr or a Great Pabtishsr. " ; Mr. Fields, the B«MOII publl-»li-r,had a wonderful memory, and his knowl­ edge of English literature wi« so great that, when a fr»end wished TO kno«v where a particular passage was to be found In an E"gllsh author, he would go direct to the f un MIS Mblipole. A would be wit. thinking to qnls' him before a company ai dinner. In­ formed his friends, previous to Mr. Field's arrival, that lie had ju»t written some Hues which he intended to submit to him as Sou>hey'«and to Inquire in which of bis works they oc­ curred. After tie guests were seated, lis began, "Friend Fields, I have heen a, good deal troubled of late in sear thing . out lu Southev's poems his well knowne lines running thus*,--repeating tbe lines bs had composed. "Can yuo tell me when h" wrote them, and where they are to be found?" "I do not remember to have net with them before" rep le I the publish­ er; "and there are only two periods In Southey's life when such llusseoold have been written bv him/* "When were these?" "Somewhere, sa'd Mr. Field, 'about two years ago my wife had a terrible cough, which she baa not been tree front for more than a year. Our faml- . ly physician said «he had Consumption and could not be cured. Upon the v recommendation ot a friend I bought a bottle of I'lso's Cure, which gave her immediate relief, and tour bottles cured her entirely.--John Pearl t London. Ky. that period of hit existeboe when bs was having tbe mease is or catting his first teeth, or near the close of his life wheo bis brain had soften* d. The verification belongs to the mea^eis perioc', but the ideas betray lb* The company roared. ' | f Call and s« e nor Perry * Oweefc. -i •» Vi"- / . ^ j, ».S' t Que new shoes at ^ 'What have you under your ooat. Paddy Jaselic ?" atked Judge "Nawt a bit av et. yesonaer." "Not a bit of what?" Pat said nothing, but gave a wiak that would have stuck a cable-oar oa a down grade. "What's under that coat ?** "Me soard, aorr; shure 01*11 show yeea. Ol'm a <o«rd swawPr!" Let me see It, quick T* sad the court took the sword, and pulled the cork out, sinelled It, tasted It. and; drained it to the very last, and then «macked bla lips. When his hair stop-^ ped pulling be looked down at Paddy* who was paralysed with astoalshmeat and with a smile that was worthy of a> cherabita, he remarked: "There, Paddy, Is the scabbard; IM nay go."--® Lorn* Chronica. If you van; a g»od luncti or a cup ot; C«flee, at auv iMiur of the dav. (<• 101

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