»ator Warner Miller, the tfialftitM of (he oleomargerlne bill teld «t I he Fifth Avenue Hotel, New York, the other day: "The passage of the Mil was a very Important and wise Neaeare. We had no desire to obtain revenue hjr a tax on bogus butter. t>ur main object was to have some law passed by which bogus batter could not be sold as genuine butter, and Ins that we have succeeded. WH want edi a tax sufficient to pay the expenses of ttattiplng and general Internal revenue' tttrvelllanoe, Aud 2 cents will amply do It. Every tub ot bogus butter has to be branded, The very drayman who takes it from one store to another &an nad the brand and know what stufl he Is carrying. In addition there is the revenue stamp, the same as on tobacoo and whisky. If the stamp la not there the dealer Is subjected to a heavy pen alty He can be arrested for his failure to comply with the revenue law, aud dealt with acoordlugly. Every dealer has to have a license to sell oleomarga rine the same as a saloon-keeper. The places that sell bogus butter will be In spected by the revenue oflcers In the same manner as saloons are Inspected. The present law as just signed by the president has as additional value, as It protect* the states from the sa'e of Imitation butter. It wae impossible for asute to protect Itselt against the sale of ibe stuff. The manufacturers •hipped It Into neighboring states by the carlo ids as genuine butter. There was no one authorized to Inspect, and bet ce everybo ly was deceived and tho •ale of bogus butter went on uninter* upted. The dairymen should sell it for olemargarlne, and this law compel* them to do so." Hardware Hardware! 0TOne Door West of the Riverside House,, DKALIR !|p'p Work Aogiit. It la a good time to bud roses, and this Is an art that every one who loves tardeninglshould acquire. Although M a rule, roses'oti their own roots are preferable, since they do not throw up inciters from the stock to take away the life.from the budded part, yet the •ebaaion frequently arises to secure a new variety or inorease a desirable one by budding. Celery transplanting will be carried •n np to the middle lof the month at the north, and later at the south. White turnips can be sown all through the month, though In the cool •r It should not be too long delayed. Sow lettuce for fall use; the Cos. varieties are best at this season. AH Intending to set new strawberry beds with plants from their own grounds shoul sink small pots contain ing good soil into the ground and root the runners into these pots. By the middle or last of August :they will be ready to take up and transplant; such plants will make a fine growth before winter and be re^y to start strong lln the spring. Stop the raspberry canes by pincoing when they are from two and a half to three feet high, making them branch more freely. Continue to tie tbe new growth of the grape vines, and remove tbe frnlt which appears in ex»ss of the strength Of tbe viues.--Vicks's Mcifjcizints. We Invite Tea drinkers that pay eashto try our New Jap Tea. this seasons crop. Cash price 60 cents per pound. FITZSIMMNOS & K VAN SON. WARDEN LELUND, whom everybody sssiiaferof tbe Largnt Hiftl Eitaprim et Amcrica, aajo that vttle a paantger from Km York oa board a ship goiag arovad Cap* Hot*, la the early days of cadgntloB to Cat tfontia, ho learned that one of tho otteos mt tho Tassel had ecred himself, duri** Um Toy- ags, «< an etatiaato diaeaee BY the MO at Ayers Sarsaparilla. ^>c* *hso Mr- liun haa recommended Area's HtiitriBttu la amay ffmilar eaocs,aad he haa never yet heard of tea fail- wetoefleetaradle&leuM* a Bone yeaw ago WO of Mr. LRJUTD'S (ana UMmi braised hia leg. Owing to the bad state of hia Mood, aa ugly scrofulous ivelliag or hunp appeared on the injured limb. Hor> tiblo itching of the akin, with burning and d**tlng palna through the lamp, made life •taosfc IntoknUe. The leg became enor> Mouly enlarged, aad rnaning olcera formed, dtyhargjng gnat quantities of extremely effensi re matter. No treatment waa of any •vail ontu tbe man, toy Mr. LKLAVD'S dire* «• sappitod with Am i SAaauZ •OLA, which allayed the pain and lrritatioa, the sores, removed the swelling, and eompletely restored the limb to use. Mr. Lua» has personally tued Ayer 8 Sarsaparilla iw Vhanmallsiu. with entire success; and, after careful observation, declares that, la Us belief, there is DO medicine in the world yj tor the cure of Liver Disorders, ®J"t» e«Bc*a of high living, salt wkenas, Sores, Eruptions, and all tin waHena forma of blood diseases. wo have Mr. LBLAHO'S permission to invite <11 who may desire further evidence in regard •» the extraordinary curative power* of Ana's 8ABSAPABILLA to see him person ally either at his mammoth Ocean Hotel, long Branch, or at the popular Leland Hotel, Broadway, 27th and 28th Streets, New York. Mr. Iauws extensive knowledge ot the god done by this ttnequaUed oradieator of Mood polaona enables him to dn immti-- Mach valuable informattoc. • nXPAXBD BT Or.l.O.Ay«r&Co.,Low«lllMnt. flsidbyallDrnggists; «i, six bottles for M, MN6 Lw F." AlsoIthelGelebratod iCfARLAND STOVES & RANGES, And in short, everything- in the Hurdwaro, Stove and Tin WS HAVE A ROU. STOCK. OP OABS, QAB-LQCKS. FISH POLK, ABD nssm TACKLE 07 ALL BOOS. Which will be sold as low as the same quality of Goods can be bought anywhere. Call at my store before^buying elsewhere. THE FINEST LINE 0* BIRD CAGES IN TOWN. r A-ND ! Attended Goods. JOHN I* STORY VC'.) t-v. [II., Vf ty 2 UH, 183(5. Promptly Trouble to show To. West McHenry1, - Illinois. 3D BOOTS AND 18 NOW RECEIVING OF BOOTS AND SHOE8. G O O D G O O D S , At Way Down Low Cash Pries. Corner Main St. and Public Square, Woodstock* HI. w. H. DWICHT. GEO. W. BESLEY, Druggist I Apothecary, West McHenry, Illinois. --.DEALER IN-- Drugs,Medicines, Paints, Oils,. Met Articles, • Choice Confectionery^ * The finest line of Pure Candies to be tound in the county The best brands ot Cigars aud Smoking and Chewing Tobacco always on hand. Physicians Prescriptions carefully compounded. td& J-** W. Nichols, Jr., a Jeweler of large experience, has takan a Window in tihs Store, and is prepared to do all work inhis line.* GEO. W. BESLEY. DONT YOU FORGET IT! W. SMITH, i' --or-- Woodstock, - • lUlnoiM. jBOSfSr'̂ SSS tiro, Lightning, Wind Storms, CYCLOJRM AND TORNADOES. Drop mo a pastel card and I will visit yout VaU on me and I Will write you a policy, ani WOOD cither or any of these destructive ele aaenta devastates your property, happy will you bo if you hold one of my polteioo, for I jriil anrsuy visit yon, and |muilsfear pit̂ ou. yoa. JUUTW. MASS, 9m'l immtmm A§ \ CHAS. H. DRAINAGE ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR, Levels take n, Drains located and Grades established for Tile and Open Drains. Swamp and overflowed lands reclaimed. Elevations taken of Springs. Ponds and^ Water Courses and all work requiring Accurate jLevelin P. o. Address, CRKNWOd^ lU^ mm can seu you a hand some suit of Clothing this season cheaper than you can them in McHenry coun ty, Style and Quality con sidered, Bow Does This Strike Tou, THIS IS OUR OFFER. Pair Shoes Boied Shirt A well got up Suit - $3.50 New Hat - - 5c to 75 c. - - 1.25 - - .05 Good pair Suspenders - .00 Total $6.15 8»»; 2 Our stock for style and quality is first chop, It you want a suit that fits you to the Queens taste, choice im ported goods, come and see us. We can deal * Dress GfoodS, Shawls, Parasols, Fans, "White Good99 Embroidery, I -IN FACT- Staple and Fancy Cheaper this year than ever. Lawns to close at 3 1-2 cents per yard. Call, we will save you money and guarentee satisfaction. YOURS C. V. STEVENS. WIST JE?HENBT> ILL. WAIiK UP WALK UP examind all goods in Agricultural Implement, for 3R. &XSKO - MoIIENHY, JLI. iS carry a full stock of all goods in this line and everything wi£» •anted ms represnnted or n« sale. Bear well in mind that I will not •e undersold and am confident tha£ I can save hing in my line it favored with a call. you money on any- LOOK! LOOK.! LOOK Rotary Stoel Disc Harrows, wrought, iron frame, chilled cast iiflf 'bearings, self-ieeding oil cups, and all journals protected irom dirt The celebrated John Deere. N.ri. Thompson, Brigg's Enoch A o'8., all warranted, and as all farmers know, standard goods the world over. BUCCYS, BUCCYS, The Watertown in all styles, not dipped, but well painted, finely finished, lull shitting rail, and double collar steel axle, which you would do well to examine before purchasing elsewhere. R. BISHOP. I'OUND: FOUND WHAT ----THAT ALTHOFF BROS. McHENRt ILL. Is the place to buy Pry Goods, Clothing, Groceries, Etc. Cheap Our ttock is Complete," our prices are Low, and our (roods the be t to be tound in the market. We visit the city weekly, aud^ therefore our stock is fresh and new. * f Call and. see us, examine goods and learn prices. AT.T. QOODS WAHRA1TTBD JUST AS REPRESENTED. A share of public patronagejisjrespectfully solicited. The Highest Market Price paid for Butter and Eggs* ALTHOFF BROS. McHenry, 111., Jan. 25th, 1886. M. ENGELN, --DEALER IN-- sen Bin Table and Pocket Cutlery,'Clothes Wringers, Washing Machines. Gun and Fishing Material, Sporting Goods, etc, atx AT BOTTOM FRXOSS. Also a good stock of Fine Family Groceries, Canned Goods,# Con fectionary, fresh Breid and Biker Supplies, the largest stock in the Oounty. ROLLER MILLS FLOUR, WARRANTED No Snide Goods kept in Stock. Prices Satisfactory. NP. ENCLEN. For Sale or Exchange, One good house and barn with other out-buildlngs, good orchard and all In good shape, with land from 1 to 14 acres; or will eell a part of the land by tbe acre without the buildings, Also will sell some Kood lots to anyone wishing to build. Will sell any or the whole of the above property very low, trade for a good farm or for Western" land. The above propeity is well situ ated-near the depot in West McHenry (If. 29tf 8. RAYMOND. V •- To Cash Buyers We offer extra Inducements In Floor ,e Minnesota hard Wheat,a trial will be appreciated. Pltzslmmona A Evanaoo. Send 10 cents postage and we will m&li rou frm a royal, valuable, sampl* box of foods that will put you in ibe way of making -- more mvney at once, tbaa anything else in America. Both sexes of all ages can live at home and work tn spare tine, or all the time. Capital not requiro<t. W# win start you. Immense nay sure tor tlMsg who start at onoe, Smrsao A Oo„ a&S fMi in