Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Sep 1886, p. 1

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.VSa ' mmtm ,miw4a *•*!» Wl f J 4r ' '"til I t-i-: «tw ? «rijflWtt n.»3i> al IJaatf i . * .»* «n im* aw rmmiii 'jutAohiti iSmimm. 8MIU8 MI I '$• tritii/i'-j jf & ;U*H|KtS iSUULM «s*x a»OTn> WW I -tlil Pled sed but to Truthv to Liberty and Law: No Eavora Win us and no Fear Shall Awe» VOL. oinsS K as-Jti^o:*? ftoia»'ajr3 ar* PlUIWID KrKST WW'DBfBSDAf MX . V A N B L Y K B , - aaiTOE 4*6 rsortu -f K AT ce in Blshop*s --Opposite Pnanv ft Ovtsil tksiu or 8U8«ftipTio*. '<§*• rear (la Ainiw) .. ...;...#I.SS If Not Paid within Thne Mratli....„ .. Id "Subscription* received i»r ;tlnr** «r Six Months in the same proporM--• Kates of Advertising. We announce liberal rate* for advertising Sth« PuiRbuin, aad en<ieav.>r to slate em m plaint? that they will be re»«lily ua-rstood. They ace a« follows: • 1 loch one year .• • * <#*.;$:aid &>•* "•'• (M S Inches one year " « .... W W •: S Inches one year - •»••.: y»a» KM : V Column one jmx , •& wXwoii'-i * am W Column one yegt- ,• • KIM Column one year • - - *' MM One inch meant the maa?ur«n»ent of oike ttch down the eolnmn, slagie column width. yearly- advertisers, at the a bore rates, hata Ike privilege of changing as oftea as they Moose, without extra charge. Regular advertisers (meaning thoee having standing card») will be entitled to Insertion •f loeal notices at the rate of 5 cents per line each week. All others will be charged 1A eents per !ine the fl'st week, and 5 cents per line for each subsequent week. Transient advertisements will be charged at the rate of 1ft cents pa line, (nonpars it type, same as this is set In) the first issue, and I cents per line for snbseqaent Issues. Th'-.s, an inch advertisement will coat ilWtorene week, 11.90 for two weeks, #LM for three V«i ks, and to on. 1 he PuivDRiUni will be liberal la giving •ritorial notices, bat, as* business rale. It wul require a auitable fee from everybody seeking the use of its columns for pecuniary lain. BUSINESS CARDS. tt. T. BROWN. M.D. PHT810IAK AND SUROBOH. 0«ee at Residence, McHenry, III. , O. H. FKQERS, M, D- OlirsIOlAN AND SURGEON, XCHMry, I Ills. Office at Residence. O. S. HOWARD, M. D. |>HYSlOIAS AND SURGEON, McHenry, I 111. Office one door West of Pitaslmmons A Evanson's store, up Stairs. BARBIAN BROS. Or-CIGAR Manufacturers; McHenry, 111. ders solicited. Shop, la Old XcHenrv,; la Keiter Block, third door west of Riverside House. Livery Stable. " JMrtt ivevs Teamiag ot t WIUHTMAN, Proprietor. class rigs, with or without drivers H. furnished at reasonable rates. aU kinds done on short notion. ROBT SCHIE38LE Having purchased the old stand of Joseph W iedemann, NEAR THE DEPOT, MoHENRY, ILLINOIS, Keeps open for the accommodation Jof the Public a First-Class Saloon and Restaurant, Where he will all times keen; tbe|bes|> brands of Wines, Manors and Cigars to be found in the market. Also Agent For 1 -ffRANZ FALKl IILWAUKIK LAGER BEER. Beer in Large or 9mall Kegs or Bottles al­ ways on hand, cheaper than any other, quali­ ty considered. Orders by mall promptly attended fce. GOOD BTABLING JTOtt HOMMBL \ WOall and see as. Robert SohliMlti McHenry, SM„*£ay Ifith, 1886. SALOON and RESTAURANT Buck's Old Stand, MeHBNRY, ILLINOli. Fine Kentucky Liquors, Trench Bttter, McHenry Lager B«ff ; laJb' MUmokst 8M, 1 --AMD-- J. Scblitz liiiaikee Battle Bar. By the Bottle or C»»a- vi . • . i-m* : \ • We buy none bat the best and •eil at Reasonable Prices. ^ Call and see me and I will aw you well. , ANTONY ENGELN. I "6 McHenry, 111., 1886. Agents Wanted 1 ilar MOM TUB OBBAT »«W BOOK, 'The World's Wondart ByJ. W.lusL The most saccetRtiil rubnr.ription book evor •ultlished. Over half a rniUitm ojiie* were s Ote past eight month*, and tt it telling thi times at fast now as ever before, ltegu •aavaasers ciear from fM to OB, #M aad (. per dav, Nothing like it waa ever knowa in the history of book publishing. Pro ,ft mat tree on appii&Mi**. No experience needed to lasure success. We help persons without moans to do a tar«e business; no capital need ed. Write for 'particular*. StUarie* gmarm teed to pereone who <to mot trfeA to eemwam cm com Mtefaa We meaa busiaett, and want live agents in every townthip. It will cost you aething to write for terms aad full deeertp Uoas of our plans of doing busiaets. We also mine away elcmdard books to pernons who send •s names of book amnts. Write iar our list •f fitoo staadar* books. (Ww, BUSINESS CARDS. t. Mr n ILfJSVOKtil, runda/fllT"' ASA W. SMITH, A TTORNET AT LAW and «olieltoit lr xl Ohaheery.--Woodstock, In. i , S. r. BENNETT, M. D. T^IOIAN AND SUHGEON. AlsoITnlton States Ezaminiag Surgeon. Klehmood, IHiaels. MAB* O. BAttBIAN, Hair worker, ah ku.ds or Hair Work done in first class style and at reaeonable prices. Rooms at residence, nortb> oast ooraer of Public Square. McHenry, IlL DR. a K. WILLIAMS. r\HTWT. Residence Dundee. Will be at JL7-l. 1^5nJrV*T Pftrk,sr House, the 10th 11th Sttth and 88th of ea«h month. When dates occur Saturday or Sunday . make my visits on the following Monday, and ®f *aeh visit o«ettrs on Friday, I will stay hut one day. M'HENRY, ILLINOIS, WKDKK8>DA Y, SEPTEMBER 8. 1886. E.^LAWLUSi E. R. BENNETT, M. £»., Late HOnse Surgeon Oook County HHpthf), RICHMOND, ILLINOI8, Special attention given to difficult Surgical eases. DEZJT&CH GK8PROCHEN. Office at Residence of Dr. S. P. Bennett. SI for 13 Weeks. The POLICE GAZETTE will bo mailed, eeurely wrapped, to any address In the Jilted Sta es for three months on receipt of * ONE DOLLAR, Liberal discount allowed to postmasters, agents and clubs. Sample copies mailed iron Addreka all ordert to BICHARD X. FOX, .. . JhuunLtK SQtTABa, New York. War Claim Apcj OF--- WM. H. COWLIN, Woodstock, • - Illinois. Protecntes all elaassrand kinds of claims atninat the United states tor ex-Sotdiert, their Widows, Dependent Relatives or Heira. A specialtv is made In prosecuting old and rejected claims All communications promptly answered If Postage Stamps are enclosed for re pi v. „ W M , h. co wiry. Office at Residence, Madison St., Woodatoec, Illinois. Attention Horsemen! I would call the attentflon of the public to rn/ Stable ot Stock1 Horses, four m number: two Morgans, one 3-4Percheron, and one Imported Horse. They are all good representatives of their breed. Also a few Merino Sheep r sale. The public are cordially invited to call and examine stock, get prices, etc. 'No businessden«f on Sunday. N. S. Colbt. l®-7 tf MOHMNRY, ILL GOLD Mdt at* ware*, M tbttt «he writ* to Stluata AC*., Portland, Mtla*,«ill rectire. frM, full iBformatloa tkoat work which. tbtycsa do, and linil bo&i«,tb*t will pmf, tkm from (5 to fB ptr day. Sont b>n tamMtvartWlaadhy. BHb«rw^rooncorcdd. Capital •at miliri. Yoaaraatartad fttm. Tho«« whorkit at on<« awtSaaltl^y --iitftfgtewlaliMtaam. AUItatuw C. G. ANDREWS# SPRING GROVE ILL. Sales ot Stock, Farming: Tools and Goods of all kinds attended to on the most 8U80VABU TKUtS, --and-- Satisfaction Guaranteed. iJall on or Address C. C. Andrews, Spring Grove, i»riaf £rore, Sept. 30th, 18W. il-lMia 111. E\ r PUMP REPAIIUNG, CEMENTING, ETC. ko nnderaigned is prepared to do all lobs In the line of Digging Wells. Repairing Pumps, Cementing Wells, or will put in ITe-w On short notice and warrant satiafaction. In short will do all work tn this line. Can furniah yon a new Pnmp, either woed or Iron, warranted, at cheap as any other man. Good references fnrnlsbed if detlrod. tt you want a Well Dug. a Pump Bspatrad or a now Pump, give me a call. attended to. ciJ SVOrders by mail promptly Post Office, Joansburgh, 111. L. BANTES. JoknsiHirgb, IlL, May ttth, l&A. I0B BABQAIHS II For Coal and Wood CALL ON- E. M. HOWEj Opposite Bishop'* HUl, •flM has a eoasplete lino of the best stoves"i» the market, as well as a large stock of Hardware, lediailc't Tools, ON, COPPER & SHEET IRON WARE, 'ittffact, every thlag]ln the bard war* •tore and tin line. « MB WILL NOT BS UNDERSOLD. nail m.t Ki« store before buying elsewhero A. M. CHURCH, Watchmaker and Jeweler NO* W FIFTH AVK., (Briggs Honse), Chi­cago, 111. Special'attention given to re­ pairing Pino watches aad Ohronomc ters. •®^A full Assortment of Goods in his lino JOHN J. WINKLES, CARPENTER AND JOINER, Is prepared to do all work in his line on short notice and guar- en tee sati faction. Will work by the job or day as desired, and do as good work as any man in the business. Orders left at his residence, Southeast corner opposite the Public School House, will receive prompt attention. Best of References given if de­ sired. JOHN J. WINKLES. ' McHB&RY, ILL., March SNA, 18M. J. P. SMITH, A K McHenry, - Illinois. As Pine a Stock of Walches, Clocks and Jewelry As can be found in the County, which I offer : - ' Wprlces that can not be heal, A Pine Stock ot CHOICE CIGARS Oall and examine goods and learn prioea. J. P. SMITH. McVvarr, 111., March let. m SMITH'S BEANS UK Biliousness; Sick Headache In Four heart. IQ Ons dose relieves Neuraiela. They cure and anient Chills <* Fever, Sour Stomach / Bad Breath. Clear the Skin, Tone the Nerves, and fllva Lifs Vigor to the sytiem. Dose i ONE BKAN. Try them once and you will never be without them. Price, 25 cents per bottle. Sold by Dl-uflflsts and Medicine Dealers generally, sent oa receipt ol price la stamps, postpaid, to say address, J, F. SMITH A CO., Haaataclnrsrg and Sole Proas.. ST. LOUIS. MO* John Helm, Algonquin, III., DEAMER IK Hatdirtit, Starts, Tuiwttr In short, we keep everything in the above mentioned lines, which we are offe ing to the buy­ ing public as cheap as any other house in this section. Oall and See m J0BBN0 ft REPAIRING, PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. JOHN HELM. Algonquin. Feb. 18.1888, JOHNSBURGH Mmw* HOLDS THE FORT AS A rie makes Suits to order of the ii*»>t('lothsy Forcwt or Doines* t,o AT TEE LOWEST PRICES I hat good Good# can ^sold «l ' •! ' RE AL#0 ultsans and Repairs Clothes Neatly and «n short notice. «iivo Me a CnJI ItAWLUS. McHenrV. Jan • U86. AT THE OLD^TAND, ^ JACOB BONStETT, O ALOOX AND RESTAURANT, at the Old j stand, op|H>f>itc Bishop's mill, MiWenry, III. The choicest Wines, Liquors an'l Cigars to he found in the county. IVarm or cold meals on short notice on application. Pill!. BEST'S MII.WAUKKK BBRRhythe Bottle or Case, always on han<l. • GOOD STABI.tNU FOR HORSES. %. V.eHN^y s ̂ Capt. Joseph Bury of Rai!e^ Idaho, has a war record to be proud of. Wh«i. <he rsballloa broke out be tpont W.OOO his own money raising a regimem In Ohio; he went to the front with It. *nd when the regiment was mustered <»ut after the war etaeod hfs commauU- ing ollljer wrote on his discharge: .^This ofBuer Jias uot been absent from ^tils command a tlay daring tbeentirt-y»r." T O O R HEUM/fTISM. TDtenmwa) .pcclilf Of the boar, supplyinB nfii))!i(nru labricatlng tbe joints sHVi'tci r •til" or Distort ed I.lmlx n>m:iii! ;i 11 • * l 11 run" 1>? tills specific. A trial of :< slncln l>ottlc will oonvimn the moot sceptical tbat we have not tolti half it? vn tues. Price tl.OO per boitle. For sule by ali druRKlBts. Manufactnrin) only by LSNMY MEDICINE CO., C^'VNOA. ILLINOIS. The soldiers. Orphans' Home at Knttht'- ^ town to be Rebtallt, ~ The recently deatroyed Soldiers1 Orphanl^Home at Knlgtitetown, Iiid,. will te rebuilt at once. Tbe tru^teev met Itat week, and a« the tasurabct- money Is in their name, It Is.held ik. legislative aRtloo U needed. T1h- *25,000 of Insurance added to th« wail* liv the < 1 i^t> N*. be gOQ« Until tilO li#£isIil«T«1». 'tt" 'i eats i. FOR THi£ •4BT- i THOSE WHO KNEW HIM From the obscurity of his bijyhooil to the dale of his trngi« death. A ne* l?ioKr;i|iliv of the great American President, frjin a new stand-point--accurate and exhaustive In fact and incident, replete with anecdote, profuse and elegant in illustration (100 engravings from original designs illustrating incident*, anecdotes, persons, Ac., including ,1C Steel Portraits.) Anonltt lAf antori Bcn<i for fl,n parMcu. MyclltO ww allicu Urs and for evidence tbat »his Is the nio-<t salaliie and prolltable book published ; or. to save time, send at once for Canvassing Book, and state your choice of teivnslups. Address N. l>. Thkmp-bon Publishing Co., I'tibs., St. Louis, Mo„ or Now York Oity. ; IGIFT *e*rt MlKintk fninm'aBii we will mail you free a royal, valuable, sample box of goods that wtll put you in the way ot making more money at once, than anything else In America. Both sexes of all tges can live at home and work in spare time, or all the time. Capital not required We trill start you. Immense pay sure lor the-* who start at once. Stiwsmo * (V> alve nnWUQ' Patent Self puifp Adiustlns n||a£PROVEID| "Ke HENRY MIUUER, ^ULKf pr-- Foreip ail Aoerican KarTile, Scotch and American Granite. MO A UMEXTS, TABLETS, HEADSTONES CSMETERY COPLNO, ETC. JOHM8BUR6II, IXJU Orders Solicited. Guaranteed. Post HoH£NBT,iLLi Good Work ice Addretss Is the only perfect fitting, truly comf»rt\ble md healih-preservlug Corset made. Hasan RIaslic Section above and below a Conled renterplece. Entirely lifferent from nny >ther. Kvery Corset is'stamped and nhaolnte" It Guaranteed in everv particular. Be sure to get the Downs Patent. Manufactured onlv >y the Gage-Downs Corset Co., Cbieago. «nd for sal* by Urst-cUss dry-goods stores every­ where Price § | .00. ^LeraT^ S O D A Best in theVlfdrlil. If you want to learn how to Paint vour Buggy for One Dollar. <*»ll at Beat*j'a Drug 8IOW, West Soldiers* Department. OONTBIBUTBD BT WM, H. OOVLIN, County €U A R. Directory. mtonxoBoiKMiT vo S81 ^8eaoad Prid%J evening of 1 'V Ob. s. r, BKKxttt. bom. woooaTOOK roaT. iro tos,. Hoeta first and third MoaOay evening* of each month. ,i -t- .> i George Bckbkt, Com. trtrk^i i^at, ko--, Meets the ae£5b<l and fourth Wednesday eveniagaMeaoh month. In. BotliiS, Com. HAarABDjroaT,]*o«s. ' lfeeta the seoona natt ro'nrtn Montl4r eTe« inffa ot eaoh month. - > Difc CI. T. WOODBT7W, Com. 5 ^AKKNOO POST, Na 169, lieete Second and Fpurt|> ITriday eTMlnfs of eaeh Month. A. J. Bo*moT9». Oom. At Fort Sunapter tb6 walls are re­ duced to a mass of rntn«, over Which iwelve guns are still mountud. The Government piye 8300 a month for watchaaan, who keep lights bvrnlng for the guidance of marines. Randall Vaughn ot Spaulding, Georgia was wounded in the battle of Waynes­ boro.' In 1864. A rifle bullet entered his body between the breaat bone and the point of the heart. Four year* ago :in abscess formed in the tbdoman fourteen inches trom where (be ball entered, and the other dav the ball *** extracted from the abdomen and Mr. Vaughn Is recovering. gone -eauioip .*». a*ke lions, egisr*tiltd further «ppro{irU- QettysbUrj H«iiimIs1 Chdreh. Chaplain ff, L, Woodrufl, G. A. R. has undertaken to raise the funds nev essary to complete thla handsoin* church, about •2U.000 being stlil re­ quired. A very desirable location ha oeen secured on the main avenue from tne town to the National Cemetery. Hie appointment is Irvui the Bmhoi of Central Pennsylvania, GettysDurgh being located In that piooese, I hi- is to be distinctly a National Memo­ rial, embracing tablets and memorial stones trom both armies, lr Is to b> bu It of stone take a from; Devil's i)ei an J Koutid Top, and the stjrie U heavj aod maasive, with a large monumen­ tal tow«er, Windows, furniture a-m bell wHI be memorials, donated bt surviving soldiers and friends oi ioidiers o! the late w;ar. It Is expecto that tlie corner atone will be laid nex year during the Re-tfdion of bo<|. armie6 at Gettysburg. I t wiii be calieu tbe Church of the Prince of Peaee. The failure of tbe Mexican bill wa- not unexpected after the development- of the last month ol the session. Tli« bill passed tbe House, as we announced at the time, and was amended iu tin Seuate in-tbji stlil further interest o the Mexican veterans. This required Usreturu to the House, for Its accept­ ance Of the Senate amendments, which was regarded as a loregono couclueiui . In fact tlie House committee recom- menued tbat tbe Senate amendment be not concurred lo, for reasons besi knowu to itself, and tlie House, accept lug the report of tbe committee, per­ mitted tbe bill to fall altogether Whether there existed au abiding fear that tbe President would veto tbe bill.; or whether tbe House welcomed th*- paltry pretext of the Senate amend­ ments as an excuse for Its cowardli action, is of little consequence. £he Mexican pension bill was slaughtered in tbe bouse of Its friends, while the River and Harbor bid went tbrougli with a speed that was truly amazing The Man of Iron Nerve. "In the course of a chat with your ^correspondent, an old army officer wbo tras on Grant's stall during tbe war said that during all the negotiations between tyrant and Lee, Grant never showed the slightest trace of excite­ ment or exultation,* writes tbe Wash­ ington correspondent of tbe Boston Traveller. "He had the most remarkr able control over himself of any man I ever saw. Never out on two occasions have 1 seen him give way to his feel­ ings. The first occasion was the greet- |iig of tbe public aftbbol children of 9an Franclsoo upon tbe occasion of his arrival from his tour around the world. Grant was passionately fond of chil­ dren. Their welcome touched his heart, and thei tears flowed down over bis faoa. He made no: effort to oooeeal bt«*;itation. T»a otber ewaftien «*'* when he was notified tbat an old com­ rade who had served with him during ttie. war bad been killed in a railroad accident In New York, This was after Ms first nomination for tbe Presidency and before his election. He waa In bis headquarters on tbe corner of Seven­ teen and F streets when the dispatch containing the sad news was brought to him. He read it eio vly and careful- ly. Tben he leaved on fits desk with bH head In bis hands and cried like a * fa . , ;.jl W M irtxvj- - au». Mlesei^»i»-W'li'l "The 8th Missouri were good HKhters,tt said Theodore R. Divls yes­ terday, as he stopped making the a noke of war with his brusn long «nough to whift tlie smoke of peac** out of an attenuated cigarette, "and What they wouldu't steal, except my colors and pipe, was not dawn in the articles of war. Why once at Vicks- hurgh they stole a grave. There wtt really no good place there to bury a body, except on the levee, and the <rouud wan so bar.! that the grave- <ilggers had a tough time ot it. Weil, it happened out dav tbat oue of the 8'h died a natural death, and while • be boys were wonderiug what thev >houid do with him, a detail from an Ohio regiment tiled out to dig a grave tor one of th*»ir number that had passed overi The 8th looked on to «nine purpose, and when the Ohio boys ••arae out next day with their dead 'liev found the grave Riled up and m crackerbox lid at the head with "Marred to the memory of---, of tbf Srh Missouri * But fiey were good dghters."--Afinntapotis Journal, Yes every word •»!' the above is true. We know whereof we speak because we were tber«, JCkere {jwas not one regiment lu a hundred that served It the late war that done th« actual hard service and that were engaged lu is maiiy battles as was the old 8tli Missouri.; it. wa • remember correotly they fought im at least twenty or tbe Hardest fought battles of the war and were engaged in dozens of skirmishes. We have ofteu seen the regiment on iho march aud ga lute battle with lese than two hundred and fifty men fit fo« luty. We cannot reeolleot now of bat a^e regiment tn the lfttb tbu lost more men than army eorpt did tbe 8lI* Missouri, that was ^lie 55th Illinois, t »r au the inaroh to Jackson, Mississippi, tfter tne fall of Viek^btirg, the Mr ills lid not number ever 100 men present lor duty, and we believe the regimen *a*commanded by a second lieuten­ ant, At any ra e there was no field ifflcer but what was wounded that had • • -- » * . * < . n r - f l H r 4 S i M - * > , r t < 4 H l , . ,(**y wMff- »urg. t,-. . 1 ••• • oi I ? - i t t j GOfltH)RAL JACK. ' Th^re were ten of us youngsters In lie Company "G." squad which Corpo- rai Jack marched forth to drill, and th» •Id man's face wore a fatherly smile a» te kept calling: "Hay foot--straw foot--rlgbt faoe-- vft fac? --front I*' If he had a home--a wife--chlldrei --we did not know. We wooden d •' >ie had left anybody behind wh«> vouid mourn it his life went out oi he field of battle; but he never talked »f Such things. He bad a way ot put Ing as of! w|ien we began to question if tbe past. We believed that som< lark cloud rested over his life, and we igreed among ourselves that it was a uysiery that must be bel I sacred. T<> he men he was stern ana dignified; t;< is boys lie was so kind and gentle tbat ve grew to look uoon him as a father It was Corporal Jack who cured tlx ilisterspn our faet; wbo laughed our lomesickness away; who took part ot •ur loads away when the knap*ack» galled our backs. W ben he counted its after Bull Run ind found that three of his ten boyi- iad been left dead on the field, w« missed him for a time. When lie re- urned to us his eyes had tbe look ot •un wbo had been weeping. Later on when Company **G." swnng into tb» lashed timber at Williamsburg, and men went down by twos and threes under tbe fire of sharp shooters, it wa>- Oorporal Jack who whispered to each one of us: "Steady, my boy! I wouldn't have vou gi ve ground Juow for the world! More to the right a bit--that's It-- keep covered if you can." 1 remember how the light of battle blazed In His eyes thatcday as ha faced the ehif j, and how that light was changed So one of unutterable sorrow as we answered to enr names at night fsll and only six '*ayes" were heard. Tbu seventh lay dead in tbe timber with the whip-poor-will uttering its sad night call In the branches above him. As we came Into battle Una at Me chanicsvllle there was a look of pride lu Corporal Jack's eyes. His boys bad grown to be soldiers. Our faces were no phler than those of the sturdy, mid die-aged men fuither along tbe line.-- As we knelt beoide the log breast­ works aud opened fire I heard the Cor poral saying to himself: "Good! That's It. Just Ice tow cool they are!" We broke line after line of the gray as tbey advanced upon na, but by and by we were forced to yield. A bit of shiver ran along the |lltfts--the first symptoms of a panic--but the old Cor poral was close at hand to say: '•Steady, now! Fall back tn goei order! We are not beaten but only falling bark to a stronger position !\ Tbe liead of the oorapany broke beufc • --•the centor fell Into cqj^faslon--oar - end of the line simply shivered and S'lj then became firm as a rock. We knew not who had come out alive--who bad ' been killed--until the old Corporal , , gathered us under hit wing, as it were, long after darkness bad shut dew i, and in a broken voice said; *• r he re are but four ofmyboys lift, ... and I cannot sleep!" After the fierce tempeat of war bad h pMJ®d over the fields and forests of lavage Station there were only three ^ of us. Corporal Jack bent down over Sf|| ihe fourth, who lay dead in a pool of |fli| blood, rtrt bi'al&lt of his hair, and said, aa be reverently plaoed It In life V 1 pocket: "This la lor hi* mother, whoae heart I will be breaking over his Mm! I pray God the rest of yoo may be - spared!" After Glendale there were bat two ,v.,| of us. We toiled wearily oyer the - ^ Highway with the stars shining above us and the sullen crackle of musketry In the rear. Corporal Jack marched with us, but for a long ttm* be was silent. At last he said: "Only two left! After to-morrow-- what P At Malvern Hill he would have been our breastwork to receive the bull* ta. I>arknass was falling, and we had broken and hurled back the lines of Magruder again and again, wben a . move by tbe left flank somehow sepa­ rated the three of us. There was a fierce and dvtermlried advance--a tierce" and desperate resistance, and night shut down and the roar of battle lied away. I went out with those who oooortd the wounded and mourned over the dead, and K found them-- Obrporal Jack and my boy comride They were side by side, and dead, but tn his dying moments dear old Jack nad thrown an arm over the poor boyt is if to shield and save him. Truly- thoee were tbe days when men's beart ached and women's tears oould not,., |g|:> dried.--ZW«*E*> Jfree Press. . .7/ - j Hot "RleK" Hon. We - Have received several fetters from disappointed beHev»rs1n service pensions, who complain that the nttl> ude of the National Pension Com- ulttee Is hostile to this form of pensious, because th«*y are * rich'men tnd nave no sympathy wi'.h the poor ~ ®J®* ol A1a»»1 • f -I'-. J i on tbe com- ttee, nor has there'b<b%n for years at t tiere is not a rich •n lea t. There Is not one lhat could be called fairly well-oil. Geu. Merrill, the chairman, is the owner of a small daily paper in the little city of Law- reuoe, Mass., but the most of bis income-- which has never been large-- ias been derived irorn his salary as Postmaster. Gen. Louis Wagner does t good business, and gets a com­ fortable lucome from it. Corporal Tanner baa been In the receipt of fioe <alarie6 Irom offices held by him% but "very waking hour during the time he ield office tils 1)40 I went dowu Into ds pocket in aid of some sufierins veteran or his family. He has never tailed to strip himself of the bigger yart of his Income to assist the needy, iSnd, though a man of splendid abilities «hd could have amassed » fortune had te been so minded, he is, owing o this unselfish generosity, as poor a nan as any comrade in the G A. R. vbo is able to make bis own living. Past Commander-in-Chief Kouutz is tn insurauce agent, aud does a good air business in Toledo, 0„ but is as far re noved from being, a rich man as it is possible to conceive. He has probably •pent every dollar that he has made ver and above wbat was necessary for the support of his family <*n the G. A R afad In relieving the necessities of •leedy comrades. The same is true of Comrades John Linehan. than whom no man I.. New Hampshire gives niQre liberally of his uoney and time io; proportion ta bis me »ns. It is a rascally slander on a< unselfish and devoted men as there are In tbe >rder to charge them with interested motives. There may be doabt about <ome things, but there can be no boubt tbat the National Pension Committee has pursued the wisest possible course for the comrades. There never has been the slightest earthly cbanoe of getting this Congress to pass a general service pension law, and to advocate it was to district the eflortsof friends of aoldfors and embarrass the passage of a law that everybody wanted--tbat which will pension every disabled dter at from 94 tn $24 a month; >3. Aykk's Ague Cure, wben used accord Ing to directions, Is warranted to eradicate from the system all malarial diseases' such a* Fever aud Chill Fever, Intermittent. Remittent, aad Billlous Fevers, and disorders of the liver. Try It. The experiment will cost you nothing If a cure Is not efiect#d. .. W™- t For Sale. Wit The undersigned offers for sale bis residence, and two acres of land,' si ma­ ted In the village of Riugwood It well located, in good repair and on the premises are all kinds of small fruit, all In a healthy and bearing condition. It Is, with all a very desirable piece of property. iGood barn and outbuildlngt For terms and other particulars call on the undersigned on the premises. ^ WM.LUIOBi|| |tlngwood,Ma«*#tb.WS6» i Mr •'ft.7 ..Ik a

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