Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Sep 1886, p. 5

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WEDNESDAY. SEPT. 8. 1886, Railroad Time Table. On and after Monday, Jane *1,1 Train* will pass McHenry stasia*as below: , ̂ oowo aoxiTa. Lake Gsnevk Pamncer Uke Genera Exprei* Lake 6«MV*Pnlsht........Y.. Lake Genera Passenger. . . .. . Lake Gc ~ 7:98 A. V ** ....ItMB P. • .. ..848 '• 8:81 « enera Passenger oorwo womrn. Lake Geneva rnlnkt 8-11 4. • Lake 3eneva Passenger..... MM » • Lake Gereva Passenger....« Lake Genera Express .4:«Sr. M Lake Geneva Paaseaser jiift - * Stops only to leave Passengers. B. Btrsa, Agent. MeHearv. Ill Apprentice Wanted. A boy between the ages of 14 ud K> years, who desires to learn ilia Art of Printing, can And a situs tic a by apply log at this offloo. To one who means business and deilres to learn, a good chance will be offered. Those who expect journey nan's wages and to run the business In three weeks, need not apply. fchic Jw.U 'HE State Fair Chicago this week, [well represented. is being hel# In MoBrary wlll4o Geneva Lake last week, /'FRED BLOCK has opened |M<rket in the olJ Central a Meat Market. Walsh. BESLEY'S Liver Wort Kidney Cure, tbe best thing on the market, at Beslev's Drug Store. West Side. QUITE a number from this section attended the G. A. R. encampment at formerly occupied bv J as. C. E. CHAPELL of Algonquin, adver­ tises a «r load of Milci. cows, |o take place in tbat village oa Tuesday aefct, Sept.l4tb. - -j • WHEN at MToodstook next week do not forget the Flag Drill by 16 young ladies, at (he Opera Rouse, on Tues­ day and Wednesday evenings. THE trotting Stallion 4,George O." took second money in the free for all. at Marengo, on Saturday last, his time being 2:28}. AT the UntvenaHst thurch on Sun* day morning, the sutycct of tbe ser­ mon will be, "The moral aspects and consequences of tbe vacation season," 'WE learn tbat Captain Walter Bill rhas purchased the old Bishop property near the Iron Bridge, and will convert the building into a machine shop tbls Iwlnter. ! f F G i' I frl V hom c f i fes ^lor CAPT. HILL announces that tbe 8teamboat will make no more midday trips this season unless by special --arrangements. They run now regular* ly from the 4;48 p. If train. TONY" BARMAN had a regular walk* a-way in the 200 yards Foot Race, at Geneva Lake on Friday last. His friends here stand ready to back bI m against any man in McHenry aod Lake unties, ONE of onr exchanges says that the publishers of the newspapers la Ogle county are uniting upon the proposi­ tion to make all subscribers to their respe< tive journals pay In advance. It Is a sensible movement. SvslA). J. ;HOWARD has movod Into [part of tbe residence of Hon. George Gage, where bis offloa can hereafter be found. | Bis professional card on tbe ret page of this paper will bs changed next week. AN exchange save: "The skeleton of a man in a sitting position has been unearthed at Nebraska, Colorado, aud although he has not beOb Identified, tbe proofs are sufficient to warrant tbe assumption tbat htt WoM liiore and didn't advertise.* WE learn that a Fair and Festival, for the benefit of tbe M, E. Church. Solon, will be held In tbe Mill .build Ins, in that village, on Thursday afternoon anl evening, of this week All are cordially Invited. A pleasant time tuay be expected. BET. B. SHUNNING., Pastor of tbe Universalist Church, In this village, will, on Sunday evening next. Sept. 11th, com me no* a series of six Sun­ day evening Lecture Sermons. Bis first subject will be "BtpslnSss Jfed Religion/] : . While the McHenry County Fair will be the greatest show on earth, W- H. Dwlght will have tbe greatest show of Boots and Shoes ever brought to Woodstock or into McUeury County* A pair of Boots or Shoes for every man, woman »nd child attending tbe Fair. PERSON «U GEO. W. OWEH a ul wife spent Sun­ day with friends in Elgin. MRS, JOHN I. STORY is visiting with friends In Chicago this week, E. M. OWE* and wife are visiting at Chicago tbls week, and will takh la tbe State Fair. Miss GEORGIA PATTERSIMI, of Chi­ cago, ha« been vlstUag with friends here the past week. E. D. BESLET, of Chicago, was the guest of his brother, Geo,, W. Bealey, in this village last week. Miss GRACE OWEN and Ml*s Clara B. Owen are campiag at Idlewlld, Plsta- qua Bay, this week. JOHN WKNTWORTH,of Chicago, spent Sunday with his parents In this Vil­ lage. Jos. FrnuMMMOxs and G B. Ostran* der went on tbelr annual hunt to Iowa last week. Miss KATIE AULT, of Chicago, Is visiting with the family of John (Jloa* son, near this village. FRANK GOING, Pilot on the Steamer •'Mary Griswold," has b*en on the sick list the past lew days. MRS. S. H. WALKER started on Mon­ day last for a months visit at bar old home In Pulaski, Oswego county NT. Y. iss MATTIB SMITH, Miss Kate Howe, Mies Maud Van Slyke and Chas. Mead commenced school ai Nunda on onday last, AL HAN KINS, wife and two daughters were the guests of Mrs John McOmber Tuesday evening, returning to Chi cago on Wednesday morning, THE Ladies Willing Workers Soci­ ety, conuected with tbe Universalist Church, will meet at the residence of Mrs. John I. Story, on Thursday after­ noon, the 9th. A general attendance is earnestly requested. Mas. J. B. Pitur, President. Kiss GBACB Owair, Been isry. NEWS was received here on Monday of the death of Miss Barbara Snyder, at her residence in Chicago, Mis* Snyder was a youog lady highly re spected by all who knew ber. She had many warm friends in this village, where she .has visited every summer for several years. A number of the youag folks here went to Chicago to attend her funeral on Tuesday. IT is with feelings of the utmost sadness that we are culled upon to an­ nounce tbe suddeu death of Capt. John Eddy, of Coral, the full particulars of which eid be found -In our Nunda correal ondence. Captain Eddy was an old and highly respected citizen of thi* county, and bis many friends will sincerely mourn, with the berfaved fam ily bis sudden demise. THE Chicago and NortlieraRall way Company filed articles, ef Incorpora­ tion With the Secretary of 8tau Wednesday last, to construct a railroad from some point within tbe city ol Cbicago. northwesterly through Cook and McHenry Couot&e to lucb point on tbe IIL« between illioois acd Wis­ consin as may be deemed ^feasible to reach Geneva Lake, THE M. E. Suuday School of Mc­ Henry will have a basket Picnic on Saturday the 11th, at Justen's Grove, Pista'qua B*y. Those in East McHenry inteuding to go will meet at Mis Juli t Bishop's and in West McHenry at the M. E. Church. Teams will start at 9 A M. sharp. Tbe school extends a tiearty Invitation to all frieuds to Join them In the days pleasures. Br OausB or TUB COMMITTEE, WE learn mat John Murray, son 01 Patrick Murray, met with a severe and paluiul accident on Monday last. He was coming down SlierJQSUN bill with team wtieu souiethiog giving away the horses ran away, throwiug hiui out, breaking bis left leg near UM blp joint, and breaking two or three rlbc on bis r>ght side. The only wotoder is that he was not killed outright. Dr. Fegere was called to attend him. 1 HE Grand Musical Entertainment, by tbe ladies of tbe Cemetery Aid Society, of Woodstock, at the Opera House .In that city, on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings of next week, promises to be one of the finest Musi cal Eutertainmeuts ever given In Woodstock. It is for a worthy pur pose, and we predict a full house. Those who fail t<? attend will miss a 1 leb musical treit. MRS. H. B. NICHOLS IS in the ci ty this week buying tier Fall etotik 0! Millinery, and the !a«t of the weak will be prepared, to show her customers as fine a line of F«ll Millinery, of the I.I.U "Hm, ««r »rou*M to Ihte (Vb.y mu.t qui t or Jo to Jail, town. Look Out for her announcement V. next week. WE are requested to announoe that the city of Woodstock will charge no License for two horse 'busses rtmnlng between the Fair Grounds and the city next week, but tbat four horse 'busses will not be allowed to ruo. This ought to give ample accommoda­ tion for all during the Fair, and If any one goes afoot tc will be his own fault. -f • •-- AN intricate polut of law was sub* mitted to us the other evening. It appears that John Myres has a corn field which had been invaded by Blackbirds to an alarming extant. A neighbor happened that way with a double barrel shot gun and discharged both barrels into the flock killing 93. Reloading he again gave them both barrels, killing 8* more. The next day he puts in a claim for pay for ridding the corn field of the pests, but John puts in a counter claim for pay for killing Ms birds. Wo have turned the spatter' over to Esquire Holmes., : a THERE is surely six months la jail for some McHenry boys who have not learned tbat other peoples grapes and other fruits do not belong to them. Eyes are watching, and couata bles are ready. There Is evidence enough now against half a dozen, Let parents of boys from ten to six teen pot plain, positive questions to them, so as to learn if theirs are tbe thieves. No soft sodder will ansWer. While the officers of tbe Society, tbe people of Woodstock, and of the county in general are doing all in their power to wake the Fair a grand success, W. H. Dwlght, tbe cash Boot and Sho dealer Is making an extra effort to show you at his store the largest and best assortment of Boots, Shoes and Rubbers ever brought to Woodstock. These goods were bought expressly to please tbe vast multitude attending the Fair, If our preariier* desire to speak on a popular theme, they should give us a sermon on base ball. It opens a large field, and they would flod their bearers would keep keenly awake, lest an error should esoape them. Then too, the base runner, struggling to reach thecoma plate, could be made a type of tbe Christian running his earthly race. The basemen could be characterized as tbe obstacles, and the umpire as tbe devil. We give these points, but will not preach the oa until oar salary Is mlstd^ TH* INSTITUTE. Tbe fotituto of the jeachersof Mo* Henry county, which adjourned after a two weeks session In Woodstock, Fri­ day last, was one of the most successful In the history of education in this county, and reflected great credit on county Superintendent Barber. The total attendance was as followsf Males enroled, 60; females enrolled, 132* total, 182. Number of days' attend­ ance: Males 406£; females, 807,6; total, 1218;average dally attendance, 121. Before the Institute adjourned, the following resoiutioas ware a«ani- raously passed: WHEREAS, We have been permitted to enjov the benefits ol this Institute, therefore be it Resolved, That our thanks are due the Board of Education for their kind­ ness in allowing us tlie use of the school building and apparatus; and also to the people of Woodstock for the boopitallty and Interest shown. Resolved. That the most sincere thanks of this institute are due Co,, Supt. Barber for his untiring effort In the di-charge of his duty; that we feel grateful and highly honored by the presence and lectures of State Supt. Raab; that courtesy Is due Miss Mary West for he part In our instruction, and that our thanks are dne Prof, Strattoi?, for his able and Instructive lectures on Central America, and. WHEREAS, Our able instructors Messrs, Harsh. Hail aod Webster, have by their application and earnest devo­ tion mad* our Institute the most instructive ever held In McHenry Co.. therefore be it Resolved, That we, the teachers of McHeury County, extend to tbem our hearty thanks as an appreciation .of our respect and esteem. Resolved, That the ladies who com­ posed t'te ac.xHiunodation committee, HIKI the several committees on enter­ tainment receive our sincere thanks; that to the janitor of this building, Mr. J«s. Chtirohiil, is due our ho arty thanks for his voluntary service. WHEREAS, God in his divine provi­ dence lias called from our number, sister Alii* Buell. and WHEKKAS, She had by her loveliness of character, won the love and esteem of all that knew her; that by iter ap pllcition to duty she bad placed herself In the front rank of the pro* tession and that bv her sud len. and untlmelv death, we are again reminded of the uncertainty of life, therefore be it hesotved. That we have lost from* our number one of our noblest, most sonsclentious and earnest workers, and that the sympathy of this Institute be tendered to the bereaved family. S. L. BROWN, MTRA FOOTS, f r J. UL Baowa, , r. J, C, " ^iVfl^ingfio' KLIN a. To periods 'wtslitng to attend the Exposition held at Chicago, 111., from Sept. 1st to Oct. 16th, 1886, we will sell round trip exjurslon tickets the fol­ lowing days, .at #2.25, which Includes admission to the Exposi tion. Sept. I and 4, good to return untilSept.4. 1 6, 7, 8, 9.10, 11, " •• •• IS », i», •• . »•" •• so 1 SI, », %,;• ••'»/;•' ' '«» J7 1 », 4*. Oct % ?•*' U'. J? ;jpei « Oct. 5, S, 9, «« «• " «• 11 " H, IS, IS, " 18 Parties wishing to attctld the Illinois St^te Agricultural Fair, held at Chica go frput Sept 6th to Sept. 10|h, ean take advantage of the ibove rates, although exposition admission tickets will not be Vjrec$lved for entrance to J r A*eai' 1 ;Hol For the Fair. |J. WIOHTMAN will run an Omni- but for the accommodation of pas sen gers to Woodstock and return each day of the Ftlr next week. Will leave McHenry at 7} o'clock ea< b morning, returning, leave Woodstock at 6 p. M. Comfortable accommodations and caraful driving guaranteed and as quick time made as by any other 000- veyanoe. H. K. WIOHTMAN. N(KTIOE! Let everybody wishing to attend the Woodstock Fair next week speak la time to secure an easy, oomfortable *e*tln Parker's five seated carriage or tour horse bus. Both will run to the Pair each morning aad return each evening, F. A. PARKER. A CAKD' " '/'It to well known to all that I met with a severe loss by the burning ol •ay Creamery on the morning of the 16th of July, and I now wish In this public manner to Acknowledge the promptness and business like manner in wh|ch tny Insurance was paid by the Home Insurance Company, of New York, through their Agent A«a W, Smith. Esq., of Woodstock. And also to the Adjuster H. M. Hoaford. who In a fair And Impartial .nanner adjusted all losses, aud recommended the pay­ ment in fu.l of the claim. We take pleasure lu recommending the Home Itisurance Company, of New York, to ali who wish first class insurance, and we would especially recommend Asa W. Smith. Esq, ol Woodstock, as an Agent who takes both pleasure and pride iu seelnr that His patrons art. justly snd promptly dealt with. HOMKB * ATTLBS. Odd Fellows' Excursion to Boston. Tbe meeting of the Sovereign Grand LoJge of Odd Fellows, which wil1 hold its next session In the city of Boston, commencing Monday, September 20th, presents an extraordinary opportunity for all Odd Fellows and their families to make a trip to Boston and return at an extremely low rate. All lines lead­ ing from Chicago to Boston will sell tickets at a rate of 913.00 for the round trip, aod agents of the Chicago & North-Western Railway will sell tick­ ets through to Boston and retarn at a rate of one fare for the round trip to Chicago aud return added to the |13.00 rate, Ch icago to Boston and return. Full Information relative to the trip can be obtained by addreasiog any agent of tbe Chicago A North-Western Railway, or R. S. HAIR, Gea'l Passenger Agent, Chicago New Tea of finest quality picked ind at last Ma? only 60 cents par pound at f lusimmooa SEvaaees*** J ALGONQUIN- EDITOR PI.AINUEALER:--At D. W, Thomas auotlou sale of a carload of mlich cows on Tuesday of last week, cows sold on an avarage of #39 per head. J. A. Sherwood done the talking* J. C, Ford, of Seward County Nebraska, is here building a barn on bis farm in place of the one burned by lightning a fpuple of weeks ago. We were handed the following figures which will give an idea of tbe Dairy business of Algouquin and the Revenue the C. A N. W. Railway receives therefrom. For the last four months tbe following milk tickets ware sold at this Station. May, 12,600. June, 12,750, July, 12,000. August, 12.600. Each ticket represents a can of milk and the Railway Company re­ ceives 17} cents for each ticket. This Is the amount shipped from here. Mr, Dole succeeded in tinlshing hie dam 011 Saturday last and it Is bop«d that he will not have to rabuild it again this year, Mrs. Aldrich has been quite sick for the past week. George Helm apd Eddie Peter have arrived home from their trip, looking well and happy. Ernest Benson, Fred Phillips ai d Charlie Dodd, started to the Elgin Academy on Monday Of this week. Miss Nettle Phillips tiai commenced giving music lessons. Both teacher and pupils have been taking a vaca­ tion. Rev. Mr. Douglass leaves Algooquin on Tuesday of this week. Mr. Douglass returns to College and Mrs. Douglass to her former home at Genoa Junction. Geo, Hyatt and son Harry, of Nunda, was callers in town on Saturday last. J. Van Slyke, of the PLAINDEALER, made us a shirt call on Saturday last. C. E. Chapel! started north the first oi this week to buy milch cows. So took out for a choice lot soon, J. W. Adamek received bl6 Com­ mission as Postmaster of Algonqulu on Monday of this week. Our Public School opened on Moa- dty of this week with a fair aitend ance, Mss Annie Kee, who has been quite sick for the past week, is now on the gain.? x Miss Ina Hubbard, of Wavne, is visiting here with her Grand Parents. Mr. snd Mrs. S, See ber. BORN.--Sept. 61I1, 1886, to the wife of Henry Benthusen, a son. Mother and child are doing well. HEBRON EDITOR PLAINDEALKB:--SC1SOO1 com­ menced Monday. Mr. Emit Kothe, from Elgin, Was in town Friday of last week. Willis Nickols has erected a fence in front of his residence, Mr. and )Irs Chas. Householder are making an extended visit through lowa and Wisconsin. E. O. Leech his built an addition to ills barn. Also a shop on his lot In siomh Hebron. Mr,*4eorge Young, *?he has speut the summer In the east, returned last week much improved iu health, Johnnie R jtnour has become a mem* ber of the band. He lfl| a natural musician and will be a great help, Mr. Frank Millis has purchase 1 the uouse and lot In the south part of town belonging to Squire Glddlngs. Charlie Brown is home tor a short Vacation. On his return to Chicago lie will not resume school having pro­ cured a situation in a bank. Captain Stone, Mr. aud Mrs. O. B Stone, and Mr. and Mrs. Ira Phllli'pt, started last week fOra visit to frieuds lu New York State. Tbe firm of Siioudy aod Miilla. furniture dealers, have dissolved partnership by mutual conseut. Mr, Sltoudy will continue the business, Wbo drove the brown horse Joto Richmond? Didn't so one one get lefLf Ask Fred about it. Be was an eye witness. Miss HattleWard bas beeto very sick At one thee her recovery was doubt ful, but with good care, and physicians skill, she wit) resume ber place lu active Hie again. f| George Burgetts youngest child, about four years old. was buried bun- day in the Hebron Cemetery. They have the sympathy of many in this, their first bereavement, Tbe Hebron Coruat Band will attend the fair al Woo-istock. Friday* They have also received an invitation to at tend the Elkhoru fair which they will doubtless accept. - It is rumore-I that R. W. Mead in tends building a fine new drug store, with a Masonic Hall above. If tuls be true M. W, Merrv will be found I n more commodious apartments. A gentlemen from Michigan bas opened a jewelry shop, Jn Shoudy's Furniture #tofl». Sboulif the busioes* prove to be a profitable ona he intends sending for his family and locating here. Giveliim acili . On Wednesday. Sep^ 1st, 1886, at two o'clock P. M„a few jnvited guests, consisting mostly of relatives, assem­ bled at the home of lift and Mrs, L. Pierce, to witness the marriage of their only daughter, Rattle, to John Wickham, Be*. G. H. Weils officiating* Mr. aod Mis. Wlcktiam are well known here aod their many friends with tbem a pleasant journey through the east and a bapoy snd prosperous journey through life, May their future be a bright one. h<l Richmond Department, State Fair tbls weed;. The Battle of Qsttyibtfii We beg leave to advise our readers to be sure and not forget to see tbe Panorama of tbe Battle of Gettysburg, while In Chicsgo during' tbe Exposi­ tion. Take advantage «f the low rates and see Gettysburg. There isjio picture la the world like this of Gettysburg; nootbes picture presents such a scope of country or gives tuch a thrilling representation of a battle. It is no wonder It is called "Chicago's Pride, aud Greatest Artis- |jtfp attraction." Geo-B. Carpenter glanoed at Rich­ mond friends Monday. The merchants are receiving their autumn goods. f H. C. Faber, of the Ckuett* bas a brother visiting him. ' < Guy Wray bas been very sick baft Is now reported a trifle" bettor. Everybody goes to tbe Fate ne*t week. Tbe clsieo train will wave ns good bye soon. John Legget has returned H Chloagor S. A. Blagham aad family ara oat from Chicago visiting at H. Croseen's. Mrs. Emma Jewel, nee Marsh. Is here from CotambuSi Neb., visiting many old Mends. The oorn will soon be ripe. The fields and pastures are green aod fresh as early spring time. Mr. and Mrs. Evanson, of MeHoary, rumpled Richmond dost on tbelr way to Twin Lakes, Sundav. Will Sherman and Walter Culver played with the Lake Geneva band during the encampment. 8chool opened Mon lay. Tbe ohll* dren seemed willing to return to work. Quite a largo delegatloa from thte plaee was up *t Lake Geneva' a day or more last week. ^ Emll Kothe, of Elglo. has been visit ing friends In town. Not exactly In town, rather In this vicinity. Dr. Berrlck and Mr. Merry, of Hebron, were among tbe "abW>i«r folks who wei# present at the G. A R, dance. Frank Cole ha J ajliorse stolen a week ago Sunday night.. Our Inforniant tells us ibat the thief, bas been traeketj to b iyond Hartland. ^ At this Writing we' are enjoying weather Which rivals mid-summer, even If 'tis September there betng.-.-oo change from the terrible heat. Quite a large party of ScHenryV young people visited Twin Lakes Sun­ day. Evidently they enj oyed the day. and the beauties of Richmonds favorite resort. Frank Hill claims that J. V. Nether cut owes lilm twenty-live dollars wage*. Nethercut says he Tha ques­ tion will probably be settled by law d n e s d a y . ^ 1 • > - Richmond has had no earthqSake, no dynamite explosion and no very bad norms, jit Is rather fortunate after ail to be an insignificant little vlllagt- nestled among lakes and mioaltur** mountains, who seem perfectly satis­ fied to let the old earth quaka all sh«- wants to so long as we ate undlsturb' ed. Mr, Corl, the teacher, has (noted In­ to Mrs. Shibley's house; Will Kellet occupies the bouse W10. Motley vacat­ ed recently: Mr. Brewer, tbe type setter In the Gautolte office, lives la the. Drake house; Mrs. Murray and Maude will keep house In the rooms above Nellie Skinkle'a Millinery; Mrs. Sliib- ley and Mame Intend making Lake Geneva their future home; Rev. Barr> of the Baptht Church, aad wife, liav«- gone to Chlcago to live, Where he will attend school. He will preach in the ohurch here eaeii Sunday as before. We do not know whether or not the citizens of Lake Geneva consider th» encampment at par with their expec­ tations. Thursday we attended anU found a very large crowd present* iu- cludi ig the Elgiu Excursion and th«- Mllitary band. Which chartered nine coaches. There were several brts* bands in attendance throughout, ami speakers each day. Altbo' Gen. Logaii was advertised to be there, the dally papers told as • bo was at Miftneapolli- and thereby there was no disappoint­ ment. Everybody enjoyed tbe affair more or less, the soldiers esoeciall;. seemed happy. Friday afternoon drooling spirits were revived by a healthy shower rain, aud ere another •lay bad passed all traces of the camp- fire had faded only lu .memory's cas­ ket. . . ( . Whcn the member* of the Post in this rlllage decided soOie three or four weeks sgo to have Uielr dance on the night of the third, they doubtless overlooked tbe fapt that H*ou'd not only be tha satuf week as the Lake Geneva Encainp. meat, but also the closing night, when everyone would be weary of the round of pleasure and be ready for a much needed rest. Even tho' 'twas thus the party was a success. Tbe rink wa» prettily deoorated with mu»kets and otber art.cles suggestive of army life. The music wss by Slocum's Orchestra --comment unnecessary, Tbe floor was sp.endidly waxed aad oou|d not have becn*better; tbe night was fair yet too warm, and a happier cvowd t h a n t h a t w h i c h a t t e n d e d ( n e s r i y f i f t y couples), one seldom meets iu the rberpslceorean hall. The supper was as advertised--army fare. It was unique, of course, but the universal verdict among the youog people 1 was that they were glad they were not In tbe war. We hope tho post will give another'dance In ibe near future, for 'tis very reasonable to believe that uuder as good management and a more favorable date, tbe rink would be crowded. Sr**l»l rNaiaari : 1 Let all remember the many special remlums offered by the merchants of Woodstock and other places for the coming Fair. Jds't drag a postal card to the secretary and ha will send you a Grand Musloalw. A Grand Mnsical Entertainment will be gfven at tber Opera House, in Wo xistook, on Toasday and Wedaas* day evenings of Fair week, by tho ladles of the Cemetery Aid Society. A pleasing feature of tbe entertain­ ment will be a flag drill by 16 youn; ladies, under command of Capt. Geo. Eckert. Go and ~«ee It and enjqf; rich treat, ttould You Boliavo It? \ Tbat we are authorized by the pro* prletorof Kemp's Sarsaparlta to re­ fund the money to any one who hss taken three-fourths of a bottle with* out relief? We are positive that no other proprietor baa the oonfldenoejin his medicine to do this, it Is for en* richlng, cleansing and purifying the Blood and toning up the aystem. Prioe #1.00. Call at our store. Respectfully, GEO. W. BESLET. BOUSE AND LOT FOB SALE. IFor sale In the village of Algonquin, a large house and three lots. Plenty of small fruit, Will be sold oheap if applied for soon. For further particu­ lars Inquire of. a B. WILL t AXS. DAADESI 4-3m. a MRS. E. W. HOWE has rsmoved bar Military and Dress Makin 15 Rooms to r si do nee, two doors East of the Kelter Block, where she will be happy to meet he* old customers and as many new ones as may see fit to call. The latest stvles of Millinery just reoelved Dress Maktng done promptly. T'ti t a'.is*; itsntn MtoHeary. As well as t'te ha idiomest, and others are Invited to call on Geo, W. 3erley and get free a trial bottle of Kemp's Balsam for the Throat and Lungs, a remedy that le selling en­ tirely upon its merits and is guar­ anteed to cure and relieve all Chronic and Acute Coughs, Asthma, Bronchit­ is and Consumption. Price 80 oeuts andfl. ' ' "T'-V.v I wish to s ill. no later than Septem­ ber 15th, the place known here as th«- H«innenshlen property. Consisting «• stores and dwellings, all occupied. If required, time on part payment will be given. Also will sell my complete Livery Stock,cheap If taken soon. A, SOMKBMSHiair. Munda, III,, Sept, 1*MSS& 7--Sw. YOUNG S I'OCK FOR SALE. The uudersig-ied offi-jrs a lot of Young Stock, one and two years old part grade Holsteins, for^aleat pri­ vate sale. For terms and other partic­ ular!, Inquire of. 0- B CttAratA, Algoaqaln. Bargains extraordinary, atFStasim •nous & KvaAsoii's this week. Lawn*, fast cuinrs, 2 cents per yard; Satins Cambrics, linen finished Calicos. % cents per yard. Ladies Hosiery at re tlueed prices. In fact e7ery article a< bargains. Come early and avoid tbe rush. * residences for sale. Aj^ly JHp Asa W. Smith, Woodstock, UL Everything in the Hardware fine: bottom figures, at E. M. Howe's. Celluloid Sets, cheaper than ever fore, at G. W. Besley's, West Side. Fine Scrap Books only fl.25 at G, W. Besley's, West Side. ^ | Celluloid Combs, only 20oents, at CL W. Besley's, West Side! - Hammocks and Lap Robes, it sniff stock, at Bonslett A Stoflel's. ^ Fruits, Nuts and Candies, iargpest sortment in town, at Perry ft Owetffe. . Good Rockford Flour only $1.25 per lack at Bonslett ft Stoflel's. Best Smoking Tobacoo at 20 eeiii pound at Perry ft Owen's. * Before yon Insure get terms fbr Fire, Lightning and Tornado Insu­ rance, of Bonslett ft Stoffel, Waat Mb* Henry, III. x Knowlton. Standtrd, M*nny. Croili Eureka. Cr*w(ord and New Warrior, Mowers at E. M. Owen ft Son, and tn price from #45 to 890. Lace Curtains, Tidies, Lamberkfns, Bedspreads and Shams, cheap, at Mn, Schumacher's, near tbe Depot. - • - Parsols and Fans at l*erry ft Qweni. DOMESTIC Piano and Furniture Pol­ ish. the finest thing in the market,<t Besley's Drug Store. *i- Besley'i Famiis W mkegiB* Ale and Porter f ^ i On draught at J. Bonslett's, A. glen's and John Holnaer's. I* you want to make your Buggy Top look as good as new get the Ifa* H tlonal Patent Loather Bnamal Besley's Drug Store. - Mrs. Schumacher. Visits Chicago every week and will take in your ordere and furnish goods at tbe lowest Chicago prices. BESLEY'S Ale and Porter is the best made. On draught in McHenry at Jacob Bonsletfs, A. Englen's. and Joifn tlelmer's. Jersey Wal*ts, * tuli "apply, which will be sold at lower prioes than any •tber store in MeH»»nrv. MRS M. iVmuvAOHBB. We tire head qtimers for Menashw flannels and tmots, and the well known Appleton y trns* BONSI.ETT ft STOFPEL. Rockford carpet warps and baiting it Bonslett ft Stoflel's. Extra fine roasred »flee, 8 lb|. for ft at FitEsimmons A Ev-»nsons. 3UN FOR SALE, For sale a good double Barrel, muzzU oadlng sho'. gun for Sale, or trade foi Produce of aov kind. Enquire at tnl- •tHce Good Flour only fl,05 per saok at Bouslett ft Stoflel's. Ladies Mualln Underwear, #0 ceata at Fttstiiuinous ft Rv%u4on's. Call and s> e our Perry ft Owen's. flue new shoes Al Flannel, Reck'or<l. heat In tbe world, «t Fitzglmmoo* ft Evartsoa's.' We are headquarters for Menaaha Fl-inaels, large v triety. BOHSLWTT A 9TOVVBL. OARPKf WEAVING. The undersigned is prepared to Weave Rag Carpets on short notice and at Reasonable ra^es. Reside net- one Block Went oftbe North-wesi i-orner of the Public square, Orde^t- respectfully solicited, and satisfaction <uarauteed UEO. SCHDSXKR. IfeHMry, Aug. Kth) 188B. Good Mens Hliir s, .25 cents at Ftts- «immous ft Evanson's. New. fancy Glassware at Bonslett ft Htoflel's. • To the fellows that pav as they go. We oiler a superior article of Flour, •Jaah prioe 81.25. FlTZSIMMONS ft ETANSON. 'Bafts',"a,t' Bonslett ft uu. " rs>-> .AiAi WBSHI, 8s«r< V Rockford StoflelS 1 . lOcases new Boors ft Shoes just re­ ceived at Perry ft Own's. •- Look at the ciioice Candies at Bes­ ley's Drug Store. West End. Middlings, Bran, Salt and Oil Meal in stock at Bonslett & Stoffel's. The Sels celebrated hand made Boots and Shoes, and other ftandard goods at Dwlght's old reliable . Cash Store, Woodstock. Ill Ladles and Gents fine 8hoes a spec­ ialty at Dwlght?. PRIVILEGES to let now for Fair time A. 8. WRIGHT, Sec'y. Wanted. ; Reliable and energetic men to sell all kinds of nirsery goods. New and hardy varibties adapted to tbe cli­ mate. Business light and easily learned. To successful men we ean pay good salaries and expenses and give steadv employment. First class referencedrftqnlred. Send for terms. Address L* L. May. ft Co„ Nurserymen St. Paul Minnesota, Bear in mind tbe tact that you can save lots of money In baying your Boots and Shoea at Dwlght's Cash Store, Woodbtock. HI. 17 pounds good, cleao. whole .{tot, for #1.00 at Bonslett ft Stoflel's. All grades or Rockford sod St. Charles flour, #1,05 to #1.63, at Boualett * Staffers. Call for the"Wiuniiig Stroke", a new Brand of five oent Cigars, uiauufatiMM*. «d by Barbian Bros. It beata them all. Carriages tbe best of makes and fully warranted for two years at E. M, Owen & Son. Steel framed Plows, and Minneapolis Binders which by their work have oroven tbe beat, are at E, M. Owen ft SOB. •' " BREAD, Cakes and Pies at Home Bakery, (Jlllei.' Block. uVvlldo UlvVvB «ju Owens1. • : - • . : Short Horn Bulis for 8atO« £ The undersigned has for vale full ilood Short Horn Bulls. Will be sold cheap. Call ou or address {5^^; FRANK COLE. -A One mile East of Spring GrovA/w April94,188B. . EVERT BOOT ENOW*'. That Henderson's Boots and Shoes f are the best. We sell lots of them.--- , Perry ft Owen's, Sole Agents, ^ ¥ House and Lot For 8ale.4» f In the village of Ringwood. Cbit* 'ains 10 Room-*. Also a B trn Wood- 'bed aud other outbuildings, well, • >:is;ern, etc., on the premises. With- n twenty rods ol Depot. _ Good harden, Apple Trees, etc. Price *1000. For terms and otber partlcn i$re Inquire of i iH WESLEY LADDI ^ngwood, March 5th, 1886. a . ,s 34-6 month#g tli I Seine IN»e»lah People. . *K ' Vllow a oou;h to run un i It getsl be­ yond the teach of medicine. They of- >en Sty Oh! it will wear away, bu< In >nost cases It wears them away, "ould they' be InduiMd to trv the -uccesaful m- dicine called Kemp's Basam, which will sell 011 a positive guarantee to cure, they would iinin«di* tteiysee the excellent eflecr atter tak­ ing the llrst dose. Price 50c and tl.00. • Trial -iae free, at Geo. W. Besley's, McHenry. ' E. M. Owen ft Son receive'! seveo ot he celebrated Eureka 6 and 7 foot cut Uowera one day ia<t week. LSM thsns SO-Csnt Bottlo Curst Bone Spavin. NUKDA, III. May tii, | U. Dicfcrirsos A SON--Barriugioo. Ill .'T, OentUnnaiu 1 had a hor«e lama lo r *'• N, •>ver eighteen months with a Bona spavin, and I procured^ a bottle of l)lckiuson'» Rusaian Litiiment. and laas >ban a fifty-cei.t bottle completely cured the spavin. « W. D. PAHKS, SAVE A pa LLAR. We have hadLc0t|Signed to us. ttf" the narnfact'<rer w sn artvertfsetn^nt 6f heir work som# extra due genuine I'ampico tsoat Slides for ladies wear, <>uc'i as h «ve been »old tor Three Dol- ars. We are instructed to sell them «t Two Dollars. Buy a pair aud save a dollar. , ~ 5 PERRY ft Owe*^ -M: • N, B. BVEIR (^sli* warranted. ' Cash paying buyers (ire respectfully Invited to c II at Fitsflmmons ft Evanson** store at the West'End, to examine a few articles ofiefed it bargalos during this week. * Tent f<v Sale. A good 10x12 Wall Tent, < Good as new, never having been let up let once. Will be sold cheap. Inquire at this office. Black Dress Goods and trimmings, and Fine Dress Silks at Perry ft Owon. Notice. i ̂ To those that want Tube.'Vata, BAI Racks,and anything in my Ine of busT* less. Work done on short notice to >rder. Shop one door South ot Law* us* Store, F; A. HKBARO, •« < 4 „ . . Mi KaBaary, Aag. IS8K. It la So. That we are dally guaranteeing Kemp's Sarsaparilla to the people la this way, tbat aftar taking three-fourths of a bottle without relief, we will refund the money. It ts the greatest and best remedy on the market for clean* slag the blood and giving you a new lease of life, A well known buslneaa nan informs us he has gsined # pounds on two bottles of this Sars*p*> rilla. Price #100. For sale by G«a W..Betl*y, ttcBe«$. * - vJ *411

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