Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Sep 1886, p. 4

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AY, SKPT. 18, 1886. il.lTiiN^LYKV, Editor^ ffi h« fhnnd on s papers:'., nun p |,Tj ft 00.*H N«wnmn«r A»lverM«fn* .SaYWfeU fl> ^orni*.w *•*»»*> sssrsi-r."KNEw YORK. Mr A peculiar <M*»a«e is sweeping awe? rhehnrs in Raymond Township. Oemoatflrn County, Illinois. The In­ testines of the d*ad porkers have bMD foaad to be * war rain a: with worms. k' delegate coming from the so- Willed RiImi Convention, it Wood- •took, wis accosted wl'h "Well, you nominated H*lne«, did you?" "I d-d- d~don*t k-k-k-know w-w--whether It w-w-w-wm Hi-Bt-Sn-HilDM or Co- Co-Co-Co*!" And tbe question n ata- ttllj arises. Hm he found out yet? |0-The New York Tribune aaya tbe re Is a general feeling among stock owners and raisers that tbe action of the veterinary doctors and the Pleuro­ pneumonia Commission at Chicago, In pronouncing th* malady of certain animals Pieuro-Pneomonia, has boen loo hasty. rThey have quit u^ing dogs to i escaped convicts, la Georgia. A eeavla* recently escaped from a gang working on the Midland railroad, and a bloodhound was pot on bis trail.* A few hours later tbe searching party came no and found the dog fastened to a tree wltb the convicts shackles. Two new dogs were pot on his trail, and later on it was discovered that he bad traded tbem to a negro woman for his dinner. If tbey had kept on. that convict would hare col looted enough dogs to start a bench show, and would probably, hava made con­ siderable money. 99"The Cleveland Leader says: ^ilie wife of Captain Black, the chief ooonsel of the Chicago anarchists, be­ seeches the country to avert, for tbe time being, a reign of terror by •paring the lives of her husband's con­ demned clients. If Mrs. Black is rigbt In assuming that the anarchists intend to make good her Implied threat, then Mm gives tbe strongest possible reason tbat could be advanced In favor of tbe Immediate execution of her husband's clients. If ihey belong to an organi­ sation or class which Is determined to institute a reign of terror lor any such cause as tbe legal execution of seven men. the country can not find It--out too soon, or meet the emergency too energetically. What Is needed Is to settle accounts at once with all tbe "reign ot terror** cranks and criminals. f m iraiM'irtMiMfifc" joi twentieth of the Prohlbttlottu against nloeteen-tweotlaibe abfrutd hereafter be recognised as an enemy of the temperance c mse.--New York Tribune. Th« Vordlct of Truo.ProhiMo­ tion lata. Tbe .Maine election tells assistant tbat Prohibition voters, even in Maine, the original Prohibi­ tion State, refuse to be duped by their pretenses, and decline to follow tbem In a course clearly hurtful to the cause they pretend to serve. Tbe men who have been crying "Kill tbe Republican party1* can learn from the returns that they have taken tbe right course to kill the Prohibition party, and that nine teen-twentieths of the Prohibi­ tion voters see tbe fast. Messrs. Dow and St. John appealed this year to 70.783 voters who carried tbo Prohibi­ tion amendment In September 1884. with only 23.811 yotes opposed to It. Oat of tbe 70,000 they appear to have •bout 3.600 to support their warfare •gainst the Republican party. It Is personally humiliating to them, be eaoM tbey hava boasted loudly, dis played a vicious temper, and called all tbe world to witness their destruction •f tbe Republican organization. Tbe •ad la that the Republican party pre and by a larger majority than le •Mai In other than Presidential years. This does not mean that tbe voters •f Maine abandon prohibition It •Mans tbat they reject, a* really hostile to prohibition, the methods choaen by pretended I'robiblttonlsta. It does sot mean that the 70 900 voters of Maine approve a practical nullification of prohibitory staiutea, -Ov fife ton trary^ifofAn^ tuey rebuke Neal Dow for Me unwarranted assertiou tbat tfaoat statutes are practically nullified It does aot mean that real friends ot temperanoe *n Maine care little for the cause; but they s«»e the surest way to defeat it la to make it a paid all* Of tbe ram selling party. The decision of the prohibitionists In Maine Is like IjT to have far-reaching influence in Otter States, It shows that there. Wfcem tbe practical bnefits of prohlb itory legislation have been longest tried and are beat known, an attempt to pat prohibition In antagonism to tbo Republican party results in a low of alneteen.twentietbs of tbe Probibi Hon voters. It leaves a pitiful minor Ity pretending to represent that cause. Inateadof tbe overwhelming majority of three to one by which the amend meat was carried two years ago. If tbe sincere Prohibitionist of New York. New Jersey, and other States git* this lesson tbe attention itde servos, they will pot an end to third party movements which have no other object than to aid tbe Democratic party at the expense of the temper «•» ««**• They will relegate Mr. St. '£iphip ftfid other hired emlssarlea to the nflfNjliliy of the ram-sell® r® whose *nd make it clear as «RfM|(hltl»«t honest Prohibitionists few* intend to begin by putting Into power. Nearly all the wbo believe In prohibl I Will be governed by the assurance Uteycan not help that cause by lag their convictions ^aestions, or by patting tbe Sueeassftjl Exhibition, And financially a success though tbe best day, Thursday. loat >n account of the rain. Yet where is the man, woman or ohild who regrets the groat exhibition of 1886, which stands fore­ most as the greatest County Fair in tbe west. A dlamon) to each family and a bright Inheritance to comini; generations who resume the responsi­ bility of maintaining the faqae of MoSenry Co. Ag'l Exhibition. Have we disappointed any, only In one thing viz: tbe attendance of Bon. Sam,l Rtndall, and each one who has read the papers for twenty days past ought to know why. Yet there may he some who are hot posted, hence the following letter will explain all. Paolk, Penn., Sept. 11, 1886, VT Dka« Sib,--I am still in mv bed and un­ able t*> move. I write this with sorrow to Buy tbat yon can give up all expectation of mr reaching you on the 17th inst. My two phyaieiins ao not expect me to be out of HIT •Mat that time, I can remedy the matter at another yasr, it is true, but'lain disappointed heyon! measure Nor can I hear from Mr. McAdoo, al'.nough I have written him and telegraphed him, I can suppiv his transpor­ tation. Express my deep regrets to friends. Vours Truly. A. S, WRIGHT, ESQ. SAMU'L J. RAND*LI, So much for the disappointment of Mr, Randall. We gave you tbe wed- dii g as advertled and tbe finest show of stock, garden products, fancy articles. agricultural Implements, speed horses, in fact every thing Which goes to make up a great Fair. As Its Secretary I am overwhelmed with gratitude for the nagnificent assist­ ance you have given the management of the Society, in tbe great success the Fair of 1886 has sustained, and no doubt you are proud of it. It shows we baye a county which stands foremost as the greatest agricultural center in the world. So much for tbe good name of the Fair. Now let us publicly thank those who gave their time and ex­ hibits to make the Fair what it was. So many who have labored night and day in trimming the hall and award­ ing tbe many details necessary to have everything i«i shape to mee t the expectation of tbe thousands who come to see. The man age me it are under many obligations and wish them long life and happiness, too much credit cannot be given you. rioie will not permit at this time to express all we would say In this mat­ ter. In conclusion let me say person­ ally the people of McHenry Co. done nobly In turning out as th^y did through rain and mud, in making the Fair what It was a grand success. You have tbe beat Fair In the world. Jo not let It go backward, whoever may be called to the rudder next year, give him or them still greater assis­ tance, let this Fair be a theme at every fireside and educate your children to •ustain Its progress. It will oay all. It has become national, let it continue to be, and though It baa bean a great Fair let us all believe It Is only tbe morning opening to future greatness Thanks to all wbo helped this season. It has been hard work and not for wealth. We are satisfied and feel amply rewarded for what we have done to plaoe McHenry Co. where she is the foremost Agricultural one in tbe world* A. 8. I^i. •t laast aa* halt ata trwsbted1 «rlth *0me ateotloa of tbe Throat and Lttagt, as those 00mplaint* are. aooordln* to eta* tlatloa, more numerous 'ban others We would advise all aot to neglect tbe opportunity to call and get a bottle orKemp's Balsam for tit-1 Throat and Lungs. Price 80c sad flOi. Trial sis* free. Respectfully, Geo W. Bkslet. For Sale. The undersigned offers for sale his resldenoe, and two aeres of land! sltua ted In the village or RIngwood. Is well located. In good repair and on the premises are all kinda of small fruit, all In a healthy and bearing oondltion. It Is, with all a very desirable pleoe of property. Qood barn and outbuildings For terms and other particulars oall oa the undersigned on tbe premises. WM. LAK&BjUC, RIngwood, March 9th. 1886.' '* Before you insure, set terms for Fire, Lightning, and Tornado insurance, m the Phoenix, of Brooklyn, or German, of Free- port, ol Bonslett & Stoffel, Agents. BEST ON EARTH. LUNCH Gilles' Block, McHenry, Is the only place in the county where you can get m Gemini Hone Fresh from the oven every day. Boss, Rolls, Fried Cakes, Do you entertain company? Call on bim for your fine (Jakes, cheaper than you can make them, yourself and save the trouolc. _ FARMER Should leave town without a cup ot his delicious Coffee, or a j'ate of Oysters. It will do you goo<l and make }ou good natured when you get home.' Locke's Home Bakery UcHEN&Y, ILL, Aorora Boreal!* Poetically speaking, Aurora le tbe goddess of tbe morning, who opens tbe gates of light, but in our ordinary language we almost always employ the term Is a special and restricted sense. In plsces far north, as Sweden. Lapland, Greenland and Sibera, the Aurora is singularly grand, and even terrific. It frequently occupies the whole heavens, and is so brilliant that It eclipses tbe splendor of tbe stars and the planets and tbe mooa. A more beautiful spectacle cannot be painted; but whoever should «ee such northern light for the first time could not behold in without terror, for, however brilliant the iili^ination may be' it is attended, acrordlng to he testimony of Mrs. £.'A. George, of Barre, Vt.. who has .used one package of Piso's Remedy jfor Catarrh, says in a letter daf d March 16,1886, that It Is tbe first remedy, and abe has tried many, tbat has been of any benefit to her. " many witnesses, with a biasing, crack- Ing, rushing noise, which resembles the discharge of tbe largest fireworks. The hunters who pursue tbe white and and blue foxes on the confines of tbe Icy sea, are frequently overtaken by th»se northern lights, and their dogs are then so mucji frightened tbat tbey will not move, but lie obstinately on the groand till tbo noise bss passed. Respecting the cause of this beauti­ ful phenomenon, a great variety of theories Lave been proposed, but the most scientific authorities now assume tbat tbe Aurora Is in some way con­ nected electricity, and magnetism but in what manner no one ventures to decide. Whatever it is, it must be purely earthly phenomenon, as the belghth of its arch or columns, aa the case may be, is seldom mora than ninety miles above the earth's surface To nanya»» for tha sale of Nuraer ;eatlv e • ploy men t gui AMD EXPENSES Steal v e ploy men t AMD EXPEr~ •noe statiDg age. CHASE Roohaatar, (Refer te this Paper) ?|f • 1 1 A Sanalble Man. Would use 'Kemp's Balsam for tha Throat and Lung*. It Is curing more cases of Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bron­ chitis. Croup and all Throat and Lung Troubles, than any other medicine The proprietor has authorized Geo. W Besley to refund your money If after taking three-fourths of a bottle relief Is not obtained. Price OOo and #1 Trial size free. New Tea of finest quality picked last May only 50 cents per pot Fltzsimmons & Evanwn's. If yon want to leans how to Paint call at your Buggy for One Dollar, c r H . r* S M f i N fSVANTEIX >err Stock! uaranteed. SALARY PAID. Apply at BROS. N. y. POULTRY* W. PRA WAUCOMDA, ILL, for sale old and young itock. of ths following breeds, ot thorough bred Po ltry, which 1 will aell tor oce half the usual pries Black B. R. Games, Blue G-amea, black Tarter Games, Jlack Cochins, Langshans, Wv- andotts, Gold Lace Sebright Bantams, Light Brahams, R. (;. 3. Leghorns, 1 Wild Turkey Gobbler, 5C Pekiu Ducks, !GE0. W. PRATT, Wauconda. T H E UNIVERSAL FAMILY SCALE n AM INDISPENSABLE ImsiM trim. wai iMt a UfetiaMt am* ate, no weights f lesa* always rsady, sasQr • deratood, ooeopf * space and Is the Son won IB Paoe luraiunt Cnotua L S. SPENCER'S SONS, CU1LFOHP, CONN. uitYS HAKDYjTjWEUaf. NO STOVE COMPLETE WITHOUT ONE. Light and Strong, or­ namental and durable, and exceedingly uaeful in warming dishes, etc.1 FiTi Mr SIZE Fire. "asiWyirtsaif: L 8. SPENCER'S SONL GUILFORD, CONIf" Highest Market Price for Butter and Eggs. It MAKE MONEY I We want Agents, tooth ladtes a ad rentla. men. to sell our Standard Works. Gift Books Family Bibles and Album* Prerloos tTimr' isn- e unnerefMrr. Positions worth firm* •1800tottOOO J»m yaar. Nowlsthetlae to commence. Dor' IS: < wjmmz *- - ' Is IBeing Inaugurated Clothing, Boots sad Shoos, Eats sad Caps, Qrecotios, etc, er shown in this place, to which the attention of Are respdctfiilly fHttted. solicit the Cash paying trade ONLY, and to such we offer extra inducements. in on or before November j 20th, and must be raised in • Lake or McHenry Coun ties. % West McHenry, Illinis say to tne .Buying Public if you wish to see a| fine new stock bt Goods, he has them. or winner Woil Robe worth $20* Silk Dress Pattern, as * , . . . ~ • . " _ ^ choose. may BoNSI<E!TV General m a Merchants. "We»t McHenry, We will be prepared to how a brand new stock ot nil Hisses (Ms. IMMENSE Variety] for All Ages. And All Sizes. Now in stock and ready for inspection. W e are hound to offer the irgest and Best -STOCK Of- Ever carried in this Town belore, and makes price: A BEAUTIFUL LINE OP A pair of all wool Blankets worth $5.00. --OUR FALL AND WINTER STOCK OF- OLOTHIN6. Is now here and ready for inspection. Call «nd see it, GLOVE Of ill Grades. Ladies, Misses and childrens Underwear in White, •Scarlet and Camels Hair. Lap Kobe* and Horse Hlankets in great VMri«ty and from the cheapest to the best. Men&sba W len Mills Flannels and t§, ? Appleton Yarns ai^d Zephyrs, and in short everything usually found in a General Store. I GROCERIES! GROCERIES | 11 lbs. Good Coff ee. $1.00. Good Tea Good Flour 1.00 1. • ' pair »eiz ^ Schwab's best Shoes or bolt ot Cotton Cloth worth $3.00. above Premiums are for the five largest ears ot Corn, the test being their weight when seasoned.

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