Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Sep 1886, p. 5

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WEDNESDAY. *«PT. 29. 1886. - Railroad Time Table. On find After Monday, Jane IMTnlai will $asa McHenry station ti below: soma soirTtt. lAke ttsneva Passenger 7-M A. * tl4keoco«ra Kzpwu >v>.tA " Jtarice Geneva Freight tt:«5 r. M t*ke Genera Passenger .4. 8:98 •« OOIifO WORTH. >k« Geneva Freight 911 A. • \e Geneva Passenger . ....... 10:«0 • e toneva Express..... 4:18p. M. uaae Geneva Passencer 8:67 * Stops only to leave Passenger*. B. BUM uffi Agent. MeHenrv. Ill NOTICE. •- Havfog announced myself i oandl- ; ,v:. data for the office of County Treasurer, hope my friends will give me their Support, THOS. MO. D, BaOBAXDS. Woodstock, Sept., 9th, 1888. : jf CIRCUIT COUKT is I a session it f Woodstock this week. Judge Kellum A presiding. ' FRANK QUIOLET WU kicked quite severely by one of his horses on Mon­ day. JOHN BIMM lias bought the old Brick Yard property, near the river and if •recting a dwelling thereon. Miss. ELLEN GRACET will, accept Mr thanks for a very handsome Boquet. left on onr table. Jr NICK WINKLES has purchased a lot I of O. B. Curtis, opposite the Cemetery, land is building a residence thereon REMEMBER the Oratorio of "Esther*' Is for the benefit of the McHenry Musical Union, therefore let all torn Out and patronize home talent. T WE understand that after this week /the Steamboats will only make three (trips a week to the Lakes unless bj upeclal arrangements. SECURE your Reserve Seats forth' Oratorio of "Esther," at Colby's Store, where a Diagram of the Hall can b« teuo. THE case of James Templeton, who •hot Vollmann near Huntl-y, come* before the Qrand Jury at Woodstock this week. REMEMBER the Orand Oratorio o» Queen Esther, at RiversMe Hall, o> Friday and Saturday evenings next. Oct. 1st and 2d. AH exchange breaks forth In the fol lowing plaintive melody: "••The mel ancholy-days have come, the driest of the year, when thlrstv voters haunt taloons and candidates buy beer." TH^E RiNIJwood Dramatic Club are 'bard at work, on a play whici will b« ^tven at that place NEXT. yeek.*\ Look out ftfrsmaTTBTn* and further notice of it In these columns next week. IF you are In doubt as to whethei or no advertising pays, just try if hold your own eating green peas with a two-tined fork when everybody elst- ip using a spoon. / REV. AMD MRS. BRONNINO went to / Chicago on Tuesday tb attend th« I Unlversalist State Convention, 10 1 companied by. Mr. Loiiis Waite and \ Mrs. Carpenter, as delegates from tht \Socinty here. MRS. H L. ROUNDS <ias removed ber Dress Making Rooms from Lawlus' Block to the residence formerly occu pied by Albany Frett, south of the Red Bridge, where her customers can hereafter find ber. A lady writes: "I have used Ayer'f Sarsapaillla in my family for mam years, and eould not keep house with out it. For the relief of the paint- consequent upon female we*knessan<i Irregularities', I tousider it without an equal." THE next Sunday evening's lecture sermon at the Unlversalist Church wilt be upon the subject of "Morals ami Religion: What is the difference? TH» large attendance last Sunday nigh' showed a growing interest in the** special subjects. Communion service next Sunday morning. MIND and body alike suffer front sluggish action of the bloo»l, the resul of dlspepsla or blliousoess. Ayer'r Fills stir ops the liver, excite lb* stomach and bowels to activity, opei the pores, and insure that health 01 body which is lndlapenslb le to mentat •igor. THE Ladles Willing Workers Socle* ty, connected with the Universalis Church, will meet at the residence or Mrs. Dr. H. T. Brown, on Thursday afternoon, the 23d. A general atten­ dance is earnestly requested. Mas J. B. FEKBT, President. MlSS GSACX OWBN, Secretary. THE Mutual Reserve Fund Llf<* Association have just opened an offta in Paris, France, and London, England. This company is daily becoming more popular among the people, and th» time Is not far distant when Its banner will be raised In every quarter of the globe. IT seems to be the general oplniou that there is no plaoe for a lazy man in the universe. The devil don't want him, and he Is too tired to join the hallelujah oborus of heaven, or play hi.' harp. He would want the Lord to furnish him a music box and angels to wind It up, and then he would go to sleep before it played through the first tune. To persons wishing to attend the Exposition held at Chicago, 111., from Sept. 1st to Oct. 16th, 1886, we will sell round trip excursion tickets the fol lowing days, at *2.25, which Includes admission to the Exposi tion, . Sept. 1 and 4, food to return aatil Sept. S. "21, S3, 96, v" " " " 87 " 88,^001*% « * " Oct. 4 Oet 6, 6, 9, , « - W « - «« a H ^ ^ M, -** * "is rf WALLA Monr commenoed sahool at Nuuda this week. MRS. A. O. LOOKS, spent Sunday with friends in Algonquin. MRS MART MURPHY has gone to Minnesota to visit friends for a few weeks. P. D. SMITH, of Leonardsville, Kansas, was calling on friends here this week. JOHN I, STPRT and Wilis spent- Sun­ day and Monday with friends (in Chicago, • " C. W. SLAPTER and family returned from Rochester, Minnesota, en Tues­ day. QUEEN ESTHER, will be at Riveislde Hall on Friday aud Saturday evenings of this week. CHARLEY GOING haa accepted a situ ation In a Wholesale House in Chicago, and commenoed work last week. MRS. R, STEBBINS, who Is now stop ping at tienoa Junction, Wig,, wan calling on friends here on Saturday, HAM AN. Chief Prince, AND/ wife Zerlsb. will receive callers at Riverside Hall, on Friday and Saturday eye nings. , ' JOHN A. DUFIELD, editor,of the Woodstock Democrat, was a caller at our sanctum on Tuesday. MRS. J W. SMITH, nee Mattle VcOmber, accompanied by her Lav- band, is Visiting with friends In this village. MORDEOAI 'vthe Jew." will be happy to meet all his friends at RiversId- Hall on Friday and Saturday evening* next. MARRIKD.--At the residence of the bride In Premont, Lake County, 111., Sept. 25M. •886, by Rev. T. R, Satterfl'eid, of Wnuconda, tssUted by Rev . W. Uross. of Libertyville, Mr deotge G lynch and Mrs, M«ry P. hotilea Both the bride and groom are na­ tives of Lake County and belong t< ••ighly respectable families, who were •he first settlers of this locality. There were many * nests present to witnes*- ">e union of hearts and lives and manv rood wishes were expressed for their present and future happluess. COM. THE trotting Stadlon, "George O.' '•as been doing some fine work at th« Fairs this Fall, and for a colt of hi •gels indeed showing a'whirlwind rate. At Marengo he trotted in th< Free for all against "Sorrel Ned." » lorse with a record of 2:23. and took he third heat In 2:30.*wlnnlng second noney' lapping ',Sorrel Ned" lo in one •eat in 2:28. He now has a- record 01 JjSO" and he has made them all tro vherever he has been. THE Crystal Lake and Nunda Unioi hool. under the direction or fro! North and his able assistants, is fast becoming one of the most popuNi «chools In the county. They have one •f the finest school buildings in thi» •art of the State And the Director* ••pare no pains or expense In securing 'eachers that will keep their school I., the front rank. Prof. North is a gradu ate and a teacher of large experience. *hose whole soul lc> In his work. Th» people of Crystal Lake and Nunda art co be congratulated on their excellent «chool. THE rehearsing for the Oratorio o» "Esther, the Beautiful Queen," is pro gressSn^ favorably, and it will b« •trought out it Riverside Hall on Fri­ day and Saturday evenings of this week. The chorus of fifty voices, uu ler direction of Prof. W. P. Dantorth nas been rehearsing during the pasi three weeks, and no pains or expend has been spared to make ii a credit t«' til. The Costumes and Stage Para­ phernalia are all new and most beauti­ ful, and we confidently predict an en­ tertainment that will te highly pleas­ ing to all who attend. Remember tin day and date, Friday and Saturday venings, Oct. 1st and 2d, at Riverside Hall. Prohibition!" exclaimed tb* veteran democratic wirepuller with 'ubicund nose and breath that reoalle* he rye fie Ids ot Kentucky. "Prohlbi- • loo?" our party will work for it,sir- work for all it's worth. The state need" it so does tbe Nation. }t'sth<- oest thing that ever turned up since Tweed's time," Pressed for an ex planatlon the old man continued "Twill knock the Republican vot* tndwlse. All Prohibitionists are hlgt uoral cranks; therefore they're at •Republicans, Put them In a party h.« themselves and we won't poll 10U> votes less in the state, while the Re publicaus won't dare to bet one to te> »n their own chances. Suppose Si John badu't run fur Presid nt, whert would the democrats be nowf Out ii. t lie cold sir. We only carried the star« hy about one thousand votes, but ii it liandn't been for the 25,000 Repub 'leans that voted for St. John we'd •ave lost by a big majority."--New York Htrald. I^TGeronlmo Hal nee is again 00 the warpath, »ut this time with a creatly reduced band ot bucks at his heels. The Democrats of the Eighth Senatorial District seem to be some­ what tired of playing the Apache role for that man's personal pleasure and profit. Lake, MeHenry and Boone Counties are so strongly Republican ^nat the democrsts there have hitherto accepted any leadership wntcli prom­ ised an antl-Republlcan Representa­ tive; but at last a revolt hiscome. The trick by which the seinblanoe of a regular nomination was secured was such a trwi parent fraud that the more reputable democrats must plump their votes for the bona-flde Democratic candidate. If necessary the Republi­ cans should come to the rescue. Cer­ tainly the State of Illinois should be saved the humiliation of any more Halneslsm at Springfield.--CAicq?0 Tribune* Remember the tact that W. H. Dwigbt will not be u idersold by any tome 1* Woodstock or Mettaai^^gk flU^Tbe army of claimants who ah nu»lly march Into Congress will have at least one new recruit next winter. A. N. Wilson, who was recently re­ moved from the postmastershlp of Savannah, Ga., because he was an often slve partisan, deules the authority o{ the President to remove him, and an nounces bis Intention to take his case Into the Court ot Claims. He base» his claim on the Constitution of the United States, and Intends to sue the Government for salary, which will not be due until the lattes part of Jannary 1889, the date of the expiration of hie commission bad he been permltMd to remain undisturbed In office. as*The English astronomer. R.1A Procter, in an article contrluuted to a St. Louis papar, entitled "Mr. Wig gins' I'rophecy" says: "It appears to me shameful that any man, even though be be not a student of science and therefofe not fully aware of the mischief (he is doing, should spread abroad predictions of coming disaster insucb6ort that foolish fq}k are like- ly to he disturbed and terrified. Mr Wiggins, a half-educated and wholly unscientific employee of the meteoro­ logical office in Ottowa, has lonjj£ en­ deavored to acquire a cheap reputation by weather predictions of a kind which of itself aesurea the student of science that the Weather prophet is utterly ignorant or exceedingly knavish." SOCIAL DANCE. At Kick Pltson's, Pistaqua Lake, Wednesday Evening. Oct. 6th. 1886. Good Music in attendance. Tickets. SO cents. All are conUally invited. PITSOIT ft OOUTHAH, Proprietors. t0"C. Dickinson & Soo. Barrington ills., are daily receiving testimonial*- • rom all over the United States in lavorof their celebrated cow prescrlp 'ion. Milk fev^r is a ihing of the paw <where this medicine ii* used. Never was a case of it known where thi* uedlclne was given soon after calving It will also increase the flow of milk for sale by all <iru£<l"t* and P. AUCTION T»ALK. if i'he underslgced will sell af PublW Auction, at his renbleoCe, in Joiu.s- Mirjfh on Thursda*September 30>l« 1886. commenuing at 10 o'clock A. M lie toll.twmg property: 1 florae, tou' ears old, 1 I' -p Buggv, aliliostnew; 2 Single ilarnesHes; 1 Oultlvttor; 1 Pair. Drags; 1 Plow; 60 Bushels 01 >ate; 50 Kubheis of old Corn; -iii-l •(tier articles too nuinerous to ineo ion. njTANo my house and four >cras of land. i'EUMS.--All suras of ito aud under, 'ash. Over that sum a credit ot On* Year wil be given oft approved Note* >t 7 percent interest, t wo per.oem •ti for cash. TerinK on hou*H aud lan<i •ue iiatr c*8h aud balauce on time to uUjiurcitaaer^-- -- P. K. GRANGER, JACOB ROf HERMBL. Auctioneer. AUC1 ION »ALEw The undersigned will sell at Public Vuctlon, in the Village of Nunda, III., •n Saturday, October 2d. 18S6, coin nencing at 10 o'clock A, M., his Kntir. Uvery Stock, consisting of Horses. Vehicles of all kinds. Cutters, B >b». laruesseg. Kobes, Ac. Also one Uum- DiiiHtion Billiard and Pool Table Com­ plete, one Large Mirror, Glass-War-. t..d other Bar Tools, as wel- as some douse hold Goods. TERMS --910 and under. Cash. Over HO.Oue Years time on approved Notei- Irawing 7 per cent interest. Two pn ceut ofl tor Cash. No property to be removed until settled for. I am authorized to sell at the same Ime the place ki.Oivn here as theSonn nischein property. Will divide It in wo or three parts to suit. TKKMS.» One half Cash. On the •alance t'me will be given to suit purchasers, at 6 per cent interest. A. SONNEXSCUEIN. J. A. SHERWOOD, Auctioneer. PCBLlo AUCTION The subscriber will sell at Publlt- Auction, on the James Lohan Farm, tear C.ol. Liplncott's Fox Lake Resort md one mile vVe<it of the Gavin sich'iol Mouse, on 1'uesdiv, October 5th, 1886 he following described property: 8 Jooil Cows, 4 Heifers, t vo years old Yearlings. 4 i-'alves, 1 span Maret ix years old, 1 Mare in foil. 1 Colt *0 years old, I Colt one year old. 1 ucking Colt, sired by 'George O." 150 sheep, 9 Fat Hogs, 24 Piga. I lum­ ber Wagon, 1 three geared Platform spring Watfou, 1 Top Buggy, 1 Reap r, 1 Mower nearly new. 1 Seed«r, 1 •'low, 1 Drag, 1 Horse Hake, I Cull I valor, 1 Hay K'Ck, I Sleigu, 1 Grind- •tone, One set Driving Harness, ham .*ollars, 1 set Driving tiarnes*, brea>< •olltrs, I set '^ork Harness, 500 bush, {uod Ear Corn, 500 bushels Oats, I'OIIS lame Hav. 30 Tons Wild Hay I Straw Slack, 16 Acres Corn Stalks >nd other art.ciea not mentioued, Sale will absolutely begin at 11 •'clock. Frne Lunch at Noon, Every •Mtdy Come e.riy. i'he larm will b •flered tor rent for o-ie or 1 inrm 01 • ears. Sale absolute aod without re- •ifive TKRMS--110 and under. Cash. Ove» liai suiu Oi.e Years lime on approved .Votes drawing 6 per ceut interest. 2 («er ouut oil for cash. ROBERT O'BORLB, P, K. QRAWOBR. Anntioneer. AUCTION SALE. Th« undersigned will sell at Public Auction, on the farm of Stephen Ward four miles southwest of McHenry on lie Woo'stock road, ou Thursday October 7ih, 1886. commencing at 12 •/clock M., the following prop-r y: 8 ^ood Cows, all coming in soon, 2 ileit­ is coming three, coming In soon, 2 teers, coming three. 3 yearling Steer* 3 yearling Hellers. 1 yearling Bull, 4 -pring Calves; 1 Colt, coming three. 1 Work Horse, 1 set light Double Har ness, 1-2 set heavy Harness, 1 Top Buggj. 1 Clipper Feed Mill, I eight norse Climax Uorse Power, 1 Cider Mill. 1 Corn Sheller, 1 Corn Cultivator. 2 Plows, 1 large Harrow, 1 set- Counter scdes, 1 Cross Cut Saw, 1 McCorinick Iron Mower, nearly new, 20 tons Tim othy Hay in Stack, 25 tons ol Slough Hay, part in barn. 20 bushel* Oats, 18 acres Corn in shock, 1 -tack of "Hraw. some Household Furniture, and other articles too numerous to men­ tion. FARM FOR RENT.--The undersigned wishes to rent her farm, consisting of 80 acres, situated 3} sou hwest of Mc Henry. Inquire on the premises. MRS. MARV BEADING. TERMS.--810 and under, Cash. Over that sum one years time on approved Notes drawing 7 per cent Interest.-- Two per cent oil for cash. No property to bo removed until settled for. Free Lunch at Noon. ^ „ JOHN WARD. * ft. QBAaORVAitetteaeer. HBBIIOII.. EDITOR PLAIN DEALER: •-- f|«ory Rowe has bean quit j sick. Johnnie Pierce will g# to Aurora soon to attend school. A number in town have been afflicted with rheumatism. Misses Nettle Ehle and Anna Archi­ bald returned to Elgin last week. MI'S Madge Merry will teach the Fall aud Winter term of school in the Stewart district. Mr, Zenas Pierce, from Western New York State, Is making his brother Lyman a pleasant visit. Wray Rowe returned last week from Minnesota, where he has spent the summer. Mrs, Ellen Pierce and Miss Jennie Giddlngs drove over to Marengo on Friday to yisl| ;R friend, returning Sunday, It is said whitt the new Drug Store is completed, Mrs, O. Dart, with her new and elegant stock of Millinery Goods, will occupy tbe building vacat­ ed by M. W. Merry. Remember the dance at Rowe's Hall, on Friday eveniug or this week. Good Music in attendance. Mr*. 1, W. Webster has been quite «iok with quinsy. Miss Ltbble Lee took charge of her little school, Mary Brigham taking Miss Lee s plaoe. Mrs. Hookstadt recovers bat slowly • rom s severe attack of typhoid fever. Willie Giddings will commence his first term of school soon, as teacher lb the "little red school house." George Boughton will do the same in a district over in Alden.^ We wish them both success. MARRIRD.--At Geneva Lake, Sunday September 26, 1886, Elmer Button, ot febron to Miss Grace Darrow ot Geuoa Junction. Mr, John Petttbone Is having a fine drug store erected on Maiu Street, d. W. Merry will be its occupant t'bere will be a hall above to be reuted for soma purpose. School has been divided, Dr. E. O Gratton's offioe rented and Mrs. J. W Webster hired to teach the primary scholars. This Is causing some ooui uotlou among the patrons who are ot . lie general opinion that the school iouse was built for the district and** tie room Is insufficient for foreign scholars, the first place shoul J be given he district scholars. Onrrsnotss BT "FLOSSIE." Tenia Alfs Is on a visit up at Lyons. Alyda Buchanan will teach .la the Stone School. Mrs, Oscar Glbbs is down to Palatine visiting. Mason Thomas Is building a new barn. Mrs. Martha. E*ans is np at Harvard visiting. Mrs, Spencer Cotting Is entertain* ing a niece. Fred Dyke does not clerk In Hairs store any more. Did someone whisper thai «f will have a new Brass Band f Mrs. Fuller and Mrs. Weeks returned from Chicago Satnrdav night. Mrs. Frank Robinson has returned to her home at Danville. III. Mrs. John McConnel and ohlldren have returned from their Ohio visit. An infant child of Harrison Wlng*» was buried Sunday at Mound Prairie. Didn't some one remark that Genoa Junction Is to have a newspaper of its own? AL<20*N#«#M. EDITOR I'LAIND&ALKR 4NWther l>unn really to »k UIIIO himself m tetter-half on Thu^day of ian week. We expect the brother Mphappv. rhey represent the feuder ages at 75 md 73. Joseph Mattas has purchased the iinith place, known as tbe old EnrHe place. Consideration 92000. V. E. Puilp. with uis wife and ciaild, of HcPuersou. KUMAS, are visit- »g here with lelatives and frleuds. We are sorry to record the death 01 Mrs, Edward Morton, Sr, who dieu >u Weduesday of Just week. Mxs M. ias beeu a'great sufler for the pasi dire years. The funeral services wer«- coiiducted»by Dr. Cleveland, of Dun dee. at tbe St. Johns Episcopal Jhurch, of this place, of which she hac oeeu a member for a number of years. She leave4 a bereaved husband, two 4on« and two daughters, besides a large circle of frleuds to mourn her loss. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wood, of Edwardvllle, Wis. were the guests of J. A. Sherwood on Friday of last week. The Excelsior L'terary Club had their first meeting on Friday eveaing if last week. The literary was well attended and a good programme wu well rendered, Mrs. A. G. Locke, of McHenry, was tbe guest of the Helm aod Petei lamilies over aunday. t). T. Helm and F. D. Coltrin spent Suuday last in Algonquin. Heury Benthusen !• having an arte­ sian well put in by tbe Algonquin Artesian Well Co. Jos. Philp Jr. intends moving into lis new residence tnls week. He has one of the finest places in town. . Particular Notlaa, Notlca Is hereby given by the un- lersigued. Commissioners of High­ ways of the Town of McHenry, thai he discharging of Guos, Pistols, an) Kind of firearuis. on or from the Iron Bridge, In the village of McHenry, t* •tirictiy prohibited, aud any person 01 persons hereafter convicted o: the act <viil be puuisbed to the fuli extent ot •t the law. JOBN a BELL, ALI.EN P. OOLBT, OASlOit ADA S. M* CointniMloners, From Monday Oct. 4,1886, till March Ut, 1887, iuv store will be closed a< t» < cl»ca P, M, except Saturday eveu- logs, wheu we will close at Dp. M. HENUY OOLUT. Smith's Qjtngj Upeoiflo Has oever faded. Used and re coin neuded by physicUus. Be prepared lor a sudden tttaok; this remedy will »vert if Seea lv't. Blegant Dress aud Jersey Flannels at ' HEMRT COLBY'S. Rockford Flannels, best Jn tbe world, tar sale at BITZ9IMMON9 A E VANS ON. Ladles and Gents underwear, large assortment, very low prices for cash at FLTZSHIMONS & EVANSON, The largest line ot Clothing ever shown In McHenry, c in now be found at HKNRT COLBT'S. ..... .VV•. V. '• MRS. E. W HOWE IS now in the city buying her Fall Stock ot Millinery and wid, in a few days bo prepared to show to the ladies of McHenry and sur­ rounding country tbe finest line of stvli*h Fail Millinery ever brought to this town: Call aud see goods and learn prices before buying. tfO pounds of RIOA for $1 at FITZ-»IMKON3 4K EVAN40H. Bear in mind tbeiact that you can save lots of money In buying your Boots and Shoes at Dwight's Cash Store, Woodbtod&UL Mrs. Henry Voas.nee Sara Peterson, is, accompanied by ber husband, down from Dakota on a visit to old friends, and has spent a few days In Rlobmond The Hampton College Students' Con­ cert gave complete satisfaction and was considered above the average o> colored troupes, The audltooe was fair, only. There was a mu«loale at J. W. Hay thorn s Thursday night, given by the Young La'les Missionary Soolety.-- We did not attend but those who dM *eemed satisfied w'rh the programme In our last week's, mat which shoulr* have read Ms barb wire the cause of s« •nany lightning . fatalitlesf" the worr» tlchtnlng was omitted, and In the las Hue 'Dane" waa transformed Int •Dance." Of course we ground OIP eeth and shoved the blame onto th» «ypo. Everybody always does. Dear reader: It you and I live t# peruse this we will bo satisfied tha old Wiggins Is a fraud; a real gueasei without ground. And we will, with thankfulness, realise that this, ou 'leautiful country, has not been "de­ vastated as If by a threshing machine.' i^the^e United Stttes escape th« woeful predictions we hope the pre* will boycott the wicked Canadian an 'lenoaforth give him an Icy Invitation to retain bis prophesies on the othe* Hide of the line, which answers for n barb wire up at the top of our map.-- Anyway tbe timid, uervous people-- tnd they are many--will draw a breatl •t relief when September has finishes her days and closed her book. Sep member. How unlike herself she ha< •een. Eyidei.tly she has at »len a fev lavs from several of her sister months and twined them with her own, for w* have been given perfect days of all 'lescriptions. Days, whloh, at dawn and even' held before us scenes one could never forget, as memory seldon. psrts with these fleeting glimpses wr now and then have of expected para Nse. We have had. too, wild.storm* <»n«s, which led tbe ^ay for frosei dews that chilled the I.«Iy's heart.-- Ere another week October will begl* Iresslng nature In her grandest arra\ tnd paving tbe woodland palaces with gold, which will rustle the songs th* departing birds had echoed. Wha> could be fairer, sweeter than this, be- 'ore the year begins to die? Absolute ly nothing! Our Chicago Market Report. Prepared Expressly for the PLAIWDSALBR b> Oar Own Correspondent. CHiCAGO,~Sept, 27, 1886 Foreign markets quote grain easier nit Eastern markets rule steady. Th« market here Is rather unsettled bu' tctlve, and prices havt an upwsrf tendency. Outside orders for wheat ire scaroe; receipts of grain, are fair Fine weather reports and large estim* ed receipts for to-day caused weak •ess in corn. There Is very little in- lerest shown io Oats ar.d prices ate weak and some lower. Rve and Bar ley are dull and weak. Garden pro- luce Is In fair demand at go »d price* Dairy produois are firm. Cattle are I ooorer de nan-i than usual to-day at *• 'iecline of 10c p<tr 100 lbs. on accoun •f excessive offerlogs. Eastern stdp pers are buying a good many hogs just •ow, but tbe receipts are very heav* • nd th4 lemand Is not equal to ih« upply. and prices ate 5c lower. Tti«- teiuand for sheep Is active and price* tre steady. WINTER WHEAT--NO. 2 red 73074 So. 3 red 71. SPUING WHEAT--No. S 74Je; No 8 <7@69c; No. I hard (Minneapolis) 71 Vo. 1 hard (Dulurh market, 76. CORN--No. 2 37} c; No. 3 36} OAT8-NO. 2 2>O; No. 3 uysample 25(327C; Barley Oats. KYK--No. 2 by sa npie, 49. BAR LET--^o. 2 By sample 50060. TIMOTHY SEED--Poor to good, fljBS FLAX--No 1. #1.08. CLOVER--Poor to choice, 94.66. BUCK WU EAT , BEANS--Onol -e hand picked, FT.45 POTATOES--45@66e BUTTER--Creamery fancy 23 to 24c; dairy to choice 16018c; common grade |0@14. Eooa--Fresh Northern, 17c. CHEESE--Young America lie: full cream Cheddar 10; skimmed B@6c. ^POULTRY -- Chickens 8} Turkeys C ITTLE--Good to extra shippers S5.20@#5 40; fair to choice $4 40(S65.20; ifitninon to good •3.50^|f4.16; poor to medium 93.25(94.85; stockers fl.00<a $2,90; feeders f2.750f3.8O;Tex&ns «2.25 @#3 10. Hoas--Light weight 94.30@94.50 rough packing 94.SSO94.60; heavy packing and shipping 94 85 SHEEP--Common to choice #1.850 9412. WwM Y«u9slls«elt? That we are authorised by tbe pro- prietorof Kemp's Ssursaparlla to re­ fund the money to any one who hss taken three-fourths of a bottle with­ out relief? We are positive that no other proprietor has the oonfldencejn his medicine to do this, at le for en rlchlng, cleansing and purifying tbe Blood and toning up the system. Price 91.00. Call at our store. Respectfully, GEO. W. Bssutr. HOUSE AND LO T FOR SALE. For sale in the village of Algonquin, a large house and three lots.*" Plenty ot small fruit. Will be sold oheap if applied for soon. For further particu­ lars Inquire or, O, E. WILLIAMS, Dandea, I1L 4-3m. Boots and Shoes, an Immense stock - - Bfanc OOLKTS. iv, . • MRS. E. W. HOWE has removed her Millinery and Dress Making Rooms to r sldonco. two doors East of the Kelter Block, where she will be happy to meet her old customers and as many new ones as may see fit to call, Tbe latest styles of Millinery just reoelved Dress Making done promptly. Thtonimi lu In MoHeaty. As well as tlte handsomest, and others arq invited to call on Geo, W, 3etley and get free a trial bottle of Kemp's Balaam for the Throat and Lungs, a remedy that is selling en­ tirely upon Its merits and Is guar­ anteed to cure and relieve all Chronic and Acute Coughs, Asthma, Bronchit­ is and Consumption. Prioe 6G cents and 91. Extra fine roasted sofiee. 8 lbs. for 91 atFitzsimmons & Evansons. Good fine cut tobacco only 25c a lb, «t Bonslett A Stollers. Ladles Muslin Underwear, 69 eent* it Fitsslininous A Evansod's. Good smoking tobacco only SJc a lb.. «l Bouslett A Henft 'i's. Call and s> e our Perry A Owen**. flue new shoes a« Flannel, Rock>>»r.|. best In the world. U Fltzsiminons A Evanson's. CARPRi' WffiAiTING^ tlie undenlgnej Is prwpatitl •Veave Rag Carpets on short notlw »nd at Rea«o't«bie rates. Kesldeno> Block W»<st of Mie North-we» ••riser of the Public square. Order, especifuliy solicited, aud satlsfactloi uaranteed UEO. SCHUSTER. McHenry, Aug. Nth, IMS. Buy Warner's Magic and National Yeast at Bouslett A St.ofi«|'*( Good Mens ainr «, 25 cents at Flu immous A Evanion's. Po the fell »ws that nav aa than seller a superior article of Flour, iaah price 91,25. FITZSIMMONS A EVANSON. Look at the ouoiue Candies at Bes- »y'a Drug Store. West End, Middlings, Br »n, Salt and Oil vleal ia stock at Bonslett & >toffel's. The Sola celebrated hand mad< •loots and Shoes, and other standard ioods at Dwigiu's old reliable Cash •itore, Woodstock. III. Ladles and Gents flue Shoes a spec- a(iy at Dwlghrs. Wanted. IWInbleand energetic til kindd of n irsery goods. New and tardy varieties adtpted to the cli- nate. Business light and easlh earned. To successful men we eai >ay good salaries and ex tenses and five steady employment. First clas» •eferences required. Send for terms \ddress L* L. M%y, A Co,, Nurserymei Ht. Paul Miunesota, 17 pounds good, clean, whole rice, for tl.00 at Bonslett A Stoffel's. All gr des of Rickfnrd and St. Charles fl iur, 91.05 to <1.65, at Bouslett A 8tofiers« Good plug to banco only 25c a pound >i Bonslett A Hto f l f - I ' s This would be a comparatively happy world if everybody knew the virtues of SMITH'S BILE BEAN8 as a family medicine, and acted upon that know­ ledge. One half tbe misery of the world comes from awtttts which arise from a bad stomacl^^H^ad liver. C'hiefest unong thesai^^^BMPBia. !)ilio'usneas, tick bead^H^^Hfcygia. BILE S^H^^^^Kall of these, jesides Dow: Due Bean. BESLET s Liver HH but thing Seslev's Drig Store. 17 lbs. good, clean, wht 11.00 at Bonslett A HtofI d's. Call and see the fine line of Fal Vllllinery. at Mrs. H H Nichols. Our robber goods were bought be fre the advanoe, so we can sell cheap r than others. BONSLETT A SrorrEL. Jersey Caps. Plush Caps and Tohog {Ins. the latest thing out, at Mrs. H. H Nichols, 8ee our 92.99 Men's »hoes, lace or «nirress worth 96,00 at Bonslett A stoflei's. We have a few pair Men's low shoes. Elgin and Rockford, m«ke at extreme *y low prices f »r ca^h. Must b< soM A full line of Ladies Furnishing Goods, at Mrs. K. H, Nichols. Trunks and valises at Bonslett A Stofiel's, Te« Drtakers will find an extra fine Tea of u°*urpaiwed quality at riTZSIMMONS A E ANSON. We have the best school Shoe in the township, at reasonable prices for cash. FITZSIMMONS & EVANSON. To-Nightand To-Morrow Might. And each day and night during this week, you can find ai Geo. W. Besley's drug store Kemp's Suppositories, ac­ knowledged to be the most successful treatment yet introduced for the cure of piles. Old suderers from this die- stressing oompialnt are at one* re­ lieved and In a short time a perm ana it cure established. Check the diabase in ti ne by using the "most eftrotlve remedy. Price 50c. Send address for |«mplilet on piles. Box 295, Le Roy Rockford Carp tt Warps at Bo islett . Smith, W Everything In the Hardware bottom figures, at I.H. BowsV Celluloid Seu, cheaper Uiafi fore, at G. W. Besley's. West " Fine Scrap Books only 91J& at G. Besley's. West Side. Celluloid Combs, only 20 cents, at#| W. Besley's, West Side. 16 cases new Boots A Shoes Jtfst celved at Perry A Owen's. Fruits, Nuts and Candies, lai sortment In town, at Perry A Good Rockford Flour only 9tJV sack at Bonslett A Stofiel's. Best Smoking Tobacco at 90 cental pound at Perry A Owen's. Before yon Insure get terms Fire, Lightning and Tornado ranee, of Bonslett A Stoffel, West Henry, 111. Knowlton. Standard. Manny. _ Eureka. Crawford and New Wi Mowers at E. M. Owen A Son, prtce from 945 to 990. Laoe Curtains, Tidies, Lamboi Bedspreads and Shams, cheap, at Schumacher's, near the Depot. Fresh Rolled Oats at Bonslett Stofiel's. DOMESTIC Piano and Furniture Pol-1 Ish, the finest thing in the market, at ̂ Besley's Drug Store. Be«ley'8 Famtis Waakegto* Ale and Porter i On draught at J. Bonslett's, A. Ber : <len's and John Heimer's. Ir you want to make yoor Buggy ; rop look as good as new get the Na- Monal Patent Leather Ehamei st Besley's Drug Store. Mrs. Sohumaoher. Visits Chicago every week and will eke in your orders and furnish gooda •t tbe lowest Chicago prioes. BESLEY'S Ale and Porter Is tbe boat uade. On draught In McHenry at Jacob jonslett's, A. Engl en's, and John winter's. Jersey Waists, a tuil supply, which vHI be sold at lower prioes than any •ther store In McHenry. ' Una. M. 8CHPMACmsn. *?; Call for the "Winning Stroke'%anew' drand of fire cent Cigars, matiafaetur* •d by Barblan Bros. It beats them- dl. Carriages the beat of makes aod ully warranted for two years at E. M, Iweu A Son. Steel framed Plowa.and Minneapolia Hinders which by their work, have* •roven the best, are at S, M. Owen A <on. BREAD, Cakes and Pies at JLodfii lome Bakery, til lies'Block. Ladles Gloyes and Mitts at Perry A Owens'. Short Morn Bulls for Sato. The uuderslgned has for sale Firil dood Short Horn Bulls. Will bo sold •heap, Call on or address FRANK COLS. One mile East of Spring Gravy* Vprll 24,1886, EVERYBODY KNOWS That Henderson's Boots and Shoos tre tbe best. We sell lots of them.-- Perry A Owen's, Sole Agents, i House and Lot For Sale* , In the village of Ringwood. Goa« alns 10 Rooms. Also a Barn, Wood- 'bed aud other outbuildings, woll, dstern, etc., on the premises. With- n twenty rods of Depot. Good harden, Apple Trees, eic. Prioe •1000, For terms and other particu ars Inquire of WE8LEY LADD, Ringwood, March 6th, 1886. 84-6 montba. Some Poottsh People. lllow acou;h to run un .i itgetslbe .oiid the teach of medicine. Tbeyof en say Oh! it will wear away, but In nost cases it wears them away., ould they be Induoed to try the uccessful m>-dlclne called Kemp's da sam, which will sell on a positive :uarantee to cure, they would immedl- •telysee the excellent efiecr after tak> "••g the first dose. Price 50c and 91.00. Trial *lze free, at Geo. W. Besley's. •IcHenry. E. M. Owen A Son received seven ot be celebrated Eureka 6 aud 7 foot cot flowers one day la-it week. LSSI thsn a 60-Csnt Bottlo Curoa ̂ Bono Spavin. A, I II . May H 0M. U DICK • K i •v^r el -»p^vin,i Oickins . tian a fifty-cent bottle oooipiitait. mred the spavin. W. D. PARKS. SAVE A LH'LLAR. ^ Wo have had consigned to os by tbe narufact<«rer as an advertisement of heir work some extra fine genuine rampico i{oat Shoes for ladies wear, <uc«i aa h .v« been -old tor Three Dol- ars. We are Instructed to sell them «t Two Dollars. Buy a pair and save a dollar. PERRY A Owes. N, B. Every pair warranted. i Cash paying buyers are respectfully - Invited to c II at Fitnlinmons # - Evanson*« store at the West End, til c -xamlne a few articles ottered at bargains during this week. Tent for Sale. • good 10x12 Wall Tent, Good as new, never having been set up bat once. Will be sold cheap. Inquire at this office. Black Dress Goods and trimmings, and Fine Dress Silks at Perry A Owon. Notice. To those that want Tubs, Vat*, Hay Racks, and any thine in my Ine of bnsl- tess. Work done on short notioe to order. Shop one door South ot Law- *us' Store, A '.A. HEBAJEO. HeHeary, Aaf, Mb im. U44y 1; la So. That we are dally guaranteeing Kemp's Sarsaparlila to the people lo this way, that after taking three-fourths of a bottle without relief, we iUll refund the money. It is the greatest sad best remedy on the market for sing tbe blood and giving you a lease of life, A well-known bualnooi man informs us he has jplssA I pounds on two bottles of this "iriHIS rill a Price 91 00. For sale bf Besloy, MeHeary

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