Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Oct 1886, p. 1

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" Pledged but to Truth, to Liberty and Law; No Favors win us and no fear Shall Awe." 12. M'HENRY, ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1886. PBBIISHBD Irur WBDMBSOAT FR . _ V A N S X - T T K L L I S , - : EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. Office In Bishop's Blodk» •^CHRRBTLT* PBRBT A OWH'» ¥EKMS OF SUBSCfctPTIOW. >ie fear (to Advance) S1JS If Not Paid within Three Months *.00 ^iMcripttoa* received (or .three or six •oaths in the same proportion. „ Kates of Advertising. w« anneance liberal rates for advertising n the Pi.t mDSALKR, and endeavor to state Iheon so plainly that they will be readily un­ derstood. They are as follows: 1 Inch one year - - • • 55 | Inches one year . . - • 10 SO I Inches one year . - * *•.,?•. 1600 K Colamnone yea# •• I ***"/• * JOJO H Column one year* - / * 60 0ft Column one yeav - * 100 00 One inch means the measurement of one •eh down the column, single column width. Tearly advertisers, at the above rates, have the privilege of changing as often as they •hoose, without extra charge. Regular advertisers (meaning those having Standing cards) will be entitled to Insertion •f local notices at the rate of 5 cents per line each week. All others will be charged 10 eents per line the fi^st week, and 5 cents per line for each subsequent week. I Transient advertisements will be charged at the rate of 10 cents pe line, (nonpareil type, same as this is set in) the first issue, and Beents per line for subsequent issues. This, an Inch advertisement willoost #1.00 for one week, tl.BO for two weeks, $2.00 for three irevks, and so on. Ihe PuiwDMUB will be liberal In giving sd.torial notiees, but, as a business rule, it wtil require a suitable fee from everybody sacking the use of its columns for peeuniary gain. BUSINESS CARDS. BUSINESS CARDS. M r. ELLSWORTH, A TTORNEY at Law, and Solicitor in Chan) XV cery,i?nnda,ilL ASA W. SMITH, ATTOBNKT AT LAW and Bolioitor] la Chancery.--Woodstock, I1L ' 8. F. BENNETT, M. D. ; PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Also United States Examining Surgeon. Rlehmond, Illinois. MART G. BABBIAN. HAIR WORKER. AH kinds of Hair work done in flrst class style add at reasonable prices. Rooms st residence, north, east corner of Public Square, McHenry, I1L DR. C. E. WILLIAMS. ENTIST. Residence Dundee. Will be at McHenry, At Parker House, the 10th 1Kb ttth and 86th of oarh month. When dates ocenr Saturday or Sunday I make my visits on the following Monday, and the flrst day of such visit occurs on Friday, I will stay but one day. nM States far Claim Apcj OF WM. H. COWLIN, Woodstock,N - - Illinois. Prosecutes all classas and kinds of claims against the United States tor ex.Sold'.ers, their Widows, Dependent Relatives or Heirs. A. epecialtv is made in prosecuting old and rejected claims All communications promptly answered If Postage Stamps are enolosed for replv. WM, H. COWLm. Oflct at ResKlenoe, Madison St., Woodatoec, Illinois. T. BROWN, M. D. AND SURQEOH. PHYSICIAN Residence, McHenry, 111. Ofloe at a H. FEGERS, M. D- PHYSICIAN AND 3 URGE ON, MeHenry, Ills, Office at Residence. a J. HOWARD, M. D. •IHYSIOIAH AND SURGEON, McHenry, I 111. Offioe one door West of Fltssimmons A Branson's store, up Stairs. Attention Horsemen! I would call tho attentfion of i le public to my Stable of Stock iorses, four in nutuber: two Morgans, one 3-4Percheroii, and one Imported Horse. They are all good representatives of their jreed. Also a few Merino Sheep r sale. The public are cordially iinvited to call and examine stock, prices, etc. No business done on Sunday. N. S. COLBY. 10-7-tf MOHENRY.XLL BABBIAN BROS. 111. Or-DIGAR Manufacturers, McHenry, ders solicited. Shop, la Old MoHenry, in Keiter Block, third door west of Riverside - House. Livery Stable. K. WlGHTMAN, . Proprietor. ----- _ cImb rigs, with or wlthojit furnished at reasonable rates. •11 kinds done on short notice First rivers Teaming ot jgQBT SCHIESSLE Having purchased the old stand of Joseph Wiedemann, HEAR THE DEPOT* |loH£NBY, ILLINOIS, Keeps open tor the accommodation ;of the - " lea Firi Public i irst •Glass Saloon and Restaurant, Where will , • all times keep the|best s of, Liquors and Cigars be found in the mWltt. | V Also Agent For FRANZ FALK'S LAGER BEER. Beer in Large or Small Kegs or Bottles a], ways on hand, cheaper than Ray other^jjuah. |y considered. Orders by mall promptly attended te.. GOOD STABLING FOR HORSXS, : «VOall and see us. * Robert 8ohlMil!?« McHenry, IlL, Kay 15th, 1885. A. IW,, SALOON and BXSTAURAHT Buck's Old Stand, <* MoHBNRY, ILLINOIS. fpg Kentucky LiqpH Trench Bitter, -- McHenry Lager Beer, talks' Vilw&okN Bnt, -AND- J. By the Bottle or Cas«. We buy none but the best and fell at Reasonable Prices. Call and see me and I will we j ou well. ANTONY ENGELN. McHenry, III., 1886. Agents Wanted! fot TBI OBKAT «W BOOK, 'the World's Wondered »y J. W- BusL The most sneeesssul snbscrlption book ever •nbllshed. Over half a million eopi** were iota Iks ocut tight month*, and It is selling three fttmesas fast now as ever before. Regular canvassers clear from 115 to 935, #4# and ner dav. Nothing like it was ever known in {be history of book publishing. Pn- f* turnt to* on appUoation. So experience needed to faisure success/ We help persons without means to do a lsr<e business', no> capital need ad Write tor »particulars. Balaritt jtwto*- iMd to pertont who do not with to canvas* on eom- Bemn business, and want live uenteln every township. It will oost you nothing to write tor terms and full deserlp- was of onr plans of doing business. We also ™" - -•--» •--»•- '» «*rsons who send for our list mitrmm standaru books. _ W W*WM " "HISTOKKJAI. PCBLIBUIHQ CO Satavxu/ttandard books to Mrson •7name< ot book agents. Write •fflnsitaadaiu books. HISTORICAL PDBLISUI R * lU ̂ . Xfurvl atroet, ̂ t, Louis,ito. GOLD lilfc sts seeicsk tat flMw writ* a Stluw i Co.,Poitlaod, Malic,will recetn IkM, fUU tnforaiMlon about work which thsyesade, ud live at boaie,tbai will pay thaai ftoo) |A to 925 |wr d«y. Some h>v« samleveriBOhiedv- KMber tel. yoonc or old. Capital •ol reaalred. Tea are Matted fV««. Thoae«bo«tartatoecs •n a>wliW> sen «f (Bag UtUe faituaea. All U uwm. C. G. ANDREWS. GENERAL E. B. BENNETT, M. D., Lata House Surgeon Cook County Hospital, RiC^MOND, ILLINOIS, SpeciM attention fiven to rilfficnlt Snrgloal eases. DEUT&CII OESPKOCHJStr. Office at Residence of Dr. S. F. Bennett. SI for 13 Weeks. The POT,ICE GAZETTE will be mailed, securely wrapped, to any address In the United States for three months on receipt ofj ONE DOLLAR. IJberai discount allowed to postmasters, agents and clubs. Sample copies mailed free Address all orders to BICHABD X. FOX, FKAHKXIN SQUARE, New York. A. M. CHURCH, Watchmaker and Jeweler N°" IT c 55 FIFTH AVE., (Brifors House). Chi­ cago, 111. Special attention given tore- pairing Fine watches and Chronometers* 4^A Full Assortment of Goods in hls'llne JOBN J. WINKLES. CARPENTER AMD JOINER, Is prepared tp do all work in his line on short notice and guar- entee sati faction. Will work by the job or day as desired, and do as good work as any man in the business. Orders left at . his residence, Southeast corner opposite the Publ ic School House, will receive prompt attention. Best of References given if de­ sired. JOHN J. WINKLES. MieHENRY, ILL., March 30th, 1888. J. P. SMITH, JEIELER, p to McHenry. - Illinois. As Fine a Stock of SPUING GROVE ILL. Sales ot Stock, Farming Tools and Goods of all kinds attended to on the most BIAS0NABL1 RHUS, AND Satisfaction Guaranteed. LVWVMIIWV9IVM ^ vmimm JILQFP PPPPJPI' Call on or Address 1 C. Andrews, Spring Grove, 111. ipring 3rove, Sept. 30th, 188&. ll-ll-3m Walches, Clocks *nd Jewelry As can be found In the County, which I otter at prices that can not be betft. A Fine Stock ot CHOICE CIGARS FANCY TOBACCO, STATIONERY, BOX « PAPER II PUMP REPAIRING}, CEMENTING, ETC. The undersigned is prepared to do all Jobs in the line of Digging Wells, Repairing Pumps, Cementing Wells, or will put in XSTeixr Pumps On short notice and \rarrant satisfaction. In abort will do all work in this line. Can furnish you a new Pump, either wood or iron, warranted, as cheap as any other man. Good references furnished i'desired. If foo want a Well Dug. a Pump lie paired or a new Pump, give me a call. WOrdcrs by mall promptly Post office, Johnsburgb, 111. attended to. L. BANTES. Johnsnurgh, III,, May iftth, Wfl. JOB babsaots H iI ForCoa and Wood lostractiaa Bosks, itc. Call and examine gootls and learn prices. J. P. SMITH. MoHenrv. III.. March let. 188ft. SMmrs /^URE BmeosMM; Sick llesdscheln Fosrhesf*. IQ One dose relieves Neursl?i*. They cure end W pretext ChlHt > Few, Sour Stomsch ,/ Bsd Brssth. Clear Ihe Skin, Tonethe Nerves, sud elje Life * Vigor to the system. Dose i ONK BKAW. Try thsm once and you will MVW- be Price, 26 cents per bottls. Sold In Drugfists and Medicine Dealers fMersffir. Sent wi rscslpl « price in stamps, postpaid,» any address, J.F.SMTTH & CO., Manufacturers and Sole Props. ST. LOUIS* I JOHNSBURGH THE OLD STAND, JACOB BONSLETT. £AT,OOX AND RESTAURANT, at the old j stand, opposite Bishop's mill, McHenry, 111. The choicest Wlnea, Liquors an<1 Cigars to be fo«ml in the county. Warm or eold meals on short notice on application. PHIl. BEST'S MILWAUKEE BEER by the Bottle or Caae. always on hand. GOOD STABLING POR HOBSS8. TO CURE RHEUMATISM. This remedy taaa a sped do aetion upon the fluids >f the body, supplying moia inbrlcatlna the Joints affe •llf ®P Distorted X4a " this specific. A trial of a aingl the moat aceptlcal that we ha tues. Price Sl.SO per llaanfaotared* LCNNCY MCI CI to the tissues and by the disease. Nc main nfter a cure by bottle will convince not told half Its vir- For sale by all TNE co., IOA. ILLINOIS. Afrpntc ) THK fantedlSveryiaylifeofLiicolii. --BY-- THOSE WHO KNEW HIM Krom the obBcurity of hie boyhood to the date ot his tragie <leath, A new Biographv of the great American President, Iroma new stand-point--accurate and exhaustive In fact and Incident, replete with anecdote, profuse and elegant in illustration (100 engravings from original designs illustrating incidents, ftno-Hotes, persons, Ac., including |1C Steel Portraits.) Agents Wanted lars and for evidence that'his is the mo*t salable and pro (liable book published ; or. to oave time, send • 1.25 at once for Canvassing Book, anil state vonr choice of townships. Address N. D. THOMP­ SON PUBLISHING OO., Pub** Ut. Louis, Mo„ or New York City. A GIFT Hend 10 cents postage and wo will mall you free a royal, valuable, sample box of goods lliiit will put you in the way ot making more money at once, than anything else in America. Both sexes of al l *ges can live at home and work in tpure time, or all the tune. Capital not required We will start you. Immense pay sure (or thouc WHO start at once. STINSNO ft On . alp* UJTTJIO Adiustinff [IMPROVED.] Is the only perfect fitting, truly eorafortibte ind health-preserving Corset made. Hasan Rlaalic Section above and below a Corded Centerpiece. Entirely lifferent from any >ther. Every Cornet is'stamned and absolute iv Guaranteed in cverv particular. Be sure get the Downs Patent. Manufactured onlv >r the Gage-Downs Corset Co., Chicago, and 'or sale o" (irat-class dry-goods stores every- Holdiers' Department, CONTRIBUTED BT WM. H. OOWLIN. ibst allows Its soldier* to snflsr the County C. A- R. Directory. RXICHHONDLFOST NO saa. IfMocts tho second Kridsj evening of each month. DB. S.if", BKNNBTT, Oosa. WOODSTOCK POST. NO KM. F'Meets flrst and third Monday evenings o 1 each month. QBOBOB EOKBBT. Com. NtTNDA POST, ^Meets the second and fourth Wednesday evenings of each month. W*. BUTLKB, Com. •ABTABDfPOST, NO 485. Moetsthe seeona ana rourtn Uonday even lags ot each month. DB. H. T. WOODBOTF. OOU. MABBNQO^POST, No. MS, lfoets eve«7 Second Bad Fourth Friday •venings of each month. A. J. BOTtNOTOW, Oom. tormeots of th» ianaod In Anders«Q- rllle prison. I decline to allow any Governaent to longer say that what I endured for It In that reeking hell be balaneed for |34 a year. to allow a Government to rate my present health and my months of starvation and exposure to Cahaba and Milled, at Savannah, Bloekshear and Andersonvine at the snm of $3 per month. I therefore return my oertlloate and ask that my name be stricken from the pension roll of Ihe Untied States Government. Ymwvtrftlj. Dow R. R&MEBB Late tt ill. M* I'd laf 'or vhere dry-goo.l Price g | .50. lheyTake Nothing Back. The Confederates had a rousing t<me at a reunion at Marshall. Mo. General Joe Shelby, In a speech, aatd • Lee It be distinctly understood,1 at St Louts and everywhere else that while the issues ofthe war are past and forgotten, we take *aok nothing, and there Is no use. of thOir expecting us to do so. Which leads the Chronicle to ooo* more rem ifit thstftf" the'tJortredftrtEfM are allowed rope enough they will make another attempt to hang thr United States on a sour spplejtree. The principles of Jell Davis go march­ ing on.--St. Louit Chronicle. The Pension Bsress, No government has made more liberal provisions for her disabled veterans and for their families than has our own. The total number ot persons on the pension rolls last year waa 345,135, against 332.756 in 1884. or BO Increase of 32,369. The tola mount of money disbursed by th» pension bureau In 1885 *«s *65,250,971. 46, an increase of 97,977,434,7;) over tht previous year. This la an enormous sum of money, bat U Is wisely expen­ ded. No class of persons are mor» worthy and more deserving than those to whom It is given, ihe re are per haps few oases In which the pension Is wrongly given;It would be amaztuir It It were not so. Bat on the whole the recipients deserve the oonsldera- thra they receive. Rev, Granville Moody, the fa mow Fighting Parson" and Colonel of th 7th Ohio, has been revisiting Xenla, O., where he was stationed as a Metno dlst minister before the war, and where he raised his regiment. I'IK boys #f the 7th used to .delight ti tease their Colonel, whom tbey dearlj loved, with a story on him. Unllk uany Christians ihe Colonel took hl« religion to the Held with him, and at all times was as devout and exempla­ ry as when iu the midst of his congre­ gation at home. At Stone River whet the rebels charged his regiment he In accused of ending up bis exhortatloi with,"There they come boys;steady now--alua low, and give them h -1.'. Hie old Colonel emphatically denies this, lie says that he started to *a» Give them 11*11 Columbia." but fust as be got the word *hail(* out the boys fired and out off the last part of the sentenoe.--National Tiibune. Best in tile Wo rlil. •*-»OALL 0«- E. M. HOWE, Opposite BLshop'a Mill, 4fho has a oomplete line of the best stoves'in the market, as well as a large stock of Harlf are, Mechanic's Tools, flM, C^FER & SHPET IRQ* ARE, And, 'inject, everythlaglln the hardware tleve and tin line. MS WILL HOT BM U2TDMR90LD. OB11 at his store before buying elsewhere lobbing and reptiirlng promptly attended to SWttemembor, oxtm good bargains can al­ ways be obtained at Howe's. #oiUBrj.Dee.J.*». • . . John Helm, Algonquin HENRY MILLER, --DKALKB IN-- Foreim anil imericai lartle. Scotch and American Granite. MOXUMMNT8, TABLETS, BEADSTOStEB CEMETERY COPING, ETO. JOHNSBURGH, ILL. ^Orders Solicited. Good Work Guaranteed. Post Offio# Address III, - Mitn m. ' «f 4 Bstdwait, Stores, Tiawars In short, we keep everything »n the above mentioned lines, which we are offe in^ to the buy­ ing public as cheap as a,ny other housejn this sectio«^ A Oa.ll and ^ee xmm. J0BBHG ft BEPAIStira, FFTOPPTLY ATTENDED TO. JOHN HELM. Algonquin, Feb. 18.1888. 't the farm or In a sma'l eoaabrrirGftkCO.^ **Why?', MBecause they are anaOT tf fool physical qnallty. and tbey ksst hOMf y I decline^to |do, fairly well, atmost Host of them oan do a fair plain oooklnf or baking, they ean s*i tolerably well, and on a pinch oan do i clever act at washing dotkmt ,|l|^ can handle an ax, a eroas-cat the ordinary mechanical toois well; they are not apt to bo ^Oliiry or hot-headed, and when It ooilia to discipline they all seem to tafco tttit with manly good grace." atistereO Oct. Bsi»i,-At Rocktord, III., Sept. 6 Col. C. M. Brazee, widely known In tho Army of the West as a gallant *oldler. He enlisted In Oo, 0.74th 111., Capt. Hanapton P* Sloan oommandlng. Aug, 11,1883, Before the Regiment left Rockford, he WAS elected First Lieutenant of the company, and was commissioned Sept. 4 1862. The regi­ ment left old Camp Fuller, Rookford. Sept. 37, and arrived at Louisville, Ky. Oct. 1. It was then assigned to the Army of the Cumberland. First Brig ade. Second Division, under Oen. Buel Lieut. Braze* served with his oom pa ly until the following April, whon on he 36th of that month he was commis- ioned Captain and detailed on the •tail of Gen. Wm. 8. Rosecrans, com ending tho Army of the Cumberland ts Assistant Quartermaster, and so ierved until he was mustered ont June 10 with the rank of Major. Col. Brazee was born tn Nltgara County, N. T March 101833. Going West In 1856,>e lolned a surveying party at work In Iowa, and remained with It until pre­ vented from doing further work ot hat kind by a severe Illness. Col tirazee went to Rockford, IUn abou< 1868 and began reading law lu th«- 'ffloe ot Miller ft Taylor. Daring the «Vinter months ho taught school In Ogle County In order to pay his way Obtaining law books of his preoeptor* •e eagerly pursued the study of hi* rhosen profession during such spare I me as his sohool duties vouchsafed »y him. By hard work of this Kind he prepared to pass the entrance exam In ktion of the b«r, to which he was ad- nitted In the Spring of 1880, lmme- Ilately after his admission to the bar 4r. Brasee entered the oflice of L. F Warner as a clerk, but Was there ouh t short time before be became a lartner of Mr. Warner. The partner •hip lasted until his enlistment. After he war he b<*oame Identified with the nate militia of Illinois, aad at th< line of his death was the ranking kilon»i In the State. He was greatlt ••teemed and his death slq|S»liU amen ted.--National Tribune. hood, at least, was either passed tipea if: / MAKE MONEY! We want Agents, both ladies aid tgentle- men. to sell our Standard Works, Oift Books, Family Bibles and Albums. Previous exper- ien'°p unnPosition# worth troni #1200 to #8000 pet year. Sow is the time to ciitmnenct'. Do not itelay, l«n t »'l>treas at once, E. P, JORDAN & CO., uouis, Mo. Tho Peaslon Aets Solemn Contrasts. The pension aots were solemn con­ tracts. made by the Government with the volunteers to preserve Its existent* Hundreds of thousands died in if defence. Thousands and thousands lost limbs, were torn by shot and shell, cut by sword or pierced by oayonet. etarved or broknn do#n by disease an«» exposure. All that Is worth anything In this land they saved. The Union, its peace and prosperity, all that It hat to-day of DOWC and strength, of pro­ gress, of happiness and all that it ma* be in the coming ages, owes its exist ence to the heroic patriotism andlnoble self •sacrifice -ot the volunteer Unioi> soldiers. And yet these soldiers, mint beoome paupers before the Govern­ ment they served can do anything for itbem ? These men who lost legs, arints land eves to preserve this Government 'must,if they have a little property-- ;B little house for their families--ose It up and actually want for the neces­ sities of life before they are entitled to a pension? What a lib si on all that is decent and honorable I What an outrageous sentiment that those who. saved It all cannot have the oontract made with them, honestly carried out until they are on the road to the poor* house'-- Watcrtown N. Y. Republican. Ho Returned His NsMss, Don. R. Frazer, of Mt. Carroll, III. who served three years during the war tand was captured in October, 1884. «nd remained a prisoner until the close of the war, has just sent the following letter to the Commissioner of Peo- SIOQS f v KT. OABBOIX, IU~, Sept.». ISSS. OBIT, JOHN 0. BLACK, Washington. D, O, DEER SIR: Herewith I return for ^cancellation pension certificate No. 193,501, Issued July 9 1881, for 83 per month. The sum was too paltry orUI* nail f. I made |an application for an increase, and last July was before a Board of Fxamtners. A few days ago I received an official notice from your Buretu that the olalm was "rejected." I decline to be a further pensioner on the pitiful bounty of a Government Beady t* Hank, Gen. Rosecrans tells to a reporter ot he Detroit Free Press the following uiecdote of his servloe tn West Vir­ ginia at the beginning of the war :' "It was re[orted that the enemy vera moving toward us In full force tnd I was ordered--this was before I tad command of the department--1«' ake a renimentof Infantry and Loom!* •old water battery--whl h was no< tttached to my brtrade--and recon- loltre tn the direction of the enemy Septaln Loomls was lu camp about» dlle from m? headquarters, tnd I sent tn aid to request the captain to report At me for orders. He reported prompt ty, a id I showed him that I nad re­ vived authority to take his oommand srith me on the reconnoitre, aftei which 1 asked: 'How soon. Captain, nan you report your command ready to -uarcbf' 'Fifteen minutes. General,* he re- plied with a salute. °Do you mean fifteen minutos from the present time?' 1 asked, taking ou my watob, or fifteen minutos tram the •.Ime you get back to your oamp f * 'From the present time. General,* h« said, again saluting. I thanked him and told him I won'd reach his camp on time, and he depart ed. Mind you, he bad a mile to ride to get to hls oamp, harness aad hitch up his horses, and get his men ready U> move, while I had^the Infantry regi inent already under arms and ready R- start. When be left headquarters he seemed to ride at an ordinary gait fafllng to exhibit tho least excite­ ment or anxiety. Well, sir, my order­ ly came up with my horse, and in foa or five minutes I started for Loomls, oamp. When I reached a point where I oould see the camp, I took out my watch and observed that I had two minutes to spare, and I also observed that Loomls had his horses harnessed and hitched to hla guns all ready for moving, and as I entered the com­ pany^ tent Captain Loomls ordered 'Battery, attention! Gunners, to your posts!" '•There they were, fully accoutred and as fine appearing s battery *» ever saw, on fifteen minutes* notice, with a mile for tho order to travel at the beginning, and with fully a min­ ute to tpire.* I was delighted. It Is that kind of work which makes a QOBS- mandtrig officer feel eodlldlntr^ ^ ^ "What kind of men' make tlM Vest •oldieiibr* : s -Native-boni Americans whose boy* Ttta-Fogh Loo's OiiosTsry. The youngest daughter of Jeflersoa Davis was recently tendered a ion st the Confederate SoldlSJ home, near Richmond. Ya^ by IMf Camp Lee veterans. Gov Fltz-Bugh Lee introduced the young lady as tho 'daughter of the confederacy," and then dropped Into a few remarks as naturally as old Silas Wegg used to Irop Into poetry, and with but little bettor results. He attempted to eon- jole the old veterans Into the belief that they bad suffered no defeat luring the la»e unpleasantness that there was simply a slight di fie re nee of upinton betwixt the people of the south led by tboir statesmen, and tho people of the north led by the strong intellects of that section, and thoy fought it out. He said: "But theoMI eeterans had no cause to be ashamed it the part they had taken. They had borne tho heratage of glory and fought bravely till, after a long Series »f splendid victories, in whiehthey iiad Illustrated the bright pages of history, they bad laid down their arms it Appimattox not oonqu -ed, but worried out with victory." Through he war articles recently published in he Century, wulch so shifted tho lonors won during the settlement of hat "slight dlflerence," the country ias been apprised of a number of illeged (acts which was very new con- iderlngthe time which hatelapeoi! •inJO their supposed occuranoo and the people's facility *or knowing Whftl «as going oo at the time. '•This how- •ver. daps tho climax. It will ear- jrlse the oldest bluecoat to learn that lie confederates were "not oonquered, >ut worried out with victory.*, Snah unecessary abnegation of arm^ and tonors In the midst of a "long series of irliliant victories*, cannot well be ap* predated by the Yankee hoys, to vhom victory was always a stimulus To the Camp Lee veterans the conso­ lation of those remarks must have jeen like the balm - of a very far-oil Jilead. Like the consoling words er he minister to a weep<ng mourner vho has just seen the grave close over he dear* st friend on earth: 'Not lead >>ut gone before." Not conquered, *ut worried out with victory.v A /ery finely drawn distinction, but ather late in the day to rouse tho lumbering echoea of the past with uch a graveyard whistle.--Cktoago Mail, *• 4=] A DBBgerwsS Swr. Prohineet a non^ the female st»lea vho gave the Federal Government a ^rvat deal of trouble was a woman • amed Bsxloy. Site crossed the P *to- nac from Maryland in a skill rowed by tegroes, and made her way to Mob* nond, with many valuable arttolos vbout her (jerson. Then she came from iiienmon 1 to Fortress Montoe under a dag of truce, and #as not disoovorod o be a spy until the boat waa about - landing aer passengers at Baltimore, Urs. Backiey appeared gay on the >as«age, and at breakfast a Mr. Bing. tam asked iocosley whether she waa t secessionist. To which sbe an­ swered: "Yes." The boat having ;%i:ded. Mis. B^xi -y was heard to say | . hat she "thanked God that she had 1 trrlved home safe," and when a boat stepping ashore, Mr. Bingham request- <d her attendani*e in the ladles' cabin. As soon as the room was reached she ook oil her bonnet, between the lining >f which were fifty letters sewed in, • when she'ex* lalmed that, having been <ound out, she thought it host to doltv* <r over the "coHtrabaods" and be .ilowed to go. Mr. B ngbam insisted ^ apon it that she had others, when In ter shoes and stockings other letters were found. The lady was thereupon guarded until the marshal sent a lady to examine Mrs Baxley. Almost every oosslble place about her clothing was tilled with ietteis to the sympathisers , tn Baltimore, but in her corsets was found a document which when taken • oy the lady examining, Mrs. Rixley rushed at her getting holu of tho parer tore It In two. The lady exam* iner rushed at Mra. Baxley at tho »ame time calllug assistance. Mr. i Bingham who sto* I outside while tho .•pjratlon was going on, rushed Ills he saloon and found Mrs Baxley Alfl •_ du combat. but vanquisiied, and ty locument, though toru. In the poeees •Ion of the marshal's aid. Tho ma*, nent wa? a commission from Je* Davis to Dr. Septimus Brown of Mt* uore:alf>o parses and directions for tiim to run the Federal blockade. The .ither documents in the keeping of Mils female smuggler proved to bo treason- .ble correspondenee. Dr. Brown waa immediately taken prisoner and aent to Fort McHenry. Mra. Baxley wan raken to a hotel. While locked in her room she dropped a iote out of tho window addressed to her lover (tho Confederate doctor) Imploring him tt» 11* as all was discovered. 8he was n»# qui te disheartened, and said that nt had braved all dangers for the eake^Og^ iter lover, and when on tho polnWlgE accomplishing all her c»»eri^d •ires the cop of happiness waa itsanac from her lipa. It oeomed to bej^eil', darllog desire to get her lover UMi the rebel armv. 8he had a diarf tailing the prices of various ofnccosslty at Richmond orandub or ber htvlng kwf hsn l of Presideot DavU--fle*. Poor*. 'MMM ami;>i

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