>AY,OCT. «, 1888. ftiiLYKO. Editor. f> A DI?T> M»y b« found on It Gift P. fr OOi*S Nnri|»Mr Advertising rase tfrytfr where ?i»NEW YORK- tM yMW9tUW REGISTER] ;:. Tfce B**rd Registry of the town «f McHenry, will meet at the Council Room, In the village of McHenry. sort •t tbe voting p'aee la the village of ^gfttitgWftod, on Tuesday next, and It la fttoped that every vorer In the Town. Pgg||r%IJp ^ to Jf tha| hw ngroe j, 0„ tbo Register. Let ewj vottr .bear tttlaia mlad. f0r Regular sales of butter were wade at Elgin Monday at 27@28a the •MilMt dosing firm. The day's aalea aggregated tis.ass.ss iflTOeikera] Logan addressed a large gathering at Marlon, Ul„ Monday, on the political issues of the day, lodors- In particular the Republican plat- forsa of projection Mr The annual meeting of the Rode Bl«er Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, which embraces Cbleago and vicinity and the greater portion of Northern Illinois, will be* gin si Sranston to day. 'Elijah M. Balnea would have the "regular" nominee jest the If be had been the only Halnea •m ti the 8th dlatrict oonventlon. It was not a question of numbers, but of brass, and Haines needs no help In that MM.-*Ohlc«*o Dai I}/ News. lfr-At the prohibition oonventlon at Klgln last Friday Hon- Charles Wbeaton, of Aurora, was nominated for coogiess for the 5th dlstrlet. and W. C. Lawsbe, of Leroy, Boone oonnty. fur member of the legislature for the Ilk Senatorial district. AST A cattle disease, which proves fatal In a few hours, das broken oat In Ba Grove Township, Tazewell oonnty m. A discharge from the nose Is first •etleed, thee the bead begins to swell, ssd death speedily relieves the afflict ed aalmal. fl^The Saprew Ceart of Illinois « Thntsday last rendered Its decision te the application for a writ of habeas eorpos In behalf of Joseph C. Makln. Who was sent to the penitentiary on ooovtotloa of perjury In the ballot-box fraud ease In 1884. The Supreme Court le application. Pi NTTbe Democrat of lvt week says: The Halaes "bravea" throneh their gltter-enlpe, the Waakegin Democrat WxfT «ha*ge that Oeoige Wait, is a Pro- IIMHoritt. I he fact that he was nom loated en a platform Indoralng the glatferm adopted by the Democratic late oonventlon at Springfield,clearly opposing prohibition, is a sufficient answer to chat charge. Only an idiot could make soon a charge under the <d rooms tancea MFKew Hampshire la one of the States the administration has set out to carry. In the last "of! year" elec tion the Repobltcan plurality was 1J500. A change of 800 votes and the aid of the third party the administra* tloa apparently thinks will do the business. It has therefore discovered that immediate repairs are necessary to three war vessels, requiring an In crease for 46 days of 600 In the force employed In the Portsmouth Navy Yard. Of course tt is a mere coinci dence that this srlll give employmeoi to 000 men until election day only, Fortunately, the excellent ticket put In nomination by the Republicans ol New Hampshire promises defeat to this abase of power on the part of the *fe!oMB* administration. : MFJohn Francis, the convict la the Columbus penitentiary who Is sup posed to be the man who did the forgery oa the election returns last fall, was taken suddenly sick Saturday algbt and it Is supposed he was poisoned A white powder was found In Ms drinking water, and It is sup- peeed Is bo either zinc or corro'-lv*- subltmate. The water bucket is fixed 00 theertl door>o that this could have been dropped in without being seen. An analysis is being made of the water. It„ls believed that certain par ties we anxious to get rid of Francis Who has been telling tales recently which has caused some uneasiness An f*Wr«ftoviet named Nyo, who gave ^Sjjjwsulott In regard to the sklulng ' 0WITlc,#*U ,lck *l*o. Both men ma spasms and all the feeing poisoned. ns of MP* Francis perance lecturer and igniter of red ribbon clubs. In an latervlew with % reporter for the later Ocean, says; "I believe the third party movement bss Injured the temperanoe cause everywhere, anJ I regard the prohibi tion state nominations as so many ob stacles to true temperance reform. The cause of temperance can never be triumphant by making U a party Issue and it Is the grea est mistake to cast ll lnjo the lottery of politics. Friends or oar County %lfar untiring Secretary Ttttt gild to much, and so well during the past year through the county papers, that 1 have been content to read and not write f* r the press. The 34th Annual Fair of McHenry County is numbered with th events of the past, but its influence In publishing and promoting our good name and varied Industries cannot he estimated. ' With you I feel proud o» our county and the large and most excellent ex hibit in *11 departments. Our sister counties vied with us, making the show Isrger, more varied and interest ing. and to them we extend tbe hand of friendship, thanking them for their kindly interest In our welfare. To all the hosts who came from bone and ahto&d. and to other Urge numbers that an Inclement Thursday kept awajr my most grateful thanks are due. The people show an Increasing Inter est as tbe years glide on, tbey realise that a successful Fair ?must have much to see, aud hosts to see what is on exbr bftion. My ambition is, and has been to see our Fair equal If not exceed the Walworth County Fair, not by pulling her down, but by building our own np. Think "It can safely be said that our exhibits are fully equal to hers and we can only lack a larger outpouring of the people to mako our receipts rival theirs. Why cannot the C. A N. W. R. R. run excursion trains daily frou Ge neva, Elgin and Rockford and other points, as the Milwaukee and St. Paul railroad does to the Walworth County Fair? Let the Northwestern help our people who are doing so much for our welrare. The people of Wooatock have t«ken hold of our Fair with most com nenda- ble zeal, and with both words and deeds have done nobly in aiding to make our Fair a gtand success. It Is -o small matter to tastefully it up Floral Hall, and properly arun ;e the multitude of articles sent in from far and near for exhibition. This yesr he universal verdict was, "It Is splen did." To the ladles of Woodstock aid ed by many others outside the corpor ation all praise due for t»ila very at tractive part of oar exhibition. Wyani's Museum also adt'ed much of interest to both young and old. T >e Hall and all Its exhibits was pronounc ed first class by everybody. Our large tent adj tceot to Agricultural Hall had an exhibit of vegetable and grains seldom equalled; notwithstanding tbe season's drouth. Our exhibitors need oot hesitate to oo no pate at aoy State Pair in the vegetable department. But I will not take space to particu iarize as tnis has already ueen done. Horses, cattle, sheep, swine, and poul try, were first class, tbe races never better. Tbe attendance was larg% the receipts good, and everybody apparent ly well pleaded. The people and tbe press have done nobly for our success and have and deserve the thanks of all the officers of the McHenry County Agricultural Board. THOS. MCD. BfCHAKDS. Woodstock, Sept. 37. m President. J^Ifthe third party prohibition •'W really want a .prohibition amend- m <»t submitted by tbe legislature to the people of the state of Illinois »bculd question every candidate #em!cated by either republicans or *s to his position on th* of submission, and mass their i M such candidates as favor it by nominating rAMtyireaeman and county oflcerr •wn, who, they confess, will of election, when nom I?* W By making Inatlons of their own for the •her run the risk of letting their natural enemies, who I to the submission of the *• «ht people, when by °® ®*a whose opinion on the Sf known, they might insure of men friendly to Pwty f mei sslon of a prohibition setae state constitution l* "necessary, but It U to tbe heat interests Orlwtal MrerorlM, Better ten In hand than a thousand by-and-by. Better cure a cough when It le first noticed by taking a few doses of Ptso's Cure, than to wait until several bottles will be required to effect a cure. Brothers are created side bj aide, but their purses far apart. Do not take off your shoes before you see the river. Even the chicken, after drinking, looks np to heaven. Expect not of the ant more than Its ability. He that has never served Is not lit to rule. Knife wounds heal, bat not so those produced by a word. Money acquires money, bat money makes not a man. Open not your sail to every wind. Pis »'• Remedy for Catarh Is not a liquid or snuff. It Is very easy to use being applied to tbe nostrils with the finger. Bold by druggists. Priee 60 cents. Righteous gains make tbe pot boll. 8peak one word while you listen to a thousand. The j'idge who takes Ave cucumbers •s a bribe will admit aojr evidence for te n beds of melons. To the crtzy every day Is a holiday Two captains lo tbe same ship will surely sink her. Thousands hsve died from Con sump on who might have been saved by Plso's Cure. Water goes to rest, bat an enemy never. organlza- > election of men who will gjBMfr. ideally desire such of an the saucepan be -ft mm As eb fw%, t * 4 tktmjMg, 4 to • Jntte, When he cooks lh eats in its cover. When it thunders many call 09 Go I. When a Jew fails, he pores over the old acoounts. What shall a fool do with advice, or s negro with soap? Devolution Notice b.T^n 0n£rn» ^'tlng remedy Is so offeettre as Aran's Bui. They lasers ragalar daily aetfoa, aaA ie» stars the bowelsV* healthy eommkm. ' Vor IaatgartI--ter Pysnpsla> ATM# Pnxs are invaluable, aad a mum o«i«. Heart-barn, IMS OF AppsOSs, l"ool Stomach, Flatajftacy, Dlsateosc, HeaO* ache, Huatnii Masse* ansUisUevsA and eared toy Aran's FIUM, In Ltvor Complaint, BUeuDhoitei, and Jaaadlee, AYM'S Ptus thamU be givan In doses largo enoa ̂so esstts tbe liver and bowel*, and remove eoesMpsttw. As a eleaasing medioias la ths 8priag, tbsse PILLS are unequalled. Worm*, eaoaod by a motMA eoadttkn e( the bowels, are expelled by those Pitxa. Krnpttone, Skin IMssasee* aad raM» the reeatt ot IixU(eetion or Constipation, aie enred by the nee ol AYKB'S PILLS. For Colds, take Aran's Pius te open the pores, nam lnissunatory secretion ̂ aad allay the faver. For DlantMaaaad Prs»tery, eaased by sodden oolda, lodigeetible food, ete^ AraafS PILLS are the true remedy. BhenmaUero, Ooat, Kunral«la, aad SeUOea, often resoltfrbm digastiTedsnuice* •est, or eolds, and disappear oa removing the fanse by the osa ot Ana's Pius. Tamors, Dropsy, Kidney Complalnte, sod other disorders eansed by debility or obstruction, are cored by Aram's PDAS. Suppression, and Painful M«nstma>» ttoa. have a safe and rsady ismedy la AYER'S PILLS/ Ml Dr.J.C.Ay«r4Co.,l SsMbyanDreelsts. IMPORTANT TO CASH BCJYEKSi * 4 ^ -T,v4f>^T 4* w i - ? , - r . . . , . * 1 ft * - mi, a *»! L - , ,1 * , - tf '-V 1 4 A-Si?!' -f ' ̂ 'H'X'VT %•: on ana alter October 15th, we will do an exclu sive ( • ®v',(v45.s tiyera • IS ^ ^ Af f ' ft J - 6 T -.' IA.11 €orn must be brought in on or before November 20th, and must be raised in Lake of McHenry Coun- ties. •M > In Clean Money by? trading with ns. veiy carefully we think it possible for at least ONE '?r In looking over the field - • : To ^ g littslness aftd make 'p respeetafalt . (Ii^asft 'we •ay to you ^ BEST ON EARTHe LUNCH ROOM. Gfflcip Block, McHenry, Is the only place in the county where you can get?? (remriK Fresh from the oven every ̂ day. Buns, Rolls, Fried Cakes, Do you entertain company? Call on him for your fine Cakes, cheaper than you can make them yourself and save the*trouolc. NO VISITOR Should leave town without a cup ot his delicious Coffee, or a plate of Oysters. It will do you goo<l and jou good natured w hen you get home. A full line of our Bakery Supplies can be found at the Kestaurant of J. Pekovsky, two doors south of the Post Office. Locke's Home Bakery MCHENRY, ILL. SALESMEN WANTED. To OaiitmM for the sale of Karsery Stock l Stead r P torment suarantewl. SALARY AMD EXPENSES PAID. Appty at ence *tatin& age. CHASE BEOS. Clefsr te Shis Pap«r)#t,̂ f V E. LAWLUS, HOLD 6 THK FORT AS •»rtaf arore, m. Ostsber; |D. Haldsman ASDSSf Kll| nitiBj He makes aSsrits to order of the (test Cloths,. Jtoreign or Domes tic AT TBI mm PRICKS that good Oeods can be sold OX AlHO Ctaant and Repairs CIsthM Neatily and on short sotice. Hie a CaJI # • ,4 f f ' " ' / ' K . L A W L U f t . McHoirjr, Jan. 19th, 1886% Sys«ifti For a few weeks and if you don't like it quit and no harm done. > > :lr * . OCTOBER 15th IS THE DAY rade to call in | g ft.,. arket Price for Butter ana Eggs. U: PITZSIMMON8 A EVAN SON. General' erchants, West MoHeniy, I||. We will be prepared to > how a brand new. stock et ,;4,«sv IflWfiyiTinmlfl'irmi if mm. •ap * • •v ^ ̂ %S êst JdcHenrŷ Illinois* ould say to the Buyinf iPublic if you wish to see a fine new stock q£ Goods, he has thenar tei ' -1 Wolf Robe worth $20, or Silk Dress Pattern, at I winner may choose, 3 A Bl AuTiraL LtllE OF IMMENSE J^rietyl for All Ages. And All Sizes. g w in stock and ready for Inspection. W e are bound to offer the Largest and Best / -STOCK or- € & O A K S i • Ever carried in this Town belore, nd makes price? A pair ol all wool Blankets worth $5.00. 11 lbs. Good Coffee $1.00. 5 " Good Tea 1.00 50 f< Good Flour 1.00 --OUR FALL AND WINTER STOCK OF-- CLiOTHINCr. Is now here and ready for inspection. Call rod see it, f v J N D E R W K A R Of all Grades. Ladies, Misses and childrens Underwear in^White, •Scarlet and Camels Hair. Lap Uobes and Horse Jllankets in g'reat variety and from the cheapest to the best# Menasha Woolen Mills Flannels and Tricots. Appleton Yarns and Zephyrs, and in short everythfn^usually found In a General Store. . \ ^ GROCERIES r GROCERIES! ' BONBliETT * groVEEL fElBD PltKMIUM ON One pair Selz <fc benwab s best Shoes or bolt of O otton ploth worth $3.00. rfiMfK?'1 The above Premiums are for the five largest^ ears of Corn, the test being their weight when seasoned;. A ..V̂ ' C •M, < 9 y ... f.. / ' * WEST arHBIfBT?>