eiFj Jltiileilw. n ': PIIUIHID EMR WCDSESDAT AR '<#j. van S;L;YK:Ej- •DITOB AND PROPRIETOR. Office in Bishop's Blo^k, ' ^^KETOSNM PIHT A OWBH% TERMS OF SUB30BIPTIOW. «IE Tear (In ATTMCT) •®J*5S Not Paid within Three Months...... *» Subscription* received for three OF III aonths in the same proportion. £ Kates of Advertising. "•'If# announce liberal rates for advertising itt the Pt, A (NDEJU.BR, and endeavor to state them so plainly that thev will be readily un lerstood. They are as follows: 1 Inch one year 508 w no IS no MOO 00 00 100 M H: t Inches one yciMr . . • S Inches one year - SColumn one year . - -Column one year- • Column one year - One inch means the measurement of one Mh down the column, single column width. Yearly advertisers, at the above rates, havO the privilege of changing as often as they •boose, without extra charge. , Regular advertisers (meaning those having Standing cards) will be entitled to insertion Of local notices at the rate of 5 cents per line each week. All others will be charged 10 cents per tine the II-st week, and 5 cents per tine for each subsequent week. Transient advertisements will be charged - AT the rate of 10 cents pe line, (nonpareil type, same as this is set in) the first issue, and tcents per line for subsequent issues. This, an inch advertisement will cost (1.00 for one week, 11.50 for two weeks, >2.00 for three geika, and so on. 1 he PI.AINDRAI.BR will be liberal in giving Srt.torial notices, but, as a business rule, it will require a suitable fee from everybody Meking the use of its columns for peouniary gain. BUSINESS CARDS. p tt. T. BROWN. M. D. HVSIOIAN AND SURGEON. OAoe at Residence, McHenry, 111. O. H. FEGERS, M. D- IHrslOlAN AND 9UKG EON. lteHenry, Ills, oace at Residence. O. J. HOWARD, M, O. TIHYSIOIAN AND SURGEON, McHenry, I 111. Office at Residence, one door west Of M. E. Church. 1 BARBIAN BROS. iIGAR Manufacturers, McHenry, 111. Or- / dors solicited. Shop, LA Old McHenry, ££ Kelter Block, third door west of Riverside Bouse. Livery Stable#* E. WItiHTMAN, Proprietor. Flret class rigs, with or without drivers rarnished at reasonable rates. Teaming of •II kinds done on short notice. M. F. ELLSWORTH, TTORNET at T.aw, and Solicitor in Chan eery, Nonda, III . •- / ' i • . jum 1. rflWIl? nHjlu i« '•»&, ASA W. SMITH, TTORNET AT LAW and Solicitor] to L Chancery.--Woodstock, I1L S. F. BENNETT, M. D. "OHTSICIAN ANDSUUGEON. Also Unite*! i States Examining Surgeon. Richmond, Illinois. MARY O. BARBIAN. HAIR WORKER. All kiuds of Hair Work done in flrst Class style and al reasonable prices. Rooms s t residence, north east corner of Public Square, McHenry, 111. DR. C. K. WILLIAMS. DENTIST, Residence Dundee. Will be at McHenry, at Parker House, the 10th lltb 26th and aoth of ouch monlh. When dates occur Saturday or Sunday I make my visits on the following Monday, and the flrst day of such visit occurs on Friday, I will stay but one day. Unite! States far Claii Apcy OF V WM. H. COWLIN, Woodstock, Prosecutes all ola«8JS and kinds of claims against, the United States tor ex-Soldiers, their Widows, Dependent Relatives or Heirs- A specialty is made in prosecuting old and rejected claims All communications promptly answered If Postage Stamps are enclosed for reply. WM, H. COWLIN, Office at Residence, Madison St., Woodstocx, Illinois. Attention Horsemen! I would call the attentfion of the public to my Stable of Stock loraes, four in nutuber: two Morgans, one 3-4Percheron, and one Imported Horse. They are all good representatives of their i>reed. Also a few Merino Sheep r sale. The public are cordially invited to call and examine stock, get prices, efett»-.t^o business done on Sunday. - N, S. COLBY. 10-7-tf , : • MCHENRY, ILL ftOBT SCHIESSLE 5-'. Having purchased the old stood of Joseph Wiedemann* NEAR THE DEPOT, HoHENBY, ILLINOIS, Keeps open for the accommodation iof the public a First-Class S&loon and Rfist&ur&iiti to be found in the market. Also Agent For FRANZ FALK« IMAM LAGSR Ml Beer in Large or Small Kegs er BoU'e**1- jiays on hand, cheaper than any other, quali ty considered. Orders by mail promptly attended to. GOOD STABLING JTOB HORSBSi SVOall and see as. Robert Sohlotile. McHenry.IU..May 15th, 1885. l lilllW., SAL00H and RESTAURANT • Buck's Old Stand, ftibHIIUlY, ILLINOIS. fine Kentucky Liquors, French Bitters, McHenry Lager Beer, SPRING GKOVE ILL. Sales of Stock, Farming- Tools and Goods of all kinds attended to on the most :% : --AMD-- I j. Sclliti Milwaukee Sotfle Beer By the Bottle or Owe. We buy none but the best and sell at Reasonable Prices. Call and see me and I will u* you well. ANTONY ENGELN. McHenry. III., 1886. Agents Wanted! FOB THE OKBAT *«W BOOK, 'The World'e Wonders * By J. W. Sad. The most sueeesssul subscription book erer published. Over half a million copies were eola .. the patt eight months, and it is selling three times as fast now'ts ever before. Regular eanvasMsrs clear frous |15 to #25, #40 and |M tier da<. Nothing like it was ever known in the history of book publishing. Pro ft sent free on application. No experience needed U> Insure success. We help persons without means to do a lar<e business; no capital need• ««d. Write Hsr'particulars. Sadariet guaran teed to person# ww do not wish to OCMKMV on com-- We mean business, and want live axents in every township. It will cost you •othing to write for terms and full descrtp tfons of our plans of doing business. We also mtte stray atandard book* to persona who send •Tnamei of book agents. Write ter our list af free standsru books. HISTORICAL PUBLISHING OO. MS A4UH. xaird Street, awJUoau***, «4Ws Illinois. fltld* srs scare*, lint thoM who writs Is SUoton A Co., Portland, M nine,will receive Arc*, fall Information about work which tbar cao do, and IITeat homa,tbat will pay dm from $5 to $25 per iij. Some have «sres< everSStle* day. Ettharacz, yonncorold. Capua! Mt nqiind. Tonar«(tarted frM. Thoaawbottart at one# af Uttla fertues. A11 la ass. C. G. ANDREW^ CENERAt, B1AS05ABL1 RBllS, ---AKD Satisfaction Guaranteed. C&ll on or Address C. C. Andrews, Spring Grove* 111. Wlnf Jrove, 8ept. 80th, 1880. ll-ll-3m E. B. BEANETT, M. B.. Late House Snrgeon Cook County Hospital, RICHMOND, ILLINOIS, Special attention given to d i f f i cu l t Surgical cases. DEUT&CH GESPROCMJEff. | Office at Residence of Dr. S. F. Bensttk SI for 13 Weeks. The POT.ICE GAZETTE will be mailed, eeurely wrapped, to any address in the Jeited States for three months on receipt ofj ONE DOLLAR. Liberal discount allowed to postmasters, agents and clubs. Sample copies mailed free Address all orders to BICHARD X. FOX,' T FBANKLIN SQCARB, New York. 1. M. CHURCH, Watchmaker and Jeweler NO. 55FIKTH AVE., (Rriggs House). Chicago, 111. Special attention given to re pairing Fine watches and Chronometers. WA Full Assortment of Goods in his line JOHN J. WINKLES, CARPENTER AND JOINER, Is prepared to do all work ip his line on short notice and guar- entee sati faction. Will work by the job or day as desired, and do as <rood work as any man in the business. Orders left at his residence, Southeast corner opposite the Publ ic School House, will receive prompt attention. Best of References given if de ll OH N J. WINKLlft. McHENRY, ILL., March soft, 1MB. -AND--- Lunoh. R.ooat« JOS. I^EKOVSKY. Having opened a Restaurant and Lunch Room, in his block, two doors South of the Post Office, is now prepared to serve a gooti Lunch, with Hot Coffee or Tea at a.l hour3 ot the day or evening, and on short notice. FRESH OYSTERS, By the Can or Dish, always on hand. Give Us a Call. aJ. PEKOVSKfffW ;: McHenry, Oct. 13. 1886. w dik PUMP REPAIRING, CEMENTING, ETC. THE underslKned is prepared to do all jobs in the line of Digging Well*. Repairing Pumps. Cementing Wells, or will put in XTOOT J. P. SMITH, On short notice and warrant satisfaction. In short will do all work in this line. t»n furnish you a new Pump, either wood or Iron, warranted, as cheap as any other man. Good references furnished if desired. If you want a Well Dug. a Pump Unpaired ora new Pump, gure me a call. WOrdors by mail promptly attended to. Poet office, Jonnsburgh, 111. L. BANTES. Johnsourgh, 111., May 35th, 1W. VOB BABBAIHS II and Wj CALX ON--- B. M. HOWE, Opposite Biahop's Mill, lute a oomplete line of the best stoves m the market, as well as a large stock of riN, COPPER & SHEET IRON WARE, A nit, "injfact, everything te the hardware «tore and tin line. Jfff WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD. unithis store before buying elsewhere fobbing and repairing promptly attended to *9*Remember, extra good bargains can al- tys be obtained stH#w«% McHenry, - Illinois. As Fine a Stock of Wa1chesf Clocks and Jewelry As can be found in the County, which I offer at prices that can not bis beat. A Fine Stock ol CHOICE CIGARS FANCY TOBACCO, STATIONERY, BOX PAPER Notions, Musical Instruments, Instruction Seoki, its. Call and examine goods and learn piiCMK J. P. SMITH. McHenrr, III.. March 1st. WW. SMITH'S WOOD3TOQK,. ILL. • Busit.ees attended topromptly, *ITH care, skill and integrity. : AT THE OL£> STAND, JACOB BONSLETT, ^AT.OON AND RESTAURANT, at the old J stand, opimeite Biehop'F> mill, McHenry, 111. The choicest Win**, Liquors an<I Cigars to he found in the oo*nty. Warm or cold meals on short notice on applicative ^ PHIL BEST'S MILWAUKEE BEEBby the Bottle or Case, always on hand, GOOD fiTABLISU FOR HORSES. TOOWRE RHEUMTISM. This remedy has a sp Of the body, supplying lubricating the Joints ill Stl*" »r jfihtarlcdUM thla specific. A trial of a L the most sceptical that we' tues. Price Sl.M per drugicists. Manufactured < LENNKY ME1 |aotion upon the fluids ire to the tiasuys and D by the disease. No I lemtiin after a cure by LIE bottle will convince iVe not told half ITA »ir- IBttle. For sale by all Sir by MCINE CO., C^WNOA. ILLINOIS. --BY-- I THOSE WHO KNEW HIM From the obscurity of his boyhood to the date ot his TRAGIC death. A new Biography of the great American President, lmm a new stand-tmint--accurate and exhaustive In fact and incident, replete with aneeiinte. profuse and elegant in i l lustration (100 engravings from original designs illustrating incidents, anecdotes, persons, &c.. including |1€ Steel Portraits.) Agents Wanted lars and for evblenwe that >hls i s the MOD SALABLE and profltnule book published; or. to aave time, send $1.25 at once for Canvassing Book, and state your choice of townships. Address N. 1>. THOMF. BOM PURMSHIKG OO.,> Pubi., St. Louis, Mo„ or New York Oity. County CU A. R. Directory. KTCKXOHD HMT KO MB. Meets the seooud rridaj tmli| of Mco monllL Dm. S. F, BunrBTT, Com. WOODSTOCK HMT. MO ML . M«ets flrst and third Monday evenings of 1104 ttOfttll* GEOROR KCKRRT. Com. VCMOA POST, KO--. Moots the second and fourth Wednesday evenings of each month. ' WM. BDTUI,OOB. RA.RTARD POST, MO SH. Meets the second ana toartn Monday even lags ot eaoh month. DR. s, T. WooDBvrr. Oom. MARKNOO POST, Ha MB, Meets every Second and Fourth Friday ••enings of each month. A, J. BOTtMOTOM, Oom. Qaeer Named Veterans, "It la wry amusing, uld i ci«rk lo the United States pension office, "to look over the list of namea of old sol diers on the pension booka. I am more ihao ever convlnoed that there lanH any thing In a name, for hero wo have In name nearly every great mao that ever lived. Here at one point la Dan* iel Webster, at anotbor, George Wash ington, and further down tho Hat I And Oliver Cromwell, Julius Caesar, John Wesley, (Henry Clay, and even Jefl Davis Is on our list. Then there or* the odd names, such as Ham. Coon, Rats, Sugarfoot and others. One hard ly knows what a variety of names there is In th* world until he begins to deal with them by the thousand* --Wathingto* Star. HlfT BEANS URE Biliousness; Sick Headache In Fear hour*. One dose relieves NenraMa. They cure and pretsntChills + Fever, Sour Stomach Bad <9 BrecthT"clear the Skin, Tone the Kernel, and Bi*e life Vigor to the system., J>ose:ONK BMK. Try (hesi snce and you will never be withoirt thss>. Ca2 ""W la stamps, postpaid, to any address. J. V. SMITH FT CO., Maasfaotwers and Sole Preps.. ST.L0UIS.Wli BKBAD. *>akes and PI Home Bakery, OlUea* Bl< ^end 10 cents postage and we will mall you free a royal, valuable, sample IM»X »L goods that will put von F- the way of making at once, than uny thing else in Amertna. Both sexes of all tges 'AN live at home and work in spare time, oral l the tune . O- t o i t - t l n<»I RO<|UIRO'T We will start you. Immense PAY sure lor tho»< who start at onoe. HTIMSHO A Co., alne iJiMi'i ||D) f DOWNS' "JSttr CORSET [I3IPROVED.] Is theonlr perfect f i t t ing , t ruly comfortible md healtn-preserving Oorsot made. Hasan Elastic Section nlwve and L>elow a Corded Centerpiece. Kntir<jly lilferent from any »ther Kverv Corset is stamped and absolute (v Guaranteed <n ever? particular. Be sure ' / I i te l "HE Downs Patent . Minufnct ' i r ed on lv V TH<> Oage-Dowas Corset Co.. Chicago, and •or ->ale II" LIRM-I'L !•»•< (rv-goods stores every. .1 iryui'iiVum i i » i i i i i >1^1*,^ S4LERATU SODA Best in theWorld. John Algonquin,^ III., DBAkEB IH Esiiwsis, StoTM, Tiawais In short, we keop ©vorythinJ# in the above mentioned lines, which we are offe in# to the buy ing public as cheap as any other .louse in this section. Call and See us. J0BBNG ft REPAIRING, PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. JOAN HELM. i j; . TS; , Algonqui n. Feb. 18,1885, It la by DO means Implied beoauae a man happens to take up hla reside net* in the Soldlera' Home that his daysol gallantry and romance are ended. The people of the peninsula of Vir ginia are Interested In the marriage of a oouple of charming young ladles to two veterans domiciled u Hamp ton. These partlee are Thoa. Galla gher, 49 years old. who has suooeeded in Inducing Miss Maggie Dunoaa, aged 38. to link her fortunes with bla, and Wm. Smith. Myeara old, whom Ellei Woodson, aged 23, has taken for better or for worse. This Item will thrust the iron Into the soul ot the Hoo. A. J. Warner, o fOhio, who. It will bo re- memlMMd, succeeded la birring amendment to the Widow's Pension bill to the effect that a widow, ' In or der to be entitled to a veteran's pen «ton, must be wedded to him before ^the passage of the act.--Nal. Tribune% : A Roach Joke ss • UssUssst. Dtsringthe war about twenty Con federate prisoners were at Port Mc Henry, stored away In a fodder lofi •mder guard. One morning Captain Ned Bridges was playing an Innooem itame of cards when the siek call was sounded-- the signal for ailing soldiers to report at the surgeon's office and be examined. 'Lieutenant,w aald Captain Bridges turning to a young aoldier, "answer (he sick call for me and let us llalsli this game. Go down there and per sonate me and tell the doctor you want ai other box of bis liver pilla.,, The obliging lieutenant marched uut and proceeded with other soldiers under escort of the guards, to the sur geoa's olfloe, When the ntme of Cap tain Bridgea was called the lleuten- ant's faoe appeared at the little office window, "Doctor,1•' he began, "them pills you give me helped me up considerably, but I want another box. I think an* other box will flx me up all right." "Didn't tbem pills cure you? " asked the doctor abruptly, looking over bla spectaclea at the bogus Bridges. "No, but another box will flx mo, 1 think." "Well, well," said the doctor half to himself, "I'll have to change the treat ment oo you." Tuereupoo be picked up a gradual* Ing glass, and from various bottlea mixed the most infernal mess mortal ever saw. The Lieutenant abuddored. When the villainous compound was made up the doctor stirred it vigor ously and viciously, and out said: ^, 7 "Drlok that." The Lieutenant took bold of the glass. Cold chills ran op and down hla spine. ' Doctor," be stammered,**1*4--Pd er heap rather take the pllla," "Drink It!" stormed the doctor and In the excitement the oediclne want down the Lieutenant's throat. When the Lieutenant returned to the fodder loft be was very gtnm. When the game of ctrda grow monot onous Captain Bridgea turned and asked: "Lieutenant, git them p|l|*t* "Naw!" "Welt," said the Captain, "yon needn't be so snappish about It. What did the doctor say t" "He said he was going to change tho treatment on you, and if yon don't *lt well It aint my fault, for I've taken the nastiest d--d doae for you that over 1 aaw."--Atlanta Constitution. A Confederate Clergyman's DUemasA. While Gen. Sherman was chatting with our reporter tbo other day Ike osnwmrtwi tiw--d np-- ibemUglMS element in the South during the war. (he old General amilod grimly and aald: "That reminds me of ao Inter* eating interview I bad with a clergy man when I entered Memphis. I foand business entirely suspended. The •tores were closed, the public schools were abut up, and no churches were opened on Sunday. I stood It for a tew daya.and then I Issue 1 a general order requiring allatorea to bo opened, the public schools to be resumed, and the usual religious exercise* to bo bold in the churches on Monday. The day after the order was pro* mitigated, I was waited upon at my headquarters by a clergyman who an nounced himself as the Rev. Mr. • of the Episcopal •thurch of that city He was got up In the highest style of clerical garb, and his faoe wore the ex* presaloo ofa Dre-determlned martyr, leald:'Sit down; I am very glad to see you. Wh at do you want t Wbat can I do for you?' He answered: 'General, I have seen your order aboot opening the oburches on Sunday, and I am a good deal embarassed to know how to obey It, or how to atate my ob Jeotions,* I replied: 'There la no em* barassment In obeying an order, and as to objections, I don't eare to hear them. You obey the order and never mind your objdctlona.' Ho roplled: But, General, you are aware tbat >iooe our unhappy civil war com menced, the ritual of the Episcopalian church 8outh has undergonf a material change.' 'Has It t * said I, 'I have not uotioed It.' Ho aald: *We are now llrected by our oburch to pray for the Hon. Jefferson Deris, prealdent of the Confederate States, and of course i am ecclesiastically compelled to obey the directions of the church,' and lie looked at me with the expression of a martyr about to be taken to th*» a take and burned alive. 1 regarded h*m a moment and then aald: 'Ob, never •nlnd; pray for Davla->pray for him just as hard as you can. He oeed*> *very prayer you oan get off. But, a) • rlend, I am dreadfully afraid praying won't do him any good; he baa gone up.' He looked curiously at mo and then aald: 'Will you require me to pray for Abraham Lincoln as presi dent of the UnkeJ States?1 *By ot* means, my dear fellow,' said I. 'Let dim alone. He don't need any prayen* Abraham Liuooln Is Ju*t as sure of aal vatlon aa any man w|o ever died oi •*v«r will die.* "Next Sunday morning It oocurred <o me 1 would go to this church of hi uid see how he got on. Services hart just befun whin ! went in, but I took <ny seat where I could have a good view ol him and ho me. He aaw me •ief«»re I got half way down the aisle tie went on with the service, and wbei «ie arrived at the point of conflict be* ' ween the Episcopal church South and i he order of Sherman, with one eye on he praver book and the other oo me. lie prayed for 'air to authority over ua.* left out Davia, and let Lincoln *looe."--San franeitco CAronfeft, rears, dying at a ripe old ago Ip No matter bow long wo migbt parted -once for Marly alwaya recognised me tho monseat #fln met again, and In bits own way ahowotf lils pleasure at seeing me. Even on • tbo day of bis death, which waa a palo* lees one from old age, w bene re r I en tered his stall be tried to rlao and : greet me, but unable to do tlMtt bo ..§m would leao his head against 0M and lick my hand. No soldier ever had a more faithful or better bono tbaa I had in Dan Webater.'*--York Mail ami Expreu. Mntere as Anarchists. When some men get to talklnpt which Is as soon aa they are awake In the morning, they are bound to say something If it kills them. Take tbo case of the Mioneappolis man who recently talked to a New York re- porter about wbat terrible thtafi""^</ might happen "If the millers shouldf j join the anarchists." "Why." he saift /^ 'the dust of flour Is one of tho tremendous explosives known. I Poor mlllera were anarchists they oould *~ olow op every mill In Minneapolis >' without using dynamite, God only % ( «n0w« the terrible power millers 1 rji nave In their hands if they were only devils enough to use It." And then. both the miller and the rojporter turned pale and thought a longtime io awe-stricken silence. Now honestly lid you eyer hear such stuff? Of course, floor dust la exploalve, of course, the miller conld blow up the nills, miller and all, but whoever , leard of anarchist blowing up bla own mill? Or blowing up a mill with Mas* iolf In It? Dearly beloved, the fanny | tbiugslo this world are not said or ; written by the humorists.. Oh no, oo, They are said by the serious people, the solemn people, the profooatfty ioarneat people. There would b» precious little to laugh at lo this light* ^i; icarted old world, wert it not for the olemn, serious, earnest people, who •oake a iout all the fan there lagol«g --BurdetU. M "TB tX UKVIL DAM." Oeaer»| MeUlollaa's Fans cms Horeo ssi how Mo Falthrall/ Served HU Owssr, The late Gen. McClellan's ftmous dorse. Dan Webater. recelvea a jua* and kiodly tribute from the pen of his owoer in the forthcoming book of the General's. It Is given in oonneotlon with an aooouot of one of the battles of the Army of the Potomac. There wa< a delay on the march, "But as 1 had my most trustworthy horse, Dan Webster," writes the General, "1 made better progress thao was agreeable ti the escort, most of whom bad been left behind when 1 reached the soeoe of battle. Dan was one of those horses tbat oould trot all day long at a very rapid gate, wbleh kept all the other horses at a galop. I think It waa or < bis ride that be earned from the aide* the title of 'that Devil Dan, a nam* which he justified on mary another loog and deaperate ride before 1 gave up the oommand of the army of the Potomac. "Dan was the best horse I ever bad; he never was ill for an an hour, never latigued, never disturbed uoder flre, and never lost his equanimity or his dignity exoept on ooe ocoasioo. That waa when we abandoned the position at Harrisoo's Bar, uoder the orders to return to Washington. From a very natural feeling I remained there until all the traios and troops had left, and sending forward all the escort and •tail, remained alone in the works for a little time, my mind full of the fa al consequenoes of the order 1 was forced to carry Into execution. At length 1 mounted and rode out to join the es cort ; as I passed through the abac doned works, Dan for the first tiaie in bis life, gave vent to his feelings by a aeriee of the moat vicioua plunges and kicks. It was possible that the flies who bad enjoyed a whole army to fee J Upon, concentrated all their energies upon Dsn; but I have always more than suspected that Dan, in his quiet way. understood the oooditlon of af fairs much better thao the authorltlee at Waablngton, and merely wished to Inform me In bis own Impressive mao- oer tbat be folly agreed with my vlewsaa to the telly of abandoning the poaltlon, and tbat lie, at least, had toll eonfidenoe in bis.matter. **Dao and I never quarreled, and the iU«>ftij hiiaw mrTiTii thenar "PJipr 'tSP™ m V*IW' 1 Groat's Horse. - Gen. Grant was particularly and food of his stud of horses. His t war charger waa an especial favorite, le took great delight in exhibiting ^ ils horses to his friends with WIMMI TATVR. -J «as intimate. Ouoe at his stables wilft t friend he said: * Perhaps you would like to see the horse I rode during all 'K> <be campaigoa I commanded?" The^ %| toitnal waa ordered to be brought out. ^ The gentleman wa« surprised to flud (be horse no larger tbao a UdyV lalfrey--small slender, agl'e-llmbed, , *fj Hack as ooal Intelligent, ao eyi like a tawk, and a lick oo the mane for alt -'If the world like a boy's oow-llck. ItM^ was such ao animal as woman and s"x; children would make Into a family pet ̂ ^l • he geotlemao pronounced the animal - j t beautv, but expressed a doubt as to Vj its endurance. "Endurance?" aald the 5 general; "thia animal exceeds io en-'* •lurance any horeeflesb lever sa#. I .W;j •ave taken blm out at daylight and kept blm in the saddle till dark, and lie came In as Iresb when I dismounted as when we started io the morning, ^ There isn't gold enough lo America to ^ buy him. He is ao imported horse of fine breed, and was oace on Joff Davis's % plantation." Tbia was just before,^ Davis waa caught, aod the visitor said: I presume you would exohaoge the ' horse for Jefl Davis?" "Yoa have ^ said it," exclaimed Grant; "1 would | exchange bim for bis old master; b«t !. ;.j tor nothing else in ti.e world." VOpalar SaparetlUoae. If yonslng before breakfaet yon'll cry before supper. Persoos who never ^ /J eat supper are left out of this deal. ? §| If you eut your nails or soeesee» 0| Saturday yon do It for evIL TWe ^/v^ ought to be awful warulog for people Vj eot to out their soeeae on this day. ' x Dreaming of iruddy or rasbiog water ^ brings trouble. Those who dretm J aboot water will do well te see that ^-';^ it takes on neitberos those hatai«fcv| ir you cannot make up a handMOM' bed your husband will have a homely nose; but then don't be disoouraged. if he's any kind ef a man he'll 0 iw one. Stub your right toe, yoa are going :,f| where you are wanted; your left, ^ where your are oot wanted; both, and you will go where you don't want to--'^|| •in tbe ground. This seldom falls. If the rooster crows oo the feoce the <4^ weather wiil be fair; if on the dQor»;;j||| steps be will briog company. If he v crows loudly, yoa may know he's oot H of tbe woods and baa a good pair of r luogs. % She who takea 0e test atiohata qulltlag will be the ffret to marry,-- :/»| I'he ooly plaoe where thla fails la | where no young man proposss --* - Toung men would do well to asoarials statistics concerning quilting beet bif, tv| fere ruaning their head into noose. '"i The Population of M*HSM| la aboot 1080, and we would aey least one-halt are troobled with eo«p |̂ aflection of the Throat aod Lunfi, those complaints are, according to tlstlca, »ore naoMreos than We weald advise all not to asgleit ^ opportunity to call and get a hi of Kemp's Balsam for th- Threat Price Me and 8101. THali , tGap.W,Bt