Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Oct 1886, p. 5

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itmtSmmww ftiMUUa •vflVlfv FHUMWI WEDNESDAY. OCT. SO, 1866, Railroad Time Table. SOB ud after Monday, Juno 214 Train* will pass McHenry Htatlon as below: OOIKO SOTTTB. Uke Usneta Passenger .7:18 a. II f^ake Geneva Express .,..,.8:15 " Lake Geneva Freight .. tS:46 r. M iJike Geneva Passenger ,.3:9S " 001*0 troara. Lake Geneva Freight 9 11 a. • Lake Geneva Passenger 10:*0 " Lake Geneva Express . .4:48r. M Lake Geneva Passenger......... .... .8:57 " * Stops only to leave Passenger*. JB. Bess, Agent. McHenrr. Ill NQTICI. Having announced myself a candi­ date for the office of County Treasurer, hope my friends will give me their support, Taos. MO. D, RICHABDS, Woodstock, 8ept., 9th, 1888. REGULAR Church services at Unlver- sallst Church at 10SO A. M. and 7:30 p. M. JOBS CUM MINGS, of Champaign, III, . was the gueat of H. W. McLean a few days last week. Miss LUCY MCLEAN, woo has been / away attending school, returned home v last week. READ the new advertisement of th**' Arm of Fltzsimmons A Evanson, In 1 another column. IF you want good goods for a small amount of money, call on L. W. Nichols the Jeweler 'n West McHenry. Do not fall to read the notice of the - Domestic Manufacturing Company, to be found In another plae|7||^lhis paper. A SON of A. G. Logke, about seven years of age, is reported quite sick THERE IS an Immediate demand for a musical Instructor to instruct an ele­ mentary class in this village. The committee would bo glad .to bear from such by their addressing, "Musical Committee, Box 166. McHenry. III. THE Ladies Willing Workers 8oole- ty. connected with the Universale Church, will meet at the residence of Mrs, A. H. Hanly on Thursday afternoon, the 21st. A general atten­ dance is earnestly requested. MRS. J. B. FBRBT, President. Miss GBACB OWEN, Secretary. THERE will be an Oyster Supper and Social, for the benefit of the Unlver- salist Society, at Riverside Hall, on Friday evening, October 22nd. All are cordially iovited to come. The Mc­ Henry Military Band will be present and enliven the evening with some of their line music. Come and enjoy this first Oyster 8upper of the season. Va­ rious other Refreshments will also be served* Br REQUEST or COMMITTEE. with lung fever, tendance. Dr. Fegers Is In at CALL on L, W. Nichols, the West McHenry Jeweler, for Clocks, Watches Jewelry, Silverware, or anything In his line. L, W. NICHOLS the Jeweler In West McHenry hns a stock of Jewelry of the latest styles, which he will sell so cheap that he will surprise you. JR SEPTEMBER 19th, being Elder / Wheeler's 73th birthday, be was muoh I gratified as wall as pleased, by recelv- V Ing valuable present* from his family H. COVET and wife, of Cbioago. spent a few il tys here last week and started on Saturday for Dallas Texas, on a business trip, for the Arm with which Mr. Covey ds engaged. WM. KNOX, a brother of Thomas Knox, of this village, died In Chicago last week. His remains were brought here on Tuesday and Intered In the latholic Cemetery. REMEMBER the Oyster Supper and Social, lor the benefit of the Unlver­ balist Society, at Riverside Hall, on Friday evening of this week. See notice elsewhere CAPT. GEO. ECKERT, Republican caodldate for Sheriff, was caliiug on friends here on Tuesday. He will make one of the best Sheriffs McHenry county ever had, and Is sure to be elected by an overwhelming majority, JOHN GRIFFITH, Esq. Vice President State Board of Agriculture, will please accept thanks for coraplimiota ry to the coming Fat Stock Show which opens in the Exposition Build lng, Chicago, Nov, 8tb. LAST week Elder Wheeler was th recipient of bridal favors, in the for of wedding cards and cake, from dear nieee, Mlas Abbie M. Colby, who was united in marriage to Mr. Herbert M. Kimball, In Dunbarton. N. H. A REGULAR Communication of Mc Henry Lodge No. 168, A. F, A A Masons, will be held on Mooday even ing next, Oct. 25th. A general attend ance of members is earnestly requsstedA PER ORDER, / NAKAI at the ( einnrK* »r siijrl: id wfth ssfvery ON the first page of this paper can be found the cird of A. E. Bourne, Attorney and Counselbr, Woodstock. 111. Mr. Bourne is an able and efficient Attorney, and any having law business can entrust It to no better bands. Read his oard. Tou will confer a favor upon our readers as well as upon ourselves by sending us any items of news that jou may know; no matter how unlmpor- > tantit may | seem to you It will prob­ ably prove news to our readers. Writ* as plainly as possible and dlreet to the PLAIKDRALER. McHenry. ill. PATRONIZE your bom* merchants: tbey are the ones wbo pay the taxes, and are Interested in the welfare and prosperity ef the town. The? will sell' jou fust as good goods, just as cheap as you can get them In any other town, and *%Home first, the world after* ward," should be the motto of nil wbo have an Interest In our village. THE Pastor of the Universalis! Church hat had a superabundance ol flowers In front of the Church all sum­ mer, and with bis own hand kept them In admirable condition, and now fo» his pains some flower thief has been and dug up and carried off all bis fine variety of Geranium plants. Mean, isn't It. c wonder If the following, which we clip from one of our neighboring county exchanges, can be true? If so this county should hereafter refuse to have anything to do with Chicago's criminals, and let them do their own dirty work: "For the 63,000 costs incident to the trial of Jim Dacy, who shot Aid. Gaynor, w .Chicago, and wa« tried and oonvicted in McHenrr county, the opinion has been giyen that Cook county will only have to pay for the board of the Dacy Jury and the bill for his board while In jail; leaving the 62,500 balance for McHenry «Mnlf f» Jo»f»M ARRt*» --On Toesda y, October 19th, 1886. he Church, in Johnoburgli, by the Rev" Father Mehrlng, Benjamin Buss, Jr., ami Miss Lizzie Wlrfs, daughter of Casper Wirfs of this village. "Ben ie the popular Ticket Agent of the Northwestern Railroad, at this Station, and has hosts of friends wbo will wish him a long, happy and pros­ perous voyage on the sea matrimonial. They left on the three thirty train Tuesday afternoon for St. Peter, Mln- meapolis and other points West, and Vrili be absent about ten days. ^HE character of Mr. Lum Smith's paper The herald, published In Phlia delphla, Is fully expressed In Its motto: "The foe of frtud and cor­ ruption.** Mr. Smtth through the medium of his paper, fearlessly attacks and exposes the numerous advertising frauds aod tricks In trade to which the ionocent and unwary are liable to be­ come victims. His efforts for the suppression of Immoral literature should receive the encouragement of every one wbo wishes purity In the house tfnd social circle. THE Rock River Methodist Confe- ence made the following appointments for this section. McHenry and Ringweed--B. M. Baxter* Nunrta--O. H. Cessna. Richmond and Hebron--G. H. Wells. Woodstock and Franklinville--M. H, Plumb Wanconda and Volo--T. R, Hatterfleld. Solon and Spring Grove--Wm. Ntckle. Marengo--J C, Btgelow. Harvard and Chemung--G. 0. Clark. Greenwood--O. W. Jaycox. Rev. J. M. Conlee, who haa occupied the pulpit in this village the past yaar. goes to Rock ton. Rev. W. A. Adron to Charter Oak and Kirkland, and Rev. S. Searl to Barrington. THE minister's wife bat 00 the front porch mending the clothes of one ol her numerous progeny. A large work basket lull of buttons sat on the floor of the porch. After various remark* of a gossipy nature the visitor "Sou seem to be well supplied buttons, Mrs. Goodman." "Yei well, indeed" "My gracious! if there ain't two of the same buttons that m? husband had on his last winter suitP' I'd know them anywhere." "Indeed P said the minister's wife calmly, "I am surprised to hear It, as all these buttons were round In the contribution box. 1 thought I might as well put them to some use, so (--what, must you go! Well be sure aod call again. JAS we have before said Ear) Mead as ftn Artist is hard to beat for one who has had the opportunities that be has. He is row engaged in Besley's Drug Store, on the West Side, and to while away bis leisure moments has been decorating th<> Safe. On one side lie has painted some fine Iand4cape soenes while on the front and door he has a portrait of a young darkey which is a* natural * as a big sunflower." The combination lock nob protrudes from his mouth au<i makes him present a very comical appearance. As a job of ofihand portrait painting It has real merlt^ Call in and see It If you have not already done so, THE extreme dry weather the past summer caused the cry of a failure of all crops, and hard times for everyone this winter. When the harvest came it was found that small gra>n;ofall kinds was a splendid crop--far ahead "Of that of average years; the corn crop promises fair, and all kinds of farm produce brings good prices. Our meichants ,thus far report a good trat'e this fall. They are well stocked up with goods of their respective lines, and no one seems to be suffering greatly from the threatened panic. The farmer, with good crops and good prices Is enabled to square up old scores and start with a clean record (or the uew year. When the farmer has plenty of money, good times may he looked for, but when crops are short and money scarc*, everyone is bound to be bard up. This is a good fall, and has been a prosperous year. Teacher's Meeting. The first meeting of the McHe#ry County Teachers Association for the season. 1886-7. will tonvene at Wood­ stock. on Oct. 23rd. at 10 o'clock A. M. Teachers and all others interested in educational work are urged to attend. We expect a most profitable session. PttOGty||H§4B. L Report of officers. 5. Election of offlcera. 3. Mntlc, selected. 4, AUdroas to Teachers Snpt. Barber , « , . HKOESS. L Music, selected. *> Primary Geography L. E. Mentch A. U.S. Hifttory vr. JE. »Vire *» J*oem. ..Rush B. Morse ^ 'f*®"®11 • • J. A. Sheldon 6. Clacs Exercise, Lauguage A Woodstock Teacher 7. Hew to use books of Reference and Mis­ cellaneous b"oks in school F. B. Burt Doubtless arrangements will be completed securing reduoed R. R. rates lor members ef association who at­ tend. H. B. BAU>WIV, Pres. M. 0. T, A. Hebron, IIL Oct, 9 ISSS. Dress Flannels, Trioots, and medium f rioed Dress Goods just received at luulmatoBS * Evanson's. IN the Waukegan Patriot of last week we find the following: "A rare piece of good luck has just fallen to the lot of our "rustling* former oltlxen John A, Avery, which the readers of this paper will be glad to learn. Of late he has held the position of press agent with a Chicago dime museum run by Stanliooe A Epstean. A few days since a gentleman called at the museum an J asked Avery to accom­ pany him to the Calmer House. There he was introduced to one- of the proprietors of Kohl A Middleton's museum, who had a ready drawn u p contract for him to place hla name upon, ensuring him a-salary for One vear double the sum he was then re­ ceiving, and an interest in the bust* ncss. John affixed his signature, and by this time is on his way to Cincinnati to assume the manageme n of one of K. & M.'s museums. Friend Avery has evidently got mixed up In the occupation Nature iutendedbim for, and we all wish him-continued Success." While we rejoice at friend Avery's good fortuce, yet we are sorry to know that he has left Chicago, where we used to meet him and swop lies almost every time we were in But here's our hand, Johnny, and the hope you may live to be A natural curiosity yourself yet. $5.00 REW ARD! Some parties, either for fun or pure cussedness, have ol late been breaking and otherwise Interfering with the Street Lamps tn this village. A Re ward of 65.00 will be given for enfor- mation that will lead to the arrest and conviction of any person meddling in any manner with said Lamps. The Corporation have hired a man to take care of the Lamps and no other person has any right to meddle with them In any manner whatever. Any person convicted will be punished to the full extent of the law. Pan oaoaa. Proceedings of the Board of Trustees. MCHENRY, III. October, 4th, 1836, Biard met pursuant to adjourument. Prese nt full Bo rd. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. The following bills were presented audited and the clerk ordered to draw orders on the Treasurer for the same: P. Thalen, labor #15 on J. Kothermel, labor, 13 fli George McDonald, Nfoor, IS <*> Wm, ^chreiner, lab r, .. SO &i Thomas Knnx, Team Work,.... 19 !H> *. McDonald, Team Work, 87 00 vVm. DMVIX, Team Work, 'A S3 0 Sordqnest A Weber, Blacksmithing,... S3' t. Bishop, Pumiis, 90 »• I, N. Meal, Nails, 5 » M. L. Holmes, Night Watch S3 (X U. A, Lincoln, Night Watch,.... ... SB (HI Bills of Smith Son A Co., Henry k»by and E. M. Howe were referred back for conection. Report of Well Committee was re ceived. They reported the Well near the Pu bile Squarie and the on? '*n the Schre tner corner as completed *nd accepted. The Well near the brick church was accepted on condi- Mou« that it was to be lowered at least one foot aud raised three brick at tbti top. On motion duly seconded the Taylor Brothers were allowed 695 on account of Well contract. Moved by Trustee Howard that as •won as Wells are railed the railing be painted. Carried. Moved by Trustee Howard that the railings be on two sides only. Carried. Moved by Trustee Cristy that th* Night Watch be discharged for th** present. Carried by the following vote: Ayes--Cristy, Nichols, Weber. Roth- ermel and Gilbert. Nays--Howard; Moved that the Clerk be instructed to adv *rtise lor Sealed Proposals for taking care of Street Lamps. Carried On motion adjourned. B. GILBERT, President Attest, J. VANSLYKB, Clerk. McHenrj, 111., Oet. 15th, 1888, Board met ou call of tho Prealdent Present full Board, Minutes of last meeting read and approved. The bids for taking care of Street Lampe, nine In number, were then opened, and showed bids from 310 to 650 per month. The party who bid 610 said that he did not understand th»t It included the putting outoi the lamps, and therefore withdew bis bid. On motion of Trustee Nichols, duly seconded, the contract was let to C. A. Lincoln at 613 per month. Moved by Trustae Cristy that the •luce near Perry A Owen's store be filled np, and a grade made so as to allow water to run off on that side of the street. Carried. Moved by Trustee Howard that the Street Committee consult with R. Bishop In relation to carrying water from the corner of the street near J. B* Perry's residence across his land to the Mill Pond. Carried. On motion adjourned. B. GILBERT, President. Attest, J. VAH SLYKE, Clerk. MRS. P. H. SMITH Hereby offers herself as Nurse for the sick. Has had large experience and is sure to give satisfaction. Terms Retsonabie. Can be found at residence two doors East of the W"St Side School House. Heroes of the Plains- It seems that we ha^e at last got a book of Western adventures that is worth having. At any rate it is en­ dorsed by such distinguished Generals as Sheridan, Hancock, Merritt, Ac.. wbo knew the Herees personally, from their baying served under them as Scouts and guides In campaigns against the Indians, and It is not like­ ly that these distinguished army officers would endorse the book unless tbey knew It to be all right. The pub­ lisher, Dan. Llnaban & Ho., St. Louis, olaim that it is having an unusually large gale, and tbey seem to have faitb in th«lr own statements, as they fur­ nish the book to agents on time, to be paid tor when sold. See advertise- IHBI elss ALO4HI0UIN. EDITOR I'LACI^KALBR:--Mrs. Smith Chapman, of Chicago, with a lady friend' was the gneet of Jesse Ctspman on Wednesday of last week, There were quite a number of yonng people from here attended the party at Cary, in honor of Miss Laura Frary on Wednesday evening of last week. Miss Emma Argard Is visiting in Chicago. There was an Assault and Battery suit In town on Wednesday of last week. John Dunn as complainant aod Geo. Lowe as defendant. The defendant plead guilty and was Jiued 610 and costs. DIED.--October 14th, infant daugh­ ter of Mr. and Mrs. Friiin Pingry. W. P. Bensou visited at May wood, 111., last week. ^ The report ftk thEi |be dashing young widow is about to wed a jounir farmer in Iowa. . MARRIED,--At the home or the br.des Mother, at Ridge fie »d, 111.. Mr. W. H. Jenks to Miss Kate Keeler. The happy couple arrived here tn the afternoon and commenced house keep­ ing in the little green cottage ou Harrison streot. A number of our young folks attend* ed the Literary at Cary on Friday evening of last week. They report having a very pleasant time. Dr. E. Phillips aod wife, of Cape May, N. J. are visiting his parents here, W. P. Bensoiff barn, on the old Alice B. Smith farm, burned down on Saturday night last. It contained about 40 tons of bey and a quantity of farm machinery. Partially insured. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Herten, of Grand Rapids, Mtoh., spent part of last week the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Sherwood. / Joe Johnson has been obliged to lay a tile drain to carry off the surplus water from bis artesian well. Charles B. Curtis, of Elgin, was the guest of C, E. Chapel! on Sunday last. Henry Benthusen's artesian wo 11 was a failure. He says he don't want a flowing well. Good reason. Morton and Stellck are painting John Dnnn's mammoth barn., An 1 they tlso have the job of pointing J. M. Pyott's new residence, both outside and In. D. C. Wilcox, of Elgin, was here on Monday of this week with a drove of (lonles, which he was trying to dispose •>f. Is done going to CarV to live. He Job of runnlug the Brother Lumm leave us and go to has secured ,the )arv Feed Mill. Wm. Hufiman, of Nunda, was In town on Monday of this week. Wm. Glnzier, of Chicago, Is the guest of Jas Phllp. HEBROK. EDITOR PLAINDRALBR:--The new Irug store Is fast nearing completion. Mrs. O. A. Dart went to Chicago Friday for new millinery goods. firs. Coler from Cheshire, Mass., Is visiting Hebron friends. The Baptist Society held meetings at Union Hall every evening last week. Miss Minnie Wright's brother Is staying a abort time with her at Henry 'ranes, Hooaen, from Greep- relative)* from Fort Saturday with Mrs. F. Mr. Dart, recently re- bunting tour to Stur- Department, OOltTRIBtTTMD BT "FLOSSIE.' Eldredge shipped hogs Monday. The rink Is open Saturday nights. Covel's bouse is nearly finished. Ml«s McKee was down the road ovsr 8nnday. Mrs. GIUM house. hss tuoved Into her new Holden Gillespie has been on the sick list four or live days. Mr. and Mm. Fenner returned from Chicago Saturday. The boys have tbelr dance the 91st. Have you forgotten It? Purdy Fisher has gone to Chicago to work on the cable road. Frank Wright baa been «N§| from Chicago, strolling about Richmond. Mir. and Mrs. George Rowe have re­ turned from Benton Harbor. There was a party at W. W. Bog art's Friday night. Mrs. J. Van wood, with Wayne, spent Rowe. Our hunter, fnrtied from a geons Bay. Mr. Newton Hyde, from Genoa Junction, stoped over a few-days with his brother and sister on his return from Iowa. Mr. Frank Rowe spent the greater part of last week at Sterling, as a rep­ resentative 01' the Modern Woodmans Association. r Andrew BroWn, from Kansas, form­ erly of this plane, has been making his brother John and old neighbors a visit. What Is to oecome of our public Library? Is It to remain looted, doing no one auy good?- It would be a wise plan to call a meeting arid donate It to the Hebron Public school. The very large crowd report a pleas­ ant time spe it at Rev Andrews, Fri­ day evening at the sociable. The literary programme was entertaining moer particularly the vocal music, which is no surprise as every one Is cognisant of this talent among our Presbyteriao friends. Two runaways occurred Friday night. John Stewarts team became frighten- ••d and rati for several rods doing some slight damage to the harness and oarrlage. Also Seymour Stoneall and Harvey Stewart collided buggies. The only damage being a twisted axle Md a broken thill. Prof. Baidwlo has an Interesting study in school. Instead of resorting to the old method of readitg books the A reading claM take by subscription 1'he Weekly Current, a newsy little paper published in Chicago, from which the pupils not only glean knowledge of reading but become well versed lo the Industrial Improvements of the country, political doings of coneress. and every day matters. A grand idea. The Ringwood Dramatic Club were greeted with quite a large crowd Sat­ urday evening, and although the enter tainraent was somewhat long, ail present were well pleased. The per­ formers, each one, seemed fitted for their part and all did marvelously well. I'he untiring orchestra, assisted by our band, furnished plenty of music, and altogether the euiertainment was something of which there haB been "nothing like it" for some time in Hebron. We say cordially, come again. Mr. and Mrs, Andrews Janesvllle on a visit. are np a t The Exposition has closed and Chi­ cago's attractions are one less. \ August Earnest, a young man known hereabouts several years, died In Chi* cago last week, Ed. Cropley l« convalescent. His father, Elliot who has been Indisposed is better also, Mrs. Jencks and Mrs. Thomas at« here from Cheshire, Mas*., visiting at present at George Smith's. Last week's rain wrought rain to all the gaily oolored foliage, but brought joy to maoy an owner of empty cis­ terns. Nlles Burton has gone np to Hurley. Wis^ to attend the Governor's Ban­ quet and have a good time In general. He will return before the week has passed. The social at G. W. Ehlredge's. Fri­ day night, was an enjoyable affair Anything held at Eldredge's always Is. The Wllmot Band did not appear neither did all or those whose name? tppeared on the programme. Th* ^elections were not all appropriate ye« rendered welL* The attendance wi> Isrge. ft fs with an abundant amount 01 satisfaction that, when ws hear what •he critics say, we remember what: great author once wrote• "The critic- are those who have failed In llteratur* an J art." The most severe ones ar» those who as a rule, fall below th« lowest round, vhen they endeavor t«- climb this oftimes aggravating ladder With us'tis ever a matter of Indiffer­ ence whether the critics favor ut 01 not. Life Is too short and too fair--I > we niake It so--to worry oyer the mil­ lions of annoyanoes that lilt across the path. We met the Gazette's "Kid" en tbt street tne other day. and, prompted bt the actual desire to know how man* minutes we bad to oatch the train, ask the everlasting question that every­ body A6ks whether they know or not what time is It? We watched her fol­ low a deceitful appearing tiny chain t< a watch pocket aid then saw--not a timepiece, but a brown, ripe chestnut At last accounts she was still llvir.|t aud 'tis Slid that when she comei> down tbis way she will carry a black bordered; card with the Inscription. "I am aometbiug of a Mar myself." Every now aod then an engineer, whose name oorresponds with his dis­ position, takes a run up here on aii engine which seems to know its mas ter. When the top of the south grade is reached the "flying whistle" Isglveti for this station, and continued at bliss­ ful Intervals all the way here. The "care are banged around as though there was an earthquake on all four sides. Every atom of irou rattles and clashes unmercifully. If anything goes wrong at the Depot the boys lie off at a safe distance and enjoy the oratorical fun. When he is satisfied that lie has not slighted any p ige ol Webster's Uutbrldged and the side ol the building looks tired, he is off to make np time, and as the red caboose sinks out of sight everybody draws a breath of relief and looks about, half expecting to see little Richmond gone oft in a box car. That's the train to take. You'll get there on time any­ way. FARM TO Of Two Hundred RENT. Acres, situated two miles East from McHenry village on the Waukegan road. Inquire I'IRJ * Owen'a Slot** - at A 920 HOLIDAY PRIZE- The readers of this paper are offers t a prise of (630) Twenty Dollars tn Gold to the person making the great­ est number of words out of the letters contained in the three words "Hawley* Corn Salve." The same letter must not be used but once In forming a word unless It is contained more than once in the three words. Plurals, names of persons and places not allow ed. Use Webster's Dictionary without supplements as authority. Each con­ testant will please enclose 25 cents in stamps or postal note for a box ol Haw ley's Corn Salve. Contest closes December 1st, 1886. Name of winner and number of words mailed to each contestant. The contest will be con­ ducted with the utmost care and fair­ ness. Address your list to O. D. HAWLET, Chemist, Salem, New fork. Faffl and Winter Millinery. Mrs. H. H. Nichols has just returned from the city with a large and well selected stock of Fall and Winter Millinery, aad our lady readers should not fail to call at her store and see the large assortment of new Fall and Win­ ter styles, which are being sold at prices which cannot fall to please all Be sure and oall before buyiog. i MBS.U.H.NIOHOI4. flfLast week In Chicago Judge Anthony Issned a capias for the arrest of W. A. Boles, ef Marengo, bat It was suppressed for seryioe. The applica­ tion was made by Daniel H, Telman, President of the Chicago Trust and Savings btnk, who filed the aotlen of trespass for the bank, cltiming 96,000 damages. It Is alleged that about April 16,1884, Boies visited the bank, and made arrangements to have bis drafta disoounted, filing a statement which showed him to be possessed of fourteen cheese and butter factorlea, 476 acres of land, one-half Interest in a brick building, which was said to be worth 9111,635, against which were claims for 637,600. Tne bank handled Boles paper to the amount of 610.831.- 63, and 94,689,63, was still due the In­ stitution when Bois failed.--Elgin Advocate. fidUSE AND Lor FOR SALE, ifor sale in the village of Algonquin, a large house and three lots. Plenty of small fruit. Will be sold obeap If applied for soon. For further particu­ lars inquire of. G. B. W1T.L IAMS, DaatlfO, OL 4-3*. 10 p&ihds of Rice for 61 at FITZ4IMMON3 * EVAK40S. Extra fine roasted *oftee. 8 lbs. for §1 at Fltzsimmons & Evausons. Overooats and clothing at Perry A Owen's. Good fine cot tobaoooonly 36o a lbH at Bonslett A Stoffel's. Ladies Muslin Underwear, 60 cents at Fltzsimmons A Evanson's. Good smoking tobacco only lie sib* at Bonslett A Stoffsl's. Elegant Dress and Jersey Flannels HEMBT COLBY'S. Flannel, Rockford, best tn the world, at Fltsstmmoos A Evanson's. Buy Warner's Magic and Nationnl least at Bonslett A Stoffel's, Good Mens shir.s, 36 oents at Fits- «lmmous A Evanson's. See onr new Cloaks, Newmarkets and new style wraps before buying. PBRRT Jk owaw. To the fellows that pay as they <0, we offer a superior artlole ef Flour, iasb price 61,25. FITZSIMMOWS A EVAWSOK. Look at the onolce Candtes at Bes iy's Drug Store, West End, Middlings, Bran, Salt and Oil .*a at Bonslett A ^toffels. j. J.-* 5®'" celebrated band mad< ooeta and Shoes; and other standard ft™? 25 Right's old reliable Cash *tore, Woodstock. III. Ladles and Gents flue Shoes s Sjpeo- <a(ty*at Dwights. NEW CLOAKS. Best flr.s. b»<t styles, and lowest pxi- ies at Perry A Owens. 17 pounds good, clean, whole rtoe, for <1.06 at Bonslett A Stoffel's. All gr>des of Rickford and St Charles fi<>ur, 61.06 to «1.65, at Bousleti <fc Stoffel's, Good plug tobacco only 35o a pouod. it Bonslett A Stoffel's. Look tor your fine Kid and Goal 4hoes at I'erry A Owen's this week at •xtreme low prices for oash. BESLETS Liver Wort Kidiey Cure, 'he best thing on the market, ai Sesiev's Drug Store. West Side. 17 lbs. good, clean, whole rtoe for 11.00 at Boaslett A Stoft-tl's. Call and see the fine line of Fall ttillinery. at Mrs. H. H Nichols. Rook ford Carpet Warps at Bonslett AStoffels. 16 pounds standard Granulated Sugar tor 61 cash, at Perrv A Owen's, 16 pound* btsndard A. Sugar for 91 <)ash at Perry A Own's. Tricots and Dr«»«s Flannels tB all <nades at Perry A Owen's.# Call and s^e our floe Perry A Owen's. new shoes at 17 pounds light C. Sugar for |1 cash tt Perry A Owen's. THIS WEEK Great Bar (ains In fine kid shoes at cut prloes for cash at Perry A Owen's. We took advantage of a low market tnd briugh: our Overooats very cheap •or cash, and can give you bottom prl ces. See them. PERRT A OWEN. Our rubber goods were bought be* fore the advance, so we can sell cheap­ er than others. BOWSLETT * STOPPEL. Jersey Caps, Plush Caps and Tobog- /Ins. the latest thing out, at Mrs. H. H Nichols, See our 62.99 Men's shoes, lace or oongnws worth 66.00 at Bonslett A HtofiePa, We have a few pair Men's low shoes. E'gln and Rockford, make at extreme lylow prices f»r cmh. Most b* sold New Gloves and Mittens just receiv­ ed at Perry A Oweu's. A full line of Ladles Furnishing Goods, at Mrs. H. H. Nichols. Trunks and valises at Bonslett A Stoffel's, Jersev caps for men. women, and children. Finest asaortment and prl­ oes very moderate at Fltzsimmons A Evanson's. Fvr Sale. One hundred Rose Comb Brown Leghorns. ROM Comb White Leghorn, and Houdan Pullets and Roosters, at fifej cents each. H, DWIGHT, Woodstock, IIL ! Bualnes® Kotlee«ts €Uy reside Asa W.Sal Overcoats, Men*s and Boys' Suits, Ladles' Cloaks, Gloves and milts, new and stylish, reasonably large assort­ ment and prloes very moderate, at Fltzsimmons A Evanson's. MRS. E. W. HOWS !S now In the city buying her Fall §0ook of Millinery and wi<l, in a few days be prepared to show to the ladies of McHenry aad sur> rounding country the finest line of stylish Fall Millinery ever brought to thla town. Call and see goods and leans prloes before bnyl«§» <- ^ 'the BardmNfi Use I lLHewe*. Celluloid Sets, cheaper than ever fbre. at G. W. Besley's, West Side, p Fine Scrap Books only #1 JB at 0, Besley's. West Side. Celluloid Combs, only 10oenU, at4 W. Besley's, West Side. Boots and Shoes, an immense si . at HEHRI COLST S. Good Rockford Floor only 61S per sack at Bonalett A Stoffel's. Before yon losure get terms fftr Fire, Lightning and Tornado Insu­ rance, of Bonalett A Stoffel. West Mo*' Henry, 111. Lace Curtains, Tidies, LaaberklnS, Bedspreads and Shams, cheap, st Mrs, Schumacher^ near the Depot. Fresh Rolled Oats aft Bonslett # Stoffel's. DOMESTIC Piano, and Furniture Pol­ ish, the finest thing In the market, at Besley's Drag Stora. Rockford Flannels, best In ttfe world, far sale at EITZSIMMOW3 ft EVAST30X. Ladles and Gents underwear, large assortment, very low prloes for cash •I FITZSIMMONS A EYAHSON, The largest line of Clothlog ever shewn In McHenry, can now be found < 1 •I HENRT COLBY'S. ^ Bailey's Famns Waukegaflf* Ale and Porter On draught at J. Bonsletfs, A. Ba- glen's and John Heimer's. it Ir you want to make your Bnggy 1jRi"' at '-Av Top look as good as new get the tlonal Patent Leather Enamel Besley's Drug Store. Mrs. Sehumaohert Visits Chicago every week snifl take in your orders and fttrnlah goodt1 st the lowest Chicago prices, BESLEY'S Ale and Porter ts the tMst made. On draught In McHenry atleeeb Soosleus, A. Englen's. sad lote Helmet's. Jersey Waists, a full supply, which *111 be sold at lower prices than any »ther store in McHen ry. Mm*. M.I Call for the " Winning Stroke", a BOW Brand of five cent Ctgare, manufacture *d by Barblau Bros. It beats the at UL Cash paying buyers are respectfully invited to c 11 at Fltsrfmmons A Evanson's store at the Weat Bod, to xamlne a few articles offered aft uargalns during this week. - v' EVERYBODY KNOWQ^ That Henderson's Boots and Shoes tre the best. We sell lots of them.-* Perry A Owen's, Sole Agents, Remember the fact that W. H. Dwight will not be undersold by aay touse In Woodstock or McHenry Co. From Monday Oct. 4,1836, till March 1st, 1887. mv store will be closed at $ •'clock P, M., except Saturday even­ ings, when we will close at 9Jr. M. HESfiX OOLttT. , Notice, Wteee that want Tubs, Tats, Hay tacks,and anything In my ine of bust* less. Work done on short notice tt •rder. Shop one door South ot Lawn us' Store, , „ F. A. HEBARO. ; tCoHenrr, Aug. M, WE. 11-4-Ijr CARPE1' WEAVING . The undersigned Is pre pare#- - f lo' " "Veave Rag Carpets on short notice tnd at Reasonable rates. Residence me Block West of the North-wesft oornerofthe Public square. Orders •"espectfully solicited, and satisfaction guaranteed UEO. SCHUSTER. , McHenry, Aug. 16th, 1888. 69"C. Dickinson A Son, Barrington, Ills., are daily reoeiving testimonials rom ail over the United States la favor of their celebrated cow presortp> 'ion. Milk fevsr is a ihing of the paa| : where this medicine is used. Never ' was a case of it known where this medicine was given soou after calving* It will also increase the flow of milk. For sale by all druggists. Soma Poollah People. Allow a cou(h to run unr.l itgetsl be* yotid the reach of medicine. Tbey of* ien say Oh! it will wear away, but Is most cases It wears them away, • jouid they be Induced to try the successful medicine called Kemp%V Ba sam, which will sell on a positive / guarantee to cure, tbey would immedt* ttelysee the excellent effect after tak»'; ing the first dose. Price 60o an< Trial size free, at Geo. W. KcHenry. SAVE A DOLLAR. We have had consigned to us by the manufacturer as an advertisement of • heir work some extra flue genuine - Tampico goat Shoes for iadlee wear* «ucn as titve been *old for Three Dol- ars. We are instructed to sell (best it Two Dollars. Bay a pair and save a dollar. PERRY A OPPP N, B. Every pair warranted. Wanted. Reliable and energetic men to left til kinds of a irsery goods. New and hardy varieties adtpted to the cli­ mate. Business light and easily •earned. To successful men we east pay good salaries and exjenses and give ateady employment. First class references required. Send for teraulk Iddress L* L. May. A Co„ Nurssrynaca St, Paul Minnesota, For Sale. The undersigned offers for sale hit -esldenoe, and two acres of laadf sltna* ted in the village or Ringwood. Is well located, in good repair and on the premises sre ail kinds of email fruit* all in a healthy and bearing condition. It is, with ail a very desirable piece ef property. Good ham and outbuildings For terms and other particulars oall oa tbe undersigned on the premises. WM. LAMOBAM, Ri ngwood, March 9th. 1886. To-Wight and To-Morrew Ml«ht. And each day and night during till week, you can find ac Geo. W. Bealeyt drugstore Kemp's SuppositorW knowledged to be the moat treatment yet Introduced for the 1 of pi lea. Old sufferers from this db» stressing complaint are at earn it* lteved and In a abort time a peraaaaeift oure establlahed. Check the disease In ti-ae by using the "moat eS**ttve reatedy. Price Mo. Send address PMSphlet on plica. Box • *!ii W£A&

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