*r ' * ,lr. •" < Pp-<f U- i •'•ir - ^»j-K » t"" -t* 1 ,* V: ', •> /*.» I®- Pnlillshed Every Wednesday by V^V>' S4IWI£JB!, \ EDITOR AXO PO'BI.ISHISB. Office lit Bishop's Block, ^-©rpo»iT« I»MW * OITBW'^^:^ "'TERM* or SrJ BS'J'tt P TIO 3fv » Tear (in Af**»'•<*) *1.lSfi VotPtll aril bin Throe Mmths ..... .. t "0 nnscrlntlans rorjivnl fir three or *!x mtlis 'n the same proportion. . $ < V: ' & :• ; Rates ot Advert!stnflr. MiMTi'f Ti'»«i"il rates f>>r n 've"M«ln* the Pt,\ivo«*T.*!n, nil ••n tciv >r to 'litn t%em so ntoinlv i»rtt th«v wilt It SNUNMily «n. derstoad. They are as follows:" • I Tnch one veir . . •:'*•_ SO" 1 ot* vw - .«* W" t tn«h«i «w* wit - .V*'#•?•' • .•*.*•#4^ MH V Column nn« vmr *- "Mr f* 'i •'<»•< - JM«0 Jtf Catnmn M« veljr. W M JL.Calnmn ene vwr" - . *> d. TOO on ~ f)n« Inch mean* the mMinrtimit of one l^h <lown th« column, "infle column width. %enriy advertiser*, at the above rites, ham the privitcre of cluiiiiiiii »s often as they thoose. without extra charsre.' " Resiilar (mfmiiT lh«M havinT Standing cards} will lie entitled to Insertion •f local notice* at the rite »f a c«n»s t»«»r,ii«in each week. AH other* will lie diirwl 10 cants per ".ine the fl"«t week, and A cents per line for each subsequent week. Transient * Ivnrliseoents will lie e.harsed •t tin rate of 16 rent* pe line, (nnnpiml tvpe, same as this is set In) the first issue. and fe.ents per 1'ne for subsequent issues- Th~s, an inch advertisement will cost Jtt.OO for one week, |l.u for two weeks, #2.00 for time Weeks, and so on. The Pr.swnF.At.wn willlie liberal in trlvlng editorial notices, hut, as a lin^iness rnle, it •rMI require a suitable fee from evervbodv seeking the use ofitscolwmin for pecuniary gain. • *! BUSINESS CARDS. 2F H. T. BROWS, M. U. IJHYSIOIAV ANd> StTRGKON. Oflee over . rth® Past Oflne, opposite Perry A^Martin'i lt«r* itn stairs, McHetiry, III. J. II. SOOTH ILL, M. D. iftTSICIAV A^D "TRuEOX. Cfficeoppo. site Post 0«lce, IMngwood. III. C. B.' rKGBU, M, D- ; { ffHrRtOlAV *vn SITRUKOV. Wr?terrrr, I Ilia. Office at Re Idene.e, on the Corner, Opposite Bloke's fnruilura store. O. J. HOWARD. M. D. |»HY*TOTA\" AVD fttTRGKOV. I ar resilience, opposite M. Mellenry.III^ Offiee at E. Chttrnli, M' rONET HECKT\rKI> K<1R INVK^TMRN an<t l«wne.'l on morian*;e seriirity at ,<nt rites, without charpc to the lemler tirrn loans made at *ix per rent. $T". " ' .1. tr. UAXSTK^O. ?s 1 and 1 Rorden IHork, Kljfin. III. ji I1YF.RS Baloon and R oat mi rant, rBASKMEVTof Kiihrert's Store. Johns-linrgh, til- The choicest brands of Wii»>*. Liquors and cigars always on ti ini. Cull Mfa see me. • anil' ' 1 'M " "' Jg • PRATT HOUSE. * ( S 4. PRATT, Proprietor First class ae- if eo.nnioiiations. Good Barn fn connection If n oond i. III. KARRI AN BRM. *IO AR Mannfart\|rpr,», \felfenry. 111. Or '$ ilers solirilcd. 1) Old MfHeiiri*, Ra'iter Block, two doops w«st of Pt.Al"» IAI.RR Offlce. 5 RTO!l \!tl> COM I'TON. TtTSTlOK nf the Pcice\!i i fionveyaneer.-VTill ittoii l pro n'ttly to tha collection of |sbts. Volo, l.ake County, 111. E. M. OWES r EXKRAT- Dealer and Manufacturer# A rent in l.cadinsr Farm M'lnhfnery.r- •a low HBII tevtus fitvor&T*}*. MoIIoftryv II. «.SMITH. »OOT AHO SHOW M VKKH. Prompt attei)- R^'tlon liven to liVi.iiVin'f. ftbop; }« «ru». iry's Harness rOiop, opposite Riverside House, Ifo.flenrv, Illinois. T-" V CERMAN U DF" Manufactured F. MARCIJS l>Y M VLTT (J. BARRIAX. HAIR HTOUKKII. AH kn.ds . Work done in Urst el *** »t\r>e , reuMMiaiile prices, lliioms *t rcsi>lonco, east corner of Public Square, Sic,Henry. VETERI* AttY Illinois C.S. GUF.^N. SURG BOX, RiehMond, jr^<* A. B vi.ourr*, ATTORXEY AT 1. \ W. T.aw tinfinasa ii» Kr«ry pirt of the ^tate receives prompt *t tendon. U.iom 21, »9 Washington St., OM* ca«r», III. DR. C. E. WILLI VMS. nBNTIHT. Residence Will be at M>- le-.n-v. at Parker llouso, the 10th and fftthofea<'|i iiinntH. When il itM <M'cnr SnttirltT or Aiihduy I uaka uiy visits oi> the f»ii>nvtn> Monday, JO'IV KT.HIFFJKS. HOTT^K Painte%(ir-iiner, 0;ilcimin«*r and Paper II ui?er. !t ni 1« i - a nn«<. Block West «,f Uiversi le Tl»<ise. Wnrfc attended to promply and on reasonable terms. H<»r*»nieii, Attoiitfon ! A!' lovers ot fine Horse are resnocffnlly Invited to c-rill at my half a mile west o'f Mellenry, 'Hi the (VmiMnfk mad, an l see my flue M'irvran ah l Draft Horse*. ' I have a Percheron Xorinan Uraft colt that is hard to beat. OhII and see him. , , » W"Si business done on Suoday. ;4 S. 8. COLt^^ Mcllenrjr. May 1st, I8S3. * J C. N. CULVER, MCllONEGt, Richmond. Illinois# % Sal es of Stock, Farminar Toots nntl (jroorl.^ ot all kiiu s utloiitled to on the most (ioasoiiable Terttis mid satisfaction 1 -guaranteed Post Office addressi,, ftI'C'lLVIOND, ILL. •B"W111 attend sales and furnish printing and advertisingns cltcapascun be procured elsewhere iu the :onnly. EOBSHT C. 3SHN2TT, BREEDER OF s ' Lifht ,*atk ••xiskM FOWLS, RICHMOND, ILL. (FIMT PI'.EMtl(Jt \T Mrm.NKY COt'KTY F.%IK.) Mv fowls arew* the celi-Uraied DITKB OK YOJlK strain, re:nar!tal»le for their jfreat sice aad laying qualities. I cssn show a .trio of last .season's chicks weitrtHns :it p Minds Kirjfs, nor setfiiK »f i.liirteen. deliverer! to purchaser in lticlimond, Sliiuimd, sccurelv p a c k e d , « j . w 5 ' " jv ROJiKHTCt MRS ltETT. -DUALBR IK-- WR|WINES, LIQU RS AND CIGARS. Woodstock III. Wt Tonic in the worl'L " ' l|llttl't ItottlCb. Pufr«^ltt H P. MARCUS, Patentee, i Twelve reasons] roit i\suuiNG \rixii a W. Smith,, Ot Woodstock, 111. ' ' ! 1. Because he i» endorsetl by leading bn» Hess men and the press, and particu ariy J.h«j •S;. m Plieve Iwst known. 2. Because his is the oldest agency in ^/a." Because lie r» presents the liest linepf •mpan'.es of anv »ircii«-'y in the county. . 4. ItecMiise. with one exception, he rei|fe. '•ents tho oldest cumpauics in the United *5. Because, in rase of loss, he irlres his patrons the lienetlt of his l<»n* exiieriene.o in aecui ins: an equitable adjiistment. '^6. Because he has al^Ayf fnll ftol-f itpies. , ,tj » A 7. Because he p%ys losjes ̂ P farm property' • % lijehminn, whether 8re e.psues or uou • » :f. 8. 'Because ho insures live stoclc ^nywhere •tiMrainnt tiKhtnini;. i "T9. Because he insures agajMt tornadoes, idretones and wind storms. * "l«. Because you can tiius save yonrselyea Mom disaster for anmre trrlle. "'II. Uecanse von will Hnd him «^nally as iMrtive to aid yiiu in sattinp your money Hfter t lass as to seciirc you r uatronagt: for Uis com. pcinie*. , ' 12. Because any one of the above reasons can tie fnllv rerl*Be«l hv williapton K. Mur- toliv, K. Sessions, J. Vf . Miller, lr«»n than- n»n •jcjierience, and on ilie entire circle ot his ar.qnaintances from obstsrvntion. "'Ill behalf of the t|!d Reliable, ^he Phainix, of li irtt'ont, Connecticut, I take sreat ideas. We in ietiirnina tUc thanks "Ytlie company W Mrs. I.. D.Kelly for lier promptness and un usual presence of uiind in extipguiahing a tiro tilt-1 residet'ce, k'niiiSe-l from"'the !;ttrwir.g <»t A. Murphv's residence on the morniiiK of e Wtn inst'. as t>v her individual effort. property was saved on wtaieh the Cianpany t: W M H (St) W LIN [8CCCE8SOK TO M. M. CLOTHIER j D. 8. WAR CLAIM SOLICITOB AND ATTORNEY# ALSO NOTARV PUBLtd. Prosecute* pension or any other claims agninut the government, relating to the late, or former w<us. Complicated cases and re jected claims made a specialty If stamps are enclosed for reply, .II ^communications will be promptly answered. Office at Bstideooe. MADIS3* ST., WO^SXOCK, ILL [>ermWsi<>n as regards char- 8. K. BEN SETT, M. D. pUY^IClAS AXDSUKHEOS. AlsoPr.Ueil States EKamining Surgeon III inula. . Richmond, DR. C. R. WBI.l.S. » ' « PIIYSlCtAX AND SITROEOK,3 WSuKMMida I-a fit Co., III. All calls promptly attenu ed, day or night. Office on Main St., east o Barker's harness .'Imp H. K. JOIIXSOK & CO., OOI.tCITORs of 1 ,-itMits, 1005 t AU, W. W O Washington, t). C. ^ ItKlfEUEKHE*. -- Hon. J. A. Logan, linn. W. R, Allison, lion. D. C. -«;«ith. T'ekin, M. fc. Stone, editor Chicagio A^ir«, Kirtner't lieview, Chteago. S«ud tor instruccions. y JOvEPH Jl. KHEUJf D. « SAT.OOJf AND ItK r \tPtVVT RfrivStett'fe old <t;tn l,_oniiosite H'ilrni's Mill, Me Wines, I.Kt ounty. r llenrv, 1U. Tho c loiccst and Cigars tol>e t ntnl in liic Oysters in their season svrved up bhape IIMU.HI or f<<r sale by the C*n. OOOD STVfll.ISG FOR HORSES. ivrs resh in a.ny AVTONY ENGE1.N, SAf OO.X ar.d Restaumnt, Buck's old etand Mclfenrv. III.--The choicest Keiunrky Whiskies, ««ur Mash, Wines,- Cigars, etc., al wavs on hand. We tint'iioue but the best, an l sell at Reasonable Prices. Fresh Oysters in their! seasou. A. M. CHURCH, Wntehmiikor and Joweler NO-10f. STATE ST., Chicago, III. Special aitc'itiongiven t<>reiiairinrfFine watch es and CiimnnitK ters. W.V Full Assortment of Goods in his lino " Richmond House, RIC^lfl.O.fD. ILL C. N. OUI. VE11, - PROPRIETOR. fTAVIWG recently purenafed the above I I House, I have nut it. in thorough repair, with new fu«*nitne throughout, ami wonld res|Mvtfnl'v inrite tho pnt.vona*eot the trar- cling public and oihers. The tables will al* ways be provided with the best that can lie procured, nn«l polite ami attentive waiters will lie in readiness at all times to attend to tho want s of guests. No p uns will tie spared to make this n First Class House. Large and commodious barns on the premises. Free Omnibus to and from all trains. Sample Rooms on first floor. • • -- >.r <• In. •„*, E, I "iprtSSs ̂ - W n - \ * w ; H E. Wt« HTM AW, I'ronrietor. First ej-issriga, with nr without drivers fnrnishetl at reasonable ratea. Teaming <*t all kinds tone on short notice. >»" h A. WENDELL, SABPESrSR &BS J0OT3 III. y nermissii ,'ability, reliability, , Ac Reference* bv actor, busini1 G-!ii. John A. I.ojcm, U. Senator, IMiicago, Illinois . (icii. .1. C. Smith, Slate Treasurer of Illinois. ll.in.lt l-JIUvood, M. (\ jlli 111. Dist., Syo- amore. III. Hon. John Slierwia. • ex-M. C. 5th III. Dist., Aurora, 111 Hon. A. M. Jones, U. S. Marshal, Chfcsgo, (H Col. Jas. A. "'exton. Pros Union Veteran C'nb, Ciiic.aifo, 111. .Ictse A. l}4ldM~|ii, Ass't U.S. At^qrney, Chi cago, III. Messrs. «eix, Schwab A Co., Wnol«sale Boot and SI)oe Itvileus. Ciiic ign. III. Also hundreds of county and home referen ces. w. OWiPf* --DEALER I^-^r ^ Clocks. Watches, Jewelry; Silver ard Plated Ware ate. te4 ai!l? I Iteqn In stoi-k tite celebrated Springfield WnlfcR. w!ii<-a is piououiiced by all to l»e |,he best watch now ou the market. Will oat be Undersold, - a w. dpsx On any good* in my line. Mt;JJ«|>{-y. Feb. 9Q, 1®»- --near CONTINENTAL ^ HOOF OINTfWENTi Cracked Hqoft, Sprang, 8C#4*CJf£S ASA IV HO tssa. CATTJfE Si SHEEP. / sk tiour Storekeeper for,, #of wrft* di* sclto the Al<tntrftictwerxf, < AMEBIC AN LVBIIICATUIQ QIL CO.. CLEVELAND - - t OHIO. FOB SALE /if McliqmtV BY H( CQLBY. * ' * .»._ . McHonry, Will tlike t^iiti'suMs f«»r piittfug' R'i»Ui|itiK« an.') gtmriiMfi** »nv work 'wilt f(itii|>;ii'<' willi any inati In tlto Stnte. I can iiml will ilo work from 15 to 2b |>*r t'Htit c'ln*apcr lliaii oilier fHrpeuter*. af I havi' two <)( my liova who work with me. wliicli makes it poe^ible for ine, to ilo so, All Job# In the Carpenter line promptly atteiuleit to. Give me a call. " " A. WEND3LIh. M SMITH, WATJHMAKiii 1 JEWELER. Melleury, - Illinois, Having moved into a. new .slqri\ ftne d<jfif Kastot Mrs «earles* Millinury Stftre, I, am now preiKirt-ij to -l^w to (he l^uy(tig public, as Hue a slock uf ' itches, Clocks, Jewelry, ; '* Silver and Plated Ware, A* em !»e found in the cqunty, which 1 oflfer at prices that canuu(. b^ bea^- T^P finest lite FINGKB RINGS - x •> ( ® * *6 k Ityer seen in this section. , , ' . m .. Alao Agent for the PetffnWtr™41 3ay Home Sawing tfaoMn* A Fine Stock of g Olioice Confectionery, • ' : , ' i ' # A m i C i g a r s , A\vtv*m ha«,l. na*Call in, examin(\ goods anil learu prices. Remember I will nyt be unde'rso'ki, quality of gof«ls consi«iered. i. Pi SMITH, McHenry, III., Xov. 27th. WK3. ... . --•--rfr--- «• ' STANDARD Preserves Linen, gives a lieantlfnl finish preyoit^s the iron ir >.u ^tirkin^, saves lalwr & Cents a Cuke. it, Standard Oil Co.* • #?§<; " •• : * 0I.£TEI.A!rD - - • f 0HI3. Ft,li SALE IN McIJENRY BY PROPOSKP PRfSIDN LKOIKL triOX Altrttijfh we <t£ iirtt like the evident hostility to the|»oltlier which the fol lowing resume of proposed pension legislntinii evinces, we give place to It in tl»e Soldiers* t>epr»rt«»e»t because it l« the most «r»4iple:« strtte.neut we have seen of whsl- the w»ldier«' friends in Co,ijrre«8 are dttlnjf; WASHTXOTON-, IF». O.. JTILI: ,11--T^EW York Tribune ]--«*»mi»lMloro»r Diidl«c divides the **|»elfliioii population" of the United Into five da*ses, a* fidlo'w*: Ijivinjf stt'illers and sailors who have not aaptled t«»r pensions, 5)62,- 201; living sol Mer» «t»d sailors who have applied fur pension*. 493,721; d *a>l sol diers a » I sailors who left pen$inn»j|« relatives who have not applied for pen sions. 72,340; dead eoldlers and sailors who left pen singula relatives win have applied 1'or 312.029; dead soldiers and sailors who left no pen sionable relatives, 920.000. These fig ures disclose the future possibilities nt' of the pension business, ami fiev are stndied with ea^er and in ten so interest by every one etigafed In that import ant branch uf Attioi'lcan indu«trjr, for such it has become under the extremely ^I bera! legislation m( tJontfrcss.. ; The |H»n»io i claliHt a '-»i.t« know thtt tavery person insltide l in the first an l third classes--itntitberlng in all 1,034.551 --Is a possible client, and that a fair percentage of thoee in the second ami fourth classes--SOS.75) in all--can be iudnced to apply far an Increase of the pensions they now receive. The latter fact was discovered by tint claim agents as soon as the list of pensioners wa» published bv the Uoverumeitt last Suui- tner, and since tllat time the appiica tions ftit increases have poured in I i a •lead}' and rapidly-jjrowing volnne. For example, 2,740 pen loners applied fet an increase ot their pensions In August; in November the iiunVrof like applications numbered 5,154; and in !>i;oum'»er it was4..l(S3. In.the «!x months ended Dec. 31 u:ire than 22.000 applications for intuva-w weii»4tled. In l he same period 15,104 person* belong ing to the same class applied furpen- ,#ion*, as ilso did #,S88 persons belong Ing to the thlrd 'ol.Wt. Besides these -3J7 aptdicatiotis were tiled by snpervi*- m mi ^ AN i:\Olt)lv>us EXPB.VUI ruuii POSSIBLE. Before noticing the nnmorons pi<-po- ti lions to extend and '"liberalixe" the pension laws, it may be world while to *ay that without any change in those laws, and providing that H|I the claims pending and to be Hied shall h adjustable before -'uly 1st, 1888. the amount required to pay pensions aiis- iug from tlu* War of ll;e Itebellion will l,M *H»B exiteeditlg the liiterwt-bearitig puhlic debt of the United States. Rut the present Jaws .viil not be allowed to stand, if claim "gents and the men in Congress who court "the soldier vote" can have their Way. For months past tho Toriqer luive been flooding the country jvith circu lars and appeals to the old soldiers and petitions by the hundred thousand have been sent out for signatures. It is &aid that one typm ol claim agents alone ipis teut on' a half-million circoliii'S and ^petitions within the list six months, the former designed to stir up the yet- ctntuR of the Uniuu army to "dei^aud ;»heif rigl^s." and the latter iq be figned and s-^nl to lt«|Meseutative« and •Ueiiatois as evidences «f "public opin- i««u." The same general [dan has h:*«Mi pursued in order to manufacture "pub lic sentiment*' for the benefit •»' the jnrvivore Qf the Mexican auti certain Indian wars. % WW AW» WW*! Hl|Mk • The result is rl|-*t. more :ha^ 100 pen sion .-pid U<upity hills and resolutions of u general nature have been ,-»flered iu Congress since the session began. M'»t*e than twenty of them are for the lit'lii'lU of the soldiers and survivors al the Mexican jyid certain Indian, wars. Iu a document tent to the last*(Congress CoinmIs'sintier Uudley estiuia.'ed that Me xj^an peiision Si-heme would, |he United .^^!es 874.344,;KK), and that ill* propyltlmi to pension t!ie surviv ors and widows, of I hi; Seminole. Flor ida. tl.laci llawk. Creek, and Cherokee Indian Wars and the S«\\ York fi'«n tier d.lsturbtuujes. in 1839 would co^t •2^,201,000 making a total of 910Q,54.V 000. Several bills have been iutradiiced to reniQ.ve the limitations as to tim,e of tiling pensions tiiidei' the Arrearsvges act. A measure.of this sojrt w<vt.id im- d|>edialely atlcct 100.77^ vUlU\s now pending, to the extent of iuviTH-s'"K the first payment iu each case allovyed from about $106 to about $090 ou the «verage. Estimating the pro(»oitr(on of these claim that will be alVweil at 85 per cent--wlileii expevience has shown to be nearly corn ct--will be found that (he additional isos^ en the claims now pending would amojnnt to $52,884,800. This does tint incVide the vial uis tiled and allowed during the last three years and a UaU, whicli Arrearages have tint been pa'd, but up- uii which arrearages VV'tld at Oiii* accrue if the measut<« shoiila he swl'l'1 ed. Nor does it foyer future jjppiica- tious, winch are now pouring In at the rate ot ^OLtKKI a yeur--a rate which wytild Ue largely i icreased if the letup (atioii allordsd by tij^t u«w arrearax0* • i l f v ' : ' S • . H - S F V " - - ' " • '•$?* frc Set should be offered to . claim agents and their possible clleDts." BILL TO IN'CltKASR PRKSIONS. Tliere is also a series*of bills to in crease pensions for various kinds of disability. 'Mr. Curiln,, for example, wants the pensions increased of ail pensioners "who lost an arm st of above the shoulder-joint." Il^has another bill to pay all pensioners who lost an arm or a leg «40 a month, and 910 a month in addition If they received other wounds or lncnrred additional disability. The sitjiie bill gives 950 per month t« all who had a leg amputated at the hip toiut. and $72 per month to all who lost bitth an arm and a leg, Mr. Peters, of Kansas, moves to extend these provisions so that any pensioner wli«» ive -ived a shotgun wound which "disable 1 lii u to the i t ue extent*1 as the loss of a leg or an arm woul 1 have done may raceiro the same pension. Senator Voorhecs demands that the rate of pensions for widows and de- peiident relatives shall be Increased froui $8 to 912 per mouth, besides the allowance of $2 per month for each child under 1(1 ye\rs of a£e. S -nator Lapham has a bill which provides IIL-U anj* wido.v, wlii» lias also lost one er more sons In the w.tr or iu oous>squ»*nce thereof, shall receive the same pension as a soldier now receives who lias lust a leg above the knee or au arm above the elbow, A bill offered by Mr. Geddcs. of Ohio, gives pensions to the depend ent father or mother of eveyr deceased soldier, "whether the dependence eo etirred in the lifetime or since the death of the soldier." A SCHKMK T«» PENSION ATL SURVIVORS. Mr. Peters, of Kansas, and Mr. Hart, of Ohio, go in for pensioning all the Union army, Mr. Hart's bill provides that every honorably discharged Union soldier and sailor shtll from and aftet reaching the age of 55 receive a pension of 94 per month until he arrives ar. the age of 6.1, when the rate shall be doubled and continue at 98 per month during the remainder of his life, and that every honorably discharged sol* diet* and fa!lor who has since become permanently disabled "by reason of In juries, disease or slcknis*, whether originating In the service or not," shali receive a peusi.tn of 9S per iiinnth. Tiie mean age of the men who enlisted l.u the UnUn ar>i»y during the war %vas 20. ami the mean year of the war was 1803; therufore, eight years henCPf the tfteatt agtt «*f Mte enrf^vor* will Imum, and, if Mr. Hart's bill becomes a Jaw, all the survivors ot the Union arffty In 1894 will he entitled to pensions. BILT. TO KEWAtll AM. WHO SlinUKXOKRKD. Bills introduced by Mr. .\ndersou, of Kaus-ts, and Others pi'oyli|e that alt sol dier* and *ai|ars who during the war were eonrti|ed It) r«Ue^ prisons for six n|niith.s^f inore sliail receive pensions at the rate ed' 98 p r mouth. It a>so gives them 9J for each day of imprison u|ent, *\nd provides that ll«.osa who i|o\y reae^ve pensions shall receive) the additional amount provided by this bill. Mr. More}*, of Ohio, and other# have offered, bj I Is giving to all female nurses who served in the„war, aipl who while thus engaged incurred disability er receipted wounds, a pension not ex ceeding 93 |>*"r month, to be juld from" the dale of illsaUHIty qr discharge. Mr. Dunham and Senator I4ogau propose that men engaged In the military tele graph servi.-e «i!urhtg the w ir shall be entitled to e>{ual benefits with soldiers so far as the IVusioa and Homestead laws are ouncerned. .VK\Y PILL.8 TO OHASt A»n KQUAttZH BOUNTIES. B|lis to grant buiiutivs «nd equalise bounties ate also numerous, Mr. 1'elii- Uuue to revive ipid continue in force until Jan. 1, 1880, the act <|f 1801, granting additional boipity to volunteer soldiers. Senitovs I.ogan, Vooi'itees, ami seve^l others have of fered bills to. give all honorably 'Un charged soldiers, seniors, and itiarine*. \yho sevveilthe'Uuinn^a bounty of 9833 per mo,nth fur ail the tiu\e they served deducting atiy UutVitle» lieremfuye re ceived. Seiyttor Vouchees, Wl\os»*. patriotic.devotion to the cause Q( the IX don was pe^lVipSi less, ardent tvyeufy ye«|rn.ago than it is n,o>y. timV w^o^e love for the Union sal-iler, when tie wore a b|ue imifurm, au^ C4i*(ieit a musket, was (ess demonstrative in UtjSSL than ijt U in \SS^. is u^itch iu earnest iu this matter. Mr. White, of t£enlM9fc.r«. ht^a bjII «f1»lch providestli'Vt the lieie* of «^)lof«sd soldiers shall eiijfiy the saQ\e l#5»ieftts tpulev tl\e pension nnd bounty laws as are eujoye^ hy the heirs of white soldiers. B^IU grantl|ig bounty lands to all Union sctldlers of (lie war of \8ftl are also prnposeil. One uttered by Mr. IJill, of Ohi<*, gives to all wl««» get ved twelve mouths ld««d \Yarrsntf foe 160. acres each*; for six u\o*uths' servi<{e eighty acres. t'We widows or minor children of deceased s.oldieft are to he entitled to tlni same benefits, The foregoing do not iuoluile all the kitfds of benefits for the stirvlvors af I lie Union armies au<| the widows an<| cliildren of .such as have (tied, which the FortyreTghth Oaugrers is asked to confeivbut if oiie-teuth ef the measures enumerated 6hould bo enacted Into laws there would lie lie further caiise to worry about the "surplus* revenues of the Government. When all «hese bUI* pass there will not be IUUUII prop erty or i icome left iu the hands of the non-soldier eleuM'iit iu the U(ilt*d Stales. Pretty ninoh a'I e-ill tie swept iu and captured as'spoiU of war. V 'v.k V1VVA I ! : '• . Board of Supervisors, Proceed ings. SPECIAL SESSIOX. The Honorable Board of Supervisor* of Me* Henry County met in special teMlon in their reoin in the Court House at Wood Mock, on Monday, Jan. 31, ltMl, The raeetlag was called to order by tbe chairman, Ira R. Ourii**. The following members aaswer»l to roll Mil. John H*d«ill, Ira R. Curtiss, B. 9* Parker, John Snowden, H. S. Williams, C. D McPherson, W. 11. Groesbeck, D. II. Flavin, G. W. uoodrich, Lester Barber, W. G. Sawyer R. M. Lam It, O. H. Oarriem, H. W. Mead- A. R. Alexander, A Wrijr, R. Bishop, Wa. Butler, a r. Dike. • week, ibove the net e*f ^ .. Hi cents The pMMlit MamsgrAT temates i. ii. The* have atea |«at eMilMM a ne - b (tiding, IflsSfl, t*» iWrtWfcisffliWlHt. at v cost Of *J. 1W», and ca|Uk>« tf SMMwauJnlii; pi tents. Salary of •tt|Mffni#wteat, «KO; of physician, #100. The em tHrtMteMT Uat>ou: HixtiS feut, with a small <Wtacl»eil OttiMinic for- their worst cases «f ittsaatty. Which will nq ooim vlaie 19 pattemte, hv sHMriig one t> ea--h cell. The UHMI is IS^OflO After carefully iavMifaataig lhe method < of cari-g fur the poor ami IMIH In the r*m«. lie* a "wive referred t«, WMI tfe* Want* ot new n county, your committee leel jMstiae i i.i ;iaing the purrhase »f a |r avfiirm a*t Umi t»e thereon of a jew heeseaad a» aeylwnt a lite to the r«f] iiirtemeat* *f the eonntv. If we do oiifrfoiT to haaraarRf, we wut ot neceasitv. make better yrtmeisis <oronr ia- sane With snttr.ble provialoMaS home/or oar chmnic, anl incurable eaae*i we might t»; able, if neresmrv, b> exeliangtt%; teglvneec \ re ent and curable cfMS tlte faH boneSt of t». .i.,, ,k, cn« . . . . . | : r , s r s s t tng, to wit: The Honorable Ream of Super- many ease* which might•lll«rwl»c icimm i visers ot MeHenry County, will meet in ape- t ^t*1.-wreck fWn lifctfilie clal session in their rooms In the court house lies i IK- mi In fVooilstock, Mon lay, Jan. 21, IS!U. tor the purpose of biking notion upon the purchase of a G-iuutv Poor Farm, also making suitstble ac- comino latlons for the care of the insane, and such other business as may come before them. The report of the Grand Jury was read to the Board. On motion of Supervisor Parker the Committee on Public Bail lings was in •tructed te make the repairs calMM |IH% to.wlt: JTATR OP ILLINOIS, I Mcllenry County, f™ January, MR Report of Grand Jnry on condition of Jail. Ib Iht HonnraHi Circuit Cuurt of MoUtnry Count!/; Tbe Grand Jury report as satisfied with the keeping of the Jail in all respects, with one exception, and to thia we, the Grand Jtirr, wish to call your special attention as needing speedy remedy, via.: The foul condition o^he privy used by the prisoner*, and wnich condition we And to be no fault of the keeper of the jail. Th J Grand Jury flu I contlnnd in the cells of this jail four pervnns adjudged to be insane and weu.d rcsp»c.ifitllv recommend that some provision ne made for their keeping other thaa the present place A. BAMKR, Clerk. STATK OF ILLINOIS, I. Mellonry County, f"* I, E K. Itich tr Is, Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for said couiitv in the »tnte aforesaid, tie hereby certify that the within and forego, leg to wnich this certificate is attached, is a fnTt, true, complete and perfect copy of the Report of the Grand Jury on the condition of the jalt made at the Janwary term of said court as appears from the original on (lie in my otSce. Witness my hand and aeai of aaid court, at my office in Woislstoek in said COIID- ty, this ISth day of Juniiary. A. IV, Mil. £. E. RICHAMOS, Clerk. Snp^rvlsor Dike presented a petition signed by M? citizens of the town of Algonquin ask ing to have the «ew voting precinct granted by the Beard at the December mjeting, set i»tck as It originally was. Oa notion petition was accepted. Supervisor flavin moved that aotlen on the new voting preeinct bo pestp*ined uatil the neat meeting of the Board. Motion carried. The Committee on Poor Farm made the fol lowing report, which on Motion of Supervisor Hadsiil was accepted, to-wit: 7b the Honorable Board t/ SupervHort of ife. Hairy County: Your specaal committee appointed at the Dec in her meeting, to visit some ot our iiei?h- itorlng counties, and learn of tlieiv methods of caring lor their Insane and }>oor, the cost, ei-i. wmii*l reaueotfuUy reWM«I M situ com init'ee wssiyiponited, consisting ofO F. Dike and l.e.ter Barber, who visited the Beuaties* The county oiBeer . those counties cheerfully ga*vo lis every op portunity in thoir piwvr la obtain the de, sirwl uitorinatlon. K.ine County has nearly c<M»pieied a new asylum far their insane, tftxtht. built of stoiuand three stories higti, nut lociiied title en leet east ot their alius- hsuse. and connected therewith liy a hall. Tho arrangements of tiie asylum seem vory compiete, and embrace many modern and usetul conveniences. II will tilcely aec^in- iiiod.uu about Hiii ij patients whoucomplete<l. t he contract cost ot which is es.otit. itelvaib Uouniy lus * saiaii duiacho i w«o<lon build, iug, for llio violent insai\e, capable of aouttui- mo.lating four or ilve p.itie.iis, Toe otl\,et or milder cases are provuod fur in the alms house, but are kepi sepniito fri.n the pau- lurs "i'ae OeKaib County alius house is eKIOO, buiit of tuune aim brioka, two atoyles liigli, and will aecojumoitato from sixty to seventy-live iiiuvtles, Winiielu^i Couui'y has recenrly purchased a poor farm and haaer-sute l .iml very nearly coatpl.ote I a new and very CH.IIIUJ1IO.IIS alms"- house, center' 5'Jx.il) tool. t!iree wii^gs, each y.vli'i faut, au I OIIO wniif U\btX feet, with Uiseiiittiit aii'l two stones a.iove, and N^lien coiuplo.ed will uucouiiMo.tatu fiuiu ssveaty- live to one hiindre I iniuates. It is built of none au I brick au I will con about #ij,0.K^ Tbey are making provisions for their iu«tne in the saine b ill-ling, but wtlh arrange.minis lor keeping tiieni eutiroiv separate fiuai tiioir paupers it necessary. Allarotliba un iev the cl.jse aii[)crvisio.i ol oue sitporiutendeut, who wil I occupy the lront wing. Urst story of the *aiiie iiuii'iiiig. s.evjus i.i C >anty has als> a •j nali detaclie l bvick Oiiil liitg dlxta Uet, es|teciaily fur tliei£. worst liiUBi s( instnity, wincn li ii ten strong ly protected cells, live on cither side. The af tii I * : J •:a siiporinteii lcut informed us ttiii heir most iriisty anil laitiitul laborers, wejje t^iiiong the mil.l«r cases of t'oyir lusaiiu.' \nyiy rttid ttiat tl\ey are miuii ni.iie «iui*t and sane, when tlioy nave a proper ain AuU of «DIV.ho, fresh air ah'i sunsnine. Atriuma^e^ are required to pertoriii maiiualftab n-if thei' arc physicaliy able. Should your Honorable Hoard deeiu U t.ii- tl^e beat interest of ttio county to provide in ala^s-li iase an i asylum, your* couuuittee vynild urguihe uo>'e;Sl;iy of a location which wiU"g.\*"o aoiple descent fqr goou drainage, and au uuiimit^ I supply of ^oaa water. All partice wan .vlunu %ve cooteirj I s^ to til a. oest manlier of he.,ling fully agreed that the heating ny stoain is tt^o inojt desirable nnd practical for thi^ class of buibiiugs. There Uroinin^ otl\eriteu^ils, which, perhaps, itia not necessary to •itscuss, at this time. But we si;uoui for your informatiou the foilowiug aMieu\ou^; . § 'IS e-flsl? si 5f| ;§§IP 2 '.»8 ZJWWfW .51"* TS*a»* S I y c« 3 3 • • %> ; s i j « ; • "ta£' "5 • a : 1=3 ̂ 2 5. ®r!F *• » ^ P li U o O 2 5 - Rana Ctiintr super'ntan lent fn rnishes anfi. te^m an 1 all f:\ra\tool*, (vnunty tlio - atinoe. IteKilU County superintendent turnishes all tcaa^ a»d to ils. \yinneb»it>> coifty siipeisn. tendent famishes his own team, tools aiM help HlavoaS'ta Coaut v sup'rinleivteni nir- nixhes ovnrything, an l r^mts all tha wno which thJ itiupprs eau.AOt cultivate. SU'1 at tend to, . . . T!\ey nnif inn'y a^re1' that It is npt P»*nt- able nar nest, to depend in anv degree upon outside he I iv to oarry on the farm. 'l sltnald ly: a neeea»i*y tar a short time in hay ingor harvest . In or ler l> makJ> our Investiaratlon as thor- «ngl» and complete as p ssit»lc, >oar »om- mittee requested Supervisors By hop ' Uiki to visit tho Lake t;.ant v poir ineir special repart Is herewith submitted tor your consideration: iticroRT OF Bisnor AND DIM. Gcnttomen:-We submit the lollowiai fscl- gsth. red from Lake C » *ud larm f lt« acres, anl S« acres of timlter re can! y purouased. Tae <wl per capita pei This being done, (i he mldirienal cost ef ptvr. Tilling fur our poor also, would be com para tively light, as both departments require but one superintendent. There a e at present 8,!S!S insane in our' Stite, and onrfhitr State heepiUiU *iiiar. commo iate butoe«.half tfeast aUtaber. This being the case, we caanet treaaoa«iil v es peet relief from the Htate an leas it (Ml in'the din* future. Tour committee, therefore cannot consistently With their duty toyonr H.»n»r. able Board, to the county ind hnmanitv, recommend otherwise thaa as Above indi cated. In eonclnsion, yonr committee fowl that Hi* thanks of ttue boar>t are -lae to the count* officials and siipeiiatendeats of KM severs! counties we visited, liar the anluaited atten tion shown us, aad UMllr Wtlttagness in everr instance lo assist as iaeMatMng nur deslie'l information. Aad we would recommend that our county r'erk olftrlally express ihesa sen- timents lo them Uirnngh'the county clerks of the several counties. All of which is respeetfhlty submitted. ' LUTSK BSASTA, L » • ' ,R. MMmut, j H. s. Wiixt&HS, I Onatasltte*.'."" " " f tuSk 1 Oa ssetloa of Snpervtaer Bishop the repert- was adopted. The report was discussed by Supervisors Barber, Sawyer, OarriMn, Bishop Alexander, and ethers. Supervisor Alextnder novel that so mneh | of the re port as referred te the lastse be pest poned until July meetlaf, t0M,aa<l eemmittee ' be author sed to mske snitahle arrSagemente (or the insane; was oioenaeed hy Snperrleora Hsdsllt, Groesbssk aad ackers. Mietioa lost, . The vote was then takea by the s yea aud nays. The report wa* adopted by a two- thirds majority vote as tMtewe! Ayes. Super- visors lladsill, Parker, Sanwden, Williams Mc Pherson, Flavla, Uoo'lrteh. Btrber, Lamb,' Wray, Bishop. Butler a*t Dike (R): Mays, Oroesbsck, Sawder, Qarrtsoa, Mead asd Alextnder CS). Supervisor 9(«hop, moved that th* sum of twenty-Ave tho^S^ed dollars («B,(W0) be and is hereby appropriated for the par|MSo of buying a p*»r farm aad ereatlgy ealtaW* buildings thereon tor Me eare ef tke poor aad iusane of this eonnty. Sat4 sen Is te he raised by issuing county beade met to draw ever six psr cent iai erest and yayable In three installments, in eae, twe aad three years from date of issuing the Stnn. supervisor Alexander ateve-l that the whale matter In refer re I to the people to tie vetel niton at the next election. The ayes and nays being eatte 1, the nation *MS tetttlW Us* Ibttowine vote, to-wit: Ares--Separetsora nadslll, Parker. Snow lea. Williams. Wither. r. Sswyer, (iarrison, deslant AleXtal^r (S). Supervisor Bishop's mttioa wis than oar. riel by a two-thirds mijarity as fallow*: Ayet->upervisors, Hatslll, Parker,Snow.tea Williams, McPttersoa, Flavin, Gialrioh, Btr ber, Lai^li, Hiriy, llishop Butler. (4>ke (IS ̂ Xtys--Suparvisars Qma^Ue^k, Sasrfer, Gar- nison, Mos t and Vl)u"'iut (9). ^upe^viaon Go>1 rich, i«v>ved t^at tlys oj I enny^ttee o%- poor (arm. CAn.sistinf of Messrs. fttrbaty Bjshop, Lamb. William,s an i L^ke, he re-ap« l>oinied, aud that they he aad are tt^reby aat tlnriiod lo pnrcjltaso the pAr fara^, aa t ^re-t suitable buildings V>e'enn. A|>ti{yi arria^i. Supervi-or B.shap n\>v-«ltUat tiu caaui* clerk and treasurer he authorised telssae the bp it Ii In such am mnts as said committee may require^ not to o\f %31 (1)9 amount nt twontr- Ave tlHfcaaan I dollars Met|»a e*r, rled Oon^analeatloiy was read from eoousitteeef « M.C. T. A , ask^g for an appropriation ofa small amount te, b* placetl at the disposal sf (he ceunty superintendent et schools for th* purpose of placing in the several schools H* lite county a system otennpetative wvrk far the graded and angra led sehoals^. Supervi-or «-oe Iricli nyive l that comrounicatton be lalA on the table. Motion carried. Supervisor Sawyer m«v«i that the commit tee on poor farm bn allowed the slaal per diem ami expenses in inveftigsilng the mat^ tor ot poor farm upon whi<^i they have re ported Motion carried Supervisor Sawyer moved that the elerk at^ board be allowed the usaai per diem aad mileage. Motion carried. Supervisor Dike moved that thf^ hoard jonrn afatedfe. IRA R. Crarisa. Clial^aa^ '•&. Attest--WM, AVKBT, Clerk, * 1 SSTChlna seems to 1w. point of war with France--a war ex pensive for both, but Involving ths most risk for the former, which la oriental despotism, with the weakness iof all governments ilevold of popola^. support. It is a war of aggression on the of France, In whi^ Cln isti^ ^ civilization ap|iears. at a tlisad- 1 ivantage anil a wIliAlW SuperlorltJB, - 1. France is aggressi*# n?wa**k' hinjy Africa and M.^'sgMJ»^ Wfil#® she i* not afraid of ttieq^ tried it w H.i j ^eivtMscC- on^ftlwn sit* »»v ^ teuiptod the QQt>qpie%t »f Mexico, and^ ^ now Die venftUft* orWn:, jtajs and, ^ ^ iSifsAfter- »M»IUnS wa* «Wsr ^yi^ed WfeOn^sd tv afj|Wt al the Lester. N&chnpl In i^untree t»«M>*bip IIMHS* f |jgojuerv eottnty^ Walker I^alcl^t % md kiUedS.teve SU«T(»o.iV K »« •!• I.'ired that th? »* httr* _f*. enmity ia«Ach a4l^.«»d tli^l * *»*« figures , ,ie cwt<< Wfloher. vyl»«» H. under- %*rest. i>4 actjidentnil* SA kjk. f'ftyt» h|& ^py|i»V ' 4-eWelV^ld your grandiitother Is * replied the *^©1<1 sadly, "site aied yeet*r4ay.* way of the world. We all sonte-'inie. ajnd the old jptl; advanced in yssrs will and testament, of underatouil alie w» yes. she left a wlH still more sadly, favorite of Iters. X inentioned, ol cournjrf; plied. it|»d the tear* •l*wn Itlf eht-ekS. t lotted. I'm to hmt* %S^J»