Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Nov 1886, p. 4

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S PAPER t * COL'S Newspaper Advertising ftprace Street), whei* advertising v: NE irsaa (ISftpraee Street •MMiHW •? irr iHivoi »f»wg YORK. *-Tk. President has appointed Tbottdir. November 35th. M • day of Tbaoksglvl ng and Prayer. I^TtM Question now again naturally •rises Is It Ha-Ha-Ha-tnes or Co-Co- Co-Oo-CoxP Oh! You often?!ve par­ ti Tremble for the wrath to MTU 1* now admitted Hit the neaal stolen from the Adams Ex­ press Company by the Missouri robbery way reach •190,000, "The right dew* ts said <to have been •track. iV'IlevIralist Sam Jones ts ponnd- tagaway in Canada, bat we think we eould Basse sevetal stray sinners whom be wilt not be able to bring back. There are certain sorts of sinuer« that exhortation will not bring back into the fold. Ton have to go after them with handcuffs and requisitions.--Ex. THE WILY HAINES NO LONG­ ER TO BATHE HIS HEAD ^ HBJP THE STATE*# ' EXPENSE, tGTThe condemned anarchists and instigators of the Hay market Bomb Murders, are I*» ecstacles over the sire of the socialistic vote. It would be well^to hasten the day of their execu­ tion No other government on the faoe of the earth would have allowed Item to live so long. •9" Mrs. Emma Malloy, the notori- oas temperance reformer, who Is charged with complicity in the mar* der of Mrs. Sarah Uraham, for which crisse George Graiam was hanged by aMissouri mob. Is at preseat taking treatment at the Battle Creek (Mich.) sanitarium. Mrs. Malloy's trial will place In about a mont Sheriff Eokeri The result of the election In this ttwa on Tuesday prove I Capt. Geo. Idtirt to be the moat popular mm who ever ran for Sheriff on the Repub­ lican tfakit in thisoounty. McHenry Township, with a Democratic majority of seventy or eigbtv, give Capt. Xokert, the Republican candidate, a dean majority of eighty-three. (^Reports of missing individaals from various paru of the countrv. •apposed to have been on the wrecked and homed St. Paul Railway train at Bio, Wis., continue to be received. The loss of life probably Include* fourteen or fifteen persons, or accord tag to the Milwaukee Sentinel* is iMveotjganaotwitbstanding the opinion ^EHTiho surgeons that only nine were to dnerated by the catastrophe. Some of the victims burnt have been so badly consumed that the bony remain* of two or three persons looked like of but one. MT It is said the Republicans who followed Gen, Botler out of the Rr. publican party aad were conducted lato the Democratic camp, and who b*ve subsisted on poor rations for a fow years, are returning to the Repnb lleao party again. They claim that thej tad no recognition among Massachu­ setts Democrats; that they were distrusted aad only allowed to vote, aad are tired of the drudgery Imposed WoU, did they deserve any better treatmentf 1 hey are not Democrat* from principle, as thay confess, and why should they bo trusted for the jlpr-i'/ Ike Mm atrip-- l--UML A few years ago It was considered esomewhat risky act to haul down tta American flag, bat under the present administration at Washington Itwoold seem that almost anybody nay do It wttb impunity. Foaring a Storm an American schooner recently pot lato a Canadian port for safety. Sha was Immediately seized by a Canadlta cruiser and her flag hauled After certain formalities tb* American captain again hoisted hi* Sag. The Canadian captain ordered It down; The American captain re­ fused to comply with this order wbereupoa the Canadian captain boarded the schooner and hauled down Ika tag himself. The Troy N. Y. Timet makes this comment upon the aflalr _It Is characteristic of the demooratlc mi Washington wv pm VUIV ait* under the management of Secretary Tm? lhat the hauling down o Ited States Jlag on board the Bayard that the Mi Mbo*ner Marion Grimes at Sbelburne . •rder of. * Canadian official. •jWiti no word of ntnonstfftnct*; hue ttwbolsttng 01 it again by the captain 'SSPirJS «|»"«*atad as SSkely to •••M tho Dominion authorities and ?f the fisheries ^MMtlonl Tblt would be fanny If it no* hnmllltatlng. There Is, .n JPt ao fisheries question to settle. ealy point at isnue is whether the milinan of this country shall be per «nJoy the privileges to Wilefc they are already entitled bt Igty attpulatlon and Interactional c>«rt0sy; such privileges as are ao- -•Wpea to Canadian fishermen in kef the United States This Is all meed bono negotiations on the « ®ur government bad only •»» manliness to mske use of the man already vested in the exeeu- by congress and treat Canadian Vessels In ports ofihe United States IF aa vessels of the United Ktta aw treated In Canadian ports W"nld bo an immediate end of tioable, Then oongress should !«adlba president approve a law •J2£ i!£S£f id?tleA.upon th® j VNt.Imported into this country LOW fleiieraen would be content !>«eO»Slo«i exists for any diplomatic pondenee or agreement. The •alter lies exclusively in the 00 iho tXACQtlva aad of congress* •WWke and enforce their own -511 i50 OOM*n* any party whatever. Besilt Throajhont lie Coaatry. MtT TH« esoen rrioici IfihMJtlon on Tuesday last was one of the most quiet ever held to this county, there being no particular strife excapt for Members of the Leg­ islature. In this matter cat and carve was the order of the day, but the re­ turns from the entire Distrlot show without doubt tho election of Fuller and Partridge, Republican, and Walte, Democrat, to the Legislature from this District. Haloes has been rettred to private life for the good of his health. Every man on the Republican Coun­ ty ticket Is elected by good rouod ma- or (ties. Gilmore for Judge and Avery for Clerk, without opposition, while Eckert, for Sheriff, ran way aheaJ of bis ticket. Our able and efficient Congressman, Hon. A. J. Hopkins, had a regular walk-away, and will, notwithstanding the light vote, bo elected from 10,000 to 19,000 majority. EL8EWHKKB. -V-VY"; Tha total vote of Chicago was about 70.C00. oat of a registry of 92,000, The highest majority on the Republican ticket Is that on Sherlfl, Matson hav­ ing about 15,000. The lowest Republi­ can majority is 9,600. These figures show that Cook county ts reliable Re­ publican by an average majority of 12.000. Tho defeat of Judges William­ son and Colonel Tuthill, for Judges of the Superior Court, by a Socialistic and Democratic combination. Is to be sincerely regretted. The Republican majority In the State of Illinois is 30,000. Chairman A. M, Jones, of tho Republican Com­ mittee, claims that the Legislature is Republican in both branohes. There is a certain gain of two, and possibly of fiye, Republican Congressman. The exact Repuqllcan gain in mem­ bers of Congress In all the States is not ascertained. Tho next* House will be very dose, with a posslb e small Re­ publican majority, Io this State Frank Lawler is ieported defeated by 18 votes. Judge Gest probably defeats Neeoe In tho Rock Island District. General Post is elected In the Eleventh District, Jand Morrison baa a dose call In the Eighteenth. If ^Springer gets through Jin tho Thirteenth It will be by the skin of bis teeth, Wisconsin elects Governor Rusk and the entire Republican State ticket by 20.000 majority, with a Republican Legislature, which will return Philetus Sawyer to the United States Senate, Iowa Is Republican by a satisfactory majority, with a Republican gain on Congressmen. Indiana is reported as having gone Republican on State officers, with the Legislature in doubt. The Republi­ cans lost a part or'the whole of their Legislative ticket In Marlon county (Indianapolis), which Is the cause of their losing the Legislature, if it <bould be lost. If tho Democrats have carried the Indiana Legislature Ben Harrison will be succeeded in the United States Senate by a Democrat-- the onlyUnited States Senator lost by the Republicans. In Michigan the Republican State icket Is elected with a Republican Legislature, which will reelect United States Senator Conger, Ohio Is Republican by 20,000, and Pennsylvania by 60,000. In New York Kufus W.Peckham. Democat, is elected Judge of the Court of Appeals by a little over 10,000 majority. The Legislature, which will elect a successor to Senator Warner Miller, is largely Republican. On the whole, the Republicans have gained a victory of national propor­ tions, The only possible loss that they have Incurred Is a U ilted ..States Senator from Indiana. They have possibly, or probably, regained a majority in the House of Representa­ tives. All looks well for 1888. LATEK.--Re turn 4 just as wo go to press announce tho defeat of W. R. Morrison, Democrat, by Jehu Baker, Republican, by a majority (if nearly one thousand votes. Also that Lawler Democratic, of Chicago, is elected by 31 votes. KKsouacaa. ;,v. . LHtii and discount* Overdrafts 794 M U s Bonds to secure circulation... AO.OOO SO l>uo from approved reserve agents. 29,018 9" !>MO from other National Bnnks 9,965 JP Current expenses and taxep paid... 1,862 4 OIIC fca and other cash Item* 195 7 Itnl* of other banks l,5tf>«>i Kr<-' cur. nickels A pennies.. 47 3. Hpoc;e . 33J6G5U l.eirii tender notes S.SB3 Hi Ue l'.upt'n fund with U. S. Treasurer (ft percentotcirculation.. 1,630 09 ivnal » MABILITtafc " ' uap.tal stock paid in i.... 50,000Ou 4un>lus fund '...... 85,00000 Un-iividcd profits 7,3<9 0i Na:.>onal Bank Motes outstanding... 45,00000 (n ii/iduai dei*osits subject to check 153,617 KS Oetnind Certificates .of depoait 924 M Total ...t9si,s7las Vl'ATE or ILLINOIS, l„ Oounty of McHenry. fSB f, John J. Murphy, Cashier of the above named bank,do solemnly swear that theabove statement ts true to the best of my knowledge *n i belief. Johw J. MURPHT, Cashier. Mu.Mcrlbed and sworn to before me this 18th J»T Oct, ins, EDWARD U. Quisuir, Notary Pubiie. Oarrect Attest:-- E. •. MCRPHT, WM. H.STKWAHT, JOnrJ.MVBIRT, - • «f • Direetera. , to Loan On Real Estate, in sums of $500 to 110,000. Time and payments to *uit borrower. JOHN J. MURPHY. ^S^fe|#;*'iirilli"iififi' « II I I i i . I 0ILE BEANS Urii': NtfvNi awS ilvt L ONE BliH. Lifs>Vlflortoth«systsai. DsssiONEK Try thsm once and yoo will nsvsr b« without _ Pries, 28 cants par bottle. SoM by Drbfiists sM Mstflclns Dealers fensralhr. Seat en receipt s) pries In stamps, postpaid, to any adiress, J.F.SBI1THAOO., •aaalaetnrars and Sale Props.. ST. LOWS. IMV A FEW HINTS FOR THK OF Don.--to now dt torn- tit 9*ntly, ^ to 4 Pilltt thoroughly, 4 to 6 Pillt. Experienet willde&dt tkt proper dote IN COCACOM* For Constipation, or Ooettveaess, no remedy is so effective as A YES'S PILLS. They insure regular daily action, and re» Store the bowels to a healthy condition. For Indigestion, or Dyspepsia, Ana's PILLS are invaluable, and a sure cure. Heart-burn, Lose of Appetite, Fool Stomach, Flatulency, Disslnesa, Head* •die, Numbness, Nausea, are all relieved aad cured by Aran's PILLS. In Liver Complaint, Billons Disorders, and Jaundice, AYEB'S PILLS should be given In doses large enough to excite the liver and bowels, and remove constipation. Asa cleansing medicine la the Spring, these PILLS are unequalled. Worms, caused by a morbid condition 0C the bowels, are expelled by these PILLS. Eruptions, Skin Diseases, and Piles* the result of Indigestion or Constipation, are eared by the use of AYXR'S PILLS. For Colds, take AYXR'S PILLS to open the pores, remove inflammatory secretions^ and allay the fever. For Diarrhoea and Dyaenteiy, caused by suddeu colds, indigestible food, etc., AYXR'S PILLS are the true remedy. Rheumatism, Gout, Neuralgia, nrf Sciatica, often result from digestive derange* meat, or colds, and disappear on removing the cause by the use of AYKR'S PILLS. Tumors, Dropsy, Kidney Complaints, aad other disorders caused by debility or obstruction, are cured by AYKR'S PILLS. Suppression, and Falnftt Menstrua­ tion, have a safe and ready remedy in AYER'S PILLS. M directions, in various laugaafsa, se- company each packsge. nupn n Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, MlM. •old by all Druggists. EVERYBODY KNOWS That Henderson's Boots and Shoos are the best. We sell lots of then.-- Perry A Owen's, Sole Agents, Remember tbe fact that W. H. pwigbt will not be a idersold by any house la Woodstock or McHenry Go, THK UNIVERSAL FAMILY SCALE a AH INDISPENSABLE limlfli Will last a Ufettaa, ase» ate, no weights te lees* always ready, easOy «p> derntood, ooeoplss INNS space and Is tbechespstf scale ever mada 8an> roa M Fiei liunum OoKSUa L 8. SPENCER'S SONS, CBILFOEP, CONN. ALWAYS HANDY STOTEtlEf. NO STO1 COMPLETE WITHOUT ONE. Lifcht and Etrong, or­ namental and durable, and exceedingly useful in wanning disSiess, otc.' mtUIIIZEPIPE. k your hard or aend to i r^ssse.-* L S. SPENCER'S SONS, GUILFOLLD, COMM. BP e have bought a very- large and elegant line of the latest style Cloaks, New­ markets and Wraps, F O B C A Desoiution Notice The Oe-Partnership heretofore existing between the undersigned, under the Arm name of Baldeman a neish, Is this day dls- olved by mutual consent. Tbe business of the firm will be continued at the old stand by Andrew Nelsh, by whom all Indebtedness of the late firm will be paid, all persons know, ing themselves Indebted to the late firm are requested to .call and make immediate pay. ment. D. HALDBMAV amdbcw Naisa. Spring Grove, UL. October 1st. isss, And can sell you the best fit, best makes and newest style gar­ ment oi any thouse in the iCounty, an d guarantee the prices the lowest. We Have also a Pull Line of k /V*': .f At Prices to Your Advantagf«* Our $2 Goat and Kid Are immense and are selling very fast, ,./It will pay you to try a p a i r . H o r n e m b e r t h o " 4 ' • •pr 1 WSM» 1 , ". Cr-« ikll Corn must be brought in on or before November 20th, and must be raised in ^McHexu-yQoiwities I V ^ 'I ublic if ne new sto has them. ish to "see a l Goods, he I A Wolf Robe worth or Silk Dress Patte: winner : - i • ' ' • • • . . , 4 i BtAUTtFUt LtftE OF n • f I mm A pair of Blankets, worth 11 lbs Good Coffee, f 1.00. 5 " Good Tea, 1.00 50 (i Good Flour. 1.00 m m. M fHIBD PEMMKUM OH COBN*T One pair Selz <fc Schwab's best Shoes or bolt of Cloth worth $3,00 ' V iiif The above Premiums are the five largest ears of Corn, the test being their weight when seasoned. G V . WEST II/HENRY, i*s£s.asAt. ., .-Ifc'X. - .Aj&La j. ,. r l' * ' .» A ML ' - C ' x « " ' {

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