Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Nov 1886, p. 1

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JJeflewj pitrnkkf. PlIUMID ITUT VID1UD4T BY VAN 8J|YKB> r : .' jEOtTOB AUD PROPRIETOR. Office in Bishop's Block, -Orrewii Piur * Owbb's or 8UBSOUPTI09I. Jri Tear (la mtum) |IH ff Not Paid within Three Month* *00 ; Sunacriptlon* received for three or tlx '•OBtha la the same proportion. » 1500 MM MOO MOM Kates of Advertising. We announce liberal rates for advertising |o the Pb&nrDBALRR, and endeavor to state hem so plainly that thev will be readily un- erstood. They are as fotlofi; (^ '1 Innhone year - . * Inches one year . . 'r-;l Inches one year - . •" • "ii Oolnmn one year ^ « • . H Oolnmn one year- « • ,- • Oolnmn one year -. « . One inch means the HMMmMnt of one ach down the oolnmn, single eftlumn width. Yearly advertisers, at the above rates, have Ihe privilege of ohanrlng as often u they Shoose, without extra charge. I " Regular advertisers (meaning thosSbfaving Standing cards) will bo entitled to insertion of looal notices at the rate of ft cents per line each week. All others will be charged 10 fonts per line the 11* st week, and 5 cents per |lne for each subsequent week. Transient adverttsements».will be oharged ! t the rate of 1ft cents po lino, (nonpareil ype, same as this is sot ln) the first issue, and eents per lino for subsequent issues. Th-s, a inch advertisement wllleost St SO for one reek, $1.60 for two weeks, fLOO for throe • freaks, and so on* lho PlitnRitlK will be liberal la glvlag fd.torial notices, but, as a business rule, it frill require • suitable fee from everybody Seekingthe ate of its columns for pecuniary gain. •' -- BUSINESS CARDS. B. T. BBOWH.M.D. HY910IAN A.KD SURGEON. Ofllce at Residence, McHenry, III. a H. PBGBRS, M. D-Physician and subobok. McHenry, | ills. Office at Residence. O. J. HOWARD, M D. tWTSlOIAS AND SURGEON, McHenry, 1 111. Oflloe at Residence, one door West Of M. E. Church. BARBIAN BROS. 0IGAR Man ufhct u re rs. McHenry ,m 11L _ O*• %] House. ttAn .*«•»*•*J s_ •••• "• ^ ders solicited. Shop, la OldMcHenry, in Keltor Block, third door west of Riverside Livery Stable. B. WIOHTMAN, Proprietor, first class rigs, with or without drivers urnished at reasonable rates. Teaming ot II klads done oa short notice. 4ROBT SOHIES8LE Having purchased the old stand of Joseph Wiedemann, NEAR THE DEPOT, MoHKNRY, ILLINOIS, "•& Keeps open for the accommodation {of the public a Flrst-Olaes »nd Restaurant, Where ho will r* all times keep the|best brands of Wibes, Liquors and Cigars to be found in the market. Also Agent For * FRANZ FALH1 MILWAUKEE LAGIB BEER. E Beer In Large or Smalt Kegs or Bottles al. jays on hand, oheaper than any other, quail. ,y considered. Orders by mall promptly attended to. OOOD 8TABL11W FOB HORJSB& fiy SVOSU and see us. Robert SohiMSl* McHenry. III.. May 15th, 1888* y- ENGLEN'S and RESTAURANT Buck's Old SUnd, MeHMBY, ILLINOIS. fine Kentucky Liquors, tki1* ? " French Bitter?, ; : HcBenxy Lager Beer, ltM Mlwaskss Best, -AND- J. By the Bottle or Case. Wd buy none but the best and sell at Reasonable Prices.* Call and see me and I will u% Ijott well. ANTONY ENGELN, McHenry. 111., 1886. ^ Agents Wanted! VOX TBB OBBAT FBW BOOK, •The W rld'e Wndori ' By J. W. BusL The most saeeesssat subscription book ever ibllshed. Over half a miUitm copies were told pnbiisneu. < 0m ptut tight times as fast montts, and It is selling three times as fast now as ever before. Regular canvassers clear from flft to fS5, H* and §50 Kr dav. Nothing like it was over known in i history of boas publishing. Prv.f* tent fretm appUoathm. No experience needed to Insure success. We help persons without means to do a large bast boss; no capital aeed od. Write for ^particulars. AdMw isinu Iserf 10 nsrsgns vw do wot «ria* to mmmm m com ••tfrr'-- We meaa business, and want lire agents 1b every township. It wllloost yon nothing to write for terms aad fall deeerlp Moas or oar plaas of doing business. We also elm swil iSntsrd tns»s to rrrmni who send asaametof^bowk^Hjsnta, Write for our list •CAM i,iti^Nb|UIi ptnumm Oo. m *U1 ft. Thtod Stiee^ St, Louls,M». #«% BUSINESS CARDS. M. r. ELL^WORI TTORNEY at Law, and Jmlicitor ta Chan L oery, Nunda, III. ASA W. IITH, MART G. BARBIAN. H^J® WORKER. All ktuds of Hair Work done in first class style and at reasonable prices. Rooms s t residence, aorth- "*t corner of Public Square, McHenry, I1L DR. C. K, WILLIAMS. DENTIST. Residence Dundee. Will be at fit Parker House, the 10th Ilth '<cistn and 26th of each month. When dates occnr Saturday or Sunday I make my visits on the following Monday, aad the first day of such visit occurs on Friday, I will stay but one day. UiM States War Claim . H. COWLIN, Woodstock* - - Illinois. Prosecutes all ela«sis and kinds of claims against the United States tor ex-Soldiers, their Widows, Dependent Relatives or Heirs. A specialty is made In prosecuting old and rejected claims All communiaatioas promptly answered If Postage Stamps are enclosed for reply. „ wm, a oowLm, Office at Residence, Madison ft., Woodstocc, Illinois. Attention Horsemen! I would eall the attentfion of the public to Stable ot Stock Horses, four in number: two Morgans, one 3-4Percheron, and one Imported Horse, They are all good representatives of their breed. Also a few Merino Sheep t" r sale. The public are cordially invited to call and examine stock, get prices, etc. No business done on Sunday. N. S. COLBY. 10-7-tf MOHKNRT, ILL hi'MMm, tat tfcoss «*• writs Is HHnw a Co.,Portland. MaiM,wiHnMivs ftw, fall Information .boot work «kMk Ihsy esa do, Kraat hmn^tbM will pay thMi fttn ti to t& P*r <*r- Soma have •vwrfsniasisy. EHher fex, younr or old. Capttal Ml mail ad. TMSraMatMd ft-ea. Thin, who «tait atooes * serssf ssaglml. fertaaM. All Is saw. GOLD C. G. ANDREWS. CCNERAL 8PBIN0 GROVE ILL. Sales ot Stock, Farming Tools and Goods of all kinds attended to on the most mSOVApU RB3IS, --AND Satisfaction Guaranteed. Call on or Address O. C. Andrews, Spring Grove, 111. -<i>ring 3rove, Sept. Mth, 188S. IMUm PUMP REPAIRING, CEMENTING, ETC. The undersigned is prepared to do all lobs ta the line of Digging Wells, Repairing Pumps, Cementing Wells, or will put in JSfmvr Pumps On short notice and warrant satisfaction. Ia short will do all work in this line. Oan furnish you a new Pump, either wood or iron, warranted, as cheap as any other man. Good references furnished If desired. If you want a Well Dug, a Pump lie paired or a now Pump, give me a call. 9 / WOrders by mall promptly attended to. Post oflloe, Jonnsburgb, 111. L. BANTES. Johnsburgh, III., May 26th, lort. IBRBABfiAiBS i • j>' • -f , **•? Pledsod but to Truth, to Liberty and Law; No Favors Win us and no Fear 8hall Awe." M'HENBY, ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 10, 1886. ATIffiMrBT AT, LATr *B<1 SoUeitoif la Jt\ Chancery.--Woodstock, I1L s. p. bbnhktV, M. D. pmraiciAN andsuu<*kok. Aisottntted Illinois to" ***mlniag Surgeoa. Rlchmoad, ALBERT K. BOURNE. A TTORNEY. SOLICITOR AHO OOV* A SKLOR. WOODSTOCK, ILL. Busibecs attended to promptly, with eare, skill aaA integrity. v a. R. bkanktt, M. n.. Late Bouse Snrgeon Doolc County Hospital, RiOHMON D, ILLINOIS, Special attention given to d I Hen It Surreal eases. DJSVTSCH GK8PROCHBN. Office at Residence of Dr. S. P. Bennett. St for 13 Weeln. The POT. ICS GAZETTE will be mailed, seeurelv wrapped, to any address la the uslted Stales for three months on receipt of .J ONE DOLLAR, Liberal discount allowed to poctamsters, agents aad clubs. .Sample copies uialled free Addntf all orders to xioBAms z. roz, : • % fiAmn sqvau, row Yort A. NV. CHURCH* Watohwker and Jeweler X'O'HPIPTR AVE., (Brlggs House). Gin* oago. ill. Special attention given to re­ pairing Fine watches and Chronometers. WA Pull Assortment of Goods ia his line AT THE OLD STAJfJ}, JAOOB BONSLCTT, r AWD RESTAURANT, a* «M «M , opposite Bishop's mill, McHeary. Bholcest Wines, Llqaers and Cigars id in the oounty. Warm or oold ^ALOOW AWD RESTAURANT, a* «M «M j stand, op 111. Thechol to be found in the oounty,. meals on short notice on appltesttoa. PHIL BEST'S MILWAUKEE BEEBby the Bottle or Case, always oa hand. GOOD STABLING FOR HORSBS. JOHN J. WINKLES. CARPENTER AND JOINER, Is prepared to do all work in his line on short notice and guar- en tee sati faction. Will work by the job or day as desired, and do as good work aa any man in the business. Orders left at his residence, Southeast corner opposite the Public School House, will receive prompt attention. Best of References given if de­ sired, JOHN J. WINKLE*. McBKirxr, ILL., JforeftSOflt, MM. •AND Ziunoh. Room. JOS. PEKOVSKY. Having opened a Restaurant and Lunch Room, in his block, two doors South of the Post Office, is now prepared (o serve agoou Lunch, with Hot Coffee or Tea »t all hours ot the day or evening, and on short uoticf • FRESH OYSTERS, By the Can or Dish, always on hand. Give Us a Oall. JT. PEKOT8KT. McHenry, Oct. 13.1886. For Coal and Wood - ---OALL OH--- E M . H O W E , Opposite Blahop*! B£lll9 fht has a complete line of the best s tores "ia the market, as well as a large stock of Mare, Mechanic': Tools, rm, COPPER & SHEET IRON WARE, Awl, IslBtct. every thing la th».Mnl*»r» <tore and tin line. tUt WILL UTOT BX UNDBROOLD. Al at his store before buying elsewhere nan at his store before buying elsewhere r-Sj-f ud repairing promptly attested U» iSnteMmber, extra good Dargaia* eaaal- •an htsMuud at Howe's. J. P. IATCHIAEER 5 HeHenyj, - HHiiflli, As Pine a Stock of As can be found in the Oountv, which I offer at prices that can not no beat. • Pine Stock o! CHOICE CIGARS FANCY TOBACCO, STATIONERY, BOX PAPER Notions, Insical Instruments, Initroctios Books, ote. Call aad examine goods and learn prlees, J.P.8MITH. McHeary, IIL., March 1st. 1MB. Send 10 cents postage and we will mail tou fret a royal, valuable, sample box ot goods that will pat you In the way ot maklag more «mney at once, thaa anythiag else la A,mmrte*- 5?®i U? ?/_f] ages caa lire at ho-n**"** werk ta spate time .. those AGIFT ̂ X ' agescaa Uveal ho-w*"4 work la spare or all the time. Capital aot reqalred will start you^Imm--o STANDARD STALLION QBOROS O. Raoord 3:SO. No. S730. "George O." is a Qolden Chesnut with star white spots on left sboul<1er, eiso little black spots on iKMly, denoting a back strain of Arabian Blood. Foaled June 6th Pbuiokbb Lakeland old, the sire 2:08X; Noontide. McOurdy's UamlMetealan, Deciana, ' ;H( * " ermes Oood Morning, t:SU; aad others: eland Ainlallah 1^ Bysdykes Hamble Temple S:8U; aad others: Lakeland Ainlallah tar _ toman (with 37 in the i.-tOYist or better) he by Alxiallan, by Mambriao, by Imp. Messenger; Dam theChaa. Kent Mare, by imp. Keitfound- kr. etc. Lakeland Abdailah's Dam was Enchantress, by Abdallab, bv Mam brine, etc, as abeve, "George os* Dam was the fast Pacing Mare "frannie B" (Wbo paced the Chicago Track at Seventeen years of age in 2;27, wtih out any orepar UDon), aired by Autocrat by Geo. M. Patchen, (reaau by Oassius WL Cl»y, by Andrew itackaon, by Bashaw, Dam of raaale B tar Young Rowlin, by lien. Gifford, her Dam < y a son of Imported Messenger "George O." Is a very promising younv horse and the record be has attuined is ne measure of his speed as he has trotted pri­ vate trials very much below that, and can do the same in a taee At any opportunity His colts are very ftlet considering he has never bred a StaartanlBred Mare yet, and up, at two a fast one, as - - --Rysdyke Ham bletonlan, the f >untfer Of our Trotting Family of to-day, Mambriao, Messenger, Belltoumici' «ea M. Patohea, the Clayt, Bashaws, etc. his Oolts are bringtaf atom |»B years old. He can't hots but be i he combines the bloode ef old Rv Terms, Cash, AT TTME OF SERVICE. Mares uot proving ia fbal fire entitled to* return season free, Accident* and Escapee at owners risk. Marcs cared for, Including pasture, trying, eto., atgseo per month, it Summer, for farther partleaUrs§addre«s, Geo. McHenry Cb. fv. Owen, MCHENRY, ILL. B --a n1-- LUNCH RQO GUles' Blook, McHenry, Is ihe only place in Che county where you can get ie .Fresh from the oven every day. Buns, Rolls, Fried Cakes, Do jou entertain company? Call ou bim fur your fine Cakes, cheaper than you can make them yourself and save the trouolc. NO VISITOR Should leave town without a cup ot his delicious Coffee, or a plate of Oysters. It will do you £oo l and make }ou good natured when you get home. HOME HADE CANDY, ABSOLUTELY PURE. A' full line of our Bakery Supplies can be found at the Restaurant of J. Pekorskyr two doors south of the Post Office. Locke's Home Bakery McHEMBY. ILL, POULTRY CEO. W. PRATT, WAUCOHDA, ILL. Has for sale old and voung stock, of Ihe following breeds, ot thorough bred Po <ltry, which I will <ell tor oce half the asaal price. Black B. R. (iames, Blue Games, Black Tarter Games, Black Cochins, Langshans, Wy- artdotts. Gold Lace Sebright Bantam*, Light Brahams, R. C. B. Leghorns, 1 Wild Turkey Gobbler, 50 Pekin Ducks, GEO. W. PRATT, Waucsria. SIOO A WEEK. Ladies or Gentlemen desiring pleasant, profitable employment write at once. We want von to handle an article of domestic use that recommends itself to everyone at sight. f taple •• Flour. Sella like hot cakes rnflYs MO iter cent families wishing to nraetlee eeeaeflUJ should for their own bene nt write for particulars. Used every day the year round in every household. Price within reach of all Circular* free. Agents receive Sample Free Address Domestic Man­ ufacturing Co., Marlon, Ohio, Soldiers' Department, OONTBtBDTBD IT WM, H. OOWLIN. County C. A- R. Directory. BTCRMOHD POST NO 286. Meets the second Friday evenlag of each month. Ob. S. r, BrantT, Com. WOODSTOCK ro*T. MO 108, Meets first and third Monday evealags of each month. Oeorob Eckkkt, Com. HTTNDA POST, Meets the second aad fourth Wednesday evealags of each month. Wm. Bvtub, Com. •ABVABD POST, NO 256, Meets the seooni ana rourta Monday evea lags of each month. Da. H. T. WooDaor*. Oom. Maiihoo Post, Na M, Meets eve-y Second aad fourth Frtdav evenlags of each moath. A, J. Botutotok, Oom. When the Midler ltft his happy fire­ side and shouldered his musket In de­ fense of his country, Ihe Government thai asked him to serve consented to pension him In ease of disability hon­ orably Incurred In that service, or. In the event of his death, to provide for his widow and orphans. How has that covenant been kept? The answer wlII come from many a suffering household. It was the pracUoe or the Govern­ ment daring the late war to tnske as few exchanges of prisoners as possible, the loss of oieo being a more serious blow to the Confederate than to the Union arjay, aud go it came about thai our soldiers were left to waste tway in Southern orison-pens while the caotur- ed rebels were well fed and clothed At tills late day It Is unnecessary to rehearse tht horrors ot Llbby and An* dtsrsonvllle; they have passed Into history^ but the Introduction in the House of a bill providiug for the pen­ sioning ot those who were confined In rebel prisons reminds us that they have t strong claim upon the Governing pi for special aid. Their sufferings were unduly heightened and prolonged by the war policy of the time, and what tbsy experienced falls scatcely short of martyrdom. Aa Kxehange of OonspllnasatO. During a temporary lull in the con­ flict attending the rebel attsek on Franklin, Tennessee, General Forrest, who had seen one of Llnutentm tlopKlnH's white signal flags working, an J thinking that it was a signal ol weakness, sent a flag of truoe to Colo, nel Bird. The flag was borne by what seemed to be an extremely courteous young rebel officer, whose first benign salutation was, "Ah, you ve surrender­ ed, have you, you!" Colonel Bird's officer, uudor the Ibfluenoe 01 passion, thus provoked, with more it - gard for strength thau piety or blaod- neM in his reply, responded, "Not much, you---- fool!" The confer­ ence ended suddenly, and warlike prep eratlons were at onoe resumed. After the Battle, The day alter the battle (April 8) I saw the awful work of one shell. Six or eight Oonfedeiates were torn to pieces. Some bad a head off, auother hie arms, onJe the lower limbs and one the whole viscera torn out. There was one youog, lalr-iiaired youth whose chest wee laid open. His silk under­ shirt aud well fitting boots indicated that he was the scion ol some wealthy lamily. His features showed no traces of pain. He must have died in less than a minute. The sight was sickening; but It was war, and there's nothing 01. earth to be compared to it--civil war. the wont of all. We lay there all the night alternating from "the muddy side to the rainy one," and from the latter<to the former, as the demands of nature required, awaiting the dawn of morning, confident that the arrival o' Buel would repair the impaired for­ tunes of the flr^t day of the battle ol ahiloh, pluck victory from the jaws ol defeat and send the glad tldlnirs throughout the land that once again the nerve and pluck of the North was to win,--Gapt. R. I. FaurreU, in jphila- delphia limes. k irpntQ ) For th* Crand Now Bo°k fmri 1 Heroes of the Flak BT J. W BUEL This splendid new book Is a complete his. torv of the lives and wonderful adventures of Wild Bill. Buffalo Bill, Capt Jack, Texas Jack, California Joe, Kit Carson, "White Beaver," tien Custer and other great West ­ ern Heroes, Scouti and Indian fighters. It is endorsed bf Setters from iiens. Sheridan Hancock, Merritt, and other distinguished Dersuns. Copies of the letters will be bent free on Duplication. Agents who are now nushing the canvass are mooting w ith grand success The book is splendidly illustrated w:th over ISO fine engravings, including IS iull-ri ice colored plates, is low in price, and popular with the people. It i» the greatest book of Western adventure ever issued, and its splendid endorsements secure the best elass of trade. A grand opportunity ^ offered to earnest workers- No money required Ull the booktart toUL Write for oar extra terms and ••octal elant, Address, OAK. LIN AH AM * OO, FUBLISBBBS. 4th 3I» A Washington Avsb M. Loots, Mo A Little Cross-Kxnmlaatloo. "You are opposed to pensions, I hear?" "Yes I am. I think our '1 overnment has acted with astonishing liberality toward its soldiers. Why. our pension payments are 60 or 70 million dollars a year. It Is simply monstrous. Bleeding the Treasury to fatten a lot of cormo­ rants." "Well you will admit, as a starter, will you not, that the country owe* something to the men who saved it?" "It may owe something, but no such an enormous su n as Is being drained out ol the Treasury for these pension paupers. "You certainly will confess that it It had not been for the obstinate courage of those whom you denomi­ nate as pension-paupers, the rebellion would have succeeded, the country would have been ruined, and your property would net have been worth anything?" "Admit tint, for the sake of argu­ ment." "Of course, then, havlog saved billions of property by the sacrifice of tbelr lives, strength and health, they are entitled to a Jlttle salysge, as the insurance men say,'oat of the property saved fn "Undoubtedly they are. ( don't ob ject to giving a liberal sum to any man who did his duty in the flild. But as I said before, I'm forever down on filling the pockets of a g'tng of cormo­ rant® just because they claim to have done something 20 years ago." "Filling the J pockets1 Is good. 'Cormorants' Is even better. Here's tho report of the 'Com nisslooer of Pensions.' Let's see how these pension- paupers fill their pockets. Let's see how these cormorants gorge them­ selves. About 1,500 of them get the enormous sum of $1 a month. Think how tbelr pockets must rise up like a haystack on a prairie,with this prince­ ly stipend of three cents a day! Then 33,000 if them get 93 a month. How the cormorants must gorge themselves on this Income of seven oents adayl then 31,000of them get 98 a month' and 10,000 receive 913. How their pockets must swell out like a mumpy cheek, with tills opulent Income! How they must revel In purple and fin* <iuen, ou from 37 to 40 oents a day." "But you're talking all the time about the little fellows--the ehspe who're hardly paid enough !o gel them tobacco or buy their shoes. Show us some of the big fellows.' "There are none. Nearly one-half of these on the pension-rolls get 94 a month or less--generally very much less' Four-fifths or them get 98 » month or less--nearly all very much less. Ooly one In 12 gets 924 a monti «>r over, and these are men who hav« been terribly mangled by shot or shell A very few, who are so badly crippled as to need ooostant attendance, ge< nlgher pay." "A dollar or so a day Is certainly not much compensation to a man who ha> ost a leg or his Sarms, I'll admit, 1 wouldn't lose one ofmy sroMorlegi- tor9S00a month." "No you would not. I noticed tb-i you raised a row the other day about (living to go a sqnare In the rail without an umbrella. You vowed vou'd cet a oold that would lay you ui> lor weeks. Half those men who ar» put oft with 98 a month marched bank and forth between Richmond anf1 Washington tor about four years. I' xeemed to rain nearly all the time when it wasn't frees I ng. Or burning up with dust anJ drouth, and yet I know Miere wasn't an umbrella among 100,- 000 of them. You would think it would rulu your health to walk down town on a sloppy day without overshoes. Yet a great part or those men who are getting seven or eight cents a dav for malaria and rheumatism In their tones tramped up and down through ihe ussy swamps of Mssisslppl, and waded bieast-deep through the marshes and Ice-cold rivers of tb«- Carollnas. I'm almost sure that not one of them so much as saw an over shoe from the lime they left Cairo In 1891. I know that you wouldn't go out into your back yard and sleep a single- night en the bare ground witl> nothing but a blanket between you and the bare earth lor the biggest pension the Government allows, and yet eveo the men who are receiving their pitiful little throeceittsa day, had to do that habitually." "Thou almost persuadest me to be a Christian." 1 would that not only tboo, bat all they that hear me were eveo as tho*' men are--except their wounds."-- National Tribune. ,'Utarly Knlightontng tho World," Thursday New York city gave her self up to holiday-making over the un veiling of the grand colossal statue ot "Liberty Enlightening the World,*" >y the sculptor Bartboldl. The double de nonstratlon, on land and on water was apparently one of the grandest that has ever occurred In this country. When the torch which Liberty hold forth shall have been lighted, the work of more than ten years will have been completed. As long ago as 1871 Laboulaye suggested to Baribeld! > hen about to set out on a tour ot the United States, to make "a monument In common In remembrance of the ancient friendship between Prance and the United Stites,* The Inspira­ tion of the statue snd the torch came to Bartholdl as lie stood on the deck of a steamor, one beautiful spring morning when the whole panorama ot New York harbor was spread out be­ fore him. The steps by which the Inspiration was put into execution are famliar to the public, Ten years after the moulding began the statue reached New York. The processor raising money In both Franoe and America was slo*, but the donors were far ahead of the recipients. As the sum necessary for the pedestal was finally raised by the New York World's great popular subscription, embracing over one hundred thousand subscribers, the people of the United States made good their title to the gene roil a gift of France. The great work Is done. The statue measures 1S1 feet 1 Inch from the bottom of the plinth to the tip of the torch flame, and from the foundation of the pedes­ tal to the blaze I* 306 feet 6 Inches. Call for the "Winning Stroke", a new Brand of five oent Cigars, manufactur­ ed by BarMaa Brae.1* beau them all. TITK PRKUDUf AMD TBI "Colonel O'Brien, Mr. said one of the ushers at the House reception tbe other day|| President reaeted forward the hand which ooold ptobaU^i Into a No. 19 glove, Tio looked straight ahead, and net the lower button or the vest. Not finding a saiillag that height he ralsed$il*eyes j ly until they had readied am of 7 feet 6 Inches, and ta tttlKi time the President's head back to such a deeree that his st collar almost collapsed. . When llzed that he was standing fa with a real live cireos giant a smile spread over his ooaateaaMbii the crowd of bystanders oottld miff' laughing at the deliberate mat which the President's epes op the broad coat front until tfeSfkMtfl of the giant came lb Sfgfei. To reeilor the situation more comical, there W*S t dwarf In tbe line, and when be re^tthii;, the President and clutfthed at tte'lst--* cer with two hands there was aaettrtr^ outburst of laughter at tbe PresideatV remark, "We are having tbs loog the short of It to-dav." The awn la M^lstl. In Its editorial on the looal e*«lai£r" 'be New York World says: •teavy vote for the labor candidate something more than a personal t*ffe| ute to and triumph for Henry Qoorgec? It testifies to the existence of a de|j^§g "ooted discontent among the •lasses. It signifies la an uaml nanner that tbe correctable al the remediable wrongs, and the ie4|! •novable Inequalities that press wg!0i Iowa In this land of llbefty tttended to. Govern nent las too i wen careless ami society lndlflereat regard to these matters. The voloed protest conveyed la the 9|| votes for Henry Qeorga against combined power of both poiitleai j parties, or Wall street and tbe interests, and or the pnbllo presBi prove a warning to the comrnul teed the demands of labor so bey are just and reasonable--ac >s much further than the majoi •itlzens have thus far been wi ad- ltj. Tbe persistence of the tlon sod its ealmlaatlon in th'.b. •ant vote oagtis to >pen-minded people thattbere lsi reason for tbe discontent--that tMM mands have an element of Jostles tl|| ibem,*--Llgin Courier. Sumner Kept Bis lost Kip About 1803. when the itorse-esr llaes^ were first established In WasblcgtMtft he Navy Yard, oertain ears wevesel tslde for colored people with no 1mm -trlctlon as to white passengers wife: •night wish to make use of them. Pot lay Senators Sumner, of MassaiiiaaettS fl and Graves, of Ke itucky, got intw $99" »f the ' colored'* cars and Mated tiMHfcr. elves, talking briskly. Soon two »m colored "aunties" came In after tlss car had filled up, one of them reateri^ ^fll itig audibly, "Dls ye re's no ways riglt& White folks' cabs is fo' white folks and,, cullud cabs Is fo' cullud perso is, and white folks done got no business ttlta* •p dese yore soats." 'The womaa fat right, Sumner," said Senator Graves* rising with an amused smile. "W« will have to give up the seats." Bat Mr. Sumner said promptly, "I sever change mv seat anywhere, and kept ids place, while the negress settled 'lerself by his side. Senator Graves re* inalning standing. Varieties. , Wlient event--Jelly making. Best, easiest to use and cheapest* Plso's Remedy for Catarrh. By drag* (Ists. 60c. • : "Hongkong" In Chinese sssaas *L«ad »f rragrant streams.** Angler's Experlenoe--It Is easier to tell a lie than to catch • Ash. What kind of a man gives bis wlfs| vr the first reading of the daily paper?-- A blind man. I Tbe best cough medlelee Is PiaeVl Cure for Consumption. Sold fvef]~! where. Ho. i^fi| Quicklime and linseed oil mixed stlfly form s hard cement, resisting both heat and acids. Howard Paul, when asked ia what part of Switzerland he felt the heat most, replied, "When I was going to Be roe." Piso's Bsdtedy for Catarrh Is agios aole to use. It Is aot a liqald or i snuff. 60c. Tbe consumption of starsh la tbe United States, for all porposes. Is 160,. 000.000 pounds, or aa average of three ' pounds for each person. Hungry guest: "How Is thisF 1 ordered s steak and a poached egg. I see the egg, but where la the staakf* Sable attendant: "Oat's all right* safe*., De steak am under de egg.** '*-• No Opium la Piso's Care fof Con­ sumption. Cures where otter remedies^ fall. 26c. A yoong wossaa la, leaving aa bus, dropped a ribbon from her "You left your how behind,' eat# lady traveler. 'No. I gone a fishing!* Iaaoeently replied the damsel. Basuti*s A|e aad Portat ssade. On drasatht la " Boaslattft* "-- Hslsasrtk J m

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