Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Nov 1886, p. 1

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mK: " Pledged but to Truth, to Liberty and Lawj No Favors Win us and no Foar Shall Am." VOL. 12. M'HENRY, ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1886. JHlilletlef. PasLiaaiD Krsar WBDKBBD\T BT - J . y , A N S ; l t k e > KOITOR AKD PBOPHIBTOB. : ilffice in Bishop's Block# --Opposite pbbbt A Qwmn'a TBKHS or SUBSORIPTIOW. >m Ifear (In aihum) ILN If Not Paid within Three Months *00 Subscription- received for three or six ocnths in the lame proportion. t *• • :"V-, T- y. Bates of Advertising. We announce liberal rates for advertising in the Px«& c WD balks, and en leavor to state them so plainly that their will be readily un­ derstood. They are as follows: 1 Inch one year . , V• > BO* i Inches one year k ,'» « ^ k M<* t Inches one year -•'>**' , <'<* »;, • 15 no it Columnone year - • •'„> SSno H Oolamn one year- - - - 60 on Column one year - ... . 100 n o One inch means the measurement of one ach down the eoln inn, single column width. Yearly advertisers, at the above rates, have the privilege of changing as often as they •hoose, without extra charge. Regular advertisers (meaning those having Standing cards) will be entitled to insertion sf local notices at the rate of S cents per line each week. All others will be charged 10 cents per !lne the fl*st week, and S cents per line for each subsequent week. Transient advertisements will be charged at the rate ef 10 cents pw line, (nonpareil type, same as this is set in) the first issue, and I cents per line for su bsequent Issues. Tbi s, an inch advertisement will cost $1.S0 for one week, tLM for two weeks, 92.00 for three we«.ks, and so on. 1 he PumDRAin will be liberal in giving sd.torlal notices, but, as a business rule, it will require a suitable fee from everybody Making the use of Its columns for pecuniary gain. BUSINESS CARDS. H T. BROWN, M. D. A.X AHD 9UBGB* Besldence, McHenry, 111. pHTSlOIAN AHD 9UBGBOIT. Olee at a H. FEGER3, M. D- IlHTSlOiAN A.ND SUR4KOH, McHenry, I Ills. Office at Residence. O. J. HOWARD, M. D. PHTSIOIAN AND STTRGKON, McOenry, 111. Office at Residence, one door West •f H. B. Church. BABBIAN BROS. r- ' r K Viir V- ; in House. A Livery Stable. Proprietor. First class rigs, with or without drivers B. WIUHTMAN, furnished at reasonable rates, all kinds done on short notice Teaming ot ROBT SCHIESSLE Having purchased the old stand of Joseph Wiedemann, NEAR THE DEPOT, HeHENBV, ILLINOIS, Keeps open for the accommodation .of the Publics First-Glass Saloon and Restaurant, BUSINESS CARDS. M. P. ELLSWORTH, TTORNBT at Law, and Solicitor in Chan L eery, Nunda, III. ASA W. *MITH, TTORNEY AT LAW and Solicitor] in L Chancery.--Woodstock, I1L S. F. BENNETT, M. D. PHYSICIAN ANDRUW BON. Also United States Examining Surgeon. Illinois. MART O. BABBIAN. HAIR WORKER. ah kinds of Hair Work done in Brst class style and at reasonable prices. Rooms s t residence, north­ east corner of Public Square. McHenry, I1L DR. C. E. WILLIAMS. DBNTIST. Residence Dnndee. Will be at Mciienry, st Parker House, the 10th 11th 28th and 26th of each month. Wher> dates occur Saturday or Sunday I make my visits on the following Monday,and the first day of such visit occurs on Friday, I will stav but one day. United States Var Claim Apcj -or- WM. H. COWLIN, Woodstock, Illinois. Prosecutes all class»s and kinds of claims against, the United States tor ex-Soldiers, their Widows, Dependent Relatives or Heirs. A specialty is made In prosecuting old and rejected claims All communications promptly answered If Postage Stamps are enclosed for reply. WM, H. VOW hiN, Office at Residence, Madison St., Woodstoec, Illinois. o Attention Horsemen! I would call the attentfion of the public to Stable oi Stock Horses, four in nutuber: two Morgans, one 3-4Percheron, and one Imported Horse. They are all good representatives of their breed. Also a few Merino Sheep I • r sale. The public are cordially invited to call and examine stock, get prices, etc. No business done on Sunday. N. S. Colby. 10-7-tf MoHENRY, ILL GOLD Adds sk (earcs, M those who writs Is Sttnasa 4 Co., Portland, Maine,will raedvs tVco, fall information about work which th«r can do, and live at home,that will pajr thtta from S5 to $26 per day. Some havs Mro*dOnrS.ti>Jnsday. Either wi, yonnp nrolii. Capital M* raqstrad. Ton ara started fraa. ThoM who ttart at oaea see SwslaMr *8** ef snag little fortoiwa. All Is saw. G. ANDREWS. CENERAL SPRING GROVE ILL. Sales ot Stock, farming Tools and Groods of ail* kinds attended to on the most Where he will '* *11 times keep the|best brands ef Wities, Liquors and Cigars ' to be found in the market. Also Agent For BTOAN2S FALK* • HLIAUm Ilfiffl BEl. Beer in Large or Small Kegs er Bottles al­ ways on hand, cheaper than any other, quali­ ty considered. Orders by mail promptly attended to. ^ OOOD &TABL12W JTOR HOB&E& MTCall and see as. Robert SohleMle. McHenry, 11L, May 15th, 1886. B1AS05ABL1 RBXS, AND Satisfaction Guaranteed . C3|ll on or Address C. C. Andrews, Spring Grove, IU. wring irove, Sept. Soth, 1H8&. illl-3m ENGLEN'S IAL00H and RESTAURANT r JMt'i Old "v vJSoHBIMt, ILLINOIS. W'vw line Kentucky Liquors, French Bitters, llcHeniy Lager Beer, IUka* lfilwavkis Bw, --AND-- J. Sehliti Hilvantee Bottle Beer. By the Bottle or Owe. If e buy none but the best and w\l at Reasonable Prices Call and see me and I will use i » ANTONY ENGELN. llciHenry, III.. 1886. ts Wanted! roi Tin oiuT nw wot, 'The W rld'iWndtrt By J. W. Sail. ^ * The most snecesssnl subscription book ever published Over half a million copies wen totd flU paMeight «mui, and it is selling three limes as last now as ever before. Begular sanvassers clear from |U to 928, 940 and |M per dav. Kothing like it was ever known in thehistoiv of book publishing, Pr& f* aett! fret on application. No experience needed to insure sucosss, Wft help persons without means to de a lar<e tasiaess; no capital need •d. Write fisr particulars. Salariet guarxm Ited *9 JM i^ssim who do wet with le oaiMwst on cam- gwaranr- voneom- We mean buslnees, and want live agents In every township. It will cost you ••thing to write for terms and full deserip (Ions of our plans ef doing business. We also I Ids S»»» aumfurif frmrfrt tit in r who send «s namet of bouk agents. Write tor our list eCfiraestandani boAs. Hiitoiiou PDKmnre 00. i- 4»A4UK. Third Stress 84. JLK>atS,lis. PAVL BROWN, TTOBNBT AT LAW. 90 LaSal>e Street. L CHICAGO, I1.L. ALBERT B. BOUBNE. ATTORNBT, SOLICITOR * AND OOUH SB LOR. WOOD3TOCK, ILL. Busitiess sttended to promptly, wttta care, skill and integrity. A B. B. BEANETT, M. Late Rouse Surgeon Cook County Hospital, RICHMOND, ILLINOIS, Special attention given to difficult Surgical eases. DEVT&CH GRSPROCHKN. Offlcc at Residence of Dr. S. F. Bennett. SI for 13 Weeks. The POT.ICB GAZETTE will be mailed, securely wrapped, to any address In the United sta es for three months on receipt of „ ONE DOLLAR. Liberal discount allowed to postmasters, agents and clubs. Sample copies mailed free Address all orders to KI0HABD I- VOX, Fkakklih sqcakb. New York. A. M. CHURCH, Watchmaker and Jeweler No. 55 FTKTH AVE., (Brlggs House), Chi­cago. 111. Special attention given to re­ pairing Fine watches and Chronometers. VA Full Assortment of Goods in his line Sr-m OLD STAND, JACOB BONSLBTT, JAT.OON AND RESTAURANT, at the old j stand, opposite Bishop's mill, McHenry, III. The choicest Wines, Liquors and Cigars to he found in the county. Warm or cold meals on short notice on application. PHIL BEST'S MILWAUKEE B EBB by the Bottle or Case, always on hand. GOOD STABLING FOR HOR$B8. JOHN J. WINKLES, CABPENTIR AND JOINER, Is prepared to do all work in his line on short notice and guar- en tee sati faction. Will work by the job or day as desired, and do as good work as any man in the business. Orders left at his residence, Southeast corner opposite the Public School House, will receive prompt attention. Best of References given if de­ sired, JOHN J. WINKLKft. McHESRY, ILL., March 90th, 1888, HI D1GG1 The PUMP REP WG, CEMENTING, ETC. I undersigned is prepared to do all lobs in the line of Digging Wells, Repairing Pumps. Cementing Wells, or will put in STew Fumpa On short notice and warrant satisfaction. In short will do all work in this tine. Can famish you a new Pump, either wood or iron, warranted, as cheap as any other man. Good references furnished if desired, tf you want a Well Dug, a Pump lie paired or a new Pump, give me a call. attended • to. OT*Orders by mail promptly Post ottee, Jonnsburgh, III. L. BANTES. Johns burgh. 111., May 25th, SK. IDS BASSAISS IS J For Coal and Wood OA Lli OK • | '• E. M. HOWE, Oppoaite Hi»l*©p*» Mill, Vho has a oomplete line of the best stoves in the market, as well as a large stock of / ' Hardware, Mechanic's Tools, (IN, COPPER & SHEET IB0N WARE, itd, inlflaet. everything It the hardware , love and tin line. HS WILL NOT BE U&DKR80LD. Gall at his store before buying elsewhere lobbing and repairing promptly attended to S^Remember, extra good nargaMM M**t* vats be obSftintd At How© i» KoHeaxy. D«. I MM- AMD Lunch, Room. JOS. PEKOVSKY. Having opened a Restaurant and Lunch Koom. in his block, two doors South of the Post Office, is now prepared to serve a goou Lunch, with tiot Coffee or Tea »t all hours ot the day or evening, and on short uotiee. FRESH OYSTERS, By the Can or Dish, always on hand. Give Us a Call. •J. PEKOVSKY. McHenry, Oct. 13. 1886, STANDARD STALLION QWOROE O. Racord 2:SO. No 0730. "George O." Is a Golden Chesnut with star white spots on leit shoulder, also little black spots on ImxIv, denoting a back strain of Arabian Blood. Fouled June 5tli 1880. Pkuiorkb:--'"George O'* was sired by Lakeland Abdaliah (361) own brother to llnr old, tne sire of Haud S, (Queen of the turf) 4:06%; Noontide,t:29X; Mittlic Graham, 2:21^ M'-Uurdy's HamhleIonian, 2:28>i; Decixntt, 4:27Xi Hermes S:S7ji; Good Moining, 2:28>f; Temple 2:3U; and othen. Lakeland AUI.tll«h l>v Rysdykes Hamble tonian (with S7 in the Z &0 list or better) he by Abdalliih, by Mamlirino, by Imp. Messenger; Dam th« Chs-s Kent Mure, by Imp. Be i I to u mi. kr. etc. Lakeland Abdallah's Dam was Enchantress, by Abdaliah, by Mambrino, etc, as above, "Uwrte O s" Dam was the fast Pacing Mare "tannic B" (who pared the Chicago Track nt Seventeen years uf in 2;-27, wiih out any preparttian). tired bv Autocrat by Geo. M. I'atohen, (record by Cassius M. Clay, by Andrew Jackson, by Bashaw, etc. & Dam ef Fannie B by Young Rowlin, by Sen. Gifford, her Dam i y a son of Imported Messenger "George O." Is * very premising youn* horse and the record he has attained is no measure of his npted as he has trotted pri­ vate trials very much below that, and can do the same In I race at any opportunity His colts are very fast considering he has never bred a Standard Bred Mare yet, ami his Colts are bringing troui f*K) up, at two years old. He cSfcH help but Uc a fast one, as he combines the Woods of ..Id Kvsdvke Ham bletonian, the f mXir of our Trotting family of to-day, Mambrino. Messenger. Belltounder Geo. M. Patens*, Ins Clayt, Bashaws, etc. Terms, $25 Gash, AT TIME OF SERVICE. Mares not proving in Foal are entitled ton return season Free, Accident* and Escapes at owners risk. Marcs cared for, Including pasture, trying, etc., at (2 00 per month, in Summer. For further particular" address, Ctoo. W. Owen, McHenry Ot. McHEFR Y, ILL. BEST ON EARTH. rs ND- Gllles* Is the odil where y McHenry, in the county gfet '* ' - ^ !' n i WATCHMAKER i JEWELER, As Fine * Stoek of Wa'ches, Cieeks and ieweiry •seen be found In the Oountv, which I offer nt prices that ean not os bent. A Fine Stoek ol •CHOICE CIGARS FANCf TOBACCO, STATIONERY, BOX PAPEH Note, Musical Mnrnts, Lutrnctisa Books, tte. Onllnnd examine goods and learn prices. J. P. SMITH. MeHw«< fit, March 1st. 1888. Send 10 cents postage and we will mail you free a royal, valuable, sample box ot goods that will put yon In the way et making ___ w „ more money at once, than anything else in America. Both »«« of al ages ran Itve at home and work In spare time or nil the time. Capita' not We will stort TO^ lmu|*a|a #" • wke sMrt at aaasw ^ a****® • o»s HIPT Geafliie Hoie Made Bread, Fresh from the oven every day. Bans, Rolls, Fried Cakes, Do jou entertain company? ('all on him for your fine Oaken, cheaper than you can make them yourself and save the trouolo. NO VISITOR Should leave town without a cup ot his delicious Coffee, or a plate of Oysters. It will do you goo I and make 30U good natured when you get home. HOME MALE CANST, ABSOLUTELY PURE. A full line of our Kakery Supplies can be found at the Kestauru.nt of J. Pakovsky, two doors south of the Post Office. Locke's Home Bakery McHKNRY. ILL. ft I POULTRY f>OR GEO. W. PRATT, WADOOHOA, ILL. Has for sale old and young stock, ot the fallowing breeds, ot thorough bred Poultry, which 1 will sell tor oce half the usual price. Black B. R. Games, Blue Games, Black Tarter Games, Black Cochins, Langshans, Wy- andotts, Gold Lace Sebright Bantams, Light lira'hams, K. (J. B. Leghorns, 1-Wild Turkey Gobbler, 50 Pekin Ducks, GEO. W. PRATT, Wauconda. $100 A WEEK. Ladies or Gentlemen desiring pleasant, profitable employment write at once. We want you to handle an article of domestic use that recommends itself to everyone at sight. Itapls a* Flour- f*ells like hot cakes. Pmfns WO per rent Families wishing to graetis® economy shoul«t for their own bene Tit wi ite for pi.rticnlars. Used every day the year round in every household. Price within reach of all Cir.-ulur* free. Agents receive •ample Free Addreis Domestic Man ufaoturing Co., Marion, Ohio, 4 . - * ? • 1 (rpntn ) th* Crand Mew Book Wanteil 1 Heroes of tbe Flak BY J. W BUEL- _ This splendid new hook Is a complete his­ tory of the lives sn<1 wonderful arfventures SfWild Bill. Buffalo Bill, Cap' Jack, T«xi»a Jack. California Joe, Kit Carson, "'White Beaver " Gen Custer and other great West­ ern Heroes, Scout* and Indian Bghters, It is endorsed «y letters from Gens. Sheridan Han<ock, Merritt, and other distinguished nersuns. Copies of the letters will be sent free on pnpli< ati»n Agents who are now nnshing the canvass are meeting w ith grand success. The book is splendidly illustrated with over 130 fine engravings, including W iuti-o ire colored plates, is low In price, and popular with the people. It U the greatest book of Western adventure ever issued, and it* splendid endorsements secure the best class of trade. A grand opportunity is offered te earnest workers- No money required Ml the fcwfci are told. Write for our extra terms and special plans, Address, DAS. L1HAHAN *GGL, POBUSHMBS. IDtttt A Waaktagtaa Ave. ST. Looit, MB County CU A- R. Directory. KtOHXOKD fOST 1TO ' Meets the seooal Fri3*j evenlns at each month. Da. S. F, Bbkhbtt, Com. WOODSTOCK rOST. KO KML Meets Brat end third Monday evenings of each month. _ Oaoaaa Bokbkt, Ooa. ^ 1TD1TDA rOST, HO--, Meets the seoond aid fourth Wedassday evenings of each month. WKBoiuitOoa. HABVABD POST, DO 90S. Meets the teooui ana toarta Monday evea ingsot each month. Da. H. T. WooDnoFF, Oom* MAaairoo Post, No. iw, Meets ere-y Second and Fourth Friday evenings of each month. a. J. Botiwotov. Ooaa. Soldiers' Department. OOHTBIBUTCD BT WM. H. COWL IK, Mastered Oat. Comrade Fred Domlre dh)d near this city 00 Saturday, November 6th. 1886. He was about 53 years of age and liad been an Invalid for maay yean. shall take oooasloo t) speak of bit military senrlee next week. Tbe number of pension certificates Issued during the month of October. 1886, was aa follows: Original, 3 358; Increase, 2 683; Reissue, 616: restora­ tion, 147; duplicate, 51; accrued, 928; arrears. 11; Act of March t, 1883, IS; Order of April 3, 1884, 35; Order of Oct. 7.1885, 24; Act. of Aug. 4.1886, SI; supDlemented certificates, Act of Aug. 4,1886,740; total, 7,826, At'the last reunion of the Oatr-Hun* dred and Eleventh O. V. („ at Watson, O., Mrs Kate B. Sherwood, of Toledo, was elected "Coloneless" of the regi­ ment, the object being to honor the lady for ber great devotion to the soldier cause. Mrs. Sherwood was the founder of the Woman's Relief Corps, and the regiment of which aha is "ColonelessM was commanded by her husband, during the war. The Atlanta OonttituHon adds the following to the literature of Generfcfc and sentinels: One day Be iuregard, with several lesser lights, came upon a sentinel who had taken his gun en­ tirely to pieces and was greasing lock, stock and barrel. The great General looked like a thunder-cloud, bu* neither his flashing uulfona uor the scowl on his face had any eff iot on tit-' snotlnel, who quietly proaeeded to rub a piece of his gun. "3ay," remarked an officer,"that's Beauregard there; he s a sort of a General." "All right,'* said the unabashed sentinel, l,lf he'll wait till I get this gun together 1 wil1 give him a sort of «alute." \ Forgetting the C«nnt«rslga, ^ An amusing inoideot of a saldler forgetting the pass-word occurred on Sta ten Island during the early cam­ paign of tbe First New York Regi­ ment Volunteer Engineers. A good oatured soldier ol the Fatherland wao on guard, and the officer of the gjard had taken considerable pal as to in struct the sentinels In their, duty, so that when tbe guard rounds were made everything would be In order. In going the rounds after aildnlgbi everything ^progreased satisfactorily until the .Inspecting party approached a German sentinel. He halted u» correctly, but bad evidently forgotten the, countfalign* and io hlf WW said: "gergeant, com* .her##ad say some dings." Uaooln's Strange Reception. Wl>lle the President wssat Frederick city he passed a house containing a large number ol Confederate wounded. 'Stop said he, "let us go in here." Ao4 standing up in that hospital Mr Lliiuoiu said aloud that if tbe wounded men had ad objection bn would be glad to take them by the hand. .< ' The solemn obligations," said be, "which we owe to our country and posterity, compels the prosecution of this war. hut It Is probable that many are now enemies through uncontrollable clr- cii nstances. I bear these no malice, and take them by tbe band with sym­ pathy and good feeling." Looking at the tall man standing there, a strange dissonance, like bells that begin to tingle before they are chimed, went through the house. The silence con* tlnued until It looked sis If there was no brotherhood. Suddenly one man walked up and took the Presidents band. Tbe others caught the Infection and followed. It was tbe strangest reception of tbe civil war.--dneinnaU Enquirer. At the battle of Malvern Hill. June 30.1862. Chas. E. Wood, a soldier of Kocitland. Me., was struck in the shoulder by a fragment of flying shell and desperately wounded. He would inevitable have died on thn field had not two comra Jes, Jos!ah C. Spear and Corp. M. H. Gr« en,both of the 4th Me. borne htm In their arms to a farm house near by, where bis wounds were dressed. At the end of a week th« farm-house fell Into the bands of tbe rebels and Mr. Wood was sent with other prisoners to Llbby Prle-~. Hem he lay fo r three months, suflertog every hardship aod hovering between life aqd death, and Indeed given up as dMdby the folk* at home. After hi* exchange and restoration to health Mr. Wood endeavored to tad Corp. Green, to whom, with Spent he owed his lire, bat without sreoess, until recently, when he heard of him. as being In Washington 0, O. *r. Wood wrote and was jpttUM lo re- oeive a letter last wi* from tbe gentleman whoee whereabouts he bad been for nearly 25 year* trying to dls- oover. Mr. Green expr«iflea.Mmae!f a* mooh astonished at hearing ftom the boy be left dying la ,11* soothers farm house. ' It seems almost Ueredi- bie.w he wrltea, "but || j» tnt feat I have seen your lunge SMFtag at every breath. I have often taid my boys of yottr bravery and how yo« Jborenp under such a wound. < Oo ea With tha Osianflsisi^ Beyond all doubt tike |V«B^00,ep0 which the Nation has paid oat ff»r pensions Is an'enormoas ram. Efually beyond doabt tbe penetop- budgets of England, Vnmm% Buss! a and Germany, when oompared with U, appear relatively small. t But why stop the oompwltoft at that point? We did hot stop increasing.o«r an^y from 1861 to 1885, beoMMi wo wore getting more men In the fleld thfM England, France, Run! a or Germany bad ever put In camp. Wf tod po make It three or four tlmee aa large as the customary European artif* ood we would have doubl d or quadrupled It again If It had been neee--ary. Wo did not stop our soMltn ightlng because in tlx months they had dope aa mooh of It as European erotfee usually do Io the course of a w&olc tfr. Wo had started out to ooaqoer, ahd wore going to do It, and wo dld li '.hough we fought more bloody bMti^es and killed Jaors men than EnglMd fc|Os lone In all tier wars slnoe the landing ot William the Conqueror. The wotld bad never seen 1,000,000 fighting men In the Arid. It nad never seen any one country mftln* f ain an army of btli thstslae half length of time. Nor had It evpir nefore sien 2^500 battles and sklrml^t es, with 100.000 men frequently arrayed on a side, fought Inside of four years, i t had never before seen one aide lose 70,000 men killed outright on the field if battle, with 300,000 more dying from wounds and dlse to. After instituting a few of these •nore obvious comparisons one begin* 'o wonder-t-not that «ar jwoeloe* >udget is so much larger than that of European countries--bnt that It is no* ouch larger relatively thaaJA #eell> i*.--National Tribune. A Confederate Falstagt • • "You see I was get tin' rusty and wanted sharp worki I Intercepted a lisoatch from Gen. Burbrldgo to Geo. Olltner, saving that he Intended lo * tack and destroy the salt works Oct. 10, and gave tbe number of lilt men as 10,000. Mi>a*b It to dash, that was the best iews 1 ever heard. I had only 250 mea --all the balano* oil on furlough--but tbey were regular rippers, you can bet your bottom dollar. "I ordered a dress parade and teed the dispatch to them. 1 then made s lash of a speech--a regular he*rt-etlr- rer, blood-boiler, such as robody out- •iide of dash dash but me can make, I i old them that the dashed Yankooe were oomlng, and that dash woold probably be to pay. 1 spun to them a whole desbed lot of eloqueot sqci about Lenldas and bis Spsrtaa bao4at lie pass of Trigonometry. 1 told tbpss the eyes of their mothers, wives snd sweetbearu were upon them, that lit fate of tbe Southern ConffelenMy wonld bang upon their g&llastly tbot day. "For, yon see. I knew that old Lee had got himself cornered In a way t|pt he could not get out of short of a« render. I knew that dashed fool Hood nad got t'other army destroyed, and I was oonsclous that tbe wholo dashsd fabrlck rested on my shoulders. < "The boys were just as wild Cot the fight as 1 was. Weil, the morning of ib« mm , of October, 1864. which my ow» Jporf sword has cut from the calender Of pr* dlosry days and Dinned upoa thi JCMlt of fame as the epoch of tho gt andast victory known In the history of arta*> arrived, and sodid Burbfldge aod hls 20.000 men. MThey, hadn't mope than got la sight •til my dashed brayes were spoillog to begin the battle, "But. von see, tbfi# must bysyalesa atlc work on anatv ooeasions, aiidl am a dasbed of a military gonloa. I HAlte to wait natll the da-hed Yankee bad made his dispositions, and tbea we would go in and whip dash out of the* by detail. »Burbridge was not backward abo«t taking up bis positions. He pasted 22,000 Infantry on some rising crowd on bis right. Be then pat JMIO in poeitlon on his left, and held Jfcack as a reserve foroe and 95/XMI oatvalry. bohad240 pleeeoolar­ tillery. *yon mil, ws(ll look.! astonished my •m. bat dasb my soul to dash It such a word as'retreat' hi my i dletlonaryl "When I saw that tbe kee had made all Mis turned to s^ brayes asi , Boys, follow me! and < enemy's|right, and bofeto realize what I was It entire aad capt prisoners and leaving twelvo tboosaadj as dash on fleld. I then charged hftsi reetrvo, and soon bad tima ev^ry direction. Hero I aotolya thousand prisoners handrodaad seventy flvo cai was then that I discovered enemy's left having witneesed struotlon of their right a bad fled from the fleld aad a roaob, leaving all their behind them, amounting fa aH< pieces. I bad the Mad ooaotod and hurried, aad thay i ed to just Next mi the 119,950 prieoaots aded,andthe 54ft gaaslba^ land, to John a Breeklnrldge, was Secretary of War. "That, sir. Is the exsct truth tho battle ef Saltville. It wi greatest battle ever fought oa tboj of tbe earth. Julias CiKsar wao only general who ever captarod one time as many prisoners al l" l am a candidate for Governor* i you oea flnd a better Geaeral. aadn who has won more fame lor him. But I'm dashed if yea1 have a hasd time semilog s«it:»i op, Let's takn a drink, old follow sBSB59SS0l9"98BBP. llw brteeasiee ireas Ostsests. During the war li wap..tba delegations ot **prosslaoat. to visit Washington to con President Lincoln upon the coi the war. 8ometimo during days a doaeo or more ol bualBOSs am of Wi!mtngt«K called upon the rresident. Tb^|| him they represented tbe "solid! of Delaware, and that tbey to dlsoum the eltaatloa aad i >f ending tte stanggle. Af chairman of tbe delegation ^ttipia^ •.till in active buslnem la Wilmlagtaii) iiad flalshed bis speech, the preeldeat sdted: -So yon are the solid moa ef Dola^ ware!" "All from New Castle county# "Yes, all from New Castle. "All from Wllmlogson. too?*, . "Yes all from tbe same city.' repMed the gentleoten la a oborus. 'Well remarked Mr. Lincoln, as bis -yes twinkled, udld it ever occur to yoa gentlemen that there waa i of year little state tipplag up i voor abeeuse?". The delegatlfs returned *>ome wiser bat so full of appreciation of the joke that their friends were not hearing of It.--Ifem York Sun. bilious look, wss equal fit knew that I Bob Leo bad Th« Boat* en* thm Vankoes. The two sections began Ufa together *nd formed a goveraaMat. Tbe^oatb had the advantage ot aetl. cllosato aad wealth. At tbe oad of eighty* foar vears tbe two grapied aa# foagbt. rhe Yankee eeotion oaile to the %bt rlober and stronger than our eeotion, and beat as into tho Olftb while wo did oar beet. To-day'$|aee Yaakoes are rich la everything imdaro «re poor In everything bat manhood and womanhood, and have less than era began with a I hundred yeare baric. These seme Yapkees furnish the Indk of tbe oapital f« uee. tho food we oaft. the elotbes we wear, the beoke wo read and study, the high grade teach­ ing la the normal schools of tba. doatbern States. Almost eveiy oeo- veoieace of life aad iaveatloa sf art oreclence we know comes from these sasao people, who have In tea yeare doaa mors with Florida tbaa the Florida natives have done in flfty. Almost aoy one of tbelr large oomma- altlesoould buy the whole SoMb tor a parit if tbey iiited it for that purpose. In a light tbey oouid crash aa like •gg-ebells. la politics tbey are our masters, aad we have to bold our braatb In every big campalga to avoid oiladftag them. Their peiaealafo of Ij^MWaaeeIsooe teathof oura. Whoa t#oable oomes oa as we depaadaa them for the most of tbe help, aad get It. The world koows them m Assoiioa aad as as outlying and pjroviaoss. They are lapieosalatlve poets, painters eatbors of tbe country, while we trail tlt-g babied with our eyee flaed ea them, hardly daring to hope that wo amy beoome as strong aad riob aad aa» UghUaed as tbey are by years of bard woriu • • * Tbe msjority understaad that wbDo are were maklag itateemea srstferlora. aad rallag polltice. Yaakeoewere aseblog territory, lag maaafsctares aad do eoantlem army of trained mlads baads«Uaagtbealag aad eallgh tbelr «assek aad maklag tbam j .rf1" . 3'" Wj ik,

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